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Issue No.

79November 2011

PO Box 2008, Hazeldene 3658

On the 6th October it was on for young and old at my house, we were running out of time to pack and prepare for the Flowerdale Junior Youth Group camp to Buchan Caves for two nights and three days. The nervous belly had set in and I began questioning whether I would remember everything to take to camp. At 5.30am on Friday morning with three hours sleep we set off up to the school with three buses to pick up 44 children and 7 volunteer leaders. When we arrived at the school the atmosphere was electric, it was all go, pack, load and off at 6am. As we drove through Kinglake the sun was rising and the most beautiful sky was on show. We arrived at the Coonawarra Resort at 10.45am and the children experienced a 16 metre giant swing, 200 metre flying fox over a lake, canoeing and giant games. Lunch was also had in between activities. At 4.15 pm we set off again for the Buchan Caves Camp Reserve. On arrival it was all go to beat the fading sun and set up camp, six tents in all to house all of us for 2 nights. As the tents were going up dinner was being prepared, spaghetti bolognaise and macaroni and cheese. We all awoke on the Saturday refreshed and after breakfast we split into two groups to alternate horse riding and bushwalking. After lunch it was time for the fairy cave tour. It was at about this time the weather began to turn so change of plans, no Lakes Entrance and with Rods quick thinking and Donnas sweet talking we all got into the Caves Pub for an awesome dinner. The hospitality of the publican was unbelievable. The Publican even provided a movie due to the weather so the children could ride out the storm. Then it was back to camp for bed and once again we were asleep virtually straight away due to the big day with activities. Sunday morning was time for packing up camp whilst Donna cooked breakfast. Now for any of you have tried cooking pancakes on a BBQ its hard work but due to the family atmosphere of the campsite two lovely campers from Canberra assisted Donna in cooking for all of us. After breakfast we visited the Royal Cave. At 11.30am it was time to head home and we stopped for lunch on the way and arrived in Flowerdale at 7pm very tired but full of great stories and experiences. We would like to thank Kerry, Donna, Wayne, Jess and Ross for volunteering there weekend to help make this camp possible for the children. Continued Page 2....... Inside this issue:
Flowerdale Primary School Junior Youth Group Senior Youth Group Kinglake Scouts MSC Local Tradies Flowerdale Community House Contact Numbers
Distribution: 500 copies to Silver Creek Rd., Silver Parrot Rd., Creekside Drive., Riverside Cres., Service Road, Moore s Rd., Spring Valley Rd. Upper King Parrot Rd, and the Main Road as far as Minto Rd. Also the Hazeldene Store, Flowerdale Hotel, Strath Creek Store and Glenburn Roadhouse. Articles, advertisements, etc. can be left at the store, posted to PO Box 2008, Hazeldene, or emailed to the Community House at

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From page 1 continued...... A big thankyou to all the children on their behaviour which was fantastic. We certainly have a great lot of children attending our Junior Youth Group. Rod & Tanya Hallett

See Flowerdale Junior Youth Group Page in this Edition for other Activities, Excursions and update on things the group have been doing.

Flowerdale Community Celebrates the opening event of Flowerdale Community House 3rd December 11am 36 - 42 Silver Creek Road

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Back Row: Fiona, Emma, Kartina, Hannah, Chloe, Eliose, Jan Bean.

Front Row: Jake, Gaby, Torii, Helen, Julia, Nicola

What a wonderful start to Term 4 we have had at Flowerdale. Having returned from a three day Youth Group camp full of stories and laughter, Monday saw us welcoming our Concordia friends to our school. The week was filled with so much fun and the bonding which happened between the two very different groups of students was a beautiful thing to see unfolding over the week. Morning exercises followed by breakfast is a great way to start the day, and the basketball court was hopping with activity as the Concordia kids showed us some interesting aerobic and dance moves. During their stay here, so much was achieved including much work with each child to help produce our Year Book, gardening, tree planting, the creation of a gorgeous mural, a visit to Kinglake Middle School and much more. The Concordia students have great music talents and a combined ConcordiaFlowerdale Concert was held at the Hall during Tuesday morning tea and over 55s group. Very well received they were. The final evening saw much emotion and many tears as we realized the week was at an end already. The Concordia Team are very dear to our hearts. After the fires of 2009, Pastor Pete and his wife Jan drove to Flowerdale delivering care packages and messages of goodwill. On their return to Adelaide, the whole school started a number of fundraising activities and have been supporting Flowerdale financially and morally every since. Having the most amazing music department, headed by Matt Noble, the combined schools theme is music brings us together. This is the third Concordia visit. Flowerdale has had only one visit to Adelaide, so the pressure is on Mr D to do another trip in 2012.!!! We thank Peter and Jan Bean and of course our Principal Ross for making such a huge difference in the lives of the students. The connection between the two schools has had untold benefits for all the children involved, and has provided opportunities, challenges and experiences that they will treasure in their memories for all time.

I wish we could do one more day with you out in the garden or playing golf with Fiona or putting our hand prints on the canvas with Torii or doing the watermelon song with Katrina or skipping with everyone and hugging everyone last night at the dinner. Jay year 5 There were lots of highlights. I cannot choose a favourite. I realized how much of a bond Flowerdale and Concordia
have created since Black Saturday in 2009.The Concordia team taught me that my name means Blessed in Latin. Beata year 5

The trip was so amazing and I learnt so much. The experience was truly priceless to me and I'm forever thankful to the lovely people of Flowerdale for making it so. I had the best time with all the kids and I can't wait to apply again for next year! Chloe year 8 Flowerdale is such an amazing school. I got so much out of the week. It opened my eyes to so many things, a life changing
experience. Helen year 9 As the Term gets into full swing, we have welcomed the 2010 preppies to the school and given them a little taste of the delights of Barbs Prep-1 room. The current prep students, Ruby, Matthew, Kane and Adam, have been so grown up in looking after the new children and showing them around the school and classrooms. Transition for the Grade 1, 4 and 6 also happens on these days, with the grade 6 kids making their way to Yea High in preparation for a new era in their lives. Rockin On The Mountain is gearing up for a big day on November 19th. This major fund raising day for the Primary School is the first of its kind and not doubt you have all seen the posters which have recently gone up around the district. Tickets are still available. See the advertisement this edition. By the time this goes to print, the Prep-1 class will have been to Healesville Sanctuary, so watch this space next edition for some cute photos. Next month we will also be saying farewell to our Grade 6 class and that will be a tear-jerker. Have a fanitstic month. See you all at Rocking On The Mountain.

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Can you Help on Saturday 19th of November?

We need the help of volunteers to help make Rockin on the Mountain a success. Below is a list of spots we need to fill, if you can be of assistance, it would be greatly appreciated. All volunteers will only have to pay $20 for a ticket, not $40 and will also receive a T-Shirt, Food voucher and a Drink voucher ( Soft drink!) All shifts will be approximately two hours, but of course if you can only help for a short time or would like to help for longer that would be wonderful!!! Parking . General car park 3 volunteers Stall holders car park 2 volunteers Merchandise tent . Gerri ..5 volunteers needed Wristband allocation ..Julie Whitticker 2 volunteers needed Tickets sales at front gate . 2 Volunteers needed Show Bag tent .. John & Helen - 2 volunteers needed T-Shirt Painting comp Sharon Collins . 5 volunteers needed Raffle Tickets . 2 volunteers needed Traffic directing . Crash - 4 volunteers needed Food stalls Annie & Odette 4 volunteers needed SRC stall.. 2 volunteers needed Backstage Barb Alkermade / + helpers / Ritchie Bar .. Anna Burgess . Kim, Wally + 2 volunteers needed Kids Area .. Green Valley Church Info/ Cloakroom/ Lost & Found Allison, Val & Paula Drink Tickets Jeanette Kamar + 2 volunteers needed (RSA) Rubbish Pete Auty Bus Shuttle Dennis & Henry We are having a meeting of all volunteers at the school on Wednesday the 9th of November at 7:00pm. It would be wonderful to have as many people there as possible, as we will be running through the itinerary of the festival program. If you are able to help on the day, please contact Ross, Gerri, Lou or Samm before Wednesday the 9th of November. Thank you so much for your help, its going to be a fantastic day!!!

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Since we have come back from our three day camp it been go go go. We have had a fundraiser sausage sizzle at the market and began our cooking classes. 21 children were selected to participate in a 14 week cooking class program and 3 adults are also doing the program. The children made pizza and choc chip cookies during there first class. Lets see if we have any master chefs along the way in our program. Special thanks to Vicky T and Laine for your assistance during the cooking classes. Junior Youth Group has been very fortunate to have a number of fantastic volunteers to assist our group without these parent helpers we would not be unable to accommodate as many children as we do. In two and half years our numbers have risen from 20 children to 62 children and continues to grow as we speak. We are starting to transition our 4 year old kinder children so once again our number will increase. SO WE NEED YOUif you have a working with childrens check and want to be apart of these amazing children please contact me. If you dont have a working with childrens check we could still use your help with fundraising to keep the costs as low as possible for the parents so their children can participate. In the month of November we are starting our xmas present wrapping for a gold coin donation per gift. Look out for locations at the store, market and community house or if it is easier you can drop off gifts at my house for wrapping. You will also find us at Rockin on the Mountain selling soft drinks and Ice-creams. Junior Youth Group has now created a closed group on Facebook under Flowerdale Community House for the children members and parents of the children only. This is where we can share photos, information, updates on activities and excursions. We will monitor the group closely and only current members will have access. What an awesome time we are continuing to have with the children. Tanya & Rod Hallett


Volunteers needed for a monthly sausage sizzle at the Flowerdale Market to help raise funds to buy equipment, allow youth to continue activities and go on excursions. Volunteer drivers for bus with HR truck licence and working with children check to help with excursions. Please contact Tanya ASAP 0408333953 if you can help with any of the above so we can continue to provide as many activities as we can for our children.

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1st Kinglake Scout Group

Scout News Welcome to our newest Scout Ben Jenkins. Ben has recently completed his link badge and has now advanced from Cubs to the Scout section. Coming up the Scouts have the very popular wide game Back to the Hall. This is a game where the Scouts are dropped off down the end of Extons Road and have to find their way back to the Scout hall without being spotted by the leaders who will be driving up and down the road. They also have a camp at the Mafeking Scout Camp in Caveat on the weekend 26-27 November. Venturer News Recently the Venturers successfully completed an Initiative course through the Lal Lal State Forest over the weekend of 8-9 October. Hiking though the forest they were required to use their Scouting skills and complete several challenges along the way including first aid, navigation and construction. The Kinglake Unit did a great job and were awarded the Initiative award and certificate. Coming up the Venturers have a fishing evening on the Yea River and a round of nine holes at the Whittlesea Golf Course. Group Committee We would like a member from each family to help for even one hour at our drinks stall at the Kinglake West clearing sale on Sunday 20th November. Thinking of Joining? If you are interested in joining as a Cub, Scout or Venturer, or you are an adult looking for a rewarding outlet as a leader or an assistant please phone: 5786 5114 or by e-mail If would like to find out more about Scouting visit

More than 100 members!

Before Black Saturday the Flowerdale Tennis Club had 32 members. This increased to 80 players in May 2011 when four new synthetic grass courts were opened at the Spring Valley Recreation Reserve. Last week, Emilee De Maria joined the junior coaching program and became the Clubs 100th member! This week another 3 children enrolled. The junior program is being delivered by Club coach Colin Grace and supported by the Flowerdale Community House. Coaching is also available for adults and the Club is currently offering 4 free coaching sessions for new members who would like to brush up on From left to right: Emilee De Maria, their skills. Coach Colin Grace and Sarah For further information contact Jeannette 5780 1520 Kielbaska

Tennis Hot Shots Program

FLOWERDALE Tennis Clubs new courts are now a hive of activity on Mondays when 26 primary school-aged children enjoy the clubs Hot Shot tennis clinics. The free clinics were offered at Flowerdale Primary School during terms two and three, as the school was keen for students to experience tennis and gain skills under the program, which is specifically aimed at younger players. Using smaller courts, nets, racquets and low-compression balls, the program makes learning easy and gives younger players the chance to serve, rally and score early. The after-school sessions at the Spring Valley Recreation Reserve are supported by the Flowerdale Community House and delivered by Flowerdale Tennis Clubs coach Colin Grace. The sessions are open to all children in the district. For details phone Jeannette Kamar on 5780 1520.

From left to right: Kane Ronchie, Mitchell Temperton, Coach Colin Grace , Kathryn McKay, Amy Temperton, Codie McDonald, Molly Temperton.
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Whats the first thing you think of when daylight saving arrives? Thats right time to change your smoke alarm battery! Its difficult to know when the batterys charge has run out, so just to be sure, grab a new battery and change it over. The Tall Tale of the Tanker That Went Missing has been solved. You may remember that this story was told at the brigades 65-year celebration in July. Thanks to Denise McKenzie, we now know that some time around 1971, our tanker turned up, all by itself, at a police station in the city. Two young blokes had run out of petrol while driving through Flowerdale in the early hours of a bitter winter morning. It occurred to them that the best way to get back to town would be to open the door of the Fire Shed and continue their journey in the tanker. John McKenzie, then Captain of Flowerdale Brigade, took the call from Heidelberg Police Station asking for him to please collect the tanker: Its in the way. So we presume the blokes got back home with no problem, except being charged by the Heidelberg officers. Turnouts. Flowerdale Brigade has attended a few road incidents over the past month. On 29 September the brigade attended a car accident on the YeaWhittlesea Road near the Store. Training. In the lead-up to the fire season, brigade members are refreshing our training on the two tankers. Next training and meeting at the Fire Station. Training is on the first and third Sundays, and the brigade meeting is on the first Tuesday. TrainingSunday 6 and 20 November, 9 am. MeetingDate to be advised, 7.30 pm (Tuesday 1 November is Cup Day). Kate Hawkins, Flowerdale CFA

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October 2011 (to 25th October) Total for September 2011 Year to Date to 25th October 2011 to 31st October 2010 Total 2010 Regards Virginia

25mm 108mm 824mm 947mm 1204mm

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Flowerdale Community House INC

Keep up to date with all new classes & groups and other information whats happening at the Flowerdale Community House Join the Flowerdale Community House Group Profile: Flowerdale Community-House id=100003043076428&ref=ts Group: Flowerdale Community House groups/188404254567916/ For all bookings and enquires please phone the Flowerdale Community House 57802664
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Would you like to announce birthdays, marriage, engagements, deaths, or other personal advertisements in the Flowerdale Flyer? Please contact Flowerdale Community House : or
Flowerdale Flyer


If you can help once a month to distribute please contact 0418 589 072
November 2011

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Councillor Comment Cr Sally Abbott Smith, Cheviot Ward Roadside Vegetation Mapping Councils Environment Projects Officer Sue McNair has recently completed a project to identify regionally controlled noxious weeds on Councils roadsides. The project has also assessed the conservation value of these roadsides, including the quality of habitat and native vegetation. An evaluation of the conservation value in the immediate vicinity of weed outbreaks is important to ensure appropriate weed control and management techniques are used without compromising the value of the surrounding native vegetation. The conservation value of Councils roadsides has been categorised into very high, high, medium or low value. This information will enable improved management so that areas of higher conservation value are protected and where possible enhanced. This information will be used to improve the planning and coordination of Councils roadside maintenance and road works to prevent weeds spreading. It will also be used to guide the issuing of permits for activities such as firewood collection, grazing and roadside plantings. This information will also assist at a local and regional level when planning fuel load management strategies. Native vegetation offset requirements Native vegetation legislation requires that a three-step process be followed when considering native vegetation removal: avoid clearing, minimise clearing when removal cant be avoided and offset unavoidable losses appropriately. The overall goal is to achieve what is known as net gain. This is the outcome for native vegetation and habitat where overall gains are greater than overall losses and individual losses are avoided where possible. Council has been investigating the options for meeting its offset obligations generated by clearing of native vegetation as a result of its infrastructure construction projects. Council projects which involve clearing of native vegetation, which includes understory plants, groundcovers and native grasses, requires a planning permit. Any permit to remove native vegetation will include conditions requiring specific offsets. There are three kinds of offset requirements, depending on what was cleared: Protection, maintenance and improvement of existing bush patches/areas Protection of existing trees, usually large old trees. Revegetation: planting new trees and a range of other suitable plants Any offsets must be on land and with species that are comparable to the land on which the vegetation removal occurred. There is a need to find sites in the shire, which can be used for these offsets and a register of Council properties is being considered for this purpose The offsets need to be protected into the future with a legal agreement on the land. This is to ensure that offsets are permanently protected and managed for conservation values. Council needs to manage and actively maintain these offset areas so that the gains are not lost. Council projects with offset requirements need to have the costs of this included in the total project cost. Should landholders be interested, there may be options in the future for using private land for Council offsets. A DSE leaflet is available for more information on 136 186 or

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Mayors Chair
At Councils last meeting, held in Kinglake, the issue of meeting location and community access to Council meetings was raised as part of a submission to Council on a planning matter. A Marysville resident felt that their community was being treated unfairly in having a Marysville issue dealt with at Kinglake. Since then, the issue of the new local law that does not allow written submissions to be read out at open forums has also been raised. However the page one headline in one local paper, Call for more say at meetings, is completely misleading. Council is required to deal with certain matters within a very tight legal time frame and cannot choose in a timing sense when the matters appear before the Council. The rotation of Council meetings is set at least six months in advance and to alter the meeting venues causes stress within the communities that they are set for. Council could, however, choose to only have its monthly meeting in Alexandra where the main office is and not rotate around the six other locations where we have meetings. This would certainly be more efficient and is the situation in most other regional Councils, but this would deprive the Murrindindi community of the opportunity to attend one meeting in their own area to see how Council operates. It has also been Councils policy for many years to rotate a number of meetings. As a Kinglake resident, I travel 84km each way to meetings in Alexandra and when a major issue relevant to Kinglake was decided last year, the Council meeting was being held in Eildon, a lot further to travel for people involved in the issue. Murrindindi Council allows residents to speak to the Council in open forum not only at its monthly meeting but also at two other briefing sessions a month. Many Councils do not allow the community to address Councils at all and some only allow questions to be put, but which are not answered on that date. Murrindindi Council also allows individuals and groups to present to Council on the briefing dates and this can be arranged through their local Councillor. The change to the local law that requires written submissions to be tabled rather than read was well advertised. Submissions were called for and none was received. I had been asked about what the amended local law was about and fully explained the consequences to people who asked, and, as no submissions were received, I can only assume that there was agreement amongst these people that the changes were appropriate. One of the great things about local government is that ex-Councillors, progress associations and others read Council minutes and notices and subject them to intense scrutiny and I would have expected those people and groups would have made a submission if they were concerned. In open forum, Councillors are allowed to ask questions of the presenters of submissions but not allowed to engage in debate with the presenter. This is to enable any inaccuracies to be questioned. On some occasions in the past, when the Mayor read letters from people not present at the meeting, some letters contained personal attacks and inaccuracies which could not be challenged in open forum. The new local law provides that a written response will be made to anyone who is not present at the Open Forum, something that has not been provided for in the past. The new local law still allows people to present personally and submitted letters to be given to all Councillors and considered as part of the debating process. Finally, Local government is local and Murrindindi is one of the most open and accessible in this state. When was the last time a member of the public was allowed to speak in the state or federal government parliament chambers?

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Bringing the world closer to our library community
The Yea Library is using skype technology to open doors to speakers for the communitys enjoyment who would otherwise be inaccessible. Residents are invited to come along to the Yea Library on 15 November 2011 at 7pm and get up close and personal with the most awarded author in Australia this year, Kim Scott, whose book 'That Deadman Dance', is the winner of the Miles Franklin Award and the Victorian Prize for Literature. Councils Community and Customer Service spokesman Cr Cris Ruhr said people should have no reservations about a video or computer link being a poor substitute for a personal appearance. Its like sitting in the loungeroom having a conversation, Cr Ruhr said. We are able to facilitate participation for a large audience in the interviews by projecting a big image of the presenter and with radio microphones to pass around the room to ensure those who wish to take part can. In past events we have found that the discussions have a kind of intimacy and are very relaxed. This was highlighted with the appearance of Attica Locke, the successful author of Black Water Rising. Those attending the linked session nibbled on lunch, while Attica sipped wine in her Los Angeles home and talked about growing up black in the United States. It is about taking advantage of the technology we have and creating opportunities for our community to access people that they would otherwise not be able to talk with, Cr Ruhr said. If you are interested in getting involved I encourage you to visit the Yea Library and talk to our staff who are very excited about being able to bring this program to you. These are opportunities too good to be missed.

Murrindindi Youth Card provides a pocket full of support

Murrindindi Shire Council is launching a new initiative for young people aged 12-25 years who live, work or study across the Murrindindi Shire. Mayor Peter Beales has praised the development of a new youth card that raises awareness of the services available to young people living in Murrindindi to support their wellbeing, and also provides access to discounts at a range of local retail businesses. The Murrrindindi Youth Card features contact details of welfare agencies on one side, and a list of local businesses offering discounts to the value of the retailers choice on the other, Cr Beales said. The card is a great initiative and has been designed to fold to fit into a normal sized wallet, making it a useful resource for our young people to always have on hand. The Murrindindi Youth Card is free and available from a range of locations including all council offices and libraries, Yea and Alexandra High Schools, Police Stations and Yea and Alexandra Hospitals. Murrindindi Shire Council would like to thank the businesses that have participated in the discount scheme for their support: Blush For Hair (Alexandra), Burnsies Pizza (Alexandra), Caf M (Kinglake), Gaffneys Bakery (Yea), Igloo Roadhouse (Buxton), Marysville Country Bakery, Millers Mensland Surf and Skate (Alexandra), Pheasant Creek Fitness Centre, Shoes at Footsteps (Alexandra), Sportspower and Toys (Alexandra), Yea Pit Stop Caf and Yea Take Away. The discounts available through the use of the Murrindindi Youth Card are valid until 31 July 2012 so we urge all young people to get in quick as numbers are limited, to make the most of these fantastic offers, Cr Beales added. For further information contact councils Youth Participation and Development Officer, Rani Pentecost on 5772 0713 or visit Councils youth website .
Photo: Mayor Peter Beales joins local youths in supporting the Murrindindi Youth Card scheme. Clockwise from left - Jarryd Biffin, Jasmine Tobias, Scott Douglas, Donna Hunter, Mayor Peter Beales and Lauren Steyger. Flowerdale Flyer November 2011

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Mayors Chair - Peter Beales
One of the recommendations coming out of the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission is that the state government replace the fire services levy (FSL) with a property based levy and introduce concessions for low-income earners. That was recommendation number 64. To make good on that recommendation, the state government has produced an options paper and while the intention is to provide a more equitable property- based levy for funding fire services, it could have some serious implications for our Council. One of the scenarios in that options paper is for councils to collect the levy or tax as it is and pass on to the government. Of course this would be gathered during the annual rates collection, not as a separate itemised account for residents. Our Council is of the firm belief that there needs to be greater equity in terms of funding the levy, but opposes any further impost on Local Government, by the State in collecting the tax. We believe that there are wide ranging methods that can be used to fund the levy and I dont think too many people would argue that funds specified for emergency services is money well spent. As a Council we have provided in principle support for the development of a property (land, buildings and vehicles)

This weed needs to be eradicated

Landowners and residents across Murrindindi Shire are being asked to do their part in trying to eradicate Chilean Needle Grass - a perennial tussock-forming grass and one of the 20 Weeds of National Significance. Councils Climate Change and Natural Environment spokesperson Cr Sally Abbott Smith said there needed to be a coordinated effort required to try and eradicate Chilean Needle Grass. This weed can have an impact on agriculture and local biodiversity values, Cr Sally Abbott Smith said. This is the time that this weed can be identified as it is flowering in sections of our shire. It needs to be treated before going to seed, Cr Abbott Smith said. From South America, Chilean Needle Grass is most recognisable at this time of the year when it has a distinctive drooping purple flowering head. Chilean Needle Grass has evolved with a remarkable reproduction method. Unlike many weeds that spread by seeds from a flower head, Chilean Needle Grass not only has seeds in a flower head, but also has seeds along its stem and a basal seed. This means that if the grass is slashed or on the occasion that stock may graze on its flowering heads (can lacerate the mouth and infect eyes) there is still seed present in the base of the plant. One of the most distinctive ways of identifying this grass (which is often mistaken for native spear grasses) is the distinctive seed awn. The seed which is a beige colour has a raised red/purple collar around the base of the seed and above the awn. The seed is reasonably heavy and is not often moved by wind but is more likely spread through machinery, stock and fodder. It is important to try to reduce weed spread by cleaning down machinery, restricting fodder feed sites and remaining vigilant. To assist landholders, Murrindindi Shire Council will be conducting a mail-out to encourage people to take action against the weed. It will also include a management guide to assist people. Presently, within the Murrindindi Shire, Chilean Needle Grass is believed to be confined between Molesworth and Yea. Council is also asking landholders and residents to report outbreaks of the weed. If you believe you have seen it elsewhere in the shire call the Shires Environment Project Officer Sue McNair on 5772 0333. The Murrindindi Shire Council has been successful in securing funding from the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA) for a second year to undertake Chilean Needle Grass control on municipal roadsides.

Left: Chilean Needle Grass in flower. Note the drooping seedhead. Right: The distinctive red collar around the base of the seed head.

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November 2011

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Residents wanted for Positive Ageing Committee
A committee established to develop and drive opportunities for older residents is looking for more members to participate. Councils Community and Customer Services portfolio spokesman Cr Cris Ruhr said the Positive Ageing Committee was providing wonderful advice and direction in Councils efforts to create an age friendly community. Age friendly communities support positive ageing. These are communities where seniors can access the resources, supports, services, information and advice, protection and opportunities that help people stay healthy and active, Cr Ruhr said. One of the key objectives of the committee is to assist Council in reviewing the implementation of the Healthy and Active in the Third Age strategy which supports positive ageing. Our older members of our community have provided and continue to provide a substantial contribution to the way our communities have developed. Their knowledge and wisdom is an important part of the making of our shire. Our Positive Ageing Committee advocates and lobbies with the assistance of Council to build policies and programs that will provide support environments, encourage healthy choices and encourage participation of older people in activities and decision-making. The committee, which is drawn from community members, will work with Council and the community to work towards a positive ageing community. It is important we have a good representation from across our shire, and while the invitation to join the committee is open, we would like to have input from Alexandra, Marysville and Kinglake residents, Cr Ruhr said. People wanting to find more about the committee of provide an expression of interest can call Councils Coordinator Community Programs Judi Pay on 5772 0360.

KFT Plan and Design Framework Update Murrindindi Shire Council has received advice in relation to the work being undertaken by the State Government in response to the recommendations of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission (VBRC). Work is nearing completion by the Department of Planning and Community Development in relation to bushfire mapping and local planning assessment. This information will inform and update the Interim Report that was prepared in response to the first draft of the Kinglake Ranges, Flowerdale and Toolangi (KFT) Plan and Design Framework. Mayor Peter Beales said that an updated Draft KFT Plan and Design Framework will be developed and released for further consultation in the coming months incorporating both community feedback and any changes resulting from addressing VBRC recommendations. It remains essential that we get further input into the revised KFT Plan and adjust the Interim Report accordingly to ensure this planning strategy responds appropriately to addressing important fire safety measures and also provide for a range of sustainable land use options for the future for the area. When the plan is finalised it will be used to guide decision making by Murrindindi Shire Council and Victorian Government agencies for the region over the next fifteen years, said Cr Beales. Residents are reminded that updates on the progress with the plan can be obtained on-line at (under the major projects icon). Alternatively, inquiries regarding the draft KFT Plan can be made by emailing or contacting Murrindindi Shire Council's Planning Department on 5772 0333.

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Councillor comment Kevin Bellingham, Cathedral Ward

Council has made no secret of its financial situation and the extraordinary lengths we are going to ensure we can meet service standards, infrastructure maintenance and of course future investment in new capital projects. This juggling act has seen Council request a service review, continued advocacy to the state and federal governments and developing strategic plans to give us a clear guide to future budget needs. One of those strategies is a 10 year capital expenditure and improvement program. Councils asset base continues to grow and with it an increase in future liability. In other words we need to maintain the assets we currently own to ensure they reach optimal usage as well as ultimately replace those assets so that they can continue to service the shire. That is a big cost. What we have supported as a Council is that during the next decade 80 per cent of our capital program will be targeted at renewing our existing assets and there are significant projects that will need to be financed, from bridge replacements through to pool refurbishment. While some of these projects will be funded by the State Governments Local Government Infrastructure Funding program and Country Roads and Bridges Initiative program, there is still a large financial obligation needed from Council. It means Council must be prudent with its spending. Often we have requests for small capital items barbecues, playground equipment and even tables and chairs. On the face of it small items that many would believe would have little impact on our budget actually add upto a large maintenance bill. But consider this, what happens to cleaning the barbies, ensuring the swing remains in good condition and replacing chairs that may be damaged or vandalised? It soon adds up when it comes to our maintenance budget. I can understand when residents become frustrated that they cant have instantaneous upgrades to equipment, but I am also well aware as the Corporate Services portfolio holder that residents also want to keep rate rises at an absolute minimum. Our capital improvement plan is a significant step in keeping the community informed as to our priorities over the next decade. It will be reviewed annually and as we continue to lobby for more outside funding we can make those investments in capital items with as little as possible impost on our ratepayers.


At its Ordinary meeting on 26 October 2011 Council resolved that the date of the Ordinary meeting of Council previously scheduled for Wednesday 21 December 2011 will be brought forward to Wednesday 14 December 2011. The meeting schedule for the remainder of 2011 is as follows:

Meeting Date Wednesday 23 November 2011 Wednesday 7 December 2011 (Special Meeting) Wednesday 14 December 2011

Venue Community Centre, Falls Road, Marysville (venue change) Alexandra Chambers Alexandra Chambers

Time 11.00 am 5:00 pm 11.00 am

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November 2011

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Advertisement/Public Notice/Media Releases

Remembrance Day Services The following services will be held throughout the Shire of Murrindindi on Friday 11 November 2011: Alexandra Eildon Marysville Yarck Yea 10.15am service at Kellock Lodge for residents 10.50am assemble for 11.00am service at Cenotaph Assemble at 10.50am for 11.00am service at Cenotaph Assemble at 10.45am for 11.00am service at Cenotaph in Murchison Street 11.00am wreath laying service at War Memorial Assemble at 10.30am for 10.50am service at Cenotaph. Light refreshments at RSL Hall to follow.

Advertise your regional tourism event for free!!

Do you hold a tourism event within the Shire of Murrindindi? Your event may be able to be listed in the February to June 2012 Calendar of Events brochure. The brochure is distributed to all Visitor Information Centres within Murrindindi, surrounding regions and Federation Square. Application forms are available from: Councils website - click on Promoting your event Council offices at Alexandra, Kinglake or Yea Email or call on 5772 0341. Applications close on Wednesday 30 November 2011. Dont forget about our online Calendar of Events. Go to and click on the Calendar of Events icon on the home page. To add your event, simply click on Add Event and follow the steps.

Do you know someone outstanding? Have you thought about nominating them for an Australia Day award?
Nominations are open in the following categories: Murrindindi Citizen of the Year Murrindindi Young Citizen of the Year Murrindindi Community Event of the Year These awards provide all Shire of Murrindindi residents with the opportunity to pay tribute to our outstanding local achievers. Please download the nomination form from our website or call Annette Reddon on 5772 0333. Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 11November 2011.

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November 2011

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We Want You

Only $5 a month Name Expertise Phone number Is all that is needed

Must be prepaid (leave at the Store) Marked with Payment: Flowerdale Flyer Tradies List & Contact Address

And Watch the jobs flow in

New Contact: 0418589072 or email for further information


All non-ferrous metals *We pay up to $100 a car* more for trucks *(conditions apply)* Melb Metro daily (MSIC) Wharf acc. 24 hours service, 7 days Trade Towing Metro/Country, Twin Car, Car Capacity Caravan Relocation, Tractor, Bobcats Equipment (up to 5 tons)

LOCAL TRADIES LIST (Please note if not prepaid ads will not be published)
Cabinet Maker Renzo UkosichNew kitchens & renovations 5780 2278 Landscaping Alex Jones-PavescapePaving, Concreting, Bobcat Hire, Excavator, Post Holes 0409 338 130 Plasterer Peter KissNew Buildings, Renovations, Repairs No Job Too Big or Too Small 0413 741 396 Plumber Tom SimpsonTLS PlumbingSeptics, Water Tanks etc 0433 309 559



Phone Eddy 0407849252 or 0357978220 3877 Melba Hwy, Glenburn, 3717 Fax 57978520

Wood Splitter available Full Time in Flowerdale

As part of the Tool Library in Flowerdale we now have a permanent Wood Splitter available. To book you need to contact Henry 0427 808 435

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November 2011

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10 Week Program 11th October13th December 2011



TIME 12NOON 6PM-7PM 10AM-11.30AM 7PM-8.30PM



Proudly Sponsored by MSC & Victorian State Government in conjunction with Flowerdale Community House
For further information Contact: Flowerdale Community House

Flowerdale Community House INC

Forming Friendships

ABN 30 127 305 127

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November 2011

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Come to Relax, Come to Get Fit, or even just come to enjoy the Fun Atmosphere with friends DAY: TIME: WHERE: TUTOR: WEDNESDAY 10AM-11AM FLOWERDALE HALL CLAIRE FROM YEA FITNESS

Classes running til 14th December 2011 Everyones Welcome to Join

For further information Contact: Flowerdale Community House

Proudly Sponsored by MSC & Victorian State Government in conjunction with Flowerdale Community House

Flowerdale Community House INC

Forming Friendships

ABN 30 127 305 127

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November 2011

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Open Tuesday & Wednesday 10am3pm New Phone: 5780 2664 Open Monday-Friday Opening Hours & 8.30am-4.30pm Days Phone: 5780 2664

Flowerdale Community House INCINC Flowerdale Community House

(For all bookings and enquires please phone the Flowerdale Community House) Profile: Flowerdale Community-House Group: Flowerdale Community House

Whats on at your Community House?

MONDAY Lighten UpWeight Loss Group designed with you in mind all welcome. Incentives, menu ideas, weigh in from 6pm. Cost $5 TUESDAY Healthy Meals (Golden 55s)12noon (see flyer in this edition for further information) PlaygroupTuesdays from 10-12.30, $2 per family, Flowerdale Early Learning Centre. From newborn to preschool. Please bring a piece of fruit to share. Meditation (Golden 55s)6-7pm, Tutor Melinda Deans-Draper (see flyer in this edition for further information) Seniors Group (Over 55s)- Every Fortnight meal will be provided. Check on roster to see how you can help. Soon fruit and vegetable exchange. Come in and help develop the exciting Calendar of events for the year of activities (anyone over 55 welcome to join). Every Tuesday Morning. WEDNESDAY Art GroupA self led group from 1-3pm, Cost $5 bring your supplies and project to this social group. Please phone Community House for details of Venue. Pilates (Golden 55s)10-11.30am, Tutor Clare (see flyer in this edition for further information) THURSDAY Yoga (Golden 55s) 7-8.30pm, Tutor Val Tepper (see flyer in this edition for further information) FRIDAY Clinical Hypnotherapy/Counselling/NaturopathyAlan Stubenraugh, Senior Practitioner provides a truly holistic and caring approach to personal issues and health. Appointments can be made through Community House. Community DinnersAdults $5, Children $3 and under 5 are free. Club bar opens at 6pm. Meals are from 6-8pm. We meet at the Recreation Reserve to enjoy a meal together, all welcome. . Please Note: Community Dinners will be once a month, first Friday of the Month.

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Open Monday-Friday 8.30am-4.30pm Phone: 5780 2664 (For all bookings and enquires please phone the Flowerdale Community House)

Flowerdale Community House INC

Whats on at your Community House?

SATURDAY Quilting & CraftFirst Saturday of each month from 10.30am-3.30pm Cost $5. Junior Youth Group(see flyer in this edition for all dates and information) Senior Youth Group(see flyer in this edition for all dates and information) Japanese CookeryWill resume again when Hiroko is feeling better, we wish all the best with her recovery. SUNDAY ChurchGreen Valley Church, - Church is not like it used to be, come and check it out. 10am Flowerdale Primary School every Sunday.

Xmas Break-up25th November, Cuckoo Restaurant. Please phone Community House to register and see flyer in this months edition. Xmas Table Decorations29th November, 11.30am. Please phone Community House to register and see flyer in this months edition. Flowerdale Seniors Over 55s GroupCome in and help develop the exciting Calendar of events for the year of activities (anyone over 55 welcome to join). Come in on Tuesday mornings to help with planning with Trish, Max, Judy and Jan. Flowerdale Seniors Gardening GroupDrop in on Tuesday or please call Community House to register your interest.


CV & Resume Writing SkillsIf you are interested please call Community House. See flyer in the months edition for details. Life DrawingIf you would be interested in joining this class, please call the Community House to register your interest. Classes will be at 7pm in the evening (our tutor Lou will advise of date shortly). Cost $10. Ladies & Mens Chainsaw ClassesDue to popular demand another series of workshops will commence from 15th October. See flyer in this months edition for further information. Enormous thanks to Peter Auty. Please call Community House to register your interest. Mens Cooking ClassesAll Ages. Please call Community House to register your interest.

Op ShopCall in and have a browse you may pick up a bargain. Volunteers are always needed so if you have a spare few hours please call the Community House. Flowerdale Food ShareThanks to the ongoing partnership with Berry Street and the Victorian Food Bank. Phone or come and speak with Odette. FirewoodIf you are in desperate need of firewood, please call the Community House. Annie on UGFMEach Saturday Morning at 9.30am on 88.9/98.9UGFM. Annie gives the Flowerdale Report, Good Morning Murrindindi and has a wide listening audience.

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Ambulance 000 Bee Swarm Removal 0400 337 556 Berry Street 5772 3383 Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 Bushfire Building Advice Line 1300 360 320 Bushfire Case Management Service 1800 050 400 CFA Emergency 000 Consumer Affairs Victoira 1300 558 181 DHS Child Protection 1800 650 227 (After Hours) 13 12 78 Flowerdale Hub 5780 2704 Dial Before you Dig 1100 DoctorYea 5736 0444 Direct LineDrug & Alcohol Counselling 1800 888 236 Flowerdale Community Hall (Bookings) 5780 2027 Flowerdale Community House (Hall) 5780 2664 Flowerdale Hotel 5780 1230 Flowerdale Kindergarten 5780 2816 Flowerdale Primary School 5780 1264 Hazeldene Store 5780 1202 Green Valley ChurchFlowerdale 0434 357 730 Griefline (12noon-Midnight) 9596 7799 Help for Wildlife 0417 380 687 HospitalYea 5736 0400 Housing for people with drug/alcohol issues 5784 5555 Insurance Ombudsman 1300 728 228 Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House 5786 1301 Lands Titles 8636 2026 Lifeline 13 11 14 JP (Lyn Gunter) 5780 2382 (G Atkins) 5786 2038 (K Stewart) 5786 1557 Maternal & Child Health Emergency (AH) 1800 134 883 Mensline 1300 789 978 Mental Health Advice Line 1300 280 737 Mitchell Community Health Services 1300 773 352 Murrindindi Shire Council Alexandra 5772 0333 Yea 5797 2209 Kinglake 5786 1522 Maternal and Child Health CentreFlowerdale 57802020 Home Based Child Care 5772 0362 Aged Care Services 5772 0360 Local Law Emergencies * 0419 572 425 Engineering Emergencies * 0407 509 413 Local Law Enforcement 5772 0333 *These numbers must only be used in the case of an emergency. If matter is not urgent please contact MSC during office hours. Nurse-On-Call 1300 606 024 Office of Housing (Seymour DHS) 1800 680 694 Open Family Youth Outreach Worker 0417 160 598 PoliceKinglake 5786 1333 Yea 5797 2630 Emergency 000 Poisons Information 13 11 26 Red Cross REDiPlan 8327 7700 Regional Information & Advocacy Council 1800 221 944 Relationships Australia 1300 364 277 Rural Financial Counselling Service 5735 4342 Rural Housing Network 5735 2000 SES 13 25 00 TRU Energy Power Failure 13 17 99 VetYea 5797 2333 Whittlesea 9716 2495 Victorian Aids & Equipment Program 5832 2200 Vision Australia 5831 3555 Yea Community House 5797 3070 Wildlife Victoria 1300 094 535


Captain: Glenn Woods Station: 5780 2179 Meets: 7.30pm 1st Tuesday of Month Emergency: Training: 000

2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 9am

1/16 Page 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Classified Ads Personals $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $45.00 $90.00 $1 per line Free

Email the Flowerdale Community House at or post to: PO Box 2008, Hazeldene 3658

Mobile Library Visits: Hazeldene Bus Stop1.30 to 4.30pm 1st & 3rd Thursday of month. If you have internet access at home you can reserve books at the Yarra Plenty Regional Library website ( and collect them from the Mobile Library.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE THE FLOWERDALE COMMUNITY BUS?????? For details phone Flowerdale Community House 57802 664

Flowerdale Flyer

November 2011

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