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Alicia Joybringer

The Ruby Rose Priestess


Alicia was born in one of the Sharess summer solstice celebrations. She had no
parents per se, as she was raised by a community of Lliira’s followers in the south of
Western Heartlands called Arcadia.

A world of pureness and beauty was all Alicia ever knew, having good relationship
with elves and all the living beings that surrounded her and her people she never had
to struggle much to survive. She learned a bit of elven language and crafts by
coexisting with them and is able to create beautiful trinkets out of stones, metal and
twine. Alicia also experimented a variety of elven extracts that have curious effects on
humans and learned how to synthesize some of them.

She created deep bonds with a woman in her community, an old priestess of the
Sune’s order which inspired her to look for this order and become a server of the
goddess herself. She was 18 when she finally decided to part away and travel to
Waterdeep to begin her journey as a priest of the Ruby Rose.

Through intensive training at the shrine, Alicia progressed in the combative arts, far
from being talented she had to work hard to achieve the excellence level that her
mentors expected. Having a more academical background than a practical one she
devoted long hours to the study of the History of Faerun as well as the ability to heal
and restore the beauty in the world.

Because of her studies and because she was living in the troubled Waterdeep Alicia
couldn’t let herself drown for any longer in the comforts and pleasures of the shrine.
Seeing how full of hatred, darkness and fear the world was she got determined that’s
her quest to spread the dogmas of Sune bringing beauty and joy wherever she goes.
Useful information
About Sune:

Beauty is more than skin deep. It issues from the core of one’s being and
reveals one’s true face to the world, fair or foul. Believe in romance, as
true love will win over all. Follow your heart to your true destination. Love
none more than yourself except Sune, and lose yourself in love of the
Lady Firehair. Perform a loving act each day, and seek to awaken love in
others. Respond to love at least once a day. Encourage beauty wherever
you find it. Acquire beautiful items of all sorts, and encourage, sponsor,
and protect those who create them. Keep your own body as comely as
possible and as attractively displayed as situations warrant. Let hairstyle
and clothing best suit your personal appearance, striving to stir and
delight others who look upon you. Moreover, hide not away, but always
seek to present yourself to those around you in a pleasing variety of
garbs and activities so as to move them with love and desire. Love those
who respond to your appearance, and let warm friendship and
admiration flower where love cannot or dares not.

About Lliira: Her priests and priestess are the apple of her eye. They are
called "joy bringers". With the job of leadership and plan-makers of
festivals. Followers of Lliira are called Lliirans and wear brightly colored
outfits, and dress themselves with rubies and sapphires. They are known
for always having a smile on their lips, and it is unheard of to see one with
a frown.
Allies & Organizations:
- Sune’s Waterdeep temple
- Western Heartlands’ Arcadia Commune
- She might find some elves or humans from the time she was living in
Arcadia as lots of like minded people traveled to her comuna to live with
them for short spans of time, including elves (that had a different
perception of short)

Personality traits:
Alicia has only very few adventures under her belt and is still prone for
being manipulated as she doesn’t expect perversity from people. She’s
very innocent in this sense but will learn fast as she knows what people
are capable of from her studies.
She’s very happy and tries her best to bring happiness to the people
around her.
She’s very shallow in what concernes beauty and believes that if
something is ugly is intrinsically bad and evil. However what Sune’s
followers consider beautiful it’s prone to a very open interpretation. For
the beginning of Alicia’s history she’ll be Charisma driven and she might
either despise everything or anyone that doesn’t have a lot of it or try to
help them to become more beautiful (but I think it’d be cool to have an
arch that teaches her about inner beauty! Also, I’ll try to be not too picky
on this characteristic as I don’t feel super comfortable interpreting an
ass :p).
Alicia will spend her money without worrying if it’s too much if she thinks
something is beautiful, be it a street presentation, clothes, trinkets,
paintings […].
She knows how to dance and sing and is a bit of an entertaining herself.
Given her hippie like background she’s very free spirit and might do
things that are not expected in normal social interactions.

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