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Bell shaped curve in statistics

IST TERM 35. Determination of center of balance
1. History of numbers 36. Richter,PH and decibel scales
2. Explain why is math a kind of language 37. Radar and math
3. Is math invention or discovery 38. Applications of complex numbers
4. Explain balance in human body(in terms of math) 39. Mathematical symbols
5. Explain balance in the universe(in terms of math) 40.Power series
6. What are the benefits of learning math 41. History of calculators
7. Explain analyse method and synthesis method in math 42. Complex plane
8. Proof Methods(deduction and induction) 43. Projectional geometry
9. Two base system in computers 44. Basic axioms of euclidean geometry
10. Periodic table-mathematical view 45. Non euclidean geometry
11. Units of measurements 46. Words of famous mathematicians
12. Dictionary of math terms 47. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Euclid)
13. Math crossword 48. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Euler)
14. A poem of math 49. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Fermat)
15. Math cartoon 50. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Gauss)
16. Math humor 51. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Omer Hayyam)
17. Optimization in human body 52. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Pythagorean)
18. Optimization in nature 53. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Fibonacci)
19. Memory thecniques 54. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Lagrange)
20. Artificle intelligence 55. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Leibnitz)
21. IQ Tests 56. Lifes of famous mathematicians (Al- Khwarizmi)
22. Gardner’s multiple intelligence 57. Lifes of famous mathematicians (El Xabir)
23. Deductive and Inductive Reasoning 58. Word from famous mathematicians (Rene Descartes:
‘’It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing
24. Process of understanding
is to use it well’’)
25. How does a bee finds its hive
59. Word from famous mathematicians(Rene
26. How does an ant find its home Descartes:’’ Give me extension and motion and I will
27. A poem of math construct the universe’’)
28. Math cartoon 60. Word from famous mathematicians (Blaise Pascal:
29. Women mathematicians ‘’I have made this letter longer than usual, because I lack
the time to make it short’’)
30. The history of mathematical improvements along a
61. Word from famous mathematicians (Roger Bacon:
‘’Mathematics is the door and key to the sciences’’)
31. Common algebraic mistakes of students
62. Word from famous mathematicians(John von
32. Refraction of light
Neumann: "If people do not believe that mathematics is
33.Standard deviation,linear regression and reliability of simple, it is only because they do not realize how
data complicated life is")
63. Word from famous mathematicians(Albert 27. Computing aproximate value of square root
Einstein: "A person who never made a mistake never tried 28. Application of induction into proof of divisibility
anything new") problems
64. Word from famous mathematicians(‘’Small minds 29. Application of induction into proof of inequality
discuss persons. Average minds discuss events. Great problems
minds discuss ideas’’)
30. ‘Guessing a number’
65. Word from famous mathematicians( Benjamin
31. Easy ways to multiply
Franklin:’’ Well done is better than well said’’)
32. Using induction in solving inequalities and divisibilities
33. Triangle in structures
34. Abacus and four operations
35. Calculation of area of a closed region by using
nails(pick’s theorem)
1. Golden ratio
36. Origami
2. Fibonacci numbers
37. Hanoi towers
3. Napiers bones
38. Mobius şeridi ve klein şişesi
4. Soma cubes
39. Cryptology
5. Tangram
40. Paradoxes
6. Magic squares
41. Puzzles with matches
7. Marvellous numbers
42. Interesting numerical equalities
8. Set game
43. Three perpendicular theorem(model)
9. Rubic cubes
44. Sudoku and solving strategies
10. Numbers pi and e
45. Barcoding
11. Pascal triangle
46. Sundials
12. Proofs without words
47. Inclinometer
13.Trigonometry in astronomy 48. Topological ties(knots)
14. Application of sine and cosine laws in real life 49. Ciphers and codes
15. Impossible figures 50. Hexagon in honey hive
16. Stereograms (3D figures) 51. Hexagon in snowflakes
17. Optical illusions 52. Anthropometry in architecture
18. Solid figures(production) 53. Linear Diaphontanie equations
19. Other base systems 54. Fermats little theorem and wilson theorem
20. Binary operations 55. Group and ring
21. Prime numbers 56. Distance calculation between two points on earth
22. Pascal triangle and fibonacci numbers 57. Infinite sum
23. Tessellations 58. Telescopic sum
24. Divisibility by using modular arithmetic 59. Polar coordinate system
25. Dividing a segment or an angle in a given ratio 60. İsometry
26. Basic construction theorems 61. Basic trigonometric inequalities
62. Probability and pascal triangle
63. Euler value of numbers and its application in divisibility
64. The pigeonhole principle
65. Fractals
66. Continued fractions

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