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Oral 2 anglais

Student A: Hey, how are you? Listen, I have some great news. I recently celebrated my birthday,
and I received some money as a present. I was thinking that this would be the perfect
opportunity for us to go on a vacation together. What do you say?

Student B: Hey, that sounds like a great idea! Where were you thinking of going?

Student A: Well, I was looking at the brochure, and I found a great offer for a trip to Morocco. It's
an all-inclusive week-long trip with coach journey included for only 380 €. What do you think?

Student B: Hey, I'm not really interested in going to Morocco. I was actually thinking of going to
Denmark instead. There's a lot to see and do in Copenhagen, and we can stay at a small family-
run hotel near the harbor for only 180 €.

Student A: Well, I do like the idea of going to Denmark, but I was hoping for a sunny destination.
Morocco seems like the perfect place for that.

Student B: I get that, but I really don't want to go on a long coach journey. Plus, Denmark is a lot
cheaper, and we can save some money for other activities.

Student A: I see your point, but I don't want to miss out on the chance to go to Morocco. Is there
any way we can compromise?

Student B: How about we go to Denmark for a few days, and then if you have any money left
over, you can take a short trip to a nearby sunny destination? That way, we get the best of both

Student A: That sounds like a great idea! Let's do it.

Student B: I can't wait!

Sounds like a plan.

Student B: Awesome, I'll start looking up some activities we can do in Denmark. Do you have any

Student A: I heard that Tivoli Gardens is a must-see, and we can also take a boat tour of the
canals. Oh, and we can't forget to try some of the local food!

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