HK Scholarship Agreement

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A. Parties to the Agreement

First Party
Campus: ______ Main ______ Urdaneta
Name of Scholarship: HAWAK KAMAY (GRANT)
Represented by: Ms. Jean Kimberly Dayao
Position: PUCU-Center for Student Development & Leadership (CSDL) Staff

Second Party
Student Name: ___________________________________________________________ (HK SCHOLAR)
Course: AB/BS ______________________________________ Year Level: ________________________
Scholar Year ____________________ Semester _________________
Age: ______ Gender: ____ Male ___ Female
Address Residence ____________________________________________________________________
Mobile No. 1: ___________________________________ Mobile No. 2: _________________________

With the knowledge and consent of:

Father’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ (PARENT)
Father’s Mobile No.1: ______________________________ Mobile No. 2: ________________________
Mother’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ (PARENT)
Mobile No. 1. _____________________________________ Mobile No. 2: ________________________
Name of Guardian ___________________________________________________________ (GUADIAN)
Relationship to Guardian: _______________________________________________________________
Guardian’s Mobile No. 1: ____________________________ Mobile No. 2: ________________________
Address of Parents/Guardian: ____________________________________________________________
B. Purpose of this Agreement
B.1. The COLLEGE as part of its mission of making lives better through education shall provide limited
scholarship slots to deserving students under its Hawak Kamay Scholarship Program (HKSP).
B.3. The COLLEGE has selected the HK SCHOLAR to be a recipient of a scholarship slot under the HKSP.
B.4. The HK SCHOLAR is bonafide student of the COLLEGE.
B.5. The PARENT/GUARDIAN has given their consent and is aware of the HK SCHOLAR GRANT.
B.6. The HK SCHOLAR and the PARENT/GUARDIAN has read and has understood the Terms of the
Scholarship and has agreed to comply with the said Terms of the Scholarship.
B.7. This Agreement supersedes any other agreement of the HKSP and once signed by both parties
becomes official and binding to both parties.

C. Terms of the Scholarship


C.1. For each scholar under the HKSP, the COLLEGE shall subsidize three types of HK: the 25%, 50%, and
75% of the tuition and Miscellaneous Fees based on total assessed fees for every semester
DEPENDING on the grant received by the student.
C.2. An HK SCHOLAR will only pay the balance of 25%/50%/75% of his/her assessed Tuition and
Miscellaneous Fees for every semester that the GRANT is in effect.
C.3. Aside from the fees stated in (C.2), the HK scholar is required to pay all other fees assessed every
semester the GRANT is in effect.
C.4. The GRANT cannot be used at the same time with any other COLLEGE scholarship or discount
Program offered by the school.


C.5. Once the application for the GRANT is approved, it shall be enjoyed by the HK SCHOLAR for the
current semester. Continued availment of the GRANT for succeeding semesters shall be subject to a
C.6. The GRANT is also applicable during the Summer Term provided Summer classes is required by
the curriculum of the course.
C.7. The GRANT shall be in effect for the entire regular duration of the course.
C.8. Renewal and/or Termination of the GRANT shall be governed by specific rules as stated herein.


C.9. There is no grade requirement per subject or a General Weighted Average cut off requirement for
all subjects enrolled per semester. However, the HK SCHOLAR is expected to graduate based on
the require school years of the course.
C.10. The HK SCHOLAR is expected to render Ninety (90) hours of scholarship service per semester to
an assigned College department and/or as Student Facilitator.
C.11. The HK SCHOLAR’s performance of his/her scholarship service shall be assessed every semester.
C.14. The HK SCHOLAR is expected to apply for renewal of his/her GRANT before the beginning of every
C.14. The HK SCHOLAR is expected to pay the required down payment during enrollment and other fees
assessed during the course of the semester.


C.15. The GRANT shall be terminated within the current semester, after due process, if the HK SCHOLAR
is found guilty of violating COLLEGE policies as stated in the COLLEGE Student Handbook or as
promulgated by the COLLEGE or CSDL through memo circulars.
C.16. An HK SCHOLAR shall receive a written notice/e-mail of the Termination of the Grant within seven
(7) working days from the day the decision to terminate the GRANT is resolved by the CSDL.
C.17. The GRANT shall stop if the HK SCHOLAR does not complete the course within the prescribed
school years of the program or with one (1) year extension/chance.
C.18. The HK SCHOLAR shall be placed on Probation for the next semester if he/she:
C.18.1. Fails to render the required 90 hours per semester of scholarship service
C.18.2. Receives a POOR rating in his/her performance evaluation for his/her assigned Scholarship
C.18.3. Fails to pay the required assessed fees for the current semester
C.20. For the GRANT to continue in the succeeding semesters, the HK SCHOLAR must remove the
PROBATIONARY status in the current semester by:
C.20.1. rendering the required 90 hours of scholarship service
C.20.2. improve his performance rating
C.20.3. Pay the required assessed other fees
C.21. Failure to comply with the requirements of PROBATION will terminate the GRANT in the next
C.22. An HK SCHOLAR whose grant was not renewed/stopped will receive a written notice/e-mail of the
decision from the CSDL before the 1st day of class of the succeeding semester.
C.23. An HK SCHOLAR whose GRANT was terminated may appeal for reinstatement of the GRANT. The
appeal must be filed in writing stating reasons for the reinstatement to the CSDL no later than
seven (7) working days from receipt of Notice GRANT termination.
C.23. An HK SCHOLAR whose GRANT was terminated for the current semester may appeal for
reactivation of the GRANT. The appeal must be filed in writing/e-mail stating the reasons for the
reactivation to the CSDL before the next semester starts.
C.24. The CSDL shall review and recommend action to the office of the COO who shall decide on all
appeals. Such decision shall be deemed final.

I have read and understood the Terms of this Scholarship Agreement and commit to abide by such terms


First Party:

PHINMA University of Pangasinan

Adele S. Traspe
Director, CSDL

Second Party:

Name of Student and Signature
Date: _________________

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