TokhangSurrendereesAhoping NewJourney3

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A Thesis
Present to the Faculty
Of the College of Criminology
University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu & Mandaue

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Ancla, Lorraine April B.

Sugarol, Ryan S.

October 2019


The students research entitled “TOKHANG SURRENDEREES IN HOPING

A NEW JOURNEY” prepared and submitted by Lorraine April B. Ancla and Ryan S.
Sugarol of the College of Criminology, University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue
has been examined, accepted and approved.


Liza Lorena C. Jala, Ph.D ED-RE


Paulino V. Pioquinto, Ph,D RCrim

Crimgst. Grace
Research Adviser

Maria Christina B. Nano, MAT

Liza Lorena C. Jala, Ph.D ED-RE

Liza Lorena C. Jala, Ph.D ED-RE

Campus Research Director
Paulino V. Pioquinto, Ph,D RCrim
Dean College of Criminology


Since gratitude is hereby extended to the following people who never ceased
in helping until this study is structured.

To our research adviser Criminologist Grace for her invaluable

support,supervise encouragement and useful suggestion throughout this project. Her
moral support and continuous guidance enabled us to complete this study

To the penal members, who shared their precious time and understanding our

To our parents and guardian who extended unwavering moral, emotional and
financial, support. The product of this research would not be possible without them.

To Barangay Cordova City for providing and allowing researcher to conduct a

survey on the court cases despite its confidentiality.

The researchers are thankful and indebted to all those helped directly or
indirectly in the completion of this study.

Above all, we are very thankful to our Almighty God for the divine
intervention in this academic endeavor

The Researchers


This research is dedicated to my beloved family who gave me all the support
to fulfill this study especially to very loving parents who are always there to remind
me all my plans in life.To the Almighty Father, for giving me the strength the
perseverance to face the problem and trials that comes in my life.

Ancla, Lorraine April B.

This research is dedicated to my family who encourages me to be responsible

to make my dreams into reality most of all, and for my friends who never left me in
times of problems and, to the Almighty God.

Sugarol, Ryan S.



Approval Sheet i

Acknowledgment ii

Dedication iii

Table of Content iv

Abstract vi




Rationale 1

Theoretical Background 4


Statement of the Problem 9

The Significance of the Study 10


Research Design 12

Research Environment 13

Research Informants 13

Research Instruments 14

Research Procedure 14




Presentation of Data 20

Analysis of Data 27



Summary 30

Findings 31





Appendix A - Transmittal Letter 35

Appendix B - Research Instrument 36

Appendix C - Location Map 38




Degree: Bachelor of Science in Criminology

School: University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Adviser: Crmgst. Grace

Authors: Lorraine April B. Ancla, Ryan S. Sugarol

Date: October 2019

The main trust and aim of this study are determine the life experiences of
Tokhang Surrenderees
1 1





Drug addiction in the Philippines is very alarming; it must not be given lightly

attention. It is now transforming to a severe decease that slowly eating the society. A

decease that up until now, cure is still a question. Drugs was invented to save lives but

today’s generation, drugs are now the new cancer of the society. The struggle in

finding a cure to this problem triggers the government to implement the “War on

Drugs” policy.

However, a big question draws upon individual’s mind, the effectiveness of

this policy and how it will affect the “Tokhang Surrenderees” The drug surrenderees

are the drug users and pushers who have surrendered to the government. The

surrenderees comprised of drug pushers and users who voluntarily submit themselves

to authorities. According to the statistics of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency

(PDEA), Philippine National Police (PNP), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)

and Bureau of Customs (BOC) from July 07, 2016 to January 01, 2018, 81,919 Anti-

Drug Operations conducted and 119, 361 Drug personalities arrested nationwide. For

the year of 2017, 1.26 million surrendered to Philippine National Police (PNP data).

Municipality of Cordova, one of the municipalities in the Province of Cebu,

also reported for some drug related cases, Municipality of Cordova are composed of

13 Barangay. According to data among these 13 barangays, Bang-Bang garnered the

highest drug surrenderees reported, Fifty Nine (59) drug surrenderees, composed of
2 1

sixteen (16) pusher and forty-three (43) drug user. Former drug users and pushers who

earlier surrendered under the government’s Oplan Tokhang have started their journey

toward a new life. In their new journey, this is a symbol of their healing and hope

despite the difficulties and trials in their lives. After surrendering, many of them did

not have any idea where to go or what to do next. In line with this matter, the

researcher wanted to know what the government can do for those hopeless

surrenderees. How can the government will able to help those seeking for new life.

The researcher conducted this study because the Government focuses only on

the statistics for drug related cases, however, no one is knowledgeable about the life

of surrenderees of Tokhang, the researcher also wanted to know the new journey of

the surrenderees of Oplan Tokhang, to know how their lives going after the

rehabilitation, their experiences during the aiding of the addiction of drugs, and their

condition after the rehabilitation. The researchers want to know if the government is

still supporting the surrenderees, and the reformation of the drugs surrenderees in

Barangay Bang-Bang Cordova, Cebu.

With this, there has been increasing interest in looking on how Drug

surrenderees cope-up pertaining to their new journey in starting a new life. How this

“War on drugs” changes their lives and what pushes them to offer their selves fully

and surrender to the Government, how they transform from being a drug pusher and

user to drug surrenderees, what problem they encounter, and what changes they


The goal of this study is to know more or understand more about the coping

process of every surrenderees in Barangay Bang-Bang, Cordova, Cebu. How they

came up in deciding to surrender and what are their motivations to undergo all the

process as surrenderees. The researchers wanted for better understanding of the life as
3 1

surrenderees, the adjustments they’ve encounter and the coping they’ve exerts. The

researcher would like to know how they were able to adopt the new policy or system

in reforming their lives, and their contribution to the society through their significant

4 1

Theoretical Background

This qualitative research is mainly anchored on the Social-Learning Theory

(Bandura 1977), defined the social learning theory as approach that synthesizes

principles of learning with those cognitive psychology. It is a systematic effort to

explain how the social and personal competencies that are often referred to as

“personality” develops from the social context in which such learning occur.

Drug addiction can be found in many forms. Understanding the reasons people

are initially attracted to drug use can help stop future users from becoming addicts.

Experimentation and curiosity are the first factors that draw many people into trying

drugs. They want to feel that “high”, the sense of euphoria that comes with drug use.

Being around drugs and being exposed to addicts can also lead to drug addiction. If a

family member or close friend uses or is addicted to drugs, it seems more acceptable

for others to engage in similar behaviour. It becomes a tolerated activity. Peer

pressure is also a factor in turning people into drug addicts. Contrary to popular belief,

peer pressure can happen at any age.

There are different theories which set out to explain the nature of drug

dependence. Before the 20th century. Explanations were rooted in moral and religious

understandings (Segal 1988). According to Jinadu (2012) “since then, alternative

theoretical explanations have emerged”. With this, the perspectives for understanding

drug dependence are grouped into four categories: medical, psychological, socio-

environmental and spiritual.

Other theories that can support the Social Learning Theory of Bandura are:

classical conditioning of Ivan Pavlov and Operant Conditioning of B.S Skinner.

5 1

In the perspective of Classical Conditioning, also known as Pavlovian

conditioning is learning through association and was discovered by Pavlov, a Russian

Physiologist. In simple terms two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned

response in person or animal. John Watson proposed that the process of classical

conditioning was able to explain all aspects of human psychology. Everything from

speech to emotional response was simply patterns of stimulus and response. Watson

denied completely the existence of the mind or consciousness. Watson believed that

all individual differences in behaviour were due to different experiences of learning.

In connection to drug addiction, the classical conditioning in relevance to the study it

is closely related to a given warning and led the surrenderees to predict what would

going to happen if they refuse to surrender, in which it is understandable that the

actions taken from the surrenderees to stop themselves in engaging in illegal drug

activities, is that because they were encourage by the society and they were able to be

governed by the authorities to stop their illegal doings.

While in the perspective of Operant Conditioning, it is a method of learning

that occurs through rewards and punishment. Through operant conditioning, an

individual makes an association between a particular behavior and a consequence

(Skinner 1938).

So therefore, the researchers concluded that the actions did by the surrenderees

that led them to surrender was due to the warning of the authorities, that something

will happen to them if they will not surrender through Oplan Tokhang whether it is

1harm for their lives or it could be lives behind bars. And a reward in a form of a

programs allocated to the surrenderees that was offered by the different branches of

the government, including Local Government Unit.

6 1

Below stated related literatures will help us explain how drugs influence the

individual as well as the society. It will also give us informations on how we can help

ex-addicts to better change themselves and for us to better understand their situations.

The reasons why people turn to drugs are as varied as the types of people.
Some of the contributing factors identified by the United Nations (UN, 1987) are peer
pressure, curiosity, ignorance, changing social structures and unemployment.

Agcaoli (2005) stated that the influence of peer pressures cannot be

underestimated as one among the causes of drug abuse. For Morgan (2001),
historically the influence of peers has been considered to be a major influence in
problem drug use. This was largely based on the finding of a strong association
between use by peers and reported use.

For Sotto (1007) the reasons for taking the drugs in order of frequency were:
1) curiosity about the drug, 2) “pakikisama” or on account of friends, 3) “katuwaan
lang” or taking drugs for kicks, 4) to forget one’s problems and worries, 5) “uso” I
want to belong to the now generation, 6) to relieve me of pain and discomfort, and 7)
I can’t help myself.

According to Bhagbanprakash (2000) a changing social environment is one of

the main factors responsible for the spreadof ‘drug abuse’ among the youth. The
family structure plays a vital role in providing role models and conditioning attitudes
and conduct. Bhagbanprakash (2000).

In addition, Rao (2004) views socialization as a process whereby an individual

becomes a functioning member of the society. The individual becomes socialised by

learning the rules and practices of social groups. By this process the individual

develops a personality of his own. This study explains socialization as the process of

“transmission of culture, the process whereby men learn the rules and practices of

social groups”.
7 1

According to Maram (2007), recovery from addiction is one of the pressing

needs of our society, because the problem of addiction is exploding everywhere and
creates untold damage to all it touches. No longer can this addiction be considered as
the problem of the user alone as it even damages everyone within the addict’s sphere
of influence. It therefore becomes the problem of the family, society, and the Church.

In addition, Jayachandran (1990) stated that to prevent the problem of drug

abuse, some scholars want to reduce the traditional methods of treatment of drug
addicted persons. They emphasised on the psychotherapeutic approach, personality
development and process of adaptation and adjustment with the environment of the
drug abusers (Jayachandran, 1990).

This review of the literature of Clerkin (2004) indicates that there are many
factors that contribute to the overall effectiveness of drugs prevention programmes.
These include interactive approaches, design and content based on the social influence
model, family and community involvement.

First, interactive approaches. Interactive approaches have been found to be

more effective than no interactive approaches in reducing drug use in universal school
based drug prevention programmes (Cuijpers, 2002a) and family focussed
interventions (Kumpher & Alvarado, 2003). Intervention programmes have been
found to be particularly well received by parents from low socio economic status
backgrounds if they are delivered in an interactive manner.

Second, social Influence Model. There is consistent evidence for the

effectiveness of programmes based on the ocial influence model (Cuijpers, 2002a)
although some interventions may be more effective than others with no convincing
evidence emerging for resistance training. Though the Social Influence model is
currently used in relation to schools based programmes, the model could also be
applied to work with parents and families.

Third, family Involvement. Family involvement in prevention has been

highlighted in recent studies (Kumpher & Alvarado, 2003; Shepard & Carlson, 2003).
Behavioural parent training, family skills training and family therapy were found to
be the most effective family strengthening interventions. More research is
8 1

recommended to determine whether these approaches are significantly more effective

than other approaches and which specific types of family interventions are most
effective (Mc Grath et all, 2006).

Fourth, Community Involvement. Research has shown that interventions

which include or run in conjunction with, a community element, particularly if based
on a community development approach and include local people in the planning and
development in the programme can be more effective.

Lastly, training and implementation. It is essential that interventions must be

properly delivered and implemented by those who have been fully trained in the
appropriate methods. This is an essential component in determining the effectiveness
of any intervention programme whether it be schools, community or family based.

Based on the mentioned related literature, the researchers hypothesized that

social-environmental factor is the main reason why individual engage in using illegal
drugs and it is also the main ingredient for their reformation.
9 1


Statement of the Problem

This study determine lived experiences of Tokhang surrenderees in Bang-

Bang, Cordova, Cebu. The findings serve as a basis for a proposed action plan.

Specifically, the following questions:

1. What are the motivations of the drug surrenderees?

2. What are the experiences as drug surrenderees?

10 1

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to determine the importance and the

effectiveness of Oplan Tokhang. How this program changes the lives of the

surrenderees, and how surrenderees cope up with this journey. Once successfully

conducted the study will also reveal what should be done,

The study would benefit the following:

Surrenderees. This can help them to convince other people’s mind set

regarding drug surrenderees. This will help their image to be positive on other

people’s eye.

Philippine National Police (PNP). The findings of this research can help the

Philippine National Police to ensure how effective Oplan Tokhang is, and make more

actions to improve their pursuit of a drug free country.

Department of the Interior and local Government (DILG). The result of

this study may help the interior department to improve its participation in war of

drugs as this agency is responsible for supervising the PNP, and to come up with an

idea for the welfare of the drug surrenderees.

Local Government Unit (LGU). The findings of this study may help the

local government unit as they are the first line in defense in aiming a drug free

country to plan a reformation or rehabilitation programs.

Community. The results of this study gave ideas to the community

on the present drug situation in the country and encourage their

participation in the combat against illegal drugs.

11 1

The Researchers. This study will help the researchers to be aware to the

effectiveness of this kind of approach in war of drugs, and come with an idea to

participate in the pursuit of war on drugs. This study will also help the researcher to

understand more the life of drug surrenderees.

The Future Researcher. The result and the effort exerted by the researchers

of this study, may help the future researchers about the effectiveness of this

kind of policy or approach in dealing to the prevalent problem in the country,

and this may serve as their guide in conducting their aspired study in the near

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Research Design

A qualitative, phenomenological study proposed in order to have an in-depth

understanding of the journey of drug surrenderees, reason of being surrenderees, their

experiences, their high, and lows and the degree to which being a surrenderees

impacted their lives and families.

In its broadest sense, ‘phenomenology’ refers to a person’s perception of the

meaning of an event, as opposed to the event as it exist externally to (outside of) the

person. The focus of the phenomenological inquiry is what people experience with

regards to some phenomenon or other and how they interpret those experiences. It is a

study that attempts to understand people’s perception, perspective and understanding

of a particular situation or occurrence.

The purpose of the phenomenological approach is to illuminate the specific, to

identify the phenomena through how they are perceived by the actors in a situation. In

the human sphere this normal translates into gathering deep information and

perception through inductive, qualitative methods such as interview, discussions and

participant observation, and representing it from the perspective of the researcher


The phenomenology is concerned with the study of experience from the

perspective of individual, bracketing taken-for-way of perceiving, epistemologically,

phenomenological approaches are based in a paradigm of personal knowledge and

subjectivity, and emphasise the importance of personal perspective and interpretation.

As such they powerful for understanding subjective experience, gaining insight

intopeople’s motivation and actions, and cutting through the clutter of taken-for-

granted assumption and conventional wisdom.

13 1

Phenomenology can offer the possibility of understanding lived experience in

the way that offer methodologies may not. It implicates the deeper human aspect of a

situation, attending to mood, sensations and emotion, seeking to find out what is

actual experience is, what is mean to individual, and the personnel implication are.

(Van Manen 1990).

Research Environment

This study conducted in one of the barangays of the 3rd class municipality in

the province of Cebu, which is Barangay Bang-Bang, Cordova where is bordered to

the north by the city of Lapu-Lapu, to the west is the Mactan Channel, to the east is

Olango Island, and to the south is Cebu Strait.

Barangay Bang-Bang has two thousand, six hundred, sixty-four (2664) registered

voters out of its five thousand, five hundred, fifty-nine (5559) of total population, with

a land area of 590000 square meters, where it has fifty-nine (59) drug surrenderees.

Research Informants

The proposed respondents of this study are Tokhang surrenderees residing in

Barangay Bang-Bang. Respondent selected in respect to the purposes of this study.

This, purposive sampling were drug surrenderees with the following criteria.

1 The man should be a drug pusher or drug user before.

2. The man should have a family, spouse and child.

We decided to have a total of four (4) participants for this qualitative study

and interview will be classified into one (1) set only. The set is for the in-depth

interview participated by the four (4) informants. Participants of this study were from

the Barangay Bang-Bang, Cordova, Cebu. Although there were enough participants

all over Barangay Bang-Bang, Cordova, Cebu, but only few are willing and have a

sample time to be interviewed and to share their individual experiences.

14 1

Research Instruments

The researcher use interview guide for an in-depth interview that the principal

tool in this study is to obtain open responses from the respondents’ questions on how

they cope journey. The researchers also used a note for transcription of the informants

in addition to voice recorder that recorded their responses during the interview. Then

the researchers transcribed the product of the interview for the individual informant’s

confirmation as well as to be part of the appendices. Two major questions were

undertaken as part of the interview guide. These were the motivations of the

informants, and the experiences of the informants.

Research Procedures

Data Collection. The researcher will utilize an interview guide to extract

together the experiences of each of the participants as Tokhang surrenderees and their

aspiration of life. We purposely constructed the interview guide question in a manner

that will utilize in in-depth interviews which are composed of two (2) main research

questions. The interview guide was submitted first to the panellist for content

validation and approval prior to the actual conduct of interviews.

Upon the approval of the potential participants to be parts in the study, he or

she will be asked to answer question personally presented by the researchers about

60-90 minutes. A consent form must be signed first by the informant that states the

purposes and procedure in the conduct of the interview as well as the right of the

subjects and the primary obligation of the researcher. With their prior approval, the

interview will be audio-recorded for the researcher to transcribe in after the interview.

This will help the researcher to analyse the exact words and to keep the

informantstatements in context. The in-depth interview of the research participants

will be conducted in the place where they are comfortable by supplying the needed
15 1

information in the research. The informant’s participation in this study is voluntary in

nature. The decision whether to join will not affect his or her current of future relation

with any institutions, agency or person. If the informant decided to participate, at any

time they can still change their mind and withdraw from the study. If they feel

stressed during the study, they may stop at any time. They may also skip any question

that they feel are too personal. If they withdraw, or at the end of the study, they

assured that all data that will be collected would be returned to them or destroyed,

whichever the participants preferred. There were no known risks for being involved

in this study. Other important information of the interviews will be recorded by the

researcher and kept in research journal.

Data Analysis. The data that will be gathered during in the in-depth Interview

are subjected to thematic analysis. The information that will be supplied by the

participant is the primary basis of data analysis. Thematic coding factors can be

considered such as frequency, specificity, emotion, and extensiveness in which the

researcher identifies major themes. The examination of the responses according to

themes and categories will be properly identified. The responses of each informant

during in the in-depth interview will be properly documented by way of taking notes

and audio-recording.

In this study, we will utilize the simple coding for all the informants that will

be gathered. The process of transcribing of information help herein researcher in order

to develop a deeper and better understanding of the information gathered as it

encompasses on what will be represented in the transcription.

Ethical Consideration. Confidentiality and privacy of information are the

primary ethical consideration of this study. The participants will be informed of their
16 1

responses and will be treated as confidential and cannot be disclosed to anybody,

except the graduate school of the University of Cebu.

In order to protect research informant’s privacy, we assure that informants

know his rights through a cover letter and provide them with a consent form. The

consent form that will be provided includes the instructions for the participants on the

nature of the study, the benefits of participating, and the importance of comport with

the process and questions that will be asked to them.

To ensure privacy and confidentiality, any information that will be provided

by the participants in the study will kept confidential. The researcher will not use any

of the information gathered for any purpose outside the research study. No references

will be made in oral and written reports that could link participants to this study. The

researchers used a pseudonym to cover up the participants’ real name. The assume

name “V” mean participant and this considered of four (4) participants who will

actively share their life experiences in the in-depth interview.

Trustworthiness. As to the issue of trustworthiness and credibility which is

very much needed in this phenomenological research, the researchers will make sure

that all information gathered from the participants is recorded and transcribe in

accordance with the standard ruling. Trustworthiness and credibility can be

accomplished by utilizing and the raw data coming from the audio record in the in-

depth interview. The said data consist of personal interviews, interview transcripts,

member checking and follow-up personal interviews of the participants.

To maintain credibility of the research findings, we will set to it that all the

data or information that will be gathered will be of known to the participants in a

manner that their signature will appear on the transcription made so that confirmation

will be made if the data is true or not. If there will be clarification the
17 1

answersprovided by the informants in the transcribed information, there will be a

follow-up question that will be asked. The initial stage of the interview is more on

proper orientation with the informants which includes knowing each and explaining

the purpose or objectives as well as the purpose of this study.

To promote transfer ability, the researchers will do a thorough job of

describing the research context and the assumptions that are essential to research.

Although, transfer ability is considered as a viable naturalistic research objective, the

context in which qualitative data collection occur defines the data and contributes to

the interpretation of the data gathered in the study.

To ensure dependability, the researcher will utilize focused in-depth

interviews process. In the words, if a person wants to replicate your study, they

should have enough information from your research report to do so and obtain similar

findings as your study did. A qualitative researcher can use inquiry audit in order to

establish dependability, which an outside person to review and examine the research

process and the data analysis in order to ensure that the findings are consistent and

could be repeated.

Finally, to ensure conform ability, we agree on the statement of Guba (1981)

that conform ability is the degree of neutrality in the research study’s findings. In the

words, this means that the findings are based on participants’ responses and not any

potential bias or personal motivations of the researcher. This involved making sure

that researcher bias will not knew the interpretation of what the research participants

said to fit a certain narrative. To establish conform ability, qualitative researchers will

provide an audit trail, which highlights every step of data analysis that will be made in

order to provide a rationale for the decision made. This helps establish that the

research study’s findings accurately portray participant’s responses. As to the coding

18 1

for the audit trail, we will see to it that there is said to be checking of the original

transcript. We will categorize every themes coming from there narration and stories

for an easy and accurate access to the information.

19 1


For a better understanding of the study, the succeeding terminologies are

operationally defined:

Drug Surrenderees. Refers to those persons who voluntarily surrendered

themselves to the government through “Oplan Tokhang’.

Motivation to surrender. Refers to the greatest reason of the Surrenderees

that pushes them to surrender.

Experiences of the Drug Surrenderees. Things happen to the Surrenderees

during the “Oplan Tokhang” program of the government.

20 1



Presentation of Data

This chapter dealt with presentation and analysis of data. The data that were

presented are divided into two (2) parts: (1) Motivation of the Drug Surrenderees. (2)

Experiences of the Surrenderees.

The researcher in this phenomenological study appropriately gathered all the

data or information that was gathered from the informants from the process of in-

depth interview. In order to draw closer for the description on the experiences of the

informant, all the data extracted were comprehensively read and systematically

analysed by the researcher. In order to come up with emergent themes, formulated

meanings were developed from the significant statements of every informant. From

the different significant statements, the researchers have constructed three (3)

emergent themes from their motivations to surrender and experiences as drug

surrenderees. These developing themes turned in response to the sub-problems and

summarized as follows:

I. Motivation to surrender

1. New Chapter of Life

2. Misconception of Information
21 1

II. Experiences of Drug Surrenderees

1. Securing Development Program

I. What motivates you to surrender

1. New Chapter of Life. This emergent theme was formulated due to

the responses of the informants, that they were eager to seek for a

new lives, and to become a better individual through “Oplan


Coming from informant one (1) he said;

Kuan sir una sa tanan sir, para sa akong

pamilya sir og para saa akong kaugalingon,

kay kuan gusto ko nga mag bag-o nga dili na

nako paaboton kuan sir ba! Ang droga nay mo

guba sa akong kaugalingon mao nang ni decide

nalang ko nga mu surrender para naa pakoy

kaugmaon sa akong kinabuhi kanang, og para

sad safety akong pagpamuyo diri sa bang-bang

sir ba. Safety sad akong pamilya kanang way

gihuna-huna kay kuan nindot naman kay

isurrender naman ka nga wala nay huna-

hunaon sir ba. (IDII1:SS1) (For my family sir,

and for myself, because I want some changes in

me, and I don’t want to wait that drugs will ruin

my life, that’s why I decided to surrender

22 1

because I want to have a bright future. And for

my safety here in bang-bang sir. And for the

safety of my family. And to have a plain mind

without thinking negative thoughts.)

In the same manner of informant one (1), informant two (2) was also

motivated and encouraged by aspiration to become free from drug. He said;

Una sir kay kanang akong gihuna-huna kay

unsay mahitabo nako kung di ko mo surrender

naa may mga storya storya ana aba. Niya

ikaduha sad kay gusto sab ko mausab ba kay

sukad nga nisod ko aning bisyohasa o sa bisyo

nako sauna kay nausab na ang pagtagad sa

mga tawo nako wala na silay salig nako og

gusto nako tabangan akong kaugalingon.

(IDII2:SS2) (First of all sir, I am afraid of what

will happen to me through rumors. Second I

want a change for myself, because the moment

when I entered that kind of vice. I noticed that I

already lost others trust, and I want to help


According to informant four (4);

Ah kuan sir ah sa ako lang kuan huna-huna

wala gyuy naka tukmod unta para mo surrender

ko kay akong nalantaw og hun-huna nga

23 1

magsige ko aning maong bisyo wala gyud koy

ugma sa akong kinabuhi og magpadayon pako

aning maong bisyo. (IDII4:SS3) (In my mind

sir, there’s no one who pushes me to surrender.

It’s my own choice, because I’ve realize that if I

don’t stop this kind of vice, there’s no bright

tomorrow awaits for me.)

2. Misconception of Information. From the data that was gathered, the

government was unable to fully inform and explain to the

surrenderees of the purpose, advanatages and benefits of Oplan

Tokhang Program. Because of this, the surrenderees thought that if

they will not surrender there will be a negative outcome or there is no

progress after surrendering to the government and also they are afraid

that the government will not provide the promises that was made by

the government.

Informant one (1) shared;

Lisud pud sir kay sauna nako nga namaligya

kaniadto lisud gyud kay mag duha-duha pa ba
kanang murag waka kahibaw unsa imong
buhaton niya murag nay huna-huna na may
daotang mahitabo bahin nimo, nga imong
pagtuo dili sayon ang mangitag desente nga
trabaho nga desente og dako nga income nya
dili pud lalim gyud kay hadlok pud ko nga
basin niyag nay laing mahitabo nako ba.
(IDII1:SS4) (It is difficult sir, because before
the time, when I was trading for illegal drugs
it is difficult. I am confuse, I don’t know what
to do. And I thought there something bad to
happen towards me. And I thought that it is
difficult to seek for decent job with high
24 1

Informant three (3) was afraid of what will happen to him if he refuses to surrender,

he said;

Una sir kay kanang akong gihuna-huna kay

unsay mahitabo nako kung di ko mo
surrender naa may mga storya storya ana
aba. Niya ikaduha sad kay gusto sab ko
mausab ba kay sukad nga nisod ko aning
bisyohasa o sa bisyo nako sauna kay nausab
na ang pagtagad sa mga tawo nako wala na
silay salig nako og gusto nako tabangan akong
kaugalingon. (IDII3:SS5) (First of all sir I think
what will happen to me if I will not surrender,
based on the hearsays towards that concern.
Second, I want to reform my life because
when the time I started that kind of vice I
noticed that the treatment of others towards
me is different than before the time that I
wasn’t yet using drugs, I lost their trust. And I
want to help myself.)
II. Experiences of Drug surrenderee

3. Securing Development Program. Based on the data that was

gathered, we realize that it is indeed, it must be the goal of the

Government to insure that there are plenty of programs and

assistances to be provided to the surrenderees. They must be setting

good examples to everyone so that they can establish good

relationship, and with good relationship, trust occurred and with trust,

harmonious environment can be achieved.

The informant two (1) responded, he said;

Kuan sir sa way labot sa mga pag kaon og

mga pinansyal ilang ilang nahatag nako kay
kuan ilang napabalik nako ang kanang sauna
nakong ako kanang kasaligan sa tao ba
kanang napoy pag salig sa kaogalingon dina
kahadlokan sa uban kuan sad sir kanang
25 1

makaduol duol nakog mga tao nga kana ing di

nako maduolan sauna ana kuan pud daghan
daghan sir pero dili nako ma sulti tanan pero
pina kadako gyud mao gyud nang kanang
gihatag na nabalik nila kanang akong
pagkatawo (IDII1:SS6) (Aside from the food
assistance, and financial assistances, they are
the instrument to become the person I was
before again. I was able to gain the trust of
others and even to myself.)

The informant two (2) at first hesitated to surrender, but due to his positive

observation, he said;

Ang kuan siguro sir kani sigurong pinaagi sa

among pag surrender sir mura gyud mig
mausab kani pung kaning gitawag nilag mga
reformation sir ba mura na pud mig na
nausab pinaagi sa kuan kay daghan kayog
mga prog programa ang gi kuan sa sa
gobyerno sir oy dako gyud kay siyag
gikatabang usa gyud ana gyung ang katong
kuan educational assistance kay naa baya
koy anak nga nag skwela og duh aka buok.
(IDII2:SS7) (In a way that we surrendered
sir, it really lift us up through this so called
reformation, in a manner of assistance
provided by the government sir, especially
the educational assistance it really helps my
children for their school necessities.)

According to informant four (3), he responded;

Dako kayg natabang sir ang gigama sa

governo nga programa nga murag
nahinumduman to nako katong murag
rehabilitation sir og reformation program ba
kay dako ang ang maosab para sa atong
kaogaligon dako sad ang kaosaban sa mga
drug surrenderee. (IDII3:SS8) (It really
brings big help to me sir, the program of the
26 1

government these so called reformation

and rehabilitation program it brings help to
me because it really made me a better
individual. And it makes the significant
changes of the surrenderees
27 1

Analysis of Data

The researches adopted the Phenomenological Approach. It is the most

foundational of qualitative procedures. It is descriptive presentation of qualitative

data. To do so, transcripts of the recorded interviews will be sorted in code names.

Codes will be interpreted and combined to form emergent themes. After categorizing,

identification of how themes are patterned to tell an accurate story about the data will

be done. Data that are unique, markedly dissimilar or contribute to understand the

data will follow. Researchers will then decide which themes make meaningful

contributions to understand what is going on within the data.

This study was anchored to the following theories; First is the Social

Environmetal theory of Albert Bandura, Classical Conditioning of Ivan Pavlov and

Operant Conditioning of BF. Skinner.

Social enviromental theory focuses to the environmental factor that lead to the

surrenderees to change their lives and voluntarily give their selves to the authorities.

While Classical and Operant Conditioning applies to the result of surrenderees

decision. The reward they can get if they surrender or to the punishment they receive

when continuing as non-law abiding citizens.

In application, the social-learning theory relates to surrenderees in a way to

their decision making.

1. Their families and their aspirations of seeking a new life without engaging into

illegal drugs. (I. Motivation to surrender, 1. New Chapter of Life).

2. Some of the surrenderees hesitated to start their healing process of addiction,

because of other people’s negative mindset to them to change into positive one
28 1

and their misinterpretation towards “Oplan Tokhang” (I. Motivations to

surrender, 2. Misconception of Information).

In the perspective of Classical Conditioning, it can applies to the government.

They decided to create a positive reinforcement which is a program “Oplan

Tokhang” to convince drug users and pushers to surrender and at the same time to

reduce the increasing cases to our society which is drugs is the main factor.

1. Through this reinforcement, they thought that it can help to reduce the drug

users and pushers population while reforming them to be a better citizens (II.

Experiences as drug surrenderees, 3. Securing Government Programs).

For Operant Conditioning, it can connect to surrenderees as well. When the

said program started they know that they have only two choices. First, the positive

reward which is to surrender and to get assistance to the government for a certain

period while reforming their selves for a better version. Second, is the negative

reward which is not to surrender but something bad might happen to them and

might affect their family as well.This theory might be applicable to II.

Experiences as Drug Surrenderees under emergent themes “New Chapter of Life”

and “Misconception of Information”.

1. This theory may applies to I. Motivation to surrender, 2. Misconception of

Information, it serves as negative thoughts for those who will not surrender

because they thought that something might happen to them if they will not

give theirselves to the government.

2. This theory may inclined to II. Experiences of the Drug Surrender

under emergent themes 1. New Chapter of Life.

29 1

Based on the gathered information the researchers analyse and categorize the data

and formed into emergent themes which lead to the chosen theory. Through this

analysis the gathered data became more patterned to tell accurate story.
30 1



This chapter dealt with the summary, findings and implications of the study.


This study explored the coping process of the drug surrenderees in Barangay

Bang-Bang, Cordova, Cebu.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What motivates them to surrender?

2. Their experiences as Drug Surrenderees.

This study employed the qualitative research method using the

phenomenological approach. This design directly elevated a significant statement

coming from the drug surrenderees particularly on their motivations to surrender, and

their experiences as drug surrenderee. The interview (composed of one procedure: in-

depth interview).The study was conducted in the Municapilty of Cordova particularly,

in Barangay Bang-Bang.

The informants of this research study were residents and a drug surrenderees

in Barangay Bang-Bang, Cordova, Cebu.Whose undergone the Oplan Tokhang

program of the government.

31 1

There were actually four (4) informants in this study that were being

interviewed through In-Depth Interview (IDI).

In particular, the researcher used an interview guide that was developed using

open-ended questions in order to dig up significant statements coming from the

informants. The panel members of the Research reviewed and approved this guide.

The researcher also used an audio recorder device in documenting the precise

responses of the informants for the duration of the interview.

The data or information that collected after the interview proper was

comprehensively listened and analyzed then accurately transcribed by the researchers.

The transcript of interview was developed by the researchers after the interview

proper was systematically read by the researchers numerous times. Important

statements were collected as basis for the formulation of emergent themes.


There are three (3) emergent themes that the researchers had generated coming

from the responses of the informants.

For the addresses of the informants relating to their motivations, the

researchers created two (2) themes namely: New chapter of life, and Misconception of


Lastly, for the experiences of the drug surrenderess, the researchers formulated

one (1) theme namely; Securing Government Programs.

32 1

Implications for Practice

Based on the inquiry’s findings, the following recommendations, suggestions

and measures for implementation are offered:

Primarily is to strengthen the support mechanisms to all local government

units, the first line of defense in implementing “Oplan Tokhang”. Each barangays

should provide more necessary actions or programs through the Barangay Anti-Drug

Abuse Council to attract drug personalities, and to start their new journey which is a

life without illegal drugs.

Second, is that the Philippine National Police should provide more sufficient

actions, harmless approach to attract drug personalities to surrender.

Third, is that the Philippine National Police organization and the government

should stress out efforts on providing quick but efficient law enforcement by

studying successful anti-drug campaign methods of other countries and

adopt it progressively into their system.

Lastly, I had found out in my study that the coping exerted by the

informants was due to the attraction of benefits and certain assistance

offered to them by the government. And the recommendation of the

researchers, is that it should be in a continuous term.

Implication for the Future Studies

The researcher recommended the conduct of in-depth inquiry on

the following topics:

33 1

First would be to conduct a quantitative study of the effectiveness of Oplan

Tokhang. From the last year’s surrenderees record try to correlate it to the current

surrenderees record. Try to check the number of last year’s surrenderees statistics.

This is to measure how effective the oplan tokhang program, and this is to know if the

said program really give reformation or dependency to the government.

Second would be on the government itself concerning their programs,

methods, and strategies on how to preserve a lifetime reformation program to the

surrenderees. This is suggested for the reason of teaching the surrenderees on being

independent instead of being dependent on the government of what they can give to

the surrenderees.

Third would be on the effect of the program to the lives of the surrenderees.

This is to know if it really gives positive or negative effect to the surrenderees, their

family, and to the society.

34 1


Caday, F. D. (2017). Causes of Drg Abuse among College Students: The Philippine


Morrell, H. (2016). Drug Education Program.

Neron, R. (2016). War on Crime and Drugs: Understanding support for the Anti-

Crime and Anti-Drugs Campaign.

Tamayo, A. (2018). Oplan Tokhang Operation in Police Regional Office XI: An


Clerkin, P. (2004). Development of a Parent’s Resource Manual Booklet to equip

parents/guardians to provide early and appropriate response to young people’s

substance use. Retrieved from

Shaw, A. (2007). Drugs and Poverty: A literature review. Retrieved from
35 1


36 1



A.C Cortes Ave,. Looc Mandaue City

College of Criminology


You are invited to take part in the qualitative research study entitled: “Tokhang

Surrenderees: A Coping Journey”. You were chosen for the study because you

qualified the subject of this study which is a drug surrenderee. This form is called

“inform consent” to allow you to understand this study before deciding to take part of

it. This study is being conducted by a researcher namely; Lorraine April B. Ancla, the

lead researcher, and Ryan S. Sugarol who are undergoing Bachelor’s degree in

Criminology at University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue.

Background Information:

This study focused on the different experiences of tokhang surrenderees in

their coping process. This research study will further identify your lives as a tokhang

surrenderees which will involve your challenges and positive experiences in your

coping processes.


If you agree to be in the study, you will be asked to answer questions

personally presented by the researchers (60-90 minutes). This consent form must be

signed by you in order for the interview to be conducted. With your approval, the

interview will be recorded. This helps the researchers to analyze the exact word you

utter and to keep your statements in context.

37 1

Voluntary Nature of the Study:

Your participation in this study is voluntary. Your decision whether or not to

join will not affect your current or future relations with any institution, agency or

person. If you decide to participate then feel free to answer the interviewed question.

You may skip any questions that you feel are too personal or those that intimidates

you. There are no known risks for being involved in this study.


You will not be provided any incentive to take part in the research.


Any information you provide in the study will be kept confidential. The

researcher will not use your information for any purposes outside of this research

project. No references will be made in oral or written reports that could link

participants to the study. A pseudonym will be used rather than your real name.

Contacts and Questions:

If you have any clarifications or questions about this study or with

regards to the procedures, you may contact the researcher via cell no. 09420641401
38 1




A.C Cortes Ave,. Looc Mandaue City

College of Criminology



The purpose of this study is to have an in-depth understanding on the

“Tokhang Surrenderees in Coping a New Journey” This will be accomplished through

in-depth interview only, with a time duration of 60-90 minutes. Rests assure that the

information that you give will be regarded with utmost confidentiality.

I. What motivates you to surrender

1. What motivates you to surrender?

(Unsa man ang nag tukmod nimo para mu surrender?)

2. How hard it is for you to decide to be a surrenderee?

(Unsa kalisod para nimo mu desisyon na mu surrender?)

II. Experience as Drug Surrenderee

1. What are the challenges you encountered as a drug surrenderee?

(Unsa man ang mga kakulian ang imong nasinati isip usa ka drug


2. How did you address the challenges you encounter during the process?
39 1

(Gi-unsa man nimo pag atubang ang mga problema na naabot sa proceso

isip surrenderee?)

3. What are the contributions of the government in you as drug surrenderee?

(Unsa ang nahatag sa gobyerno kanimo isip drug surrenderee?)

40 1
41 1
42 1
43 1


Map of Research Environment

44 1


Personal Background

Name : Lorraine April Ancla

Date of Birth : April 23, 1994

Addres : Block 8, Lot 8, Deca homes 5, Sudtonggan Basak, Lapu-Lapu


Father’s Name : Joseph F. Ancla

Mother’s Name : Bebilinda B. Ancla

Educational Background

College University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

A.C Cortes, Ave. Looc, Mandaue City

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

March 2019

Secondary Nagpayong National High School

March 2012

Elementary Nagpayong Elementary School

March 2007
45 1


Personal Background

Name : Ryan S. Sugarol

Date of Birth :March 27,1995

Address : Bang-bang, Cordova, Cebu City

Father’s Name : Russel Sugarol

Mother’s Name : Rivina Sugarol

Educational Background

College University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

A.C Cortes, Ave. Looc, Mandaue City

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

March 2019

Secondary Cordova Catholic Cooperative School

March 2012

Elementary Bang-bang Elementary School

March 2008

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