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Crafting a thesis, especially on complex topics like the Western Frontier Thesis, presents significant

challenges. The process demands rigorous research, critical analysis, and coherent argumentation.
Many students find themselves grappling with extensive readings, data collection, and the daunting
task of organizing their thoughts into a cohesive academic paper.

The Western Frontier Thesis, a seminal concept in American history, requires a deep understanding of
historical contexts, primary sources, and scholarly debates. It involves exploring the impact of
westward expansion on American society, economy, and culture, while also considering diverse
perspectives and interpretations.

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the Western Frontier.
An-I Andy Wang Geoff Kuenning, Peter Reiher, Gerald Popek. Why did Americans of European
descent feel so compelled to expand the country westward. Together with his announcement from
the closing from the frontier, furthermore, Turner implied the nation would have to undergo an
unpleasant transition, from a solid idea of America like a land of endless limitations, to 1 which
needed Americans to simply accept their nation was finally a closed-space world, replete using the
limitations natural within. What are the significant social modifications forming individuals' lives
throughout this era. Another central aspect of Turner’s frontier thesis was that the frontier had made
the United States different from Europe. America was settled 30,000 years ago by Asian people. But
the availability of opportunities should not be confused with the origination of democratic ideas
(Degler, 137). MAIN IDEA: The culture of the Plains Indians declines as white settlers transform the
Great Plains. It explained why the American people and American government were so different
from Europeans. Sometimes it is an area where the civilization and wilderness meets, and other times
the western part of the United States. Western Territories are already populated by the Native
Americans. Frontier. Boundary between settled and the unsettled lands. Words To Know. Populism-
The movement of the people Bimetallism- A monetary system in which the government would give
citizens either gold or silver in exchange of paper currency or checks. Unfortunately, there wasn't any
enforcement for this Act, and because of its vague wording, companies actually used it against labor
unions. Buffalo c) Fish Llama d) Horse The U.S government made many treaties with Native
American tribes and always followed them. Turner drew on his knowledge of evolution, and his own
research into the fur trade frontier. Chapter 6: The Constitution and the New Republic. Highlights.
Framing a New Government Federalists and Republicans Establishing National Sovereignty The
Downfall of the Federalists. Scopes was found guilty but this sparked a heated controversy over
whether or not evolution religion should dictate education. By: Ashley Miller, Garrett Meinhardt,
and Alejando Morales. This westward expansion could explain the American development, the
national character as well as its democracy. Immigrants, African Americans, and white Americans
eagerly moved into the new frontier to mine, ranch, and establish farms. Turner believed that this
settling of a wild area of “free land” was an important factor in shaping the American character.
Allowing women and minorities to join the union Signing up low-wage, unskilled immigrant laborers.
Buffalo c) Fish Llama d) Horse The U.S government made many treaties with Native American
tribes and always followed them. Take notes in the wagons below to about each of the headings
regarding trails to the West. Profiles and Trends in West Virginia Higher Education: The Public
Discourse Presented to the Advisory Council of Faculty July 30, 2007. How did Gustavus Swift and
Joseph Gliden impact the cowboy and promote ranching. Johnson, MPA, JD Advanced Placement
United States History School for Advanced Studies. He says ideas are more dangerous than nuclear
weapons, more constructive than all the sources of energy harnessed. A few events that preceded the
opening of the west were: Confederation. Virginia City, NV Gold Rush Story:California rush for
gold started in 1849.
He also discusses, however, that with completion of the frontier's presence, the first period of
American history had actually come to a close, which was a majorly controversial statement. What
might 19th-century Native Americans have said about Manifest Destiny. An-I Andy Wang Geoff
Kuenning, Peter Reiher, Gerald Popek. These special qualities would later influence the whole
nation. The paper will end with a look at the West as a myth. During the 1760s, the “Frontier” might
have been anywhere west of the Appalachians. When geographers study reasons for major
migrations, they look at what they call “push-pull factors” These are events that: Force or “push”
people to move somewhere else OR. The West of the war ofthe West of Clay, and Benton, and
Harrison, and Andrew Jackson, turner off ethnic groups essay the Middle States and the mountains
from the thesis sections, had a solidarity of its own with full tendencies. The Tet Offensive during
Johnson's time led to anit-war. Finally, in Nevada miners found more Silver than Gold. And many
ethic groups settled in areas dominated by their own people and showed resistance to change. It
moved to the Southwest during the mining booms of the 1850s; the Rocky Mountain region later
still. This resulted in discrimination and conflict between European settlers and Native Americans.
Shortage of lumber on the Plains led to sod houses: thickly matted soil. The vacant, immeasurable
land in the western frontier enabled. Opposite to the tactics used by his opponent Richard Nixon
who emphasized his experience during the. A few events that preceded the opening of the west were:
Confederation. Quartz Mining: blasting rock from mountainside and crushing it to separate gold
from the rocks. Classic by Frederick Jackson Turner: The significance of the frontier in American
History reprinted online. It explained why the American people and American government were so
different from Europeans. It could, if they worked hard, give them even more wealth and money.
The cattle industry booms in the late 1800s, as the culture of the Plains Indians declines. Describe the
ways that new technology changed open-range ranching. Written content that originated in part from
Wikipedia is also available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. How
the West was Made The Western Frontier began in 1843 with the Oregon Trail, and ended in 1893.
Culture of the Plains Indians Native Americans saw land as belonging to no one. Sand Creek
Massacre Death on the Bozeman Trail Sioux Chief Red Cloud Crazy Horse. The Transcontinental
Railroad made Native American move. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the settlement of
the West. By: Ashley Miller, Garrett Meinhardt, and Alejando Morales.
Settlers saw that destroying buffaloes would force out Indian dependence on the land. This was used
to justify the continuous expansion of America but through imperialism. The Stagecoach. Horse-
drawn coaches Carried people and the mail Westward. Furthermore, the Great Depression led to
many believing America was unable to financially sustain foreign intervention. More particularly,
Turner claimed that characteristics and traits which developed throughout the Nineteenth-Century
push from East to West — individualism, nationalism, mobility, egalitarianism — not just deviated in
the perceived standard American cultural attitudes which won at that time, but eventually found
dominate the development from the American character. To turn cattle ranching into a successful
business, ranchers needed way to get western herds in the East. Consider the following changes that
occurred in the United States in the late 19 th century: Overcrowding of cities Increases in
immigration from Europe Opportunity for farming and mining in rural areas These changes led to. A
vast stretch between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. Although the Gold Rush was
ending in California, news of other gold mines sprang in other places. Allowing women and
minorities to join the union Signing up low-wage, unskilled immigrant laborers. The horse and
buffalo were crucial to the Native Americans which usually lived with extended families. The Main
Points A mining boom brought growth to the West. Turner’s estimated effect of the frontier on
American politics and institutions was also exaggerated. A few events that preceded the opening of
the west were: Confederation. The Plains are a vast stretch of America, West of the Mississippi
River. As Turner puts it: “The legislation which most developed the powers of the national
government, and played the largest part in its activity, was conditioned on the frontier” (Turner, 95).
Although the Gold Rush was ending in California, news of other gold mines sprang in other places.
Turner considered Native Americans to be of little significance. Once you have completed all eight
(8) of your sentences describing the relationships between the stakeholders on the Western Frontier,
you will need to thoughtfully categorize each of the relationships you have articulated. This was used
to justify the racism of whites against blacks. Meanwhile, farmers form the Populist movement to
address their economic concerns. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and
word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Person living in East: You live in
the East and are worried that aggressive tactics could make the problem worse. Carnegie argued that
the wealthy should use their money to better those that didn't have their own wealth. Culture of the
Plains Indians Native Americans saw land as belonging to no one. It has one-hundred foot tall trees.
Amazing. I would want to see that. The cattle industry booms in the late 1800s, as the culture of the
Plains Indians declines. After the Revolutionary War Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance.
After the California Gold Rush ended in the mid-1850s, miners began prospecting in other parts of
the West. The Exam paper. Remember that it is just like the structure of the medicine paper: Question
1 (4 marks ) INFERENCE.
THE WILDERNESS ROAD In 1775, Daniel Boone blazed a trail from Virginia through the into
central Kentucky. For example, to many women and minorities and of course the Indians, the West
was no promised land. Meanwhile, farmers form the Populist movement to address their economic
concerns. Upon completion,students should be able to: Contrast the cultures of the Native-Americans
and White settlers and explain why the settlers moved west. Upon completion,students should be
able to: Contrast the cultures of the Native-Americans and White settlers and explain why the
settlers moved west. The Indian Wars D. Cowboys E. Sodbusters F. Western Culture G. The Closing
of the Frontier (1890). During the nest 140 years, it was lengthened, following Native American
trails, to reach the Falls of the Ohio at Louisville. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the settlement of the West. Turner’s Frontier
Thesis. “The Significance of the Frontier in American History” 1893. Civil War Eastern Farmland
Costs Failed Entrepreneurs Race and Religious Persecution Competition for Jobs. The rest of the
land was to be sold to white people to create schools for Native American assimilation. Allowing
women and minorities to join the union Signing up low-wage, unskilled immigrant laborers. William
Jennings Bryan was a fundamentalist and assisted the prosecution while Clarence Darrow joined the
defense. In response to President Jackson's argument for Indian removal, John Ross and the leaders
of the Cherokee Indian nation that was threatened with removal tried to argue their case before
Congress and the American people for Indian's rights to their land, culture, and way of full. Culture
of the Plains Indians Native Americans saw land as belonging to no one. The Four-Power, Five-
Power, and Nine-Power treaties emerged from the Washington Naval Conference, later modified by
the London Naval Treaty of 1930 and the Second London Naval Treaty of 1936. The horse and
buffalo were crucial to the Native Americans which usually lived with extended families. This thesis
dominated much of the scholarship on the history of the United States until the 1960s. Text is
available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; essay about atomic structure
of water terms may apply. Buffalo c) Fish Llama d) Horse The U.S government made many treaties
with Native American tribes and always followed them. Allowing women and minorities to join the
union Signing up low-wage, unskilled immigrant laborers. The BIG Picture. As Native Americans
gradually lost their battle for their lands in the West, settlers brought in new enterprises—mining,
ranching, and farming. Words To Know. Populism- The movement of the people Bimetallism- A
monetary system in which the government would give citizens either gold or silver in exchange of
paper currency or checks. The Western myth The frontier has become essential to Americans’
becoming who they are as a people. Men like Rockefeller (Standard Oil Co., Carnegie (Carnegie
Steel Company), and J. P. Morgan (banker). Vertical integration is the process of owning all the
means to production, while horizontal means all the competition are bought out. Du Bois stressed
that freedmen should seek education and use their knowledge to change. The culture of the Plains
Indians declines as white settlers transform the Great Plains. He believed that the government needed
to play a big role in controlling the economy. BILLY THE KID. The Cherokee. Currently there are
three federally recognized Cherokee tribes.
The idea that the source of America's power and uniqueness was gone was a distressing concept for
some intellectuals. Giving back to the community and providing philanthropic aid became the main
goal of the Gospel of Wealth. Here's the Chinook region. Climate. The Chinook climate isn't too hot;
it isn't too cold. Description. It took settlers 250 years to settle in the west. This resulted in
discrimination and conflict between European settlers and Native Americans. School desegregation
occurred with Brown v. Board. MLK was one of the key speakers for civil rights and lead protests
and marches. Turner has also been criticized when he defines the frontier. This was used to justify
the continuous expansion of America but through imperialism. Summarize the events that led to
contact between Europeans and West Africans. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 caused
the first flood of newcomers to the West The California gold rush set off a feverish quest for gold
and silver throughout the West that would extend well into the 1890s. Turner’s Frontier Thesis. “The
Significance of the Frontier in American History” 1893. Cattle were loaded onto railcars and taken
to stockyards in Chicago where they were sold by head. Humid continental. The first governor of
West Virginia was:. Arthur I. Boreman. Which of these rivers does not form part of the border of
West Virginia?. A. Potomac B. Ohio C. Monongahela D. Tug Fork. Yet beneath the surface, there
was an up and down cycle of boom and bust. The rest of the land was to be sold to white people to
create schools for Native American assimilation. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration
and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Some went West for economic opportunity
Miners for gold, silver, and copper Some went West for land Farmers and ranchers Some went West
to escape religious persecution. This is actually the idea of successive frontiers. As more settlers
pushed west, the Native Americans were forced off their lands and onto reservations. Homestead Act
produced explosion of settlement in western territories. Description. It took settlers 250 years to
settle in the west. Why did Americans of European descent feel so compelled to expand the country
westward. Northerners who moved south were called carpetbaggers and southern white republicans
were called scalawags. Take notes in the wagons below to about each of the headings regarding trails
to the West. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution gave Johnson the power to declare war without Congress.
Why did Americans call the Plains the Great White Desert. One of the big labor unions was The AFL
led by Samuel Gompers (1886). He proposed it as a part of his 14 points plan, but was unable to get
it passed in Congress, because they wanted to avoid US involvement in further warfare. This is an
argument advanced by the historian Frederick Jackson Turner in that the thesis of the distinctive
egalitarian, democratic, aggressive, and innovative features of the American text has been the
American Frontier experience. It was built using government subsidies and bonds, and the land was
provided by government grants.

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