Reaction Paper

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Name: Dailyn L.

Palagimlan Date: 02/15/24

Subject: Gender and Society
Teacher: Mariko Lopez


(A Reaction Paper)

Gender inequality arises when people endure discrimination, fewer opportunity,

and more, violence based on their gender. When gender inequality prevails in a society,
it results in unequal outcomes that harm not only individuals targeted because of their
gender, but everyone else as well. Domestic violence is a persistent pattern of
threatening, coercive, and aggressive behavior in a current or previous domestic or
intimate relationship. This encompasses physical violence, threats, verbal and
emotional abuse, institutional and administrative system abuse, economic abuse, social
isolation, and cultural/spiritual abuse. This causes a person to live in fear most domestic
violence is committed by men, domestic violence is gendered because it is committed
against women and children.

Gender inequality and domestic violence is a violence that occurs in relationship

it is abuse or a violence between couple and a lover, everyone can be a victim of it both
men and women. Some examples of this are the physical, emotional, and abuse.
Inequality is a conservative custom of the ancients believes that women should be in
the house take care of the husband, child, and do household but sometime it has been
abused by many men and often times women such as Jacob and Mila happened. They
grew up together when they were still young Jacob already sees that what women and
men do are different that's why it was planted in his mind that men are stronger than
women. Because, women can't do what men can do until the time comes the two
became lovers and Jacob forbids Mila to do the work that he thinks only man can do.

And as the time of their marriage goes by, he no longer realizes that he is hurting
Mila because what he thinks is that she is disobeying him and that cause to Jacob of
hurting on Mila, and because of that Mila will become now a victim of a gender
inequality abused because Jacob insulted her loyalty as a wife and above her as a
human being. In today's modern times what man can do women can do too, in a new
generation now there are some laws made by the government to protect every person
who will be a victim in a gender inequality violence. The welfare of each one of us is
important that is why there were laws so that each one of us can be given the right and
adequate protection from our government. Because they have established laws that aim
to help anyone, whether poor or rich, in this generation, being a woman or being a man
is no longer the basis, as long as the important thing is that you can perform your duty,
you can expect it to have a good outcome result.

Gender inequality is causes by domestic violence and domestic violence causes

by inequality, powers and control, that causes the violation of human rights. In today’s
generation, it is important that we should know the right we have, don't let yourself be a
slave to someone else, even your husband, although it was said in the scriptures that it
is necessary to submit yourself to your husband, but this is not the case what matters is
don’t let that person who will make you suffer forever, you have your own opinion and
decision educate yourself as much as you can. Because in this day you will be
miserable if you don't know every right you have, most of the time people are abusive to
others especially when you are uneducated. Let's all unite towards the development of
our community, give everyone enough and proper rights, let's be equal in anything,
whether it's at work or in our lives, it's important to respect everyone's rights and be
equal in dealing with anyone because I believe in sayings that "the harder you push, the
harder the system pushes back."

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