Comparison of SDA Interpretations of Daniel 11

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A Interpretations of Daniel 11 - Prepared by Pastor Conrad Vine

9th November, 2020

Verse William Shea Uriah Smith John Witcombe Louis Were C. Mervyn Maxwell Tim Roosenberg Greg Bratcher Ulrike Unruh James Henderson

1. "Also in the first year of

Darius the Mede – 538BC (unspecified). 10.1 Ugbaru, Gubaru or Gobryas per W.
Darius the Mede, I, even I, stood Darius the Mede – 538BC Darius the Mede – 538BC Darius the Mede – 538BC Darius the Mede – 538BC Darius the Mede – 538BC Darius the Mede – 538BC
"vision" refers back to 8.26, the 2,300 year Shea article on "Darius the Mede" in
up to confirm and strengthen (unspecified) (unspecified) (unspecified) (unspecified) (unspecified) (unspecified)
prophecy vision. JATS in 2001.

2. "And now I will tell you the

truth: Behold, three more kings 8.3, 20. "kings of Media and Persia." 8.5, 21,
1. Cambyses II (530-521BC). 1. Cambyses II (530-521BC). 1. Cambyses II (530-521BC). 1. Cambyses II (530-521BC). 1. Cambyses II (530-521BC). 1. Cambyses II (530-521BC). 1. Cambyses II (530-521BC).
will arise in Persia, and the fourth "Greece."
shall be far richer than them all;
8.3, 20. "kings of Media and Persia." 8.5, 21,
1. Cambyses II (530-521BC). 2. Smerdis (521BC). 2. Smerdis (521BC). 2. Smerdis (521BC). 2. Smerdis (521BC). 1. Cambyses II (530-521BC). 2. Smerdis (521BC).

3. Darius I Hystapes 8.3, 20. "kings of Media and Persia." 8.5, 21, 3. Darius I Hystapes
3. Darius I Hystapes (521–485BC). 3. Darius I Hystapes (521–485BC). 3. Darius I Hystapes (521–485BC). 3. Darius I Hystapes (521–485BC). 3. Darius I Hystapes (521–485BC).
(521–485BC). "Greece." (521–485BC).

4. Xerxes the Great (486-465BC, 4. Xerxes the Great (486-465BC, 4. Xerxes the Great (486-465BC, 8.3, 20. "kings of Media and Persia." 8.5, 21, 4. Xerxes the Great (486-465BC, 4. Xerxes the Great (486-465BC, 4. Xerxes the Great (486-465BC, 4. Xerxes the Great (486-465BC,
Ahasuerus of Esther’s story). Ahasuerus of Esther’s story). Ahasuerus of Esther’s story). "Greece." Ahasuerus of Esther’s story). Ahasuerus of Esther’s story). Ahasuerus of Esther’s story). Ahasuerus of Esther’s story).

3 "Then a mighty king shall

arise, who shall rule with great Alexander the Great. 8.8 - "strong….waxed
Alexander the Great (336-323BC). Alexander the Great (336-323BC). Alexander the Great (336-323BC). Alexander the Great (336-323BC). Alexander the Great (336-323BC). Alexander the Great (336-323BC). Alexander the Great (336-323BC).
dominion, and do according to his very great."

4. "And when he has arisen, his

kingdom shall be broken up and
divided toward the four winds of
heaven, but not among his 8.8, "great horn was broken…towards the four
1. Macedonia under Cassander. 1. Macedonia under Cassander. 1. Macedonia under Cassander. 1. Macedonia under Cassander. 1. Macedonia under Cassander. 1. Macedonia under Cassander. 1. Macedonia under Cassander.
posterity nor according to his winds of heaven."
dominion with which he ruled; for
his kingdom shall be uprooted,
even for others besides these.

Additional information concerning the break

2. Thrace and NW Asia Minor under 2. Thrace and NW Asia Minor 2. Thrace and NW Asia Minor 2. Thrace and NW Asia Minor 2. Thrace and NW Asia Minor under 2. Thrace and NW Asia Minor under 2. Thrace and NW Asia Minor under
up of the Greek empire and conflicts between
Lysimachus. under Lysimachus. under Lysimachus. under Lysimachus. Lysimachus. Lysimachus. Lysimachus.
the kings of the South and of the North.

3. Egypt under Ptolemy. 3. Egypt under Ptolemy. 3. Egypt under Ptolemy. See above. 3. Egypt under Ptolemy. 3. Egypt under Ptolemy. 3. Egypt under Ptolemy. 3. Egypt under Ptolemy.

4. Syria and Babylonia under 4. Syria and Babylonia under 4. Syria and Babylonia under 4. Syria and Babylonia under 4. Syria and Babylonia under 4. Syria and Babylonia under
See above. 4. Syria and Babylonia under Seleucus.
Seleucus. Seleucus. Seleucus. Seleucus. Seleucus. Seleucus.
5. " Also the king of the South
shall become strong, as well as
one of his princes; and he shall 1. King of the South – Ptolemy 1 1. King of the South – Ptolemy 1 1. King of the South – Ptolemy 1 1. King of the South – Ptolemy 1 1. King of the South – Ptolemy 1 1. King of the South – Ptolemy 1 1. King of the South – Ptolemy 1
See above.
gain power over him and have Soter (305-283BC). Soter (305-283BC). Soter (305-283BC). Soter (305-283BC). Soter (305-283BC). Soter (305-283BC). Soter (305-283BC).
dominion. His dominion shall be
a great dominion.

2. One of his princes, i.e. of 2. One of his princes, i.e. of 2. One of his princes, i.e. of
2. One of his princes, i.e. of 2. One of his princes, i.e. of Alexander 2. One of his princes, i.e. of Alexander 2. One of his princes, i.e. of Alexander
Alexander – Seleucus 1 Nicator Alexander – Seleucus 1 Nicator Alexander – Seleucus 1 Nicator
Alexander – Seleucus 1 Nicator (305- See above. – Seleucus 1 Nicator (305-281BC), – Seleucus 1 Nicator (305-281BC), – Seleucus 1 Nicator (305-281BC),
(305-281BC), ruled from Syria to (305-281BC), ruled from Syria to (305-281BC), ruled from Syria to
281BC), ruled from Syria to India. ruled from Syria to India ruled from Syria to India. ruled from Syria to India
India. India. India.

6. "And at the end of some years

they shall join forces, for the
daughter of the king of the South
shall go to the king of the North
1. Daughter of Ptolemy II was 1. Daughter of Ptolemy II was 1. Daughter of Ptolemy II was 1. Daughter of Ptolemy II was 1. Daughter of Ptolemy II was 1. Daughter of Ptolemy II was 1. Daughter of Ptolemy II was
to make an agreement; but she See above.
Berenice. Berenice. Berenice. Berenice. Berenice. Berenice. Berenice.
shall not retain the power of her
authority, and neither he nor his
authority shall stand; but she shall
be given up, with those who

2. Berenice was married to the King 2. Berenice was married to the 2. Berenice was married to the 2. Berenice was married to the 2. Berenice was married to the King of 2. Berenice was married to the King of 2. Berenice was married to the King of
of the North – Antiochus II Theos King of the North – Antiochus II King of the North – Antiochus II King of the North – Antiochus II the North – Antiochus II Theos (261- the North – Antiochus II Theos (261- the North – Antiochus II Theos (261-
(261-246BC). Berenice was Theos (261-246BC). Berenice was Theos (261-246BC). Berenice was See above. Theos (261-246BC). Berenice was 246BC). Berenice was eventually 246BC). Berenice was eventually 246BC). Berenice was eventually
eventually murdered by Antiochus II eventually murdered by Antiochus eventually murdered by Antiochus eventually murdered by Antiochus murdered by Antiochus II Theos’ first murdered by Antiochus II Theos’ first murdered by Antiochus II Theos’ first
Theos’ first wife, Laodice. II Theos’ first wife, Laodice. II Theos’ first wife, Laodice. II Theos’ first wife, Laodice. wife, Laodice. wife, Laodice. wife, Laodice.

7. "But from a branch of her

roots one shall arise in his place,
1. Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III 1. Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III 1. Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III 1. Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III 1. Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III 1. Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III 1. Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III
who shall come with an army,
Euergetes (246-222BC) avenged Euergetes (246-222BC) avenged Euergetes (246-222BC) avenged See above. Euergetes (246-222BC) avenged Euergetes (246-222BC) avenged Euergetes (246-222BC) avenged Euergetes (246-222BC) avenged
enter the fortress of the king of the
Berenice’s murder. Berenice’s murder. Berenice’s murder. Berenice’s murder. Berenice’s murder. Berenice’s murder. Berenice’s murder.
North, and deal with them and

2. King of the North is Seleucus II, 2. King of the North is Seleucus II, 2. King of the North is Seleucus 2. King of the North is Seleucus 2. King of the North is Seleucus II, 2. King of the North is Seleucus II, 2. King of the North is Seleucus II,
See above.
son of Laodice. son of Laodice. II, son of Laodice. II, son of Laodice. son of Laodice. son of Laodice. son of Laodice.

8. "And he shall also carry their

gods captive to Egypt, with their Ptolemy III Euergetes retrieved Ptolemy III Euergetes retrieved Ptolemy III Euergetes retrieved
Ptolemy III Euergetes retrieved from
princes and their precious articles from Syria the images of the gods from Syria the images of the gods from Syria the images of the gods
See verse 7. See above. See verse 7. Ptolemy III Syria the images of the gods removed
of silver and gold; and he shall removed by Cambyses of Persia. removed by Cambyses of Persia. removed by Cambyses of Persia.
by Cambyses of Persia. See verse 7.
continue more years than the king See verse 7. See verse 7. See verse 7.
of the North.

9. "Also the king of the North See verse 7. Ptolemy III Euergetes
See verse 7. Seleucus II Callinicus See verse 7. Seleucus II Callinicus See Verse 7. Seleucus II Callinicus See verse 7. Seleucus II Callinicus See verse 7. Seleucus II Callinicus
shall come to the kingdom of the returned to Egypt, relinquished his
See verse 7. made a foray into Egypt but was See above. made a foray into Egypt but was made a foray into Egypt but was made a foray into Egypt but was made a foray into Egypt but was
king of the South, but shall return domains in Syria, and took much
repulsed by Ptolemy III Euergetes. repulsed by Ptolemy III Euergetes. repulsed by Ptolemy III Euergetes. repulsed by Ptolemy III Euergetes. repulsed by Ptolemy III Euergetes.
to his own land. booty.

Sons of the King of the North Sons of the King of the North
10. "However his sons shall stir Sons of the King of the North were Sons of the King of the North were Sons of the King of the North were Sons of the King of the North were
were Seleucus III Ceranus (226- were Seleucus III Ceranus (226- Sons of the King of the North were
up strife, and assemble a Seleucus III Ceranus (226-223BC) Seleucus III Ceranus (226-223BC) Seleucus III Ceranus (226-223BC) and Seleucus III Ceranus (226-223BC) and
223BC) and Antiochus III Magnus 223BC) and Antiochus III Seleucus III Ceranus (226-223BC) and
multitude of great forces; and one and Antiochus III Magnus (223- and Antiochus III Magnus (223- Antiochus III Magnus (223-187BC). Antiochus III Magnus (223-187BC).
(223-187BC). Magnus Marched Magnus (223-187BC). Magnus Antiochus III Magnus (223-187BC).
shall certainly come and 187BC). Magnus Marched against 187BC). Magnus Marched against See above. Marched against Ptolemy IV Marched against Ptolemy IV
against Ptolemy IV Philopater Marched against Ptolemy IV Marched against Ptolemy IV Philopater
overwhelm and pass through; then Ptolemy IV Philopater (King of the Ptolemy IV Philopater (King of the Philopater (King of the South), but Philopater (King of the South), but
(King of the South), but Philopater (King of the South), (King of the South), but eventually
he shall return to his fortress and South), but eventually returned South), but eventually returned eventually returned home, conquering eventually returned home, conquering
eventually returned home, but eventually returned home, returned home, conquering Antioch.
stir up strife. home, conquering Antioch. home, conquering Antioch. Antioch. Antioch.
conquering Antioch. conquering Antioch.

11. " And the king of the South

shall be moved with rage, and go
See verse 10. Antiochus III Magnus See verse 10. Antiochus III Magnus See verse 10. Antiochus III See verse 10. Antiochus III See verse 10. Antiochus III Magnus See verse 10. Antiochus III Magnus See verse 10. Antiochus III Magnus
out and fight with him, with the
was defeated at Raphia on the was defeated at Raphia on the Magnus was defeated at Raphia on Magnus was defeated at Raphia on was defeated at Raphia on the Egyptian was defeated at Raphia on the was defeated at Raphia on the
king of the North, who shall See above.
Egyptian border in 217BC by Egyptian border in 217BC by the Egyptian border in 217BC by the Egyptian border in 217BC by border in 217BC by Ptolemy IV Egyptian border in 217BC by Ptolemy Egyptian border in 217BC by Ptolemy
muster a great multitude; but the
Ptolemy IV Epiphanes. Ptolemy IV Epiphanes. Ptolemy IV Epiphanes. Ptolemy IV Epiphanes. Epiphanes. IV Epiphanes. IV Epiphanes.
multitude shall be given into the
hand of his enemy.
Verse William Shea Uriah Smith John Witcombe Louis Were C. Mervyn Maxwell Tim Roosenberg Greg Bratcher Ulrike Unruh James Henderson

Ptolemy IV Philopater conquered Ptolemy IV Philopater conquered Ptolemy IV Philopater conquered Ptolemy IV Philopater conquered Ptolemy IV Philopater conquered Ptolemy IV Philopater conquered
12. "When he has taken away the
Judea, and slaughtered tens of Judea, and slaughtered tens of Judea, and slaughtered tens of Judea, and slaughtered tens of Judea, and slaughtered tens of Judea, and slaughtered tens of
multitude, his heart will be lifted
thousands of Jews in Alexandria in thousands of Jews in Alexandria in thousands of Jews in Alexandria in See above. thousands of Jews in Alexandria thousands of Jews in Alexandria in Ptolemy IV thousands of Jews in Alexandria in
up; and he will cast down tens of
revenge for his failed attempt to revenge for his failed attempt to revenge for his failed attempt to in revenge for his failed attempt to revenge for his failed attempt to enter revenge for his failed attempt to enter
thousands, but he will not prevail.
enter the Jerusalem temple. enter the Jerusalem temple. enter the Jerusalem temple. enter the Jerusalem temple the Jerusalem temple. the Jerusalem temple.

13. "For the king of the North

Antiochus III Magnus waged war Antiochus III Magnus waged war
will return and muster a multitude Antiochus III Magnus waged war Antiochus III Magnus put down Antiochus III Magnus waged war Antiochus III Magnus waged war Antiochus III Magnus waged war
against the Ptolemies and against the Ptolemies and
greater than the former, and shall against the Ptolemies and eventually rebellions in his eastern provinces against the Ptolemies and eventually against the Ptolemies and eventually against the Ptolemies and eventually
eventually took possession of See above. eventually took possession of
certainly come at the end of some took possession of Palestine at the and invaded Egypt with a large took possession of Palestine at the took possession of Palestine at the took possession of Palestine at the
Palestine at the battle of Panium Palestine at the battle of Panium
years with a great army and much battle of Panium (198BC). army. battle of Panium (198BC). battle of Panium (198BC). battle of Panium (198BC).
(198BC). (198BC).

Antiochus III Magnus and Philip V Antiochus III Magnus and Philip Antiochus III Magnus and Philip
Antiochus III Magnus and Philip V of
14. " Now in those times many of Macedonia fought in an alliance V of Macedonia fought in an V of Macedonia fought in an The "vision" refers to the Little Horn
Antiochus III Magnus and Philip V Macedonia fought in an alliance
shall rise up against the king of against Ptolemy V of Egypt.The alliance against Ptolemy V of alliance against Ptolemy V of of Daniel 7 - 9. Rome allied itself
of Macedonia fought in an alliance against Ptolemy V of Egypt. The
the South. Also, violent men of Egyptians were thrown out of Egypt. The “violent men” were the Egypt. The “violent men” were with Rhodes, Pergamum and other
against Ptolemy V of Egypt.The Rome. 8.9, "Stamped upon" the Jews. See verse 13. “violent men” were the Romans who
your people shall exalt themselves Palestine. The “violent men” were Romans who exalted themselves the Romans who exalted Greek cities hostile to Antiochus III,
Egyptians were thrown out of exalted themselves in fulfillment of
in fulfillment of the vision, but the Romans who exalted in fulfillment of Dan. 9.24, but themselves in fulfillment of Dan. and together they defeated Antiochus
Palestine. th Dan. 7 and 8. 9.24, but their empire
they shall fall. themselves in fulfillment of Dan. their empire fell in the 5 century 7 and 8. 9.24, but their empire and his allies in 190 BC.
fell in the 5th century AD.
9.24. AD. fell in the 5th century AD.

15. "So the king of the North Antiochus III Magnus besieged
Antiochus III Magnus defeated Antiochus III Magnus defeated Antiochus III Magnus defeated Scopas, Antiochus III Magnus besieged Sidon
shall come and build a siege Antiochus IV Epiphanes’ campaign Sidon and then took Gaza.
Scopas, a general fighting for Scopas, a general fighting for a general fighting for Egypt, near and then took Gaza. Ptolemy V, a boy
mound, and take a fortified city; against Egypt in 169BC. He Ptolemy V, a boy king, was under
Egypt, near Caesarea Philippi, and Syria conquered and added to the Roman Egypt, near Caesarea Philippi, and Caesarea Philippi, and then conquered king, was under the guardianship of
and the forces of the South shall conquered Pelusium, the major the guardianship of the Roman See verse 13.
then conquered Tyre where Scopas empire. then conquered Tyre where Scopas Tyre where Scopas had retreated. After the Roman senate, but the general
not withstand him. Even his eastern Nile delta city, and returned senate, but the general Scopas was
had retreated. After this, Egypt had retreated. After this, Egypt this, Egypt never ruled Palestine ever Scopas was defeated in 200/199BC by
choice troops shall have no home for the winter. defeated in 200/199BC by
never ruled Palestine ever again. never ruled Palestine ever again. again. Antiochus Magnus III.
strength to resist. Antiochus Magnus III.

16. "But he who comes against

Rome invades the Middle East. Rome. 8.9. "A little horn arises out of one of
him shall do according to his own Rome invades the Middle East. Rome invades the Middle East. Rome invades the Middle East.
Pompey conquered Syria and them" - the territory of the King of the North. Rome invades the Middle East. Rome invades the Middle East.
will, and no one shall stand Pompey conquered Syria and Pompey conquered Syria and Pompey conquered Syria and
Palestine (“the Glorious Land”) in 8.9, "waxed exceeding great….towards the See verse 13. Pompey conquered Syria and Palestine Pompey conquered Syria and Palestine
against him. He shall stand in the Palestine (“the Glorious Land”) in Palestine (“the Glorious Land”) in Palestine (“the Glorious Land”) in
64/63BC. Rome then destroyed pleasant or glorious land." Pompey conqueres (“the Glorious Land”) in 64/63BC. (“the Glorious Land”) in 64/63BC.
Glorious Land with destruction in 64/63BC. 64/63BC. 64/63BC.
Jerusalem in 70 and 135AD. Palestine.
his power.

Rome now conquers the remaining

Julius Caesar entered Egypt in part of “his” (Alexander’s) Julius Caesar entered Egypt in Julius Caesar entered Egypt in
Julius Caesar entered Egypt in 48BC
17. "He shall also set his face to 48BC in pursuit of Pompey in the kingdom, i.e. Egypt. Julius Caesar 48BC in pursuit of Pompey in the 48BC in pursuit of Pompey in the
in pursuit of Pompey in the Roman
enter with the strength of his Roman civil war. Pompey was entered Egypt in 48BC in pursuit Roman civil war. Pompey was Roman civil war. Pompey was Antiochus III Magnus gave his Ptolemy XI dies and leave his heirs,
civil war. Pompey was murdered by an
whole kingdom, and upright ones murdered by an Egyptian officer. of Pompey in the Roman civil war. murdered by an Egyptian officer. murdered by an Egyptian officer. daughter Cleopatra to Ptolemy V, Cleopatra and Ptolemy XI under the
Additional features concerning pagan Rome. Egyptian officer. Caesar propped up
with him; thus shall he do. And Caesar propped up the joint reign of Pompey was murdered by an Caesar propped up the joint reign Caesar propped up the joint reign hoping to conquer Egypt through guardianship of Rome in 51 BC.
Conquest of Egypt by Rome. the joint reign of Cleopatra and
he shall give him the daughter of Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIV before Egyptian officer. Caesar propped up of Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIV of Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIV intrigue, but Cleopatra opposed her Three years later, Cleopatra becomes
Ptolemy XIV before taking her as his
women to destroy it; but she shall taking her as his mistress back to the joint reign of Cleopatra and before taking her as his mistress before taking her as his mistress father’s plans. the mistress of Julius Caesar.
mistress back to Rome where she bore
not stand with him, or be for him. Rome where she bore him a son, Ptolemy XIV before taking her as back to Rome where she bore him back to Rome where she bore him
him a son, Caesarian.
Caesarian. his mistress back to Rome where a son, Caesarian. a son, Caesarian.
she bore him a son, Caesarian.

18. "After this he shall turn his

Julius Caesar conquered the Med
face to the coastlands, and shall Julius Caesar then campaigned in N. Julius Caesar fought wars in Syria Julius Caesar’s conquests after Julius Caesar conquered the Med
islands and North Africa after Antiochus III Magnus turned against Julius Caesar leaves Egypt to fight the
take many. But a ruler shall bring Africa, the Bosphorous, and Spain, and Asia Minor, writing “veni, Egypt, but he was an insolent islands and North Africa after Egypt.
Egypt. But Brutus, the ruler / Asia Minor but was turned back by the armies of Pompey on the coastlands of
the reproach against them to an but his increasingly autocratic style vidi, vici.” An aggressive general Additional features concerning pagan Rome. man who inspired the hatred of But Brutus, the ruler / Roman senator,
Roman senator, plotted with 60 Roman general, Lucius Cornelius Africa. Then he defeats Pharnaces, the
end; and with the reproach antagonized many whom he had who attacked his enemies whenever many around him, some of whom plotted with 60 senators to assassinate
senators to assassinate Julius Scipio in 190BC. king of Crimean Bosphorus.
removed, he shall turn back on pardoned and reinstated in office. he could. plotted to kill him. Julius Caesar.

19. "Then he shall turn his face Antiochus III Magnus died while
Julius Caesar was assassinated on Julius Caesar was assassinated on Julius Caesar was assassinated on Julius Caesar was assassinated on Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Julius Caesar was assassinated on the
toward the fortress of his own Additional features concerning pagan Rome. plundering a pagan temple in Susa
the Ides of March 44BC in the the Ides of March 44BC in the the Ides of March 44BC in the the Ides of March 44BC in the Ides of March 44BC in the Forum of Ides of March 44BC in the Forum of
land; but he shall stumble and Assasination of Julius Caesar. (187BC) a year after his peace accords
Forum of Rome. Forum of Rome. Forum of Rome. Forum of Rome. Rome. Rome.
fall, and not be found. with Rome.

Caesar Augustus (63BC-14AD) Luke

20. "There shall arise in his place
2:1- 3 main census' 28 BC, 8 BC and
one who imposes taxes on the Caesar Augustus (63BC-14AD), Caesar Augustus (63BC-14AD), Caesar Augustus (63BC-14AD), Additional features concerning pagan Rome. Caesar Augustus (63BC-14AD), Caesar Augustus (63BC-14AD), whose Caesar Augustus (63BC-14AD),
14 AD, though not enforced uniformly
glorious kingdom; but within a whose taxing of the Roman Empire whose taxing of the Roman Empire whose taxing of the Roman Caesar Augustus (63BC-14AD), whose taxing whose taxing of the Roman taxing of the Roman Empire is whose taxing of the Roman Empire is
throughout the Empire, establishes
few days he shall be destroyed, is recorded in Luke 2.1. is recorded in Luke 2.1. Empire is recorded in Luke 2.1. of the Roman Empire is recorded in Luke 2.1. Empire is recorded in Luke 2.1. recorded in Luke 2.1. recorded in Luke 2.1.
office of Roman Emperor, dies
but not in anger or in battle.

Tiberius Caesar, Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar, Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar, Roman Emperor
21. "And in his place shall arise a Tiberius Caesar, Roman Emperor from Emperor Tiberius Caesar-rightful heir, Tiberius Caesar, Roman Emperor from
from 14-37AD, came into from 14-37AD, came into from 14-37AD, came into Tiberius Caesar, Roman Emperor from 14- The “contemptible” person is the
vile person, to whom they will 14-37AD, came into Augustus’ family but killed other heir. Was not as 14-37AD, came into Augustus’ family
Augustus’ family when Augustus Augustus’ family when Augustus Augustus’ family when Augustus 37AD, came into Augustus’ family when arising of the new leader of Rome
not give the honor of royalty; but when Augustus took his mother (Livia) highly esteemed as Augustus. He was when Augustus took his mother
took his mother (Livia) forcibly took his mother (Livia) forcibly took his mother (Livia) forcibly Augustus took his mother (Livia) forcibly after pagan Rome had fallen, i.e.
he shall come in peaceably, and forcibly from her husband to be his Emperor when Christ is crucified (Livia) forcibly from her husband to be
from her husband to be his own from her husband to be his own from her husband to be his own from her husband to be his own wife. the Papacy.
seize the kingdom by intrigue. own wife. under Pontius Pilate in 31AD. his own wife.
wife. wife. wife.

Tiberius Caesar conquered Arminius Tiberius Caesar conquered Tiberius Caesar conquered
22. "With the force of a flood The Papacy as a growing power, Tiberius Caesar conquered Arminius of Tiberius Caesar conquered Arminius of
of Germany and put down various Arminius of Germany and put Arminius of Germany and put
they shall be swept away from The death of Christ. 8.11 and the dstruction and they obscured the true Plan of Germany and put down various Germany and put down various
rebellions. Christ was crucified in down various rebellions. Christ down various rebellions. Christ see Verse 21
before him and be broken, and of the Jews after 70AD. Salvation with a false plan of rebellions. Christ was crucified in his rebellions. Christ was crucified in his
his reign (31AD) (c.f. Dan. 9.24- was crucified in his reign (31AD) was crucified in his reign (31AD)
also the prince of the covenant. salvation. reign (31AD) (c.f. Dan. 9.24-27). reign (31AD) (c.f. Dan. 9.24-27).
27). (c.f. Dan. 9.24-27). (c.f. Dan. 9.24-27).

In 161BC, Rome and the

In 161BC, Rome and the Maccabean
Maccabean leaders made a league In 161BC, Rome and the Maccabean leaders
23. "And after the league is made Bishop of Rome, not a king or an leaders made a league of assistance,
The rise of the Papacy without an of assistance, allowing Rome to made a league of assistance, allowing Rome The rise of the Papacy without an army
with him he shall act deceitfully, The rise of the Papacy through Emperor, uses "theology" to wrest allowing Rome to intervene on behalf
army of its own but through the The “him” refers to the Roman intervene on behalf of the Jews to to intervene on behalf of the Jews to defend of its own but through the armed
for he shall come up and become treaties, alliances an intrigues of control (Hebrew word same as in Dan of the Jews to defend against Seleucid
armed might of Emperor Justinian Empire of v. 14. defend against Seleucid against Seleucid aggression, but Pompey might of Emperior Justinian in
strong with a small number of the Bishop of Rome. 8:25), Dan 8:24 "not by his own aggression, but Pompey disregarded
in Constantinople. aggression, but Pompey disregarded the league and conquered Judea in Constantinople.
people. power" - Justinian's Armies. the league and conquered Judea in
disregarded the league and 63BC.
conquered Judea in 63BC.
Verse William Shea Uriah Smith John Witcombe Louis Were C. Mervyn Maxwell Tim Roosenberg Greg Bratcher Ulrike Unruh James Henderson

Additional features concerning pagan Rome.

VV. 23-30 refer to the military Rome gained many provinces

24. "He shall enter peaceably, activities of the new King of the Rome gained many provinces The Papacy would plunder all Rome gained many provinces through
through treaties or legacies. Rome The pope, “a man of peace” will rule
even into the richest places of the through treaties or legacies. Rome Rome gained many provinces through treaties who opposed it and reward richly Bishops "plundered" the empire treaties or legacies. Rome disbursed
North – the Papacy, i.e. the crusades disbursed wealth to her allies. She for a limited time, the 1,260 years of
province; and he shall do what disbursed wealth to her allies. She or legacies. Rome disbursed wealth to her all those who supported it and its through tithes, land grants, wills, wealth to her allies. She ruled for a
organized by the papacy in the 11th ruled for a prophetic “time” or 360 Daniel 7.25 and Revelation 12.6,14.
his fathers have not done, nor his ruled for a prophetic “time” or 360 allies. She ruled for a prophetic “time” or 360 growth into the dominant force of confiscation of pagan properties, sales prophetic “time” or 360 years, i.e.
forefathers: he shall disperse – 13th centuries AD. The First years, i.e. 31BC (Battle of Actium)
years, i.e. 31BC (Battle of
years, i.e. 31BC (Battle of Actium) to western Europe. The First Crusade
Verses 23-23 represent the Crusades,
of indulgences, etc. They also 31BC (Battle of Actium) to 330AD,
Crusade conquered Palestine, and Actium) to 330AD, when the first ordered by Pope Urban II in
among them the plunder, spoil, to 330AD, when the capital of the 330AD, when the capital of the Roman captured Jerusalem in July distributed wealth to the poor, when the capital of the Roman Empire
crusaders brought back incredible capital of the Roman Empire was 1095AD. The Papacy is now the King
and riches; and he shall devise his Roman Empire was moved from Empire was moved from Rome to 1099AD, coordinated by the established orphanages, schools and was moved from Rome to
booty to western Europe. Crusaders Rome to Constantinople by the moved from Rome to of the North, and Islam is now the
plans against the strongholds, but Constantinople by the Emperor Constantine. Papacy against the King of the hospitals Constantinople by the Emperor
built large castles and fortresses Constantinople by the Emperor King of the South.
only for a time. Emperor Constantine. South, the caliphs of Egypt. Constantine.
across the Middle East. Constantine.

The new king of the south,

25. "He shall stir up his power the Arabs, now uniting
and his courage against the king In the civil war between Octavius In the civil war between Octavius under the new religion,
Muslim forces came out of Egypt to
of the South with a great army. (later Augustus Caesar) and Mark (later Augustus Caesar) and Mark Islam, conquered, first the
oppose the First Crusade after it had Additional features concerning pagan Rome.
And the king of the South shall Anthony (leading Egypt through is Anthony (leading Egypt through is First Crusade is successful and weakened Persians, and then
conquered Jerusalem. The 2 armies Battle of Actium (31BC), and Egypt became a The First Crusade, 1099AD. See verse 24.
be stirred up to battle with a very relationship with Cleopatra), relationship with Cleopatra), captures Jerusalem in 1099 moved on to take over the
faced each other near the Egyptian Roman province in 30BC.
great and mighty army; but he Anthony was eventually defeated Anthony was eventually defeated territories of the "King of
harbor-fortress of Askalon.
shall not stand, for they shall by Octavius. by Octavius. the South". In 635 the
devise plans against him. Muslims took Damascus, in
638 Jerusalem

The Crusaders under the command of

26. "Yes, those who eat of the Anthony’s friends, lover Cleopatra Anthony’s friends, lover Cleopatra
On 12th August 1099, the Muslim Anthony’s friends, lover Cleopatra and allies Bohemond I capture Antioch, through
portion of his delicacies shall and allies deserted him after he lost and allies deserted him after he
forces were destroyed at Ascalon, deserted him after he lost the Battle of Actium treachery: Bohemond conspires with
destroy him; his army shall be the Battle of Actium (31BC) to lost the Battle of Actium (31BC) See verse 24. See verse 24.
and their Vizier, Al-Afdal, was (31BC) to Octavius. Anthony committed Firouz, an Armenian convert to Islam,
swept away, and many shall fall Octavius. Anthony committed to Octavius. Anthony committed
driven back to Egypt. suicide. to allow Crusaders access to the Tower
down slain. suicide. suicide.
of the Two Sisters. 6/2/1098

27. "Both these kings' hearts 31BC - Actium, to 330AD, when Constantine 2 Crusader leaders, Raymond and This refers us again to the
2 Crusader leaders, Raymond and Octavius and Mark Anthony Octavius and Mark Anthony King Reynauld unilaterally broke the
shall be bent on evil, and they moves the capital to Constantinople - a "time" Godfrey, dealt treacherously with league, or union, made Octavius and Mark Anthony
Godfrey, jostled for the throne of negotiated falsely with one another, negotiated falsely with one Treaty with Saladin in 1186. This act
shall speak lies at the same table; of 360 years, when Rome prospered and one another. The Crusaders also between Paganism and negotiated falsely with one another,
Jerusalem and Godfrey won the but the appointed time for the end another, but the appointed time for See verse 24. Inspired a "full jihad" by Muslims. So
but it shall not prosper, for the conquered from the City of Rome itself. V. dealt treacherously with their Christianity in 312 A.D.-- but the appointed time for the end of
throne by deceit. The Crusader of Rome’s reign was 330AD (see the end of Rome’s reign was King Raymund made a "secret" treaty
end will still be at the appointed 27 signals the soon transition from Pagan Muslim opponents, refusing to between Rome and the Rome’s reign was 330AD (see above).
kingdoms did not last long. above). 330AD (see above). with Saladin.
time. Rome to Pagan Rome. honor agreements. Church

Most of the Crusaders returned

Octavius returned to Rome with During and after the 150 years of
28. "While returning to his land home with great booty after Octavius returned to Rome with Octavius returned to Rome with booty
booty from Egypt. Rome became a Rome conquered Jerusalem in 70AD, bringing the Crusades (1095-1250AD), the Saladin captures Jerusalem on No longer was the papacy
with great riches, his heart shall conquering Jerusalem. Pope booty from Egypt. Rome then from Egypt. Rome then conquered
persecutor of the early Christian Papacy and the returning crusaders 10/2/1187 but he allows the Christians poor, they lived in palaces
be moved against the holy Innocent III then launched crusades conquered Jerusalem in 70AD, great booty and many artifacts from the See verse 24. Jerusalem in 70AD, bringing great
were emboldened to launch to leave and take vast wealth with and worshipped in lavish
covenant; so he shall do damage against “heretics” within Europe, bringing great booty and many church in the 1st century AD Temple to Rome. booty and many artifacts from the
crusades against “heretics” in them back to Europe, including relics. churches.
and return to his own land. e.g. the Albigenses in France in artifacts from the Temple to Rome. through approx. 313AD. Temple to Rome.

Some of the later crusades were

The Roman Emperor Diocletian
Constantine moved the capital from not as “successful” as the First The Roman Emperor Diocletian fought
fought wars between 284-303AD Constantine moved the capital from Rome to The “1st Woe” of Rev 9 is over. Now
Rome to Constantinople in 330AD Crusade, e.g. the failed 9th nd
In Daniel 11 we see a wars between 284-303AD to regain
29. "At the appointed time he th to regain and retain Egypt as a Constantinople in 330AD (see verse 24). begins the “2 Woe” with struggle
The failed final (9 ) Crusade, 1248- (see verse 24). Rome was now a Crusade (1248-1250AD) in which progressive turning against and retain Egypt as a Roman province.
shall return and go toward the Roman province. The “former” is Rome was now a much diminished power, between western Christendom / Papacy Pope Innocent III called for another
1250AD. Led by Louis IX of France much diminished power, and Louis IX was captured in Cairo, the covenant. • “his heart The “former” is 31BC (Actium) and
south; but it shall not be like the 31BC (Actium) and the “latter” is and steadily lost western provinces to / King of the North and the Ottoman Crusade to recapture Jerusalem.
against the Muslims of Egypt. steadily lost western provinces to and the Christian forces were shall be against the holy the “latter” is 1798AD, the fall of the
former or the latter. 1798AD, the fall of the papacy and barbarian invasions until Rome fell in Empire representing the King of the
barbarian invasions until Rome fell driven out of Palestine by the Covenant….(vs. 28) papacy and the onslaughts of Napoleon
the onslaughts of Napoleon on 476AD. South.
in 476AD. Egyptian Sultan and his general, on Egypt (see verses 40-45 below).
Egypt (see verses 40-45 below).
Baibans, until 1917AD.

The prophecy is still referencing the

Northern barbarians assaulted
“him” as the power from v. 16, i.e. Pagan invasions finished off the Western Islamic naval victories at Preveza The Venetians then persuaded the Northern barbarians assaulted Rome in
30. "For ships from Cyprus shall
Rome. These ships of “Chittim” Rome in the 4th century AD. Roman Empire. In its place arose the Holy (1538) and Dierba (1560) led to Crusaders to attack the capital of th
the 4 century AD. Rome, in turn,
come against him; therefore he Louis IX brought many ships with Rome, in turn, blamed and then
refer to the Vandal Admiral Roman Empire, i.e. the nascent Papacy. This During the Crusades, the Muslims decades of Islamic naval control in the Constantinople, center of the Eastern blamed and then persecuted the
shall be grieved, and return in rage him, he was captured, ransomed, persecuted the Christians for these
Genseric and his years of assault on verse is the transition from historical literal to often hired Greek naval vessels to eastern Med. Pope Pius V organized Orthodox Church instead of attacking forsake the holy Christians for these attacks (Emperors
against the holy covenant, and do returned in shame to France, but attacks (Emperors Diocletian and
the western Roman Empire from post-Calvary spiritual Rome and her spiritual assist them in resisting the the Holy League which stopped Islamic the Muslims. Eastern Christians who covenant…(vs. 30) Diocletian and Probus). Emperor
damage. So he shall return and remained an ardent supporter of the Probus). Emperor Constantine
Carthage, 428-477AD. Arian foes - the true Israel of God. Jesus confirmed crusaders. naval power, reasserted the liturgical sought to follow Christ's covenant, Constantine formed a compact with
show regard for those who forsake Papacy. formed a compact with the Bishop
nations and theology (Vandals, the post-Calvary switch from literal to mass, the Inquisition, and the decrees and keep the Sabbath day, were the Bishop of Rome in 331AD and the
the holy covenant. of Rome in 331AD and the early
Heruli and Goths) then dominated spiritual Israel in Matt. 21.43. of the Council of Trent. attacked. early church went into steady apostasy.
in Rome. church went into steady apostasy.

Thus 508-1798, the papacy

Papal Rome replaces pagan Rome, c.f. Dan. Christians entered the Roman army
had armies to execute her
Rome was conquered by barbarian Christians entered the Roman 8.12. 8.11, "by him the daily was taken The fortress in Constantinople was after 331AD, and with the growing
31. "And forces shall be See Daniel 8.11-13. The religious See Daniel 8.11-13. The religious will... she now stood in
tribes. Justinian defeated the army after 331AD, and with the away…" and God's "sanctuary was cast See Daniel 8.11-13. The religious taken on April 12, 1204, full of relics union of Church and State there was
mustered by him, and they shall phase of the Little Horn, the King phase of the Little Horn, the King with military power to
Vandals and Ostrogoths and growing union of Church and down," 8.13, "the transgress of desolation, phase of the Little Horn, the King of that were "worshipped" as an deeper apostasy and a false plan of
defile the sanctuary fortress; then of the North. Obscuring of the true of the North. Obscuring of the convince people that she had
established the Bishop of Rome as State there was deeper apostasy "8.13, "both the sanctuary and the host to be the North. Persecution of Protestants Abomination. The doctrine of salvation put into place with the Mass
they shall take away the daily heavenly mediatorial ministry of true heavenly mediatorial ministry the supposed “ keys” to
supreme ruler of western Europe in and a false plan of salvation put trodden under foot." The papacy destroyed and obscuring of the Plan of Salvation Transubstantiation (changing of one and a human priesthood, creating an
sacrifices, and place there the Jesus Christ with a human of Jesus Christ with a human heaven, thus... taking from
538AD. Thus began the 1260 years into place with the Mass and a God's people in the Dark Ages. In the last with a false, Papal plan. substance into another) is instituted at apostate Christianity and opens the
abomination of desolation. priesthood. priesthood. the heavenly sanctuary and
of Papal supremacy. human priesthood. days (vv. 40-45) the papacy will have restored the Fouth Lateran Council (1215 AD). way for the rise of the papal little
replace it with her own
strength to try and slay the saints. horn.
counterfeit ...

32. "Those who do wickedly See Daniel 8.11-13. The religious

The persecution of the saints during See Daniel 8.11-13. The religious To gain the authority over
against the covenant he shall The Bishops of Rome corrupted The Bishops of Rome corrupted Papal persecution of the saints. 8.12, "cast phase of the Little Horn, the King The Bishops of Rome corrupted
the 1260 years of papal supremacy, phase of the Little Horn, the King of the kings and people, the
corrupt with flattery; but the apostate Christians, but God’s true apostate Christians, but God’s true down the truth," 8.12, "practised and of the North. Persecution of Persecution of Protestants during the apostate Christians, but God’s true
a severe period of persecution also the North. Persecution of Protestants papacy used the power of
people who know their God shall followers stood out courageously followers stood out courageously prospered," 8.25, "he shall cause craft to Protestants and obscuring of the Dark ages followers stood out courageously for
spoken of by Christ in Matt. 24.21- and obscuring of the Plan of Salvation the “keys”, granting
be strong, and carry out great for the truth. for the truth. prosper." Plan of Salvation with a false, the truth.
22. with a false, Papal plan. absolutions to sin
exploits. Papal plan.
Verse William Shea Uriah Smith John Witcombe Louis Were C. Mervyn Maxwell Tim Roosenberg Greg Bratcher Ulrike Unruh James Henderson

Papal persecution of the saints. Dan. 8.24,

33. "And those of the people The Faithful would instruct the "and his power shall be mighty, but not by See Daniel 8.11-13. The religious The Faithful would instruct the
who understand shall instruct The persecution of the saints during The persecution of the saints during apostate Christians , but would his own power, and he shall destroy The persecution of the saints phase of the Little Horn, the King of apostate Christians , but would fall to
many; yet for many days they the 1260 years of papal supremacy, the 1260 years of papal supremacy, fall to Papal persecution during the wonderfully," "and arms shall stand on his during the 1260 years of papal the North. Persecution of Protestants see verse 32 Papal persecution during the period of
shall fall by sword and flame, by 538-1798AD. 538-1798AD. period of Papal supremacy (1260 part," (Dan. 11.31), "and in her was found the supremacy, 538-1798AD. and obscuring of the Plan of Salvation Papal supremacy (1260 years as per
captivity and plundering. years as per Dan. 8.11-13). blood of prophets and of the saints and of all with a false, Papal plan. Dan. 8.11-13).
that were slain upon the earth" (Rev. 18.24).

The persecution of the saints during

34. "Now when they fall, they The Alps and New World provided In the twelfth chapter of The Alps and New World provided a
The persecution of the saints during the 1260 years of papal supremacy, The persecution of the saints
shall be aided with a little help; a refuge for the persecuted saints. Some joined the persecuted Protestants Revelation we also read that refuge for the persecuted saints. Some
the 1260 years of papal supremacy, 538-1798AD. Some joined the Papal persecution of the saints. during the 1260 years of papal see verse 32
but many shall join with them by Some joined or left the Protestants from false motives. God’s people will be joined or left the Protestants for false
538-1798AD. Protestants from false or impure supremacy, 538-1798AD.
intrigue. for false motives, e.g. Erasmus. HELPED. Rev 12:16 motives, e.g. Erasmus.

35. "And some of those of

understanding shall fall, to refine A summary of verses 36-39, which
The persecution of the saints during The persecution of the saints during The persecution of the saints 8.17, "the time of the end, " see also 12.4, 9. The persecution of the saints Papal persecutions ended when Pope The persecution of the saints during
them, purify them, and make describe the Counter-Reformation, and
the 1260 years of papal supremacy, the 1260 years of papal supremacy, during the 1260 years of papal 8.19, "at the time appointed the end shall be." during the 1260 years of papal Luis VI was taken prisoner by the the 1260 years of papal supremacy,
them white, until the time of the are a summary of the evils of the 1260
538-1798AD. 538-1798AD. supremacy, 538-1798AD. Papal persecution of the saints, 538-1798AD. supremacy, 538-1798AD. French General Berthier in 1798 538-1798AD.
end; because it is still for the years of Papal supremacy.
appointed time.

8.19, "the last end of the indignation," 8.25,

"he shall magnify himself," 8.25, "he shall
stand up against the Prince of princes." The
36. "Then the king shall do
Self exaltation and blasphemy Revolutionary France. Neo-pagan Neo-pagan revolutionary France Papacy "exalteth himself (2 Thess. 2.4), "shall
according to his own will: he Neo-pagan revolutionary France
against God by the Papacy / King of revolutionary France “abolished” “abolished” God by decree and magnify himself greatly in his heart (Dan.
shall exalt and magnify himself Self exaltation and blasphemy “abolished” God by decree and
the North, c.f. Dan. 7.25, 8.10-11. God by decree and prospered until prospered until 1798AD when the 8.25), and "he magnified himself even to the December 8, 1869. July 18,
above every god, shall speak against God by the Papacy / King prospered until 1798AD when the
The Papacy sets itself up as a rival 1798AD when the Papacy was Papacy was overthrown by General Prince of the host" (Dan. 8.11). He "shall The Counter-Reformation and the Ultramontanism- proclamation of 1870, the Council
blasphemies against the God of of the North, c.f. Dan. 7.25, 8.10- Papacy was overthrown by General
to God Himself. The word “God” is overthrown by General Berthier. Berthier. Then Napoleon overthrew speak great words against the Most high" blasphemous statements of the Papacy. Papal Infallibility in 1870 promulgated the dogma of
gods, and shall prosper till the 11. The Papacy sets itself up as a Berthier. Then Napoleon overthrew
used 9 times in vv. 36-39, showing Then Napoleon overthrew neo- neo-paganism and reintroduced (Dan. 7.25), "and there was given him a Papal Infallibility.
wrath has been accomplished; for rival to God Himself. neo-paganism and reintroduced
the religious nature of the King of paganism and reintroduced religion religion into the French mouth speaking great things and blasphemies"
what has been determined shall be religion into the French government.
the North’s self-exaltation. into the French government. government. (Rev. 13.5). "It practised and prospered" (Dan.
8.12), "and shall prosper and practise" (Dan.
8.24). Rev. 14.9-10, "If any man worship the
beast....the wrath of God....His indignation."

In July 18, 1870, the

In July 18, 1870, the Council
37. "He shall regard neither the Neo-pagan revolutionary France Neo-pagan revolutionary France 2 Thess. 2.4, "who opposeth and exalteth Council promulgated the Neo-pagan revolutionary France
Possibly speaking of the dogma of promulgated the dogma of Papal
God of his fathers nor the desire rejected God, diluted marriage, rejected God, diluted marriage, himself above all that is called God," 1 Tim. dogma of Papal Infallibility rejected God, diluted marriage,
celibacy for the priesthood and the Infallibility Ultramontanism" it is
of women, nor regard any god; for See verse 36. undermined the family, and made undermined the family, and made 4.1-3, "shall depart from the See verse 36. Ultramontanism" it is called undermined the family, and made the
doctrine of papal infallibility, over all called in "A concise History of the
he shall exalt himself above them the state “god” in atheistic political the state “god” in atheistic faith….forbidding to marry." Celibacy of in "A concise History of the state “god” in atheistic political
other authorities on earth. Catholic Church" (page 285 by
all. theory. political theory. priests. Catholic Church" (page 285 theory.
by Bokenkotter)

38. "But in their place he shall The Papacy hired its own armies
Revolutionary France would honor USA becomes the "God of Forces" Revolutionary France would honor the
honor a god of fortresses; and a to force submission (Julius II),
Revolutionary France honored the the god of evolutionary atheism. Rev. 17.4, "and the woman was arrayed in after fall of the USSR and the "Holy The United States was built god of evolutionary atheism. Men
god which his fathers did not and exalted the Virgin Mary as
See verse 36. Goddess of Reason, and ultimately Men worshipped the forces rather purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold See verse 36. Alliance" With President Ronald by men who had the “New worshipped the forces rather than the
know he shall honor with gold worthy of adoration, the recipient
the state itself. than the God of nature, and and precious stones and pearls." Reagan and Pope Joh Paul per Time World Order” dream God of nature, and ultimately the state
and silver, with precious stones of prayer and intercessor between
ultimately the state itself. Magagizine 2/22/1992 itself.
and pleasant things. man and God.

Revolutionary France exported its The veneration of Mary and the Doctrine of
39. "Thus he shall act against the neo-paganism and atheist political Revolutionary France exported its Transubstantiation in the Mass. Millions of Revolutionary France exported its neo-
strongest fortresses with a foreign philosophy across Europe by neo-paganism and atheist political Catholics are held in bondage to the Catholic paganism and atheist political
god, which he shall acknowledge, conquest and influence. Napoleon philosophy across Europe by idols and images. Rev. 13.3, 8, "all the world The papal practice of determining who The United States was built philosophy across Europe by conquest
See verse 36. The era of Papal USA and Papacy allies per Revelation
and advance its glory; and he See verse 36. however abolished the Goddess of conquest and influence. Proto- wondered after the beast….all that dwell upon had the right to rule a country within by men who had the “New and influence. Proto-socialist /
supremacy in Europe. 13:11-18
shall cause them to rule over Reason in 1799. Proto-socialist / socialist / communist theory sold the earth shall worship him." The RC Church the Holy Roman Empire. World Order” dream communist theory sold the land of the
many, and divide the land for communist theory sold the land of the land of the wealthy to divide claims to exercise the vicarship of Christ over wealthy to divide among the
gain. the wealthy to divide among the among the peasantry. the entire world, and claims the right to peasantry.
peasantry. divide the world among nations.
Verse William Shea Uriah Smith John Witcombe Louis Were C. Mervyn Maxwell Tim Roosenberg Greg Bratcher Ulrike Unruh James Henderson

“The time of the end” 1798AD. A

“The time of the end” 1798AD. A “The time of the end” 1798AD. A
triangular war, between Turkey,
triangular war, between Turkey, The “time of the end” begins in the triangular war, between Turkey, Egypt
The last actions of the King of the Egypt and France. The King of the
Egypt and France. The King of the mid 1840s (end of the 2,300 year and France. The King of the South is
North / Papacy are in 1798AD, thus South is Egypt, led by Ibrahim
South is Egypt, led by Ibrahim prophecy of Dan. 8.14). The King of Egypt, led by Ibrahim Bey and Murad
the “time of the end” begins in Bey and Murad Bey, and the The most coveted and
40. " At the time of the end the Bey and Murad Bey, and the the North remains the Papacy, and the Bey, and the Egyptian Mameluke
1798AD. It is probable that the Egyptian Mameluke rulers pushed "the time of the end" is 1798AD. The contested property in all
king of the South shall attack Egyptian Mameluke rulers pushed King of the South is Islam, as in Dan. rulers pushed against “him,” the king
Papacy will remain as the King of against “him,” the king of verse atheistic French Revolution pushed at the Unknown as yet, but the time Israel is the temple mount.
him; and the king of the North against “him,” the king of verse 36, 11.25-39. This particular battle (in the of verse 36, France, led by Napoleon,
the North for verses 40-45. 36, France, led by Napoleon, who KON, i.e. the papacy (c.f. Revelation 11.8), period between 1798AD when the The Crusades renewed by USA and In 1967 at the victorious
shall come against him like a France, led by Napoleon, who future as of August 2015) is after the who invaded and briefly occupied
Unknown who the King of the invaded and briefly occupied giving the Papacy a seeming "deadly wound," “Time of the End” begins, and the Israel. 9/11/2001 War on Terrorism - culmination of the 6 day
whirlwind, with chariots, invaded and briefly occupied Egypt healing of the deadly wound of Rev. Egypt / Cairo and into Palestine. The
South is Unknown, but rather than Egypt / Cairo and into Palestine. from which the Papacy recovers (Rev. 13.3). close of probation, when the called a "Crusade" by President Bush. war, Israel captured the
horsemen, and with many ships; / Cairo and into Palestine. The 13.3, because the Papacy can launch a King of the North was Sultan Selim
an earthly kingdom or state, it may The King of the North was Sultan The KOS is identified as being "Egypt" in heavenly pre-advent judgment See 9T 11-14 temple mount--but it was
and he shall enter the countries, King of the North was Sultan massive counter-attack on Islam. After III of Turkey declared war on France in
well be a religio-secular force which Selim III of Turkey declared war Dan. 11.8-9. EGW confirms the KOS here is ends in Daniel 7.9-14. F5 turned over into the hands
overwhelm them, and pass Selim III of Turkey declared war on attacking the Papacy and / or its allies, 1798, and was supported by the
corresponds to the religio-secular on France in 1798, and was the French Revolution (GC269). of THE MOSLEMS. So the
through. France in 1798, and was supported Islam is overwhelmed by the British fleet under Admiral Nelson.
power of the Papacy, possibly supported by the British fleet focus IS on the MOSLEMS
by the British fleet under Admiral counterattack (Papacy united with the The Turks prevailed in this conflict
radical secular humanism / atheism under Admiral Nelson. The Turks
Nelson. The Turks prevailed in this USA and Europe, c.f. Rev. 13.11-17, and Napoleon was forced to retreat to
(Ex. 5.2). prevailed in this conflict and
conflict and Napoleon was forced to 17.12). France where he created a European
Napoleon was forced to leave
leave Egypt. empire by conquest and treaty.

Edom doesn't exist today, so this cannot refer

to literal Edomites. As "my people" of 12.1
refers to spiritual Israelites and not literal
The Papal alliance will enter Palestine The "king of the north" is He, (Europe, led by Britain), invaded
41. "He shall also enter the Israelites, so Edom is here also interpreted
Sultan Selim III reclaimed Sultan Selim III reclaimed in this final campaign against Islam. the papacy, YET his army, and conquered Palestine in 1917.
Glorious Land, and many spiritually. Comparison of Amos 9.11-12 and
Palestine from Napoleon, but never Palestine from Napoleon, but Many other countries will be taken. Edom Moab and Ammon "will which comes in like a Edom, Moab and Ammon were carved
countries shall be overthrown; but Acts 15.7, 12-17 indicates the Apostles used
See verse 40. invaded east of the Jordan as that never invaded east of the Jordan as See verse 40. Edom / Moab / Ammon represent escape" which points to the modern whirlwind, with chariots off by Britain to form the Kingdom of
these shall escape from his hand: "Edom" to mean "Gentiles." Isa. 11.11-16
territory was out of the line of that territory was out of the line of Muslims who accept Jesus as Savior Nation of Jordan and with many ships;, will Jordan during WWI, and hence were
Edom, Moab, and the prominent includes Edomites, Moabites and Ammonites
march march and escape the Mark of the Beast (c.f. be mainly the military never conquered by the British
people of Ammon. as representing Gentiles who come to worship
Gal. 3.26-29, Matt. 8.11, Heb. 2.2-3). might of the United States Empire.
God. Thus these names refer to Gentiles who
do not submit to the papal onslaught and join
with God's people in the final crisis.

Many Moslems countries

will lose their sovereignty
and have their resources (oil) He (Europe, the divided Roman
42. "He shall stretch out his hand Sultan Selim III of Turkey Sultan Selim III of Turkey
The final papal onslaught when the whole The Papal alliance will defeat the center President Mubarak "Stepped Down" in plundered. All this clearly Empire of the West), dominated the
against the countries, and the land See verse 40. conquered Egypt, making it a conquered Egypt, making it a See verse 40.
world wonders after the beast (Rev. 13.1-10). of radical Islam in Egypt. 2011 per direction of President Obama foretells that the Moslems Middle East from WWI to just after
of Egypt shall not escape. province of the Ottoman Empire. province of the Ottoman Empire.
will NOT be the final WWII.
threat—they will be overrun
and subdued.

(The following is deduced from Were's

writings - I can't find it explicitly stated as
such - Conrad Vine) The papal KON would
also have control over “gold” and “silver,”
which might be a reference to controlling
not the anti-christ. All they
buying and selling to enforce Sunday Muammar Gadaffi was told to "Step
43. "He shall have power over the do is PUSH---and this gives
legislation as the mark of the beast. It would Down" by President Obama in 2011,
treasures of gold and silver, and The Egyptians and unconquered The Egyptians and unconquered Libyans and Ethiopians may represent the Papacy and their "army" Europe colonized most of Africa from
also have power over all the “precious things” then was killed by NATO. North
over all the precious things of surrounding nations, including the surrounding nations, including the moderate / secular Islamic people / the USA, (the image of the 1800-1950AD, in the process taking as
See verse 40. of antitypical “Egypt,” which is another See Verse 40. Sudan has not yet been brought in to
Egypt; also the Libyans and Arabs, paid tribute to the dominant Arabs, paid tribute to the areas who follow the Papacy and accept beast) the excuse to launch a many of Africa's natural resources as
reference to atheistic compliance with the submission, yet President Bashir has
Ethiopians shall follow at his Ottoman Empire. dominant Ottoman Empire. the Mark of the Beast. whirlwind of activity and possible.
mark of the beast. Also, antitypical “Libya” been convicted of War Crimes in
heels. enter into the countries and
and “Ethiopia” would comply with Sunday Darfur.
impose the "New World
legislation, a possible reference to those who
were once faithful to the remnant message, but
fall away from the truth through compliance
with the mark of the beast, and thus follow in
the “steps” of the papal king of the north.

So, tidings or news from

the east and north is Christ
revealing Himself, through
His people, who are
preaching “Babylon is
Troubled by news from Russia and Troubled by news from Russia and The Loud Cry (Rev. 18.1) is based on the
fallen, is fallen”, and
Persia, Sultan Abdulmecid I of Persia, Sultan Abdulmecid I of LORD coming to the east gate of the temple Just before Christ returns from the east The kings of the East (Revelation
44. "But news from the east and pointing people to THE The divided nations of Europe,
Turkey fought in the Crimean War Turkey fought in the Crimean War (Ezek. 40.2; 42.1-4, 12). God's throne is to (Matt. 24.27), He speaks a final 16:12) represent Christ and those who
the north shall trouble him; TRUE CHRIST, with such including the Commonwealth nations
See Rev. 16.12 for the going forth (1853-1856AD) and defeated the (1853-1856AD) and defeated the the north (Ps. 48.2, Isa. 14.13-14). This message known as the “loud cry” of follow Him (see note a/) Warning
therefore he shall go out with See verse 40. great power, the whole and the USA, fight and destroy Islam
of the Kings of the East. Russians and Persians who sought Russians and Persians who sought represents the final warning message and call Rev. 18.4-20. This will anger the given against this Papal deception and
great fury to destroy and world is illuminated with and possible allies of Islam such as N.
to destroy the Ottoman Empire (the to destroy the Ottoman Empire of mercy to "Come out of her, my people!" Papacy, and the alliance will enforce its will bring persecution against
annihilate many. the light from heaven. This Korea and China.
“Sick Man of Europe” a.k.a. the (the “Sick Man of Europe” a.k.a. and the KON (papacy) responds with fury and Mark. believers.
so excites the rage of the
King of the North). the King of the North). violence.
dragon and his earthly
representatives that (he shall
go out with great fury to
destroy and annihilate
Verse William Shea Uriah Smith John Witcombe Louis Were C. Mervyn Maxwell Tim Roosenberg Greg Bratcher Ulrike Unruh James Henderson

70 weeks were alloted to the literal Jews and

literal Jerusalem (Dan. 9.24), after which the
Jews and Jerusalem were rejected as God's
people and God's city (34AD). The "glorious
holy mountain" is no longer literal Jerusalem
but is now post-Calvary the dwelling place of The dream is to establish a
The King of the North – modern- God, i.e. His Church (Ps. 87.1, Eph. 2.21, temple in Jeruselem. The
The Papal alliance will plant itself in
45. "And he shall plant the tents day ISIS / Turkey, will establish Isa. 11.9, Gal. 6.16, Heb. 12.22, Rev. 11.2). The Pope will set up his presence Pope will probably establish A revived papacy will establish its HQ
The final struggle will be spiritual and take control of Palestine. The
of his palace between the seas and The Turk may be driven from an Islamic Caliphate (an Islamic Global Sunday laws are enforced with the officially in Jerusalem, taking control himself in the temple in in Jerusalem as it tries to establish
rather than military, and Christ will Papacy / King of the North will be
the glorious holy mountain; yet Europe and establish itself near union of church and state, i.e. Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13). See 8.24, "He See verse 40. of the Temple Mount (II Thessalonians Jerusalem (that has been a peace in the Middle East. Yet, the
be victorious over the Papacy and destroyed by the return of Christ (Dan.
he shall come to his end and no Jerusalem. Sharia law) near Jerusalem, but shall also stand up against the Prince of 2:4). This is the sign that Jesus gave dream for years, the Jesuit papacy will come to its end (see also
all anti-God powers on earth. 7.22, 27, 8.25, 2 Thess. 2.8, Rev.
one will help him. will be destroyed and no power princes but…." 8.25, "He shall be broken in Matthew 24:15,16. Loyola was planning it Dan. 7.26-27; 8.25).
will come to his aid. without hand" (c.f. Dan 2.45, 2 Cor. 5.1). years ago, but situations
Dan 1 starts with the literal KON were not conducive.)
(Nebuchadnezzar) attacking literal Jerusalem
and the literal Jews, and concludes with the
spiritual KON (papal Rome) attacking the
spiritual Jerusalem (the Church) and the true
spiritual Israelites.

Michael is Christ, the Prince of God's people. Michael is Christ, and He stands
Michael is Christ, and He stands During this time, when it
The investigative judgment (Dan 7.9-12) ends up when the great persecutor, Michael is Christ, and He stands up
up when the great persecutor, King seems like Satan is
12:1 "At that time Michael shall Michael is Christ, and when we read and probation closes for humanity when King of the North, is meeting his when the great persecutor, King of the
of the North, is meeting his end in winning, when the whole
stand up, The great prince who that someone “stands up” or “arises” Christ stands up. This verse is given as a end in 11.45. Probation closes Michael is Christ, the Prince who North, is meeting his end in 11.45.
11.45. Probation closes and He Michael is Christ, and when He world is vainly focused
stands watch over the sons of this refers to a new ruler arising and contrast to Daniel 11:44b-45. While the KON, and He puts on His royal robes saves His people (Dan. 9.25-27, 10.13, Probation closes and He puts on His
puts on His royal robes and reigns. stands up, probation closes and He upon worshipping his
your people; And there shall be a ascending his throne (Dan. 11.2, inspired by Satan, tries to deceive and destroy and reigns. The “time of trouble” 21, 11.22). The pre-advent judgment Worldwide Persecution (Matthew royal robes and reigns. The “time of
The “time of trouble” represents the puts on His royal robes and reigns. ambassador, the pope, and
time of trouble, Such as never was 3,4, 7, 16, 20 & 21). This refers to God's people, imposing the Mark of the Beast represents the 7 last plagues of began when God sat down in Dan. 7.9- 24:16-29) which leads to 3 1/2 literal trouble” represents the 7 last plagues
7 last plagues of Rev. 16 and the The “time of trouble” represents looking to his men, their
since there was a nation, Even to Christ, who receives His Kingdom under pain of death, Christ stands to defend Rev. 16 and the destruction of the 10, and ends when Christ stands up. years of witnessing amidst turmoil of Rev. 16 and the destruction of the
destruction of the world when the 7 last plagues of Rev. 16 and priests and deliverers from
that time. And at that time your at the end of the pre-advent and deliver them. During this time of extreme world when God’s saints will be The “time of trouble” are the 7 last (see Revv 11:1-7, Dan 12:7) world when God’s saints will be
God’s saints will be delivered. In the destruction of the world when an “evil” that is sending the
people shall be delivered, Every judgment in heaven (Dan. 7.24, trial and distress for God's people, whose delivered. In the earlier plagues of Rev. 16. God’s people go delivered. In the earlier tribulation,
the earlier tribulation, 538- God’s saints will be delivered. whole world into total
one who is found written in the 8.23). The “book” is the “Book of names are in His book, the seven last plagues tribulation, 538-1798AD, the through “Jacob’s trouble” (Jer. 5.1-9). 538-1798AD, the saints are delivered
1798AD, the saints are delivered to destruction; when their
book. Life” of Rev. 17.8, 21.27. fall on the wicked (Rev. 16), and God's saints are delivered to death, and to death, and in this final tribulation
death, and in this final tribulation hopes are centered upon the
people are delivered during the 6th of the 7 in this final tribulation the saints the saints are delivered from death.
the saints are delivered from death. old Jerusalem
final plagues. are delivered from death.

2. "And many of those who sleep

2nd return of Christ (1 Thess. 4.13- 2nd return of Christ (1 Thess. 4.13- 2nd return of Christ (1 Thess. 4.13- 2nd return of Christ (1 Thess. 4.13- 2nd return of Christ (1 Thess. 4.13-18). 2nd return of Christ (1 Thess. 4.13-
in the dust of the earth shall Special Resurrection of Two Witnesses
18). Resurrection of the righteous 18). Resurrection of the righteous 18). Resurrection of the righteous 18). Resurrection of the righteous Resurrection of the righteous and of the 18). Resurrection of the righteous and
awake, Some to everlasting life, Rev 1:7, brings the Fall of Babylon
and of the unrighteous before and and of the unrighteous before and and of the unrighteous before and and of the unrighteous before and unrighteous before and after the of the unrighteous before and after the
Some to shame and everlasting (Rev 11:14).
after the Millennium (Rev. 20). after the Millennium (Rev. 20). after the Millennium (Rev. 20). after the Millennium (Rev. 20). Millennium (Rev. 20). Millennium (Rev. 20).

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