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Stoneground | Unbleached | Flavourful | No additives | No preservatives | GMO-free | Glyphosate-free

Tw enty - fi v e y ear s ago, the gr een and gol d bea u t y o f
the Ov er ber g i ns pi r ed tw o Souther n C ape far m e rs t o
bui l d a fl our m i l l i n thei r s hed.

T hei r dr eam w as to c r eate s m al l - batc h fl our to b o o s t

thei r i nc om e and m ax i m i s e the s un- k i s s ed w h e a t
ber r i es that gr ow i n the ar ea. T hey w er en’ t to k n o w
then that thei r fl av our ful , s tonegr ound pr odu c t
w oul d qui c k l y gar ner a pas s i onate fol l ow i ng amo n g
pr ofes s i onal bak er s , c hefs , foodi es , and D IY ba k e rs !

As dem and for thei r pr oduc ts gr ew, the m i l l s lo w l y

ex panded to c r eate m or e j ob oppor tuni ti es and t h e i r
pr oduc t r ange took off.

Today, Eur ek a M i l l s i s r enow ned for i ts ex c ept i o n a l

s tonegr ound fl our s , eas y hom e m i x es , r eady - b a k e d
r us k s , c ook i es , c hees e s ti c k s and w r aps .
bakin g for compl ete beginners

T h e r e ’s n o th i ng n i cer tha n com ing hom e to the com for ting sm ell
o f b aki n g . If yo u ’ ve a l w ays wanted bake but br eak into a cold
s w ea t e ve ry ti me yo u see a r ecipe, we’ve got you cover ed.
T h e e a sy (yet g o rge o u s!) r ecipes in this booklet don’t call for
s p e c i al eq u i pmen t o r mu ch skill. Have fun tr ying som ething new
a n d e n j oy th e d e l i ci ou s r esults with your fr iends and fam ily.

5 B ak in g tips & tr ic ks fo r n ew b i e s – p a g e 0 1
Air Fr ye r Appl e Fr it t e rs – p a g e 0 3
C ar rot C ake – pag e 0 5
E as y Pie C r u st – pa g e 07
Gre e k Yog u r t B rown i e s – p a g e 0 9
H e r tzog g ie s – pag e 1 1
Le m on Loaf – pag e 1 3
M oist C h oc ol ate C u p c a ke s – p a g e 1 5
Qu ic k & E as y C h oc o l a t e Mi c rowave C a ke – p a g e 1 7
W h ol e W h e at B an an a B re a d – p a g e 1 9
3 In g re die n ts B u tte r C o o k i e s – p a g e 2 1

Re cip e s b y L a n a d e Be e r
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 01


Here a re f i ve ba ki ng ti p s a nd tr i c ks
ever y beg i nner s hou l d have u p
thei r s l eeve:

1. Cooking may be an art, but baking is science. Don’t guess or eyeball any
quantities when you are baking – measure everything carefully.

2. Do not over mix your batter. Lumps are good for pastries because it
makes them more airy and fluffy.

3. Keep a close eye on the clock. In baking, seconds matter. If you are
nervous about losing track of time, set a reminder alarm on your phone.

4. Always bake in the centre of the oven. The heat is evenly distributed and
the tops and bottoms are not in danger of burning or browning too quickly.

5. Go for gold. Use the best ingredients that you can afford. Quality
ingredients will enhance the finished product.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 03


makes 4

T h e a i r f r ye r h as be c ome a stapl e in many homes, and w i th

goo d re a s o n – it ’s so quick and easy to use! Everyone w i l l
love th e s e d e lic ious ap p le fritters.

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

1½ cups Eureka Mills Cake Flour 1. Preheat your air fryer to 180˚C.
¼ cup Sugar 2. Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon
1½ tsp Baking Powder and salt together.
1½ tsp ground Cinnamon 3. In a separate bowl, mix the eggs, milk and
Small pinch of Salt vanilla together.
2 Eggs 4. Pour this mixture into the dry ingredients and
½ cup Milk mix well until combined. Fold through the
1 tsp Vanilla Essence chopped apples.
2 medium Apples (golden delicious), peeled, 5. Spray and cook a square of baking paper to
cored and cut into small cubes fit your air fryer basket. Depending on the size
of your air fryer, spoon 3-4 fritter sized circle-
shapes of the mixture onto the paper. Use the
Glaze: back of a spoon to flatten them slightly.
1 cup Icing Sugar, sifted 6. Bake in the air fryer for 5 minutes, then turn
2 Tbsp Milk over and bake for a further 3 minutes.

Mix the icing sugar and milk together then drizzle
over your fritters.

Add a teaspoon of
tinned caramel to
the glaze for a sweet,
caramel apple treat.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 05


T h is ca rro t c ake is p ac ke d w ith fl avour. The cinnamon m a kes

it sm e l l won d e r f ul an d t h e crushed pineappl e transforms i t
f ro m s o -s o t o sump t uous.

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

Cake: Cake Method:

2 cups Eureka Mills Cake Flour 1. Preheat oven 180˚C.
2 tsps Baking Powder 2. Mix together the dry ingredients.
1½ tsps Baking Soda 3. In a separate bowl mix the oil and eggs
1 tsp Salt together then add to the dry ingredients.
1 tsp Cinnamon 4. Fold in the grated carrots and crushed
1½ cups Sugar pineapple (syrup included).
1½ cups Canola Oil 5. Pour equal amounts of batter into two
4 Eggs greased and lined cake tins.
2 cups Finely Grated Carrots 6. Bake for 50 - 60 minutes.
1 can Crushed Pineapple including syrup
Optional: chopped pecan nuts

Icing: Icing:
120 g room temperature Butter 1. Cream the butter and vanilla essence.
1 tsp Vanilla Essence 2. Gradually add the icing sugar.
4 cups Icing Sugar 3. Lightly fold in the cream cheese.
250 g Cream Cheese

Addi ng t he
pi neapple syr up i s
a M UST, i t adds t o
t he moi st ness of
t he cake.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 07


A g o o d pi e c r ust c an be transformed into a savoury meal –

t h in k h e a r ty c h ic ke n p ie – or a sophisticated dessert
s er ve d wi th wh ip p e d c re am. Once you have mastered th i s
p ie cr u st re c ip e, t h e re will be no stopping you.

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

1¼ cups Eureka Mills Cake Flour 1. Grate the cold butter.

¼ tsp Salt 2. Combine the flour, sugar and salt.
½ tsp Sugar 3. Rub in the butter with your fingertips until
¼ cup cold Water coarse crumbs form.
½ cup cold Butter 4. Add the ice water one tablespoon at a time
until a ball forms.
5. Wrap in plastic wrap and let chill for at least
1 hour.
6. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 190˚C with piece
of parchment paper weighted with beans.

Optional Filling: No Bake Key Lime Pie

1 tin Sweetened Condensed Milk
½ cup Lime Juice
1 cup Whipped Cream

1. Whisk together the condensed milk and

lime juice until mixture thickens.
2. Fold in the whipped cream until well mixed.
3. Pour into pie crust, cover with plastic wrap
and refrigerate for 1 hour.

T h e b u tter must be
co l d a s i t ens ures a
l i g h t, fl a k y c rust.
I d e a l for ho me
fre ezing.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 09


makes 12 squares

These brownies are one of those classics that add a little bit
of “yum” to any gathering. You can also serve these with a
dollop of vanilla bean ice-cream or thick, plain yoghurt.

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

1 cup Chocolate Chips 1. Preheat oven to 180˚C.

1 cup Greek Yogurt 2. Mix the yogurt and sugar until smooth.
½ cup Sugar 3. Add the dry ingredients and mix until just
¾ cup Eureka Mills Cake Flour combined.
1 tsp Baking Powder 4. Add the milk and mix well.
½ cup Cocoa Powder 5. Fold in the chocolate chips.
½ tsp Baking Soda 6. Pour into small greased square pan.
½ cup Milk 7. Bake for 25 minutes.
8. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes before
transferring to wire rack.

Add a teaspoon of
instant coffee to the
milk for a more intense
chocolate flavour.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 1 1

makes 12

These coconut and jam tarts are delicious - and have an interesting history.
They were named after General J.B.M Hertzog who was the South African prime
minister between 1924 and 1939. He loved these tartlets and - the story goes -
they were originally baked for him by the Cape Malay community to show their
support for him when he promised to give women and Coloureds the vote. Sadly,
he only honoured the first commitment. Now you can make history in your
kitchen by baking these teatime treats.

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

Crust: Crust Method:

250 g Eureka Mills Cake Flour 1. Mix together the dry ingredients.
25 g Castor Sugar 2. Use your fingertips to rub in the butter.
10 ml Baking Powder 3. Add the water and egg yolks.
1 ml Salt 4. Mix till soft dough forms.
125 g room temperature Butter 5. Roll the dough out on a floured surface and
3 Egg Yolks use a circle cookie cutter.
15 ml Cold Water 6. Place circles into a greased cupcake pan.

Filling: Filling:
50 ml Apricot Jam 1. Place a teaspoon of jam in the middle of
each circle.
Topping: 2. Beat the egg whites and gradually add
3 Egg Whites castor sugar till stiff peaks form.
250 g Castor Sugar 3. Fold in the desiccated coconut.
160 g Desiccated Coconut 4. Spoon over the filling.

Bake for 20 - 25 minutes at 180˚C.

Let cool slightly in pan before removing.

This crust can be

used as a base for
any small handheld tart .
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 1 3

makes 1 loaf

E ve ry o n e l ove s t h e t ar t sweetness of a l emon l oaf that

m el ts i n y our m out h . C h ances are it w il l remind you of tea
w it h y o u r o um a or c om in g home from boarding school for
t h e h o l i da ys. Im p re ss y ou r famil y w ith this firm favourit e.

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

Loaf: 1. Preheat oven to 180˚C.

1 cup Castor Sugar 2. Cream the sugar and eggs together till light
2 Eggs, beaten and pale yellow.
¼ cup Canola or Sunflower Oil 3. Add the oil and lemon rind and beat well.
¼ Tbsp Lemon Rind 4. Sift in the dry ingredients.
1½ cups Eureka Mills Cake Flour 5. Add the milk and fold in until just combined.
1½ tsp Baking Powder 6. Pour into greased loaf pan and bake for
¼ tsp Salt 40 minutes.
½ cup Buttermilk 7. While baking, boil the sugar and lemon juice
together to make the syrup.
Syrup: 8. Pour over loaf as soon as it comes out of
4 Tbsp Sugar the oven.
1½ Tbsp Lemon Juice

R eplace t he lemon j u i ce
wi t h orange j ui ce
or coffee t o make
di fferent flavour
syr ups.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 1 5


makes 12

T h is s i m p l e c h oc olat e c upcake recipe is one of the best

rec i p e s to kic k of f wit h b ecause it’s so quick and forgivi ng .

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

½ cup Cocoa Powder 1.Preheat oven to 180˚C.

1 cup Eureka Mills Cake Flour 2. Sift the dry ingredients together.
1 cup Sugar 3. In a separate bowl mix the wet ingredients.
1 tsp Baking Soda 4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients and
½ tsp Baking Powder whisk together until just combined.
½ tsp Salt 5. Pour into a greased cupcake pan.
1 Egg 6. Bake for 18-20 minutes.
½ cup warm Water
½ cup Buttermilk
¼ cup Canola Oil
½ cap Vanilla essence

Icing: Icing:
1 cup unsalted Butter, softened 1. Beat the butter with a handheld or standing
½ cup Cocoa Powder mixer until creamed.
3 cups Icing Sugar 2. Add the cocoa powder and mix until blended.
3. Add the icing sugar, 1 cup at a time, making
sure it is well blended. Scrape down the sides
occasionally to make sure it is all incorporated.
4. Put the icing into a piping bag with star nozzle,
and pipe it onto the cooled cupcakes.
P o u r i n g over a s imple
s y r u p (b oiled s uga r
a n d wa te r ) will extend
th e l i fe of yo ur
cu p ca ke s - o r c a ke -
a n d ke e p t hem mo ist
fo r l onger.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 1 7



Everyone loves a chocolate cake – especially when it’s freshly

baked. This is a fudgy treat that’s perfect for birthdays and
other celebrations. Make sure you have friends over to share
it with, otherwise you’ll be tempted to eat it all…

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

500 ml Eureka Mills Cake Flour 1. Mix together all the ingredients and pour
150 ml Cocoa Powder into a ring-mould microwave safe pan.
10 ml Baking Powder 2. Bake for 10 minutes on high.
5 ml Baking Soda 3. Let cool slightly before removing from pan.
2 Eggs
310 ml Castor Sugar
250 ml Mayonnaise
250 ml Water
5 ml Vanilla Essence

C a ke Tru f fels:
Brea k c a ke int o p iec es a n d
p la c e int o a fo o d p ro c e s s o r.
Ad d a ny f lavo u r f ro st in g a n d
p ro c ess u nt il m ixt u re fo r m s
a ba ll. M a ke sm a ller b a l l s
a nd ref r ig era t e fo r 3 0 m i n .
Dec o ra t e a s d esired.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 1 9


makes 1 loaf

T h is de l i c i o us, h e alt h y loaf is an easy, no fuss recipe.

It ’s p e rfe ct t o t ake for a hike up the mountain w ith a flas k
of te a o r p ac ke d in a sc h o ol l unchbox.

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

125 g Butter 1. Preheat oven to 180˚C.

250 ml Sugar 2. Cream the butter and sugar.
3 Eggs 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time.
5 ml Vanilla Essence 4. Add vanilla essence.
500 ml Eureka Mills Whole Wheat Flour 5. Mix in the flour, salt and baking powder.
1 tsp Baking Powder 6. In a separate bowl mix the pulp, bicarbonate
Pinch of Salt of soda and lemon juice together and let sit
1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda for 5 minutes.
225 g Banana Pulp 7. Stir pulp mixture into dry mixture (do not
1 Whole Banana over mix).
25 ml Lemon Juice 8. Pour into a standard size loaf pan.
9. Slice the banana in half lengthways then place
on top of the mixture cut side up
10. Bake for 1 hour.

Add grated carrot and

chopped walnuts and pour
into muffin pan for a healthy
breakfast option or add
chocolate chips to keep
your kids happy.
Cakes & Tarts | Pag e 21


makes 15

Don’t yo u just love it wh en a recipe is as easy as 1 , 2 ,3?

B est of a l l – it will t ast e a s though you have spent hou rs i n
t h e k i tc h e n.

Ingre di e n t s Me t h o d

1 cup Butter, room temperature 1. Preheat oven to 160˚C.

½ cup Castor Sugar 2. Beat the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.
2 cups Eureka Mills Cake Flour 3. Sift in the flour.
4. Gently mix until soft dough forms.
5. Wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for
30 minutes.
6. Turn onto lightly floured surface and roll out.
7. Cut into preferred shape and place onto
baking sheet.
8. Bake for 12 - 15 minutes until golden brown.

If dough seems too dry

just add more butter.

Add a handfull of
chopped nuts or
chocolate chips.

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