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Firstly, and most importantly, we would like to show our gratitude to everyone who answered the survey.
We understand how difficult it is to talk about such personal experiences and we appreciate how much
you chose to share with us. This is as much your report as it is ours. We would like to thank all who made
this survey possible. That is everyone who believed in our cause, donated their time, and/or provided
financial contributions - enabled the production of this report.

We commend the solidarity of LGBT and Human Rights in Nigeria; The Rainbow Alive Hub Initiative
(TRAHI), Think Positive Live Positive Initiative (TPLPI), The Initiative for Equal Rights Nigeria (TIERs),
Queer-Alliance, and many other charities and NGOs who encouraged their service users and members to
complete the survey.

Executive Summary:
This survey report delves into the unique needs and challenges faced by sexual minority refugee and
migrants in Nigeria. By surveying 25 displaced sexual minority individuals from various regions of the
country, we aimed to gain a profound understanding of their desires for relocation, their longing for an
accepting and inclusive environment, and the obstacles they encounter when accessing support services
and legal assistance. The findings highlight the urgent need for safer relocation options, with a notable
preference for Lagos State, as well as the critical challenges faced in accessing legal support. This report
underscores the significance of creating an inclusive environment and providing essential support
services to address the needs of sexual minority refugee and migrants effectively.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background:
This survey was conducted against the backdrop of a lack of comprehensive data regarding the
experiences and hardships faced by sexual minority refugee and migrants in Nigeria. Recognizing the
dearth of information and the urgent need to understand their specific needs, this survey was designed
to shed light on their circumstances and to advocate for their rights and well-being.

1.2 Significance of the Study:

This study carries significant implications as it endeavors to fill the knowledge gap surrounding the
experiences and challenges encountered by sexual minority refugee and migrants. By delving into their
unique needs and vulnerabilities, this survey equips policymakers, organizations, and advocates with
evidence-based insights to develop targeted interventions, policies, and support systems that will
empower and uplift this marginalized population.

Chapter 2: Methodology

2.1 Piloting and Data Collection:

Prior to the official launch of the survey, a rigorous piloting phase was implemented. The aim was to
refine and enhance the questionnaire's clarity, validity, and effectiveness. Feedback from a diverse group
of individuals, including LGBTQ activists, experts, and community leaders, was solicited and incorporated
into the final survey instrument. Following the piloting phase, data collection commenced, adhering to
strict ethical guidelines to ensure the anonymity, confidentiality, and well-being of the respondents.

Chapter 3: Survey Findings

3.1 Ethics and Sampling:

Respondents were informed at the start of the survey consent would be assumed by their completion of
the questions, and answers would be anonymized and kept confidential (to that end all respondents
cited in this report have been anonymized or given pseudonyms, and specific details of age and location
have been minimized). No individually identifying information (emails, addresses, etc.) was requested.
All respondents were told they could stop completing the survey at any time without it compromising
them in any way, and without having to provide a reason. We followed ethical guidance from the Social
Research Association (2003) and the Association of Internet Researchers (2012). We acknowledged
completing the survey could be cathartic and helpful for respondents, or potentially distressing. We
included details of support services for GBTQ sex workers (in and outside Nigeria) at the start of the
survey, along with a dedicated email where respondents could ask for further information and support.

Respondents were made aware through the survey title, use of logos, and correspondence address as
well as introduction to the research that the survey was being run by and for The Most Supportive. 25
people aged 19-32 completed the questionnaire. They were all citizens scattered across the 36 states in,
Ethical considerations were of paramount importance throughout the survey process. Informed consent
was obtained from each participant, emphasizing the voluntary nature of participation and the
assurance of strict confidentiality. The sampling strategy aimed to ensure diversity and representation by
including respondents from various regions, backgrounds, and identities. This approach allowed for a
comprehensive analysis of the needs, challenges, and experiences of sexual minority refugee and

Chapter 4: Analysis of Collected Data of the Respondents

4.1 Findings:
The analysis of the collected data provides profound insights into the multifaceted needs and challenges
faced by sexual minority refugee and migrants in Nigeria. The findings underscore their overwhelming
desire for relocation to a safer state, with a considerable preference for Lagos State. Participants
expressed a strong yearning for an accepting and inclusive environment that fosters support services,
safety, and opportunities for rebuilding their lives. Furthermore, the data revealed significant obstacles
in accessing legal support, with distressing reports of harassment, extortion, and arrests directly linked to
their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion:
The findings of this extensive survey report highlight the pressing need to address the specific needs and
challenges faced by sexual minority refugee and migrants in Nigeria. The resounding desire for relocation
to a safer state, particularly Lagos State, signifies their yearning for an environment that embraces
acceptance, inclusivity, and equitable access to support services. The difficulties encountered in
accessing legal support serve as a poignant reminder of the vulnerability and discrimination experienced
by this marginalized community.

5.2 Recommendations:
Based on the survey findings, a series of comprehensive recommendations emerge to support and
empower sexual minority refugee and migrants in Nigeria:
● Establish safe an inclusive spaces where sexual minority refugee and migrants can access a range
of support services, including healthcare, mental health counseling, legal aid, and social
assistance programs.
● Strengthen legal protections and advocate for policy reforms to address discrimination, violence,
and human rights abuses against LGBTQ individuals, with a specific focus on sex worker rights
and the intersectional challenges they face.
● Foster collaboration and dialogue among governmental bodies, civil society organizations,
human rights advocates, and international agencies to develop and implement comprehensive
policies and programs that address the specific needs of sexual minority refugee and migrants.
● Conduct further research and data collection initiatives to continuously monitor the evolving
needs, challenges, and experiences of this vulnerable population, informing evidence-based
interventions and policy developments.

In conclusion, this survey report serves as a clarion call to all stakeholders, policymakers, and advocates
to urgently address the needs of sexual minority refugee and migrants in Nigeria. By recognizing their
unique challenges, amplifying their voices, and implementing targeted interventions, we can foster a
society that respects and protects the rights and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their sexual
orientation or gender identity.

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