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Introduction to Marketing

Assignment 1


Submitted by:

Marwan Fathy / 52-13890

Yasmin Hazem / 52-13927

Nour Essam / 52-7015

TA : Mirna Elshayeb
1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

2.1 What is branding

2.2 Branding Process

2.3 Types of branding

2.4 Branding for online businesses

3. Conclusion

4. References
1. Introduction

The marketing practice of actively shaping your brand is known as branding. That is the most
fundamental definition, but there is a lot more to it. Your company's branding is what it takes to
cut through the noise and get the attention of your ideal customer. It's what turns indifferent
customers into brand enthusiasts and turns first-time purchasers into lifetime customers. It's what
you'll need to stand out, make an impression, and propel your company forward. Branding has
several types which are commonly used for traditional businesses and E-Businesses as well.
However, there are some steps which should be followed efficiently in order to increase your
brand’s visibility.

2.1. What is Branding

To begin with in a necessary meaning, Branding is some sort of attaching a name for
identification or developing a meaning for a product, person or service to assist in conducting the
marketing plan of a business and achieve a certain level of awareness to be attached in the minds
of consumers (Keller,1998:300). Branding has been used by businesses to create differences and
assist in distinguishing products and their owners from each other. Branding also showed
significant pride from the owners of the products towards their products. As they want their
names to be associated and known by something they’ve made. As well as guaranteeing that
their customers will return to repurchase or recommend the product to others as they now
recognize the brand. Furthermore, having a brand name grants the owner his rights to the
property, product or the service he provides and protects his rights of copyrights. As Branding
aims for identification specially from competitors; Branding extended to include services as well
so the service businesses can identify themselves and the services they offer. For illustration,
some of the organizations specially the ones in the fashion and fragrance industry identified
Branding as “a creative or artistic process largely unfettered by research considerations”.
Additionally, developing a brand name for the products or services eases the process for market
analysis to check if the business is successful or not. Consequently, Branding creates curiosity to
consumers as they will tend to try a product or a service if it has a unique and attractive name.
therefore, they’ll be keen on returning for repurchasing if the quality is good enough.
2.2 Branding process

After discussing and acknowledging the meaning and purpose behind branding and the
importance of its role, marketers also mention and explain the pathway they instruct businesses
to follow to achieve successful branding and it consists of 6 easy steps which are

1.Market Analysis: Process of becoming fully aware of all aspects of the market including
customers, competitors, emerging trends and overall micro and macro environmental forces of
the market that the business is planning to operate in. It is conducted by extensive research and
by observing internal circumstances as well as external ones

2.Brand Architecture: This step consists of defining 18 blocks that combine all strategies and
decisions of the business to build a brand architecture or a brand DNA. Examples of such blocks
include the brand’s product, name, quality, positioning, identity, pricing and so on. These are all
important aspects marketers need to think about and decide upon.

3.The Big Idea: Following a disciplined idea generating process to come up with exciting fresh
ideas that are aligned with the details concerning the brand as well as the creativity and
innovation they wish to add to the branded experience that is delivered to the consumer and end
user .

4.Marketing communication: Constructing and designing a program that combines all

information gathered through market analysis, all blocks of brand architecture and the big idea
chosen for the brand to begin building brand awareness and increasing exposure of brand. There
are a large number of online and offline marketing communication tools such as brochures,
websites and banner ads so choosing the correct mix that will suit the uniqueness of the brand
and attract a large portion of targeted audience is considered a challenge

5.Employee involvement: Educating all employees that have a direct or significant role in
customer service and customer satisfaction about the brand reputation and image the company
wishes to deliver to its customer base is as important as any other step since employees are
considered an actual real life marketing tool and asset in this case and can help communicate the
brand image through nurturing relationships with customers.
6.Measurement: Analyzing and observing tangible results such as sales, distribution and market
share to monitor the effectiveness of the branding program set for the product/service.
Additionally, companies should be keen on evaluating intangible results that they have achieved
as well since branding is all about how customers perceive a brand or company, consequently
results may not always be tangible and can lean more on the abstract side.

2.3 Types of Branding

As (Kramer,2020) stated, there are 8 types of Branding: firstly, Personal Branding which is
creating a brand that identifies, reflects and communicates the owner’s personality through what
he offers. Secondly, Product Branding which an act that brands a specific product that reflects
how the owner perceives the world and the customers that person is aiming at. Thirdly Service
Branding, service branding is all about thinking outside the box as service companies are harder
to brand than companies offering products. It may be also to stand out to be differentiated from
competitors. However, service branding can be achieved by only maintaining an efficient and
customer friendly service and atmosphere to be connected to their customers to a deeper and
more emotional level. Fourthly Retail Branding, is when a store’s design, fixtures, lighting and
decorations create a theme that gives the feeling that brings the brand to live and create a
fascinating experience. Fifthly Cultural and Geographical Branding, these two types of Branding
are not the same yet are related and associated with each other. On one side, Geographical
Branding relies on Branding depending on the city, state or region. While on the other side,
Cultural Branding relies on the cultural aspects of geographical regions. Both types of branding
are used in tourism and tourism related businesses. Sixthly Corporate Branding, this type of
branding treats companies as persons and branding helps it to express its personality and
characteristics through; values, mission, price point, exclusivity and ideal consumer. In addition
to helping the company express itself personally and professionally. Seventhly Online Branding,
this type of branding is conducted online by the owner; it’s how they describe themselves
through ads that the service provider runs. Finally last but not least, Offline Branding in contrast
to online branding, this type of branding happens offline. It’s closest to Retail Branding as what
is visible reflects and describes the brand while maintaining the main concept of branding that is
used by all types of branding which is providing identity to the owners.

2.4 Branding for online businesses

So after stressing over the fact that the science and art of branding is a major contributor to
success and needs detailed planning and correct implementation to attain targeted outcomes, it
comes as no surprise that many additional barriers and struggles are faced by companies while
branding for their businesses online. Since the economy now is moving towards a more
digitalized era and many businesses only operate through online platforms, they need to use the
internet as their only means of imprinting and communicating with their customer base and many
extra problems arise with such transformation. Firstly, competition is now much higher as there
are lower barriers and regulations of entry and also since consumers can easily compare products
and find substitutes that they believe are more suitable and deliver a better value proposition.
This increases the need for companies to differentiate their products, services, experiences
offered and image from their competitors and this leads back to the point of successful branding
and necessity of leaving a permanent imprint and maintaining a high reputation in the minds of
consumers to make them loyal and coming back for repeated purchases and interactions.
Majority of the generation is now invested in online businesses and intercommunications and
have become very specific in how they interpret and recognize brand images. They expect a
message to be as engaging and individualized as possible, and they have little faith in traditional
advertising. This all means that the importance of e-branding is constantly growing.

3. Conclusion
To conclude, the branding of a company is more significant than you would imagine. Your brand
may appear to be made up solely of logos and colors on the surface, but it is truly your
company's full identity. Your brand provides your company personality. Businesses have used
branding to make distinctions and separate items and their owners from one another. Having a
brand name also allows the owner rights to the property, product, or service he provides and
protects his copyrights. Moreover, 6 main steps in the branding process to ensure that branding is
going correctly were discussed, which are: Market analysis, Brand architecture, The big idea,
Marketing communication, Employee involvement and measurement. Furthermore, the 8 main
different types of branding which are personal, product, service, retail, cultural, corporate, online
and offline branding were discussed according to Kramer. Last, branding showed a great
importance for online businesses due to the low entry barriers nowadays which leads to higher
competition and also since the majority of the generation has grown quite specialized in how
they interpret and recognize brand pictures as a result of their investment in online enterprises
and intercommunications. So by all counts, and with proven results, Branding is one of the most
important strategies all businesses in the world must consider well in order to achieve their goals
efficiently and effectively.

 Todor, R. D. (2014). The importance of branding and rebranding for strategic marketing. Bulletin
of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 7(2), 59.
 Murphy J.M. (1992).What Is Branding? In: Murphy J.M. (eds) Branding: A Key Marketing Tool.
Palgrave Macmillan, London.
 Dunn, D. (2004). Branding. [Oakland Calif.]: Cameron Street Press.
 .DiFrisco, M. (2010). Effective marketing starts with effective branding: seven steps to building
your brand. Business Know How: Marketing
 Ibeh, K., Luo, Y. & Dinnie, K. E (2005).Branding strategies of internet companies: Some
preliminary insights from the UK.

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