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7 Dragon 2020 Any% (Casual) Notes

V.3.22 - Updated 4/16/21
Written by Acid Rain

Note: This guide strictly routes SP Up usage, so try your hardest to keep your party alive at the end of
boss battles.
Note: This run makes frequent use of a glitch that I call “origin warping.” Consult this guide for a
description of this glitch and how to perform it.

Time starts upon selecting the difficulty. This run is played on Casual.
Start with a Trickster and two Psychics. Appearance, name, and voice are up to you. Party order doesn’t
matter until the last three bosses.


The dungeon itself is straightforward. Ignore all chests and all detours.
You should hit level three right before talking with Gatou.

When fighting the second dragon, heal with a Medicine on Turn 3.

Chapter 1

Buy as many Heal Aeros as you can during the Shelter section—you won’t be coming back.

Inverted Parliament

Fight two battles on 1F. Your movement on 2F must be precise for the origin warp to work.

Pick up the Mana Water chest and then walk around the corner of the shelf past the flowers and manually
origin warp.
Level up Freeze, Decoy Mirror, and Scorpio.
Head down to the dragon and unlock EX.
Go to the next floor, fighting a battle on the way.

Fight normal battles before both dragons on this floor. Both Psychics use EX on the first Hammer
Dragon. Don’t use Trickster EX because it takes roughly 1.5x as long to build up.
Fight an extra battle before leaving this floor.
Grab the Paras Guard to the left. Go down at the crossroads and pick up the SP Up 100 chest. Stick to the
right wall and run up past the Salamander. Sneak in a quick battle before fighting it.
Go up-left and fight the next Salamander and pick up the Heal Aero II chest.
Proceed onward and kill the last Salamander, fighting two battles on the way.
Grab the Guard Ring from the top-right. Grind until Lv. 8 and until you have enough SP.
Give the Trickster the Guard Ring and the Paras Guard.
Skill up Freeze and Scorpio.

Fight Warcry.
(There's no real strategy here other than keeping Decoy Mirror active.)

Chapter 1.5

Go to the Meeting Room.

Talk to Miya.
Buy a Classic Gun and two Burn Nails.
Buy three Escape Kits and spend leftover money on Mana Waters.
Get a level of Aimed Shot.

Shibuya 1

Kill the two dragons in the first room and then the three in the next room. Whether or not you’ll need to
restore MP depends on when you level up.
Kill all dragons in the next room and pick up the Mana Water chest before leaving.
Beat up Ino and Guchi and grab the Heal Aero II chest.
Ignore the Sumo Dragons in the next room.
Fight the Sumo Dragon miniboss in the final room.
(Aimed Shot, Freeze x2 > Aimed Shot, Freeze x2 > Aimed Shot, EX Freeze x2)

Escape Kit and return to HQ.

City Hall 1

Upgrade everyone's armor and buy two Guard Rings and two Attack Rings. The Trickster gets both
Attack Rings. The other Guard Rings get divided up by the Psychics.
Spend remaining money on Medicines and Mana Waters.
Talk to Miya and upgrade the Laboratory and Murakumo HQ.

Visit Masaki.
Head to the lab. Pick whichever Navi you prefer.

Shibuya 2

Go to Shibuya and kill all the dragons.

Grab the Medicine II chest and the SP Up 100 chest down the manhole.
Defend against Daigo and Neko.

Kokubunji Subway

Defeat the first Little Dragon and talk to Rin.

After entering the offshoot, clean movement can get you Preemptive Strikes on all four Little Dragons on
your way to the left-side soldier.
After getting him, perform a manual origin warp.
Upgrade Decoy Mirror and Scorpio. Everyone gets one level of Life Bonus.
Give one Psychic (henceforth Psychic B) one level of Plasma Jolt.
The Psychics get one Guard Ring and one Attack Ring each. The Trickster gets the last Guard Ring.
Go right and save the second soldier from the dragon. Use EX.

Go down a screen transition, jump in the hole, and kill the Little Dragon.
Head down and pick up the Heal Aero II chest. Immediately perform another manual origin warp and talk
to the last soldier.
Escape Kit out of the Subway and then immediately re-enter and visit Rin.

Chapter 2

Pick up the bentos in your dorm room before you leave. Go to the Meeting Room.
Upgrade the SDF Barracks and Res Block A. Get the Paras Cut from Tonami and talk to Rin.
Swing by Res Block A and buy everything. Pick up Stealth I from the right room.


Kill the first two Hover Dragons. (Flame, Aimed Shot, Plasma Jolt > Flame, Medicine, PJ)
Use Stealth and go to the next area.

Pick up the Heal Aero II chest on the way. The Trickster guards on the Electrolasers.
Kill these two Hover Dragons as well.
Use Stealth twice on your way to the next area.
Ignore the Silver Water chest and the Hover Dragon in this area. Go straight to the Railgun fight.
Return to base when prompted. Return to Ikebukuro when prompted.

Use Stealth. Pick up Gatou’s Bandana. Go down and save.

Use the Silver Water chest and the Hover Dragon to clip out of bounds.
Kill both Hover Dragons and use Stealth. Grab the SP Up 100 chest.
Go up and around and grab the 350 Az chest just to be safe for later.
Enter the side area.

Wait for the dragon to move and pick up the Skytalon.

Give Psychic B the Skytalon and swap out their Guard Ring for the Bandana. Trickster gets the Paras Cut.
Psychic B gets another level of Freeze. The other Psychic (henceforth Psychic A) gets three levels of
Use an Escape Kit and go to Toshima.

Toshima Subway

Proceed as intended, killing the eight convenient dragons.

Pick up the Swift Ring and rescue the Splendid Steward. Exit out the rear entrance and return to HQ.

City Hall

Rest in your dorm room.

Talk to Miya and upgrade the Industrial Area.
Upgrade everyone’s armor. Buy two extra Swift Rings.
Psychic A gets two Swift Rings, and Psychic B gets the third.
Buy an Air Knife and a Battle Fang.
Get 15 Escape Kits and one Flashbang for safety. Spend remaining cash on healing items.
Return to Ikebukuro Hub.


Go up and fight the two Thunder Dragons. Use Psychics’ EX on the first one.
(Scorpio, Decoy Mirror x2 > spam Freeze)
Use Stealth and proceed to the next area.

Defeat the first two cannons as normal, killing the Hover Dragon along the way.
Perform a manual origin warp in the side area. Use Stealth and head up-right.
Grab the SP Up 200 x2 chest from OOB, kill the Hover Dragon, grab the Mana Water if you need it, and
head to the third cannon.

Use Stealth when you reach the Zenith. Grab both chests.
At the top, level up Cure, Scorpio, and Freeze.
Fight Jigowatt.
(Keep Decoy Mirror up at all times. Trickster will likely handle most of the healing duties. For reference,
here’s what his turns will likely be:
1: Normal x2
2. Clean Sweep, Aimed Shot
3:Normal, Clean Sweep
4: Rail Charge
5: Rail Charge
6: Railgun
7: Discharge, Normal
8: Normal, Clean Sweep
9: Aimed Shot, Normal
10: Clean Sweep, Discharge
11: Rail Charge
12: Rail Charge
13: Railgun)

Talk to your Navi. Rest in your dorm if necessary. Go to Shuto Expressway.

Trickster gets two Guard Rings; Psychic A gets an Attack Ring; Psychic B gets an Attack Ring.

When fighting Daigo and Neko, take Daigo out first.

(Using Scorpio, Freeze, Freeze twice has a good chance to take Daigo out on Turn 2 before SKY Combo.
If he didn’t get poisoned, drop an EX on him. Otherwise, dump EX on Neko when not debuffed. That’s
assuming you actually have EX which you may not.)

Talk to Miya and upgrade the Clinic and Res Block B.

Talk to Sharon and take the “Rescue from a Cult” quest.
Visit Rin in the Clinic.

Chapter 3

Grab all the bentos from your dorm room.

Go to the Meeting Room.
Go to Res Block B. Buy the Blind Cut, talk to Asami in the first room, and pick up Out Hunting in the
second room.
Head to Yotsuya.


Note: You will need to do the stair clip twice in this chapter. If you origin warp in the first room and go
down-left, you can gain height by walking veeeery carefully along the OOB edge of the staircase. If you
fall off, you'll have to origin warp again. But, if you're successful, you can pop up onto the railing above
your head and head straight to the end of the dungeon. If you line up just right, up-left on the D-Pad is the
exact angle you want. Just be careful and realign yourself near the top.

Place the first beacon and perform an origin warp. Use the stairs to gain height and head up-right towards
the boss room.
Proceed to the maze. Origin warp and head down-left. Use the vertebrae ramp to put yourself back on the
ground and grab both chests. Get lost on purpose and, once the maze spits you out, leave the room.

The Survival Belt goes to the Trickster and Psychic B swaps the Attack Ring for a Swift Ring.
Origin warp and return inbounds to open the third exit point.
Navigate Yotsuya in reverse to the room with the second beacon. Origin warp and open the second exit
point. Keep going backwards into the next room.
Talk to the SDF Soldier and follow him back to the last room.
Immediately origin warp and head down-left. Pick up the Chaos Guard from the chest and fight the SDF

Briefly return to City Hall and talk to Shiba in the courtyard.

Re-enter Yotsuya at the second entrance. Squeeze past the first SDF soldier to fight the second SDF
Exit and re-enter Yotsuya at the third entrance. Navigate in reverse to place the second beacon.

Proceed forward through Yotsuya to the save point. Grind until a little over Lv. 20.
Place the third beacon.
Use an Escape Kit and re-enter through the third entrance.
Perform an origin warp and place the fourth beacon.
Use another Escape Kit and re-enter at the Spinebridge.

Origin warp and use the stair trick again to head to Lore-a-Lua.
Ensure the party is Lv. 21.
Psychic A gets two Guard Rings. Trickster keeps the Survival Belt and gets a Swift Ring. Psychic B
swaps the Swift Ring out for the Blind Cut.
Psychic A gets a level of Cure; Psychic B gets one level of Life Bonus and Too Hot to Touch.
Fight Lore-a-lua.
(Flag Bento (PA), EX Scorpio, THtT > Cure, Medicine II, THtT > Cure, Medicine II, EX Plasma Jolt >
Cure, Heal Aero II, THtT > Fried Bento (PB), Medicine II, Plasma Jolt > Cure, Medicine II, THtT >
Continue. Keep THtT active and your HP up. Use the bentos when you have a spare turn. Save Psychic
A’s EX for emergencies. Be wary of Turn 10 if not Burned. Here is the second half for reference:
7. Full Moon Roar (assuming <50% HP)
8. Normal x2
9. Crimson Scythe, Blindness Whisper
10. Normal, Crimson Scythe (!!!)
11. Swaying React, Full Moon Roar
12. Blindness Whisper, Crimson Scythe
13. Normal x2
14. Blindness Whisper, Crimson Scythe
15. Full Moon Roar, Normal)

Talk to Sachi in the Entrance. Rest.

Chapter 4

Go to the Meeting Room and then talk to Asami in Res Block B.

Go to the Entrance and renovate the Power Room.
The Trickster gets the Survival Belt and an Attack Ring. Psychic A gets two Swift Rings, and Psychic B
gets the other Swift Ring and the Bandana.
Go to Kokubunji Subway.

Kokubunji Subway

Use Stealth and head to the new area.

Proceed as intended and you'll get a cutscene. Origin warp and pick up the two chests in the center of the
room. Origin warp again and head right to the hole. Continue as intended.

You can origin warp once in each long room to save some time.


Head up-left, avoiding the dragons. Wrap around to the top-left of the top-left Snapdragon. Take a wide
berth and pick up the Khanjar. If you have any EX, use it on the first few Snapdragons.
Kill all other Snapdragons. Just spam Scorpio + Freeze for a 3-turn KO.
Pick up the 1,000 Az, Golden Gun, and SP Up 500 chests. Give the Trickster the Golden Gun.

Proceed as intended, killing both Machine Dragons along the way.

Exit at the midpoint.

City Hall

Upgrade Murakumo HQ and Res Block C. Take the “Rescue from a Cult 2” quest.
Buy two Attack Rings, a Guard Ring, a Paras Guard (two total), and 15 Flashbangs.
Sell basically all of the junk you’ve accumulated so far.
Visit Masaki.
Buy the Cerberus from Res Block C.
Talk to Asami in Res Block B.
Buy the healing items from Res Block A.

Psychic B gets the Cerberus; Psychic A gets the Skytalon and an Attack Ring. Psychic B gets a second
Swift Ring, and the Trickster gets the Khanjar, Bandana, and Survival Belt.
Both Psychics get a level of Microburst. Trickster gets a level of Scorpio.
Go to the Shinjuku Shelter. Pay the fee and finish the quest.
Return to Kokubunji Factory 2.


Head to the next room. Kill both Stony Dragons.

Make sure you have enough MP for three Microbursts (27).
Re-equip the Golden Gun.
Psychic A gets a level of Cure. Psychic B gets a second level of Microburst. Use SP Ups if needed.
Head to the scripted Hazard Dragon fight.
(Aimed Shot, Microburst, EX Microburst (PB) > AS, Cure, MB > AS, MB x2)

Keep going. In the room with Daigo, grab the chest to the right and origin warp to the ladder.
In the next room, ignore the exit point and head up. Use Out Hunting to catch up with the Stony Dragon.
Kill all three of the Hazard Dragons in this room—they’re much easier with a preemptive strike.

Ensure that the team is Lv. 27 and everyone has EX.

Trickster gets the Khanjar, the Survival Belt, and an Attack Ring. Psychic A gets two Attack Rings.
Psychic B gets the last Attack Ring and the Bandana.
Grab another level of Scorpio.
Save, use SP Bonus, and reload via the options menu. This is a glitch that allows for repeated use of SP
Bonus and later EXP Bonus when we get it.
Fight SKY.
(Scorpio, Heal Aero III, Microburst > EX Scorpio, EX Microburst x2 to take out Takehaya on Turn 2. You
need to either get Poison or a Crit + Bleed on Turn 1 for this to work.)

It’s best to use Stealth and high-tail it to the save point since it’s faster than healing.
Briefly grind at the save point until Lv. 28. Favour building Trickster’s EX if getting it is feasible.
Otherwise, don’t worry.
Level up Venom Boost and Cure 7. Psychic B learns Rescue React. You will need to use SP Ups.
Psychic A and the Trickster get two Guard Rings each.

Use SP Bonus.
Fight Trinitro.
(Psychic A should focus on healing and Psychic B should kinda just dick around while the Trickster stacks
Venom Boosts. Have Psychic B use Rescue React on Turn 3 and again on Turn 9. Take care not to hit 50%
HP before six or seven Venom Boost stacks because Trinitro can fuck you up. Use EX when HP is red if
necessary. Try to save Trickster EX.)

Chapter 5

Talk to Miya and build Res Block D and the Skylounge.

Talk to Neko and Daigo in the Clinic and then the Navis in the control room.
Visit Block B and buy the Chaos Cut and Venom Cut.
Get EX Booster from the Skylounge.
Buy the Mind Guard from Res Block D.
Stop by Unit 10’s room and get EXP Bonus.

Give Psychic B the Chaos Guard and Mind Guard. Give Psychic A a Swift Ring and Chaos Cut. Give the
Trickster the Venom Cut and Survival Belt.
Head to Shibuya.


Chapter 5 is pretty straightforward. When you get to the wall dragon, walk around behind it and shove
yourself into its backside (yep). Keep holding towards the middle of the wall and escaping from
battle—you should clip through. Spam Flashbangs to walk around the Tyrannosauruses.

With no detours, you will pass four dragonflies during Chapter 5. Kill three of them. Also clean up the
two Sumo Dragons we ignored in Chapter 1.5.
When you first get to north Miyashita park, you can grab the chest that’s up-right if you want. You’ll need
at least four Somanels for Sleepy Hollow. 5 is pretty safe. More is even safer. Your call.

Proceed through Shibuya as directed. It’s convenient to origin warp in the room after the first Sleepy
Hollow encounter, immediately after reaching the dead end in the northmost area, and immediately after
the previous origin warp to get to the manhole quicker.

In the room after the second Sleepy Hollow encounter, use the save point to grind until Lv. 31.
Both Psychics get a level of Decoy Mirror. Psychic A gets Rescue React.
Proceed down the path until you trigger a cutscene. Origin warp and continue to the boss battle.

Use EXP Bonus and SP Bonus.

Fight Sleepy Hollow.
(EX Scorpio, Guard, Somanel (T) > Venom Boost, Decoy Mirror, Guard or Poisonol > VB, Cure, Decoy
Mirror > VB, Cure, Somanel (T) > VB, Rescue React, Poisonol > VB, C, Somanel (T) to start. At this
point, you can pause your Venom Boosting if necessary. If a party member is sleeping, wake them up.
Prioritize setting up Rescue React and Decoy Mirror. Use EX to sneak in a RR / DM if necessary before
Madness Flight. Keep the Trickster at low HP to get free turns. Keep stacking Venom Boost and use
Microburst when you can. Play defensively.)

Chapter 6

Head to the Meeting Room.

Go to the Entrance. Renovate Meeting Room, SKY Hangout, and Residential Block E.
Sell junk if you have less than 19,930 Az.

Go to the Clinic, Barracks, Command Room, Lab, and Meeting Room in that order. Grab the Skill Up G
from the Prime Minister in the top hallway of the Meeting Room.

Pick up the Giant Metal from the SKY Hangout.

Go to Res Block C and buy everything.
Go to Res Block A and buy the rest of the healing items and the bentos from the other merchant.
Go to Daiba Subway.

Daiba Subway

Give the Trickster the Pocket Army, the Survival Belt, and the Bandana. Give Psychic A the Skill Up G
and an Attack Ring. Psychic B gets the Giant Metal and a Swift Ring.
Max out Flame on Psychic B. The Trickster learns Dancing Bullets.
You need to get one Energy Crystal during this Chapter; they drop from the White Jellies. Shouldn’t be a
problem—in fact, you’ll probably get several. Just make sure you keep one.

After entering the side area, origin warp. Go down-left and open the two chests. Origin warp again. Check
the right cable and then the left cable and then go up and left to leave the area all while staying OOB.
Origin warp again in the sewer room and head to the second half of the dungeon.

Enter the farthest available tunnel. Grab the chest and origin warp. Connect the top-right cable.
Origin warp and attach the last cable.
Grind until Lv. 36.
Go back to the sewer room. Origin warp and head toward the boss room.

Trickster gets the Venom Kukri (NOT THE KHANJAR STOP DOING THAT), the Survival Belt, and an
Attack Ring. Psychic B gets a Guard Ring and the Bandana. Psychic A gets an Attack Ring and the Giant
Level up Scorpio. The Trickster and Psychic A get one level of Life Bonus.
Save, use EXP and SP Bonus, and reload.
Fight Scaber’s tail.
(Flag Bento (PB), Fried Bento (PB), Rescue React > Normal Attack, Cure, Microburst > Normal Attack,
Cure, Microburst > Scorpio, Cure, Microburst > dump EX)

Save. Bonuses. Reload.

Psychic A gets a Swift Ring and a Guard Ring. Psychic B swaps out the Guard Ring for the Giant Metal.
Trickster swaps out the Attack Ring for a Guard Ring.
Fight Scaber’s body.
(Scorpio, Rescue React, Microburst (revive / retry) > Scorpio, Cure All, Microburst > Scorpio, Decoy
Mirror x2 > finish as you see fit.)

Use Bonuses. Use EX Booster to give Trickster Exhaust back.

Fight Scaber's head. If you don’t get Poison within two Turns, retry.
(EX Scorpio, Flag Bento x2 (T/PA) > Venom Boost, Cure, Flag Bento (PB) > VB, [Cure, Tasty
Bento/Medicine II (T)] a Psychic may need to Guard > VB, C, Rescue React > VB, Rescue React, Heal
Aero III > VB, C, Flag Bento (PA) > VB, C, Microburst > Heal Aero IV, Decoy Mirror x2. Head Thrash
will fall next turn and Rescue React is ending, so try and get that back up. Otherwise, Trickster can keep
spamming VB, Psychic A heals, and Psychic B uses Microburst when possible. Play defensively and
poison will end the battle in a few turns. When Scaber’s HP bar turns red, it will Head Stomp twice, so
use Decoy Mirror x2 when that happens.)

Head to the Meeting Room and go to Daiba.

Chapter 7


Give Psychic A the Skill Up G and a Swift Ring. Psychic B swaps the Bandana for a Swift Ring. Trickster
gets the Pocket Army and swaps out the Guard Ring for the Bandana.
Proceed to the Save Point and grind until Lv. 40.
Escape Kit and return to HQ.

City Hall

Talk to Miya and upgrade Murakumo HQ.

Take the “Unofficial Business” and “Seeking Lab Materials” sidequests.
Talk to Masaki about Psychics. Visit your Navi.
Go to the Lab and talk with the Top Scientist twice. Interact with the computer.
Return to your Navi.

Go to Res Block A and buy the Onyx Enigma and the SP Up 500s.
Go to your dorm and check your packages. Rest.
Rest and restore EX if you need it. Make sure you still have a use of EX Booster when you leave.
Go to the Skylounge and get the Navi Cookies.
Return to Daiba.


Proceed until you talk to Natsume in front of the big ice wall.
Exit this room and go right and up the staircase.
Go left and up the other staircase.
Hug the wall and head over to the SP Up Ex chest.
Origin warp and go down-right through the loading zone to pick up the Berserk.

Trickster gets the Venom Kukri. Psychic B gets the Berserk. Psychic A keeps the Skytalon. Psychic A
trades the Skill Up G for the Totally Up, and Psychic B swaps out the Swift Ring for the Skill Up G.
Both Psychics learn Dark Invasion.
Go back into the previous room and jump down the hole that's around the corner.
Proceed to the first Freeze Dragon.
(Navi Cookie, Guard x2 > Scorpio, Cure All, Dark Invasion to start.)
Use EX Booster on Psychic B.
Escape Kit and return to Daiba.
Go left from the save point and up both flights of stairs.
Origin warp. Go up and around to the top of the map. Jump down the hole behind the wall dragon.
Follow the path. Make sure to not to jump down the decoy hole and instead jump down the one behind it.
In the water room, wait a second for the dragons to move out of your way.
Fight the second Freeze Dragon.
(Navi Cookie, Guard x2 > Scorpio, Cure All, Dark Invasion to start.)

Escape Kit and re-enter Daiba. Give Psychic A the Cerberus to reduce their speed.
Grind until everyone is Lv. 43. Ensure the party has EX.
Learn Sacrifice and Concentrate x2. Use SP Ups if necessary.
Psychic A gets a Guard Ring and a Swift Ring. Trickster gets the Survival Belt and a Guard Ring. Psychic
B gets the Giant Metal and Bandana.
Use EXP and SP Bonus.
Fight Zero-Blue.
(Navi Cookie, Concentrate x2 > Tasty Bento, Dark Invasion x2 > EX Scorpio, Cure All, Microburst >
Sacrifice, Microburst x2)

Use the terminal in your dorm.

Create two more Tricksters. Swap out Psychic A so your party is Psychic B / New T1 / New T2.
Psychic B gets the Giant Metal and a Swift Ring. T1 gets Steel Cuirass, a Guard Ring, and the Totally Up.
T2 gets the Skill Up G.

Chapter X

Go to Res Block E and buy the Dragon Egg.

Head to the save point in Daiba. Grind here until T1 is Lv. 28 and T2 is Lv. 27.
Detour to Toshima Subway (second entrance) to grab the SP Up Ex x2 chest and Kokubunji Subway to
get the 500 SP Up x3 chest.
Return to HQ and go to the Meeting Room. Rest.

Take the Skill Up G from T2 and give it to T1. Use the terminal again to swap out T2 for Psychic A.
Give Psychic A two Swift Rings.
EX Booster. Meeting Room. Tokyo Tower.

Tokyo Tower
To beat Mizuchi, both Psychics need to be Lv. 45, and T1 needs to be at least Lv. 31.

Immediately origin warp and go up. The middle chest contains the Stealth Jet. Equip it to Psychic B.
Origin warp again and open the door that loads the room with the stairs and proceed.

In the next area, origin warp again. Head down-right and follow the hall to the stairs.
Be extremely careful around these Microdragons. Seriously.

Origin warp again in the next area. Head right, ignoring the stairs. Go down-right and grab the SP Up Ex
chest. Origin warp again and use the stairs.
In the last area, origin warp and go down-left to trigger a cutscene.

Use SP Ups to boost the Trickster to 10,000 SP. Learn Sacrifice.

Both Psychics should get to level four of Life Bonus. Use SP Ups if you’re really close.
Psychic A gets two Paras Guards, and the Trickster gets two Swift Rings. Psychic B gets the Paras Cut to
go with the Giant Metal.

Party order should be T / PA / PB.

Use EXP Bonus and SP Bonus.
Fight Mizuchi.
(Navi Cookie, Concentrate x2 > EX Sacrifice, Dark Invasion x2 > Dragon’s Egg (PB), Concentrate >
x, Dark Invasion. If both Psychics get Burned on Turn 1, retry. It’s more likely that you’ll just die, though.)

Psychic B gets the Draconic Claw. Psychic A gets two Swift Rings and Psychic B gets one.
Proceed to the next area.

True Dragon's Domain

Keep Stealth up and use Flashbangs liberally.

Origin warp and head right. Pick up the SP Up EX chest. Head upwards to the next area.
Origin warp and head up and around the wall dragon. Go right to get the Diablerie. Origin warp again and
go down-left to the stairs.
Origin warp to pick up the Dragon Egg. Origin warp and walk around to the exit point. Head back to HQ.

Go to the terminal in your room and change Psychic A into a Trickster. Add T2 to your party.
Everyone gets EX.
The ex-Psychic gets the Steel Cuirass and two Guard Rings. T2 gets the Diablerie and two Guard Rings.
Psychic B swaps out the Swift Ring for the Bandana.
Pump T2 full of SP Ups. You need 10,000 for Sacrifice.
T2 should be Lv. 27. With two levels of Mana Bonus that puts you at 50 MP. If you don’t have enough SP,
one level of Mana Bonus and Lv. 28 is enough. If you’re still short, you get 51 MP at Lv. 31.
Sort T2 out. The ex-Psychic gets Sacrifice and dumps the rest of their SP into Mana Bonus. Psychic B
gets four levels of Cure and a level of Microburst if possible.

Return to the True Dragon’s Domain.

Immediately use Stealth.
Grind if necessary.

Put Psychic B in slot 3 for extra safety.

Fight Niara.
(Guard, Dragon's Egg (PB), Dark Invasion > EX Sacrifice, Guard, Concentrate > EX Sacrifice, Dark

You should be safe during his weakened form. Start with Concentrate, Navi Cookie, and Dark Invasion.
After that, just smack the boss around with Microburst and heal with Cure and Dragon Dew as needed.
If you got extremely lucky during the run and got a Dragon Egg drop from a Bloom Seed, you should use
it here.

Go to the Meeting Room. Time stops upon closing Kirino's final text box (about a secret).

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