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TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................i

I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1

A. Background........................................................................................................1

B. Research Question..............................................................................................4

C. Objectives of Research.......................................................................................4

D. Significance of Research....................................................................................4

E. Scope of research...............................................................................................4

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE.............................................................................6

A. Previous Study...................................................................................................6

B. The Definition of Speaking................................................................................8

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................21

A. Research Design...............................................................................................21

B. Data Source......................................................................................................21

C. Technique in Collecting Data...........................................................................21

D. Instrumental of The Research...........................................................................22

E. Technique of Data Analysis.............................................................................23




A. Background

English defined as a universal language as it is generally used to communicate

over the world. Communication or verbal interaction is not always as simply by

uttering words or sentences. Though, it is also means as massage delivery through the

words. Conversely, this skill is sometimes being dilapidated during the English

learning in the classroom. Students do not have any opportunity either in the

classroom or outside to practice their speaking. Speaking is not partaken of exams

since it impositions a lot of practice and attention through listening and repetition. As

an illustration, we learn to speak our mother tongue by listening and repetition.

Rebecca (2002) stated that the competence to communicate a language is not

an integrated skill. However, it requires other integrated skills. Generally, language

competency is divided into four distinguishable skill areas, namely listening, reading,

speaking, and writing. Listening and reading are considered receptive skills, whereas

speaking and writing are considered productive skills.

English is thought of as a foreign language in these countries, in particular in

Indonesia. Based on Junaidi Mistar in (Mistar & Umamah, 2014)stated that the

English language is the first foreign language that is formally trained to pupils of

Junior secondary school in order to give Indonesians the ability to communicate on a

global scale. This shows that Indonesian students' daily life and their use of the

English language are intertwined. English is required of all Indonesian students

beginning in the fourth grade of primary school. Many Indonesian students after

graduating from senior high school usually will continue their major in English

language education or English and literature department based on their interest in one

of reliable university in the world.

Speaking skills is the one of important skill that must be had by the students

beneficial to have an effective communication inside or outside the classroom.

Communication’s purpose is to deliver information, share it with others, and have a

two-way conversation. Akhyak & Anik (2013) stated that speaking is crucial for

Indonesian student conducive to enchanting their speaking competency. It is

significantly beneficial to help student execute their communications skill better.

Speaking is one of the most challenging abilities to teach and develop when studying a

second language.


“And remove the rigidity from my tongue, so that they will understand”. (At-

Thaha; 27-28)

This verse explains that the role of speaking is very necessary for

communicating something to others. Implicitly this verse states that one of the

domains of language, like the ability to speak, has an important function.

Speaking competency is ordinarily measured as a difficult skill to learn since it

is also meant as delivered an idea or message through a series of words verbally. We

have to accomplish the use of words to speak in order to make the listener understand

the meaning we are trying to deliver. The important thing is speaking strategies are

needed for it necessary to prevent miscommunication or interference of


There are a variety of elements that can influence students' speaking abilities.

According to Yulizar (2020) a variety of factors influence students' speaking abilities.

In general, speech is influenced by two basic variables. The first is an internal factor,

which is made up of physiological elements (the body's organ) and physiological

elements such as knowledge, attitudes, enthusiasm, ability, and motivation. The

second group is outside variables. These variables include both the non-social settings

of the home, school, infrastructure, and atmosphere as well as the social environments

of the family, teachers, staffs, societies, and friends.

Furthermore, Hamad (2013) found that there were some negative factors

influencing students' speaking ability. They were in agreement: the use of mother

tongue in teaching affects students' proficiency, students are afraid to use English in

public, less English is used in discussion activities, the curriculum contains less

speaking exercise, teachers do not provide support and time for students, and the

speaking section is less important than listening. Most countries in the world learn

English, and it has become the most widely used language for communication. English

is also the most common foreign language, and it is taught and studied from

elementary school through university.

Students at PPM Rahmatul Asri Senior High School receive English lessons

that include listening, speaking, reading, and writing. PPM Rahmatul Asri is a

boarding school that is famous for its language, especially in Enrekang regency. This

is demonstrated by victories in a variety of English competitions, including debate,

speech, writing, English presentation, and English interpretation. Previously, there

were no researchers yet at this boarding school conducted the research, especially the

concept of improving English in PPM Rahmatul Asri. Addressing this gap, the

researcher aims to analyze the factor influencing the speaking ability of students in

PPM Rahmatul Asri. The writer uses theory of brown for this research process.

B. Research Question

As is discussed above, the research questions of this study as follow:

1. What is/do the factors influence the English-speaking ability of students at PPM

Rahmatul Asri? (What are the inhibiting factors that influence to students speaking


2. Which factor is the most dominant to influence the English-speaking ability in 2 nd

grade at PPM Rahmatul Asri senior high school?

C. Objectives of Research

The objective of this research the writer aimed are:

1. To identify the factors that influence English-speaking ability at students PPM

Rahmatul Asri.

2. To examine the most dominant factor to influence English-speaking ability in 2 nd

grade at PPM Rahmatul Asri

D. Significance of Research

The significance of this study is firstly, this study is expected to give additional

knowledge to improve students' English-speaking abilities during their learning

process at PPM Rahmatul Asri. Secondly, it might be helped the students in

understanding the significant influencing factor for their speaking ability. Lastly, this

study also can provide students with information on the reason for their individual

differences in English language learning, especially at 2 nd-grade students at PPM

Rahamtul Asri senior high school. Additionally, it can be taken as references for


E. Scope of research

The researcher limited the challenges faced by students in speaking just to take

based on the most dominant factors. This applies to students at various levels. This

study's population consisted of 2nd grade senior high school students at PPM Rahmatul




A. Previous Study

The writer discovered the following previous findings that were related and

relevant to this research:

Firstly, a study by Winly Azwir Nawi (2019) entitled “An Analysis of Factors

Affecting Students’ Speaking Performance on the Third Semester Students of English

Program FKIP-UIR”. She found that in performance conditions, the student did not

have a lot of time, and they had planned the speaking task, and they believe they have

a good performance and a lot of support. While performing speaking, the students

were effectively motivated, and the rest of the students were feeling confident. In

terms of listening ability, students mostly cannot comprehend what the speaker said in

the conversation in terms of knowledge, students said they cannot find specific words

to respond to the speaker, and they are not corrected by the teacher in terms of

feedback during speaking. It may have an impact on the students' ability to speak.

Secondly, Panggabean (2018) in her thesis entitled “Factors Affecting

Students’ Speaking Performance at SMK Bukit Cahaya Sidikalang”. He found that the

most difficult aspect in language learning is the production of spoken language

(Brown & Yule, 1983). In fact, most of language learners struggle to represent

themselves verbally in the intended tongue. Every student faces a unique set of

problems. The purpose of this study was to investigate the speaking difficulties that

student at SMK Bukit Cahaya Sidikalang experience as well as the variables that

affect how well they express themselves. Ninety students from the eleventh grade and

five English teachers participated in the study. Questionnaires and class observations

were used as research instruments in this study. Some recommendations were made

based on the research findings. The study was designed to assist students in improving

their performance in public speaking classes.

Lastly,Ginaya (2018) in her thesis “The Effectof Blended Learning to Students’

Speaking Ability: a Study of Utilizing Technology to Strengthen the Conventional

Instruction”. She found that the objective of this study purpose to determine the

students' ability to communicate in English in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and

pronunciation. She investigated the levels of motivation and anxiety in speaking

English among Eleventh Grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah Camba. The

researcher applied descriptive quantitative research. The samples of the study took 20

students as the sample in order to gain the data needed. The data were obtained by

using speaking test, and questionnaires. According to the research findings, the

students' ability in terms of vocabulary received a fairly good score of 6.97, grammar

received a fairly good score of 7.3, and pronunciation received a fairly good score of

6.2. The motivation of students in speaking English with reference to the level of

motivation refers to the level of motivation refers to the total average motivation score.

Based on the considerations above, the result is 3.2 point or 64%. There are so big

anxieties of students in speaking English based on the average total score of anxiety

with a median or average value of 3.1 or 62%. Based on the result above, the

students’ ability to speak in terms of grammar was high than vocabulary and

pronunciation. Moreover, students’ motivation toward speaking ability still on the

under limits from the highest score 100%.

The similarity between this study and the previous studies lies in the issues

being analyzed, namely the factors that influence students’ speaking ability. Compared

to the previous study above, this study has several differences. Winly Azwir Nawi and

Edward Panggabean only focused on students' speaking skills. Meanwhile, Gede

Ginaya focuses on students' speaking ability in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and

pronunciation, as well as students' motivation and anxiety. Furthermore, the advanced

method that used in this study is different from those previous studies above which

used the magnitude method. This study focused on factors that influence speaking

ability such as motivation, interest, self-confidence, mother tongue, environment, and

listening using qualitative methods.

B. The Definition of Speaking

The portrayal of word “speaking” has been explained by many researchers.

One of them based on New World Dictionary of Webster explain speaking as saying

words orally, communicating by talking, taking a request, and making a speech.

Speaking is the process of conveying and communicating the idea, opinions, or

massages by the using of verbal and nonverbal sign in various contexts. Secondly,

H.Douglas Brown (2000) stated that speaking is an interactive meaning-making

processes that consist of three stages namely to produce, to receive, and to process the


Speaking is the key of language skills among other four abilities (speaking,

listening, reading and writing) by the fact that speaking is the most frequently used of

language skills in any situation. A study by Yulientinah et al (2020) stated that the

most required English language skills is speaking, the weakness ability the students

have in language skills is speaking and the English language skills that want to be

mastered most is speaking skills. It is due to the functions of speaking itself as the

media for students to communicate with others in concerning to achieve specific

purpose or to express opinion, ideas, or perspectives. To sum up, speaking is the act to

express ideas, feeling, perspectives, opinions by the using the phrase or sentences.

Speaking is an act of produce and communicates meanings in variety contexts

through verbal and nonverbal sign. Based on previous definition, we could employ

verbal communication in transmitting ideas with others. Speaking typically represents

as the media to express feeling or emotion to others. By speaking, human can tie their

ideas in all aspects of their life. As a result of their awareness regarding to the fact that

the way they speaking is represented their personality and their ideas or opinions.

Besides that, speaking is an oral-language skill that requires knowledge,

pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, and cultural wisdom. The functional of speaking

are used for a various purpose, and each of them needs a unique skill set. Speaking use

by many people to convey commands or to finish their activities in several conditions.

Moreover, speaking also uses to describe things, to complain others people’s attitude,

to make polite requests, or to entertain by using jokes or anecdotes.

Longman.Com, n.d. (2003) stated that there are several primary kinds of

speaking illustrated by taxonomy as following:

1) Imitative. The ability to simply repeat a word, phrase, or perhaps a

sentence is the simplest form of speaking. The criteria only require

phonetic performance, but prosodic, lexical, and grammatical elements of

language may also be present.

2) Intensive. Short verbal parts used to show mastery of certain grammatical,

phrasal, lexical, or phonological sequences.

3) Responsive. Includes interaction and understanding testing, although at a

much lower level of very brief discussions. Common greetings and small

talk, simple requests and comments. This is a kind of succinct response

that offers instructions and suggestion in response to queries or remarks

made by the teacher or students. Usually, those responses are appropriate

and insightful.

4) Interactive. Interactive refers to the length and intricacy of an encounter,

which may involve numerous individuals or multiple exchanges. There are

two types of interaction: interpersonal interactions, which are used to

preserve social bonds, and transactional language, which is used to

transmit precise information.

5) Prolonged (monolog). Examples of substantial oral productions, and

storytelling, where audience participation is either entirely forbidden

(perhaps to nonverbal answer) or highly restricted.

Based on the definition above, speaking is a method of verbal

communication beneficial to transmit information or to ask a request between the

speakers. Additionally, among four sills of English speaking enables people to

convey their emotions or feelings, opinions, ideas, and many more through verbal

communication. People especially students have to expert speaking skill because it

is oral skill that is essential for those who learn second language or foreign

language to communicate every day. We cannot express ourselves without

speaking, which makes it difficult to communicate with others and leads to bad


1. The Importance of Speaking

The ability to speak is the most crucial because it is one of the skills

needed to conversation. Speaking comes naturally to humans before they learn to

read and write. Humans interact with language verbally significantly more often

they do in writing in any particular context.

Speaking English is challenging because speakers need to comprehend a

wide range of crucial concepts, including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,

fluency, and comprehension. For ease and effectiveness in communication,

learners should be fluent in English. The variety of language ability shows how

important speaking is. Speaking to others helps students increase their vocabulary

and master a grammar concept, both of which help the write better. Students are

able to express their thoughts and feelings, tell tales, ask for things, engage in

bates, and use language in variety of ways. Outside of the classroom, speaking is

also crucial

According to Putra (2017), speaking ability requires language knowledge

as well as the ability to spontaneously and automatically process language and

information. The following are the basic requirements for speaking fluently:

1) Connected speaker: effective speakers must be able to construct sentence

using more than just the individual English phonemes (such as saying “I’d

gone”), but also fluent 'connected speech' (as in “I'd gone”). Sounds are

transformed (assimilated), removed (elision), added (linking), or diminished in

connected speech (through contractions and stress patterning). We should

engage pupils in activities that are especially geared to improve and use

connected speech.

2) Expressive devices: In face-to-face interactions, native English speakers

modify the pitch and emphasis of utterances, change volume and speed, and

demonstrate through various bodily and nonverbal (paralinguistic) cues. The

ability of the speaker to convey meaning and massage is aided by the use of

these technologies. Students must be able to employ at least some of the supra

segmental characteristics and devices if they want to be effective


3) Lexis and grammar: In spontaneous speech, many common lexical terms are

utilized, especially when carrying out some language activities. Teachers

should therefore use a variety of expressions for different tasks like agreeing or

disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock, or praise. We can instruct students to

develop relevant phrases at various phases of a discussion when they are

interacting in certain speaking circumstances such as a job interview.

4) Language negotiation: language negotiation, which use for explanation and to

support what are saying, is beneficial to affective speaking.

2. Function of Speaking

Several language experts have attempted to categorize the functions of

speaking in human interaction. "The role of speaking is classified into three, there

is talk as interest, talk as a transaction, and talk as performance," write Richard

(2008). Each of these speech tasks is distinct in terms of form and function, and

requires a different method to instruction.

Speaking has various functions in human behavior. "The functions of

speaking are divided into three categories: talk as engagement, talk as

transaction, and talk as performance”. Each of these speech activities is distinct in

terms of form and purpose and necessitates a distinctive method to teaching

(Richard, 2008)."

a. Interaction through conversation

A quick conversation between two or more people is referred to as talk.

Richard (2008) writes "Such discussions may be either casual or more official,

depending on the circumstances". According to Richard's comment, the

purposes of speaking as an interaction are to produce social function, show

attitude of relationships, exhibit value of dialogue, and so on.

The ability to converse in a foreign language is essential. Dialogue

typically refers to something like this. Conversation as interaction has the

fundamental objective of preserving social ties. While others include starting

and ending conversations, choosing topics, engaging in small talk, counting

personal anecdotes and experiences, taking turns talking, using adjacency

pairs, interrupting, and responding to others.

b. Talk as a transaction

This style of speaking or conversing describes circumstances when the

focus is on what is said or done. The participants and their interpersonal

interaction with one another are less important in this context than the massage

and communicating oneself clearly and correctly. In this type of spoken

language, both students and teachers frequently focus on meaning or on talking

their way to knowledge.

The skills needed to use discourse for international communication

include the ability to explain a need or goal, describe something, ask a

question, confirm facts, support an opinion, provide ideas, clarify knowledge,

and establish comparisons. The speaker says some words, which lead to

phrases being spoken as transactions. The fundamental goal is to maximize the

value of information received and delivered between speaker and listener.

c. Talk as performance

Talk as performance typically refers to a public speaker, such as a

teacher, lecturer, or motivator. They planned as thoroughly as they could

before informing the viewers. This pertains to public speaking; this includes

speeches, announcements, and other public speaking that is given in front of an

audience. Typically, dialog is preferred to monologue when used as

performance. It usually follows by a recognizable structure and resembles

written language more than spoken language. Some of the skills involved in

using talk performance include using an appropriate format, presenting

information in an appropriate order, maintaining audience engagement,

checking on the audience, using proper grammar and pronunciation, creating

an impact on the audience, using an appropriate vocabulary, and using an

appropriate opening and closing. Talk as performance must be prepared in the

same manner that written material is.

That is an explanation of the role of speech. When learning English, you

should work on improving your speaking skills over time. Every day practice

is required. It hopes that the terminology utilized will far more extensive than


Various researchers have assigned different purposes to speaking.

According to Bygate (1987), the skill has two components: modify oral

production by applying facilitation techniques such structuring brevity,

formulaic language, fillers, and hesitation or compensating techniques. Being

an affective communicator, or being able to explain what they meant to say in

a way that the listener can easily understand, is one of the characteristics of

interaction skills.

According to Dagnew Chekol (2020), speech acts include:

1. Monologue

The subject of a monolog is making an interrupted oral presentation.

2. Dialogue

A conversation about how to engage with other speakers.

3. Speaking Ability

The development of communication abilities is aided by having a solid

command of the English language. Speaking is defined as the ability to impart

information, ideas, or thoughts to one's interlocutor (Atkinson, 1985). As a

result, the speaker is accustomed to conveying ideas in a clear, correct, and

acceptable manner.

Language mastery is determined not only by how much or how little

grammar is mastered, and moreover by how precisely and clearly the speaker

pronounces the words, phrases, or sentences in the informational speech;

conveys the notions in whole sentences. The most crucial information to

convey is the speaker’s main ideas; ideas should be developed by giving

explanations, descriptions, or examples; sentences should be simple enough for

interlocutors to understand; and appropriate sentence intonation and gestures

(such as eye contact or body movements) should be used to facilitate

interlocutor understanding.

In line with this, Larazaton. n.d. (2001) defined speaking as an action

requiring the integration of multiple language subsystems. A speaker should

combine all of these subsystems to make speaking a second or foreign

language a daunting endeavor for language learners. Larazaton subsystems

include linguistic competence (knowledge of the language code (phonology,

morphology, syntax, and semantics); discourse competence (knowledge of

how to produce oral texts in the modes of speaking respectively); and

sociolinguistic competence (knowledge of sociocultural rules of use, i.e.

knowing how to use and respond to language appropriately).

Speaking is an important ability to develop in both first and second

languages. Humans are hardwired to speak before learning to read and write.

In any given situation, humans spend far more time interacting orally with

language than writing it down. Speaking is the most significant talent because

it is one of the abilities required to participate in a conversation.

English speaking is a difficult undertaking since speakers must

understand several important components such as pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Learners should be fluent in English

in order to communicate freely and successfully with others. Speaking ability

has always been critical to human prosperity. The importance of speaking

abilities can be seen in people's daily activities. Speaking is an engaging

activity that takes place in real time. That is, people can utilize words and

phrases without much conscious thought.

Savitz(1997)underlined the speaking dimension, which assists learners in

communicating clearly, accurately, and acceptably. These dimensions entail

three types of knowledge. The first category is mechanics (pronunciation,

grammar, and vocabulary). Students are expected to utilize the correct words

in the correct order and with the correct pronunciation. The second category is

functions (transaction and interaction). The learners are required to understand

the message's clarity. The final category is social and cultural norms (turn-

taking, rate of speech, length of pauses between speakers, relative roles of

participants). The students are required to grasp who is speaking to whom,

under what conditions, about what, and for what reasons.

4. Factors Influencing Speaking Ability

Speaking took place between two people in real time, on the spot and orally.

There are numerous variables that affect language learning. These factors

consist of both internal and external factors.

1) Internal factor

Internal factors are those that originate with the learner. It is included

the physical aspect and language abilities (competencies) of the learner.

a) Psychology

According to Januariza & Hendriani (2016), psychological reasons

such as fear or shyness, lack of confidence, lack of desire, and fear of

making mistakes restrict students from speaking. Furthermore, Brown

says that without a certain level of self-esteem, no successful cognition

or efficient activity is conceivable. Self-esteem symbolizes one's level of

self-confidence and belief in oneself. Students with high self-esteem

have better self-confidence and offer themselves more favorable

evaluations, according to classroom learning observations, which

promote their language acquisition. Some pupils struggle with oral

English because they have low self-esteem.

According Husnawati (2017), English students were not very

proficient in spoken English due to a fear of making mistakes. Another

study by Cabe & Selatan (2012) indicated that students were unable to

speak English well enough to participate in conversations due to

vocabulary issues and a fear of making mistakes. Furthermore, she

stated that kids find speaking English stressful, especially when they are

required to do so.

Additionally, motivation is a crucial aspect in language acquisition

success. Brown (1985) describes motivation as an internal drive,

impulse, emotion, or desire that propels a person to take a specific

activity, increasing their chances of success in language learning.

b) Verbal Ability

Manning (2002) defines ability as the ideal linguistic framework

that enables speakers to express and comprehend an infinite number of

sentences in their native tongue while differentiating between

grammatical and non-grammatical sentence patterns. Chomsky coined

the phrase "linguistic performance" for “the actual use of language in

a concrete circumstance" in 1960 according to Wikipedia. It is used to

explain the development and comprehension of language.

This research looked at; the linguistic factor in speaking ability

refers to the speaker’s ability to control various aspects of language

during communication. Fluency, intonation, vocabulary, pronunciation,

and grammar are examples of these abilities.

c) Current Knowledge

The knowledge structure in long-term memory is defined as current

knowledge Tuan & Mai (2015). In other terms, current knowledge is

the speaker's understanding of current events. Current knowledge

provides learners with information that allows them to utilize the

language that is relevant to the world in which they live. According to

Tadayon & Ravand (2016), some test items may be simpler for

individuals who have current relevant information and harder for those

who do not. They contend that current knowledge influences our

performance. Lin et al (2015) investigated the association between

current knowledge, anxiety, and comprehensive language test results in

a study. One of these discoveries revealed that current information had

a significant impact on synthetic speech performance, albeit in the

opposite E-way.

2) External Factors

a) Performance state

Students conducted speaking tasks under varied situations,

according to Tuan & Mai (2015) and they believed that the

environment would have an impact on oral performance. They

established four performance conditions, all of which included time

constraints: planning, service standards, and support levels.

b) Environment of learning

Minghe & Yuan (2013) found that "another external factor

affecting students' oral English is a lack of an appropriate language

learning environment" in their investigation. English is a

communicative language, and a positive language environment can

help students learn more effectively. However, English is a foreign

language that most Indonesian students learn in school, and most

students interact in their native language in their daily lives, and they

are too lazy to develop their English.

5. Speaking Challenges

That speaking as the most crucial skill among the four skills

(speaking, listening, reading, and writing) because knowing a language

is referred to as speakers of that language. Speaking is imperative to

human communication that it provides us to express our opinions,

ideas, and feelings (Riverse1978:162). That means using a language is

more important rather than familiar about it because there is no need to

know a lot about the language if we can’t use it (Scrivener, 2005,

p.146). According to Ur (1996) many factors lead to challenges in


1) Nothing to say – lack of motive to express themselves.

2) Inhibition-afraid of criticism, shyness to express ideas,

produces speaking and makes mistakes.

3) Low or uneven participation

4) Mother tongue

Moreover, Emma fox (2005) argued that there are two factors

challenges in speaking:

1) Speaking Socially

Speaking is not all about knowing the words, saying them

correctly and putting them in the right order, which is tricky

enough. Social situations can be stressful, and may worry about

what to say or may not to say, and it doesn’t just come

naturally. Speaking is inextricably linked with social norms and

practices, which includes the ability to match up the right

language with the appropriate non-verbal cues. There are many

different social situations one may experience, which means

processing and then selecting the correct verbal and non-verbal


2) Fear of speaking

Many of people find their self in situation where they have to

speak up and ‘feel afraid’. If fear stems from natural shyness,

children and adults alike need time to warm up and get

comfortable before they can speak.

Furthermore, Rababa’h (2005) pointed out that other factors cause

problems in speaking English amongst learners. Some elements are

restricted to the learners themselves that teaching techniques, the

curriculum, and the learning atmosphere, also, lack of necessary

vocabulary and organizing sentences can be a barrier to communicate a

second language.



A. Research Design

This study conducted qualitative research applying descriptive methods.

This study analyzed the factors that influence the speaking abilities of students.

The descriptive qualitative approach was used in this study. When little is known

about a topic or phenomena, the descriptive qualitative approach is used to

comprehend people's experiences and represent their point of view Haryoko et al.,

(2020). This is consistent with this study because it focuses on challenges students'

in speaking ability. This study employed the qualitative method and be described

in descriptive form.

Moreover, to maintain the originally of the data, this study refrained from

adding to or amend or give any interference that conceivable impair the originally

of the data.

B. Data Source

The primary object of this study is the student of PPM Rahmatul Asri that

is located in Botto Mallagga, Maiwa district, Enrekang regency, South Sulawesi.

For more specific, researcher took 20 of the students in range of senior high

school. The secondary data of this study by Huyler & McGill (2019), research

participants are persons who have the ability to express the information required

by the researcher to answer the study question, that is related with this study.

C. Technique in Collecting Data

This study employed interviews as the technique in collecting data. The data

interview is important for identifying factors that influence students' speaking

abilities. An audio recorder used record the responses of students' interviews and

their comments. They are the students who excel at public speaking lessons.

The interview is a data collection process that includes questioning and

answering between the interviewer and respondent. The most significant

instrument in the qualitative method is the interview. It is the most effective

method for assessing people's perspectives, interpretations, and definitions of real-

world situations (Rilling, 2011). In addition, a semi-structured interview was

employed to gather information from participants. By extending the question

based on the respondent's response, this strategy expects to get more specific

information from respondents.

This studyused interview to the respondent in order to understand and the

data needed. The students become the respondents to interview by using in-depth

interview to gain the data about the factor that influence the speaking English

ability of students. In-depth interview is close organized interview. Besides that,

the use of interview is to understand the factors that influence the speaking English

ability of students and how those factors affect the students’ ability in speaking.

D. Instrumental of The Research

The main instrument of this research is the researcher herself. As stated by

Creswell (2019), that researcher is the key instrument in qualitative research.

Besides that, several tools are needed in the data collecting processes to help the

research to gain the data. The process of data collecting in qualitative are

observation, documentation and interview.

According to Weinbaum & Onwuegbuzie (2016) there are three types of

interviews, structured interviews, semi-structured interviews, and unstructured

interviews. These studies employ semi-structured interviews in the process of data

collecting; additional question may come up during the questions and answer

period in addition to previously planned ones. The semi-structured interview guide

offers the interviewers a clear set of instructions and can deliver trustworthy and

comparable qualitative data. The researcher has a list of important inquiries to

address. There are 5 main questions that are asked of the respondents, however

additional questions may be asked in addition to those from the interview guide. A

further element is that the interview is recorded in its entirety to record the

conversation’s content. The researcher then listened to the interview audio

recording before transcribing the findings. Interviewing involves asking and

answering questions from the interviewer and the interviewee in order to collect

data. The most crucial instrument in the qualitative approach is the interview. It is

the most effective technique to gauge how people see, understands, and define

actual circumstances Rilling (2011).

In addition, a semi-structured interview was employed to gather participant

information. By broadening the question in response to the respondent's response,

this strategy expects to elicit more comprehensive information from the responder.

The interview's question focused on the variables that influencing students'

English-speaking ability as well as the types of interlocutors who encouraged them

to develop their speaking ability. Each student received the same questions that the

researcher had created.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the qualitative data obtained from the interviews, the researcher

used some steps provided by According to Miles Huberman (2019) is to analyses

the data with three steps namely:

1. Data Reduction

The data obtained were collected and then reduced to select relevant,

meaningful and research-related data. Data not related to the research question

will be discarded. In other words, data reduction is used to select, simplify,

direct, discard, and organize data for researchers to draw conclusions.

2. Data Display

The data can be displayed in table, graphic, image, or text format. The goal

of data visualization is to integrate data in a way that helps explain the context

in which it occurred. In this situation, the researcher must develop a narrative,

matrix, or diagram to aid in the acquisition of the information or data so that

the researcher does not encounter obstacles when trying to obtain all of the

necessary data or a particular piece of the research outcome. Researchers can

continue to handle their data in this way without having to draw boring


3. Conclusion/Verification

The final step according to Miles Huberman (2019) is conclusion. From all

the data collected, the researcher drew the main conclusion after further


Picture: Components of Data Analysis: Interactive Model Source: Miles

Huberman (2019)



This chapter focuses on the research result from interviews and

observation. After having analyzed them, a discussion in order to answer the

research stated in chapter one is held.

A. The Research Findings

To get more information about the factors influence of students’ English-

speaking ability at PPM Rahmatul Asri, the data for this study were collected

through interviews. Furthermore, interview involving 20 students who were being

the subjects.This study had been done on 18 March 2023 to 10 April 2023. All

participants were female, because the class was dominated by the female. The

objectives in this research were to investigate what are the challenges students in

English-speaking ability and how the factors influence students’ English-speaking

ability by students in PPM Rahmatul Asri.

From the observations were taken by the researcher, this study found that

there were several activities related to English that could improve speaking, such

as speaking English every two weeks every two weeks, vocabulary assignments

were also carried out three times a week, then language village activities English

is held at the end of each semester, general meetings (students are taught more

specifically about speaking), muhadharah (lecturing activities in 3 languages), and

an extracurricular called LCR (Language Community of Rahmatul Asri).

However, the language at PPM Rahmatul Asri has decreased somewhat,

said one of the students who were interviewed "language is our crown, starting to

disappear" because of the students’ lack of self-confidence and lack of awareness

of the language and also lack of application so feel lazy to develop English.

Sometimes they rarely use English so there is no development of their speaking,

usually students also don't pay attention to their pronunciation so they just speak

and spoil grammar by using the affixes "je", "ji", "nah", “pale”, etc., which is

commonly called the mother language, as well as students who are difficult to

control and when they are given a punishment they usually report to their parents

who do not understand the system implemented so that the language safeguards in

PPM Rahmatul Asri are lax.

Regarding the result of interview, the type of difficulty the students had

speaking English is summarized in the following table.

Inhibiting factors Number case

Lack of confident 1

Fear of making mistakes 2

Feeling shy 3

Hesitation 4

Lack of vocabulary 5

In this study, interviews were conducted with the aim knowing the most

significant factors influencing students’ speaking. It is known that each student

has different problems in the learning process. Based on the result of the

interview, it was found that impede students’ speaking abilities below were

several inhibiting factors that influenced students’ speaking abilities.

a. Lack of Confidence

Confidence is the ability to believe in the abilities we have or the ability to

develop positive judgments both for ourselves and the environment around us.

One of the most needed abilities is confidence, especially in speaking. As we can

see in this following dialogue:

“Yeah, I feel not confident because it’s become a joke in my friend when I

speak and my pronunciation or sentence not appropriately”. (S2)

“Sometimes I made mistake in speaking English and I become not

confidence and reluctant to speaking in English”. (S6)

“Without any preparation I feel lack confidence to speak so it was hard

for me to speak in English”. (S7)

“I would be enjoy speaking if my friend has same ability like me, but if

they have higher ability in speaking English than me, I would be lack

confident to speak”.(S12)

According to the respondent above, the most dominant factor that affects

students’ difficulty in speaking is lack of self-confidence.

b. Fear of Making Mistake

A person's fear of making mistakes can be an obstacle for someone to try

new things. This fear can be in the form of feeling afraid of being criticized,

ridiculed, bullied etc. One example that often occurs in the environment is the

expression "pretentious English" to people who are studying English. This can

cause fear for someone, especially students who have experienced or seen this

incident to speak English.

Based on the results of interviews and observations this factor is the

second dominant factor that influences speaking ability.

"If I want to speak with bule, I am afraid to say something wrong". (S10)

“Yes, I was afraid because I was worrying about making mistake”. (S16)

It happens in Asian culture, many of students would be feeling fear of

making mistake if they speak wrong.

c. Feeling Shy

Students also had other problems in speaking, such as feeling shy. Feeling

of shyness is often a sign of an anxiety.

“Sometimes I was feeling shy cause of my friends laugh or ridicule me if I

speak wrong”. (S1)

“It depends on situation, such as in the class, there were a lot of boys than

girls, so it was made me feeling shy”. (S5)

After a long explanation about the result of interview from feeling shy, the

researcher can conclude that student feeling shy cause they not have self-confident

or afraid laughed by friend.

d. Hesitation

The four factors that influence students speaking ability is hesitation.

Regarding to this problem, students that have problem in hesitation is caused if

they were thinking about the next sentence, word, or topic. They need time to

arrange some word to avoid error sentence or unrelated topic.

“It happens to me, if I lose any vocabulary, I was quite for a while to think

about the next word”. (S9)

“Yeah I feel hesitation because I think about the next sentence or word”.


They usually think what is the next sentence, so they speak hesitatingly.

To remove hesitation should not be afraid to make mistakes because no one has

ever learned anything without making mistakes. And also keep in mind that strong

communication skills are a lifelong asset and life changing, this should be a strong

reason to overcome hesitation.

e. Lack of vocabulary

As Sadtono (1997) says that the linguistic problems include all the

difficulties found in the target language itself encountered by someone who was

studying a language.

“I rarely use English in conversation because many of my friends speak

Indonesian, so I can’t master the vocabulary that was given by the

senior”. (S11)

“I have mastered a lot of vocabulary but it is difficult to express”. (S17)

In connection with this problem, there are some students who face the

problem lack of vocabulary, only a few felt this factor because students were

given vocabulary three times a week. The vocabulary they mastered was only a

little so they became reluctant to speak. Vocabulary is one of the components to

speak fluently. Therefore, students need to master it.

B. Discussion

This section presents discussion based on the findings of this research. The

discussions provide the answer of two research questions that related with the

students’ influence to speak English and how they enchanted their abilities to

speak. First research question was “How do the factors influence the English

speaking ability of students at PPM Rahmatul Asri?”(what are the inhibiting

factors that influence to students speaking ability?) the second research question

was “Which factor is the most dominant to influence the English speaking ability

in 2nd grade at PPM Rahmatul Asri Senior high school?” Based on the research

finding from observation and interview, it found that there are some factors that

impact students’ ability in speaking. In answer research question of the study, this

study conducted observation and interview session in order to know students’

problem in speaking ability.

By analyzing the interview taken from the students, the researcher

completely collected the data needed factors influence students’ English-speaking

ability. In field, the researcher found that there were 5 that influence students

speaking ability; Lack of confident, fear of making mistakes, feeling shy,

hesitation, and lack of vocabulary. 20 students lead the factors into negative way.

It means that they can’t improve their English-speaking ability through the

factors. They cannot solve the problem which involved in every factor.From

instruments of collecting the data, it can be seen that the most obstacle in learning

speaking were lack of confidence.

These results also show that most students have low self-confidence.

Wang (2004) said that to improve fluency and accuracy students must master

English knowledge and vocabulary. In addition, self-confidence is an important

thing to encourage students’ speaking ability. Muamaroh (2013) in his research

said that “the majority agree that having a good English grammar or

pronunciation, a strong English vocabulary, speaking English well, and making

written preparations affects self-confidence in speaking English”. It can be

concluded that knowing English and mastering a lot of vocabulary develops

students’ self-confidence.

Moreover, self-confidence as kinds of internal drive that encourages a

person to be sure of his own abilities and judgment in carrying out task and

choosing an effective approach. To achieve excellent goals in speaking English

students must increase their confidence that they will learn everything related to

English. Students’ confidence in learning to speak English also affects their

competence. They are able to speak in front of people without feeling nervous or


In conclusion, based on results of semi-structured interviews, each student

has their own factors that affect their speaking fluency. They also have different

ways of developing their fluency in speaking. However, due to several factors that

affects students’ speaking ability at PPM Rahmatul Asri is low. It is because they

cannot develop their ability to speak English fluently. That is, to make students

happy and interested in learning to speak English, Wang (2004) suggests the use

of three affective models (wilis’ here-stage model, florez’s five-stage model,

goh’s four-stage model) to improve students’ speaking ability, fluency, and

accuracy. The findings show that this model improves students’ English

knowledge, vocabulary, and several strategies to reduce their fear and stress.



A. Conclusion

Based on the following finding and discussion, some conclusions have

been drawn:

B. Suggestion

Based on the result, several suggestions can be as in the following:

1. For students

The result of this research of this research can expend the knowledge

about the factors influence students’ English-speaking ability. They need to

develop their self-confidence and fluency in speaking. On other hand, the

students also need to learn English speaking in joyfully or without fear, so

they can speak more fluent and accurately. To be fluent speaker, students

should attempt to get more confidence and do not have to be afraid of making


2. For teachers

It is suggested for teachers to support and motivate students to increase

their ability in speaking. By knowing the factors in increasing students’

English-speaking ability, the teacher can develop their students’ speaking

ability and also have to create comfortable and good atmosphere, so the

students can develop speaking fluency. In addition, it is also important for

teacher to provide interesting activities when teaching process to build

students self-confidence to speak as they have to decide which activities that

gives students more chance to speak.

3. For researcher

The result of this researcher can give new knowledge and on students’

English fluency is suggested.


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List of interview for students

1. Apa saja kesulitan atau kendala yang anda alami dalam speaking?

2. Bagaimana perkembangan speaking disekolah ini?

3. Apakah anda merasa malu berbicara di depan teman anda atau di depan


4. Apakah anda menemukan kesulitan dalam menemukan kata-kata yang

tepat ketika ingin berbicara?

5. Apakah anda merasa takut berbicara bahasa inggris?

6. Apakah anda sering ada jeda saat berbicara?

7. Apakah anda merasa kurang percaya diri dalam berbicara bahasa


8. Bisakah anda member tahu saya mengapa anda tidak berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris sementara anda mengetahui beberapa kosa kata?

9. Dari beberapa faktor yang dialami coba urutkan dari faktor yang paling

berpengaruh sampai yang tidak terlalu berpengaruh

10. Apakah anda memiliki faktor selain yang saya sebutkan yang

menghambat anda dalam speaking?

List of interview for speaking lecturer

1. Ada tidak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan saat berbicara bahasa


2. Bagaimana Ibu mendeteksi siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam


3. Menurut ibu, kesulitan apa saja yang mereka alami?

4. Apa yang ibu lakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut?


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