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Risk Management

Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

Risk risks and processes that impact on the

achievement of its objectives

Management The role of internal audit is also broader, to

and Internal become more of a facilitator to improve the

organisation's efficiency and effectiveness in

achieving its objectives, rather than focusing on
financial and compliance objectives.

Guidelines Why do I need to

What is internal be concerned
control? about internal

here is a renewed focus on internal
control around the world because of Internal control applies to the public sector as
numerous recent and public much as the private sector. Public sector executive
breakdowns in internal controls management are held accountable for the
affecting a variety of organisations. These resources under their control and the results that
breakdowns have resulted in financial losses as are achieved.
well as enormous loss of reputation and
customers. Internal control is the responsibility of everyone
in the organisation and is an integral part of all the
Internal control has been re-defined to become management processes, techniques and tools used
more compatible with the current business by an organisation to achieve its strategic
environment. Internal control is defined as: objectives.

Having recognised the importance of internal

control within the public sector, NSW Treasury
“a process, effected by an has produced:
organisation's Board of
Directors, Chief Executive u the "blue book”: Statement of Best Practice
Officer, senior management and Internal Control and Internal Audit, June
1995 ("the BPS"); and
other employees, designed to
provide reasonable assurance u the "white book”: Internal Control
regarding the achievement of the Assessment, July 1995
organisation's objectives.” to enable agencies to understand the broader view
of internal control and assist them in the
In effect, this means that by effectively implementation of an effective system of internal
implementing internal control, an organisation can control.
be reasonably assured of meeting its objectives
and managing its many operational, financial, Treasury intends these to be living documents.
legal and regulatory risks. Ongoing research overseas is continually
indicating improvements to internal control best
This is a much broader definition of internal practices. The documents will therefore be revised
control than the traditional one of focusing on and updated as new information becomes
financial controls and legal compliance, as it available.
incorporates the efficiency and effectiveness of all
of an organisation's operations and the associated

Risk Management
Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

What is the Risk u CEO's, senior management/executive teams,

covering the "Tone at the top" of the
Management and organisation;

Internal Control u line managers covering internal control

Assessment framework, control environment, analysis of

risks, establishment of controls, information
process? and communication and monitoring;
u internal audit groups.
The first enhancement of the BPS is the Risk
Management and Internal Control Assessment The matrix allows you to determine how effective
process, as spelt out in these guidelines. The your operations are from a control perspective by:
purpose of the process is to equip agencies to:
u comparing yourself against best practice;
u assess their agency's current internal control
u identifying areas for improvement.
practices against defined best practice;
u determine where they want to be in terms of Status Report and Response Sheets
their agency's internal control practices
compared to best practice; In addition to the matrix, you will find a set of
planning tools which include response sheets (in
u develop a plan for improving their agency's both individual and aggregate form) for each
internal control practices, focussing on section of the matrix and a blank Internal Control
known key success factors; System Status Report ("wheel"). These tools allow
u implement their plan so as to achieve real you to:
improvement in their agency's internal control
u score your agency's performance against the
best practice matrix definitions;
The process utilises three key self-assessment
u record your desired position on the matrix
tools: namely
status report ("wheel");
u the matrix (Volume 2); u compare your current with your desired
u status report and response sheets (Volume 3); position;
and u identify your priority areas for improvement.
u the strategies for improvement (Volume 1).
2. The Strategies for Improvement Tool
1. The Self-Assessment Matrix The Strategies for Improvement tool contains a
The matrix provides definitions of the actions and series of generic strategies based upon best
behaviour covered in each of the elements of practice internal control, as well as the risks
control identified in the BPS, as well as some associated with a lack of appropriate control. The
additional elements derived from the ongoing generic strategies are summarised into the
research (see next section for details). It has been following four main areas:
developed with active input from practising
u internal control leadership;
managers in the public sector and is designed
specifically to suit public sector situations. u HR mechanisms used to reinforce internal
The matrix is divided into 3 major segments, that
are designed for use by: u accountability for internal control;
u business and control process supports.

Risk Management
Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

The generic strategies may be adapted to allow Responsibility for an organisation's self
you to develop strategies specific to your assessment process can be delegated to an internal
organisation, to assist you to move towards best project manager, or alternatively consultants can
practice. be used to provide additional objectivity.

How can risk Whether handled by an internal project manager,

or external consultant, there are certain
management and competencies required:

internal control u in depth knowledge of the Committee of

assessment help Sponsoring Organisations of Treadway

Commission (COSO) framework, Treasury
me? Guidelines, with internal audit being placed
in context
This process will assist you in evaluating the u credibility and standing with the senior
current effectiveness of your operations from a management group, to be able to challenge
control perspective, allow you to compare the status quo of present operations
yourself against best practice and/or the
organisation's desired position, and enable you to u facilitation skills in resolution of divergent
develop specific strategies for improvement to opinions, project management, and
attain these targets. influencing participation
The rationale behind improving internal control u general business orientation is preferable to
practices is clearly spelt out in the BPS "blue internal audit in the project management role
book", which presents the business case for in order to ensure a breadth of thinking.
In terms of sharing information and learning from
Internal control, by definition, is a comprehensive, each other, plans are being explored to establish a
fully integrated approach to assessing, limiting, network through which people could exchange
monitoring and controlling any risks that impact experience and success stories across the sector.
on an agency's capacity to perform against its As an extension of this, there could be
corporate objectives. opportunities to aggregate data from a number of
agencies and provide comparisons of one
In today's environment of increasing organisation to the composite.
accountability and responsibility, non

What are the

performance cannot be justified by the occurrence
of risks that could have been reasonably predicted.

Why self- elements covered

in the Risk
assessment? Management and
For it to work, internal control has to be owned by Internal Control
the organisation. For this reason, the guidelines
have been designed purely for organisation use as
a self-assessment process.
There will be no central control or reporting over
the information; it is therefore in each The assessment process can examine the entire
organisation's own best interests as to how, and range of control elements, or address only a subset
how honestly, they choose to use the matrix. of these. The full set of elements and the
individual components within those elements is
listed below.

Risk Management
Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

Description Control component/element

Tone at the Top

u General understanding of senior management's u Attitude to internal control
culture and approach to internal control u Responsibility for internal control
u Linkage with strategic objectives
u Timely and relevant information
u Integrity and ethics
u Internal and external audit
u Audit committees
u Management monitoring

Internal Control Framework

u Understanding of and responsibility for internal u Definition of internal control
control within the organisation u Responsibility
u Management processes
u Perception of internal audit

Control Environment
u Management and staff internal control practices u Skills and experience
that safeguard the achievement of organisation u Management information
objectives. u Integrity and ethics
u Perception of internal control
u Reporting of significant deficiencies

Analyse Risks
u Assessment and management of risks that could u Functions and tasks
jeopardise the achievement of organisation u Assess risks
objectives u Manage risks

Establish Controls
u Incorporation of internal control principles and u Control procedures
practices into all other organisation systems

Information and Communication

u Adequacy of information and communication u Information
channels for transmitting and collecting business u Communication
- related data

u Management's procedures for reviewing the u Monitoring
effectiveness of the internal control system

Internal Audit
u The role and responsibilities of internal audit in u Roles, responsibilities and strategies
enforcing compliance with internal control u Competency and performance measurement
within the organisation u Co-ordination with other review functions

Risk Management
Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

Using the self- u surveys

assessment matrix - covering the practice of internal control as

experienced by staff;

- recording attitudes of different groups within the

The self-assessment matrix can be used at various organisation to internal control.
levels and areas within the organisation; for
example, with: For each technique, you can use the matrix as it
stands or adapt and simplify it for your purposes.
u the CEO and senior executive group (covering You may decide to cover all elements of the
Tone at the Top); matrix, or only selected elements.

u line management / operational staff (covering

the control framework and practices, including
Recording your assessment
perceptions of internal audit and senior There are two response tools:
management's approach to internal control);
u the individual response sheet; and
u internal audit staff (covering Internal Audit).
u the aggregate response sheet, which is then
Project management transferred onto the organisation's internal
control system status report (the "wheel").
If your self-assessment process is extensive,
covering many groups and levels, you will need to The individual response sheet allows for each
identify a special project manager to co-ordinate person to assess the organisation on the relevant
the process and consolidate the information. To factors of the matrix, recording that assessment on
provide appropriate leadership and to ensure that the 1 (basic) to 4 (best practice) continuum.
an overall agency perspective is maintained,
project management responsibility should be The aggregate response sheet enables individual
assigned to senior management. Either way they responses to be collated to provide an assessment
will be acting as the agent for the CEO, who must for the organisation as a whole. This overall
be seen to drive the overall assessment. They could assessment can then be charted on the "wheel" (see
be involved in selecting candidates for page 15).
participation in the self-assessment, facilitating this
process, establishing a steering committee to The key factors for a successful self-
oversee the project, and co-ordinating and
managing the project on a day – to – day basis. assessment are:
u active CEO commitment and involvement in
Gathering the self-assessment data the process

There are various techniques you can use to gather u clearly assigned responsibility to CEO's agent
the self-assessment data, namely: to carry out the project

u interviews u adequate briefing/education of assessees in the

principles and content of internal control
- involving collaboration between interviewer and
interviewee to discuss each question and record u non-punitive approach to self-assessment
the appropriate response
outcomes within the organisation; this applies
particularly to differing views that may be
u workshops
expressed by senior management and
- with the added benefit of achieving consistent operational staff.
understanding across all assessees, and allow
different group techniques to be applied

Risk Management
Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

Internal audit has a role to play in terms of In addition to defining and agreeing the objectives
assessing its own role and functions; being and scope of the work to be performed, it will be
independently assessed and receiving feedback necessary to gather key statistics, background
from other assessors on its operations and information and performance indicators.
contribution to the business; and possibly in co-
ordinating the organisation's planning for future
improvement. Step 2 - Conduct self-assessment
This is where the bulk of the work is done.
Alternatively, if such resources are not available
Interviews, workshops and surveys can be used to
within the organisation, specialist consultants may
gather the data on organisation performance
be engaged to assist in the conduct and
against the matrix. This is then aggregated to form
management of the project.
an overall picture of your organisation.
There is, of course, no hard and fast rule as to who
Depending on the extent of differences in the self
in the organisation, and how many, should
assessment, this process of aggregating responses
complete the matrix. The selection of candidates
may require a workshop to air differences and
for self-assessment will vary on the circumstances
reach some form of consensus wherever possible.
of the individual organisation, depending on a
number of factors, including the size of the Differences of opinion between different groups
organisation, number of business units, and the and levels are important and need to be noted,
existing level of awareness of internal control in questioned, justified and resolved. These
relation to best practice. Assessments can be differences may be based on different experiences
carried out across the whole organisation or in of the internal control process or on different
business units; and at senior management, middle interpretations of the wording. Discussion of
management and operational staff levels. differences is a healthy practice and one that raises
consciousness of the importance and value of
A step - by - step approach to using the self-
internal control. Documentation or other
assessment matrix and tools
corroborating evidence, both in terms of policy and
practice, will be important in resolving these
The recommended approach for conducting the
control self-assessment is shown in the diagram on
page 16. Each phase of the approach is described
Use the matrix, the response sheets and the wheel
to record your self-assessments.

Step 1 - Plan and prepare Optional Step - Compare to other

This step predominantly deals with deciding how, agencies/benchmarks
where and with whom you want to apply the self
assessment process. Understanding the rationale In the event that a database is established, your
for individual involvement and responsibility in the organisation record could be added to the database
internal control self-assessment is a critical success and the comparative profiles mapped. In
factor in identifying actions that will add value and comparing organisations it is important to define
contribute to the organisation performance. The the key organisational attributes: any comparison
people responsible for internal control also need to should be with like organisations.
set indicative goals for this process in the
organisation - these will vary from organisation to Comparing your organisation with other like
organisation, depending on the nature of the organisations or with broad benchmark data is a
environment and the risks faced plus the resources useful, though not a necessary, step in the process.
available. This can take the form of a comparative diagram
using the Internal Control System Status Report (or

Risk Management
Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

Step 3 - Refine internal control goals Step 5 - Develop action plans for
The indicative goals set in Step 1 now need to be
refined. Goals will vary for the different elements Using the Strategies for Improvement tool
of internal control, depending on the existing levels provided, you need to adapt these generic
of performance. risk profile and key processes strategies to your organisation's purpose and
applying in your organisation. For example, you situation, based on the action priorities identified in
may want to be at "Best Practice" for the Control Step 4.
Environment element, though you are prepared to
accept a lower level in terms of the Information Action plans should be simple and focused on
and Communication element. improving internal control performance in line
with organisation strategic objectives. Reporting
Use the -wheel- for recording goals. should cover:

u confirmed organisation internal control

Step 4 - Analyse performance gaps
The gaps between performance and agreed
organisation goals for internal control have to be u priority action areas for improvement
established so that priorities can be set for action
planning consistent with the organisation's overall u organisation- specific pragmatic actions and
strategic objectives. strategies

Use the "wheel" to highlight gaps and indicate u an implementation plan including
priorities. responsibilities and timetable.

This will show the key strengths and areas for

improvement for internal control within your

Risk Management
Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

Risk Management
Internal Control Risk Management and Internal Control Guidelines

Approach to Risk Management and

Control Assessment
Review points Key activities Key outputs

Step 1 w Ensure objectives, scope w Define objectives w Documented and agreed

and approach for the self- objectives, scope and
Plan and prepare assessment are agreed
w Select candidates for self- approach for self-
w Agree scope and approach w Key statistics
(interview/ workshop/
survey) w Indicative goals
w Identify indicative internal
control goals
w Complete key statistics

Step 2 w Ensure quality, accuracy w Brief self-assessment w Completed self-assessments

and completeness of self- candidates
Conduct self- assessments
w Agency profile highlighting
w Complete self-assessments group differences
assessment (interview/ workshop/
w Review and verify self-
w Collate self-assessments
and calculate agency profile
w Prepare profile graphics

Optional Step w Input agency profile into w Comparative profile

Compare to other
w Calculate comparative
agencies profile and generate graphic

Step 3 w Ensure profile and w Review indicative goals w Confirmed agency goals for
comparative profile are from Step 1 internal control
Refine internal representative of self-
w Confirm agency goals for
control goals assessments
internal control

Step 4 w Ensure areas for w Identify priority areas for w Priority areas for internal
improvement are identified improvement against control improvement
Analyse and strengths highlighted internal control goals

Step 5 w Ensure strategies for w Review generic strategies w Report covering:

improvement are for improvement - strategies for improvement
Develop action determined
w Develop agency strategies - implementation issues
plans for improvement - action plan
w Identify barriers to
w Prepare action plans


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