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Dr Fatema Tuzzannat Brishty Occupational Health

Occupational Health

1. Notifiable diseases under the labor law are (ASMMU - MPH - July 2023, MCQ)
a. Silicosis
b. Siderosis
c. Lead poisoning
d. Bagassosis
e. Anthracosis
2. Hierarchy of hazard control in workplace includes (BSMMU - MPH - July' 2023, MCQ)
a. Elimination of risk
b. Risk assessment
c. Engineering control
d. Substitution
e. Replacement
3. The hazards parties of dust on pulmonary tissue depend on (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ
2023) [Park 25th, Page: 867)
a. Fineness of dust particles
b. Biological composition (Chemical composition)
c. Concentration of dust in air
d. Duration of exposure
e. Susceptibility

4. Chemicals present in tobacco include on (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2023) [Park 25th,
a. Benzene
b. Cadmium
c. Chromium
d. Formaldehyde
e. Toluene
Dr Fatema Tuzzannat Brishty Occupational Health

5. Arsenic exposure leads to (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2023) [Park 25th, Page:
a. white foot disease
b. black foot disease
c. black water fever
d. cellular energy starvation
e. Pancytopenia
6. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Relates with (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2023)
[Park 25th, Page:
e. ILO
7. Cumulative trauma disorders include (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2022) [Park 25th,
a. carpal tunnel syndrome
b. epicondylitis
c. bursitis
d. osteoarthritis
e. fibrositis

8. Pneumoconiosis -(BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2022) [Park 25th, Page:

a. Chronic lung disease
b. Occupational fibrotic lung disease
c. Irreversible occupational lung disease
d. Cause of egg shell calcification
e. Manifestation of dust inhalation
9. Determinants of occupational diseases are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2022) [Park 25th,
a. Ecosystem
Dr Fatema Tuzzannat Brishty Occupational Health

b. climate change
c. tools tasks
d. work place conflicts
10. Occupational hazard is (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2021) [Park 25th, Page:
a. A source of danger of workplace
b. a life-threatening event for workers
c. an inherent toxicity of workers
d. the extent of exposure
e. a chance of harm to the worker
11. Ergonomic health problems include (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2020) [Park 25th, Page:
a. frozen shoulder
b. backache
c. ankylosis
d. scoliosis
e. torticollis
12. Workplace risk elements include (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2019) [Park 25th, Page:
a. Presence of hazards
b. Probability of exposure
c. Probability of harmful effect
d. Probability of risk
e. Probability of vulnerability
13. Offensive trades are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2019) [Park 25th, Page:
a. Slaughtering
b. Fat melting in grease industry
c. Steel factory
d. Garments industry
e. Garments industry
14. Pneumoconiosis in coal workers is known as (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2019) [Park
25th, Page:
a. Anthrax
b. Anthracnose
Dr Fatema Tuzzannat Brishty Occupational Health

c. Anthracosis
d. Anthracosile
e. Black lung disease

15. Delayed somatic effects of radiation are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2019) [Park 25th,
a. Radiation
b. Radiation sickness
c. Shortening of life
d. Point mutation
e. Chromosome mutation
16. Physical hazards in occupational environment are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2019)
[Park 25th, Page:
a. Electricity
b. Acids
c. Cold
d. Dust
e. Fall from height
17. Delayed somatic effects of radiation are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2019) [Park 25th,
a. Radiation
b. Radiation sickness
c. Shortening of life
d. Point mutation
e. Chromosome mutation
18. Inorganic dusts are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2016) [Park 25th, Page:
a. Tobacco
b. Cotton dust
c. Asbestos
d. Silica
e. Grain dust
Dr Fatema Tuzzannat Brishty Occupational Health

19. Occupational cancer is caused by (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2016) [Park 25th, Page:
a. asbestos
b. baggasos
c. byssinos
d. radon
e. Silicon
20. Features of silico-tuberculosis are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2016) [Park 25th, Page:
a. high sputum AFB + ve
b. ground glass appearance on X-ray chest
c. children are at risk
d. impairment of total lung capacity
e. nodular fibrosis
21. Following air pollutants are carcinogen (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2015) [Park 25th,
a. Radon
b. Carbon monoxide
c. Calcium chloride
d. Ozone
e. Mercury
22. Inorganic dust produces the following diseases: (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2015) [Park
25th, Page:
a. Anthracosis
b. Bagassosis
c. Siliconsis
d. Byssinosis
e. Farmers lung
23. Pneumoconiosis is caused by (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2014) [Park 25th, Page:
a. Coal dust
b. Chromium
c. Asbestos
d. Cadmium
Dr Fatema Tuzzannat Brishty Occupational Health

e. Silica
24. Most common types of occupational cancer are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2014) [Park
25th, Page:
a. Lung cancer
b. Leukemia
c. Laryngeal cancer
d. Mesothelioma
e. Cancer of urinary bladder
25. Inorganic dusts are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2014,2013) [Park 25th, Page:
a. Silica
b. Asbestos
c. Cotton
d. Coal
e. Can fibre
26. Pneumoconiosis is caused by (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2013) [Park 25th, Page:
a. coal dust
b. chromium
c. silica
d. asbestos
e. Mercury
27. Occupational hazard related to cold are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2013) [Park 25th,
a. chilblains
b. malformation
c. frost bite
d. trench foot
e. Caisson's disease

28. Smoking may be associated with the following (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2012) [Park
25th, Page:
a. Ca larynx
Dr Fatema Tuzzannat Brishty Occupational Health

b. lung cancer
c. colon cancer
d. liver cancer
e. esophageal cancer
29. Disease transmitted by fomites are (BSMMU - MPH July, MCQ 2012) [Park 25th, Page:
a. typhoid fever
b. measles
c. hepatitis-A
d. cancer
e. bacillary dysentery

30. The following occupations have been associated with high risk of cancer: (BSMMU -
MPH July, MCQ 2011) [Park 25th, Page:
a. Coal mine
b. Nickel workers
c. Asbestos workers
d. Beryllium workers
e. Tobacco industry

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