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Acid rain is a pervasive environmental issue that continues to pose significant challenges to

ecosystems worldwide. Writing a thesis on this topic demands a comprehensive understanding of its
causes, impacts, and potential solutions. The complexity of the subject matter, coupled with the
extensive research required, makes crafting a high-quality thesis a daunting task for many students.

From conducting thorough literature reviews to collecting and analyzing data, the process of writing
an acid rain thesis demands meticulous attention to detail and critical thinking skills. Moreover,
synthesizing existing research and developing original insights can be particularly challenging given
the interdisciplinary nature of the topic.

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Acid rain has a pH of 4, which indicates that it is more acidic than normal rainfall. The useful
bacteria and the fertility of the soil are also destroyed, leaving it practically useless for plants and
trees. In addition after the first few runs we started marking the allocated point every 10 seconds
with a marker pen as we found this was easier to collect the results instead of trying to figure out the
amount upside down. Many electricity companies offer solar packages to their customers that require
no installation and low costs. To do this we had to learn a bit of knowledge about acid rain and how
it was formed. The campaigns can also be incorporated in bulletin boards, social media platforms,
and newsletters to spread the message widely. Solutions The ideal way to handle the problem of
littering is for each member of society to take responsibility and try their best to properly dispose
waste. The plants and animals living within an ecosystem are highly. Major contributing gases for
acid rain are sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon dioxide (CO2) and chlorine
(CI2). In most cases, Kumar notes that Acid Rain falls under a PH of between 5. Pollution and acid
rain accelerate the corrosion of buildings and monuments, causing concern about the loss of historical
buildings. The only precaution that we will take against acid rain has a check at the emission of
oxides of Nitrogen and sulphur. We don’t want this land to be poor and unhealthy for our kids and
their kids. Measures must be taken by appropriate local authorities to ensure more garbage bins are
installed in various areas for effective garbage disposal. Methodology In this experiment, because we
are observing the effect of acidic living condition on the health of Carassius auratus that lives in
water, we are changing the pH value of water. Often called acid rain as this concept contains many
types of acidic precipitation. Carbon dioxide is released by burning coal, oil, and natural gas. Statues
and buildings start to decay and our countries memories and artifacts decay too. It appears to change
the characteristics of the environment on a planetary scale; therefore, the global ecological crisis is
dangerous to the world’s population. When you do this, it sheds new light on just how far acid rain
can penetrate our environment. Atmospheric stratification describes the structure of the atmosphere,
dividing it into distinct layers, each with specific characteristics. The controlled variables in this
experiment: the temperature of the water, the time we process the experiment, the size of the
Carassius auratus, the amount of Carassius auratus, the amount of food given and the surrounding
light intensity, and surrounding voice intensity the experiment is processed. This means burning
fewer fossil fuels and setting air-quality standards. Other chemicals and acids combine to form
harmful smog, which attacks the lungs, causing illness and premature deaths. We just need to be
more cautious of our actions towards how we affect the environment. Community programs and
groups should be created with friends and neighbors for neighborhood cleanup with the sole aim of
running anti-litter campaigns to raise awareness. “Keep the environment tidy” programs and
community cleanup events can be a lot of fun and are sufficiently valuable in spreading the message.
Another way of reducing sulfur emissions into the atmosphere is by removing the sulfur on the oil
and coal before burning it, which can also be very expensive(1). Entire lakes have been declared
dead because of acid rain with 95,000 lakes in North America being damaged by acid rain. This
acidification increases growth of phytoplankton (Paerl 1985) which can impact the entire marine
food chain. Although a part of acid rain can be traced to natural phenomena such as emissions from
volcanoes and biological process, acid rain produced by nature are very small in amount, and they are
limited to a few regions.
In the internal combustion engines and boiler systems, nitrogen and oxygen under high temperatures
form the nitrogen oxides. For many years, urban sprawl was thought to be an exclusively American
problem; however, this phenomenon is occurring in several other countries. Sprawl affects us in
surprising ways — like draining our precious free time and expanding our waistlines. People can
help stop acid rain by not polluting the air. Water bodies include for example lakes, rivers, oceans,
aquifers and groundwater. Dead fish, crabs, birds and seagulls, dolphins, and many other animals
often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living environment) which results in
pollution disrupting the natural food chain. Normal rain has a pH of about 5.6; it is slightly acidic
because carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves into it forming weak carbonic acid. In the middle of the
Appalachian Mountains, over 1,300 streams are afflicted (Hart, John B.A., 1997). Acid rain has
made the lakes and streams unbearable by three important ways: lowering pH levels; decreasing acid-
neutralizing capacity (ANC); and increasing aluminum concentrations (Driscoll, C.T., 2001). Trees
are also harmed by acid rain. In the recent decades, environmental contamination and the breakouts
of related diseases have become more common. If you continue to use this site we will assume that
you are happy with it. As a result, the industrial revolution gave birth to the creation of air pollution.
China, which uses a lot of coal, has done a great job of cutting the sulfur dioxide emissions, which
has decreased 75% during the last decade. Litter is one of the most unsightly forms of pollution in
our local waterways and can easily be prevented. It is not too late for us to lessen its scale of
occurrences. People can also reduce their use of electricity, which is widely created with fossil fuels,
or switch to a solar plan. Article is from 1984 but science still applies - actually it interesting reading
an article from that long ago and you can talk about how much has change and what the view was
like then and how is it like now. The majority of people believe there are others who will pick or
clean it up. For example, it is quite common that people just throw their cigarette butts and do not
care about this behavior as they are never fined at all. Scientist says that acid rain damages the waxy
outer coating that protects the leaves. Burning coal. Oil and natural gas in power stations makes
electricity, giving off sulphur dioxide gas. These amendments are good and should help the pollution
problem, but in the amendments the way to meet these goals is not provided. These gases are
released by automobiles, certain industrial operations (normally smelting and refining) and electrical
stations which burn fuels like coal and oil. There are a lot of similarities in all of these pollutants;
most of these pollutants are from automobiles. Acid rain was first reported in Manchester, England,
which was an important city during the Industrial Revolution. To understand how the pH level of an
environment affects living organisms. To understand the relationship between the pH level and CO 2
concentration of distilled water. Yet, the appealing advantages blinded many people that its
disadvantages were sacrificed. Whenever CFC’s are released into the air, they reduce the
stratospheric ozone layer. Acid rain eliminates insects and fish species thereby reduce the biodiversity
in an area. This means burning fewer fossil fuels and setting air-quality standards. On sea life, acid
rain damages all the plants and animals living inside a body of water.
Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide undergo oxidation, and then they react with water resulting in
the formation of the sulphuric acid and nitric acid, respectively. The level of energy needed to
activate the reaction can be lowered by using a catalyst. To conclude different acidity’s effect on the
life of aquatic species, our group need to compare between Carassius auratus in different pH
conditions, so controlled variables are needed. In the absence of precipitation, dry deposition of
polluting particles and gases sticks to the ground through dust and smoke. Trees are affected by the
rain in several ways, but generally, it is through making them weak through making the roots of the
trees unable to absorb nutrients and other minerals; this is because acidic rain dissolves the mineral
easily, and they are swept away before they are absorbed by the trees making the trees weaker.
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document. Corrosive downpour might be brought about because of the use of fossil fuels or
volcanoes or spoiling vegetation which discharges sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the air.
Mainly, scientists detect high levels of nitric and sulfuric acids. When you do this, it sheds new light
on just how far acid rain can penetrate our environment. During this experiment we will discover
whether this theory is correct. The immediate part between atmosphere and geosphere in which
living organism are present. This study shows that acid precipitation is a serious problem in the
Adirondacks and is a growing threat to forests and watersheds (2). Water Pollution Connections
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities. HAPS
can cause serious health problems like cancer, birth defects, nervous system problems, and deaths that
are all due to people accidentally letting them go into the air. It also can influence human since the
acid goes into fruits, vegetables and animals. Human beings should strive to learn something new
every single day, and your blogs provide a fantastic forum to do just that. The biosphere is the global
sum of all ecosystems. Luckily we did not get any outliers apart from the unsuccessful results at the
beginning of our experiment. These industries must reduce their SO2 emissions by roughly 10
million tons annually and their NOX emissions by 2 million tons annually, by the year 2000 (3). Most
cities in Canada are faced with a range of urban sprawl issues — road expansion, poor transit, new
shopping malls and mega-stores, new suburban development, and stresses on existing water and
sewage facilities. Community programs and groups should be created with friends and neighbors for
neighborhood cleanup with the sole aim of running anti-litter campaigns to raise awareness. “Keep
the environment tidy” programs and community cleanup events can be a lot of fun and are
sufficiently valuable in spreading the message. Cause-And-Effect Essay Template On Acid Rains
Problem. Acid can leech or change nutrients in the soil that plants need to grow, or change them so
drastically that they can no longer be absorbed. The Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) Network measures
and monitors surface water chemistry at over 280 sites to provide valuable information on aquatic
ecosystem health and how water bodies respond to changes in acid-causing emissions and acid
deposition. In the United States, 70 percent of sulfur dioxide pollution comes from power plants
especially those that burn coal. Often called acid rain as this concept contains many types of acidic
precipitation. In the Adirondack Mountains of New York Sates, a quarter of the lakes and ponds are
acidic, and many have lost their brook trout and other fish. Acid rain has a pH of 4, which indicates
that it is more acidic than normal rainfall. The gases can be carried hundreds of kilometers in the
atmosphere before they are converted to acids and deposited. This means burning fewer fossil fuels
and setting air-quality standards.
Each year our hospitals have 550 premature deaths, 1,520 emergency room visits and 210,070
asthma symptom days due to the unhealthy effects of acid rain (Cherrington, Brett, 1996). As lakes
and rivers become more acidic biodiversity is reduced. Acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon
dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere
to produce acids. Dealing with global environmental crisis is complicated due to the fact that it
requires the cooperative actions of the whole world, rather than the individual actions of the certain
country or population group. China, which uses a lot of coal, has done a great job of cutting the
sulfur dioxide emissions, which has decreased 75% during the last decade. That is said, 16.5% of
China’s territory is affected by destructive damages such as soil damages, deforestation and even
destructions to infrastructures brought by acid rain (Yi, 2006). Mutagen causes changes to the DNA
that can affect the transcription and replication of the DNA, which in severe cases can lead to cell
death. Acid rain is extremely harmful to agriculture, plants, and animals. Sulfur dioxides are released
by burning coal, paper production, and melting metal. It damages the buildings and monument made
from stones and metals. There are airborne pollutants that cause acid precipitation for instance sulfur
and nitrogen. Two common air pollutants acidify rain: sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxide
(NO). Hypothesis More acidic the living condition (below pH 7) is, there will be fewer eggs being
produced and more deaths. The level of energy needed to activate the reaction can be lowered by
using a catalyst. When going to work, you could walk, ride your bike, take a bus, or car pool; and
try to use ethanol or propane gas. Yet, the appealing advantages blinded many people that its
disadvantages were sacrificed. Sprawl affects us in surprising ways — like draining our precious free
time and expanding our waistlines. Clean drinking water is turning into an uncommon thing.
Measures must be taken by appropriate local authorities to ensure more garbage bins are installed in
various areas for effective garbage disposal. The Effects Of Acid Rain Environmental Sciences
Essay. Acid precipitation affects agriculture by the way how it alters the composition of the soil.
Acid rains containing solutes of sulfuric and nitric acids cause serious damage to nature, because soil,
water, vegetation, animals, and people become their victims. Gases that are released by burning of
fossil fuels, among others, are composed from dioxins of sulfur and nitrogen. It mainly occurs due
to atmospheric pollution and can be very harmful to both human-made objects and natural
ecosystems, especially lakes and forests. Article is from 1984 but science still applies - actually it
interesting reading an article from that long ago and you can talk about how much has change and
what the view was like then and how is it like now. Luckily we did not get any outliers apart from
the unsuccessful results at the beginning of our experiment. This helped rise the economy of many
countries especially Great Britain. Urban sprawl is cutting into precious farm and wild lands, leaving
us with less green space and precious wild lands, like bogs, which are being drained and paved over,
putting valuable wildlife habitat and species at risk. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. The plant provides the bacteria with organic compounds made by photosynthesis.
However, the bigger problem is the country’s reliance on coal and fossil fuel.
Even though it is clean, the regular clean water we experience, i.e. water and CO2, react together to
make weak carbonic acid which virtually by itself isn’t overly harmful. In some cases, skin cancer
has also been recorded. According to data collected in 2002 by the European Environment Agency,
the population of a subset of European countries increased by only 6 percent between 1980 and
2000; however, the spatial footprint of built-up areas within these countries increased by 20 percent.
On sea life, acid rain damages all the plants and animals living inside a body of water. We repeated
this whole process of getting the marble chips and acid, emptying and cleaning the equipment 3
times for every concentration of acid until we got a total of 18 successful results. Another way of
reducing sulfur emissions into the atmosphere is by removing the sulfur on the oil and coal before
burning it, which can also be very expensive(1). In water treatment plants, sewage goes through a
number of chambers and chemical processes to reduce its toxicity. However, both of these attacks
bring with them significant troubles and, hence. Also, fishbowls are made with glasses, so make sure
do not crush the bowl with anything especially when people are around. Carcinogens may increase
the risk of cancer by altering cellular metabolism or damaging DNA directly in cells, which interferes
with biological processes, and induces the uncontrolled, malignant division, ultimately leading to the
formation of tumors. ———- For Correction and Improvements please use the comments section
below. When PMs mix with air particles and get breathed in, they get stuck in the lung tissue.
However, human beings have been the major cause for acid rain since the industrial revolution. Acid
rain is a phenomenon that results from industrial activities where sulfuric and nitric acids are
produced by the release of sulfuric oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) into the atmosphere.
Often fish born in acid lakes do not survive for they. Rainfall usually has a pH of 5, which suggests
that it is naturally acidic(1). Acid rain is any form of precipitation that has an elevated level of
hydrogen ions, meaning low pH value or acidic (Lacoma, 2018). There are a lot of similarities in all
of these pollutants; most of these pollutants are from automobiles. Our lives depended largely on the
air we breathe in and the water we drink. These gases can be passed to hundreds of kilometers away
in the atmosphere and generate acid rain in a substantial area of human settlement and cause large
ecological damage. In case, All things considered, if you want to get really great college admission
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living organism are present. In the United States, for example, the urban population rose from
roughly 64 percent in 1950 to about 81 percent in 2007. The metabolism and decomposition of lakes
and other waterways also become affected and become slowed. Get your ? argumentative essay
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monetary and political concern as the human population battles for this need. If you are not moving,
try to get out of your car more and help reduce the many problems associated with being car-
dependent. In northeastern United States and southeastern Canada, the water in some lakes now has
a pH value of less than 5 as a result of acid rain. Some of the most common health problems are
breathing problems, nervous system problems, and lung problems. People who have asthma are more
affected when there is an increase of acid pollution. Acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon
dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere
to produce acids. Countries need to burn fewer fossil fuels and set air quality standards.

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