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// This file is just a bunch of methods I use extensively.

I called it dimsum
// because is like a said tasty bun, full of nice and tasty stuff inside :)

/* global URL */

function makeGetStreamX(width, height, buttonName, gotStreamFunction) {

return function() {
var constraintsWidthXHeight = {
"audio": false,
"video": {
"mandatory": {
"minWidth": width,
"maxWidth": width,
"minHeight": height,
"maxHeight": height
"optional": []
document.getElementById(buttonName).disabled = true;

function createButton(id, text, onClick) {

const button = document.createElement("input");
button.id = id;
button.type = "button";
button.value = text;
button.onclick = onClick;
console.log("Button " + id + " created");

function createVideoTag(id, width, height, video_source) {

const videoTag = document.createElement('video');
if (video_source != '')
videoTag.src = URL.createObjectURL(video_source);
videoTag.id = id;
videoTag.width = width;
videoTag.height = height;
videoTag.autoplay = true;
console.log("VideoTag " + id + " created");

function getUserMediaFailedCallback(error) {
console.error('User media request denied with error code ' + error.code);

function recorderOnStop() {
console.log('recorderOnStop fired');

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