Ancient Rome Han China - Review Sheet - Social Studies 9

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Ancient Rome and The Han Dynasty

Test: Friday, January 12th, 2024

Format: 30 MC
Roman Republic
● Rome needs tax money
● Elected officials use their positions to get rich
● Rome did not have a police force

● People of lower social class
● Automatically had less power
● Did jobs like farming, the “dirty work”

● People of higher social class
● Had the most power

Divisions of Power
● Two men who shared power in the republic, “consulted” one another when managing
the Roman army and passing laws.
● Served one-year terms, elected from patrician class

● Served for life, elected from the patrician class
● Gave “advice” in the form of suggested laws and politics to Consuls
● heavy influence in government

● Representatives elected from the plebeian class
● Gained more power over time
● Check on the power of the Senate and Consuls, elected consuls & other officials

Praetors, Aediles, and Quaestors

● judges, managed public buildings and events, finances, all elected from patrician class
Twelve Tables - Ciciero
a law code developed between 451-450 B.C.E. This law code was made and officially
implemented by the republican government of Rome after the plebeians decided to withdraw
from Roman society and go on strike, otherwise known as secessio plebis. After this action, the
patricians decided to enforce the Twelve Tables and even posted the laws on twelve bronze
tablets in the Roman Forum, the center of the city where the public engaged in political, social,
and religious discussions. This law code will influence later justice systems and is one of the
multiple ways Rome has contributed to global governments and civilizations.

Punic Wars
Who fought in the Punic Wars?
Roman republic and Carthaginian empire

What was the First Punic War fought over?

Fought over the island of sicily, Roman’s defeat them and got civil and Corsica and Sardinia
(two more islands)

What famous Carthaginian general fought in the Second Punic War?

General Hannibal

What did Hannibal bring with his army when he crossed the Alps?
The elephants

What was the Third Punic War fought over?

The city of Carthage

Who won the Punic Wars?


How can war elephants help an army?

● They scared the enemy and made them run away
○ Something no one’s ever seen before
● They can move very fast

What is the negative effect of using war elephants?

● They’re smelly
● Didn’t know the difference between Romans and carthage, so they just killed
Roman Empire
Augustus Caesar
Pax Romana - a time of peace and prosperity, from Augustus’ reign in 27 B.C.E. to 180 C.E.
under Marcus Aurelius. Augustus expanded Roman power across three continents, allowing the
Romans to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea. Trade and communication flourished, as well
as developments made in architecture, art, and technology.

Triumph Rite - group of 3 rulers

● Appian Way
○ The appian way was a system of transportation as it served as a method of
organization in transport. The app Ian way was a system of roads to allow the
speedy movement of troops and communication in the empire. The first road
they built was known was the appian way
● Aqueduct
○ Designed by engineers using cement which was lifted on high arches. Romans
sometimes built cities on dry plains, then found a spring in the mountains and
took that water into the city. With the water, they could have baths, fountains,
and drinking water.
● Colosseum
○ It hosted events such as gladiator fights, and animal combats. In many of these
events animals, professional gladiators, condemned criminals, and slaves fought
each other until death. This public works product gave jobs to lots of people
● Forum
○ modern-day tourist attraction of Rome. In classical times, the Forum was the
center of politics and commerce. It was the center of the Roman government and
where Romans would gather to buy goods, worship different gods, and converse
with fellow citizens.

Christianity in Rome
● Christians were viewed as criminals for refusing to worship Roman gods
● Christianity still attracted many followers due to:
○ prospect of Heaven
○ equality

Emperor Constantine (313 CE)

● Converted to Christianity and legalized the religion Emperor Constantine, 313 CE

The "Edict of Milan" (313 A. D.)

I, Constantine Augustus, considering everything that pertained to the public welfare and
security, we thought would be for the good of many... that we might grant to the Christians
and others full authority to observe that religion... that no one whatsoever should be denied
the opportunity to give his heart to the observance of the Christian religion...and now any
one...who wishes to observe Christian religion may do so freely and openly, without

Emperor Theodosius (380 CE)

● Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome

Decline of the Roman Empire

After 450 years as a republic, Rome became an empire in the wake of Julius Caesar’s death in 44
BCE. The long reign of its first emperor, Augustus, began a golden age of peace and prosperity
known as the Pax Romana. By the 5th Century CE, Rome’s downfall was one of the most
dramatic implosions in the history of human civilization.

The Goths
The Roman’s let the goth stay with them but they were treated horribly. The goths broke and
rose up against the Romans. The war was disastrous for Rome

“Sack of Rome”
Three day battle, direct attack on Rome. Caused the destruction of the western Roman empire

Higher people of power began to betray Rome because they wanted money. Mercenaries were
not loyal because they were just paid to do their job. It was also too big so it caused poor
communication. Invasions by different groups.

Diocletian (285 CE)

Diocletian split Rome up into east and west. The eastern part survived and was later known as
the Byzantine empire.

Elected officials use their positions to get rich. This would lead to ineffective ruling.
Members of Christianity would revolt against dictators because they didn’t respect them as
much anymore. They worshiped Jesus not the dictator.

Han Dynasty
Civil service exam The civil service exam was made to recruit
civil officials in order to maintain a stable
government. The civil service exam was
based on merit and skill. Anyone could take
these exams for an opportunity to become a
high ranking government official. They were
tested on their knowledge of Confucian

silk roads The silk roads were a network of trades

routes which spread over land and water.
They connected the Mediterranean Sea with
East Asia. The safety of the silk roads
depended on the empires who controlled the
land that the roads passed though. The silk
roads were mainly safest while the Han
dynasty was at its peak since the Han dynasty
was focused on trade and worked to make
trade routes safer so that travelers would
have a fear of being robbed.

silk Silk was created by the Han Dynasty and was

traded across the silk roads. Silk was mainly
worn by priests, kings, and cultural festivities.
Silk was known as a symbol of wealth.

paper/paper making Originally, paper was mainly used by

emperors, wealthy nobles, and Buddhist
temples but later became the main material
for writing in China and east Asia. As paper
making continued to expand west,
papermaking technology also expanded to
Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.
Paper helped to better education and created
new ways of efficiency among dynasties.

compass The compass was a very significant

achievement of the Pax Sinica time period.
The device helped travelers accurately
determine the direction that they were
headed. This was especially helpful for
travelers when it was cloudy or stormy and
they could not properly use the stars to
determine North, South, East, or West.

the junk The junk was a Chinese sailing vessel which

was developed by the Han Dynasty and was
later known as one of the most successful
ships in history. Junks were used for military
combat, trade, and traveling long distances.
The junk had many technical advances such
as sails which could direct the wind,
compartments, and rudders which helped to
steer the ship.

art Art was used as a contribution to culture and

afterlife. Tomb walls were decorated with
murals, and sculptures which res presented
different beliefs.

The silk roads were greatly significant during this time period. The silk roads were a connection
of roads which connected the Mediterranean Sea to east Asia. This network of roads allowed
different areas to trade for new materials and to influence other cultures. The silk roads were not
always safe and sometimes travelers would get robbed while they traveled. The safety of the
roads mainly revolved around what empire was ruling the land that the roads passed though.
While the Han dynasty was ruling they placed an importance on trade and worked towards
keeping the trade routes safe and to prevent robbery. Islam and Buddhism was passed around

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