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Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

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Recent advances in ozone-based advanced oxidation processes for

treatment of wastewater- A review
Chhaya V. Rekhate∗, J.K. Srivastava
Chemical Engineering Department, Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain 456006, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The wastewater reclamation is the need of today’s world. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are considered
Ozonation as a good option for removing recalcitrant organic materials in wastewater by oxidation reactions with powerful,
Advance oxidation process non-selective hydroxyl radical (OH•). Ozone alone does not cause complete oxidation of some refractory organic
Photocatalytic ozonation
compounds and has a low reaction rate. The ozone is combined with H2 O2 , UV light, catalyst, ultrasound to
O3 /Fenton
enhance the generation of hydroxyl radicals to increase the efficiency of the treatment process. The ozone-based
Heterogeneous catalytic ozonation
O3 /Fe (II) AOPs have been proved to be effective in detoxifying an ample range of industrial effluents containing recalcitrant
organics, pharmaceutical products, pesticides, phenols, dyes, etc. Ozone based AOP processes such as O3 /UV,
O3 /H2 O2 , O3 /Fe (II), O3 /metal oxide catalyst, O3 /activated carbon, O3 /ultrasound, O3 /Fenton, photocatalytic
ozonation were discussed. A review of ozone-based AOP processes as a combination of ozonation with other
techniques for the degradation and mineralization of recalcitrant organics present in the industrial/municipal
wastewater based on the recently published work were reported.

1. Introduction alyst, ultrasound to advance the oxidation process. AOPs may be

classified broadly into four groups: photocatalytic process (H2 O2 /UV,
The entire world is dealing with water crises and effective treat- O3 /H2 O2 /UV, UV/TiO2 , H2 O2 /TiO2 /UV, O3 /TiO2 /UV); the Fenton
ment for wastewater reclamation is the need of the present world. In- reaction-based processes (Fe2+ /H2 O2 , Fe2+ /H2 O2 /UV, Electro -Fenton),
dustrial doings releases about 300–400 million tons of waste compris- and ozone-based processes (O3 /UV, O3 /H2 O2 , O3 /Fe++ , O3 /metal oxide
ing of heavy metals, solvents, recalcitrant organics, toxic sludge, and catalyst, O3 /activated carbon, O3 /ultrasound); Other processes which
micro-pollutant into the global waters each year, posing a great threat may include processes such as activated persulfate, ionizing radiation
to human beings [1]. The conventional municipal wastewater treatment or electron beam technology. Table 1 lists typical AOP systems. Ozone
plants are designed based on organic load and removal of recalcitrant has been widely used in water treatment since the late 19th century.
organics, personal care products, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and toxic Ozone is a bluish gas with a pungent smell and is an extremely reactive
heavy metals from wastewater remains a huge challenge for municipal and unstable allotrope of oxygen (O2 ). The physical properties of ozone
wastewater treatment plants. are listed in Table 2 (compiled from [2]).
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are a set of chemical treat- The increasing popularity in recent years concerning ozone appli-
ment procedures that are able to remove recalcitrant organic materials cations are mainly due to two factors (i) costs associated with ozone
in wastewater by oxidation reactions with a powerful, non-selective hy- production considerably decreased in the last decade and (ii) ozone
droxyl radical (OH•) which oxidize recalcitrant organic pollutants re- presents environmental advantages over chlorine. Ozonation is an ef-
sistant to conventional approaches and can also enhance the biodegrad- ficient alternative to the treatment of wastewater containing organic
ability of wastewater. Theoretically, AOPs could fully mineralize organic complexed metals [3]. Ozone is an unstable gas; therefore its generation
compounds to carbon dioxide and water according to Eq. (1) should be carried out in situ. The commercially available technology
for ozone generation is based on the corona discharge process, which
𝑅 − 𝐻 + OH∙ → H2 𝑂 + R ∙ (1)
involves the application of a high voltage discharge in a cooled/dried
Advanced oxidation processes use Fenton’s reagent, hydrogen per- gaseous phase containing oxygen (O2 or air). The fundamental processes
oxide, ozone, photocatalyst to produce highly reactive hydroxyl rad- leading to ozone generation during the silent electric discharge are de-
icals. These reagents may be used in the presence of UV light, cat- picted in the scheme presented in Fig. 1. The discharge gas reaction is

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.V. Rekhate).
Received 16 June 2020; Received in revised form 28 September 2020; Accepted 29 September 2020
2666-8211/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

Fig. 1. Scheme describing the corona processes for ozone generation.

Table 1
Typical Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP).

H2 O2 /UV Fe2+ /H2 O2 (Fenton System) O3 /H2 O2

O3 /H2 O2 /UV Fe /H2 O2 /UV(Photo-Fenton) O3 /Ultrasound
UV/TiO2 Electro -Fenton O3 /Activated Carbon
H2 O2 /TiO2 /UV O3 /Fenton O3 /Metal oxide
O3/ Fe2+
O3 /TiO2 /UV O3 /UV

Table 2
Physical properties of ozone (compiled from

Parameter Value

Molecular weight 48
Density(Kg/m3 ) 2.14
Boiling point( °C) −111.9
Melting point ( °C) −192.6
Critical temperature ( °C) −12.1
Critical pressure (Atm) 54.6
Oxidation potential(V) −2.07
Solubility in water at 0 °C (L/L) 0.64
Solubility in water at 15 °C (L/L) 0.456
Fig. 2. Ozone based AOP.
Solubility in water at 40 °C (L/L) 0.112
Solubility in water at 60 °C (L/L) 0
The benefits of ozonation in wastewater treatment plants include
sludge reduction and removal of recalcitrant organic contaminants from
given as: wastewater. It is seen that ozonation leads to sludge solubilization, re-
ducing overall biomass yield [7]. The ozone mass transfer is influenced
𝑂2 + 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑘 → 2𝑂∙ (2) by many factors, which can be divided into hydrodynamic and physic-
ochemical effects. Ozone itself is unstable and can quickly decompose
𝑂2 + 𝑂 → 𝑂3

into molecular oxygen leading to a low utilization rate [8]. Further,
Ozone being the powerful oxidants (2.07 V) can degrade organic pol- ozone alone does not cause complete oxidation of some refractory or-
lutants using two mechanisms: (1) direct electrophilic attack by molec- ganic compounds, has a low reaction rate. The ozone is combined with
ular ozone; (2) indirect attack by OH• radicals produced through the H2 O2 , UV light, catalyst, photocatalyst, ultrasound to enhance the pro-
ozone decomposition process. It was observed that raising the ozone duction of hydroxyl radicals which increases the treatment efficiency.
concentration promotes the degradation rate of some pollutants but has The scope of the present review is to address the ozone-based AOP
no obvious effect on the degradation of some other pollutants. This may processes for the treatment of industrial wastewater. Recent reviews
be because ozone molecules directly react with pollutants according to published on the application of AOP for recalcitrant pollutant removal
four categories: (i) The oxidation-–reduction reaction such as the reac- by various methods are reported in Table 3. The search was conducted
tions between O3 and HO− ∙−
2 (or O2 ) mostly proceed through the electron in the ScienceDirect database using the keyword ozone-based advanced
transfer process [4]. (ii) The ozone reacts with pollute via cycloaddi- oxidation process from period time 2016–2020. Most articles focus on
tion reaction by forming a five-member ring ozonide structure [5]. (iii) the efficiency of AOP whereas some of them studied the pollutant degra-
Ozone being an electrophilic agent can attack the nucleophilic position dation by AOPs in combination with other processes such as membrane
of the organic substances and the group in the aromatic molecule, such filtration. The present paper reports the detailed review of ozone-based
as -OH− , -NO−
and –Cl has a significant influence on the reactivity of the AOP processes (Fig. 2) exclusively as a combination of ozonation with
aromatic ring with ozone. (iv) Ozone demonstrates nucleophilic prop- other techniques to increase the generation of hydroxyl radical thereby
erty and nucleophilic reaction occur with molecules especially, when enhancing the treatment efficiency. The present paper reviewed the
the compound contains carbonyl or double and triple nitrogen carbon mechanism and application of the ozone-based AOP processes for degra-
bonds [6]. dation and mineralization of recalcitrant organics found in the industrial
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

Table 3
Recent reviews published on application of AOP.

Title of review paper Contaminants/wastewater Process used References

Nanomaterials based Advanced Oxidation Processes for Waste Wastewater Nano material based AOP Bethi et al. [9]
Water Treatment
Catalytic ozonation for water and wastewater treatment: Recent Wastewater Catalytic ozonation Wang et al. [10]
advances and perspective
Consolidated vs new advanced treatment methods for the Wastewater Adsorption, NF and RO membrane Rizzo et al. [11]
removal of contaminants of emerging concern from urban filtration
Wastewater treatment by means of Advanced Oxidation Wastewater AOP at basic pH Boczkaj and Fernandes
Processes at basic pH conditions [12]
Oxidation byproducts from the degradation of dissolved organic Wastewater Ozone based AOP; H2 O2 based AOP; Ike et al. [13]
matter by advanced oxidation processes Sulphate based AOP
Sonolytic ozonation for water treatment: efficiency, recent Wastewater/dissolved Sonolytic ozonation Merouani and Hamdaoui
developments, and challenges organic matter [14]
Catalytic ozonation for the treatment of synthetic and industrial Synthetic and industrial Catalytic ozonation Ghuge and Saroha, [15]
effluents - Application of mesoporous materials effluents
Hybrid ozonation process for industrial wastewater treatment: Industrial wastewater O3 /H2 O2 ; O3 /UV; Malik et al. [16]
Principles and applications O3 /Electrocoagulation; Catalytic
ozonation; Nano catalyzed
Coupling catalytic ozonation and membrane separation Wastewater Catalytic ozonation coupled with nano Manas et al. [17]
filtration, ultra filtration
Detoxification of water and wastewater by advanced oxidation Arsenic AOP Babu et al. [18]

and municipal wastewater along with a summary of experimental results control of the relative pressure within the reactor, ozone addition ratio,
reported so far. and intensity of UV radiation.

2. Ozone based AOP 2.2. O3 /H2 O2

2.1. Ozonation and UV radiation (O3 /UV) The ozonation combined with H2 O2 is an efficient catalytic system
for the degradation of refractory pollutants in wastewater. The O3 /H2 O2
The ozonation combined with UV-radiation (O3 /UV) is an efficient process commonly known as peroxone AOP involves a radical chain
catalytic system for the degradation of refractory pollutants in wastew- mechanism based on the ozone decomposition initiated by the hydroper-
ater. The process is initiated by the photolysis of ozone and followed by oxide anion HO− 2
. The synergistic effect of O3 with H2 O2 promotes the
the production of OH• radicals by the reaction of O• with water [19]. production of OH• radicals.
The synergistic effect of O3 with UV radiation promotes ozone decompo-
H2 O2 → HO−
2 +H
sition by direct Eq. (4)–(6) and indirect production of hydroxyl radicals
Eqs. (7) and (8).
2 + O3 → HO2 + O3
HO− ∙ ∙−
The hydroxyl radicals generated in aqueous solution attack the aro- (10)
matic ring in dye molecule resulting in the formation of smaller aliphatic O3 likely reacts with excess HO− formed from Eq. (9)- (10) and generates
molecules such as organic acid, aldehydes, ketones, etc. [20]. UV pro- OH• through Eq. (11-13).
motes the degradation of recalcitrant dyes by yielding more free OH•
radicals thereby increasing the decolorization rate [21]. Illustration of
3 + H → HO3
O∙− + ∙−
hydroxyl radical formation can be described by Eq. (4) to (8).
HO3∙ − → O2 + OH∙ (12)
O3 + uv → O2 + O∙ (4)

OH∙ + H2 O2 → HO∙2 + H2 O (13)

O∙ + H2 O → 2OH∙ (5)
However excess H2 O2 leads to OH• scavenging and formation of
2O + H2 → OH + 𝑂 H → H2 O2
∙ ∙ ∙
(6) hydroperoxide ion (HO∙2 ) as shown in Eq. (13). Neither a hydrogen per-
oxide concentration that is too low is desirable because H2 O2 competes
The indirect production of OH• by the following reaction is also pos- successfully for hydroxyl radicals (Eq. (13)) and decomposes without
sible. oxidizing the pollutants as shown in Eq. (14) [25]

O3 + H2 O → O2 + H2 O2 (7) 1
H2 O2 → H2 𝑂 + O (14)
2 2

H2 O2 → 2 OH∙ (8) There exists an “ozone dose threshold” below which the addition of
H2 O2 yielded no noticeable increase in the rate of OH• production [26].
Combining O3 with UV enhances the degradation of azo dye at all H2 O2 (initiators/promoters) react with ozone until they no longer im-
pH [22]. Wu et al.[23] found that the decolorization rate constant of pact ozone degradation. Barry et al. [26] termed the ozone dose that ex-
the O3 /UV process exceeded that of the O3 system. hausts reactions with the initiators/promoters compounds as the ozone
A pilot study was carried out by Yang et al. [24] on the biochem- dose threshold, above which the addition of H2 O2 increases the rate of
ical tailwater of industrial park sewage treatment plant. The authors HO• production. The authors observed that regardless of H2 O2 addition,
reported that the key factors affecting the economically efficient oper- ozonation has little impact on HO• exposure until doses greater than the
ation of the UV/O3 process were the efficient O3 distribution mode, threshold ozone doses were applied.
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

It was observed that the use of a homogeneous reactor enables fast mainly include metal oxides (e.g., MnO2 [35], Fe2 O3 , MgFe2 O4 [36],
and high production of the radical species directly in the bulk liquid CuFe2 O4 [37], ZnFe2 O4 [38], MgO [39]); supported metal oxides (e.g.
with no transport and mass-transfer limitations compared to a tradi- Fe-SBA-15 [40], MnOx/SBA-15 [41], Fe/MCM41 [42], Mg-Ce-MCM41
tional gas-liquid reactor in which the oxidation of the pollutants by hy- [43], Fe3 O4 /Co3 O4 [44]); and some porous materials (e.g. activated
droxyl radicals might be limited by their transport from the liquid bulk carbon, carbon nanotube, zeolites [45] I are used as possible catalysts
to the interface as these radicals are very reactive and do not diffuse in for ozonation process. These solid catalysts are primarily attributed to
solution [27]. the active d-electronic structure of the metal oxides which enhance the
H2 O2 can be generated in-situ from cathodic O2 reduction during probability of electron transfer between the catalyst and target com-
ozonation, called as an E-peroxone process. Wang et al. [28] reported pound, lowering the activation energy of catalytic ozonation [46]. For
enhanced the kinetics and OH• yields from O3 decomposition in a water instance, the various porous materials such as active carbon, zeolite,
matrix that has high ozone stability than those with low stability. Au- honeycomb ceramics, etc. were developed as supports to improve the
thors found that at specific ozone doses of 0.5–1.5 mg O3/mg dissolved mechanical strength and the stability of transition metal oxides [46].
organic carbon, the abatement efficiencies of ozone-resistant pharma- These catalysts were reported to enhance the removal efficiencies of
ceuticals (ibuprofen and clofibric acid) increased up to ~14–18% in pollutants by O3 . Among these catalysts, iron oxides and manganese
Groundwater, moderately up to 6–10% in surface water, and negligibly oxides are the most widely explored. Manganese oxides exhibit high
in secondary effluent during the O3/H2O2 and E-peroxone treatment catalytic activity but manganese ions prone to leaching resulting in the
compared to conventional ozonation. second pollution [47]. Formation of a complex between the catalyst and
organic molecule is necessary to observe the catalytic activity of MnO2
2.3. Catalytic ozonation (Nawrocki et al., 2013) whereas the Fe based catalyst exhibit various
2.3.1. O3 /Homogeneous catalyst The metal-catalyzed ozonation enhances the removal efficiency of
Catalytic ozonation employs catalysts to enhance the decomposition organic compounds such as oxalic acid, formic acid, and humic acids
of ozone which leads to the production of hydroxyl radicals. Adding in water [48]. In heterogeneous catalytic ozonation, the solid catalyst
catalysts may increase the degradation rates of non-biodegradable com- is combined with ozone to advance the effective use of ozone. The
ponents [29]. Transition metal ions (Fe2+ , Cu2+ , Cr2+ , Mn2+ , Ni2+ , Co2+ , heterogeneous catalytic ozonation may involve three phases, including
Cd2+ , Ag+ , Zn2+ ) are usually used as the catalysts in the homogeneous gaseous, liquid, and solid. The catalytic process efficiency depends on
catalytic procedure, to degrade the recalcitrant organic pollutants in the kinds of catalysts, the target pollutants, and the pH value of the so-
wastewater [30]. The metal ions influence the rate of reaction, the se- lution. There are two representative mechanisms for the heterogeneous
lectivity of ozone oxidation, and the efficiency of ozone utilization. Two catalytic ozonation: (1) Interfacial reaction mechanism. (2) OH• mech-
major mechanisms of homogeneous catalytic ozonation can be found anism:
[31] In the Interfacial reaction mechanism, the main function of cata-
lysts is to act as adsorptive material using its large surface to adsorb the
1 Decomposition of ozone by metal ion resulting in the production of
organic pollutants and combine with target molecules to form active
free radicals.
complexes with lower activation energy. Further, the ozone or hydroxyl
2 Formation of a complex between the catalyst and organic molecule
radical would oxidize the surface complex to give oxidation by-products
following oxidation of the complex.
either desorbed in solution or still adsorbed at the surface of the cata-
The ozonation of oxalic acid in the presence of Co (II) proceeds with lyst [30,49]. This mechanism can explain the catalytic ozonation system
the formation of Co-oxalic acid complex and then ozone attacks the com- with good adsorptive properties.
plex [32]. Beltran et al. [5] studied the ozonation of oxalic acid in water The OH• mechanism proposes that the metal oxide catalysts can in-
using an iron catalyst. It was observed that the mechanism of ozona- crease the solubility of ozone and initiates the ozone decomposition [1].
tion likely develops through the formation of iron-oxalate complexes The reaction of ozone on reduced metal could produce OH• radical. Sol-
that further react with ozone without the participation of hydroxyl rad- uble ozone in aqueous solution is adsorbed to the surface of the catalyst,
icals following first-order kinetics with respect to ozone and oxalic acid. a series of radical chain transfer are occurred to produce more OH• hav-
Sauleda et al. [33] studied the mechanism for mineralization of aniline ing a high oxidation potential to oxide the organic pollutants in wastew-
in acidic solution by ozonation catalyzed with Fe2+ and observed that ater. The catalytic ozonation system with poor adsorptive ability can be
process is initiated by the attack of O3 and/or OH• on aniline to yield explained by this mechanism [30]. Ikhlaq et al. [50] found that catalytic
either benzoquinone or nitrobenzene. ozonation of recalcitrant organics on alumina includes the reactions of
Fe (II) enhances ozonation efficiency considerably [34]. In the O3 /Fe hydroxyl radicals with pollutants adsorbed on the surface of alumina
(II) process, the ferrous ion can promote the breakdown of ozone leading and the reaction proceeds via a radical mechanism.
to the formation of hydroxyl radicals according to Eq. (15) to (17) Fe based catalyst. Fe-based catalysts are most popular as they
Fe2+ + O3 → FeO2+ + O∙ (15) are abundant in nature, nontoxic, can be easily synthesized, and some
Fe-based catalysts own special characteristics, for example, Fe3 O4 own
FeO2+ + H2 O → Fe3+ + OH∙ + OH− (16) magnetic properties, and iron oxyhydroxides (FeOOH) has a high den-
sity of hydroxyl group. Fe based catalysts are prepared by precipitation,
wet impregnation, sol-gel method, thermal decomposition, hydrother-
FeO2+ + Fe2+ + 2H+ → 2Fe3+ + H2 O (17)
mal method, electrochemical method, and biomineralization [8].
Metals promote the ozonation of organics by oxidation–reduction Many iron-based catalysts have shown promising results for catalytic
reaction [23]. In the O3 /Fe (II) process, ozone decomposes to hydroxyl ozonation, namely iron silicate doped hydroxylation iron (IS-FeOOH) to
radicals at alkaline pH. Ozone reacts with Fe (II) to form FeO2+ . The remove p-chloronitrobenzene by promoting ozone decomposition into
synergistic effect of adding Fe (II) to O3 is observed at all pH [22]. hydroxyl radicals (OH•), iron silicate-loaded pumice (FSO/PMC) for
mineralization of diclofenac [46] by enhancing the mass transfer of
2.3.2. O3 /heterogeneous catalysts aqueous ozone, boosting the solubility of aqueous ozone, and hastening
The heterogeneous catalytic ozonation process is a promising process the production of OH• radicals; CuFe2 O4 to improve the degradation of
due to its ability to improve the ozonation of refractory organic pol- phenacetin [51]; Fe-MCM-41 to enhance diclofenac mineralization [42];
lutants in the presence of a solid catalyst. Catalysts used in ozonation reused spent fluid catalytic cracking catalysts for a significant increase
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

on the COD removal efficiency of petrochemical wastewater [52]; Ce et al. [39] found that MgO prepared with magnesium acetate as Mg
substituted goethite (Ce0.1Fe0.9OOH) catalyst to improve the mineral- source leads to complete degradation and 94% mineralization of ac-
ization of sulfamethazine [53,54]. etaminophen. The reaction with OH• was the main mechanism involved
Catalytic oxidation with nanomagnetic catalysts has the advantages using mesoporous nanocrystalline MgO nanoparticle [39]. Chen et al.
of easy recovery, good stability, and high activity. Spinel ferrites with [47] concluded that the catalytic activity can be tailored by preferring
the general formula MeFe2 O4 (Me = Mg, Mn, Ni, Cu, etc.) are a kind of the surface orientation except increasing the surface area. Aghapour
important soft magnetic materials with excellent structural stability. The et al. [62] found that catalytic ozonation using MgO/granular activated
magnetic property provides a convenient method to remove and recy- carbon composite is effective in the degradation of catechol.
cle the nanoparticles from the treated water under an external magnetic
field. It is found that magnetically separable nanoparticles of NiFe2 O4 , Other. Ikhlaq et al. [50] found that catalytic ozonation on alu-
MnFe2 O4 , and CuFe2 O4 are catalytically active in the ozonation of re- mina has higher ibuprofen and acetic acid removal efficiency as com-
fractory organic pollutants [36]. However, nickel, manganese, and cop- pared with ozonation alone. Ikhlaq et al. [45] studied the catalytic
per are toxic and may cause the second pollution to the treated water. ozonation of chlorinated volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) removal on
On the contrary, magnesium is nontoxic and abundant. Additionally, 𝛾-alumina and ZSM-5 zeolites. The authors observed that zeolites pro-
the electron transfer between catalyst and ozone governs ozone decom- moted the decomposition of VOCs as opposed to alumina.
position into active radicals on the surface of solid catalysts. The ozone Xu et al. [63] found that cerium-modified red mud catalysts exhibit
decomposition mechanism onto metal oxide surfaces is shown below enhanced catalytic activity in bezafibrate degradation and detoxifica-
tion. Xu et al. [64] found that surface cobalt loading developed meso-
≡ 𝑂𝑀 + 𝑂3 →≡ 𝑂𝑀 − 𝑂 − 𝑂 − 𝑂∙ (18) pores which lead to enhance the specific surface area thereby increas-
ing the catalytic activity. OH• generation was enhanced by the surface
≡ 𝑂𝑀 − 𝑂 − 𝑂 − 𝑂∙ → 𝑂2 + ≡ 𝑂𝑀 − 𝑂∙ (19) hydroxyl groups which were considered as main active sites of cata-
lyst [65]. Martins et al. [66] found that ceramic catalyst Mn-Ce-O had
The lower electronegativity or the higher metallicity of M (metal ion)
a significant impact on COD removal while no significant impact on
would lead to the higher electron density of 𝑂2− bond to M and conse-
the degradation of pharmaceutical pollutant sulfamethoxazole. The tita-
quentially favor the catalytic decomposition of ozone into radicals due
nium silicate ETS-4 as a novel class of zeolite materials containing metal
to the electrophilic property of ozone molecules [36]. Since magnesium
Ti has received attention for its great potential to remove chemicals and
has stronger metallicity than nickel, manganese, and copper the oxygen
has an excellent catalytic capability for the ozonation of recalcitrant or-
bond to magnesium in MgFe2 O4 possibly possesses the highest electron
ganic contaminants in wastewater [67]. Gomes et al. [68] studied the
cloud density among these four spinel ferrites. Hence, it is reasonable to
catalytic ozonation of parabens using volcanic rock. Authors found that
believe that MgFe2 O4 may exhibit superior catalytic activity due to the
catalytic ozonation treated samples are more toxic as single ozonation
electrophilic property of ozone molecules [36].
allowed the elimination of toxic by-products such as hydroquinone and Mn-based catalyst. Manganese dioxide (MnO2 ) is more attrac- 1, 4-benzoquinone.
tive for practical applications due to their low cost, natural abundance The microbubbles are used to enhance the dissolution of ozone in
and was widely recognized as active heterogeneous catalysts in catalytic water as ozone has low solubility in water. It is observed that decreasing
ozonation for degrading refractory organics [35,55]. The multiple oxi- the bubble size increases the mass transfer coefficient due to the higher
dation states of Mn can enhance electron transfer. Manganese dioxide gas-liquid interfacial area thus increasing the ozonation efficiency. It
exhibits a net negative surface charge within the pH range (5–11) of was found that ozone microbubbles increase the rate of the degradation
principal interest for natural waters for water treatment operations [56]. of the Congo red dye [69]. Quan et al. [70] studied O3 /Ca (OH)2 system
Ozone reacts readily with the negatively charged surface because of its in microbubbles gas-liquid reactor for the degradation of Acid red 18
electrophilic characteristics [56]. Various methods have been developed and obtained 100% TOC removal. Table 4 represents the application of
for the synthesis of nano MnO2 including hydrothermal, sol-gel, thermal catalytic ozonation for the degradation of organics. Table 5 represents
decomposition, reflux, sonication, electrodeposition, and precipitation the review of various catalysts used in the catalytic ozonation process
methods. Surfactants are used to control the surface area and morphol-
ogy of MnO2 [35,57]. O3 /activated carbon based-catalyst. In the last decade, a huge
amount of different carbon-based materials have been applied. Ac- Zn-based catalyst. The zinc oxide has been usually used as an tivated carbon has high adsorption capability but low mechanical
ozonation catalyst due to its stable structure and high density of surface strength and is easily oxidized during the reaction. The active carbon
hydroxyl groups [58]. ZnO-catalytic ozonation follows a radical-type surface can act as an initiator/promoter of ozone decomposition since
mechanism [58]. When the ozone molecules entered the liquid phase, a ozonation modifies its surface chemical properties. There are various
five-member ring structure was formed by the dispersion force between mechanisms proposed to explain the catalytic activity of active carbons
ozone molecules and the surface hydroxyl groups, facilitating electron e.g. O3 decomposes on the surface of active carbons, OH• are formed,
transfer [59]. Zn ions would get the electrons to form to Zn+ , then Zn+ and react with organics in bulk solution [32]. In another mechanism
delivered electrons to the unstable five-member ring structure and the adsorbed O3 decomposes on activated carbon with a formation of O•,
bonds would be broken to produce O.2− or HO.2− . Zhao et al. [59] observed and OH• active oxygen species, which react with both adsorbed and
that the ability to transmit electrons was various for different states of dissolved organics. Nawrocki et al. [32] proposed two routes for ozone
zinc ions, causing distinct di-n‑butyl phthalate removal efficiency. decomposition: (i) Activated carbon acts as an initiator of O3 decompo-
Liu et al. [60] synthesized zinc copper silicate polymer by using Zn sition into hydroxyl radicals and (ii) ozone reacts with surface groups,
(NO3 )2 , Cu (NO3 )2 , and Na2 SiO3 as precursors. The authors found that generates adsorbed H2 O2 and it reacts with ozone in bulk solution yield-
it is an effective catalyst for the ozonation of p-chloronitrobenzene hav- ing OH• radicals.
ing good reusability and stability. Zhao et al. [61] found that nanocrys- Hu et al. [101] found that mesoporous carbon aerogel and its sup-
talline ZnAl2 O4 prepared by a hydrothermal method is a promising ported cobalt oxide nanoparticles catalyst could improve both decol-
ozonation catalyst with improved catalytic activity in the removal of orization and COD removal for the treatment of textile dyeing efflu-
phenol (300mgL−1 ) in a wide pH range from 3.3 to 9.3. ents. Restivo et al. [102] found that N-doped carbon nanofibers en-
hanced catalytic activity for the ozonation of organic pollutants. Mous- Mg-based catalyst. MgO has high surface activity and reactiv- savi et al. [103] found that the rates of degradation and mineralization
ity, high stability in water, and less toxicity [39]. Mashayekh-Salehi of amoxicillin for carbon activated with NH4 Cl were 3.2 and 1.8 times
Table 4
Application of catalytic ozonation for degradation of organics.

C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava

Sr No Target pollutant Catalyst Treatment Efficiency Condition References

1 Herbicide Alachlor Cu/Al2 O3 75% TOC removal pH 4.4 Li et al. [48]

2 Acid Orange II MgFe2 O4 90% Degradation efficiency pH 4.6–9.6 Lu et al. [36]
3 Sulfamethoxazole Mn-Ce-O 69% COD removal Ozone dose 120 mg/hr; pH 6.9 Martins et al. [66]
4 Methylene blue Fe-Mn 100% decolorization; 65–78%TOC Ozone dosage 1.92 mg/min; Catalyst dosage 0.5 g Liu et al. [71]
5 Fulvic acid CeO2 /Activated Carbon 83% Fulvic acid removal 5% Ce loading Qin et al. [29]
6 Diclofenac Iron silicate-loaded pumice 73.3% mineralization; 21.17% TOC Ozone dosage 5052 mg/L; O2 flow rate 1.0 L/min; Catalyst dose 8000 mg/L, pH Gao et al.[46]
removal 5; Reaction time 30 min
7 p-Chloronitro benzene Iron silicate doped 61.3% TOC removal Ozone dose 0.6 mg/L; Catalyst dosage 500 g/L; pH 7.0; Reaction time 15 min Liu et al. [72]
hydroxylation iron
8 Sulphametha- zine antibiotic Ce 1.0 Fe 0.9 OOH 41.2% mineralization efficiency Ozone dose 15 mg/L; Catalyst dose 0.2 g/L; pH 7.3; Reaction time 15 min Bai et al. [53,54]
9 Phenacetin CuFe2 O4 95% of degradation Ozone dose 3058 mg/L; pH 7; Reaction time 5 min Qi et al. [37,51]
10 Diclofenac Fe-MCM-41 76.3% mineralization; 70% TOC Ozone dose 100 mg/hr; Catalyst dose 1 g/L; pH 7; Reaction time 30 min Chen et al. [42]
11 Oxalic acid Fe-MCM-41 94% degradation efficiency; 6% Ozone dose 21.8 mg/L; Catalyst Conc. 0.4 g; Reaction time 30 min Jeirani and Soltan [43,73]
reduction of TOC/TOCo
12 Oxalic acid Fe-SBA-15 86.6% removal efficiency pH 3; Reaction time 60 min Yan et al. [40]
13 Oxalic acid MnOx-0.013/KCC-1 86% TOC removal Ozone dose 20 mg/L; O3 flow rate 4 mg/min; Catalyst Conc. 0.25 g/L; pH 3.8; T Afzal et al. [74]
25 °C
14 Phenol Mn/ᵧ-Al2 O3 62.76% degradation efficiency Ozone dose 8 mg/min; Catalyst Conc. 4%; T 15 °C Wang et al. [55]
15 4-Nitrophenol 𝛼-MnO2 96.7% degradation efficiency; 79.5% Ozone dose 20 mg/L; pH 3.5–5.9 Nawaz et al. [35]
TOC removal
16 Sulfosalicylic acid MnO2 /CeO2 97% TOC removal pH 6.5; Reaction time 30 min Xing et al. [56]
17 Norfloxacin MnOx/SBA-15 54% mineralization efficiency pH 5; Catalyst loading 2%; T 298 K; Reaction time 60 min Chen et al. [41]
18 Clofibric acid MnOx/SBA-15 43.8% TOC removal Ozone dose 1.0 mg/L; Catalyst 0.2 g/L; pH 3.85; T 293 K; Reaction time 15 min Sun et al. [49]
19 Acetamino-phen MgO 100% degradation; 94% mineralization Ozone dose 50 mg/L; pH 5.4; Reaction time 10 min Mashayekh-Salehi et al. [39]
20 Methylene blue MgO 50% COD removal Ozone dose 5 mg/L; Reaction time 60 min Kong et al. [75]
21 4-Chloro phenol MgO 99.5% removal efficiency Ozone dose 2.5 mg/min; Catalyst 1.0 g/L; pH 6.2 Chen et al. [47]
22 Oxalic acid MnOx /sewage sludge derived 92.2% removal efficiency pH 3.5; Catalyst loading 30%; Reaction time 60 min Huang et al. [76]
activated carbon
23 p-Chloronitro benzene Mn oxide incorporated 68% removal efficiency – Cheng et al. [77]
ceramic membrane
24 Reactive black-5 Ce deposited magnetic pyrite Increase in 42.12% mineralization Reactive black 200 mg/L; Catalyst Conc. 2.5 g/L; Ozone dose 5.6 mg/min; pH 5.5 Wu et al. [78]
cinder efficiency compare to O3 alone
25 Phenacetin CuFe2 O4 95% removal efficiency pH 7.72; O3 Conc. 0.36 mg/L; Catalyst Conc. 2.0 g/L Qi et al. [37]
26 Phenol 𝛾-Al2 O3 46% TOC; 75% COD removal T 25 °C; O3 flow rate 40 L/Hr; O3 Conc. 2 gN/m3 , Phenol 50 mg/L Vittenet et al. [79]
27 4- Chloro phenol 𝛽-FeOOH 99% removal efficiency Catalyst 0.1 g/100 ml; pH 3.5; Reaction time 40 min Oputu et al. [80]
28 Bisphenol-A 𝛼-MnO2 93.5% removal efficiency O3 dosage 4.47 mmol/min; T 20 °C; pH 6.25; Catalyst 0.1 mg/L Li et al. [71]
29 Oxadine dye Plasma treated Natural 93.47% degradation efficiency O3 0.3 g/L; pH 6.7; Catalyst Conc. 600 mg/L Taseidifar et al. [81]

Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

30 Crystal violet dye Fe/activated carbon >96% decolorization; 57% COD O3 dosage 4.44 mg/min; O3 flow rate 300 ml/min; Catalyst dosage 2.5 g/L; pH 7 Wu et al. [82]
removal efficiency
31 Chlorophyll Activated carbon 76% DOC removal O3 1.0 mg/L Mousavi et al. [83]
32 Orange (II) Alumino Silicate Montanit 100% Decolorization; 91% TOC removal Inchaurrondo et al. [84]
33 Ciprofloxacin 𝛾-Al2 O3 93% removal efficiency pH 9.5; Reaction time 60 min Sani et al. [85]
34 Formate Iron oxide/AC – pH 3 Yuan et al. [86]
35 Chlorobenzene Mn/Al2 O3 82.92% conversion efficiency – Chen et al. [87]
36 Naphthenic acid Carbon Xerogel 65% removal efficiency Catalyst Conc. 0.5 g/L; O3 Conc. 30 mg/L; pH 8; Reaction time 15 min Messele et al. [88]
37 Isoniazid Mg doped ZnO 76.3% removal efficiency Catalyst Conc. 0.1 g/L; pH 7.2; Reaction time 9 min Shen et al. [89]
38 Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) Fe3 O4 /Co3 O4 60% TOC SMX 20 mg/L; O3 Conc. 6.0 mg/L; pH 5.1; T 25 °C; Catalyst Conc.0.1 g/L Chen and Wang [44]
39 Nitrobenzene Si doped 𝛼-Fe2 O3 – – Yan et al. [90]
40 Phenol CeO2 on oxidized carbon Phenol mineralization is 2–3 times of – Wang et al. [6]
nanotube (OCNT) pure CeO2 and OCNT
41 Ƿ-CBA Co(II) 95.5% degradation efficiency Catalyst Conc.1 mg/L; O3 Conc. 2 mg/L; pH 8 Psaltou et al. [91]
42 Ƿ-CBA Fe(II) 92.5% degradation efficiency Catalyst Conc. 1 mg/L; O3 Conc. 2 mg/L; pH 8 Psaltou et al. [91]
43 Rhodamine Iron based metal organic TOC removal is 4 times higher than – Yu et al. [92]
framework O3 alone
44 Bisphenol-A MgO/Graphite felt 88.2% removal efficiency; 42.1% COD – Zhang et al. [93]
removal efficiency
Table 5

C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava

Review of various catalysts used in catalytic ozonation process.

Sr No Catalyst condition efficiency Synthesis method Characterization techniques Application References

1 FE-Mn Calcination Temp. 650oC 100% decolorization Co-precipitation method XRD Methylene blue Lu et al. [36]
2 MnCe-O pH 4.8; Calcination Temp. 300 °C 69% COD removal Co-precipitation method BET Sulfamethoxazole Martins et al. [66]
3 Cu/Al2 O3 Calcination Temp. 873 K; Catalyst 75.3% TOC removal Impregnation method BET, XRD Alachlor Li et al. [48]
loading 110 g/L
4 MgFe2 O4 Catalyst dose 50 mg/L 90% degradation efficiency Sol-Gel Process XRD, BET, SEM, XPS Acid orange II Lu et al. [36]
5 Ce1.0 Fe0.9 OOH Catalyst dose 0.2 g/L 41.2% mineralization Isomorphous substitution method SEM, TEM, XRD, EDS, FTIR Sulfamethazine Bai et al. [53]
6 Fe-SBA-15 Weak acid condition 86.6% Oxalic acid removal Hydrothermal method XRD, BET Oxalic acid Yan et [40]
7 Mg-Ce-MCM41 Calcined at 540 °C for 5 hr 90.3% TOC removal Hydrothermal method XRD, BET, TEM Oxalic acid Jeirani et al. [43]
8 MnO2 porous Calcined at 400 °C for 4 hr 90% degradation efficiency By self template (MnCO3 microsphere) XRD, SEM, TEM, XPS Bisphenol A Tan et al. [94]
hollow process at room Temp.
9 𝛼-MnO2 Calcined at 250 °C for 3 hrs 96.7% degradation efficiency Using surfactant Cetyl trimethyl XRD, TEM, ICP-OES 4- Nitro phenol Nawaz et al. [35]
ammoium bromide and Sodium
dodecyl benzene sulfate
10 MnO2 /CeO2 CeO2 synthesized by reflux method; 97% TOC removal Impregnation method XRD, TEM, XPS TGA, FTIR Sulfosalicylic acid Xing et al. [56]
Calcined at 400 °C for 4 hr
11 MnOx/SBA-15 Calcined at 823 K for 3 hr 54% mineralization efficiency Wet impregnation method using XRD Norfloxacin Chen et al. [41]
Manganese acetate tetrahydrate as
12 MgO Calcined at 500 °C Complete degradation; 94% Sol-Gel method BET, XRD, FTIR, SEM, XPS Acetamino-phen Mashayekh-Salehi
mineralization et al. [39]
13 Granular MgO 3 mm pellets thermally treated at 50% COD removal Precipitation method XRD, FTIR, SEM Methylene blue Kong et al. [75]
–porous sludge 500 °C
derived char
14 IS-FeOOH Incubated at 313 K for 24 hr; pH 12 99.8%degradation efficiency Precipitation method TEM, XRD, EPR Ƿ-chloronitro Liu et al. [72]
15 FSO-PMC (Iron Incubated at 60 °C for 24 hr 73.3% mineralization efficiency Polymerization method BET diclofenac Gao et al. [46]
silicate loaded
16 MnO2 porous Prepared at room temp 90% degradation efficiency Self template process XRD, SEM, TEM, XPS, BET Bisphenol -A Tan et al. [94]
hollow micro
17 Zinc copper silicate 99.3% degradation Polymerization method XRD, SEM, EDX p-chloronitro Liu et al. [60]
polymer benzene
18 CuFe2 O4 CuO (79%) Fe2 O3 (70%); Calcined at 83% removal Hydrothermal method XRD, SEM, TEM NOx Zhao et al. [95]
600 °C for 3 hr
19 Ce 0.1 Fe 0.9 OOH 42.1% mineralization efficiency Isomorphous substitution method XRD, SEM, TEM, EDS, FTIR Sulfametha-zine Bai et al. [53]
20 Fe doped SBA-15 86.6% degradation efficiency Hydrothermal method XRD, BET Oxalic acid Yan et al. [40]
21 Cerium doped Red 96.5% removal efficiency Precipitation method XRD, XPS Benzafibrate Xu et al. [63]

Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

22 Ce/SiO2@Fe2O4 Calcined at 600 °C for 2 hr 97.6% removal efficiency Chemical precipitation XRD, XPS, EDX, TEM Diethyl phthalate Wang et al. [96]
23 Zn Fe2 O4 Annealed at 550 °C for 5 hr 92.6% removal efficiency Hydrothermal XRD, SEM, XPS, FTIR phenol Zhang et al. [38]
24 Cobalt modified – – Wet impregnation XRD, XPS, FTIR Benzafibrate Xu et al. [64]
Red mud
25 WO3 Calcined at 450 °C for 5 min 100% removal efficiency; 87% TOC Thermo decomposition TGA, XRD, XPS Ibuprofen Rey et al. [97]
26 MgO/AC – 88.5% Phenol removal; 83.5% COD Impregnation method ICP-MS, IR, XRD, SEM, TEM; Phenol Zhou et al.
removal efficiency BET, XPS [98,199]
27 CuO/C3 N4 – 97.9% removal efficiency Reflux condensation method BET, FTIR.; HRSEM, TEM Oxalic acid Liu et al. [99]
28 Co loaded on Fe – – Co-precipitation method BET, SEM 2–4–6 Gounden et al.
Tribromophenol [100]
29 Mn doped ZnFe2 O4 Calcined at 500 °C First order kinetic constant is 5.73 Sol Gel method – di-n-butyl Zhao et al. [59]
times than that in ozone alone phthalate
XRD: X-ray Powder Diffraction; SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy; TEM: Transmission Electron Microscope; XPS: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy; BET: Brunauer–Emmett–Teller
FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy; HRSEM: High resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy; ICP-MS: Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy; IR: Infra Red Spectroscopy
EDX: Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy; EPR: Electron paramagnetic resonance; TGA: Thermal Gravimetric Analysis; EDS: Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy; ICP-OES: Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry.
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

respectively those for analytical grade activated carbon. Rezaei et al.

[104] found that MgO/GAC composite is an efficient catalyst for the O3 + H2 O → H2 O2 (24)
ozonation of hydrocarbon vapors. Jalali et al.[105] found that catalytic
ozonation of antibiotic ciprofloxacin using a carbon nano-tube loaded H2 O2 → HO− +
2 +H (25)
with MnO2 is effective in increasing the reactivity of ozone and drug on
the surface of the carbon nano-tube. The synergistic performance of photocatalytic and ozonation is caused
by competent trapping of photogenerated electrons by ozone
2.4. Photocatalytic ozonation e− + O2 → O∙− (26)

Photocatalytic ozonation processes are less ozone consuming tech-

O∙− + O3 → O∙− + O2 (27)
nologies [106] and cost-effective than ozonation and photocatalysis 2 3
[107]. Titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) is widely used as photocatalyst but it Solís et al. [121] studied the photocatalytic ozonation of three pyri-
is photoactive in UV radiation whereas. WO3 , Fe2 O3 , In2 O3 , and BiVO4 dine herbicides (Clopyralid, Triclopyr, and Picloram) in water using
functioned as visible-light-responsive photocatalysts and WO3 is an ef- nitrogen-doped titania and found that nitrogen doping improves tita-
fective catalyst for the solar photocatalytic ozonation system due to its nia photoactivity. Ling et al. [122] studied the photocatalytic ozonation
activity in the wavelength range of solar energy [108]. of Atenolol by Ag-TiO2 micro-tube prepared using cotton fiber as a tem-
The combination of photocatalysis and ozonation for water treat- plate and found that Ag-TiO2 is more efficient than TiO2 . Ag acts as the
ment reported having enhanced oxidation efficiencies (synergy) com- electron acceptor for photocatalysis and decomposition center for O3 .
pared to the sum oxidation efficiencies of ozonation and photocatalysis Table 6 represents the application of photocatalytic ozonation for the
separately [109,110,107,111]. The positive synergistic effect of photo- degradation of organics.
catalytic ozonation results in the generation of hydroxyl (OH•) radi-
cals which enhances the degradation of organic pollutants [1]. Quiñones 2.5. Sonolytic ozonation
et al. [112] reported that solar photocatalytic ozonation for the treat-
ment of municipal secondary effluent was cost-effective over the solar The sonolytic systems with the addition of ozone increased the re-
photo-Fenton system. moval rate of recalcitrant organics significantly compared to ozonation
Further another advantage of photocatalytic ozonation is that it alone. The synergic enhancement is accredited to the improved O3 de-
could be used for disinfection of municipal wastewater as many studies composition in collapsing bubbles producing further free radicals [134].
have been reporting bacterial inactivation [113,114,115] and reported The ultrasonic wave increased the O3 decomposition in solution because
no post-treatment regrowth of E. coli in the dark after 24 and 48 h. of ultrasonic dispersion which results in the synergetic phenomenon
However, some studies reported that after inactivation, some bacteria [135]. High-power ultrasound at frequencies between 20 and 100 kHz
are able to recover and regrow [116,117]. This may be due to fact that is used for the formation of high-intensity bubbles which are propagated
the injured bacteria were able to use the available carbon and energy by the alternation of compression (high pressure) and rarefaction (low
sources in the treated water as substrates thereby enabling them to me- pressure). Furthermore, high shearing phenomena are generated in the
tabolize and reproduce [118]. liquid phase, while radicals including OH• and H• may be formed which
Bacterial inactivation using photocatalytic ozonation is achieved oxidize the organic pollutants in the bulk of the solution.
through disrupting normal cellular functions by the •OH radicals re- During acoustic cavitation, water is pyrolytically decomposed into
sulting in oxidative damage to cellular components, thereby leading to hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals as follows:
the death of the microorganisms [115]. Mecha et al. [119] analyzed the
cytotoxicity of the municipal wastewater and observed that after photo- H2 O → H∙ + 𝐻 O∙ (28)
catalytic ozonation treatment water was less toxic than before treatment
and hence suitable for reuse. The coupling of photocatalysis to ozona- H∙ + O2 → HO∙2 (29)
tion not only enhances the oxidation rate but also controls the ozonation
by-product of the main concern (bromate) [120]. The coupling of sonolysis with ozonolysis increases OH• because of
Semiconductor particles absorb a photon of energy equal to or thermolytic ozone decomposition which occurs in the vapor phase of a
greater than its bandgap and electrons get excited from the valence band cavitation bubble as follows:
(VB) to the conduction band (CB), thus leaving electron deficiencies or
O3 → O2 + O∙ (30)
holes in the VB. This contributes to the generation of electron-hole pairs
to transfer into the particle surface, in turn, to trigger a series of oxida-
tion/reduction reactions of the adsorbed substrates. The photocatalytic O∙ + H2 O → 2HO∙ (31)
ozonation occurs through a series of complex reactions. Ozone generates
OH• radicals on the TiO2 surface through the formation of 𝑜∙− 3
radical in 2HO∙ → H2 O2 (32)
a series of steps [99,100]. Fig. 3 demonstrates the photocatalytic ozona-
tion reaction mechanism. When light falls on the surface of photocat- Ziylan and Ince [136] investigated a total degradation and miner-
alyst (T), the photogenerated holes and electrons travel to the surface alization of ibuprofen using ozonation combined with high-frequency
of the photocatalyst, participating in the redox reactions with adsorbed ultrasound and nanoparticles of zero-valent iron at pH 3. Yavaş and
species resulting in the formation of superoxide radical anion (O∙− ) and Ince [137] studied the impact of ultrasound on catalytic ozonation of
hydroxyl radical (OH•) respectively, as illustrated by Eq. (20-25). paracetamol using Pt-supported nanocomposites of Al2 O3 . It was ob-
served that the addition of ultrasound accelerates mineralization. The
𝑇 + hγ → h+ + 𝑒− (20) increase in mineralization was explained by the shift of the reaction site
from the bulk solution (poor adsorption on catalyst surfaces) to the solid
surface and the gaseous cavity bubbles (via enhanced hydrophobicity),
O3 + e− → O∙−
both being considerably more active reaction media. High efficiency in
sonolytic ozonation results due to a higher mass transfer effect. Also
+ H+ → HO∙−
3 (22) coupling sonolysis with ozonolysis may exclude the formation of poi-
sonous intermediates by the active species that provided an additional
3 → O2 + OH
HO∙− ∙
(23) mineralization route [135].
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

Fig. 3. Mechanism of photocatalytic


Table 6
Application of photocatalytic ozonation for degradation of organics.

System Target % efficiency References

O3 /UVA- TiO2 Diclofenac 80% TOC removal García-Araya et al. [123]

UV/TiO2 /O3 Malathion, parathion 99% decomposition in 10 min Beduk et al. [124]
O3 /UV/WO3 N-diethyl meta toluamide 60% mineralization Mena et al. [125]
O3 /UV/TiO2 -reduced grapheme oxide Bisphenol -A 98.4% TOC removal efficiency Liao et al. [126]
O3 /UV/TiO2 -multiwalled carbon nanotube Aniline 70% TOC removal in 15 min; Ozone dose 50 g/m3 Orge et al. [127]
UV/TiO2 /O3 Perflurooctanoic acid 99.1% degradation efficiency Huang et al. [128]
UV/O3 /g-C3 N4 Oxalic acid 98.0% degradation efficiency Xiao et al. [129]
UV/TiO2 /O3 Amoxicillin, Diclofenac 68% TOC removal Moreira et al. [130]
UV/Boron doped TiO2 /O3 Pesticide 75% mineralization efficiency Quiñones et al. [131]
O3 /UV/TiO2 coated on ceramic plates Phenazopyridine 85% removal efficiency in 35 min Fathinia and Khataee [132]
O3 /UV/TiO2 Acetamiprid 100% degradation efficiency Silva et al. [133]

2.6. O3 /Fenton process

H2 O2 → HO−
2 +H
In the recent past, the Fenton process such as electro-Fenton,
Ozone itself has higher oxidation potential and selectivity towards or-
photo-Fenton, sono-Fenton, sono- photo-Fenton, sono-electro-Fenton,
ganic pollutants and generates OH• through the following Eq. (38)-(40)
and photo-electro-Fenton was efficiently utilized in the wastewater
treatment process for the removal of many hazardous organics from O3 + e− → O∙3 − (38)
wastewater [8,138]. There exists a synergetic effect in the combined
ozonation/Fenton reagent process as ozonation could accelerate Fenton
3 + H → HO3
O∙− + ∙−
reagents to enhance hydroxyl radical generation which leads to higher
oxidation rates [139,140,141] and removed COD, color at reduced treat-
ment time [142]. Fe (II) might also play an important role in catalyz- HO3∙ − → O2 + OH∙ (40)
ing ozone. Fe (II) reacts with excess H2 O2 to form highly reactive OH
O3 likely reacts with excess HO−
2 formed from Eq. (37) according to
through electron transfer as shown in Eq. (33)
Eq (41)
Fe(II) + H2 O2 → Fe(III) + 𝑂H∙ + 𝑂H− (33)
2 + O3 → HO2 + O3
HO− ∙ ∙−
• •
OH are scavenged by higher Fe (II) concentration as shown in Eq. (34) And generates OH through Eq. (39-40). Thus the combination of
ozonation and Fenton process results in the enhanced generation of OH•
Fe(II) + 𝑂H∙ → Fe(III) + 𝑂H− (34) thereby increasing treatment efficiency.

Excess H2 O2 leads to OH• scavenging and formation of hydroperoxide

3. Influencing factors in catalytic ozonation
ion (HO−
) and hydroperoxide radical (HO∙2 ) as shown in Eq. (35) – (37)
3.1. pH values
OH∙ + H2 O2 → HO∙2 + H2 O (35)
The pH of the solution plays an important role in catalytic ozona-
HO∙2 + Fe(II) → HO−
2 + Fe(III) (36) tion as it controlled the mass transfer and decomposition of O3 . At a
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

higher pH, the reaction mechanism follows a radical pathway and gen- that when the ozone dosage increased from15 mg/hr to 25 mg/hr, the
erates more OH• while at a lower pH, it follows a selective direct reac- defluorination of perfluorooctanoic acid improved rapidly from 16.7%
tion pathway. Therefore, a higher pH of the solution is suggested to in- to 39.4%. On the other hand, as the ozone dosage enhanced from
crease the decomposition of ozone into OH• which enhances the degra- 25 mg/hr to 100 mg/hr by a large margin, the defluorination of perflu-
dation of refractory organics [48] also results in higher TOC removal at orooctanoic acid increased only slightly by 4.9%. This may be because
higher pH levels [49]. The pH is also an important factor determining the ozone utilization efficiency was limited when excessive ozone was
the charge property of surface hydroxyl groups at the catalyst/solution bubbled in the solution as the amounts of active sites were definite on
interface [8]. Higher pH of the solution could increase the efficiency the surface of the catalyst.
of the Cu/Al2 O3 -honeycomb catalyst during the ozonation of alachlor The variation in ozone flow rates could influence the gas-liquid mass
[48]. It was observed that higher pH promote the OH• reaction route transfer thereby, the effective ozone utilization ratio. The higher ozone
for Methylene Blue decolorization [25,34] flow rate was corresponding to the higher ozone mass rate; accelerated
The effect of pH on the catalytic ozonation is different from the non- agitation thereafter increased its contact probability with the pollutants.
catalytic system. The O3 /Fe (III) system was effective at alkaline pH, Yang et al. [143] found that the COD removal efficiency increased with
whereas O3 /Fe (II), O3 /Mn (II), and O3 /Cu (II) were effective at acidic the ozone flow rate initially thereafter it reduced. This may be due to
pH. Yang et al. [143] found that the COD removal efficiencies increased excessive turbulence under the high flow rate may lead to exorbitant
gradually from 34% to 56% with pH increased from 4.0 to 12.0. The hydro-mechanical shear stress which has a negative effect on pollutant
higher oxidation efficiency under the higher solution pH could be due removal.
to elevated ozone utilization ratio at higher pH. It was observed that
during the ozonation reaction the solution pH was a little declined. 3.3. Catalyst loading
The ozone solubility depends on the pH, presence of radical scav-
engers, and temperature [144]. The production of hydroxyl radicals as Chemisorption of the organic compounds on the surface of the cata-
a result of ozone decomposition is significant at neutral pH for ozonation lyst was widely suggested to be one of the essential steps for the catalytic
only [145]. At increased pH, more hydroxyl radicals would be generated reaction. The adsorbed organics were then degraded by ozone or OH• .
by ozone decomposition due to the presence of a large quantity of hy- Basiri and Rafiee [58] observed that by increasing the dosage of ZnO
droxide ions for homogeneous catalytic ozonation [34]. During ozona- nanocatalyst, the rate of 2–4–6 Trichlorophenol ozonation increased. It
tion, it was observed that the pH of the solution decreased gradually is shown that the rate of ozone decomposition and thus the production
when the initial pH is 10 while the solution became acidic rapidly at of hydroxyl radicals were accelerated on the ZnO surface during cat-
lower initial pH [146]. An increase in pH (that is, a higher concentra- alytic ozonation. The increase in catalyst concentration increased the
tion of hydroxide anion) also promotes the decomposition of O3 into number of reactive sites and enhanced the light absorption for photo-
OH• radicals [4]. At pH 10, it is most likely all the ozone decomposes, catalysis [151]. The higher concentrations of the catalyst may result in
with no or little dissolved ozone in the medium [4]. light-scattering and screening effects due to high opacity caused by an
The pH of the solution is a key factor in the Fenton process be- excess catalyst which compromised light penetration thus counteracting
cause it controls the production of the hydroxyl radical and ferrous ions the effect of increasing catalyst surface area. Furthermore, the tendency
concentration [147]. Fenton reaction proceeds with higher rates at the toward particle agglomeration was also enhanced at high catalyst con-
higher initial concentration of H2 O2 , and more acidic conditions (pH centration, resulting in a reduction in surface area available for light
3), whereas ozonation reaction requires a higher ozone dose, and basic absorption and hence a drop in photocatalytic degradation rate [149].
conditions (pH 11) for rapid rates [148]. It has been observed that at
high pH a decrease in ozone transfer efficiency is observed because the 3.4. Temperature
increase in reaction rate is compensated by greater ozone requirement
due to the loss of oxidant by self decomposition [149]. At high pH, the The catalytic ozonation process involving the aqueous-gaseous-solid
formation of ferric hydroxide may deactivate the ferrous catalyst [150]. phase is largely influenced by temperature. It was observed that TOC re-
It was found that the efficiency of oxidation depends on the point moval efficiency increased with temperature. However, ozone solubility
of zero charge (PZC) of the catalyst [12]. It was observed that below decreases with an increase in temperature, which reduces the reaction
the PZC the surface of the catalyst is positively charged, making in- efficiency at higher temperatures [67]. The combined result of these two
teractions with anionic pollutants/oxidants. Above the PCZ the surface opposite effects determines the outcome of temperature variation. Most
is negatively charged promoting the interactions with cationic pollu- of the research articles reported higher degradation efficiency at room
tants/oxidants. Most of the catalysts used had higher performances at temperature [46,128,60,35].
neutral/acidic pH values, due to their PCZ [12]
3.5. Reaction time
3.2. Ozone dosage and/ozone flow rate
The decolorization efficiency for the degradation of azo dyes in-
The selection of suitable ozone flow rate for the degradation of tar- creases with reaction time[22]. With an increase in initial dye concen-
get pollutant is very important for the optimization of ozone utilization. tration, the time required for complete decolorization increases gradu-
The increase in ozone dose enhances the driving force for the transfer ally [152]. It was observed that with an increase in ozone concentration,
of ozone to the effluent, thereby, increasing the generation of hydroxyl degradation of azo dyes increases with reaction time [22]. It is found
radicals which ultimately enhances degradation efficiency and miner- that wastewater biodegradability increases with ozonation time.
alization rate for organics [15]. Nawaz et al. [35] found that the TOC
removal rates were 50.6%, 79.5%, and 85.2% with 10, 20, and 50 mg/L 4. Application of ozonation to various industries
of ozone dosage respectively. Further increase in ozone dosage slightly
increased the removal rate of pollutants, but the effect was very limited. 4.1. Dairy industry
It could be stated that TOC removal rates increased with the increase of
ozone dosage but that did not mean the total mineralization of the pol- The dairy industry wastewaters are mainly produced from the clean-
lutant [35]. ing and washing operations in the milk processing plants. The charac-
An excess of ozone dose lowered the utilization efficiency of ozone. teristics of a dairy effluent contain temperature, color, pH (6.5–8.0),
The increase of the COD removal rate was insignificant when the ozone DO, BOD (80–95,000), COD (40–48,000), dissolved solids, suspended
dose of >1.86 mg/min was introduced [67]. Huang et al. [128] found solids, nutrients, oil, and grease [153]. Ozonation is an effective method
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

for COD and odor removal of dairy wastewater [154]. Sivrioglu et al. 4.4. Piggery wastewater
[155]obtained the highest COD removal efficiency (71%) at pH 12 for
ozonation of dairy wastewater due to accelerated ozone decomposition Kim et al. [163] studied the feasibility of ozonation as pretreatment
at elevated pH. Ozone is a highly effective disinfectant. It decomposes for better performance of microalgae-based wastewater remediation of
to nontoxic products thereby reducing the environmental impacts and highly colored piggery effluent. It was found that ozonation is efficient
costs of the company. Another advantage of the application of ozone in in the decolorization of colored piggery effluent and it also increases
food-processing operations is that ozone can be generated on-site and biodegradability by producing a large amount of low molecular and eas-
as opposed to conventional chemical sanitizers, it requires neither trans- ily degradable organics. Lee et al. [164] investigated the simultaneous
portation nor storage. removal of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria by ozone-based
advanced oxidation technology for the treatment of piggery wastewa-
ter. The performance of four different combinations of oxidation agents
was investigated, showing the order of removal rate as O3 < O3 /H2 O2
4.2. Hospital wastewater
< O3 /UV < O3/UV/H2 O2 for wastewater. It was found that the com-
bination of ozone/H2 O2 did not contribute significantly to antibiotics
Hospital wastewater includes a complex high percentage of recal-
degradation, whereas the application of O3 /UV enhanced the disinfec-
citrant micropollutants and there are no specific treatments have been
tion performance compared to UV alone.
investigated for the removal of these pollutants. Ozone as a disinfectant
can also effectively kill pathogens and viruses in hospital wastewater.
This is also a major advantage of ozone technology used in hospital 4.5. Pharmaceuticals wastewater
Aracil et al. [156] concluded that the direct ozonation of raw hos- Almomani et al. [165] found that the ozonation process is more ef-
pital wastewater is a technically and economically feasible treatment fective than other conventional oxidation processes (Cl2 and ClO2 ) in
process for the chemical abatement of particular cytostatic compounds, eliminating pharmaceuticals (antibiotics, estrogens, and neutral) and
antibiotics, and other dissolved organics present in hospital waters. It detoxification of the effluent wastewater. García-Araya et al. [123] con-
was found that the elimination yield for the cyclophosphamide (a cy- cluded that the O3 /UV-A/TiO2 oxidation system at pH 7 is effective for
tostatic compound) is 97%. The micropollutants present in the hospi- the diclofenac, a popular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pharmaceuti-
tal wastewater effluent such as phenols, aniline, thioethers, aromatics, cal drug removal from water. Martins et al. [66] studied the effect of
amines, pharmaceuticals could be efficiently (93%) eliminated at spe- catalytic systems on the degradation of pharmaceutical contaminants
cific ozone doses [157]. Kern et al. [158] studied photocatalytic ozona- like diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole. Authors observed that the use of
tion (UV/O3 /Fe2+ ) with Fe2+ concentration of 150 mg L − 1 for the ceramic catalyst Mn-Ce-O enhances COD removal but it had no signif-
toxicity removal of hospital laundry wastewaters and found that pho- icant impact on pharmaceutical removal when compared with single
tocatalytic ozonation using Fe2+ catalyst was efficient in reducing COD ozonation.
(59.1%), BOD5 (50.3%) and TKN (86.8%). Khan et al. [159] observed Kidak and Dog˘an [166] observed that ozonation alone in the degra-
that the degradation of pharmaceuticals present in hospital wastewater dation of amoxicillin, a common antibiotic drug resulted in 32% miner-
was comparatively low for the O3 /H2 O2 process as compared to ozona- alization but the final solution contained intermediates with high toxi-
tion alone so the addition of hydrogen peroxide along with the ozone city. Ozonation coupled with ultrasound resulted in a high degradation
for the removal of pharmaceuticals is not efficient as compared to the rate, high mineralization (45%), and lower toxicity by less toxic interme-
ozone alone treatment. diates [166]. Liu et al. [167] explored visible light photocatalytic ozona-
tion using bismuth vanadate (BiVO4 ) as a catalyst for the degradation of
penicillin, a representative contaminant in pharmaceutical wastewater.
The authors found a TOC removal rate over 71.4% and obtained a syn-
4.3. Petrochemical wastewater
ergy index of 2.8 indicating a better positive synergistic effect between
ozonation and photocatalysis. Yang et al. [168] used WO3 materials as
Petrochemical wastewater includes significant amounts of recalci-
catalysts in visible light photocatalytic ozonation for the mineralization
trant contaminants like aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, inorganic
of cephalexin, an extensively used macromolecular antibiotic, widely
dissolved salts, phenolic substances, nutrients, and solids which are usu-
found in pharmaceutical wastewater. Authors concluded that O3 effi-
ally environmentally toxic. Ozonation decomposes or mineralize the
ciently traps the photoelectron upon WO3 , and consequently more holes
refractory organic contaminants and improved the biodegradability of
with higher oxidizing ability are released in photocatalytic ozonation.
petrochemical wastewater. It was observed that the ozonation of petro-
chemical wastewater declined the concentration of heavy metals such as
Pb As, Cd, and Cr existed in the petrochemical wastewater. It was most 4.6. Municipal wastewater
possible that these heavy metals were oxidized into insoluble oxides pre-
cipitate by ozone [160]. Huang et al. [160] studied the catalytic ozona- Conventional aerobic treatment methods are inadequate for the re-
tion of petrochemical wastewater using a nickel-iron foam catalyst. They moval of recalcitrant organics present in municipal wastewater. The
found 61% DOC removal and 96% TOC removal at 110 gL−1 catalyst application of ozonation for municipal wastewater treatment has been
dosage, 10.2 mgL−1 ozone concentration after 120 min reaction time in demonstrated as a promising technology for the removal of a large
wide pH range (4–10). Ahmadi et al. [161] studied catalytic ozonation number of trace organic compounds such as pharmaceuticals, personal
of petrochemical wastewater using carbon-impregnated by iron oxide care products, and endocrine disruptors present in secondary wastewa-
(PAC@Fe3 O4 ) catalyst. Authors found 75.3% COD, 50.3% TOC removal ter effluents and the improvement of water quality [169]. Vatankhah
using 0.45 g L − 1 catalyst dosage, pH 5 and 0.1 gh−1 ozone dosage af- et al. [170] found enhanced removal of micropollutants in munici-
ter 120 min catalytic ozonation. It is well known that ozone breakdown pal wastewater effluent using simultaneous ozone and granular acti-
large molecules into smaller ones. It was observed that ozonation can vated carbon (O3 /GAC) process. Ozonation was economically competi-
change organics molecular size [162]. Wu et al. [162] treated petro- tive with photo-Fenton as the investment cost of the solar field is offset
chemical wastewater using ozonation and biological aerated filter. Au- by the operating cost of ozonation [171]. Farzaneh et al. [172] stud-
thors found that after ozonation the organics with large molecular size ied the removal of ibuprofen and gemfibrozil from treated sewage ef-
(>30k) decreased to 12% while the percentage of small molecular size fluent by ozonation and ozone/hydrogen peroxide (O3 /H2 O2 ). It was
(<1k) organics increased to 67%. found that 100% removal of gemfibrozil and 80% ibuprofen removal
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

were achieved using an ozone dosage of 1.5 mg/L with an O3 :H2 O2 ra- toxicity reduction of Reactive Black 5, with increased mineralization
tio of 1:0.25 in the O3 /H2 O2 process. King et al. [173] concluded that and biodegradability.
ozonation was an effective process for the removal of pesticides, heavy Ozonation in combination with aerobic biological treatment resulted
metals, and viruses from reverse osmosis concentrate generated during in a more feasible system for color removal, total organic carbon, chem-
potable reuse of municipal wastewaters. ical oxygen demand, and toxicity reduction. Also, it was found that the
Tang et al. [174] found that ozonation with a dose of 10 mg/l com- combined approach not only allowed the better achievement of decol-
pletely removed genotoxicity. Ozonation was found to change chemical orization and biodegradability efficiency but also contributed towards
aliphatic carbon and C–O of dissolved organic matter which might be reducing treatment costs. Castro et al. [185] studied the feasibility of ad-
the reason for a significant decrease of specific ultraviolet absorbance vanced oxidation processes and biological treatment for cotton textile
and genotoxicity. It can be concluded from the literature that the toxi- effluent containing benzidine-derived azo dyes. It was observed that the
city of municipal wastewater is reduced significantly during photocat- ozonation technique is probably better for decolorization than the other
alytic ozonation [115,119]. The photocatalytic ozonation is effective in advanced oxidation processes such as Fenton, photo-Fenton, UV/TiO2
reducing recalcitrant pollutants to meet the set standard for wastewater [185]. However, Cardoso et al. [110] observed that the bubbling reactor
discharge (COD). However further tests on microbiological quality and with an ozone system resulted in reduced energy consumption compared
toxicity studies may be required to make water fit for human consump- to a combination of ozone with photocatalysis or photo-electrocatalysis
tion [119]. [110].
Eldein et al. [186] observed that H2 O2 /UV can compete with ozona-
tion when the treatment goal was decolorization textile dye effluent
4.7. Surfactant wastewater
only; however ozonation was more cost-effective when mineralization
was desired. O3 /Fe (II) process was found to be more effective compared
The surfactants are used in the formulation of detergents and are
with O3 and O3 /UV processes in the decolorization of azo dyes [22].
recalcitrant. The effectiveness of ozonation depended on the chemical
structure of the surfactant molecule. Ozonation attack the aromatic ring
4.9. Tannery wastewater
present in surfactants thus improving the biodegradation of surfactant
Tannery wastewaters may contain considerable amounts of bio re-
Utrilla et al. [176] found that 55% of surfactant dodecyl benzene
fractory organics, so that applying biological treatment alone may
sulfonate was removed by consecutive use of ozonation and biodegra-
not yield adequate COD removal efficiencies to meet discharge stan-
dation. Ozonation did not significantly mineralize the organic matter
dards. Such cases necessitate the use of an advanced chemical oxida-
however the performance of the system can be increased by consecutive
tion method such as ozonation along with biological treatment for re-
use of ozonation and biodegradation as ozonation generates a molecule
moving color and the residual COD present in the wastewater [187].
with lower molecular weight favoring metabolism of the organic species
Sivagami et al. [187] concluded that a three-step process of coagula-
present by microorganism and their removal from the medium.
tion, aeration followed by ozonation as the best method of treatment of
Patil et al. [177] studied the intensification of ozonation by the addi-
tannery wastewater exhibiting 80–90% COD reduction. Kalyanaraman
tion of solid ZnO and CuO catalysts for the treatment of laundry wastew-
et al. [188] studied the biodegradation of tannins by ozonation. The au-
ater containing surfactants. The authors observed that the extent of
thors found that ozonation as pre-treatment increased the BOD5 /COD
degradation was increased with catalytic ozonation as compared to non-
ratio to 0.298 and resulted in 20% COD and 49% of total phenol removal
catalytic ozonation and obtained COD degradation of 89.3% at initial pH
due to mineralization.
of 9 and 0.1 g L − 1 of ZnO loading. Lechuga et al. [175] observed that
Table 7 represents the application of the ozone-based AOP for the
the ozonation of aqueous solution of non-ionic amine oxide-based sur-
treatment of various wastewaters.
factant causes the decrease of TOC but the mineralization degree is slow.
Arslan et al. [178] studied the removal of anionic surfactant sodium do-
4.10. Gas station wastewater
decyl sulfate (SDS) from aqueous solutions by the O3 /UV/H2 O2 process.
The authors found that an increase in the H2 O2 concentration resulted
Gas-stations usually consume large volumes of water in many activ-
in a decrease in SDS removal. Further SDS removal increased as pH in-
ities such as car washing, floor cleaning, toilet, cafeteria use, etc. The
conventional biological treatment processes do not completely remove
dissolved solids, detergents, and heavy metals of gas-station wastewa-
4.8. Textile industry wastewater ter. Emam [19] found that 91% of dissolved organic carbon removal
was achieved by the photocatalytic ozonation.
Dyes are widely used in the textile industry to color their prod-
ucts. Textile wastewaters contain variable compositions of colored dyes, 5. Economic aspect of the combined process
surfactants, and toxic chemicals. Discharge of textile wastewater to
the environment is very harmful to ecosystems as it is highly col- Treatment cost based on electric energy consumption plays an im-
ored. Due to low biodegradability of synthetic dyes, conventional bi- portant role in process economics. The cost for catalytic ozonation
ological method such as activated sludge is ineffective to degrade mainly depends on the power consumption for ozone generation. The
dyes satisfactorily [179]. Ozone was very effective for color removal ozone consumption was normalized by the COD removal efficiency as
[180,20,181]. Nakhate et al. [182] investigated catalytic ozonation us- Eq. (42) [143]
ing copper-doped zinc oxide for the treatment of real textile wastewa-
ΔCO3 ⋅ Q ⋅ T
ter. The authors found that Cu-doped ZnO removed 89% of COD within 𝐴= (42)
30 min. Shokouhi et al. [183] obtained enhanced color and COD re-
moval for activated carbon catalyzed ozonation of Reactive Blue azo where A is the normalized ozone consumption (mg O3 /mg COD); ΔCO3
dye in aqueous saline solution against single ozonation. Bilińska et al. is the difference between inlet and outlet ozone concentrations (mg/L);
[184] compared several ozone-based AOPs (e.g. O3 , O3 /UV, O3 /H2 O2 , Q is the ozone flow rate (L/min); T is the reaction time(min); ΔCCOD is
and O3 /UV/H2 O2 ) processes in terms of their effectiveness in remov- the difference between inlet and outlet COD concentrations (mg/L); V
ing Reactive Black 5 industrial textile wastewater. Authors found that is the volume of the reactor (L).
O3 or O3 combined with a moderate concentration of H2 O2 (below Yang et al. [143] calculated unit cost for ozonation based on the fol-
0.005 M) were cost-effective processes and exhibited good color and lowing data. The inlet and outlet ozone concentration was 53.9mgL−1
C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

and 50.3mgL−1 respectively. The COD concentration (reactor vol. 0.5 L)

was reduced by ~20 mgL−1 after 5 min reaction at an ozone flow rate

García-Araya et al. [123]

of 2 Lmin−1 . The normalized ozone consumption of 3.6 mgO3/ mg COD

Shahmahdi et al. [193]

Shanthakumar. [196]
was obtained. The power consumption of the ozone generator is around

Li and Zhou, [192]

Beduk et al. [124]

Asgari et al. [191]

Aracil et al. [156]
16 kWh/kgO3 . Therefore, the unit cost for ozonation was around 0.14

Kim et al. [163]

Wu et al. [162]

Wu et al. [189]
Hu et al. [101]
Hu et al. [190]

Li et al. [194]

Li et al. [195]
USD/m3 assuming a 90% ozone utilization rate, and the local electric

Saranya and
Emam [19]
Emam [19]

charge as 0.10 USD/kWh. Malik et al. [16] concluded that combined

ozonation processes such as catalytic ozonation, photocatalytic ozona-
tion require less energy compared to O3 alone at the same pollutant
abatement levels due to the higher energy efficiency of ozonation and
Ozone dosage 2.2 mg/min; Catalyst Conc. 3 g; T 24 °C the synergism of combined treatment Nakhate et al. [197] concluded
that the O3 /Fenton process has higher treatment efficiency based on

Catalyst Conc. 200 g/L; O3 dosage 5 mg/min; pH 6.81

electrical energy consumption. The authors calculated the treatment
cost for Fenton, ozonation alone, and combined the O3 /Fenton process
Ozone 55.3 g/m3 ; pH 8; Reaction time 20 min
Ozone 1.5 mg/L; pH 9; Reaction time 30 min

based on energy cost involved to reduce undesired components (e.g.

Ozone 25 mg/L; Fe++ dosage 0.08 mmol/L

COD) and time to reduce the same. The authors reported that the re-
TiO2 Cons. 1.5 g/L; pH 7; Ozone 1 mg/L
Ozone 15 mg/L; Catalyst Conc. 0.3 g/L
Ozone 15 mg/L; Catalyst Conc. 0.3 g/L

Ozone 10 mg/L; Reaction time 4 min

quired energy for degradation of COD in landfill leachate was 0.525 kWh
for O3 /H2 O2 and 0.111 kWh for the O3 /Fenton process whereas for
ozonation alone it was 0.15 kWh. Although treatment cost required
1.5 g of O3 /g of COD; pH 7.6

based on power dissipation was found to be less in the case of the ozona-
tion process, the COD reduction capacity is found to be limited. Pillai
et al. [198] have shown that specific energy consumption for the treat-
ment of terephthalic acid wastewater using O3 , O3 /UV, O3 /H2 O2 /UV,
Ozone 1.1 mg/L

and O3 /Fe2+ was 31.3 kWhm−3 , 58.6 kWhm−3 , 32.1 kWhm−3 , and 21.3
kWhm−3 respectively where the COD removal efficiency was 43%, 53%,

45%, and 47% respectively which demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of

O3 /Fe2+ . Further O3 /Fe (II) process was found to be more cost-effective

compared with O3 and O3 /UV processes [22]. UV promotes degradation

by ozone, but it adds to the initial cost.
1.36 times greater COD removal efficiency than
99% decomposition of malathion & parathion

50% increase in light transmittance of liquid

100% diclofenac removal& 90% TOC removal

85.2% removal of pollutants with molecular

Conclusion and future perspective

100% removal of cytostatic compound

weight 10–20 KDa; 78% TOC removal

The ozone-based AOPs have been proved to be effective in detox-

ifying a wide range of industrial effluents, pharmaceutical products,
pesticide, and recalcitrant organics. The various ozone-based AOP
processes such as O3 /UV, O3 /H2 O2 , O3 /Fe(II), O3 /metal oxide cat-
68.37% TSS removal

86.6% TOC removal

78.7% TOC removal

Treatment efficiency

91% DOC removed

88% DOC removed

37% DOC removal

alyst, O3 /activated carbon, O3 /ultrasound, photocatalytic ozonation,

46% COD removal

60% COD removal

80% COD removal

sonolytic ozonation, O3 /Fenton are discussed and recent research based

on these AOPs is compiled. Future studies should be focused on the iden-
tification of reaction intermediates, development of rate expressions,
and identification of scale-up parameters.

The identification of reaction intermediates should be assisted by

Application of ozone based AOP for the treatment of various wastewaters.

chromatographic techniques such as GC and HPLC. With the use of

these techniques detailed description of reactions taking place during
Carbon aerogel supported copper oxide
Carbon aerogel supported cobalt oxide

the treatment process may be explored in detail. Sometimes interme-

diate/transformation products found to be more toxic than the parent
compounds, toxicity tests should be employed at various stages of treat-
MgO/CNT/Graphite composite

ment to check the toxicity effects of these compounds. Future studies

O3+ hydrogen peroxide
UV/O3 /activated carbon

should be focused on the cost-effectiveness of ozone-based AOP and

should explore the actual amount of energy consumed by using ozone-
Iron Shaving (Feo )

Fe based catalyst

based AOP over the other conventional treatment methods. It is neces-


O3 /TiO2 /UV-A

sary to carry out the more pilot-plant scale experiments with real indus-
Iron scrapes
TiO2 /O3 /UV
UV/O3 /TiO2

Fe shaving

trial wastewater for the identification of scale-up parameters.

Fe++ -BAF

The efficacious systems for the detection and destruction of ozone

are required for the safety of personnel in various processing plants as


exposure to ozone may cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat
whereas high ozone levels (up to 95 mg/L) can even have fatal effects
Pesticide ww (Atrizine)

on humans [2].
Pharmaceutical ww

Hybrid methods are economically viable techniques for the treat-

Petrochemical ww

Petrochemical ww
Textile dyeing ww

ww- wastewater.

ment of a wide range of industrial effluents. Also, the capital cost for
Gas Station ww
Gas Station ww

Municipal ww

Industrial ww
Pesticide ww

Pesticide ww

reactors and other accessories can be reduced because of the use of one
Hospital ww

Tannery ww
Piggery ww

Coking ww
Textile ww

reactor for simultaneous Fenton/UV/photocatalytic oxidation process

Table 7

and ozonation instead of two separate reactors. The use combined pro-
cess decreases the operational cost based on energy consumption, en-
hances OH• availability, and enhances treatment efficiency. The high

C.V. Rekhate and J.K. Srivastava Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 3 (2020) 100031

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