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Mindset Foundation Unit 10

Science and technology – ilm-fan va texnologiya

A gadget – moslama, jihoz, asbob
Desktop computer – stol kompyuteri
Laptop – noutbuk
Letter – xat
Tablet – planshet
Landline telephone – domashniy telefon
Searching the internet – internetni qidirish
Message – xabar jo’natmoq
Crash – buzilmoq, ishlamay qolmoq
Shut down – o’chirmoq
Devices – qurilmalar
Network – tarmoq, tizim, bog’lanish
Attachment – biriktirilgan narsa
Backup – zaxira kuchi, yo’qolishni oldini olish uvhun saqlangan nusxa
Download – yuklamoq, yuklab olmoq
Store – saqlab qo’ymoq, zaxiraga olmoq / g’amlangan narsalar, ombor
Stream – tranlatsiya qilmoq, yuklamasdan tomosha qilmoq yoki eshitmoq
Development – rivojlanish, yaxshilanish
Computers connected to the internet at the same time – bir vaqtning o’zida internetga
bog’langan kompyuterlar
A digital box that store information – ma’lumot saqlaydigan raqamli quti
These stores of information – bu ma’lumot zaxiralari
Server – aloqani ta’minlovchi server
Category – kategoriya, turkum
A file server - fayl server
Hold ordinary documents – oddiy hujjatlarni o’z ichiga olmoq
A mail server – pochta server
Web page – web sahifa
A client – mijoz
Deliver – yetkazib bermoq
Exchange information – ma’lumot almashmoq
They are known as peers – ular tengdoshlar sifatida taniladi
Peer-to-peer communication – tengdoshlar bilan muloqot
Search for information – ma’lumot uchun qidirmoq
Display – namoyish qilmoq
Power button – quvvat tugmasi
Display – monitor, qurilma ekrani
Power bar – quvvat paneli
Case – g’ilof
Microphone – mikrofon
Input – ma’lumot kirgizish, kiritiladigan ma’lumot
End-of-year – yil oxiri
School report – maktab hisoboti
At the start of the year – yilning boshida
Rise / Increase / Go up – o’smoq, ko’tarilmoq
From a C to an A – C darajada A darajaga
To godown / Fall – tushmoq
A decrease – tushish, kamayish
Hopefully - umid qilamizki, xudo xohlasa
A rise – o’sish
Percentage – foiz
At the end of the period – davrning oxirida
From one side – bir tomondan
Make better – yaxshilamoq
Space – bo’sh joy / koinot
Latest m0del – eng so’nggi model
Out of order – buzuq, ishlamaslik
Out of date – eskirgan
Feature – xususiyat
Swiping – surish
A silver case – kumush g’ilof
Anyway - baribir

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