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Republic of the Philippines

LIFT the YOUTH Organization

Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

Introducing the LIFT the YOUTH Initiative:

In a world constantly evolving, where the need for innovative solutions and visionary
leadership is paramount, emerges the LIFT the YOUTH Initiative. LIFT the YOUTH,
an acronym embodying Leaders' Innovative solutions for a Future that is
Transcendent, envisions a tomorrow shaped by the relentless dedication of Young
Leaders of our generation. With unflagging enthusiasm and a commitment that
resonates in the heart of hearts, LIFT the YOUTH strives to empower and inspire the
next wave of change-makers. This initiative seeks to cultivate a community of
visionary minds, driven by a shared passion to make a lasting impact on the world.
Join us on this transformative journey, where the power of youth converges with
innovative thinking, forging a path towards a future that transcends boundaries and
creates meaningful change.

LIFT the YOUTH Organization

L- Leaders'
I- Innovative solutions
F- to build a FUTURE
T- that is Transcendent

Y-Young Leaders
O-Of our generation
U-Unflaggingly and enthusiastic
T-To have an impact in one's
H-Heart of hearts

In the spirit of empowerment, LIFT the YOUTH urges society to listen, engage, and
uplift the voices of the younger generation. By doing so, we not only harness the
vibrant energy of youth but also pave the way for a more inclusive and promising
future. The organization advocates for a collective responsibility to open our ears to
the valuable contributions of the youth, envisioning a world where their ideas,
dreams, and innovations reverberate for the betterment of our planet.


"Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!"

At the core of the LIFT the YOUTH Initiative lies a profound commitment to
nurturing young leaders who embody the essential values of optimism, unhesitating
determination, true-blue authenticity, and heroic courage. We believe that for our
generation to thrive and shape a transcendent future, young leaders must cultivate an
unwavering optimism that fuels resilience in the face of challenges. In the pursuit of
transformative goals, an unhesitating spirit is indispensable—where hesitation fades,
bold decisions emerge, and impactful actions unfold.

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

True-blue authenticity is the compass that guides our leaders, encouraging them to
remain steadfast in their principles and values. By embracing authenticity, LIFT the
YOUTH envisions a generation of leaders who lead not only with competence but
with a genuine commitment to their beliefs. Heroic courage, the cornerstone of our
values, empowers young leaders to confront adversity head-on, to take risks that lead
to innovation, and to stand as beacons of inspiration for those they lead.

In essence, the LIFT the YOUTH Initiative seeks to foster a community of young
leaders who, armed with optimism, unhesitating determination, true-blue authenticity,
and heroic courage, are not just participants in the journey towards a transcendent
future but architects of a world shaped by their unwavering commitment and
indomitable spirit.

Core Values

Young leaders must be

True-blue and


The primary goal of LIFT the YOUTH Organization is to increase opportunities for
younger generations so that they can develop into well-rounded individuals. It also
aims to motivate and train others to become effective young leaders who work to
create a positive community and contribute to society, the people, and the nation's
progress in the future. The organization's goal is to assist the community in having a
better legal, judicial, and health system, as well as to enhance the nation's system


LIFT the Youth Organization seeks to change this broken system; as a group, we are
compromising in order to establish one that helps the needy and destitute, absolves the
innocent and imprisons the criminals, educates the uneducated, and provides
opportunities for youth to work together and in harmony.

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

Constitution and By-Laws of LIFT the YOUTH Organization

We, the members of LIFT the YOUTH Organization, in order to promote the welfare,
growth, and development of our community, do hereby establish and enact this
Constitution and By-Laws to guide our organization in its mission and endeavors.

Article I
Name of the Organization

The name of this organization shall be LIFT the YOUTH Organization.

Article II

The objectives of LIFT the YOUTH Organization are to increase opportunities for
younger generations so that they can develop into well-rounded individuals. It also
aims to motivate and train others to become effective young leaders who work to
create a positive community and contribute to society, the people, and the nation's
progress in the future. The organization's goal is to assist the community in having a
better legal, judicial, and health system, as well as to enhance the nation's system

Article III
Officers and Their Duties

Section 1: President
The President shall:
- Serve as the chief executive officer of the organization.
- Preside over meetings.
- Provide overall leadership and vision for the organization.
- Act as the official spokesperson.

Section 2: Vice President

The Vice President shall:
- Assist the President in their duties.
- Assume the duties of the President in their absence.
- Oversee special projects as assigned.

Section 3: Secretary
The Secretary shall:
- Record minutes of all meetings.
- Maintain official records and correspondence.
- Coordinate communication among members.
- Manage the organization's archives.

Section 4: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

- Manage the organization's finances.

- Maintain accurate financial records.
- Prepare regular financial reports.
- Coordinate fundraising activities.

Section 5: Auditor
The Auditor shall:
- Conduct regular internal audits of the organization's finances.
- Ensure compliance with financial policies and procedures.
- Provide financial recommendations.

Section 6: Committee Chairs

Committee Chairs shall:
- Lead and coordinate the activities of their respective committees.
- Present committee reports at meetings.
- Collaborate with other committees as needed.

Article IV: Committees and Chairs

Section 1: Education Committee

The Education Committee shall:
- Develop and implement educational programs.
- Promote literacy and learning initiatives.
- Collaborate with schools and educators.

Section 2: Health and Nutrition Committee

The Health and Nutrition Committee shall:
- Implement health and nutrition programs.
- Organize health-related events.
- Collaborate with healthcare professionals.

Section 3: Protection Committee

The Protection Committee shall:
- Advocate for the safety and well-being of community members.
- Address issues related to security and protection.
- Collaborate with law enforcement agencies.

Section 4: Participation Committee

The Participation Committee shall:
- Encourage community involvement.
- Organize events to enhance community engagement.
- Facilitate volunteer opportunities.

Article IV
Qualifications for Holding Office in LIFT the YOUTH Organization

Article I: Eligibility

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

Section 1: General Eligibility

To be eligible to hold office in the LIFT the YOUTH Organization, an individual
must meet the following criteria:
- Be a registered and active member of the organization.
- Demonstrate a commitment to the mission, values, and objectives of LIFT the
- Possess a genuine interest in the welfare and empowerment of the youth.

Section 2: Specific Qualifications

In addition to the general eligibility criteria, each office within LIFT the YOUTH
Organization may have specific qualifications outlined as follows:

A. President:
- Must have been an active member of LIFT the YOUTH for a minimum of one year.
- Demonstrated leadership experience within the organization or in related endeavors.
- A clear understanding of the organization's goals and a vision for its future.

B. Vice President:
- Must have been an active member of LIFT the YOUTH for a minimum of six
- Previous involvement in leadership roles within the organization or similar contexts.
- Strong organizational and teamwork skills.

C. Secretary:
- Must have been an active member of LIFT the YOUTH for a minimum of six
- Proficiency in record-keeping and communication.
- Attention to detail and effective time management skills.

D. Treasurer:
- Must have a background in finance, accounting, or a related field.
- Experience in financial management or fundraising activities.
- Demonstrated ability to maintain accurate financial records.

E. Auditor:
- Must have a background in auditing, accounting, or a related field.
- Knowledge of financial audit procedures and compliance standards.
- Independence and objectivity in conducting audits.

F. Committee Chairs:
- Must have been an active member of LIFT the YOUTH for a minimum of three
- Relevant experience or expertise in the focus area of the committee.
- Effective communication and leadership skills.

Article II: Nomination and Election Process

The nomination and election process for each office shall be conducted in accordance
with the procedures outlined in the organization's by-laws.

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

Article III: Term of Office

The term of office for each position shall be outlined in the organization's by-laws,
and individuals may be eligible for re-election.

Article IV: Removal from Office

Provisions for the removal of an officer from office, if necessary, shall be detailed in
the organization's by-laws.

Article V
LIFT the YOUTH Organization - Nomination Guidelines

Article I: Purpose
The purpose of these nomination guidelines is to establish a fair and transparent
process for the nomination of individuals seeking to hold office within the LIFT the
YOUTH Organization. These guidelines aim to ensure that qualified and committed
individuals are nominated to leadership positions, fostering the organization's growth
and success.

Article II: Eligibility for Nomination

Section 1: General Eligibility

Any active member of the LIFT the YOUTH Organization is eligible for nomination
to an office, provided they meet the general eligibility criteria as outlined in the
organization's constitution.

Section 2: Specific Eligibility for Each Office

Candidates must also meet any specific qualifications or requirements outlined for the
particular office they seek to hold, as detailed in the organization's constitution and

Article III: Nomination Process

Section 1: Notification
The organization shall provide timely and clear communication to all members
regarding upcoming elections and the opening of the nomination period.

Section 2: Nomination Period

The nomination period shall be specified in advance and should provide members
with sufficient time to consider their candidacy or nominate others.

Section 3: Submission of Nominations

During the nomination period, members may submit nominations for themselves or
others. Nominations must include the consent of the nominee and any supporting
materials as required.

Section 4: Verification of Eligibility

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

The Election Committee or designated individuals shall verify the eligibility of each
nominee, ensuring they meet the general and specific criteria for the office they are
nominated for.

Section 5: Announcement of Nominees

Once nominations are verified, the Election Committee shall announce the list of
eligible nominees, along with their respective offices, to the membership.

Article IV: Withdrawal of Nomination

Section 1: Request for Withdrawal

A nominee may request to withdraw their candidacy at any time before the official
voting period.

Section 2: Announcement of Withdrawal

The withdrawal of a nominee shall be promptly communicated to the membership,
ensuring transparency in the process.

Article V: Appeals

Section 1: Process for Appeals

In the event of disputes or concerns related to the nomination process, an appeals
process shall be outlined in the organization's by-laws. This process should allow for
a fair and impartial review of any concerns raised.

Article VI: Adoption and Amendment of Guidelines

Section 1: Adoption
These nomination guidelines shall be adopted upon approval by the majority of the
organization's membership.

Section 2: Amendment
These guidelines may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the organization's
membership, with proposed amendments communicated to members in advance.

Article VI
LIFT the YOUTH Organization - Membership Registration Process

Article I: General Membership Requirements

Section 1: Eligibility
Any individual who shares a commitment to the mission, objectives, and values of
LIFT the YOUTH Organization is eligible for membership.

Section 2: Registration Process

To become a member, an individual must complete the following steps:

1. Submission of Membership Form:

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

- Fill out the official LIFT the YOUTH Membership Form, providing accurate and
up-to-date information.
- Affirm commitment to the organization's mission and values.

2. Payment of Annual Registration Fee:

- Pay a non-refundable annual registration fee of 100 pesos. This fee serves as both
a commitment to membership and as a contribution to the organization's income-
generating project.

Article II: Collection of Annual Registration Fee

Section 1: Payment Methods

Members may submit their annual registration fee through the following methods:

1. Cash Payment:
- Members may make cash payments directly to designated LIFT the YOUTH
representatives or collection points.

Section 2: Acknowledgment of Payment

Upon receiving the annual registration fee, the organization shall issue a receipt or
confirmation of payment to the member.

Article III: Utilization of Registration Fees

Section 1: Income-Generating Project

The annual registration fees collected from members shall be allocated to an income-
generating project, as determined by the organization's leadership. The project aims to
generate sustainable funds to support the organization's activities and initiatives.

Section 2: Financial Transparency

The organization shall provide regular updates to members regarding the progress and
outcomes of the income-generating project. Transparency reports will be made
available through meetings, newsletters, or other communication channels.

Article IV: Termination of Membership

Section 1: Non-payment of Annual Registration Fee

Failure to pay the annual registration fee within the stipulated timeframe may result in
the termination of membership.

Section 2: Reinstatement of Membership

Members whose membership has been terminated due to non-payment may apply for
reinstatement by settling any outstanding fees and following the organization's
reinstatement process, as outlined in the by-laws.

Article V: Amendments to the Registration Process

Section 1: Adoption

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

This Membership Registration Process shall be adopted upon approval by a two-thirds

majority vote of the organization's membership.

Section 2: Amendment
These processes may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the organization's
membership, with proposed amendments communicated to members in advance.

Article VII
LIFT the YOUTH Organization - Membership Clause

Article I: Membership

Section 1: General Membership

Membership in LIFT the YOUTH Organization is open to individuals who share a
commitment to the mission, objectives, and values of the organization. General
membership is granted to those who have completed the registration process as
outlined in the organization's by-laws.

Section 2: Rights and Privileges

Members in good standing shall have the following rights and privileges:
- The right to participate in organizational meetings, events, and activities.
- The privilege to vote on matters requiring a vote, as outlined in the organization's
- Access to information and updates relevant to the organization's activities.

Section 3: Responsibilities of Members

Members are expected to:
- Uphold the mission, objectives, and values of LIFT the YOUTH.
- Actively contribute to the goals and activities of the organization.
- Adhere to the rules, policies, and guidelines set forth by the organization.

Section 4: Categories of Membership

The organization may establish different categories of membership, each with specific
rights and responsibilities. These categories shall be defined in the organization's by-

Article II: Registration and Termination of Membership

Section 1: Registration Process

Prospective members shall follow the registration process outlined in the
organization's by-laws, providing necessary information and affirming their
commitment to the organization's mission and values.

Section 2: Termination of Membership

Membership may be terminated under the following circumstances:
a. Non-compliance with the organization's rules and policies.
b. Voluntary withdrawal by the member.

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

c. Failure to meet financial obligations, if applicable.

d. Conduct detrimental to the well-being and reputation of the organization.

Section 3: Appeal Process

Members facing termination shall have the right to appeal the decision through a
process detailed in the organization's by-laws.

Article III: Dues and Financial Obligations

Section 1: Membership Dues

The organization may establish membership dues, the payment of which may be a
condition of maintaining membership in good standing. Details regarding dues,
including amounts and due dates, shall be outlined in the organization's by-laws.

Section 2: Financial Assistance

Provisions for financial assistance or waivers of membership dues may be outlined in
the organization's by-laws to ensure inclusivity.

Article IV: Amendments to the Membership Clause

Section 1: Adoption
This Membership Clause shall be adopted upon approval by a two-thirds majority
vote of the organization's membership.

Section 2: Amendment
This Membership Clause may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the
organization's membership, with proposed amendments communicated to members in

Article VIII

This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members
present at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Article IX

In the event of the dissolution of LIFT the YOUTH Organization, any remaining
assets shall be distributed to the school or organization at the discretion of the

In witness whereof, we have executed and adopted this Constitution and By-Laws on
this 25th day of December, 2023.

[Signatures of Founding Members]

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!
Republic of the Philippines
LIFT the YOUTH Organization
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
Municipality of Surallah

Lift the youth, empower them, pay attention to what they've got to contribute, and
open your ears to a better planet!

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