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Orientações: Faça uma cópia deste documento e envie com seu nome

completo e sala.

Exercises - 2nd grade

Name: ________________________________________________________

1) Rewrite the sentences using Relative Pronouns (who, whom, which, whose,
where, why, what, when). Do not use “that”.

Example: I sent an e-mail to my brother. My brother lives in Australia.

I sent an e-mail to my brother, who lives in Australia.

a) He hired a car. The car broke down.


b) They elected a new mayor. His aim is to help the poor.


c) Mr Honeywell is a good teacher. Everyone likes him.


d) The bag is heavy. It contains a lot of presents.


e) The man was arrested yesterday. He escaped from prison a week ago.



2) Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun (only: who, whom,
which, whose, where, why, what, when).

a) His new bike, _________ is white, was very expensive.

b) This is the box _________ I keep my jewelry.
c) I remember the day _________ I got my first job.
d) That's the producer ________ films are always a great success.
e) My baby sister is the reason __________ I am always tired.
f) Ronald works for a company _________ makes washing machines.
g) She never tells us _________ she knows.
h) That is the man ____________ I spoke to the other day.
i) Her grandpa, _________ is a gentleman, gave her flowers.
j) She worked for a man _________ used to be an athlete.

3) Read the sentences and check all the ones with a relative pronoun which can
be omitted.

( ) Those are the kind of people whom I love.

( ) He’s the man that we saw at the cinema last night.

( ) Have you ever visited the art gallery that is in Victoria Road?

( ) The MP3 player which I found in the park belongs to my friend Julia.

( ) The people who were at your party are really nice.

4) Read the sentences and check the sentences in which the pronouns cannot be
replaced by THAT.

( ) Prisoners is the name of the movie which we watched last weekend.

( ) The actors who won the Oscar gave a speech.

( ) The passengers, who were injured in the crash, were taken to the hospital.

( ) The house which we rented in New York was furnished.

( ) My father, who is in London, likes to travel a lot.

5) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

a) I know a great little restaurant ____ we can get lunch.

( ) that ( ) who ( ) where

b) Sam knows a man ____ brother works for the president.

( ) whose ( ) who ( ) whom

c) Food ____ is imported from other countries is expensive.

( ) where ( ) which ( ) whose

d) The bad weather is the reason ____ I was late for class yesterday.
( ) why ( ) which ( ) when

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