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Rti international

Rti international design and implement programs across a wide range of sectors to help low- and
middle- income countries and communities address complex problems and improve the lives of their
citizens. Working with local partners and stakeholders, his solutions promote sustainability, self-
reliance and success at scale. .

RTI International has worked in Senegal for 25+ years, providing technical assistance, institutional
strengthening, program support, and research. His experience and recent project implementation in
Senegal include :

Education through [RELIS]) Program dedicated to strengthen Literacy in Senegal with national
languages to improve children instruction.

Energy Access through Power Africa Off-Grid Program by bringing power to sub-Saharan households
and businesses in 20 countries, including Senegal.

Food Security and Agriculture through the Feed the Future Senegal & Naatal Mbay projects in order
to help smallholder farmers with new agricultural technologies, skills, and approaches.

Governance and Economic Development Working in partnership with the public and private sector,
to provide locally led solutions that promote sustainable economic growth trough USAID’s
Governance for Local Development project.

Health thanks to the USAID Integrated District Health project is strengthening the capacity and
commitment of Senegal’s health system at the district and regional levels.

Rti Feed the future project

The purpose of the recently awarded USAID Feed the Future Senegal Value Chain Activity is to
provide technical assistance to significantly scale-up, both in terms of potential beneficiaries and
geographical coverage, access to value chain services to expand job opportunities and enterprise
development in the Senegalese agricultural sector. The anticipated program will be based in Dakar,
Senegal and the intervention zones are the Delta and middle valley of the Senegal River, South
Saloum, and Casamance.

L’objectif du nouveau projet, Feed the Future Sénégal Services aux Chaines de Valeur de l’USAID, est
de fournir une assistance technique pour augmenter considérablement, à la fois en termes de
bénéficiaires potentiels et de couverture géographique, l’accès aux services au sein des chaînes de
valeur pour accroitre les opportunités d’emploi et le développement des entreprises Sénégalaises
dans le secteur agricole. Le projet sera basé à Dakar et les zones d’intervention sont le Delta et la
moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal, le Sud Saloum et la Casamance.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed by Rti today . Having studied Rti
organisation and the feed the future project awarded , I am confident I have the skills and the
qualities needed to perform as an Grants and procurement specialist. What I need to bring to the
table is the willingness to manage workload in the position that i would fill in order to reach
qualitative and quantitave objectives.
You should hire me because I will quickly continue to bring work, positivety and i have a record of
achievement. For example in my challenging experience as a co founder of purchasing and
department, I helped this department increase profit and developped. From now, the company,
grew by hiring five temporary employees in this department and by having his own solution platform.


I take great pride in my work. When I encouter problems, I always to figure things outmyself.
However, I do understand it would be more beneficial to seek advice from other, more experienced
people in my team and I am taking steps to improve in this area.


I am flexible and versatile and that’s help me to handle different topics.


In 5 years time, I will have participated in different projects and helped projects to move forward
significantly. Finally, I would want to be seen as a trusted, realiable and productive member of your
organization who can be relied upon to deliver both on time and to the requested standard.


In one of my last challenging role as a purchasing and logistics consultant , there was a point in time
when our department were assigned by our e-commerce client to source a quantity of round bottle
in the market in a precised deadline.


As a team leader, it was my role not only to ensure my assistant to meet our deadline because we
have orders in our backlog but also to communicate with our General manager when we will find
those articles at the right quantity and at the right price


I set up a formal creative request process making sourcing efficiently. We exceeded expectations
because we found better quality articles that expected from our client. The difficulty was to
negociate the prices following the request of the general manager and the risk of loosing the order to
a competitor.


By providing more transparency into my team’s processes and setting better expectations, we were
able to to re-prioritize the design team’s to-do list and complete everything in our backlog and reach
this goal by delivering this order to our client.

What are the prospects for growth and advancement?

Is there anything I clarify for you about my qualifications ?

What are the next steps in the interview process?

Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) is a process where owners of commodities (Farmers or

Aggregators) deposit their commodities in a certified warehouse and are issued with a document of
title called Warehouse Receipt as proof of ownership that can serve as a collateral for receiving credit
in a formal financial institution. Lack of access to credit and storage infrastructures considerably
limits farmers ability to take advantage of interseasonal variations in commodity prices in rural areas
of Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). Farmers generally sell most of their production right after harvests, when
prices are the lowest, to satisfy immediate cash needs, only to buy again at higher prices later for
their own consumption (Stephens and Barrett,2011). For this reason, it has been hypothesized that
access to post harvest credit

The Warehouse Receipt is transferable and negotiable

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