Additional Concepts For Lec Exam

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Spore is a common structure of fungi involved in reproduction and dispersal?

Fungi role in ecosystems are decomposers and recyclers.

The primary mode of nutrition for fungi is heterotrophic absorption.

The primary pigmentation responsible for the green color in most algae is Chlorophyll a.

Pseudopodia is the primary mode of locomotion in protozoa.

Protozoa obtain their nutrients through heterotrophic absorption.

"Ubiquitous" mean present everywhere or in many places simultaneously.

Existence of water molecules is an example of a ubiquitous substance or phenomenon.

Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy in the presence of chlorophyll.

The primary role of bacteria in the process of decomposition is breaking down complex organic matter into
simpler substances.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is considered the "Father of Microbiology" for his pioneering work with
microorganisms and the development of the microscope.

Jospeh Lister established the principles of aseptic surgery and introduced antiseptic practices in the medical

The development of antibiotics marked the beginning of the Golden Age of Microbiology.

Edward Jenner demonstrated the effectiveness of vaccination against smallpox using cowpox virus.

Robert Koch discovered the causative agent of tuberculosis and won the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1905.

Alexander Fleming is credited with the discovery of penicillin, the first widely used antibiotic.

Willian Stewart Halstead was the first surgeon to wear gloves during surgery which reduced the presence of
microbes and improved patient health.

The primary purpose of Koch's Postulates is to determine the causative agent of a disease.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae or most known as yeast is commonly involved in the fermentation process to produce
bread and alcoholic beverages.

The purpose of pasteurization in the food industry is to extend the shelf life of food.

The main goal of pasteurizing milk is to make it safe for consumption while preserving its quality.

Fermentation produces ethanol and carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen.

In fermentation, metabolism is the microorganism’s role in the conversion of sugars into other compounds.

Pickles commonly undergoes fermentation to enhance its flavor and preservation.

Light microscope is commonly used for observing living organisms in their natural state.

Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) provides a three-dimensional surface image of the specimen's

Confocal microscope uses a laser to scan multiple layers of the specimen to create detailed 3D images.
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is suitable for observing internal structures of cells and tissues with
high resolution.

Phase-contrast microscope is commonly used in microbiology for observing unstained living cells.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is credited with the invention of the microscope, laying the foundation for

Hans Christian Gram developed a staining technique wherein we identify purple cells as negative and pink cells
as positive.

Gram stain is still widely used staining technique now and is one of the first steps carried out when bacteria are
being identified.

Charles Laveran showed that a protozoan is the cause of malaria.

Edwin Klebs described the bacterium that causes diphtheria.

Dmitri Ivanovsky discovered that a certain disease in tobacco plants.

Martinus Beijerinck is the proponent of ‘filterable virus’.

Water Reed proved that viruses could cause such diseases as yellow fever in humans.

Louis Pasteur discovered the vaccines for anthrax, rabies, and cholera.

Pasteurization is a process done by heating liquid substances just enough to kill most contaminating bacteria
without changing its basic qualities.

Koch’s Postulates
1. The suspected causative agent must be found in every case of the disease and be absent from healthy
2. The agent must be isolated and grown outside the host.
3. When the agent is introduced to a healthy, susceptible host, the host should get the disease.
4. The same agent must be found in the diseased experimental host.

For the scientific community to accept experiments as well as their results as valid, which of the following must
it specifically include appropriate control groups.

Scientific theories are hypotheses accepted and are repeatedly verified by a lot of scientists over the years.

Many philosophers and scientists of past ages thought that living things arose via: asexual reproduction, sexual
reproduction, and nonliving matter.

Abiogenesis is the process of spontaneous generation.

Pasteur’s experiments: biotechnology while Buchner’s experiments: microbial biology.

Redi’s Experiment demonstrated by a series of experiments that when decaying meat was kept isolated from
flies, maggots never developed, whereas meat exposed to flies was soon infested with maggots. As a result of
experiments such as these, scientists began to doubt Aristotle’s theory and adopt the view that animals come
only from other animals.

Spallanzani’s Experiment results that contradicted Needham’s findings and concluded three things: Needham
either had failed to heat his vials sufficiently to kill all microbes or had not sealed them tightly enough,
microorganisms exist in the air and can contaminate experiments, spontaneous generation of microorganisms
does not occur; all living things arise from other living things.

Pasteur’s Experiment are apparent in his investigations of spontaneous generation, like Spallanzani.

Needham’s Experiment explained, there must be a “life force” that causes inanimate matter to spontaneously
come to life because he had heated the vials sufficiently to kill everything.

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