Common Errors - Procurement

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Tender Evaluations:-

1. Supporting documents not included in the Appendix for information

mentioned within the assessment. E.g.
a. Supplier’s Appraisals / email feedback to verify Experience Scoring
for past suppliers
b. Rate Sheets to verify exchange Rates charged
c. Clarification Emails sent by committee members
d. Recommended tenderer’s FOT
e. Evidence of internal performance appraisals and references’
f. Emails outlining the tenderer’s extension of price validity

2. Mis-interpretation of the Instructions to Tenderers

a. Audited Financial Statements - “If required, Tenderers shall submit
two (2) years of audited financial statements for the supplier, the
most recent being not more than two (2) years prior to the year of
submission of the Tender.”
b. Point of validity for Compliance – at the closing date
c. “Warranty and Delivery shall be included in the tender” ie these must
be included in the RFT package if not on the FOT.

3. Assessment would indicate that the Supplier stated certain information

within their submission, however the actual source document to support
this statement may not be referenced and included in the Report.

4. Incorrect TAS Summary

a. Not being completed as per Supplier’s exact TAS submission.
b. The translation of information from the tenderers’ TAS to the
summary TAS table included in the appendix of assessments report
are incorrect in many instances.

5. Comments not included in a final row for Mandatory Requirements

Checklist or TAS showing reasons for disqualification.

6. For Tenders with samples – Sample Reports or Sample Memos not


7. Arithmetical errors between the Breakdown of Cost and Form of Tender by

some tenderers with no mention of the arithmetical error being made in the
assessment report. No communication with tenderers about the
arithmetical errors and request to hold FOT price.
Compliance Section
2023 09

8. Incorrect calculation of scores for Pricing, Payment Method, Payment

Terms and Experience / References compared to the formulae provided.
a. Certificates

9. Signed documents not being uploaded to the Tender Submissions Folder:-

a. Signed Evaluation Report
b. Signed Form C
c. Declaration Statement – Evaluators - NB: Procurement under
$500,000.00 are to be signed as Recommended by the Line Manager

RFT Packages:-

1. Appendices not matching the Table Contents of package.

2. Performance Guarantee documents not included based on the estimated

value of the Tender. E.g.
a. Specimen Performance Bonds
b. Letter Agreement

3. Miscellaneous documents not included based on the type of Tender. E.g.

a. Specimen Agreement
b. General Conditions of Contract

4. Incomplete Evaluation Criteria

a. Mandatory requirements in RFT package not taken into
consideration in the Evaluation Criteria eg Methodology being
requested as mandatory for service tenders but not included as an
evaluation Criteria
b. Methodology for Evaluation Criteria not included
c. Sub criteria for which points would be awarded are not included in
the Evaluation Criteria in the RFT package.

5. Detailed “Information on Tenderer” not provided.

6. Forms not provided or Information not clearly requested in the RFT

package for documents required by the Supplier for a comprehensive

Compliance Section
2023 09

RFQ Evaluations:-

1. Documents not uploaded in the ePackage Library:

Justification / Solicitation Documents:-
a. Approved Justification for expenditure
b. Excerpt of OPR Prequalified Listing for selected suppliers
c. Approved Initiating Purchase Requisition
d. Invitation Documents sent to suppliers:-
i. RFQ Letters. (if a generic RFQ Letter was created, one
copy would suffice, however if each supplier received
a specific letter addressed to them, then each letter
should be uploaded)
ii. Declaration Statement – Supplier and Contractors
iii. Specs / Scope of Works (If applicable)
e. Any other additional documents forwarded to suppliers e.g.
Specimen Letter of Agreement for Works and Services.
f. Copy of the actual email being sent to the supplier/s
g. Form of Quotation

2. Letter from Manufacturers to support Sole Distributors for goods and

services in Trinidad and Tobago not included.

3. Signed Evaluation / Assessment Report

4. Signed Declaration Statement – Evaluators / Recommender

NB: Procurement under $500,000.00 are to be signed as Recommended by
the Line Manager

5. Procurement Process Checklist

Compliance Section
2023 09

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