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dna vs

DNA and RNA are the chemical carriers of genetic information in all known organisms. In
most organisms, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) stores the genetic information and transmits
to the progeny. RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) is mainly involved in transferring the genetic code for
protein synthesis. Some viruses also utilize RNA as their genetic material. DNA is mostly found
in nucleus whereas RNA is found in the cytoplasm of the cell.

Rna dna
Ribonucleic acid or RNA is mostly Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is the
found in the cytoplasm. Some may be hereditary material of most of the
also found in the nucleus. Many organisms. A majority of DNA is located in
either the nucleus or nucleoid. Some may
store their genetic information in RNA
remain inside mitochondria and
genomes. RNA has a vital role in the
chloroplast as well. DNA carries the
regulation and expression of genes.
RNA is mostly found in the DNA is mostly found in nucleus and
cytoplasm nucleoid

Stands for ribonucleic acid Stands for deoxyribonucleic acid

adenine Ribose is the sugar where the bases adenine
are A, U, C and G Deoxyribose is the sugar where
the bases are A, T, C and G
Shorter than DNA
A long polymer
Thymine A pairs with U and C pairs with G Thymine
A pairs with T and C pairs with G
Single-strand, sometimes it forms
secondary and tertiary structures Double-stranded and it exhibits a
double-helix structure
Less prone to UV damage More prone to UV damage
Adenine Thymine
Cytosine Adenine Thymine Cytosine
Mainly involved in protein
Carries the genetic information
synthesis, sometimes it regulates
Cytosine Uracil necessary for the development,
the gene expression Cytosine Guanine
functioning, and reproduction

URacil Guanine

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