Tax Remedies (NIRC)

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TP may be had system

a. Tax Remedies Under the National Internal Revenue Valid only for 30 days No limitation
i. Assessment of Internal Revenue Taxes Revenue Officer has 10 No limitation
1. Procedural Due Process in Tax Assessments days from receipt of LOA
a. If issued in violation of due process rights of taxpayer  null to conduct examination of
and void. TP
b. Assessment flowchart
i. Issuance of LOA Reassignment or Transfer of Revenue Officer
ii. Issuance of Notice of Discrepancy requires issuance of a new or amended LOA
1. Discussion of discrepancy – wthin 30 days from  Lack of new LOA: tantamount to absence of
issuance of nD LOA  void assessment
iii. Issuance of PAN  Effect: a usurpation of power of CIR or his duly
1. Reply to PAN – within 15 days from date of authorized reps
receipt  Memorandum of assignment  not enough,
a. Failure to reply: default issued by RDO, not the CIR or his reps
b. Issuance of Formal Letter of
Demand/Final Assessment Notice Assessment must be within scope of LOA
2. Failure to issue PAN  Limited to the one taxable period stated therein
iv. Issuance of FLD/FAN
1. Protest to FLD/FAN – admin protest within 30
days from date of receipt 2 Issuance of Notice of Discrepancy – issued if found to be liable for
a. Admin protest  written request for Notice of deficiency tax
reconsideration or reinvestigation. Discrepancy
v. Issuance of FDDA – final decision Discussion of discrepancy – within 30 days from receipt
of ND
1 Issuance of What: revenue officer must first be clothed with authority  Opportunity to present side, explain discrepancy
LOA to conduct examination and issue assessment  Must submit all necessary documents supporting
Absent authority  assessment null claim within 30 days after receipt of ND

LOA – empowers and enables revenue officer to IO endorses case for issuance of PAN if
examine boosk of accounts and other accounting records 1) TP is still liable for deficiency tax or taxes
for assessment 2) TP does not address discrepancy through
payment of deficiency taxes
Who may issue LOA: CIR or his deputies: 3) TP does not agree with findings
1) Regional directors 3 Issuance of PAN – issued by CIR or duly authorized rep if there
2) Deputy commissioners Preliminary exists sufficient basis to assess TP for any deficiency tax
3) Other officials authorized by CIR Assessment or taxes
4) Assistant commissioners Notice  Shows in detail facts and law, rules and
5) Head revenue executive assistants regulations, or jurisprudence
 Purpose: to inform TP of initial findings of
LOA is not the same as Letter Notice BIR, required to reply
Addressed to revenue Not in NIRC, only for Reply to PAN – within 15 days from receipt
officer, specifically notifying TP that a  Failure to respond: default  issuance of
required under NIRC discrepancy is found FLD/FAN calling for payment of TP’s
before an examination of a based on BIR’s relief deficiency tax liability, inclusive of applicable
penalties Final Decision 1) Facts, applicable law, rules and regulations, or
 Responds, but disagrees  FLD/FAN issued on Disputed jurisprudence on which such decision is based
within 15 days from filing/submission of TP’s Assessment  void if not
response 2) That the same is his final decision

Failure to issue PAN: absence of PAN renders nugatory NOTE: FDDA (CIR decision on assessment) v FAN
any assessment made by tax authorities (assessment only) – separate and distinct. Nullity of
 Part of due process FDDA will not result in nullity of FAN.

Issuance of PAN must precede FLD/FAN 2. Requisites of a valid assessment

 If sent successively, but received in same date – a. In writing
not valid, deprived of opportunity b. Demands payment of tax due, including applicable penalties, not
merely the computation
When PAN not required (NIRC 228) c. Contains a definite amount of tax liability for which TP is
1) Finding for deficiency tax is a result of accountable
mathematical error in computation of tax d. Provide due date for payment
2) Discrepancy determined between tax withheld e. Be issued and served upon TP within the applicable prescriptive
and amount actually remitted period to assess
3) TP opted to claim refund or tax credit of excess f. State facts and law on which assessment is based
CWT for TP – determined to be carried over and
automatically applied the same amount claimed 3. Tax Delinquency v Tax Deficiency
against the estimated tax liabilities for the
taxable quarter or quarters of the succeeding Tax Delinquency Tax Deficiency
taxable year; or Failure to pay tax due on due date fixed Amount still due and collectible from
4) Excise tax due on excisable articles has not by law or indicated in assessment notice TP upon audit or investigation
been paid; or or letter of demand
5) Article locally purchased or imported by an Subject to delinquency interest Subject to deficiency interest
exempt person has been sold, traded or
transferred to non-exempt persons 4. Prescriptive Period for Assessment
a. Generally
NOTE: In the above, issuance of FAN outright. i. Rationale for prescription: safeguard interests of PT
4 Issuance of FLD/FAN – caling for payment of deficiency taxes or from unreasonable investigation
Formal Letter taxes ii. Ordinary Period to Assess: within 3 years from
of  Computation of tax liabilities _ demand for 1. last day prescribed by law for filing of return; or
Demand/Final payment within a prescribed period 2. from date of filing, if filed beyond that period
Assessment  Relevance iii. Extraordinary period to assess: within 10 years after
Notice o Service  obligation to pay arises discovery of falsity, fraud, or omission
o Penalties and interests begin to accrue 1. Allowed in case of:
against TP a. false return - deviation from truth,
 Must be sent to and received by TP – and must intentional or not, brought by mistake,
demand payment of taxes described therein carelessness, or ignorance
within a specific period b. fraudulent return with intent to evade tax –
intentional or deceitful entry with intent to
Protest to FLD/FAN – admin protest  written request evade taxes due
for reconsideration or reinvestigation. c. failure to file return -failure to file return on
5 Issuance of FDDA – shall state date prescribed by law, rules or regulations
2. Prima Facie Evidence of False or Fraudulent 3.Effect of invalid waiver  assessment becomes
Return void
a. Substantial under-declaration of taxable a. Defects in the waiver = period for CIR to
sales, receipts, or income assess tax is not extended.
i. What: failure to report in amount b. Assessment – considered issued beyond the
exceeding 30% of that declared per prescriptive period, void and of no legal
return effect.
b. Substantial overstatement of deductions iii. Requirements for Valid Waiver
i. What: exceeding 30% of actual 1. Requirements
deduction a. RMO No. 20-90, as amended
c. Effect: BOP on TP to overcome 2. Examples of defective waivers
presumption against it, CIR need not a. Failure to
immediately present evidence to support i. State specific date within which BIR
falsity. may assess and collect revenue taxes
ii. Sign by CIR or his duly authorized
b. Suspension of Running of Statute of Limitations iii. Indicate date of acceptance
i. Suspension of Prescriptive Period to Assess and iv. Furnish taxpayer a copy of the
Collect by Force of Law waiver
1. During time CIR or rep is prevented from making v. Indicate on the original copies of the
an assessment or beginning distraint or levy or waivers date of receipt by TP of
proceeding in court for 60 days their file copy
2. When: b. Execution of waivers without written
a. TP requests for reinvestigation – granted by authority of TP’s rep to sign waiver on
CIR their behalf
b. TP cannot be located in address stated in c. Absence of proof that TP was furnished a
return filed, upon which a tax is being copy of the waiver
assessed or collected. d. Failure to specify kind and amount of tax
i. If TP informs CIR of change in due
address  running of SOL will not e. Waiver – referring to a request for
be suspended. extension of time within which to present
c. Warrant of distraint or levy is duly served additional documents, not for
upon TP, his or her authorized rep or a reinvestigation or reconsideration of the
member of his or her household with pending internal revenue case.
sufficient discretion, and no property could 3. Both parties at fault in executing defective waivers
be located; and  in pari delicto
d. TP is out of the Philippines a. They cannot be allowed to come to court
ii. Suspension of Prescriptive Period to Assess by and insist on its invalidity.
Agreement of the Parties ii. Taxpayer’s Remedies
1. Agreement must be made before expiration of time 1. Protesting an Assessment
prescribed for assessment of tax. a. Period to File Protest
a. May then be extended by subsequent i. Admin protest against FLD/FAN – within 30 days from
written agreement. date of receipt
2. Bilateral agreement  requires signature of both 1. Request for reconsideration – plea of re-
CIR and TP to give birth to a valid agreement evaluation of an assessment on the basis of existing
2. Request for reinvestigation – plea of re-
evaluation of an assessment on the basis of newly
discovered or additional evidence
ii. State in Protest:
1. Nature of protest
2. Date of assessment notice
3. Applicable laws, rules and regulations, or
a. If none  protest void and without force
and effect
b. Submission of supporting documents
i. Reinvestigation (only) – submit all relevant documents
within 60 days from date of filing
c. Effect of failure to file protest  assessment becomes final,
executory, and demandable.
d. Action of the commissioner on the protest filed
i. Period: 180 days to act on disputed assessments.
ii. Possible actions:
1. Grant protest and cancel assessment
2. Wholly or partially deny protest; or
3. Fail to act within said period
iii. Recourse of TP:
1. Wholly or partially denied by
a. CIR or rep  appeal to CTA within 30
days from receipt of whole or partial denial
b. CIR’s authorized rep  admin appeal to
CIR within 30 days from receipt of whole
or partial denial of protest
i. If denied  appeal to CTA within
30 days from date of receipt of
decision (failure  decision final,
executory, demandable)
ii. NOTE: mr is allowed, but it will not
toll 30-day period to appeal to CTA.
2. Fails to act upon protest
a. Appeal to CTA – within 30 days from lapse
of 180 day period; or
b. Await final decision – appeal final decision
to CTA within 30 days after receipt of such
c. NOTE: 2 options are mutually exclusive
and resort to one bars the application of the
2. Compromise and Abatement of Taxes 1. Offer of compromise – assessments involving basic
a. Compromise of Taxes deficiency taxes of 500k pesos or less
i. Grounds to enter into compromise agreements 2. Minor criminal violations – discovered by Regional
1. Doubtful validity of assessment and District Offices
a. Min compromise rate: 40% of basic vi. Authority of CIR
assessed tax 1. GR: authority of CIR to compromise is purely
2. Financial incapacity of tax payer discretionary; courts cannot interfere with exercise
a. Min. compromise rate: 10% of basic of discretionary functions, absent GAD
assessed tax a. Compromise agreement  final and
ii. What may be compromised: definite settlement of controversy between
1. Delinquent accounts parties, res judicata.
2. Cases under admin protest after issuance of b. Abatement or Cancellation of Taxes
FLD/FAN to TP still pending in Regional offices, i. What: diminution or decrease in amount of tax imposed
etc or lessening any unpaid portion of a tax liability, inclusive
3. Civil tax cases being disputed before the courts of increments.
4. Collection cases filed in courts ii. CIR – has sole authority to abate or cancel taxes
5. Criminal violations, other than those already filed iii. Grounds for Abatement or Cancellation of Taxes
in court or those involving criminal tax fraud 1. Unjustly or excessively assessed tax
iii. What may not be compromised a. Example:
1. Withholding tax cases i. Filing of return/payment of tax is
a. XP: Applicant-taxpayer invokes provision made at wrong venue
of law that cast doubt on TP’s obligation to ii. Mistake in payment is due to
withhold erroneous written official advice of a
2. Criminal tax fraud cases confirmed as such by CIR revenue officer
or his or her duly authorized rep iii. Fails to file return and pay tax on
3. Criminal violations already filed in court time due to substantial losses form
4. Delinquent accounts with duly approved schedule prolonged labor disputes, etc (extent
of installment payments of abatement: surcharge and
5. Cases where final reports of reinvestigation or compromise penalty, not interest
reconsideration have been issued – resulting to imposed)
reduction in original assessment iv. Assessment is result of TP’s non-
a. TP is agreeable to such decision by signing compliance with law due to a
required agreement for the purpose difficult interpretation of the said
6. Cases which become final and executory after final law
judgement of a court – where compromise is v. Failure to file return and pay correct
requested on ground of doubtful validity of tax on time due to circumstances
assessment beyond his control (extent:
7. Estate tax cases where compromise is requested on surcharge and compromise penalty)
ground of financial incapacity of TP vi. Late payment of tax under
iv. When approval of NEB required: meritorious circumstances
1. Basic tax involved exceeds 1M vii. Other cases similar or synonymous
2. Settlement offered is less that prescribed minimum thereto
rates 2. Admin and collection costs involved do not justify
a. 40% for doubtful validity collection of amount due
b. 10% of financial incapacity a. Examples
v. When approval of REB is required
i. Abatement of penalties on whichever is sooner
assessment confirmed by lower
court, but appealed by TP to a higher b. Admin claim for refund – file an admin claim for refund with
court CIR within 2 years after payment of tax or penalty.
ii. Abatement of penalties on i. Return showing overpayment – considered as a written
withholding tax assessment under claim or credit for refund.
meritorious circumstances ii. Start of 2 year period: date of filing of adjusted tax
iii. Abatement of penalties on delayed return
installment payment under iii. Purpose of admin claim: serve as a notice of warning to
meritorious circumstances CIR that court action would follow unless tax or penalty
iv. Abatement of penalties on alleged to have been collected is refunded.
assessment reduced after c. Filing of Judicial Claim – within 2 years from date of payment
reinvestigation but TP is still of tax or penalty, regardless if any supervening cause that may
contesting reduced assessment arise after payment. (NOTE: both admin and judicial claim have
v. Other instances which CIR may the same prescriptive period)
deem analogous to enumeration i. Requirement: filing of admin claim
above. 1. mere filing is enough. No need to wait for action
on the admin claim.
3. Recovery of Tax Erroneously or Illegally Collected d. Specific requirements for refund of creditable withholding
a. Erroneously or illegally collected tax (CWT)
i. levied without statutory authority; or i. Requisites for entitlement
ii. upon property not subject to taxation 1. Claim for refund filed within 2 year reglementary
iii. officer having no authority to levy tax period
iv. illegal in some respect 2. ITR shows that income payment received is being
declared part of TP’s gross income
Refund of Erroneously Refund of Excess and 3. Fact of withholding is established by a copy of
or Illegally Collected Unutilized Input VAT withholding tax statement or certificate, duly
Tax issued by payor to payee, showing amount paid and
What Collected without No excessive collection, at income tax withheld.
statutory authority, etc time input tax is collected, a. Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at
(see above) amount paid is correct and Source – competent proof to establish the
proper fact that taxes are withheld.
Filing of admin Make within 2 years Make within 2 years from b. Not necessary for person who executed and
claim from payment of tax in close of taxable quarter from prepared CWT to be presented and testify
accordance with NIRC which sales were made personally
204C c. Proof of actual remittance of creditable
Admin claim must always precede filing of judicial claim taxes withheld is nto a condition to claim
Period to decide No time period to decide Within 90 days from for a refund.
on admin claim on admin claim submission of receipts, iii. Gov’t Remedies for Collection of Delinquent Taxes
invoices, etc 1. Requisites
Filing of Judicial Within 2 years from 1) Within 30 days after a. Civil Remedies for Collection – civil remedies for collection of
Claim payment of tax, even if receipt of CIR’s internal revenue taxes, fees, or charges, and any increment
there is no decision on decision on admin resulting from delinquency shall be:
admin claim claim i. Summary admin remedies
2) After expiration of 1. Distraint of goods
90 day period,
2. Levy upon real property and interest in rights to with intent to evade
real property 2) Failure to file return
3. NOTE: allowed only when it has accorded
taxpayer administrative due process (assessment) i. Suspension of running of Statute of Limitations
ii. Judicial remedies 1. Period to collect is suspended for period during
1. Civil which CIR or his or her duly authorized
2. Criminal representative is prevented from making an
iii. NOTE: either of these remedies or both may be pursued, assessment or beginning distraint or levy or a
based on discretion of authorities charged with collection proceeding in court for 60 days thereafter, under
of same. any of the following circumstances:
b. Distraint of personal property a. TP requests for a reinvestigation which is
i. Actual distraint of personal property; and granted by the CIR
ii. Constructive distraint of personal property, may be b. TP cannot be located in address given by
effected when: him in return
1. TP is retiring from business subject to tax i. XP: TP informs CIR of any change
2. TP intending to leave Ph in address  running of SOL will
3. TP intending to remove his or her property from not be suspended
PH c. Warrant of distraint or levy duly served
4. TP is intending to hide or conceal his or her upon TP, his or her authorized rep, or
property; or member of his or her household with
5. TP is intending to perform any act tending to sufficient discretion
obstruct proceedings for collecting tax due or d. TP is out of the PH
which may be due form him or her b. Prescirption of Cirminal Action – after 5 years
c. Requisites i. Begins from:
i. Distraint of Personal Property 1. Day of commission of violation of the law
1. Warrant of distraint – must be issued by 2. If day is not known at that tiem  discovery and
a. CIR – amount is excess of 1M institution of judicial for its investigation and
b. RDO – amount involved is 1M or less punishment
2. How issued: upon TP or 3rd party in possession of ii. Interruption of prescription:
property within applicable prescriptive period 1. when proceedings are instituted against guilty
ii. Procedure for Distraint of Personal Property persons
1. Make an account of personal property, signed a. Begins to run again if proceedings are
by himself dismissed for reasons not constituting
2. Stocks and other securities  serve copy of jeopardy
warrant of distraint upon TP and president, 2. Institution of criminal action  filing of
manager, treasurer, or other responsible officer of information in court, shall interrupt running period
the corp, company, or association, which issued of prescription
said stocks or securities 3. Offender is absent from Ph
3. Debts and credits iv. Civil penalties
2. Prescriptive periods 1. Delinquency Interest and Deficiency Interest
a. Generally: not imposed simultaneously
Ordinary Period Assessment issued within 3 years 3 years to collect i. Rate: double the legal interest for loans or forbearance of
to Collect money, absent an express stipulation as set by the BSP.
Extraordinary Assessment issued within 10 years 5 years to collect b. Differentiation
Period to Collect due to:
1) False or fraudulent return
i. Deficiency Interest: interest imposed on deficiency tax
due – assessed and collected from date prescribed for
payment until
1. Full payment
2. Upon issuance of a notice and demand by the CIR
or his or her authorized rep
ii. Delinquency Interest: interest imposed on failure to pay:
1. Amount of tax due on any return to be filed; or
2. Amount of tax due for which no return is required;
3. Deficiency tax or any surcharge or interest on due
date appearing notice and demand of CIR, until
amount is fully paid, which interest shall form part
of the tax
2. Surcharge
a. Rate: 25% of amount due
i. XP: willful neglect or if false or fraudulent return is
willfully made  50% of amount due
b. When imposed:
i. Failure to file return and pay tax due
ii. Filing a return with officer other than those with whom
return is required to be filed
1. XP: authorized by CIR
c. Exemption to pay Surcharge and Interest
i. Good faith and honest belief that one is not subject to tax
on basis of previous interpretation of gov’t agencies
3. Compromise Penalty
a. GR: all criminal violations of the NIRC may be compromised
b. XP:
i. Already filed in court
ii. Involving fraud
c. Requirements:
i. Agreement or conformity of taxpayer
ii. Predicate agreement between parties – mutuality

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