PWN FACE IT 2 Broszura Online

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łado y mo

do matury 2023
już od początku serii!

Nowa seria podręczników

do języka angielskiego
dla szkół ponadpodstawowych 2 

dostosowana do potrzeb klas na różnych

poziomach znajomości języka I sometimes feel
a bit anxious in
situations where
there are lots of
Drodzy Nauczyciele!
Z radością oddajemy w Państwa ręce materiał prezentujący FACE IT
– nową serię podręczników do nauki języka angielskiego przeznaczoną
dla uczniów liceów i techników, którzy kontynuują naukę języka
w szkole ponadpodstawowej.

Kurs powstał dzięki połączeniu wiedzy i doświadczenia uznanych

wydawców, jakimi są Cambridge University Press & Assessment
oraz Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Udział w projekcie zespołu
doświadczonych specjalistów w dziedzinie ELT gwarantuje najwyższą
jakość materiałów i sukces edukacyjny.

Podręczniki z serii FACE IT w ciekawy, innowacyjny i wszechstronny

sposób przygotowują uczniów do egzaminu maturalnego
już od początku serii.

Zespół Języków Obcych PWN

I love laughing,
especially when
I feel silly!
YOU? If my friends have
a problem, then My friends
with I’ll listen. trust me with I love my friends,
if I their secrets. but I really love
time. being on my own.
I love hanging
out with a big
lanning group of I’d do anything
et’s just friends. to help my best
1 Go to the
the question

FACE IT to odpowiedź
2 Read the qu
that are mos

3 Read the

na potrzeby pokolenia Z what the qu

a classmate.

FACE IT to nowoczesna publikacja, która spełnia spełnia potrzeby pokolenia Z i wpisuje
You’re a relia
się w jego możliwości. Współczesna młodzież, która szybko się nudzi i lubi różnorodność honest and c
formy oraz prostotę przekazu, z pewnością doceni małe dawki informacji, ramki sensible you
person, and
z gotowymi schematami wypowiedzi czy praktyczne wskazówki ułatwiające naukę people aroun
Ikony i nagłówki towarzyszące zadaniom jasno wskazują na zakres i celowość każdego You’ve got lo
ćwiczenia, a także na jego zastosowanie w kontekście przygotowania do matury. You love hav
anyone. You
and everyon
parties! Go, s


You prefer to
lots of friend
To spodoba się Waszym uczniom! to your frien
friends but y

Materiał na jedną lekcję zajmuje jedną stronę w podręczniku.

Słownictwo i gramatykę wprowadzamy aż dwukrotnie w każdym module,
14 5Ŕ*2

za to w mniejszych ilościach.
Ilustrujemy zagadnienia gramatyczne, opierając się na zwięzłych fragmentach
W ćwiczeniach z nagłówkami Polish vs English i Learn English through Polish
wspieramy się językiem polskim, aby zilustrować kontekst, w którym używa się
danej struktury gramatycznej lub leksykalnej w języku angielskim.
Zwracamy uwagę na istotne środki językowe oraz warte zapamiętania
sformułowania i wyrażenia, umieszczając je w ramkach Useful Language,
Look out i Prepare to…
Dzięki statystykom Cambridge English Corpus pomagamy unikać błędów
najczęściej popełnianych przez polskich uczniów, stosując w tym celu specjalnie
oznakowane zadania.
Wykorzystujemy filmy wideo oraz animacje gramatyczne – współczesne formy
przekazu, na co dzień używane przez młodych ludzi.
the meanings.
1 making you feel angry
2 someone you can trust and / or believe
3 behaving in a careful way that shows good
ces judgement W ćwiczeniach oznaczonych ikoną
4 enjoying being with people TEEN WORLD nawiązujemy do tematyki
5 worried and nervous
6 relaxed and calm bliskiej młodzieży z pokolenia Z.
7 behaving in a way that is funny and not serious
8 having a natural ability to do something
9 always supporting and liking someone
10 thinking about how you can help other people
11 wanting something that someone else has
12 being easily upset by things other people say
or do to you
My sister is young but she’s very sensible.
You’re too sensitive – no need to get upset!

o 5 04 Listen to Sophie and Ben talking about
, the quiz. Which of the adjectives from activities
ou at 2 and 3 would you use to describe them?

6 TEEN WORLD Answer the questions.

Use the adjectives from activities 2 and 3.
1 How would you describe yourself? What is your
best personal quality? What is the worst?
2 What qualities does your best friend have?
3 Which personal qualities do you find annoying?
4 What kind of person could you never be friends

Kurs przygotowuje uczniów do matury już od początku serii,

uwzględniając potrzeby klas na różnych poziomach znajomości
języka angielskiego.

W podręczniku znajdują się sekcje:

• Skills Revision – ćwiczenia na bazie tematyki kulturowej

(Culture) lub poradnikowej (Life Skills), które oswajają ucznia
z typowymi zadaniami maturalnymi oraz wdrażają go
do stosowania strategii egzaminacyjnych i komunikacyjnych.

• Writing Guide – schematy, które pomagają zaplanować

wypowiedź pisemną zgodnie z wymaganiami maturalnymi.

• Extra Practice – sekcja umieszczona na końcu podręcznika,

zawiera dodatkowe zadania do każdego modułu dla
tzw. fast finishers oraz polecenia do pracy w parach.
e-Akademia PWN
Podręcznikom z serii FACE IT towarzyszy
bogata obudowa multimedialna.
Cyfrowe zasoby dla uczniów i nauczycieli, dostosowane do hybrydowego trybu nauczania,
dostępne będąna platformie e-Akademia PWN. Znajdą tam Państwo:

materiały interaktywne: rozbudowane zasoby materiałów

• e-ćwiczenia (interaktywna wersja w formacie wideo:
workbooka) • animacje gramatyczne
• multibook • filmy
• testy bazujące na typach zadań
przewidzianych na egzaminie materiały dodatkowe dla nauczyciela:
maturalnym • Teacher’s Book w wersji cyfrowej
• e-testy z nagraniami i e-kartkówki • program nauczania, rozkład
w wersjach dla dwóch grup materiału, plan wynikowy, kryteria
oceniania, rozkłady do dzienników
elektronicznych Librus i Vulcan
oraz materiały w aplikacji Quizlet.

Bezpłatny dostęp
do platformy edukacyjnej
Modułom nieparzystym towarzyszą filmy wideo, które Na stronie wstępnej znajduje się
można obejrzeć po zeskanowaniu kodu QR znajdującego kod QR, pod którym znajdują się
się w zeszycie ćwiczeń. nagrania do modułu.

Podręcznik składa się


MODULE z ośmiu modułów,
a każdy z nich z dwóch
UNIT 1 rozdziałów i obszernej
sekcji powtórzeniowej
obejmującej sekcje Use
GOING SHOPPING of English, Revision
ABOUT YOU (Vocabulary, Grammar)
Answer the questions. oraz Skills Revision,
z Where do you usually go shopping? Why? w której powtórkę
z Which is your favourite shop? Why?
materiału z dwóch
z Which is better: going to shops or shopping
online? Why?
rozdziałów połączono
z przygotowaniem
uczniów do egzaminu

Każdy moduł rozpoczyna

strona wstępna, która
sygnalizuje tematykę
rozdziałów wchodzących
w skład modułu.

BEST FRIENDS FOREVER Pytania w ramkach About
ABOUT YOU you to ćwiczenie typu
Answer the questions. warm-up do wykonania
z How important are friends to you? w parach.
z In your opinion, what makes a good friend?
z How do you stay in touch with your friends?

Grafikę można wykorzystać jako

materiał doskonalący umiejętność
wypowiedzi ustnej.
Rozdziały nieparzyste składają się z sekcji: Vocabulary, Reading,
Grammar i Writing, z których każda zajmuje jedną stronę
zawierającą materiał do realizacji na jednej godzinie lekcyjnej.

a b c
Sekcja Vocabulary
rozpoczyna się
od personalizacji VOCABULARY Shopping
– ćwiczenia, w którym 1 Go to the opening page and answer
uczniowie mówią o sobie, the questions to unit 1.
nawiązując do tematyki
2 Look at the photos and match them to phrases
1–5. What different things can you buy in these
places? Compare your answers with a classmate.
1 online shopping 4 market
Nowe słownictwo 2 high street shops 5 shopping centre
prezentowane jest 3 department store
d e
z wykorzystaniem 3 01 Listen to five teenagers talking about
elementów graficznych, the different places to shop. Match each speaker
a następnie utrwalane to one of the photos.
w różnorodnych Ѭ Daisy – photo zzzzzzz Ѭ Sean – photo zzzzzzz VOCABULARY any, every, some, no
Ѭ Alec – photo zzzzzzz Ѭ Rose – photo zzzzzzz
ćwiczeniach. Ѭ Iris – photo zzzzzzz
Polish vs English

4 01 Complete the sentences with the words 6 Read the sentences (1–6) and match
below. Then listen again and check. the highlighted words with the Polish
equivalents (a–f).
charge z charges z discount z exchange
online shopping z promotions z purchases a wszyscy d kogokolwiek
receipt z refunds z send something back b nikt e &/*Ƃ
serve z service z shop z spend c gdziekolwiek f cokolwiek
1 Daisy says that markets are probably her favourite 1 Have you seen anyone in the mall today?
place to zzzzzzz . She says you don’t have to 2 Did you buy anything yesterday?
zzzzzzz much money there. But if you’re a tourist,
3 I go anywhere that sells good food.
sometimes they can zzzzzzz you high prices. 4 Everyone was waiting in the queue to get
2 Sean thinks that zzzzzzz is the best thing ever. the latest game.
He says if you spend a certain amount, you don’t 5 There was someone in the shop helping
have to pay the delivery zzzzzzz . If the item isn’t the customers.
right, you can usually zzzzzzz it zzzzzzz . 6 No one could help me with the promotion.
3 Alec’s favourite department store was offering
a 10% zzzzzzz on some games. He also says they
are really good about zzzzzzz . LOOK OUT!
4 Rose uses store cards when she zzzzzzz items.
Her favourite shop often has zzzzzzz . Some of 2-ŢĔ02"Ĭяƶ +*5$(&0everyone (wszyscy,
her schoolmates work in shops and they zzzzzzz &ƶ4ѱ./*.0% (4czasownik w 3. osobie liczby
her, which she thinks is nice. She often gets good pojedynczej.
zzzzzzz . Everyone does online shopping nowadays.
5 Iris likes little shops. She says if you buy
something and it’s not right, it’s easy to zzzzzzz
it. You just have to show them the zzzzzzz .
7 02 Go to page 137.

5 TEEN WORLD Answer the questions.

8 TEEN WORLD Ask and answer the questions
with a classmate. Give full answers.
1 Do you keep receipts? Why are they important?
2 When was the last time you got a discount? 1 Have you bought anything interesting recently?
How much was it? 2 Have you visited anyone in your family recently?
3 How can you get discounts? 3 Did you visit anywhere interesting during the
4 Have you ever sent an item back, or returned it to school holidays?
Na dolnym marginesie the shop yourself? What happened? 4 Is there someone in your family that you really
znajduje się opis 5 How can you find out about promotions? admire?
6 Is good service important to you? Why? 5 Do you think that everyone should have a pet?
wymagań z Podstawy
Programowej, które są
utrwalane w danej sekcji. 10 &0+4$0.Ŕ0"$ѐ-*5% .&' +Ţ2я.+-5 2)$ $&0+*2)$ ю$(&$)$ *&- Ƃ'*) $5Ŕ*ƶ )$5)$($ю

Ćwiczenia oznaczone ikonką EP (Extra Practice) znajdują się na końcu podręcznika.

Mogą posłużyć jako materiał dla tzw. fast finishers lub jako zadania do pracy domowej.
Łącznie w podręczniku znajduje się ok. 80 takich ćwiczeń, co sprawia, że książka
świetnie sprawdzi się podczas pracy w klasach typu mixed ability.
Ikona Teen World towarzyszy tym ćwiczeniom,
które dotyczą zainteresowań i tematyki istotnej
dla współczesnych nastolatków.

READING 2 Read the article again. Four sentences have
been removed from the text. Choose the correct
1 TEEN WORLD Read the title and the first sentence of sentence (a–e) for each gap 1–4. There is one extra
the article. What do you think Olivia and her friends sentence which you do not need to use.
do in town? Read the article quickly to check. a They’re also keen on keeping their mobile
technology up to date.

b While they’re there, they also do some online
03 shopping.

c You can get refunds online but it takes longer.
d There are plenty of second-hand websites, too,
where stuff’s even cheaper.
e But they still enjoy looking around the shops.

3 Match the highlighted words and phrases

in the article to the meanings.
1 have enough money to buy something
2 where you pay for your goods
3 available for a lower price than usual Celem ćwiczeń typu
4 a price that is lower than usual maturalnego
5 when the amount you paid for something was right (oznaczonych literą M)
6 ask someone to pay money for something jest oswojenie uczniów
4 Read Olivia’s e-mail to her friend who ze specyfiką zadań
lives in a different town and fill in the missing na maturze według
information from the article. formuły obowiązującej
Reply Forward od 2023 roku.
5 ƂĔя$&/*-$ѓ
It’s Saturday morning and Olivia, 16, is going into *.Ŕ4#Ĕѕ 0+$ŔƂ*.//)$**Ƃ!%) "*2*- % )$ ѕ
town with some friends like they usually do. 4Ŕ(25 .5Ŕ42 & )2($ Ƃ$ $2$5$Ŕ(
# $-4 "$).$)*Ȃ .#*+юљ #1  Ƃ2$ /) 1 zzzzzzz я' $#)$ &0+$Ŕ(я*4Ŕ45-*"$ ю
!-++0$)**Ȃ .)#/яњ'$1$.4.ю1 zzzzzzz *5 &(%&524&' )24+-5 ƶ я&/Ţ- 55)č.$Ĭ5
љ '$& ‫)ݦ‬$)"/# '/ ./!.#$*).*)$)/ - ./ +-Ĭ/4"*)$ю/-(.$Ĭ/ ƶ+*'*2Ĕ)2 zzzzzzz przy
or Instagram.’ Like adults, many teens want good &.$ $Ƃ$č"Ĕ)%)*2.5 +&$я5$Ĭ&$&/Ţ-4((*ƶ)
value for moneyюљ !/# - њ..*( /#$)") 2 2)/я 5*.55Ĭ5$Ĕ/-*#Ĭ+$ )$Ĭ54ю*-4(+*(4.Ŕ ()
but it’s too expensive, like these cool trainers I saw *Ŕ*ƶ )$ +-0"-*.54% .// ƶ#*5 )$ *.&' +Ţ2
the other day, I won’t get them till they’re in the ./%*)-)4#я2&/Ţ-4#(*ƶ)&0+$Ĕ2+-*0&/4
sale a few weeks later. You can usually get anything
3 zzzzzzz
ю$ƶ.5  )4(*ƶ)/ ƶ5)' ƴĔ)2$ '0
new that way if you’re prepared to wait! And you stronach internetowych z 4 zzzzzzz .
can sometimes get discounts at the checkout &54.$&я2$Ĭ&.5*ƂĔ+$ )$Ĭ5424%Ĭ)5-*2 
% 5 )$ я&/Ţ- % ./5)5)$ -*ƶ.5 я' 5/*+-5 +4.5) ѓ
when you’re paying,’ says Olivia. Although girls
4%&*.55Ĭ5.5+$ )$č5 ѕ%&*)$ 5)$ 5)Ĕѓ
are more likely to spend money on jewellery or
make-up, both sexes are into looking good and buy
high-quality hair and body products. 2 zzzzzzz This
means downloading apps is a favourite activity.
Learn English through Polish
 )..#*+*)/# $)/ -) / 0. љ*)'$) 
companies don’t always charge you as much
money and it’s easy,’ says Olivia. 3 zzzzzzz љ*-
5 Translate into English.
example, sometimes we go to a gaming store 1 Do you look for zzzzzzz (specjalne ofertyѱ
and try out several new games. A lot of games cost when you go shopping? Why?/Why not?
more than we canȂ*-, so we wait until there’s 2 What was zzzzzzz (warte swojej cenyѱ
a.+ $'*Ȃ -, when you can get two games for that you’ve bought recently?
the price of one and that kind of thing. 4 zzzzzzz 3 What would you like to buy, but you zzzzzzz
# - њ.)*-)) 2./0Ȃ*)/# (0/4*0) ()$ ./ü$Ĕѱѕ
save a lot of money.’ 4 What do you usually do when you have to wait
zzzzzzz (przy kasieѱ//# .0+ -(-& /ѕ
ȅ -/#/я'$1$)# -!-$ )."*!*-'0)#юљ '*1 
)4# '/#4!**я .+ $''4*-")$./0Ȃяњ.4. 5 Do you think that online shops zzzzzzz
Olivia. (+*$ -%ùѱ/**(0#!*- '$1 -4ѕ
љ "*)42# - /#/. -1 .$/ѥ+' )/4*!+' . 6 Do you buy clothes zzzzzzz ()24+-5 Ƒ4ѱ
*я0/$/)  3+ ).$1 юȅ -/#/я *)њ/ or not? Why?/Why not?
0.0''4#1 )4(*) 4' ȅѓњ'0"#.'$1$ю
6 TEEN WORLD Answer the questions from
activity 5.

*50($ )$ / &./0+$.) "*ѐ 050+ Ŕ)$)$ '0&2/ &Ƃ$ -&0%č4($5)$($ю 11

Zagadnienia gramatyczne są prezentowane za pomocą form
wypowiedzi bliskich nastolatkom, czyli krótkich, zwięzłych
tekstów typu czaty, minidialogi lub wpisy na blogu.


 / -($) -.С0)/$‫ ݦ‬-.
5 Read mini-dialogues 1 and 2 and match rules
1 Read the mini-dialogues 1-2 and choose the a and b to the correct sentences.
correct answer in the rules a-c. 1 ѐ This is my shopping bag! ѐNo, it isn’t
1 ѐ љ- /# - any websites selling second-hand yours. It's mine! Your shopping bag is orange.
clothes?’ The yellow one is mine.
ѐљ# - - no / some/a few/several/many/ 2 ѐ Is this discount coupon Jack’s or Jill’s?
plenty of/a lot of websites selling second- ѐI think it is his. ѐAre you sure? I think it’s
hand clothes.’ hers. It’s a discount coupon for a lipstick.
2 ѐљ ./# - any money left for food shopping?
ѐљ# - $.no/some/much/plenty of/a lot of a Possessive adjectives (e.g. myѱ- always
money left for food shopping.’ followed by a noun.
b Possessive pronouns (e.g. mineѱ- never
a Dialog 1 includes a countable/an uncountable
followed by a noun.
noun. Dialog 2 includes a countable/an
uncountable noun.
Na końcu podręcznika b Uncountable nouns have no singular/plural form. 6 Fill in the table with the missing words.
znajduje się dodatkowa c Expressions a few, many, several are never Who? Whose?
sekcja gramatyczna used with countable/uncountable nouns.
Personal subject Possessive Possessive
zawierająca objaśnienia Grammar reference and practice page 151 pronoun adjectives pronouns
gramatyczne wraz I my mine
z ćwiczeniami. Można Polish vs English
you your yours
wykonać je na lekcji 2 Which English expressions would you use to his
lub zadać jako pracę translate these sentences?
zzzzzzz zzzzzzz

domową, która pomoże she her hers

Т '$1$.+*/4&.$Ĭ5$.$%5kilkoma+-54%$ŢŔ($ю
utrwalić poznane a few, some, several it zzzzzzz ----
zagadnienie i/lub je 1 ѐ545*./Ŕ4%&$ Ƃ+$ )$č5 ѕѐTak, /-*#Ĭ. zzzzzzz our ours
2 Nie ma herbaty. Czy chcesz /-*#Ĭ kawy?
powtórzyć.. 3 To nie kosztuje 0ƶ*+$ )$Ĭ54ю you your zzzzzzz

4 Wielu nastolatków lubi oryginalne ubrania. they their theirs

5 Mam mnóstwo5.0ю#*ƴ(4)5&0+4ѓ
6 ѐ ' masz gier? ѐMam kilka.
7 ѐ ' mamy wody? ѐ$ ((42' wody.
7 TEEN WORLD Fill in the gaps with the missing
Aby w sposób jak Mamy tylko kilka pustych butelek.
najbardziej obrazowy Taylor: '$1$ѓ )њ/‫)ݦ‬my new hoodie. I saved for it
pokazać uczniom, w jakich 3 Choose the correct option. for months. Where is it?
kontekstach jest używana 1 Last weekend I got a/some/any great discounts on Olivia: It’s not 1 zzzzzzz . It’s yours. I have no idea
dana struktura clothes. where your clothes are.
gramatyczna, odwołujemy 2 My brother buys much/a lot of/any clothes online.
Taylor: Yes, but mum told me that you regularly borrow
się do przykładów 3 I got a discount on a/some/no headphones online. 2 zzzzzzz
flared jeans without asking. And I saw you
4 I didn't have few/much/many time to save the
w języku polskim, money for a new laptop.
wearing dad’s baseball cap the other day.
wskazując na 5 Have you got any/much/several BeBop trainers? Olivia: It wasn’t 3 zzzzzzz . His baseball cap would look
podobieństwa i różnice 6 We don’t eat some/any/no food with gluten. great in a fashion museum. I got this cap from Justin,
pomiędzy językami 7 Would you like to borrow any/much/a money my new boyfriend.
(świadomość językowa). from me?
Taylor: And what about mum’s jeans?
4 TEEN WORLD Complete the questions Olivia:  .я/# ‫ݧ‬- % ).- 4 zzzzzzz , but she
with the correct words. More than one answer is doesn’t mind if I borrow them from time to time. Do you
possible. Then ask and answer the questions with &)*2/# ( )$)"*!љ" ) -*0.њѕ
a classmate.
Taylor: You always have a good excuse.
1 How zzzzzzz money do you save every year?
What are you saving up for? Olivia: Mum! Taylor is being nasty to me again.
2 How zzzzzzz time do you spend shopping Mum: Taylor, give Olivia a break! I forgot to tell you,
online/for clothes? Taylor, I borrowed 5 zzzzzzz hoodie this morning
3 Do you know zzzzzzz websites/shops where because it was really chilly.
you can get good discounts or special offers?
4 Do you have zzzzzzz friends who want good Taylor: Oh no, mum! You too? No one respects my
value for money? space in this house.

12 &- Ƃ')$&$$'*Ƃ$ю -54($*/)$&$$5$(&$5$ -ƶ25 ю

Ikoną Teen World oznaczono struktury gramatyczne,

które utrwalane są w ćwiczeniach o tematyce bliskiej
Sekcja Writing rozpoczyna się od modelowej
wypowiedzi pisemnej, którą będą utrwalać

WRITING 2 Read the texts again and answer the questions.
Point to the fragments that helped you.
Short texts relating events
1 What is the last cool thing these people bought?
1 Match the text types from the list to texts 1–3 2 Where did they buy them?
Ramki Prepare to write
below. 3 Do their friends like them? Why do you think so? zawierają wskazówki
a blog post z a textbook fragment odnoszące się do tego,
a formal letter z an article for a school magazine PREPARE TO WRITE jak skonstruować dany typ
an e-mail z a letter of complaint wypowiedzi pisemnej
$.)$ &-Ţ/&$#/ &./Ţ252$ -%č4#- '% 
1 oraz jakie środki językowe
524-5 Řя/*-5*+-54/)0($ %Ĭ/)*ƂĔю
*ƶ)%24&*-54./Ĕ*/2*-5 )$2$ '0 można w tym celu
Hi Joe, you asked about my glasses. I got my form wypowiedzi pisemnej, np. wpisów na wykorzystać.
pair from the shop called Eyewear, which sells bloga, e-maili, listów (zarówno formalnych, jak
prescription glasses and sunglasses. There are $)$ !*-(')4#ѱя-/4&0ŔŢ2ю
a lot of styles to choose from. -54/2*-5 )$0/ "*/4+0/ &./Ţ2+($Ĭ/%*ѐ
I saw a pair I really liked as soon as I entered – udzieleniu odpowiedzi na pytania zawarte
the shop. I put them on and I looked really 25)$0Ѱ5*55)$ Фѱя
great! ѥ *)$0&$'&02Ŕ.)4#&*( )/-54ѐ
There was a promotion that day and I got a 10% 5$Ĭ&$)$(24+*2$ ƴ./)$ .$ -5$ %
discount. I forgot the receipt, so I went back to $)/ - .0%čя
get it and the assistant gave me a free case to ѥ 5./*.*2)$0-Ţƶ)4#5.Ţ2$./-0&/0-
keep them in. gramatycznych.
- /0./*( -. -1$ ѓ њ(.0- 4*0ї''‫)ݦ‬
a pair of great glasses there.
/ 3 Read the texts again and complete the lists.
Ѭ shopping vocabulary: promotion
2 Ѭ different tenses: I got my pair... which sells...
Ѭ the determiners from page 12: a lot of
Friday, June 13th – MY LUCKY DAY
I woke up yesterday feeling a bit uneasy. At first 4 You are going to write a short text about
I didn’t know why but then I realised that it was something you've bought recently. It may
Friday the 13th! I felt down for the whole day, be a blog post, an e-mail or a short article.
so after school to lift up my spirits I went into Plan your ideas and make some notes.
Answer these questions to help you.
Soundz, which is my favourite shop. They have an
online store, but I prefer to go to the shop so I can 1 What is the last thing you bought?
try the things on sale. You can find a lot of cool stuff 2 Where did you buy it?
there like headphones or speakers. I saw these great 3 Why did you choose it?
Bluetooth headphones. I put them on and listened 4 What do your friends think?
to several songs from my phone. 5 Extra information?
They were expensive, but I got a 15% discount 5 Write your own short text.
because of a promotion. When my friend found
Ѭ . /# /$+.$)/# љ- +- /*2-$/ њ*3ю
out about it, she rushed to Soundz to get a pair for
Ѭ Use the vocabulary from unit 1.
herself but they had sold out. She blamed Friday
Ѭ Use some of the phrases from activity 1:
the 13th, which wasn’t so unlucky for me after all :-). I got a...% discount. I got a free.... I saw this/these
great... . They sold out. ... with my own pocket
3 money .
Ѭ Write about 100 to 150 words.
I just got myself a pair of those cute Ѭ Remember to check your spelling and grammar.
trainers. Actually my mum was going to get
them for me, but I didn’t want to wait and
decided to buy them myself with my own
pocket money. I got them from the local
sports shop near my house. Some of my
friends from school already had pink ones,
but I wanted to be different, so I got some
orange and blue ones! Plenty of people have
telling anyone. It’s my secret store! So don't
ask me :)

2*-5 )$ 24+*2$ 5$+$. () %ѐ krótki tekst, notatka z elementami opisu. 13

Rozdziały parzyste składają się z sekcji: Vocabulary, Listening,
Grammar i Speaking, z których każda zajmuje jedną stronę
zawierającą materiał do realizacji na jednej godzinie lekcyjnej.

WHAT KIND OF A I love laughing,
especially when
I feel silly!
ARE YOU? If my friends have
a problem, then My friends
I sometimes feel I hang out with I’ll listen. trust me with I love my friends,
When my but I really love
a bit anxious in my friends if I their secrets.
friends are being on my own.
situations where annoying, have spare time. I love hanging
there are lots of I tell them. out with a big
people. But I am group of I’d do anything
I don’t like planning
sensitive to too much. Let’s just friends. to help my best
their feelings. see what happens! friends.

I have lots of
best friends –
I prefer to listen to
girls and boys!
other people’s ideas,
although I sometimes
have good ideas too.

VOCABULARY Personality 4 Match the words in activities 2 and 3 to

adjectives the meanings.
1 Go to the opening page and answer 1 making you feel angry
2 someone you can trust and / or believe
the questions to unit 2.
3 behaving in a careful way that shows good
2 Read the quiz above. Choose the five sentences judgement
that are most true about you. 4 enjoying being with people
5 worried and nervous
3 Read the descriptions. Do you agree with 6 relaxed and calm
what the quiz says about you? Compare with 7 behaving in a way that is funny and not serious
a classmate. 8 having a natural ability to do something
9 always supporting and liking someone
10 thinking about how you can help other people
MOSTLY ORANGE Brilliant best friend
11 wanting something that someone else has
12 being easily upset by things other people say
Ramki Look out! You’re a reliable best friend. And you’re also kind,
or do to you
honest and caring, and your friends know how
zawierają przypomnienie
sensible you are! You’re a thoughtful and sweet
problematycznych person, and it’s no surprise that you love having
zagadnień. people around you. My sister is young but she’s very sensible.
You’re too sensitive – no need to get upset!
MOSTLY YELLOW The cheerful chum Ѱ2-ƶ'$24ѱ

You’ve got loads of friends and you’re easygoing!

You love having fun and you’d never be cruel to 5 04 Listen to Sophie and Ben talking about
anyone. You are never jealous of other people, the quiz. Which of the adjectives from activities
and everyone likes that! People love having you at 2 and 3 would you use to describe them?
parties! Go, sociable you!
6 TEEN WORLD Answer the questions.
Use the adjectives from activities 2 and 3.
MOSTLY GREEN The perfect pal
1 How would you describe yourself? What is your
best personal quality? What is the worst?
You prefer to have a few close friends rather than
2 What qualities does your best friend have?
lots of friends. You’re confident, talented and loyal
3 Which personal qualities do you find annoying?
to your friends. You love hanging out with your
4 What kind of person could you never be friends
friends but you also like to spend time alone.

14 5Ŕ*2$ &ѐcechy charakteru.

LISTENING 5 06 Listen to dr Carley's lecture and complete
the e-mail using the information from the talk.
1 Answer the questions. Reply Forward

1 Do you think having face-to-face friends Hi Sandra!

and online friends is equally important? Why?
Did you know that having online pals is
2 What are the differences between your online 1 zzzzzzz
for you as having real friends? I’ve
friends and your real friends?
'$./ ) /*/'&*0/-$ ).#$+*44
2 TEEN WORLD Read the introduction to the Dr Carley and that’s what he said: online,
talk. What is the speaker’s opinion? Do you agree you can look for people with the 2 zzzzzzz as
with him? you, and become part of an online 3 zzzzzzz .
However, Dr Carley says that real friends are
also important because we can hug them and
Scientist Dr Russell Carley is interested in ¿QGLQJ this physical contact improves our mood. But,
out about friendship in the 1 zzzzzzz century. $/$.'.*(*- $Ȃ$0'//*unfriend someone
+HVWDUWHGE\WU\LQJWRDQVZHUWKHTXHVWLRQ you see a lot in real life even if you don’t
3 zzzzzzz
them. Did you know that when you
IULHQGV"6XUSULVLQJO\KHIRXQGWKDWWKHDQVZHULV chat with your friends, you also imitate their
words and gestures? So it's great that you and
DELJ<(6$IULHQGLVVRPHRQHZKRJLYHV\RX I can meet both online and in real life .
2 zzzzzzz
online friend can do that. Online friends can also Zadanie sprawdzające
poprzedzone tekstem
KRXUVDGD\EXWWKHRQOLQHFRPPXQLW\QHYHU 6 Match the highlighted words from the texts
3 zzzzzzz
:KHQ\RXIHHODQ[LRXVLQWKHPLGGOH in activities 2 and 5 with their definitions.
RIWKHQLJKWWKHUH¶VDOZD\VVRPHRQHZKRFDQ a remove someone from your social media account
do tematu nagrania.
4 zzzzzzz
\RXVXSSRUWWKURXJKDWH[WDPHVVDJHRU b getting more information about something
c friends
just a ‘like’. d when you put your arms around someone
because you like them
e a group of people
f movement of your hands to express emotions

7 TEEN WORLD Fill in the gaps with the

missing words from activities 2 and 5 in the correct
form. Then work in pairs and answer he questions.
1 Where can you find an e- zzzzzzz nowadays?
2 Have you ever zzzzzzz someone on social
media? Why/Why not?
3 How do you zzzzzzz about what’s happening
in your town/city?
4 Do you belong to any online zzzzzzz ?
Why?/Why not?
5 What kind of zzzzzzz do you use when you talk W sekcji Listening
to people face-to-face? prezentowane są nie
3 Read the introduction again and decide which 6 Do you zzzzzzz your friends and family? When? tylko ćwiczenia
parts of speech a, b, or c are missing in each gap.
Discuss your answers with a classmate.
8 TEEN WORLD Discuss with a classmate. na rozumienie ze słuchu
1 Do you think you will have the same online – ich celem jest również
1 a date b adjective c number zachęcanie do utrwalania
friends in five years’ time? Why?/Why not?
2 a adjective b indefinite article
c definite article
2 Do you think you will have the same real friends innych umiejętności
in five years’ time? Why?/Why not? językowych.
3 a verb b verb in singular form 3 What are the disadvantages of having online
c adjective friends?
4 a verb in basic form
b noun
c verb in plural form

4 05 Try to predict the missing information in

gaps 1–4 in activity 2. Then listen, check and fill
in the missing answers.

*50($ )$ 5 .Ŕ0#0ѐ5)$ */2-/ ѥ050+ Ŕ)$)$ )*//&$5'0&($ю 15

Gramatyka, podobnie jak słownictwo, jest wprowadzana w module dwukrotnie, aby nie przytłaczać ucznia
nadmiarem informacji. W ten sposób staramy się prezentować nowe zagadnienia zgodnie z oczekiwaniami
współczesnych nastolatków, którzy są przyzwyczajeni do krótkich i zwięzłych form przekazu.

GRAMMAR Gerund (the -ing form) GRAMMAR )‫)ݦ‬$/$1 .Ѱ$)‫)ݦ‬$/$1 

2$/#*0/ї/*їя)$)‫)ݦ‬$/$1 2$/#ї/*їѱ
1 Match the examples to the rules.
1 He enjoys finding out about friendship in the 3 Read the examples in the blog entry and
Ćwiczenia, w których 21st century. match the rules to the examples.
2 Hugging is good for us.
utrwalane są struktury 3 They suggest making more face-to-face friends.
gramatyczne 4 Are you good at keeping in touch with your friends?
wprowadzone w sekcji, Can animals be real friends?
bazują na treściach a After verbs of likes and dislikes such as like, My two dogs, Lia and Mia, make me feel very happy.
love, enjoy, dislike, hate, not mind, can’t stand, They are quite well-behaved – they listen when I tell
bliskich nastolatkom. them to keep quiet (ok, sometimes I have to repeat
we use the -ing form.
b Some adjectives are followed by a preposition (4. '!! 2/$( . !*- /# 4- /ѱю can talk to
and then by the -ing form. /# (Ѱ) *$/''/# /$( ѓѱя/# 4" /2*--$ 
when I am upset. I really appreciate that, I really do.
c We can use the -ing form as the subject of
I am so grateful that I even let them sleep in my bed
a sentence.
Ѱ*)њ// ''(4(0(я+' . ѱю#//# 4won’t do
d We use the -ing form after the verbs like though is have a conversation with me and I need to
suggest, consider, avoid. have human friends to give me that.

Use infinitive without ‘to’:

a after modal verbs
b after make/let + object
After other verbs and in structures verb + object
+ verb (e.g tell/ask/promise someone to do
.*( /#$)"ѱ2 0. /# infinitive with ‘to’.

Grammar reference and practice page 152

Ikona Cambridge Corpus
towarzyszy ćwiczeniom
Grammar reference and practice page 152
4 TEEN WORLD Complete the fragment
i informacjom, które, from a podcast with the verbs in brackets, using
według statystyk the -ing form of the verb, the to + infinitive form
LOOK OUT! or the infinitive without 'to'.
Korpusu Językowego -ing ending – spelling
Cambridge University Ѭ Drop the final -e: prepare > preparing. What is friendship?
Press, skupiają się na Ѭ Replace the final -ie with –y: lie > lying. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, worked hard 8 zzzzzzz
błędach najczęściej Ѭ Double the final consonant in the stressed Ѱ- / ѱ ‫)ݦ‬$/$*)*!/-0 !-$ ).#$+ю /( 
popełnianych przez syllable containing one vowel and one 9 zzzzzzz
Ѱ/ ''ѱ4*0*0//#- &$).*!!-$ ).# 
consonant: talked about. A pleasant friend is someone you enjoy
polskich uczniów cut > cutting, forget > forgetting. 10 zzzzzzz
Ѱ.+ )ѱ/$( 2$/# 0. 4*0- */#
zdających egzaminy keen on 11 zzzzzzz Ѱ*ѱ.$($'-/#$)".юuseful friend
Cambridge English.
2 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of is someone you keep 12 zzzzzzz Ѱ" /ѱ# '+!-*(ю)
true friends love each other because of who they are,
the verbs in brackets. Sometimes you need to add
a preposition before the -ing form. and they wish only good things to each other. Aristotle
preferred 13 zzzzzzz Ѱ. ѱtrue friends as perfect
1 -) &$.$)/ - ./  zzzzzzz Ѱ!$)ѱ*0/(*-  friends. What do you think?
about friendship in the 21st century.
2 zzzzzzz Ѱ"$1 ѱ#*) ./1$ /*4*0-!-$ ).$.
the secret of a good friendship.
5 Go to page 137.
3 I don’t mind zzzzzzz Ѱ#)"ѱ*0/2$/#(4+- )/. 6 Complete the sentences so they are true
and their friends. You can learn a lot from the for you. Compare your sentences with your
older generation. classmates. Find someone who has similar ideas.
4 The girls enjoyed zzzzzzz Ѱ+- +- ѱ 1 I don’t mind zzzzzzz but I can’t stand zzzzzz.
a presentation together for their English class. 2 I’m keen zzzzzzz but I’m tired zzzzzz.
5 Are you keen zzzzzzz Ѱ(& ѱ) 2!-$ ). 3 zzzzzzz makes me feel relaxed.
online? 4 I prefer zzzzzzz rather than zzzzzz.
6 Experts suggest zzzzzzz Ѱ'$./ )ѱ/**/# - 5 I let my friends zzzzzzz but they should/
people’s ideas more carefully. shouldn’t zzzzzz.
7 I’m tired zzzzzzz Ѱ/$40+ѱю ) .*( - ./ю 6 I often suggest zzzzzzz when my friend/friends
8 Nicola can’t stand zzzzzzz Ѱ2*-&ѱ$)"-*0+.$) zzzzzz.
class, as she always disagrees with the other 7 When I ask my friends zzzzzzz , they should
people. zzzzzz.

16  -0)Ѱ!*-(5&*ŘŢ2&č-ingѱю 5*&*'$5)$& 5to oraz bezokolicznik z to.

SPEAKING Talking about yourself

Ramki Useful Language

zawierają frazy oraz zdania
z kluczowym
Talking about yourself
Ѭ Where do you... ? How far… ? słownictwem. Sprawdzą
Ѭ How much time does it take you to… ? się podczas doskonalenia
Ѭ Do you enjoy… ? umiejętności wypowiedzi

Ѭ How do you spend… ? ustnych i pisemnych.
STUDY Ѭ Who do you like spending… with?
ENGLISH? Ѭ Do you live… ?

5 Match the beginnings of the questions

from the ‘Useful language’ box to the correct
mini-dialogues in activity 6.

1 Look at the photos. Use the prompts to

6 Ask and answer the questions with
a classmate. Student A – use the correct
make questions in order to find out information intonation while asking the questions (see
about these students. Compare your ideas with PRONUNCIATION below).
a classmate. Student B – give additional information as shown
in the ‘Prepare to speak’ box. Then change roles.
2 07 Ahmed and Sandrine are taking their 1 ѐ Zapytaj B, gdzie mieszka i jak daleko ma do
English exam. The examiner asks them some .5&*Ŕ4ю
warm-up questions. Listen and say which questions ѐ*%)52Ĭ5$ ')$4$+*2$ 5я$' 5.0
they answer. What extra information do they give? 5%(0% $*%5Ѷ*%Ƃ$ *.5&*Ŕ4ю
Compare your answers with a classmate. 2 ѐ +4/%я54+**(0Ѷ% %.$Ĭ($ %. я
3 07 Read the ‘Prepare to speak’ box, then
w którym mieszka.
ѐ Odpowiedz i uzasadnij dlaczego.
listen again. Which phrases do Ahmed and
3 ѐ Zapytaj B, czy mieszka w domu, czy
Sandrine use?
w mieszkaniu.
ѐ+*2$ 5$*&- Ƃ'/4+Ѷ2$ '&*ƂĔ($ %.я
PREPARE TO SPEAK w którym mieszkasz.
Ѭ Likes and dislikes 4 ѐ +4/%я%&$5&$(.+Ĭ55.2*')4ю
I really enjoy it. ѐ+*2$ 5$+*%$)!*-(% я"5$ .+Ĭ5.5
I’m keen on… 5.2*')42/ ).+*.Ţ$%&5Ĭ./*/*-*$.5ю
I’m into… 5 ѐ +4/%я54'0$.Ŕ0#Ĕ(054&$ю
Ѭ Giving additional information ѐ&- Ƃ'.2Ţ%0'0$*)4-*5%(054&$$)52$%
When you are having a conversation, while wykonawców, których najbardziej lubisz.
answering yes/no questions don’t limit your
).2 -./*%0./љ4 .њ*-љ)*њю$1 .*( $/$*)' PRONUNCIATION Intonation
information, for example: ))"'$.#я$)/*)/$*)$)" ) -'Ѱ4 .Ѷ)*ѱ,0 ./$*).
A: Do you study English? ) ѣ,0 ./$*).$Ȃ -.ю
B: Yes, I do. I have English three times a week. What’s your name?
A: Do you listen to music? Do you like music?
B: Yes, I do. I usually listen to it on my phone W sekcji Speaking
on my way to school. 08 Listen and repeat.
znajdują się ćwiczenia
Ѭ Useful fillers 1 What’s your name?
Actually, … 2 What’s your surname?
utrwalające poprawną
To be honest with you… 3 How old are you? wymowę, ze szczególnym
Generally, … 4 Where are you from? uwzględnieniem tych
It depends, … 5 Do you study English? elementów fonetycznych,
6 What’s your favourite kind of music? które sprawiają najwięcej
Do you play sports?
4 Work in pairs. Take turns to give information
8 Do you get up early or late?
trudności polskim
about Ahmed and Sandrine. uczniom.

4+*2$ ƴ0./)ѐ mówienie o sobie, rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli. 17

Ramki Prepare to speak zawierają informacje, jak

zbudować daną wypowiedź ustną oraz jakie środki
językowe można w tym celu wykorzystać.
W sekcji Use of English powtarzamy zagadnienia wprowadzone w dwóch W ramkach Prepare to learn vocabulary
poprzedzających ją rozdziałach, jednocześnie oswajając uczniów ze specyfiką zwracamy uwagę na istotne zagadnienia,
części egzaminu maturalnego, jaką jest znajomość środków językowych. np. związane ze słowotwórstwem.


Ramka Prepare to use 3 Go to page 137.
prezentuje te elementy Ŕ0(5 )$ !-"( )/Ţ25Ř Ŕ*2*/2Ţ-./2*
języka angielskiego, które ($Ĭ/%яƶ )$ 52.5 % ./(*ƶ'$2 *.Ŕ*2) 
/Ŕ0(5 )$ 5% ) "*%Ĭ54&)-0"$ў.Ŕ*2*2.Ŕ*2*ќю *%č*+-54($*/)$&'0-5 5*2)$&
często pojawiają się *+*2$ )$+-5 -*./ &Ѱ+- !$3ѱ)+*5č/&0
Ŕ0(5č5)$'0!-"( )/45Řя./-%.$Ĭ
na egzaminach i sprawiają +-5 &5Ĕ%&)%*&Ŕ)$ %5)5 )$ Ŕ*Ƃ$я' )$  24-50я'0+-54-*./ &Ѱ.0!!$3ѱ)&*Ř024-50я
polskim uczniom najwięcej /Ŕ0(5+*% 4)54#24-5Ţ2/2*-5č4#5)$ . '*0.02%č/  ' ( )/4я(*ƶ .5/2*-54Ĕ
trudności. -5 )'$50%+*)$ƶ.5 +-54&Ŕ4ѐ wyrazy o zmienionym znaczeniu, np. przymiotniki
Where is my money?ѥ5$ .č(*% +$ )$č5 ѕ o znaczeniu przeciwstawnym, przymiotniki
How much is the T-shirt? – Ile kosztuje ta koszulka? *-5 5*2)$&Ţ2я$/+ю-5 )'$50%+*)$ƶ.5 
Buy two adult tickets and get two children tickets free. +-54&Ŕ4ѐ
ѥ 0+2$' /4'*.Ţ*-*.Ŕ4#$*./)$ .52 Ѭ -54($*/)$&$*5)5 )$0+-5 $2./2)4(ѐ
darmowe dla dzieci. happy unhappy
sensitive insensitive
loyal disloyal
Learn English through Polish
Ѭ -54($*/)$&$*-5 5*2)$&ѐ
1 Write Polish equivalents for the thoughtless (-) thought thoughtful (+)
highlighted phrases.
1 Purchase several items from our online
store and get delivery free of charge.
4 Make as many adjectives as you can from the
words below. Use in-, dis-, un-, -ful, -less.
2 Buy two T-shirts from our latest collection
and the third one won’t cost you a penny. pleasant z similar z lucky z meaning z help
3 On St Patrick’s Day our boutique offers care z tact z use z attractive z honest
a five percent discount on all green clothes. 5 Go to page 137.
4 Spend more than £150 in our shop and we
will pay the delivery charges for you. 6 For each of sets 1–4 write one missing
5 If your product has been delivered and you adjective which can be used to complete both
find out you don’t like it, you can send the sentences.
item back for free.
1 zzzzzzz
Literą M oznaczono 6 Our assistants make a constant effort to
zadania, w których serve our customers better and better zzzzzzz experience, but it motivates me to study
every day.
powtarzane są harder.
zagadnienia leksykalne, I asked Tom to do his part of the project faster,
gramatyczne oraz funkcje
2 In sentences 1–4 choose the answer but he was zzzzzzz to me and refused.
(a, b or c) which is the correct translation of 2 zzzzzzz
językowe wprowadzone w the phrases in brackets. I dropped my smartphone and the screen broke,
module w formie zadań 1 The jeans aren’t the right size, so I’m sending so now it’s completely zzzzzzz – I can’t call or
maturalnych. them back and I’d like to zzzzzzz (*/-54(ü text anyone.
+ Ķ)452-*/&*.5/Ł2ѱ!*-/# +0-#. ю It is totally zzzzzzz to clean the floor until you
a get a full refund have finished painting the room. It gets dirty
b know the full cost immediately afterwards.
c receive some money 3 zzzzzzz
2 I avoid using this telecommunication company It was very zzzzzzz of you to leave your raincoat at
because they usually zzzzzzz (-*"*'$5ù home if you knew it was going to rain so heavily.
klientomѱ!*-/# $-. -1$ .ю / $..* zzzzzzz with her homework, but she
a give buyers discounts on expensive things never worries about anything.
b offer good value for money 4 zzzzzzz
c charge their customers high prices You can trust Dave because he will never lie to
3 You don’t have to keep something you’ve you or cheat on you! No other man is as zzzzzzz
bought if you don’t like it. You can always as he is.
zzzzzzz (52-Ł$ü+-5 ($*/ѱ/*/# . '' -ю This car is very expensive. To be zzzzzzz , I don’t
a sell the thing think I can afford to buy it.
b receive the product
c return the item
4 I have zzzzzzz (&0+0%Ĕ-5 540Ƒ42) ѱ.$) 
I started saving for a new computer.
a purchased unused items
b shopped in second-hand shops
c used to buy products

18 )%*(*ƂĔƂ-*&Ţ2%Ĭ54&*24#ѐ/Ŕ0(5 )$ !-"( )/Ţ25Řя24Ţ-2$ '*&-*/)4я+-54($*/)$&$5+-5 -*./&($$+-54-*./&($ю

Sekcja zawiera odesłanie do Extra Practice, gdzie

znajdują się dodatkowe ćwiczenia (również maturalne)
adresowane do tzw. fast finishers.
Sekcja Revision zawiera powtórzenie
słownictwa oraz gramatyki z danego

1 Match the sentence halves. 4 Choose the correct word to complete the
1 The shop exchanged the item sentences.
2 I got 1 Lucy didn’t buy any/much shoes on Saturday.
3 Mark's mum 2 Sophia wants to buy some/any new pens for
4 These jeans were really expensive school.
5 I’m planning 3 There are plenty/many of places that sell
6 I choose online shops accessories for phones.
4 I haven’t got much/many time – I have to leave
a a 15% discount. in 10 minutes.
b to send back the shoes I bought online. 5 How much/many exercises do we have to do?
c likes shopping in high street shops. 6 Any/No teens under the age of 18 can watch that
d which don’t charge for the delivery. film – it’s for over-18s only.
e because I had a receipt. 7 I didn’t go anywhere/nowhere last weekend.
f but I used my student discount. I stayed at home and watched a new series.
8 Someone/anyone has left their bag on the bus.
2 Complete each conversation with the correct We need to tell the driver.
answer a, b or c.
1 X: Did you know the girl who zzzzzzz you in
5 Complete the mini-dialogues, choose
the correct option a, b or c.
the shop?
1 X: I went shopping yesterday.
Y: Yes, she goes to my school.
Y: Oh, did you buy zzzzzzz ?
a served
a anything
b talked
b nothing
c sold
c anywhere
2 X: That shop has zzzzzzz for students on 2 X: You’re a bit distracted today. What’s up?
Thursdays. Y: Oh, I met zzzzzzz at the party yesterday and
Y: Well, we’d better go there. We don’t want to I can’t stop thinking about him.
miss it. a someone
a a purchase b anyone
b a promotion c no one
c a refund 3 X: I’m so hungry. Where shall we eat?
Y: zzzzzzz that serves vegetarian food.
3 X: We had to zzzzzzz the game because it didn’t a Anywhere
work on our computer. b Anything
Y: Oh, that’s a shame. I was looking forward to c Anybody
playing it.
a get back 6 Complete the sentences with the -ing or
b discount infinitive form of the verbs from the list.
c send back exchange z eat z join z spend z find
buy z play z go z meet z learn
3 Unscramble the words and complete the
1 Abdu considered zzzzzzz new trainers
sentences. The first letters have been highlighted.
online, but in the end he went to his favourite
sineeivts z ensibsel z lsdkeii z eliltnetnig department store.
iosdcutn z uclkynu z lrliebae 2 Serhiy wants zzzzzzz Polish because he’s living
1 If Mel says she’ll do something, she will. in Poland right now.
3 He let me zzzzzzz his guitar and he doesn't like
She’s very zzzzzzz .
zzzzzzz it.
2 Angela always knows the answer – she’s really
zzzzzzz .
4 Ludmila and her mum enjoyed zzzzzzz time
together in the shopping centre.
3 Going by bus was a zzzzzzz idea. It saved us
5 My brother has decided zzzzzzz an online friend.
some time. 6 zzzzzzz new people can be fun.
4 You can’t say anything to Michelle. She’s very 7 Indira is keen on zzzzzzz the band because
zzzzzzz and is easily upset.
she’s got a lovely voice.
5 This is an expensive bag, but the shop gave me 8 Would you like zzzzzzz anything before we go?
a really big zzzzzzz on it. 9 I avoid zzzzzzz to big parties where I don’t know
6 Some people think it’s zzzzzzz to walk under many people.
ladders. 10 Are you planning zzzzzzz the headphones you
7 I zzzzzzz shopping and I hate big shops! got for your birthday?

Sekcja Skills Revision to podsumowanie modułu, w której na bazie tekstów do przeczytania i wysłuchania
o tematyce kulturowej (Culture) lub poradnikowej (Life Skills) prezentowane są strategie egzaminacyjne,
ułatwiające wykonanie zadań maturalnych w formule obowiązującej od 2023 roku.


09 Text a

All trousers
Dresses and skirts in
in the
/#- ѣ!*-ѣ*) *Ȃ -ю
Buy three for
the price of one!

Text b
Maria: Did you get that nice pair of jeans which was on sale
/*0-*0/$,0 4 ./ -4я -$(ѕ

-$(ѐ @Maria I wanted to, but it turned out that the special
$.$/*0-*)'$) .#*+!*-'' *Ȃ -2.!*-*)'$) +0-#. .)'$($/ /*-$4
information on our products,
Rosie: Җ -$(Җ-$That’s really bad! It wasn’t clear from
current promotions, the advertisement.
new collections and more!
$.$/*0-*0/$,0 /-& / -$(ѐ @Rosie @Maria I know. I was really disappointed.
At least I realised when I was at the checkout that there
Street this week to get was something wrong. I don’t think I’ll ever go to that
shop again!
+$-*!*0-.+ $'*Ȃ -
designer socks. Maria: Җ -$( I’m not surprised!

1 Answer the questions. 2 Read the texts and answer the questions.
1 How often do you go shopping? Write a, b, c or d.
2 What do you usually buy online? Which text
3 Do you often buy things because they are 1 mentions what item of discounted clothing
discounted? Why?/Why not? a customer wanted to buy?
2 includes some advice given by a customer?
3 advertises products on sale?
4 includes a promise given to a disappointed

20 *50($ )$ / &./0+$.) "*ѐ050+ Ŕ)$)$ '0&22$*(*Ƃ$я ѣ($'0я)*// ю

W sekcji zastosowano ćwiczenia na rozumienie tekstu pisanego

lub mówionego, opierające się na umiejętności przetwarzania
wypowiedzi czy określania głównej myśli fragmentu tekstu.
Text c Text d

a few questions to help us improve the quality RQ0DUNHW6WUHHWZKHQ\RXZHUHUHIXVHGWKHGLVFRXQW
of our service. It will just take a few minutes. DGYHUWLVHGRQRXUSRVWHUVDQGWKHZHEVLWH
Yes No
be delivered?
1 day 2 days 3 days
Хю- 4*0./$.‫ ݦ‬2$/#/# $)!*-(/$*)
5. What can we improve in our shop?
The last time I visited your shop in person
2)/ /*04+-*0/*ƙ - /
a discounted price. I tried it on, decided IURPVKRSSLQJDWRXUVKRSLQWKHIXWXUH
to take it, but when I wanted to pay, I was <RXUVVLQFHUHO\
told that I couldn’t get the discount. Your
advertisements should be more precise. -RKQ6PLWK

W ramkach Prepare to…

PREPARE TO READ opisane są strategie
50+ Ŕ)$)$ '0&22$*(*Ƃ$Ѷ ѣ($'0Ѷ)*// egzaminacyjne
ð 4+*+-2)$ 050+ Ŕ)$Ĕ'0&$ѐ ułatwiające wykonanie
Ѭ -5 54/%Ŕ4/ &./5'0&($ю zadań maturalnych.
Ѭ +*./2$ ў*/*5 )$ќ'0&*&- Ƃ'я%&$ "*-*5%0$)!*-(%$-&0% 2&ƶ %'0 Ѱ)+ю)524*.*4я
*$ &/0я($ %.я-5 54я54))*Ƃ$я'$54ѱю

W sekcji sprawdzana jest

3 Read Maria’s e-mail to her friend Ania. Fill in the gaps (1–4) with the information from the texts (a–d). umiejętność zrozumienia
Do not use more than two words in each gap. tekstu pisanego
Reply Forward w zadaniu maturalnym.
5 ƂĔя)$0ѓ
*0$ $ ѕ2$ 5$ŔƂ%0ƶ/ ).&' +$)/ -) /*24я*0-*0/$,0 я*&/Ţ-4($(Ţ2$Ŕ(ѕ%čƂ2$ /) -5 54
$)2 /&0+$Ŕ(&$'&.+Ţ)$ю$ +*/-5 *2Ŕ(ƶ/4'0я' 2+-*(*%$&0+$Ŕ(1 zzzzzzz w cenie jednej,
*4Ŕ*Ƃ2$ /)č*&5%čюŢ%&*' "я -$(я($Ŕ()$ %.55ĬƂ$ю*54Ŕ"5$ Ƃ$#+'&/- &'(*24
$+*% #Ŕ2.**/Ĭ*$#.&' +0./%*)-) "*яƶ 4&0+$Ĕ.*$ % ).42+-*(*%$я' +-54&.$ *&5Ŕ*
.$Ĭяƶ /+-*(*%4Ŕ/4'&*2.&' +$ $)/ -) /*24($/4'&*2 zzzzzzz ю$-4/*2Ŕ.$Ĭю*2$ 5$Ŕяƶ )$ Ĭ5$ 
%0ƶ2$Ĭ %-*$Ŕ5&0+Ţ22/4(.&' +$ ю$(*2.54./&*-5*#$Ŕ($ Ĕ/ .+*)$ я2$Ĭ&0+$Ŕ% *)'$) ѥ
)$ ./ /4%0ƶ 5+-*(*%$ю5&+-54.5Ŕ2$č"03 zzzzzzz $(.2*% 0+-")$*) .+*)$ ю*.&-ƶ4Ŕ.$Ĭ)/Ĭ
.4/0%Ĭ2)&$ $ '&'$ )/Ţ2.&' +0ю 2$ .5*ѕ*/4"*)$0*./Ŕ*)$#'$./5+-5 +-*.$)($ѓ'$Ƃ$ 4Ŕ
/ ƶ&0+*)**0-*0/$,0 я&/Ţ-4(*ƶ 24($ )$Ĕ)*2*')4$0#*(&.4(') %2-/*Ƃ$
4 zzzzzzz
ю$ ƴ' я*ѕ
 52$%.$Ĭ22*') %#2$'$ю

Speaking w sekcji Skills Revision przygotowuje ucznia do wykonania każdego typu Ramka Prepare to speak
zadania maturalnego według schematu: 1) prezentacja wypowiedzi modelowej, zawiera wskazówki, jak
2) analiza środków językowych potrzebnych do realizacji tego typu wypowiedzi, wykonać dane zadanie
3) utrwalenie tych środków językowych, 4) wykonanie zadania maturalnego. na egzaminie ustnym.


4 Answer the questions. PREPARE TO SPEAK
1 What types of places to shop do you know? *5(*22./Ĭ+)
Name as many as you can. Ѭ ./)Ţ2.$Ĭя54-*50($ .5+4/)$ ю
2 Where do you most like to do your shopping? ($Ĭ/%яƶ 52.5 (*ƶ .5+*+-*.$Ĕ*% "*
Why? powtórzenie.
Ѭ 4-ƶ%/&$ *+$)$ я&/Ţ- 0($ .5)%' +$ %
Ѭ +*2$%/4'&*)5) +4/)$ я)$ &-čƶ
2*&ŢŔ/ (/0ю
Ѭ +*2$ 5$./-%.$Ĭ.!*-(0Ŕ*2Ĕя0ƶ42%č
-Ţƶ)*-*) "*%Ĭ54&ю

Uczeń jest wdrażany

do analizy wypowiedzi
maturalnej pod kątem
realizacji wszystkich
punktów z zadania

*$ -)$ 5Ř*24+*2$ 5$
7 Read the question below and write down pros
and cons you can discuss when answering it.
Ѭ Przeczytaj podane w zadaniu zdania i upewnij Then talk in pairs.
.$Ĭяƶ % 2Ŕ*Ƃ$-*50($ .5ю
Is doing shopping during the sales season a good
Ѭ *&- Ƃ'&'05*2 .Ŕ*2Ѷ24-ƶ )$2&ƶ4(
idea? Why?/ Why not?
Ѭ ./)Ţ2.$Ĭя%&$)5 %(*ƶ)24-5$Ĕ 8 11 Read the questions below. Listen to
2%Ĭ54&0)"$ '.&$($#5)5 )$ ю five people answering some of them. Then match
the speakers to the questions. Compare with
5 Look at the underlined phrases in activity 6.
a classmate.
Which of the following words and phrases could &0+4$0.Ŕ0"$ѐ
they refer to? a Have you ever regretted buying something?
Why?/ Why not?
1 awful weather
b Would you ever queue for a few hours to buy
2 luxury items
something discounted? Why?/ Why not?
3 a pedestrian area
c Do you prepare shopping lists before you go
4 the problem shopping? Why?/ Why not?
Nagraniu towarzyszy 5 alternative fashion d Is there anything you would never buy online?
zadanie maturalne 6 10 Listen to four people talking about Why?/ Why not?
e *4*0/#$)&$)/ )4 -.۞/$( + *+' 2$''./$''"*
na rozumienie ze słuchu. shopping in London. Match each speaker to one
of sentences a–e. One sentence can't be matched to high street shops? Why?/ Why not?
to any of the speakers. 5Ŕ*2$ &ѐ
This speaker: f Are you sociable? Why do/don't you think so?
g How did you and your best friend become
a mentions a shopping street where you can walk friends?
around safely. h What do you most like about your best friend’s
b favours a place where you can shop even if it personality? Why?
rains. i How do you usually spend time with your best
c loves shopping there even though it can be more friend?
expensive than other places. j Do you usually meet your best friend online
d points out a negative aspect of one shopping or in real life? Why?
e recommends a shopping area good for people 9 Choose two questions from each category in
who like to wear unusual clothes. activity 8. Ask and answer them with a classmate.

*50($ )$ 5 .Ŕ0#0ѐ*$ -)$ 5Ř*24+*2$ 5$ю

22 4+*2$ ƴ0./)ѐ-*5(*22./Ĭ+)ю

Sekcja zawiera zadania maturalne, które należy

wykonać, wykorzystując wprowadzone strategie
egzaminacyjne i poznane środki językowe.
Writing w sekcji Skills Revision przygotowuje ucznia
do napisania każdego typu wypowiedzi pisemnej
przewidzianej na egzaminie maturalnym.


Sekcja Writing Guide uczy,
jak planować pisemną
wypowiedź maturalną
10 Read the e-mail and fill in each gap with +*5)%.$Ĭ55)$ (УФ$5+')0%.2*%č
według unikalnego
the appropriate word from the list. You can use 24+*2$ ƴ+$. ()č5"*)$ 5+*)$ƶ.54( schematu (ćwiczy
each word only once. Compare your answers schematem. odnoszenie się do każdego
with your friend. Pierwsza kropka: wątku i rozwijanie go
a visits e moved i birthday Ѭ )+$.5я2%&$#*&*'$5)*Ƃ$#.$Ĭ+*5)ѣ w zadaniu maturalnym).
b sociable f shopping j improve '$Ƃ$ ѰѣŔ4Ƃ$ ѱ$-5 (5($ .5&'$Ƃ$ ѰѣŔ4Ƃ$ ѱ
c bought g friends k classmate
d get h hobby l both Odniesienie + odniesienie + odniesienie
Podaj dwie informacje na temat miejsca/czasu,
Reply Forward 2&/Ł-4(+*5)Ķ ŞȖȍŞȗ.2*% "*2.+ŁĶ'*&/*-Ȝ
Sekcja zawiera
Hi Olivia, 2.+ŁĶ'*&/*-&Ĕ*-5% )ù$)!*-(%Ĕ*/45ùù
2.5 % 45%$*2.+Ł')4(24)%Ĕ$0($ .5&)$Ǹ modelową wypowiedź
I can’t wait to tell you the news: there’s a new
student in our class, Monica! She lived in Manchester pisemną.
Druga kropka:
with her parents, but her father was made the Ѭ *+$.5 #4#-&/ -02*% "*2.+ŢŔ'*&/*-Ѷ
manager of an English company in Warsaw, so they 2*% %2.+ŢŔ'*&/*-&$
1 zzzzzzz
to Poland.
Monica is a really nice girl. I thought she would be Odniesienie + odniesienie + odniesienie
.#4/‫ݦ‬-./я0/.# њ.- ''4-1 )2 zzzzzzz . Podaj trzy cechy charakteru swojego
She started to talk to us right away, even though she 2.+ŁĶ'*&/*-Ȝ.2*% %2.+ŁĶ'*&/*-&$$)+$.5ǹ
didn’t know us at all. And she isn't embarrassed to ask '5 "*02Ƒ.5ǹƑ % (ǹ)+Ǹ% ./)$ Ş($Ķǹ
us about anything she doesn’t know. Besides she’s +*)$ 2Ƒ)$ 2$ ' (Ł2$2/*2-54./2$ 
always nice and polite. I really like that. )*2*+*5))4#*.ŁǸ
Monica also has a great 3 zzzzzzz . She collects Trzecia kropka:
*'*($**&.я.*ȅ -.#**'.# '24.* . Ѭ +*$)!*-(0%я%&.+Ĭ5$ 2.+Ţ')$ 2*')45.
something to 4 zzzzzzz her collection: she looks
for new items on the internet and at weekends she Odniesienie + odniesienie + odniesienie
5 zzzzzzz
comic book events. I hope to see her Podaj trzy informacje na temat sposobu
collection soon because we're already good 6 zzzzzz. .+Ĕ5)$+-5 52.2*') "*5.0ǹ)+Ǹ2.+Ł') 
Yesterday we went shopping together to 7 zzzzzzz *"'ù)$ !$'(Ł2ǹ"-)$ 2"-4&*(+0/ -*2 Ǹ
a birthday present for our 8 zzzzzzz , Marcin.
Czwarta kropka:
She doesn’t know him very well, so she asked me to
Ѭ 24%Ƃ)$%я%&-Ţƶ)$č.$Ĭ2.5 +- ! - )% */45č 
help her with that and we decided to buy something
from 9 zzzzzzz of us. We went to our local 10 zzzzzzz -*$ )$5&0+Ţ2$'5 "*/*42&Ŕ*+*/'$2 ю
 )/- )1$.$/ . 1 -'.#*+./# - ю$)''4я2  Dwa*)$ .$ )$*+$ -2.5 "*5Ŕ*)0
11 zzzzzzz
him some great earbuds. Got to go now + jedno*)$ .$ )$ *-0"$ "*5Ŕ*)0
because we’re going to Marcin's 12 zzzzzzz party. Napisz o 2Ł#-ŁƑ)$#*/45ù4#2.54#
Bye, +- ! - )%$5&0+*24#Ȗ)+Ǹ2*'$$ 5&0+4
.$ 2-ŁƑ)4#-*5%#.&' +Ł2ǹ5&0+4*)'$) 1.
5&0+42.&' +$ ./%*)-)4(ȗ*-5+*%% )ù
11 Find the sentences in the e-mail in activity 10, $)!*-(%Ĕ*/45ùù/-0)*Ş$24)$&%ù4#
which refer to each bullet point. 5/4#-ŁƑ)$ǹ)+Ǹ&$ 42Ł%2.+ŁĶ'*&/*-Ȝ2*%
*2*% %&'.4*Ŕč54Ŕ)*2&*' ƶ)&ю
(Ķ4(.&' +$&0ǹ)$ &0+0% 2*% "*0'0$*) "*
W e-mailu do kolegi z Anglii:
+-*0&/0ǹ+*)$ 2Ƒ.&' +$&)$ ("*2*! -$ Ǹ
Ѭ 24%Ƃ)$%я'5 "*&*' ƶ)&5)'5Ŕ.$Ĭ
w Twojej klasie
Ѭ *+$.5 #4#-&/ -0)*2 %&*' ƶ)&$ 12 Do the task.
Ѭ +*$)!*-(0%я54($)/ - .0% .$Ĭ)*2&*' ƶ)& *5+*54).5./0$)05 ')$2$))4(($ Ƃ$ я
$%&.+Ĭ52*')45. *&/Ţ- "*.$Ĭ+-5 +-*25$Ŕ ƂѰѣƂѱ$24)%(0% .5
Ѭ 5- '%*)0%5&0+4я)&/Ţ- +*.5 Ŕ ƂѶ+*.5ŔƂ ($ .5&)$ 2.+Ţ')$ 5)*2č&*' ƶ)&č/nowym
5)*2č&*' ƶ)&č2 '05&0+0+- 5 )/0 &*' "č5-*&0ю
urodziowego dla Waszego kolegi. W e-mailu do kolegi ze Szkocji:
Ѭ )+$.5я2%&$#*&*'$5)*Ƃ$#+*5)Ŕ ƂѶѰѣƂѱ
PREPARE TO WRITE .2*% "*2.+ŢŔ'*&/*-Ѷ.2*%č2.+ŢŔ'*&/*-&Ĭ
$'5 "*-5 (5($ .5&'$Ƃ$ ѰѣŔ4Ƃ$ ѱ
Odniesienie*5)5яƶ - '$50% .52č/ &
Ѭ opisz cechy charakteru Twojego
2.+ŢŔ'*&/*-Ѷ2*% %2.+ŢŔ'*&/*-&$
ale w minimalnym stopniu, np. napisz, na czym
Ѭ +*$)!*-(0%я%&.+Ĭ5$ 2.+Ţ')$ 2*')45.
+*' "Ŕ2Ţ%24./Ĭ+ѐ
Ѭ 24%Ƃ)$%я%&-Ţƶ)$č.$Ĭ2.5 +- ! - )% */45č 
I sang a song.
-*$ )$5&0+Ţ2$'5 "*/*42&Ŕ*+*/'$2 ю

4+*2$ ƴ+$. ()ѐ e-mail. 23

Uczniowie utrwalają nabyte

umiejętności, wykonując
zadanie maturalne.
Na końcu każdego
modułu znajduje się
Vocabulary list, która
zawiera najistotniejsze
słówka i wyrażenia VOCABULARY
LIST 1&2
z danego modułu
podzielone na sekcje.
Słowniczek zawiera 12 Vocabulary unit 1 prescription glasses /+-ǘ‫ۥ‬.&-ǘ+ǯLj) it depends /ǘ/ ǘ‫ۥ‬+ )5/ phr/*5' ƶ4
transkrypcję fonetyczną ‫ۥ‬Ǐ'Ď.Lj5/ n, C*&0'-4)-  +/Ĭ to be honest //0٬$٬‫ۥ‬ƿ)ǘ.// phr
amount /Lj‫(ۥ‬dz)// n, C$'*ƂĔя&2*/ rush /-ǵǯ/ n, U+*Ƃ+$ # .55 -5 (Ţ2$č
wraz z nagraniem
certain /‫ۥ‬.Nj٬/Lj)/ adj pewny, pewien uneasy /ǵ)‫ۥ‬$٬5$/ adj niespokojny, 14 Use of English 1 & 2
wymowy poszczególnych charge //ǯdž٬ǻ/ v+*$ -Ĕ*+Ŕ/Ĭ nieswój
słów/wyrażeń. Nagrania charge //ǯdž٬ǻ/ n, C*+Ŕ/ constant /‫&ۥ‬ƿ)./Lj)// adj./Ŕ4
dostępne są po delivery /ǘ‫'ۥ‬ǘ1Lj-$/ n, C dostawa
13 Vocabulary unit 2 dishonest /ǘ‫ۥ‬.ƿ)ǘ.// adj nieuczciwy
zeskanowaniu kodu QR, discount /‫ۥ‬ǘ.&dz)// n, C5)$ƶ&я-/ annoying /Lj‫)ۥ‬ǁǘǘƻ/ adj$-4/0%č4 disloyal /۩ǘ.‫'ۥ‬ǁǘLj'/ adj nielojalny
exchange /ǘ&.‫ۥ‬/ǯ ǘ)ǻ/ n, C wymiana anxious /‫ۥ‬Ďƻ&ǯLj./ adj zaniepokojony dissimilar /۩ǘ.‫ۥ‬.ǘ(ǘ'Ljr/ adj
umieszczonego na stronie
high street shop /#ǘ./-$٬/ǯƿ+/ n, C behave /ǘ‫ۥ‬# ǘ1/ v5#*242Ĕ.$Ĭ niepodobny
wstępnej każdego s&' ++-54"ŔŢ2) %0'$4 effort /‫! ۥ‬Lj// n, U24.$Ŕ &
caring /‫ &ۥ‬Lj-ǘƻ/ adj troskliwy
modułu. item /‫ۥ‬ǘ/Lj(/ n, C rzecz, przedmiot confident /‫&ۥ‬ƿ)!ǘLj)// adj pewny free of charge /!-$٬Lj1/ǯdž٬ǻ/ adv
market /‫(ۥ‬dž٬&ǘ// n, C targ, rynek siebie 5-(*я 5*+Ŕ/я"-/$.
promotion /+-Lj‫(ۥ‬LjdzǯLj)/ n, C cruel /‫&ۥ‬-0٬Lj'/ adj okrutny insensitive /ǘ)‫ۥ‬. ).ǘ/ǘ1/ adj
promocja, okazja hang out /#Ďƻdz// pv.+Ĭ5Ĕ5. )$ 2-ƶ'$24
purchase /‫ۥ‬+Nj٬/ǯLj./ n, C zakup 5&$(Ƃ meaningful /‫(ۥ‬$٬)ǘƻ!Lj'/ adj
queue /&%0٬/ n, C kolejka jealous /‫ۥ‬ǻ 'Lj./ adj zazdrosny 5)5č4я. ).*2)4
receipt /-ǘ‫ۥ‬.$٬// n, C paragon, judgement /‫ۥ‬ǻǵǻ(Lj)// n, U*.čя meaningless /‫(ۥ‬$٬)ǘƻ'Lj./ adj bez
pokwitowanie ocena sytuacji znaczenia, bezsensowny
refund /‫ۥ‬-$٬!ǵ)/ n, C52-*/+$ )$Ĭ54 laugh /'dž٬!/ vƂ($Ĕ.$Ĭ similar /‫ۥ‬.ǘ(ǘ'Lj-/ adj podobny
return /-ǘ‫ۥ‬/Nj٬)/ v52-Ţ$Ĕ personal quality /‫ۥ‬+Nj٬.Lj)Lj'‫&ۥ‬2ƿ'Lj/$/ tactful /‫ۥ‬/Ď&/!Lj'/ adj taktowny
send back /send bæk/ v* .ŔĔ n, C cecha osobowa tactless /‫ۥ‬/Ď&/'Lj./ adj nietaktowny,
serve /.Nj٬1/ v *.Ŕ0"$2Ĕ reliable /-ǘ‫'ۥ‬ǘLjLj'/ adj wiarygodny, niedelikatny
service /‫ۥ‬.Nj٬1ǘ./ n, U*.Ŕ0" godny zaufania unattractive /۩ǵ)Lj‫ۥ‬/-Ď&/ǘ1/ adj
store card /./ǁ٬r&dž٬/ n, C karta sensible /‫ۥ‬. ).LjLj'/ adj-*5.č)4 nieatrakcyjny
rabatowa w danym sklepie sensitive /‫ۥ‬. ).ǘ/ǘ1/ adj2-ƶ'$24 unpleasant /ǵ)‫ۥ‬+' 5Lj)// adj
Reading sociable /‫ۥ‬.LjdzǯLjLj'/ adj towarzyski )$ +-54% ()4я)$ ($Ŕ4
support /.Lj‫ۥ‬+ǁ٬// v2.+$ -Ĕ useless /‫ۥ‬%0٬.'Lj./ adj 50ƶ4/ 5)4
afford /Lj‫!ۥ‬ǁ٬/ v($ Ĕ)*Ƃ thoughtful /‫ۥ‬ɧǁ٬/!Lj'/ adj troskliwy Skills Revision 1 & 2
+$ )$č5 я+*52*'$Ĕ.*$ )*Ƃ thoughtless /‫ۥ‬ɧǁ٬/'Lj./ adj 5(4Ƃ')4я
available /Lj‫ۥ‬1 ǘ'LjLj'/ adj*./Ĭ+)4 ' &&*(4Ƃ')4 admit /Lj‫(ۥ‬ǘ// v+-545)Ĕ
checkout /‫ۥ‬/ǯ &dz// n, C kasa sklepowa trust //-ǵ.// v50!Ĕ advertise /‫ۥ‬Ď1Lj/ǘ5/ v*"Ŕ.5Ĕя
good value for money /Ǐdz‫ۥ‬1Ď'%0٬ - &'(*2Ĕ
!ǁ٬-‫(ۥ‬ǵ)$/ phr towar wart swojej Listening appreciate /Lj‫ۥ‬+-$٬ǯ$ ǘ// v* )$Ĕ
ceny assure /Lj‫ۥ‬ǯǁ٬-/ v5+ 2)$Ĕ
community /&Lj‫(ۥ‬%0٬)Lj/$/ n
in the sale /ƿ). ǘ'/ phr)24+-5 ƶ4 attached /Lj‫ۥ‬/Ď/ǯ// adj*Ŕč5*)4
.+*Ŕ 5 Ř./2*я.+*Ŕ 5)*ƂĔ
stuff /./ǵ!/ n, U rzeczy, przedmioty, compensate /‫&ۥ‬ƿ(+Lj). ǘ// v
equally /‫ۥ‬$٬&2Lj'$/ adv na równi
ciuchy 24)"-*5$Ĕя5- &*(+ ).*2Ĕ
express /ǘ&‫ۥ‬.+- ./ v 24-ƶĔ
up to date /ǵ+/0٬  ǘ// adj aktualny, current /‫&ۥ‬ǵ-Lj)// adj$ ƶč4я* )4
find out /!ǘ)dz// pv*2$ 5$ Ĕ.$Ĭ
nowoczesny, na czasie designer socks /ǘ‫ۥ‬5ǘ)Ljr .ƿ&./ n, C
gesture /‫ۥ‬ǻ ./ǯLj-/ n, C gest
Grammar unit 1 markowe, designerskie skarpetki
hug /#ǵǏ/ v+-54/0'Ĕ
discounted /ǘ.‫&ۥ‬dz)/ǘ/ adj
improve /ǘ(‫ۥ‬+-0٬1/ v +*' +.5Ĕя
coupon /‫&ۥ‬0٬+ƿ)/ n, C bon, kupon ze przeceniony
5)$ƶ&($ discourage /ǘ‫ۥ‬.&ǵ-ǘǻ/ v5)$ #ĬĔ
movement /‫(ۥ‬0٬1(Lj)// n, C ruch
excuse /ǘ&‫ۥ‬.&%0٬5/ n, C wymówka include /ǘ)‫'&ۥ‬0٬/ v 52$ -Ĕ
pal /pæl/ n, C kumpel/kumpelka
flannel /‫'!ۥ‬Ď)Lj'/ adj flanelowy inconvenience /۩ǘ)&Lj)‫ۥ‬1$٬)$Lj)./ n, C
remove /-ǘ‫(ۥ‬0٬1/ v0.02Ĕ
flared jeans /!' Ljǻ$٬)5/ n, C )$ *"*)*ƂĔя&Ŕ*+*/
unfriend /ǵ)‫!ۥ‬- )/ v0.0)čĔ5'$./4
rozszerzane jeansy item /‫ۥ‬ǘ/Lj(/ n, C-/4&0Ŕя-5 5я
generous /‫ۥ‬ǻ )Lj-Lj./ adj hojny, przedmiot
szczodry Grammar unit 2 luxury /‫'ۥ‬ǵ&ǯLj-$/ n, U luksus
hoodie /‫ۥ‬#dz$/ n, C bluza z kapturem misleading /۩(ǘ.‫'ۥ‬$٬ǘƻ/ adj(4'č4я
disagree /۩ǘ.Lj‫ۥ‬Ǐ-$٬/ v)$ 5"5Ĕ.$Ĭ 2+-*25%č42Ŕč
Writing tail // ǘ'/ n, C ogon pedestrian /+Lj‫ ۥ‬./-$Lj)/ n, C pieszy
blame /' ǘ(/ v*2$)$Ĕ wag /2ĎǏ/ v(#Ĕя( -Ĕ precise /+-ǘ‫ۥ‬.ǘ./ adj*&Ŕ)4я
complaint /&Lj(‫ۥ‬+' ǘ)// n, C skarga, Speaking precyzyjny
reklamacja refuse /-ǘ‫!ۥ‬%0٬5/ v*(2$Ĕ
free case /!-$٬& ǘ./ n, C darmowe etui actually /‫ۥ‬Ď&/ǯ0Lj'$/ adv2ŔƂ$2$ я regarding /-ǘ‫ۥ‬Ǐdž٬ǘƻ/ prep$*-č
lift up someone’s spirits /'ǘ!/ǵ+ 2-5 542$./*Ƃ$ +*02"Ĭ
‫ۥ‬.ǵ(2ǵ).‫ۥ‬.+ǘ-ǘ/./ phr+*)$ ƂĔ generally /‫ۥ‬ǻ )Lj-Lj'$/ adv ogólnie, regret /-ǘ‫ۥ‬Ǐ- // vƶŔ*2Ĕ
&*"*Ƃ)0#0 generalnie turn out //Nj٬)dz/ / pv*&5Ĕ.$Ĭ

adj‫ڮ‬% /$1 Ѱ+-54($*/)$&ѱ v‫ڮ‬1 -Ѱ5.*2)$&ѱ phr‫ڮ‬+#-. Ѱ24-ƶ )$ ѱ

24 adv‫ڮ‬1 -Ѱ+-54.ŔŢ2 &ѱ pv‫ڮ‬+1Ѱ5.*2)$&!-5*24ѱ C/U = rzeczownik policzalny/niepoliczalny
n‫*)ڮ‬0)Ѱ-5 5*2)$&ѱ prn‫ڮ‬+-*)*0)Ѱ5$( &ѱ prep‫ڮ‬+- +*.$/$*)Ѱ+-54$( &ѱ
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