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MODULE 1 2. Logic leads to the formation of a reasonable human being.
THE PRACTICE OF LOGIC Being superior to other animals because of reason, logic helps
in the formation of truly reasonable human beings.
As a discipline, logic is defined as the study of the different 3. Logic tends to perfect man‟s gift of natural logic. Natural
methods and principles used in distinguishing correct from logic (or common sense) is trained and sharpened to reach its
incorrect arguments (Copi and Cohen, 1998). With this fullness by the science and art of logic.
definition, it follows that logic tests the correctness of an
argument through formal methods, criteria, and techniques. MODULE 2
As a field of learning, logic is one of the major branches of Contrary to popular belief, an argument is not a quarrel or
philosophy. The term philosophy comes from the Greek words dispute. It refers to a form of reasoning wherein one or more
“philos”, meaning love, and “sophia”, meaning wisdom. propositions are offered as support, justification, grounds,
Philosophy, therefore, means love of wisdom. reasons, or evidence for another proposition.

Among the other branches of philosophy are: Proposition refers to the meaning of a sentence that makes
1. Cosmology 5. Theodicy a claim, that is, a statement that can either be true or false.
2. Ethics 6. Epistemology Arguments are made up of propositions. If words are the
3. Metaphysics 7. Social Philosophy basic elements of a sentence, propositions are the basic
4. Aesthetics elements of any argument.

Scholars sometimes define logic as the “science of correct A proposition is normally expressed in a declarative sentence.
reasoning” (De Leon, 2003) or the “science of law of This is so because declarative sentences are good for declaring
thought”. This is due to the idea that since it deals with the that things are so or not so. For example:
correctness of arguments, it likewise deals with thought or 1. The current president of the Republic of the Philippines
thinking, one way or another. Actually, etymologically speaking, is bald.
logic comes from the Greek word logike, meaning “thought”, However, the following sentences do not express a proposition:
“reason”, or “discourse”. However, unlike Psychology--- a 2. Is the current president bald?
discipline which also deals with thinking and reasoning--- Logic 3. Shut up and find me a short president.
is more prescriptive. It prescribes how people should think 4. Oh my, oh my! I really find bald presidents to be so cute.
and reason as opposed to Psychology being descriptive (it
describes how people do think or reason). Consider the Observe that Sentence 1 can either be true or false but not
argument below: Sentence 2, 3, and 4. Sentence 4 is a declarative sentence
but functions as expressive, that is, it conveys a value
“Regardless of culture, religion, or ideology, all statement which means it is highly subjective or personal.
humanity, throughout the ages, believes that killing
an innocent human being is morally wrong. Now, who Thus, interrogative sentences (i.e. questions), imperative
could deny that a human fetus is an innocent human sentences (i.e. commands), and emotive/expressive sentences
being? Since abortion kills innocent human fetuses, (i.e. expressions) do not usually convey propositions because
abortion, therefore, in the eyes of all humanity, they cannot be assessed to be either true or false.
regardless of culture, religion, or ideology, is morally
wrong”. Simply put, all propositions are sentences but not vice versa.
A question, exclamation, wish, command, or plea is a sentence
In this argument, logic is concerned whether it is correct or but does not express any judgement. Note: Judgement is the
not, whether it is valid or sound, whether it follows the act of the intellect by which the agreement or disagreement
correct rules or not. It is not in the interest of logic to find of two ideas is pronounced.
out why the person uttered such argument. The question of
why falls in the domain of Psychology or Ethics or even Moral For example, if the ideas “man” and “mortal being” are
Theology. Logic is only interested with the structure of compared and found to be in agreement with each other, the
arguments. mind pronounces “Man is mortal”. On the other hand, if it does
not, then the mind pronounces “Man is not mortal”.
Logic has very practical applications, touching on basically all STRUCTURE OF PROPOSITIONS
aspects of human life. A simple proposition has this structure:
1. Logic contributes to the quality of human life. Logic aims to
develop the powers of intelligence, reason, and will necessary SUBJECT COPULA PREDICATE

for the cultivation and enrichment of the human condition.

The SUBJECT of a proposition is the matter that is being Meanwhile, a particular proposition has a particular
described by the PREDICATE. The COPULA connects or links quantifier. It has a subject that includes only a part or
the subject with the predicate. A single proposition has portion of a whole class of things. For example:
necessarily one subject, predicate, and copula.
Some green things are grass.
Adoption is legal. Certain cities are amazing
Several philosophers are geniuses
Few politicians are lawyers
Subject Copula Predicate
Combining the quantity and quality, propositions can be
classified under the following with their corresponding
There are two types of propositions according to quality: symbolic representation:
Affirmative Proposition and Negative Proposition. Universal Affirmative Proposition
(with universal quantifier and affirmative copula) – A
A proposition is affirmative if its copula is expressed as
affirmative, meaning it unites the subject and the predicate. Universal Negative Proposition
When the copula separates the subject and the predicate, (with universal quantifier and negative copula) – E
then, the copula is negative and the proposition is a Negative Particular Affirmative Proposition
Proposition. For example: (with particular quantifier and affirmative copula) – I
Particular Negative Proposition
Affirmative Proposition – Man is a rational being. (with particular quantifier and negative copula) – O

Negative Proposition – Man is not a rational being. Examples:

Universal Affirmative Proposition (A)
In special instances, copula modifiers or simply modifiers are All idiots are slow learners.
also included before the subject or after the copula. This could
change the function of the copula and therefore, the quality Particular Affirmative Proposition (I)
of the proposition. Some policemen are rich.

Composite Proposition: Universal Negative Proposition (E)

No transparencies are plastic.

MODIFIER SUBJECT COPULA PREDICATE Particular Negative Proposition (O)

Some honest people are not married.
Examples: No man is perfect.
Sometimes honesty is not the best policy. MODULE 3
A self-sufficing man is an island. OPPOSITION OF PROPOSITIONS

Modal Proposition: Logical Opposition, otherwise known as Aristotelian Square or

the Square of Opposition refers to the agreement or
disagreement of the propositions in reference to quality and
quantity. It refers to the relationship among A, E, I, and O
Examples: Man is not necessarily mortal.
Figure 1. The Square of Opposition
Aside from quality, a proposition can also be classified
according to quantity. The two types of proposition based on
quantity are Universal and Particular propositions.

A universal proposition is a proposition having a universal

quantifier. It has a subject that includes all indefinite and
singular ideas. For example:

All my brothers are athletes.

An eagle is a flying bird.
Every vegetable is nutritious.
The wisest man here is me.
1. Contrary. Propositions having the same subject and the
same predicate, having the same universal quantity but they
differ in quality. (i.e. A and E) I is False O is True
All lawyers are dishonest: No lawyer is dishonest. A is False
All dogs are mammals: No dog is a mammal. E is True

2. Sub-contrary. Propositions having the same subject and O is True A is False

the same predicate, having the same particular quantity but E is Doubtful
they differ in quality. (i.e. I and O) I is Doubtful
Some CEFIzens are nice: Some CEFIzens are not nice
Some cars are red: Some cars are not red O is False A is True
3. Contradictory. Propositions having the same subject and E is False
the same predicate differ in quality and in they differ in I is True
quantity. (i.e. A and O or E and I)
All lawyers are honest : Some lawyers are not honest Examples:
No CEFIzen is patriotic : Some CEFIzens are patriotic 1. All robots are irrational. (True)
Contrary: No robot is irrational. (False)
4. Sub-altern. Propositions having the same subject and the Sub-Contrary: Not applicable
same predicate, having the same quality but they differ in Contradictory: Some robots are not irrational. (False)
quantity. (i.e. A and I or E and O) Sub-altern: Some robots are irrational. (True)
All lawyers are dishonest : Some lawyers are dishonest
No CEFIzen is patriotic : Some CEFIzens are not patriotic 2. Some cops are alert. (True)
Contrary: Not applicable
Rules Governing Oppositions Sub-Contrary: Some cops are not alert. (Doubtful)
1. Contrary Contradictory: No cop is alert. (False)
a. Can not be both true Sub-altern: All cops are alert (Doubtful)
b. May be both false
2. Sub-contrary MODULE 4
a. Can not be both false LOGICAL EQUIVALENCE
b. May be both true
3. Contradictory Logical equivalence, also known as eduction, is the
a. Can not both be true formulation of a new proposition by interchanging the subject
b. Can not both be false and the predicate of a given proposition or by using or
4. Sub-altern removing negatives. It is a process of restating a given
a. If the universal is true, the particular is true proposition without changing its meaning. It is one of the
b. If the universal is false, the particular is doubtful major types of immediate inference, a process of reasoning
c. If the particular is true, the universal is doubtful wherein the mind derives a new proposition from an existing
d. If the particular is false, the universal is false proposition, with no new truth created.

Summary of Logical Opposition Forms of Eduction

A is True E is False 1. CONVERSION. It is a form of eduction which consists of
I is True inter-changing the position of the subject and the predicate
O is False of the given proposition. The given proposition is called the
convertend and the resulting proposition as converse.
A is False E is Doubtful
I is Doubtful a. Simple Conversion. A form of conversion without changing
O is True the quantity of the convertend.

E is True I is False Rules for Simple Conversion

O is True Step 1. Retain the quantity
A is False Step 2. Transpose the subject (it becomes the
predicate of the resulting proposition)
E is False I is True Step 3. Retain the copula
O is Doubtful Step 4. Transpose the predicate (it becomes the
A is Doubtful subject of the resulting proposition)

I is True O is Doubtful Examples:

A is Doubtful (E) No man is honest. ---------> (E) No honest is man.
( I ) Some cats are furry. ---------> ( I ) Some furry things Examples:
are cats. 1. All females are emotional (A)
Obvert the given proposition: No females are non-emotional
b. Accidental Conversion. A form of conversion which is done by Convert the obverse: No non-emotional is a female
changing the quantity of the convertend, i.e., from universal, Obvert the converse: All non-emotional are non-females
it becomes particular. It can only be applied to Universal
Affirmative propositions or A. 2. Some writers are not prolific (O)
Obvert the given proposition: Some writers are non-prolific
Rules for Accidental Conversion Convert the obverse: Some non-prolific are writers
Step 1. Change the quantity (from universal to Obvert the converse: Some non-prolific are not non-writers
Step 2. Transpose the subject (it becomes the Synopsis of Contraposition
predicate of the resulting proposition) 1. Contraposition of A is A 3. Contraposition of O is O
Step 3. Retain the quality. 2. Contraposition of E is O 4. No contraposition of I
Step 4. Transpose the predicate (it becomes the
subject of the resulting proposition) 4. INVERSION. It is form of eduction that goes through a
Example: series of obversion and conversion. The original proposition is
(A) All pregnant are females. -----------> ( I ) Some females called the invertend; the new formulation derived from the
are pregnant. invertend is called inverse. Among the four types of
Synopsis of Conversion propositions, only A or Universal Affirmative is qualified for
1. The conversion of E is E (Simple Conversion) inversion.
2. The conversion of I is I (Simple Conversion)
3. The conversion of A is I (Accidental Conversion)
4. There can be no conversion of O Rules of Inversion
Step 1. Obvert the invertend
2. OBVERSION. It is a form of eduction which consists in Step 2. Convert the obverse
changing affirmative proposition into negative proposition , or Step 3. Obvert the converse
vice versa. The given proposition is called obvertend and the Step 4. Convert the obverse
resulting proposition is called obverse.
Rules of Obversion All physicians are doctors (A)
Step 1. Retain the quantity of the obvertend Obvert the invertend : No physicians are non-doctors
Step 2. Retain the subject of the obvertend Convert the obverse : No non-doctors are physicians
Step 3. Change the copula (quality) of the obvertend Obvert the converse : All non-doctors are non-physicians
Step 4. Contradict or negate the predicate of the obvertend Convert the obverse: Some non-physicians are non-doctors.
(A) All books are readable ---------> (E) No book is non- No aliens are voters (E)
readable. Obvert the invertend : All aliens are non-voters
(E) No fish is carnivorous ----------> (A) All fishes are non- Convert the obverse : Some non-voters are aliens
carnivorous Obvert the converse : Some non-voters are not non-aliens
( I ) Some ladies are pretty -----------> (O) Some ladies are Convert the obverse : INVALID / Not Applicable
not non-pretty Some politicians are religious ( I )
(O) Some dogs are not furry ----------> ( I ) Some dogs are Obvert the invertend : Some politicians are not non-religious
non-furry Convert the obverse : INVALID / Not Applicable

Synopsis of Obversion MODULE 5

1. The obversion of A is E 3. The obversion of I is O REASONING
2. The obversion of E is A 4. The obversion of O is I
Reasoning is a mental act by which the agreement or
3. CONTRAPOSITION . It is a form of eduction which disagreement of two ideas is inferred from their known
requires a combination of obversion and conversion . The given relation to a third idea. It is an operation of the mind by
proposition is called the contraponend and the new formulation which a judgement is explicitly inferred from two other
is called the contraposit. judgements in which it is implicitly contained.

Rules of Contraposition Inference, on the other hand, is the drawing of conclusion

Step 1. Obvert the given proposition from one or more premises. It may be understood as the
Step 2. Convert the obverse mental process by which the intellect passes from one or more
Step 3. Obvert the converse propositions to some other propositions consequently related
to the former. It is the process of combining propositions in
such a way that in their combination, some new proposition, point of the entire argument while the premises endeavour
called conclusion may be drawn as a consequence. to justify the point made in the conclusion. Premises and
conclusion are the basic elements of an argument.
For example, take this argument:
All heroes are brave. Example:
Rizal is a hero. All primary colors are not dull. ------------> Premise 1
Therfore, Rizal is brave. Red is a primary color ------------> Premise 2
Therefore, red is not dull. ------------> CONCLUSION
The proposition “Rizal is brave”, which we call conclusion is
logically implied from the relationship of the two propositions PREMISE INDICATORS CONCLUSION INDICATORS
“All heroes are brave” and “Rizal is a hero”, which are called • Since • Therefore
premises. • Because • Hence
• For • Thus
• As • I conclude that
Types of Inference • In as much as • So
• For the reason that • Consequently
1. Immediate Inference . It is a process in reasoning in which • First,… • It follows that
the mind passes immediately or directly from a single premise • In view of the fact that • One may infer that
• As evidenced by • One may conclude that
to a conclusion. This includes logical opposition and logical
equivalence. Immediate inference derives a new proposition Can you identify the premises and the conclusion in this argument?
with no new truth created. “Because we want to strengthen, not abolish, the law that prevents
Examples: would-be criminals from committing crimes--- because we want to
All men are rational. protect the defenseless and the innocent, not the criminals---
Therefore, no men are irrational. (by obversion) because no one want to waver in bringing back the peace and security
in our community’s streets--- and because the only way to deter
All rapists are criminals. would-be-rapists, would-be-murderers, and many other would-be
brutal criminals is to invoke the penalty of death--- ladies and
Therefore, no rapists are criminals. (by contrary)
gentlemen, the death penalty law, must, therefore, never--- I
repeat, never be abolished”.
2. Mediate Inference. It is a process in reasoning in which
the intellect derives a conclusion from two or more premises Answer:
taken jointly. It is a process of the mind whereby we pass “(P1) Because we want to strengthen, not abolish, the law that
from one proposition to another. In mediate inference, the prevents would-be-criminals from committing crimes--- (P2) because
mind we want to protect the defenseless and the innocent, not the
infers not only a new proposition but also a new truth. criminals--- (P3) because no one want to waver in bringing back the
However, the truth achieved in mediate inference must peace and security in our community’s streets--- and (P4) because
the only way to deter would-be-rapists, would-be-murderers, and
necessarily follow from the previously asserted ones. Mediate
many other would-be-brutal criminals is to invoke the penalty of
inference can either be deductive or inductive.
death--- (C) ladies and gentlemen, the death penalty law, must,
therefore, never--- I repeat,
a. Deductive: reasons from general to specific. never be abolished”.
All artists are creative
Picasso is an artist Now, after identifying the premises and the conclusion, we remove all
Therefore, Picasso is creative the indicators and verbiages and present the argument in its bare
b. Inductive: reasons from specific to general. form:
Donna is a CEFIzen and she is clever.
Kathlene is a CEFIzen and she is clever. P1 – We want to strengthen, not abolish, the law that prevents
would-be-criminals from committing crimes
Angel is also a CEFIzen and she is clever.
P2 – We want to protect the defenseless and the innocent, not the
Therefore, all CEFIzens are clever. criminals
P3 – We want to bring back the peace and security in our community’s
MODULE 6 P4 – The only way to deter would-be-rapists, would-be-murderers,
PREMISES AND CONCLUSION and many other would-be-brutal criminals is to invoke the penalty of
We defined argument as a form of reasoning wherein one or ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
more propositions are offered as support, justification, --
C – The death penalty must never be abolished.
grounds, reasons, or evidence for another proposition. With
that in mind, in an argument, the proposition being supported Limitations of Indicators
or affirmed is known as its conclusion while the propositions Indicators are indeed helpful in recognizing premises and conclusions,
that lend support to the conclusion or the statements which but they are not 100% accurate as a guide. Sometimes, premise and
aim to make the conclusion acceptable are called the premises. conclusion indicators may be present in a sentence but they do not
In other words, the conclusion expresses or affirms the main really indicate that the sentence is a proposition (hence, not a
premise or a conclusion). For instance:
succeed, and if you succeed, then you will be happy; therefore,
“My classmate is absent today because of severe diarrhea if you work hard, you will be happy.
compounded with dysmenorrhea.”
“My neighbour didn’t say that you are so happy.”
“We’ve been together since December of 2010”
“Pin sinks in water. Nail sinks in water. Door knob sinks in
REMEMBER: water. Therefore, all materials made of metal sink in water.”
1. Propositions are expressed by sentences but sentences are not the
same with propositions An argument is inductive if it makes the milder claim that its
2. There could be a proposition without an argument but there is no premises support but does not absolutely guarantee its
argument without propositions conclusion. Validity and invalidity apply only to deductive
3. It is the function which a proposition serves in an argument that arguments. Inductive arguments are evaluated to be either
determines whether it is a premise or a conclusion. high (or strong) or low (or weak). They can range in
4. For something to be considered an argument, it should contain at
probability from very low to very high but always less than
least three propositions (at least two premises and one conclusion)
100%. Unlike deductive arguments in which nothing can be
5. To be considered a conclusion, the proposition should have
supporting added to make the inference more certain, premises can be
propositions added to inductive arguments to make them more probable.
6. To be considered a premise, it should provide support to other
propositions as its conclusion Types of Inductive Arguments
1. Extrapolations – to infer unknown information from known
MODULE 7 information. Example: If there is water, there is life. NASA
DEDUCTIVE AND INDUCTIVE ARGUMENTS found water in the polar region of Mars. There is life in planet
The body of propositions, which is made up of premises and conclusion
is what we call an argument. The process of supporting conclusions
with premises or inferring the conclusion from a set of premises is 2. Predictions – to infer that the future will be like the past
what we call reasoning or argumentation. Reasoning may be Example: She had a relationship with Rafael and it didn’t work
deductive or inductive depending on whether it proceeds from the out. She had a relationship with Romeo and it also ended after
particular to the universal or vice versa. a few months. Now, I heard she’s dating a guy named Ramon.
It also starts with the letter “R”. Give it two or three
Deductive reasoning entails proceeding from universal data to a months and they’ll probably call it quits.
particular and individual conclusion. Inductive reasoning involves
proceeding from individual or particular data to a general or universal
3. Part to Whole – to infer that since some things are this
way, that all must be this way. Example: Juana’s shoes are
Likewise, when we say deductive reasoning, the claim or conclusion is gifts from his suitor abroad, so are her clothes, ribbon, and
conclusively or absolutely supported by the premises. This is opposed bag. I’m sure, Juana’s new pants is also from his suitor
to inductive reasoning wherein the support may only be a matter of abroad.
4. Analogies – to infer that the truth of one is shared by
DEDUCTIVE REASONING another that is similar, or in some ways, like itself. Example:
“All birds are animals. The parrot is a bird. Therefore, the parrot is The universe is a complex system like a watch. We wouldn't
an animal”.
think that a watch can come about by accident. Something so
An argument is deductive if the premises claim to give conclusive
complicated must have been created by someone. The universe
grounds for the truth of the conclusion, or if the premises claim to
support the conclusion with logical necessity, that is, we cannot deny is a lot more complicated, so it must have been created by a
it without committing a logical contradiction. In the example above, being who is a lot more intelligent.
accept the first statement (premise) and you don’t have any choice
but to accept the conclusion

Types of Deductive Arguments

1. Necessary Analytic Inferences – arguments that follow from the
truths of the meanings of words used.
Example: Leandro is Angelo’s father. Therefore, Angelo must be
Leandro’s son.

2. Mathematical Inferences – arguments that follow from

the truths of mathematics
Example: Since there are more people in the world that there
are hair strands on your head, the world population is greater
than the hair strands on your head.

3. Logical Inferences – arguments that follow from the

truths of logic. Example: If you work hard, then you will

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