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1. “Clean as you go”. Each team is responsible for their designated benches. They should
clean their own bench during and after the game.
2. There will be (15) minutes grace time for the teams who arrives late. Then another Five
(5) minutes for their warm-ups. Exceeding time will automatically give the opposing
team of two (2) freethrows. The team will be disqualified if the players don't show up and
aren't prepared within five (5) minutes of warm-up.
3. Strict compliance with prescribed uniforms shall be implemented including coaches.
Players not wearing proper uniforms are not allowed to play.
4. Only Players, Coach and Brgy. Captains can seat on their designated benches otherwise
they will be forced to leave the bench. The Brgy. Kagawads have their own designated
seats beside their team bench.
5. Protest shall be made before or immediately after the game. The Captain ball or Coach
shall notify the table officials that the game is under protest and shall affix his signature
on the score sheet. A letter must be submitted to Mayors Cup secretariat within twenty-
four (24) hours to formalize the protest. After that, the letter will be inoperable/void.
6. Removable jewelry may not be worn during the game nor hats or glasses that hangs
below the collar.
7. No player shall play for more than one team during the tournament.
8. Unsportsmanlike behaviors (FIGHTING) shall be determined by the gravity of the
offense and upon a careful and thorough study of the official referees, a proper
recommendation will be submitted to the officials for corresponding sanctions or actions.
9. Basketball team and athletes found to be influence of drugs and intoxicating products will
be meted one game suspension. This rule includes tolerance of the coaching staff.

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