Diagnostic Test

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Diagnostic Test

GRAMMAR 4 A: a big gym / does / have / your school / ?

1 Complete the conversation with the correct

form of the verbs and short answers. B: Yes, it .
1 5 phones / have / we / expensive / don’t / .
A: (your dad / get
up) before you in the morning?
6 A: passes / friends / bus / do / your / have / ?
B: Yes, 2 . And he 3
(leave) home very early – at seven o’clock! So I
(not see) him in the morning. B: Yes, they .
A: What about your mom? 5 6
(you / see) her? 4 Complete the text with the correct form of love,
B: Yes. She 6
(have) breakfast with me. like, not like, not mind, or hate and the correct
form of the verbs in parentheses.
2 Complete the sentences about Rachel. Use
My Family!
always, usually, often, sometimes, or never and
My Family!
Here’s some information about me and
the correct form of the verb.
Here’s some
my family! Myinformation
dad 1 about me and
what? Frequency my family!
My basketball
watch) dad on TV, but he
play the guitar 3 days / week 2
( watch) basketball on(TV, butit.
play) heHe says
listen to music in the evening 6 days / week 2
he’s too old. Ha, ha! My brother Sam He says
( play) it.
be busy 5 days / week he’s too old. Ha, ha! My brother
( ride)Sam
his bike, but he
eat blue cheese 0 days / week 43
bike, but he
sleep with her cat 7 days / week 45
I ( go) swimming.
, ( swim) but it’s
be tired in the morning 3 days / week 5
I my favorite hobby. So, what, do
not ( Iswim)
like? but it’s
1 She the guitar. not my favorite
Photography! I 6 hobby. So, what do I like?
2 She to music in the evening Photography!
( I6
take) photos!
3 She busy.
4 She blue cheese. 6
5 She with her cat. 5 Correct the underlined mistakes.
6 She tired in the morning. 1 Mike likes listening to hip hop?
6 2 Beth always is late!
3 Tim and Ella hasn’t phones.
3 Put the words in the correct order to make
sentences. Complete the short answers for the
questions. 4 Rob doesn’t mind to stay at home on the
1 have / good laptops / doesn’t / this store / . weekend.
5 Have your town a nice park?
2 A: a small car / have / your parents / do / ?
6 Sophie study usually in her bedroom.
B: No, they .
3 black hair / have / Jack and my brother / . 6

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VOCABULARY 9 Circle the correct options.
6 Complete the text with the verbs in the box.

download go hanging making Speak English Around the World

play taking Hi, my name’s José. I’m from Spain. I like 1... books
and magazines. I also 2... a blog, but it isn’t very
I like 1 out with my friends. Sometimes
famous! I live near the ocean, so I often play 3... on
we 2 for a bike ride together. I love
3 the beach and go 4... in the ocean. I also like going
photos and 4 videos. 5
... for clothes, but I don’t buy expensive clothes
I also like music. I 5 the guitar and I
because I don’t have much 6... .
sometimes 6 songs from the Internet.
1 a taking b reading c going
7 Complete the sports words.
2 a write b take c make
1 win
3 a gymnastics b windsurfing c volleyball
2 sa
4 a swimming b riding c shopping
3 gym
5 a buying b shopping c seeing
4 bas
6 a money b bus pass c tablet
5 ho
6 ru
10 Match the definitions with the words in the box.
chat online hang out with headphones passport
8 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
sailing table tennis
1 I don’t pay on the bus because I have
ab p . 1 Have a conversation by sending messages using
the Internet.
2 My p ’s battery is very low. Do you have
ap ch ? 2 Spend time with friends.
3 When I walk to school, I listen to music on my 3 You play this sport with two or four people.
h . They’re really great!
4 I don’t have a big computer, but I have a 4 You do this activity on water. You need wind to
l and a tablet. do it.
5 I can’t open the door because I don’t have 5 You wear these on your ears. You listen to
my k . music on them.
6 I have an expensive c . It takes great 6 You show this when you enter another country.
6 6

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READING 13 Circle the correct options.

11 Read the profile. 1 How does Matt listen to music?

a on his headphones
Personal Profile b on his laptop
Name: Matt Taylor c when he goes to school
Class: 4C 2 What activities does Matt do with his friends?
A I love listening to music! I always listen on my a play basketball and go shopping
headphones when I go to school. I like hanging
out with my friends, too. I usually see them b chat online and play video games
on the weekends. We often play basketball c play basketball and chat online
together. We have some great games! I don’t
mind chatting online with them, but it isn’t my 3 What does Matt like doing more?
favorite activity. a reading
B I hate going shopping! I usually go to the b playing video games
supermarket on the weekends with my
c going shopping
parents, but I really don’t like it. I don’t like
reading books very much, either. I prefer video 4 How often does Matt use his bike?
games. They’re cool! a not very often
C I don’t have many things. I have a phone and b on the weekend
a laptop. And I have a bike, but I don’t go for
a bike ride very often. It’s boring! c never
5 What two things does Matt often do on
Match the headings with the paragraphs. Saturday or Sunday?
1 My possessions a play video games and basketball
2 I like doing … b go shopping and chat online

3 I don’t like doing … c play basketball and go shopping

3 6 What two things does Matt like doing?

12 Read the profile again. Are the sentences a playing basketball and riding his bike
T (true) or F (false)? b listening to music and chatting online
1 Matt listens to music before school. c listening to music and playing video games
2 Matt sometimes plays basketball on 6
Saturdays and Sundays.
3 Matt doesn’t like chatting online.
4 Shopping isn’t Matt’s favorite activity.
S Matt’s dad doesn’t go shopping very often.
6 Matt usually goes for a bike ride on the

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14 Listen to Kyle and Sophie talking. What are 17 Write an online profile of someone you know.
they talking about? Use the paragraph plan below to help you.
a A message from Rocío Write at least 100 words.
Paragraph 1
b Sophie’s new friend
• The person, their family and friends
c Sophie’s hobbies
Paragraph 2
• Their favorite free-time activity:
15 Listen again. Are the sentences are T (true), F
– what it is and where they do it
(false), or DS (doesn’t say)?
– how often they do it
1 Sophie likes Rocío. ____
Paragraph 3
2 Sophie and Rocío are in contact because
• Other free-time activities:
Rocío reads Sophie’s blog. ____
– what they like doing
3 It isn’t easy for Sophie and Rocío to have – when and where they do the activities
a conversation. ____
4 Rocío plays the violin. ____
S Rocío finds great photos and puts them
on her blog. ____
6 Rocío plays volleyball. ____
16 Listen again. Correct the underlined mistakes
in the sentences.
1 Rocío is Sophie’s best friend.
2 Rocío doesn’t like learning English.

3 Rocío’s blog isn’t interesting.

4 Rocío’s instruments are great.
5 Rocío loves doing homework.
6 Rocío sometimes goes windsurfing and sailing.

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