FORGE Errata Page

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This document outlines errors that have been identified within the
listed versions of FORGE. It should be assumed that more recent
versions of FORGE contain the corrections and clarifications below.

Digital V1.0.2 and

Physical V1.0 Books Printed before 30th Oct 2023:
• p.8 Monsters > Morale:
Added clarification "(ML)" after Morale rating.
• p.14 Shopping > Weapons > Melee Weapons:
Correction - Added missing comma after rapier and quarterstaff.
• p.19 & p.23 * Magic > Increasing Understanding > Note:
Added clarification - "This is a character's caster level.”
• p.19 Arcane Magic > Increasing Understanding > Example:
Added clarification "has a caster level of 5, and is therefore".
• p.23 Divine Magic > Increasing Understanding > Example:
Added clarification "has a caster level of 4, and is therefore".
• p.23 Divine Magic > Increasing Understanding > Example:
Correction – “a” instead of “an” WIS check.
• p.32 Terrain Feature > Plains > Water > Estuary:
Correction - Should be on a result of “4”, not “3”.

Updated 30/10/2023

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