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- Table of content :

Part 1 : Steps to cast a energy

coherent perimeter.
Part 2 : Steps to charge a Ophanic
Part 3 : Understanding the elements
of the Ophanic computer Hardware.
- PART 1 -

Steps to cast
a energy
Setting Up and Charging an
Ophanic / “Enochian” Temple

J. Alan Moore with Terry Burns

January 29, 2017
 Welcome back to everyone who was at our last workshop
and thanks to Dan for inviting us back again!

 We have put quite a few materials on-line. If you aren’t in

the Facebook group that has been discussing this, then
please look for those documents here the morning before
the workshop. You don’t need to read them beforehand,
but it will be useful to have them to refer to during the

 We’re going to continue where we left off last week in

discussing how to build up a sacred space using
Pentagrams/Pentagons/Pentatopes, and remind you that
the source of modern Pentagram attributions and the use
of a pentagram in standing rituals like the LBRP and LIRP
could well be the work of John Dee.
Remember: At the top, you have a Seal (Spirit of Air) then, if you follow attributions of the
Pentagram you just saw, you have Earth of Air (lower left), Water of Air (middle right), Air of
Air (middle left) and Fire of Air (lower right.) Return to the Spirit point and you have a
Pentagram. When we get to the SIRP, notice that there is also a spiral in the center.

 Visualizing Pentatopes
 The The Great Table of Earth as a Pent structure
 Vincent Bridge’s modified Ritual of the Pentagram
o Light up your Aura with the Qabalistic Cross
o Visualize a Pentagram with Hebrew Godnames
o Cast Four Pentagrams. Vibrate Five Archangelic names, the last of which
corresponds to the living place of god inside/outside, above/below you. Using
the principles of Hebrew as a language, vibrate this as “She-kin-ah El”
o Repeat the QC

Last week, we tried to give you an idea of what the LBR might look like. This week,
because we’re covering so many rather lengthy things, we’re simply going to be able to
tell you how and demonstrate at most a tiny part of it. Setting up and charging an entire
Temple space can easily take two days, and almost always takes at least a day, not
counting the time you might spend making the “furniture” to begin with. If we were a
working magickal group, this would be advanced work and it would be the most fun and
most powerful to do it together.
Sometimes, though, it’s easier to know how to get somewhere if you know where you’re
going first!
You can practice a lot of these introductory protocols on your own, or figure out how your
own energy practice fits into this. (More on that when we get to the “Middle Pillar.”)
How would those “stand-alone” exercises work?
Review: Qabalistic Cross (sound file on-line)
Imagine brilliant white light above you, and slowly reach up… Vibrate “Ateh” (Thou art) as you
bring it down into the crown of your head.
Then as that shaft goes through your body, continue bringing your hand down, and reach far into
the center of the earth. Vibrate “Malkuth” (The Kingdom) as you bring it up into your body.
Reach far out to the “right” (or south, if you’re facing East.) Pull in the energy of that direction as
you vibrate Ve-Geburah (and The Power) as you pull it into your body, entering in across your
right shoulder.
Reach far out to the “left” (or mouth, if you’re facing East.) Pull in the energy of that direction as
you vibrate Ve-Gedulah (and The Glory) as you pull it into your body, entering in across your left
Extend your arms outward, then bring them together in front of your heart. As your hands are
making this motion, vibrate Le-Olam (forever or unto all the ages) and imagine clearly this cross
of light as you merge with it. Then vibrate Amen (It is so, or, So mote it Be!).
What you see below shows the order and direction assuming this is in your body (rather than that
of someone facing you): Ateh

Ve-Gedulah Le-Olam Ve-Geburah

We can’t remind you too much of the imporants of Hands and Hebrew. Without even getting
approaching the Bahir or Sefer Yetzirah, either of which could take a lifetime of study, we might
easily find some other views on Hebrew and Hands… because the letter Yod, the tenth letter of the
Hebrew (and most other Semitic) alphabets, originated from a pictograph of a hand!

“The Hebrew letter Yod means ‘hand,’ and it refers to the hand of the divine, extended to assist us.
Yod is the primary letter whose shape forms the basis for all other Hebrew letters.”
Regardie, Israel. A Garden of Pomegranates: An Outline of the Quabalah. Rider, 1932.
Reprinted as:
Regardie, Israel, Chic and Tabitha Cicero. . A Garden of Pomegranates: Skrying on the Tree of Life. Llewellyn Worldwide, 1999.

You’ve also probably seen this Hermetic maxim a few times by now:
“Now the 22 sounds and letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are the foundations of all things. Three
Mothers, Seven Doubles, and Twelve Simples.”
Regardie, Israel, Cris Monnastre, and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke. The Golden Dawn: A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial
Magic: the Original Account of the Teachings, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Stella Matutina).
Llewellyn Worldwide, 1970.

That’s from the Golden Dawn Zelator ritual, which was still a secret 100 years ago. Long before that,
though, at about the time Dee and Kelley were talking to angels, a very Rabbi Shabbtai Sheftel
Horowitz of Prague (1561-1619) was writing a work called the Shefa Tal. Let’s take a look:
Uploaded on en.wikipedia, Public Domain,
Based on a famous illustration in the Shefa Tal (Hanau, 1612) by
the "renowned skilled physician of Prague,” Shabbetai Sheftel
Horowitz (c. 1561-1619).
You’ve put all of those
ideas together, cast
pentagrams that are
actually pentatopes made
of five tetrahedrons each
of which “tetra-pumps”
through its own center,
and as you draw the
“line” of each
“pentagram,” the part of
you that can see beyond
this plane guides you.
Each line is an edge of a
tetradron that is part of
the pentatope.
You trace the
five lines of
knowing each
is the edge if
a 4D
You cast four Pentagrams/Pentagons/Pentatopes in the first
part of the LIRP (Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram)
and charge each of them with four Hebrew godnames made
of four letters each. Start facing the direction of spin, or

(You will also see hear/see this Name in the SIRP. Is it in the
same direction? If anyone wants to talk about this in the
group, this is extremely worthy of discussion!)
(You will also see hear/see this Name in the SIRP--in what seems a “different”
direction--and then again in the Middle Pillar.)
(You will also see hear/see this Name in the SIRP as part of the “active
spirit” Pentagram, and again as the first name vibrated in the MP.)
Note: this is the same name on the bottom of the Seal of AMET (though there it is
in Roman letters). You also hear/see it in the SIRP as part of the “passive spirit”
Review: We’ve done a QC. We know how to visualize a Pentagram, how to charge
it with four Hebrew godnames, sending the energy out through our hands. Below is
an English transliteration of the names from the previous four slides.
Yod He Vav He
We know how to send those Pentagrams out to the edge of the Cube that is our
Temple space, one in each of the four directions. Those “walls” may feel a little
shaky, so when we finish, we know to stabilize them with four Archangelic names.
After that, we’ll connect above and below with the Fifth point, the displaced center
of the Cross that has turned into a Pentagram.
(As we mentioned last
week, you are invited to
jump into as much or as
little Judeo-Christian
symbolism as you want
when visualizing the
Archangels… as long as
that visualization helps you
stabilize the structure.
Think of them as four
planes making up four
sides of a cube. The Fifth
archangel brings the top
and bottom together.)

By Bartolomé Esteban Murillo -

Raphael-with-Bishop-Domonte-Posters_i1732063_.htm. Transferred from
en.wikipedia to Commons. 2007-11-26 (original upload date) Original
uploader was Commment at en.wikipedia, Public Domain,
Raphael “Rā-fā-ēl” ‫ָרפָאֵ ל‬

Michael “Mi-kha-ḗl” ‫מִ יכָאֵ ל‬

Gabriel “Ga-vri'-el” ‫גַּב ְִריאֵ ל‬

Uriel / Auriel “Ûrîʾēl” ‫אּוריאֵ ל‬


About us flames the Pentagram, and in the column shines the six-rayed

Shekinah (-el)** ‫שכינהא‬

Sakinah (-al)** ‫سكينة‬

*Visualization: red triangle from below uniting with blue triangle from above, and as they intersect, your Temple
floods with light.

**The Fifth (and most sacred) Presence. This uses the “Archangelic form” to evoke the energy and essence of the
Shekinah, the personal indwelling essence of the divine. For consistency of form, you vibrate “Shekinak-El,” though
the Shekinah herself/itself would actually be a higher tier of the celestial hierarchy (just as you would consider the
spirit point of the Pentagram/Pentagon/Pentatope “higher” that the four elements.) You’re making this sacred space a
Fifth Arch-Angelic Presence that governs the other four. Meditate upon what, personally and intimately, this word
means. The word has an equivalence in all Semitic languages; the second word you see is an example from Arabic.
Order of Protocols for Pentagram Ritual (invoking or banishing): QC- Pents-Archangels-QC

The Order of Protocols gets longer if you banish first and add on the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the
Pentagram, as we’re about to do. Then we’ll have:
 Qabbalistic Cross, aka Kaballistic Cross
 Lesser Banishing Pentagram of Earth – 4 Pents + 5 Archangels
 QC
 Lesser Invoking Pentagram of Earth-4 Pents + 5 Archangels
 Optional QC
 Middle Pillar ending with Caduceaus Breaths
 Supreme Invoking Pentagram—2 Pents for each of 4 elements
 Invocation of the Great Kings
 Opening of Black Cross/ Tablet of Union (4 Spirit Pents)
 Opening of the Veil
 Invocation of Protection
[Here, whatever you have planned to do in your sacred space.]
 Unless the ceremony has been performed in a fully charged and permanently installed Enochian
Temple, the portals must be closed and the space banished before leaving. If you’re in a
permanently installed Enochian Temple, you already learned how to do that and you’re just
hanging out with us, so go ahead and do what you know how to do. Otherwise…
 Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
 License to Depart
By now, you know or have an idea of how to do a modified LRP
(Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram with Fifth “energy event,” or
Fifth Archangel, that sacred point at your center that is one with
the All-That-Is.)

You are used to thinking of sacred languages as visual and aural

waveguides. Think pf the Enochian alphabet the same way.

For excellent article on this subject, see The Ophanic Alphabet

(Part Two): A Search For Meaning

(This is also reprinted, with Part I, in The Ophanic

In that article, the author, a professional fontagrapher, takes you through a journey of the many
ways particular letters could function as waveguides. We don’t have time to talk about that
now, but we urge you to read the essay.
(Long snip—please read article)

(Long snip—please read article) The Ophanic Alphabet (Part Two): A Search For Meaning
by DARLENE (graphics used with permission)
Here, if we had time, we’d go through the Middle Pillar and do one together. You can find many examples
on-line. We’ll at least vibrate the Hebrew godnames together. You can also make correspondences
between this exercise and other exercises from different traditions that open up your energy centers.

From Israel Regardie’s Middle Pillar:

Here you even have Regardie guiding you through the ritual:

Your homework: write out the godnames of the Middle Pillar and what they correspond to. You can find it
presented as a group exercise, if you want to try this with friends.

If you are adept at some other energy practice, as yourself how that corresponds to this. We’d be happy to
talk about that with you on-line.

After you practice bringing the energy “down” the Middle Pillar, you may want to bring it back “up.” We
vibrate each name, slowly, three times down and then once back up. After that, we follow it with a Fifth
Way breathing exercise called the Caduceus breath. (You can find a copy in our files section.)

The pattern you use to draw the energy up from your feet, as you breath in, is a double-helix like DNA, and
spins clock-wise. It also resembles the passage of they spirap, make three turns, at which point they pass
out through the shoulders. It also looks like the spiral of the serpents of the Cadeuceus, which is why it’s
called that. Do this at least three and no more than five times.
The final part of this set of protocols, the Supreme Invoking Ritual of
the Pentagram, will add in Enochian words – or godnames – or 5-6
phase conjugate waveguides (take your pick) so let’s take a look at the
letters again.

When we get to charging the Great Table, you’ll see what these letters
actually correspond to. They are names from what is called the Line
of Holy Spirit and as well as the four names from the Tablet of Union.

Think of the SIRP as the last of your preparatory work before you
“graduate” to working in your Temple space. Try to commit them to
memory; in doing so, you are neurally encoding this form in really
important ways. Magic is performative: the more you commit the
words to memory, the more you can focus on the visualizations, and
when the visualizations and vibrations are second nature, then you can
focus on intent!

OK, one more slide before we start in on the SIRP…

This pentagrammatic support structure—the LIRP with fifth point added, the Middle Pillar, and the
SIRP—creates the basic energetic structure you need to create a sealed space. The MP makes the
space spin. (Later, for more advanced work, you can also add Hexagrams, but we’re not doing that

If you don’t have this structure in place, or if you’re not “riding along” as someone else creates this
space, then in our humble opinions, the Enochian work is not as powerful nor as safe. Some would
disagree with this statement, but this was Vincent’s opinion, and it’s ours as well. Also, as you’ll see,
it is so “energetically expensive” to work with the calls and do other work that you’re well advised to
set up the Temple well. You will also better interface with it on an energetic level because the rest of
the Enochian Temple has these same fractal forms. That’s why we’ve spent so much time on them. If
you’re going to be the principle person creating an Enochian space, you should be the person who has
set it up, charged it, and in effect “tuned” yourself to it.
So: you have done the Middle Pillar. Now let’s start the SIRP. You should be standing in the center
of the room facing East.
Go to the east and visualize the Tablet of Air.
Towards the Tablet trace the invoking
pentagram of Active Spirit in blue while
vibrating ‘EXARP’.
In the center of the pentagram trace the wheel
of Spirit in white while vibrating ‘EHEIEH’,
finishing with a gesture of projection through
the center.

Towards the tablet trace the invoking

pentagram of Air in blue while vibrating
In the center of the pentagram trace the sign
of Aquarius in yellow while vibrating
‘YHVH’, finishing with a gesture of
projection through the center.
Announce, “In the Names and Letters of the
Great Eastern Quadrangle, I invoke ye,
Angels of the Watchtower of the East!”
Go to the south and visualize the Tablet of
Fire. Towards the Tablet trace the invoking
pentagram of Active Spirit in blue while
vibrating ‘BITOM’.
In the center of the pentagram trace the wheel
of Spirit in white while vibrating ‘EHEIEH’,
finishing with a gesture of projection through
the center.

Towards the tablet trace the invoking

pentagram of Fire in blue while vibrating
In the center of the pentagram trace the sign
of Leo in red while vibrating ‘ELOHIM’,
finishing with a gesture of projection through
the center.
Announce, “In the Names and Letters of the
Great Southern Quadrangle, I invoke ye,
Angels of the Watchtower of the South!”
Go to the west and visualize the Tablet of
Water. Towards the Tablet trace the invoking
pentagram of Passive Spirit in blue while
vibrating ‘HCOMA’.
In the center of the pentagram trace the wheel
of Spirit in white while vibrating ‘AGLA’,
finishing with a gesture of projection through
the center.

Towards the tablet trace the invoking

pentagram of Water in blue while vibrating
In the center of the pentagram trace the sign
of the Eagle in blue while vibrating ‘ALEPH
LAMED – AL’, finishing with a gesture of
projection through the center.
Announce, “In the Names and Letters of the
Great Western Quadrangle, I invoke ye,
Angels of the Watchtower of the West!”
Go to the west and visualize the Tablet of
Earth. Towards the Tablet trace the invoking
pentagram of Passive Spirit in blue while
vibrating ‘NANTA’.
In the center of the pentagram trace the wheel
of Spirit in white while vibrating ‘AGLA’,
finishing with a gesture of projection through
the center.

Towards the tablet trace the invoking

pentagram of Earth in blue while vibrating
In the center of the pentagram trace the sign
of Taurus in green while vibrating
‘ADONAI’, finishing with a gesture of
projection through the center.
Announce, “In the Names and Letters of the
Great Northern Quadrangle, I invoke ye,
Angels of the Watchtower of the North!”
Charging the Tablet of Union/Black Cross
Remember what this is! The Tablet of Union (below) is a consolidation of the names on the the Black Cross
that unites all four Quadrangles of the Great Table (see next page). Therefore, in a very real sense, it is simply
another form of the same construct, one that is more useful for our purposes. It connects the inside to the
outside and moves between the 3rd and 4th (Cartesian) dimensions. It is a 4th dimensional structure that relates
to the Earth in 3D. Where the arms appear to end, they actually reach around through the 4 th dimension and
reconnect. It points to the phenomenon that happens in an Enochian Hall, when the four Quadrangles are set
apart on each of four walls but reunited through the Tablet of Union.
Visualizing the Tablet of Union, trace the
invoking pentagram of Active Spirit in blue
while vibrating ‘EXARP’.
In the center of the pentagram trace the wheel
of Spirit in white while vibrating ‘EHEIEH’,
finishing with a gesture of projection down
through the center.

Next trace the invoking pentagram of Passive

Spirit in blue while vibrating ‘HCOMA’.
In the center of the pentagram trace the wheel
of Spirit in white while vibrating ‘AGLA’,
finishing with a gesture of projection down
through the center.
Next trace the invoking pentagram of Passive
Spirit in blue while vibrating ‘NANTA’.
In the center of the pentagram trace the wheel
of Spirit in white while vibrating ‘AGLA’,
finishing with a gesture of projection down
through the center.

Finally trace the invoking pentagram of

Active Spirit in blue while vibrating
In the center of the pentagram trace the wheel
of Spirit in white while vibrating ‘EHEIEH’,
finishing with a gesture of projection down
through the center.
Invocation of the Great Kings

(When we get to charging the Great Table, notice where these

names come from)

Go to the west of the altar, then turn and face. Announce,

“In the East – (vibrate the name) BATAIVAH”

“In the West – (vibrate the name) RAAGIOSL”

“In the South – (vibrate the name) EDLPRNAA”

“In the North – (vibrate the name) ICZHHCAL”

“In the Names and Letters of the Mystical Tablet of Union, I invoke ye, Angels of the Presence of the Light

Opening of the Veil

From your place at the altar step back one pace to the west; remain facing east.
Vibrate the Enochian Call for the Rending of the Veil:


(give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil as demonstrated, while vibrating the next three names)

‘ELEXARP! COMANNANU! TABITOM!’ Pause for a moment, then continue:


Invocation of Protection
From your place at the altar facing east, proclaim:
“I invoke ye, Angels of the Celestial Spheres, whose dwellings are in the Invisible! Ye are the Guardians of the
Gates of the Universe; be ye also guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the
unbalanced! Strengthen and inspire us, that we may preserve unsullied the Mysteries of the Eternal Gods. Let this
sphere be pure and holy, so that we may enter in and become partakers of the Secrets of the Light Divine!”

*Later, study where these words came from. Why are they used this way?
The Watchtower is now complete. Here you may announce any intention
for the working, or perform any other ritual or energetic work planned for
the opened magickal space. The ritual we’re focusing on for the remainder
of this presentation is the charging of the Ophanic Temple.

However, if you’re just practicing this, remember to banish your Temple!

We’ve included some instructions on how to do this on the next slides.

Banishing and License to Depart

Unless the ceremony has been performed

in a fully charged and permanently
installed Enochian Temple, the portals
must be closed and the space banished
before leaving.

Go to the west of the altar and face

east. Close the Veil by giving the Sign of
the Closing of the Portal (bring your
hands together as if closing a door) while
vibrating the names



Give the Sign of Silence [see next page]

Close the Elemental Tablets you have

visualized just as you invoked them, but
use the banishing forms of the pentagrams
instead of the invoking forms.
Return to the west of the altar and face east. (The Tablet of Union does not need to be

Give the License to Depart, vibrating the Divine Name. Announce, “I now release any
beings – angels, spirits, or elementals – who may have been entrapped by this
ceremony. Go in peace with the blessings of YEHESHUAH YEHOVASHAH. I now
declare this ceremony at an end.”

Give the Sign of Silence.

- PART 2 -

Steps to
charge a
Briefly, the overall structure created in energetic forms is a dodecahedron. It
is important to understand that what you are actually doing when you cast a
pentagram magickally is creating the pattern through the rotation of a fourth-
dimensional shape called a pentatope through five axes; this action creates, in
two dimensions, both a pentagram and the pentagon which surrounds it.

The modified LIRP creates the first four pentagons of the dodeca with its four
pentagrams. The Middle Pillar draws down high vibrational light and the
Caduceus Breath sends that light out into the space defined by the shape
created by the LIRP and induces rotation. (The LIRH, if used, creates a fixed
connection between the higher dimensional structure and the physical
realm.) Then the Watchtower /SIRP, if preferred adds eight more
pentagrams/pentagons, for a total of twelve which, in a manner similar to the
behavior of carbon atoms under specific circumstances, self-organize into a
After this, you’re ready to charge the “furniture” in your Temple.

We’ll start with the Seal of Amaeth

The Sigillum Dei Aemeth or "Seal of Truth" is a complex

condensation of planetary magic. Please investigate the history of
this more on your own: we’ve given plenty of places to start in our
discussion group.

It’s function is to keep out things you don’t want there. What things
would those be, in the terms we’re talking about?

(Think: what wave forms would be totally destructive at this point?)

We’d suggest that you start with the “bottom” side first,
Now move on to the more familiar looking front side. You should have both a document
(Charging the Seal 2011.docx) and a sound file for this next demonstration. The Seal in
the next slide has colors added for reference
Planetary attributions (and colors associated with them) in the order you charge
1. Venus= start with symbol of planetary spirit, then letters spelling “Haniel,” etc. as
per directions in the file = green

2. Sun=gold

3. Mars=red

4. Jupiter=blue

5. Mercury=yellow

6. Saturn=dark grey

7. Moon=purple
If you’ve gotten this far on your own (or formed your own group and
gotten this far) and done it from “scratch” you are pretty awesome and
pretty driven. We hope we can do magic with you sometime!
We’re totally serious about that, and about this next comment: please ask
for help at this point.
We’re happy to help, even if its just to talk over the phone. We can put
instructions on charging the Lamen on-line, though we’re not covering it
here. The same with the PEL ring. You can find more in the Ophanic
Revelation. Or you can even try to reconstruct it on your own from Dee’s
source material, which isn’t a bad idea for anyone to try. But since there
are few enough of us who do this work, we’d like to help you if you’d like
help because it means it may be less time before a group of us can work on
some of these things together.
Next steps: charge the protective lamen, then the Holy Table, then the
Table of Nalvage. But before you do that, think for a minute about how
all three of these are related. They all come from the same “Master

From part 6 of The Ophanic Revelation. Artwork by DARLENE

In the interest of time, we’ll skip over the Lamen, PELE ring, and Table of Nalvage.
Once you have the letters right, they’re done in a similar way as the Holy Table. If
you get this far and want help, again, please ask! We’d be happy to walk you
through this. You can see why this procedure actually takes a couple of days.

Let’s talk briefly about the Holy Table of Practice (minus the Seven Ensigns of
Creation, which are also another subject.)

You have a document (“Charging the Holy Table.docx) and a sound file for this. It
will be easier to follow if you look at that document while we’re indicating a
particular letter.
On the next page, you’ll see a redrawn version of John Dee’s actual Table. What
follows is our table, minus the Ensigns (and with one of the letters corrected that
Meric Casaubon likely copied wrong.) For more on how to letter the table, see:

Please take a look at that document, and listen to the sound file while you have the
Holy Table in front of you.
John Dee’s Holy Table, from the version
in TFR as redone for the Equinox.
Now, we’re finally to the Great Table of Earth! You have document (Charging Elemental Tablets
2017.docx) for this as well as many sound files. What we’re about to talk about would take
several hours if you did the whole process.
As with our brief discussion of the Holy Table: if you get this far and want help, please contact
us! We’d be happy to walk you through this. Most people never get this far, or if they do,
they’ve skipped many steps. But we’re assuming you’ve gotten this far, and you’ve made a
Great Table (the energy of making it charges it in another way) or have put as much of your
energy into the making of it as you’re capable of. You’ve put the four Quadrangles on the walls
of your Temple Space. The next time you do an SIRP, instead of visualizing these Quadrangles,
you will be facing them, one at a time.
Here’s how we’ll break this up:
• Return to the words in the Opening of the Veil
• First Call
• Second Call
• Calls 3-6 with added Enochian names
• The remaining calls with added Enochian names

You have a sound files titled “Enochian Call 01” and “Enochian Call 02,” a .pdf file that says “Charging
Elemental Tablets 2017,” and a third Word document that says “Enochian Keys 1-18.” The Tablet of Union is
the easiest to charge, so with those documents and this presentation, you can get a feel at least of what doing
this would be like.
If you look at the words in the Opening of the Veil (slide 46) you’ll notice that many of them come from
the First Call.

You have (yet another) sound file in our group that explains how to charge the Tablet of Union/Black
Cross. For this one, we’ll make it easier and remind you of the equivalents in Roman letters:

1. Vibrate the 1st Angelic Key

2. Charge the Elemental Rows, or
horizontal names:
3. Vibrate the 2nd Angelic Key
4. Charge the Spirit Columns, or
vertical names:
Now, you have the rest of the Great Table to charge. This will use the remaining 16 calls. You have a sound
file for each of the next four (Calls 3-6) in the files section. You’re going to combine a call with charging
particular letters. You should investigate what those particular letters create on your own… and again, if
you get this far, we’re happy to help.
In the remaining time, we can only outline how this would be done. To follow along if you watch this again
later, it will be helpful if you download the graphic that gives Roman letter equivalents for Enochian names
and keep that in front of you. This one:
Have you noticed that
some parts of the grid
are shaded or colored
and some are not? On
each Quadrangle,
starting with the East,
you will charge the
unshaded squares first,
according to a pattern
we’ll explain in just a
moment. Remember,
East is upper left, the
same attributions as in
a Pentagram (but the
Tablet of Union has
become Spirit, also the
displaced Center of the
Cross of the Elements.
Starting with the Tablet of Air in the
1) Vibrate the third Angelic Key

2) Charge the Line of Holy Spirit

(Wait! Where is this? Hold on for
a minute, and we’ll show you.)
ORO IBAH AOSPI (Now, do you
remember where you heard that

3) Charge the Spiral Name:

BATAIVAH (Where did you hear
this before?)

4) Charge the Seniors, in this order:


5) Charge the Air quadrant (Air of

Air) in this order: the spirit cross
(IDOIGO ARDZA), kerubic
name (RZLA) and lesser names
The same pattern repeats within each
Quadrangle, if you remember. So now, charge
the Air part of the Air Quadrangle. After you
finish, you’ll follow a similar pattern with the
other three Quadrangles and Calls 4,5 and 6.
You have sounds files for each of those.
After that, you still have directions. But we
have not uploaded all the rest of the Calls.
After all, it should be your voice charging the
Temple! If you’ve made it this far, you
probably are developing your own way of
vocalizing these and you may sound very
different from what I sound like.
Just for fun: what did the Angels tell John Dee the Great Table of Earth contained?
Ave: Now to the purpose. Rest, for the place is Holy. First, generally what this Tablet Containeth.
1. All human knowledge.
2. Out of it springeth Physick.
3. The knowledge of the Elemental Creatures among you. How many kinds there are, and for what use they were
created. Those that live in the air, by themselves. Those that live in the waters, by themselves. Those that live in the earth,
by themselves. The property of fire—which is the secret life of all things.
4. The knowledge, finding, and use of Metals. The virtues of them. The congelations and virtues of Stones. They [these
preceding three things] are all of one matter.
5. The conjoining and knitting together of Natures. The destruction of Nature, and of things that may perish.
6. Moving from place to place (as into this Country, of that Country at pleasure.]
7. The knowledge of all crafts Mechanical.
8. Transmutatio formalis, sed non essentialis [formal alchemical transmutation.]
9. [Dee’s note in margin:] The ninth chapter may be added, and is of the secrets of men knowing, whereof there is a particular
After this, AVE disappears for a moment, then Dee records the Great Angel reappearing with three others, whose names should be
familiar to many readers:
E.K. Now he [AVE] appeareth again.
. . . Look out Lexarph, with the two other that follow him, among the names of the earth the three last.
Lexarph, Comanan, Tabitom
Look out the name Paraoan. Write Paraoan on a void of paper.
Dee : I have done so. [continue on at your leisure! Our analysis is at
- PART 3 -

the elements
of the Ophanic
# Using the ring : (You must learn this having the printed figures in front
of you).

1) The purpose of this ring is to showthe tangible proof of the operator’s understanding of the
basic geometry of the system. It sums up the whole operation of the Holy Table into one
2) The Ring is a simple Golden Mean rectangle with a large Phi symbol in the center. The phi
is aligned horizontally; above the bar isa V and below it is an L.
These symbolize recursion; the V isintra-dimensional, while the L is inter dimensional.
3) In each corner of the rectangle is a letter, spelling the name PELE, or “he who works
wonders” as he was known to the medieval Kabbalists. (I prefer the Ophanic letters for this

# Using the lamen : (You must learn this having the printed figures in front of you).

Tarot. I need image of the lamen from the Enochian folder.

- Exodus 28:4
These are the garments they are to make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a woven
tunic, a turban and a sash. They are to make these sacred garments for your brother
Aaron and his sons, so they may serve me as priests.

1) The Lamen is also an adaptation of the operation of the Holy Table, only applied to
physical body of the operator. When worn in ceremony, it forms a link between the operator
and the energy source.
2) The outer perimeter names of the Holy Table invert their symmetry set to produce a 7 x 12
grid, from which the central 3 x 4 grid is taken.
This 7 x 12 grid is then re-arrangedby sections to form the Lamen.
3) The central tilted square, read on a diagonal, forms a protective energy inter-phase on the
surface of the skin.
4) The square enclosing the tilted square directs the energy to and from the heart, of the
operator and the Holy Table array. The perimeter square moves the energy field deepwith the
DNA.The Lamen should belettered in Ophanic.

# Using the Holy table. (You must learn this having the printed figures in front of you).
1) The Holy Table is a square of twenty-three sections per side containing a hexagonal inter-
penetrating triangle design.
2) Each corner of the square contains the letter Pa, (B) so that the first and last letter of each
twenty-three character side are the same. This suggests another omni-directional collection of
symme try sets. This particular grouping of symmetry sets is derived from the heptagonal
structure of the Angels of Light.
3) In the center hexagonal figure, there is a three by four square. In eachof these twelve squares
is an Ophanic letter.
*Reading right to left across, this gives us the names OIT, RLU, LRL, andOOE.
* Down, from left to right, we find TULE, ILRO, and ORLO.
These two symmetry sets give seven names out of 12 characters.
* The diagonal symmetry sets give six more names, in one-two-three character groupings.
4] Our basic frequencies begin to emerge as (6) 7, 12, (13) 21 (22) and 23.
* Twenty-three, the number of chromosomes each partner contributes to a child, forms the
DNA connection at the level of human sexual activity.
*Twenty-two, the letters on each side without repeating the Pa, as in both Hebrew and Ophanic
Letters, is the structural components of the Cube of Space. E
* Each of the four sides then formsa dimensionally imploded, from 3D to 1D, cube.
* The corner Pa, or B, is the mark of pressure where light con-denses into matter from the four
directions. As in the Mayan pyramids, these corners are aligned to the true directions.
* The hexagonal central structure serves to fix the six diagonal forces generated by the 12
central squares. In form it is very similar to the RA grid hexagram used in the Orb Module.
* The seven greater names formed from the center grid by horizontal and
vertical rankings combine with the other six to give us our implied 13.
* The 21 letters on each side, without the corner Pa, form a Fibonacci, or phi
ratio with the 13 names.
* In the same way, 22/7, the relationship of the Cube of Space to the
symmetry angles (angels) of the tetrahedron, gives us an approximation of
Pi. These seven names also rule the seven talismans of the earthly planetary
forces that are placed on the circlearound the hexagonal figure.

# Using the RA grid. (You must learn this having the printed figures in front of you).

1) The Module is a pyramid shaped structure designed to contain and shape the energy
operations of the Eye of Ra Orb.
2) The Module platform is built of alternating layers of silk and copper.
3) The module platform edges are aligned toward the compass points. It supplies a coherent
flow of energy that is then massaged into a toroidal shape by the Tablet of Union patterning
around the edge of the base plate.
4) The central area of the plate is left open for the insertion of templates such as the Seal of Truth
or the Round Tablet of Nalvage.
5) The pyramidal super-structure is built of copper in the correct proportionsof the Great Pyramid
at Giza.
6) A RA Unification grid, a type of hexagramic location device, floats at the level of the King’s
Chamber floor.
7) Above the centerof the RA grid hangs a wire basket supporting the Eye crystal.
8) The basic principle is the intersection of the unified energy torrid with the fixing structure of
the RA Grid and the non-local reference point of the Eye.
9) The pyramidal shape acts as a broadcasting unit transmitting the energy/information into space.
10) The Eye of Ra is a crystal orb that wasinfused with the energy signature of the original up-
link to Sirius/Orion. It operates as a floating point processing unitthat’s without space/time

# Using the seal of truth/Ameth. (You must learn this having the printed figures in
front of you).

Components of the seal of truth :


1) The Seal of Truth is the first template or filter used with the Orb Module and the Holy
Table. Its functionis to provide a coherent communication signal, a truthful response.
2) As such,it is also used to insulate the Holy Table−a Sigil is placed under each contactpoint
with the earth.
3) The Sigil of Truth operates within the physical hardware in the same way that the Tablet of
Union functionswithin the psychic hardware. With the Holy Table, it provides a unifying level
for the entire system.
4) The outer edge of the Sigil contains 40 characters; some are letter/ number combinations,
some have only letters. These characters form the names of the four elemental rulers of the
Watchtowers and the seven planetary rays that animate the Angels of Light. The four letters
not used in thesenames form the operative name of theunifying angel of the Tablet of Union
and the Round Tablet of Nalvage.
5) The outer edge of the Sigil with its circle of letter/numbers can be seen as the interface
between the Atziluthic or Divine realm and the realm of Archetypes, the Briatic world.
6) The Divine energy realm extrudes the 12 archetypes delineated by the 40 characters. These
extrusions have specific functions that are described and circuitized by their names and Sigils.
7) Thefour great primeval elemental forces are described by their names; their function as the
energy source for the elemental micro-chip like Tablets is circuitized by their Sigils, which in
turn derive from the patterns of their names on the edge of the Sigil of Truth. Thus they are
indeed “Watch-men” who self-monitor the flow of ele-mental energy in truthful, or fractally
coherent, patterns.
These patterns form the structureof the Elemental Tablets, which in turn form the supporting
architecture of the whole system.
8) The Tablet of Union acts as a cohesive force on the action of the elemental components, as
shown by its 4, 5, 20 numerical structure.
9) The Sigil of Truth is the cohesive force acting on the planetarycenters and the chakras of
the human body. This is demonstrated by its 7/5 embeddedness.
10) Both of these projective forces are extruded from the Divine at the same time and at the
same point, the edge of the Sigil of Truth, or rather, that quality of Divine/Archetypal interface
describedas “Daath” or Knowledge by the Kabbalists.
11) If we think of the primeval elements as the Aleph, or the primary sequence of sub-atomic
forces, and the planetary forces as the Mem or mediating biological forces, then the
unexpressed name formed from theunused letters becomes both Shin and Tau, or spirit/matter.
12) The planetary forces are the focus of the Sigil of Truth’s operations. It seems designed to
step down Atziluthic or Divine energy all the way to the boundary of the local World of
Action, or Assiah, where it can then interface with the Orb and the Module, the ring and the
13) The first step is to locate the highest forms of planetary action just inside the interface
barrier itself. On the Sigil of Truth this is done by placing the planetary Sigils, and frequency
codes, in the space between the circle and the heptagram, implying a space-filling role for the
archetypal planetaryforces.
14) The names of these beings are not used directly; inside the heptagon, they will appear in an
arch-angelic form.
15) The heptagon itself is formed from a 7 x 7 square filled with vertically read Hebrew
planetary Arch-angelic names.
16) The seven squares on each side the heptagon is formed by a horizontal reading of the
Hebrew arch- angelic square. This creates a multi-leveled embeddedness resembling a web
composed of seven super-imposed heptagrams.
17) If we think of the planetary namesextruded by the outer circle as being more divine than
archetypal, then the Unpronounceable Names of the BriaticArchangels are more archangelic
than divine.
18) The first forms the outer surface of Atziluth, the second forms the inner surface of Briah.
Like the firstplanetary names, these archangels are also space-filling in function, as depicted by
their position as the spacebetween the heptagon and the heptagram.
19) The archangelic names also create a 7 x 7 grid from which the names on the inner
heptagram, heptagons and central pentagram are inscribed.
20) These angels are Yetsiratic in their function, that is they create a foundation from which
the Good or LightAngels of Assiah can operate.
21) Their order of development, Saturn, Jupiter,Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon,
mirrors the planet’s superior, outside the orbit of the earth, or inferior, inside the earth’s orbit,
location with the Sun acting appropriately as the focal point or nexus of the group.
22) As befits a foundational function, these Yetsiratic angels are both space defining and
23) The central angels follow the same order of development, but these angels spiral down
toward the central equal- armed cross.
24) This motion brings the energy structure to the outer edge of the Yetsiratic or foundational
level, where it can be interfaced with the planetary and elemental forces of theWorld of Action.
25) The Sigil also has a number of crosses. These are actual interface locations where the
World of Action can phase-lock with the foundational forces. Their number and placement
describes the interaction between the elements and the chakras. The total number of crosses on
the front of the Sigil is 130, which indicates, by gematria, the resolution of unconscious
processes through balance.
On the back of the Sigil are another cross and the four-letter Hebrew divine name for Earth,
AGLA. This serves to sealthe Sigil off from any negative forces coming from the earth itself.
# Using The Elemental Tablets : (You must learn this having the printed figures in front of
Seniors in Hexagon Pattern back Calvary Crosses back

1) The elemental tablets are four 12 x 13 grids joined by the mirror-like symmetry of the 52
square Great Cross, which contains the Tablet of Union names and the 92nd and 93rd
2) Each of the four Tablets hasthe same structure: a sigil of the Watchmen, a Divine Name of 3,
4, 5 letters, an eight letter solar archangelic name ,six seniors of seven letters, four calvarycross
tree-of-life patterns, four kerubicangels and 64 Servient squares.
3) The Servient squares can be read to produce archangelic names, angelic, archcaco-demonic
and cacodemonicnames, creating an inclusive, chaos to order and back again, recursion path.
4) Each square can be thought of asa dual cell of a hyper-cube, that is a square within a square,
or a trucacted pyramid.
5) This gives each square five qualities: the letter in the central square, and the elemental,
sephirotic or planetary attribution of each of the four truncated sides of the cell.
6) From this information, an Egyptian god-form and a Sphinx can be derived, so that we
have five qualities and two attributes, seven in all, for eachsquare.
7) The sigil of the primeval Watch- men supplies the energy and is placed either above the
Tablet or on the back. This energy is then fedthrough a zodiacal processing grid.
8) Each element has three forms, cardinal, fixed, and mutable, symbolizedby the 3, 4, 5 letter
God Name that forms the symmetry or event horizonof each Tablet.
9) From the zodiacal,the energy moves to the solar plane with the phi-spiral based
archangelicname formed from the central eight letters on each Tablet.
10) This solar spiral also flows outward through the six names of seven letters called the
11) Each name begins with the sun and then works through the planetary attributions,
moving the energy through system.
12) The elemental sub-quadrants, earth of earth, earth of fire, etc., are structured as the inner
four cells of a hypercube where the outer cells are formed from the four complete Tablets. (For
instance, traveling east fromthe Air Tablet would bring you to the Fire Tablet, while traveling
west from the Water Tablet returns you to Air. Within each Tablet, looking east from the water
sub-quadrant (upper right) you see the earth sub- quadrant, (lower left) while looking north
shows you the fire sub-quad-rant, (lower right) and so on.)
13) Each elemental sub-quadrant iscomposed of a calvary cross tree-of-life support structure,
a kerubic column on which it rests and a quarter of a chess board floor pattern.
14) In 2D, this structure is a 5 x 6 grid, broken down into a six letter central column and a five
letter horizontal that forms the tree of life pattern; with a four letter name above the horizontal
line and 16 squares below.
15) In 3D, this micro-chip pattern inter-locks with the surface of the earth.
16) The Fire Tablet covers from latitude 80N to 80S and longitude 150E to 120W, the mid-
Pacific, with easternAustralia, New Zealand and part of Siberia and Alaska.
17) Water Tablet: 80Nto 80S, 120W to 30W, North and South America, Greenland and the
Atlantic Ocean. Air Tablet: 80N to 80S,30W to 60E, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Russia.
18) Earth Tablet: 80N to 80 S, 60E to 150E, India, Far East, etc.
19) The Tablet of Union covers the central axis of the planet and is the binding force holding
the planet together just as it holds the Tablets together

#Using The Tablet of Union: (You must learn this having the printed figures in front of
1) The table of union is formedout of the 52 squares that join the four elemental tablets into
one large 25 x 27 square grid.
2) Twenty of these squares are used to form the Great Ophanic Seal known as the Tablet of
3) On the Great Cross itself, these twenty characters are repeated twice in mirror symmetry
4) This leaves12 characters for which we have no accurate attribution.
5) On some of Dee’smanuscript versions, we can read the addition of P, A, R, A, O, A, N and 5 L’s.
Paraoan is formed from the reversed letters on the Tablets themselves andis the 92nd Governor,
ruling the interior of the planet.
6) The 5 L’s, symbolic of the five Elements, contain the L, also shown in reverse of the Tablets,
used to energize the Tablet of Union names when used as the Governors of the Abyss.
7) The other four L’s are a screen to cover the secret name of the 93rd Governor, formed from
the unused letters on the Sigil of Truth, which rules the space from our atmosphere out to the
orbit of the moon.
8) The twenty characters of the Tabletof Union Seal are arranged in a 5 x 4 grid.
9) The four horizontal names are theelemental control frequencies. The fivevertical names are
the spiritual quality of the five elements. Together, they function as the twenty faces of an
icosahedron, or the vertices of a dodecahedron.
# Using The Keys or Calls : (You must learn this having the printed figures in front of you).

1) The Keys or Calls are arranged in three basic groups: the Elemental Keys,the
Aethyric Keys and the Key of Silence.
2) The Elemental Keys−The first 18 Keys program the architecture of the
Elemental Tablets and the Tablet of Union.
The first and second Keys activate the Tablet of Union, although in different
The first Key opens the elemental operations of the Tablets;
thesecond Key opens the 30 Aethyrs.
Keys 3 through 6 open the elemental forces, and the unmixed sub-quadrants;
seventhrough 18 open the other 12 mixed elemental sub-quadrants.
3) The Aethyric Keys− This is actually the same Key repeated thirty times with the change
of one three letter word, the tittle of the Aethyr.
The angeldescribed these levels as thirty concentric circles, from the closest, the 30th, to the
most distant, the 1st. It is also useful to think of the Aethyrs as the edges of both a
dodecahedron andan icosahedron.
4) The Key of Silence − The 49th Key is a non-vocal, non-local operation involving the
93rd Governor and the Round Tablet of Nalvage. The operation itself consists of vibrating
the name of the Governor mentally to activate the sphere of space around the planet, then
unfolding into that space the geometric structure of the Round Tablet.
The Call is silent, because only a telepathic push, as opposed to a physical or sonic push,
can open the communication channel.

# Using the Round Tablet of Nalvage. (You must learn this having the printed figures in
front of you).

1) The Tablet is the very binding force that holds the whole system of angelic
hierarchies in place. It accomplishes this task by raising the degree ofsymmetry
and coherence to an entirely new level.
2) The Tablet is composed of a six by six square, with four four-letter flaps.
3) The flaps form an analog of the Tablet of Union, as the four three by three
squaresform an analog of the Elemental Tablets.
4) Each corner of the 36 square grid contains the letters IAD, which translates
as God in Ophanic.
5) This leaves 24 characters to describe God’s actions and qualities.
6) The four 3 x 3 interior squares are then read horizontally to produce 12
more divine beings who carry out God’sactions.
7) A vast theology is concealed in these simple names and phrases, but that is
far from our purpose here.
8) The structure of the Tablet is a 2D representation of the 24-cell 4D figure.
9) This geometric construct is internally self-referencing, that is turns itself in
inside out and remains the same, and consumes or embeds all of the 3D
platonic solids as well as the 16-cell and the hyper-cube in 4D.
10) This makes it the only master geometric structure that unifies the process
of dimensional information/energy exchange in an inclusive and self-
referencing matrix.
11) The 24 non-IAD letters form the vertices of the figure; the 24 names and
phrases of each symmetry set form the 24 cells.
12) All four symmetry sets, or ways of reading the individual squares and the
largerunitary grid, produce the 96 faces and edges of the 4D figure.
13) Hyper-cubes and 16 cell figures can also be formed from this highly
coherent pattern of letters and names.

- Part 3 : The Softwares -

1) The book of knowledge of power and of the victorious forces of the Earth contains the 91
local planetary surface intelligences known as the Governors of the Aethyrs or Ayres.
2) If we think of the linear names formed from the Elemental Tablets as the architectural
structure of our spiritual computer, then it is easy to see the Governors as the programs or
operations that can be done within that structure.
3) Each Governor is defined by a name formed from an individual circuit path or sigil on the
Elemental Tablets.
4) These Sigils form the sub-structure of the Tablets, their unifying relationship.
5) The Governors have a dual aspect;they relate both to a locality or bio-region on the surface
of the planet and to the informational content of theAethyr, each of which can be seen as an
organizational arrangement of the astral zones.
6) It is this duality that supplies a spirit of locality, or landscape angel, foreach bio-region.
7) Just as the Governors are the interactive component of the Aethyr, so too are they the
interactive component of the Earth.
8) Concerning the Good Angels of Light, the Archangel Michael told Dee:
“Now you touch the world; the Governors that work, rule under God; By whom you may have
power to work suchthings, as shall to God profit of your country and the knowledge of his crea-
tures.” Then Michael continues, explaining to Dee that the Angels work in the world of Assiah,
our local reality, and that they are good angels under God. He reveals a set of tablets and
“Behold, these tables; herein by their names that work under God upon the earth; Not of the
wicked but the Angels of Light. The whole government doth consist in the hands of the 49
whose names are here evident, excellent and glorious. Mark these tables and record them. . .
This is the first knowledge. Here you shall have wisdom.”
9) If the Governors are large scale programs running on our spiritual computer, then the
Good Angels of Light are more like personal files or individualized software.
10) The names on the outer edge of the Holy Table are derived from one hierarchy or
symmetry set of the Angels of Light; they are ruled or programmed as a unit by the lowest
level of planetary Yetsiraticnames on the Sigil of Truth.
11) The Angels of Light form a background grid of symmetry sets through which con-
sciousness, as time, moves.
12) The Angelic hierarchy then becomes the literal structure of synchronicity, the acausal
connecting principle.

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