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“Easy Reading Old World Literature”

Romeo & Juliet


Series Designer
Philip J. Solimene

Laura Solimene

Cover Art by
Donald V. Lannon III

Black & White Illustrations by

Ken Landgraf

New York
Story Adapter
Ed Teeling

William Shakespeare

Copyright © 2014
Edcon Publishing Group, Inc.

Romeo & Juliet


ePDF ISBN 0-8481-0814-0

ePDF ISBN 978-0-8481-0814-4

Interdisciplinary Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Words Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5


11 Verona and Fighting The Montagues and the Capulets 6

can never get along. Fighting is against
the law in Verona, but the fighting goes on.

12 Love-sick Romeo is not happy. He is in love. But the 12

girl he loves does not love him back.

13 The Magic of a Night Romeo meets the girl of his dreams. 18

14 At the Church Romeo and Juliet fall in love. Friar 24

Laurence will marry them.

15 Death in the Street Romeo, who only wants peace, kills 30

his wife’s cousin. The Prince tells Romeo
he must leave Verona because he broke the law.

16 A Day of Sorrow Juliet is married only a few hours. She 36

waits for Romeo to come to her. She
wonders where he may be.

17 Capulet’s Plan Paris asks to marry Juliet, but she is already 42

married to Romeo. Juliet says goodbye to
her husband who must leave Verona.

18 A Deep Sleep Friar Laurence thinks of a way to bring 48

Romeo and Juliet together again.

19 The Missing Letter Romeo learns of Juliet’s death. He rides 54

to Verona to be with his wife.

20 Together Again When Juliet wakes to find her husband 60

dead, she takes her own life.

Comprehension Check Answer Key . . . . . . . . . .67

Vocabulary Check Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

About the Author
William Shakespeare was born in 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon, a city in
England. His mother ’s name was Mary Arden. His father, John, was a wealthy
businessman. There is very little known about William Shakespeare’s early life. It is
believed that he attended a local grammar school where the students learned Latin, public
speaking, and religion. Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in 1582. They had three
children, Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith. In 1584, Shakespeare left Stratford and went to
By 1592, Shakespeare was a well-known actor and playwright. In 1599,
Shakespeare, along with others, opened up the Globe Theatre. In the early 1600’s,
Shakespeare’s company worked under King James I and became known as the King’s Men.
In 1608, the King’s Men acquired the Blackfriars Theatre, which became their winter
home. In 1613, the Globe was destroyed in a fire and was rebuilt a year later. However, by
that time, Shakespeare had retired from writing. Shakespeare died in his hometown of
Stratford on April 23, 1616.

Interdisciplinary Teaching Suggestions

Language Arts:
Be a Critic: Create a classroom critic’s corner. Break students up into ten groups. Allow
each group to read a chapter before the class and prepare a critique just like the movies!
Create a Diary based on Shakespeare’s Characters: Students must choose a
character from the story. After reading each chapter, students should write a diary entry
on their character’s feelings based on the events in the story.

Create a Bar Graph: What professions were available in Shakespeare’s time? What were
the average salaries paid? Create a bar graph.
Create a Pie Chart: Research the population of London and the distribution of wealth
during Shakespeare’s time. Create a pie chart.

Health Issues during Shakespeare’s Time: Create a newspaper for Shakespeare’s
London. Report on the average lifespan of men and women. In 1592 the Plague killed
15,000 people in London. Report on the cause and effect of the Plague. Report on other
health concerns for the people of the time.

Social Studies:
Compare Queens and Kings: Shakespeare wrote and performed plays for Queen
Elizabeth I and then King James I. How were the monarchies of the Queen and King

Create an Interdisciplinary Classroom Museum of Artifacts from Shakespeare’s
Story: Research, create, and detail the purpose and significance of each student’s artifact
in relation to the story.
Create a Classroom Bulletin Board: Break up students into small groups. Make each
group responsible for an area of the bulletin board that pertains to the story. Create a story
cluster describing literary elements from the story, for example setting, characters, and


Story 11 Story 12 Story 13 Story 14 Story15


between beautiful answer change both

break early dance evening end
city lady still older happen
family sad thought second own
fight trouble tomorrow sure proud
might wait tonight young should


against cousin east act apart

beat daughter enemy church blood
death dream music easily chance
law fourteen sorrow friar growls
peace marry sweet heart harm
prince mask wall heaven honor
ruled sick wherefore holy rascal
servant sighs yonder

Story 16 Story 17 Story 18 Story 19 Story 20


ahead done fair asleep drops

knock start hope gold enough
ring terrible myself late outside
sent until past only part
soft while returns poor points
stand wife strong whistle set


born lark blessing forever breath

dead marriage knife iron cost
gentle match lie medicine faithful
gentleman mind pray poison figure
husband pain shakes prisoner kiss
news weak sight shadows known
shame worried tomb torch lips
stars wake statue
SC 202-11

Verona and Fighting


Key Words
between (bi twen´) in the space or time separating two points, things, or places
It is not good to eat between meals.

break (brak) to make something go to pieces

An egg will break if you drop it.

city (sit´e) a large, important town where many people live

More people live in the city than in the country.

family (fam´l e) mothers and fathers and their children

Our family will visit Grandmother this Christmas.

fight (fit) to hurt others because you donít like them or to win
something from them
If you must fight, fight to win.

might (mit) may

It might rain today. We might miss the bus. Joe might
meet me at the game.

SC 202-11

Verona and Fighting

Necessary Words

against (, genst´) to not go along with what is wanted or believed;

to be opposed to something
Swimming alone is against my father’s wishes.
It is against the rules to run in the hall.
Speeding is against the law.

beat (bet) to hit again and again

The robber beat the man and took his money.

death (deth) the end of life

The saddest death is the death of a loved one.

law (lô) words (rules) that tell people what they may or may
not do
The law says I must cross the street at the corner.

peace (pes) free from war or fighting

After ten years of fighting, the two countries made

prince (prins) the son of a king

Someday, the prince will be king.

ruled (rüld) took charge of or said how people must live

The king ruled the country for 30 years.

servant (ser´v , nt) a person who waits on or takes care of others

The servant served us tea at noon.

sword (sôrd) a weapon that has a long, sharp blade

When he drew his sword, I knew I was in trouble.

SC 202-11

Verona and Fighting

In Verona, fights would start over silly things.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentence under the picture.
4. Read the first three paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Verona is a city in

____a. Spain.
____b. Italy.
____c. Germany.
____d. Ireland.

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 10 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out how hard it is to keep the peace in Verona.

SC 202-11

Verona and Fighting

Romeo and Juliet lived a long the man to death. Capulets, down with the
time ago. They lived in a city in Two families in Verona did not Montagues. They break the
Italy called Verona. Romeo like each other. They were the peace!”
belonged to the family called Montagues and the Capulets. Old Capulet, the family head,
Montague. Juliet to the family Their money bought friends and comes. “What is this? Give me
called Capulet. Romeo was a servants; they were strong. my sword!”
young man. Juliet was a young Sometimes fighting broke out “What you need is a chair and
girl. But they never grew old. between them. Then there was you call for a sword,” his wife
Why? Let’s find out. no peace in Verona. No wonder says.
We have to know about Verona the Prince became angry when Old Montague comes. His
to know why. A good prince ruled he heard the Montagues and the sword is out. “Capulet, again!”
in Verona. He kept the peace. Capulets were at it again. he shouts. His wife holds him
His people had good houses to Samson and Gregory, two ser- back.
live in. They had good food to vants of the house of Capulet, Now the Prince comes.
eat. They had good clothes to walk in the street in Verona. “Mean, old men. Three times
wear. They could work and take They wear swords. you have broken the peace in
care of their families. It was so “Just let the Montagues give Verona. One more time and you
because the Prince kept the us trouble and they will feel our will pay with your lives. Now
peace. swords,” Samson says. leave here!”
But these were mean times. Into the street, as Samson
People loved only their families talks, come two Montague ser-
and friends. With others, they vants.
would fight over silly things. “Do you look to fight?” Gregory
Fighting might start over a bad says to them.
look. One man might give anoth- “Fight? No, but we will not
er man a bad look. They might turn from one!” the Montague
fight with swords. Sometimes servants shout.
someone was killed. Without another word, both
In Verona, fighting was sides take out their swords and
against the law. Most people begin fighting.
came to love the law. When Benvolio, a Montague, comes
there was no fighting, there was into the street and sees the fight-
peace. When there was peace, ing. “Stop, stop,” he cries, and
they could live well. But the law takes out his own sword to get
was not enough. Some people between them. “You break the
just had to fight. They were used law.”
to fighting. So, the Prince made Tybalt, a Capulet, is not far
some men “watchers.” They behind. “What, you draw your
watched for fighting and told the sword on servants?” he shouts at
Prince about it. No one wanted Benvolio. He takes out his
to be caught fighting. A man sword, and now they are all
caught fighting could be put out fighting.
of the city - out of fair Verona The Prince’s watchers come.
and away from family and “Stop them! Beat them down!”
friends. Or, the Prince might put they cry. “Down with the

SC 202-11

Verona and Fighting

b. Italy.
Choose the best answer.

1. Romeo belonged to the 6. The Montagues and Capulets were

____a. Montana family. ____a. servants.
____b. Monty family. ____b. rich people.
____c. Montague family. ____c. poor people.
____d. Manilla family. ___d. nothing but trouble.

2. Juliet was from the family called 7. Samson and Gregory were
____a. Capone. ____a. servants of the house of Montague.
____b. Caputo. ____b. servants of the house of Capulet.
____c. Coronet. ____c. the Prince’s finest “watchers.”
____d. Capulet. ____d. sword makers.

3. The Prince of Verona 8. Tybalt was

____a. took good care of his people. ____a. a Capulet.
____b. made everyone feel afraid. ____b. a “watcher.”
____c. was hard on his servants. ____c. Romeo’s best friend.
____d. did not like Romeo. ____d. a servant of the Prince.

4. “Watchers” 9. Another name for this story could be

____a. were men who looked at young ____a. “A Place in Italy.”
____ women. ____b. “The Law Breakers.”
____b. were women who liked to shop. ____c. “No Peace in Verona.”
____c. looked out for fighting and told the ____d. “Never Grow Old.”
____ Prince about it.
____d. were Juliet’s servants. 10. This story is mainly about
____a. a good Prince who was well liked.
5. Someone caught fighting ____b. the law breakers of Italy.
____a. could be put to death. ____c. a town in Italy where everyone got
____b. would be fined. ____ along.
____c. would be sent away by their family. ____d. two rich families that couldn’t get
____d. would lose his house. ____ along.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

SC 202-11

Verona and Fighting


between break city family fight might

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. If we don’t hurry we _________miss our train.

2. Our ___________has dinner around six o’clock.

3. We went to the ___________to see the parade.

4. Jeff was in a __________last night. Now he has a black eye.

5. At the table, I sit ______________my sister and brother.

6. “Don’t throw the ball at the window,” cried Joe. “It might ___________.”

II. Word Search

All the words above are hidden in the puzzle below. They may be written from left
to right, right to left, up and down, or on an angle. As you find each word, put a
circle around it. One word, that is not a key word, has been done for you.


Check your answers with the key on page 69.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

SC 202-12


Key Words
beautiful (bu´te f , l) very pleasing to see, hear, touch, smell, or think
On a night without clouds, a sky full of stars is
very beautiful.

early (er´le) near the beginning of something happening; not late
Joey left his house early to be on time for school.

lady (la´de) a woman others look up to for the good way she
leads her life
The lady up the street in the big house is Mrs.

sad (sad) unhappy

It was a sad day when our team lost the game.

trouble (trub´l) worry; to be uneasy about something

“Does it trouble you to have lost your home-
work?” asked Mom.

wait (wat) to stand by until someone comes or something

Mary had to wait for the light to turn green
before she crossed the street.

SC 202-12

Necessary Words
cousin (kuz´n) a child of your aunt or your uncle
My cousin Anthony and I like to go fishing.

daughter (dô ´t , r) a girl child

Jane is our youngest daughter.

dream (drem) something thought of, usually while sleeping

Marsha had a dream that she broke her leg.

fourteen (fôr ´ten´) the number after thirteen and before fifteen; 14
At fourteen, Pete got himself a part-time job.

marry (mar´e) to join and live as man and wife

Ann will marry Michael in June.

mask (mask) cloth, or something like cloth, worn over the face to
keep from being seen
A Halloween mask can be scary or funny.

sick (sik) not feeling good; not well

Louise will visit her sick grandmother today.

sighs (sis) to let out deep breaths with a soft sound over
something that troubles
Mother sighs when she’s late for work.

SC 202-12


Romeo is very sad. “What troubles you?” asks Benvolio.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first eight paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.
You learned from your preview that Romeo
____a. is sick of love.
____b. is sick of his cousin asking questions.
____c. is in love with someone who does not love him back.
____d. does not want to live in Verona.

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 16 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read on to find out who will be going to Capulet’s party.

SC 202-12

Montague is angry. In the that time, he tells Paris, he should Prince than the Montagues. Just
street, in front of all Verona, the see more of Juliet. He should get maybe, Montague’s wife is think-
Prince shouted at him because his to know her -- make her love him. ing this way.
men were fighting with Capulet's If that happens, Capulet says he She asks Juliet if she dreams of
men. How bad was that! will let Juliet marry. marrying. “It is not something I
“Sh! It could have been very Now it can begin. Capulet is dream of,” Juliet answers.
bad. Our Romeo could have been giving a party this very night. Her mother begins to play up
fighting,” his wife says. "Have you Juliet will be there. Paris is asked Paris. She tells Juliet he is a
seen our son, Benvolio?” to come. Here is a chance for him cousin of the Prince. She says
Benvolio saw Romeo early this with Juliet, Capulet tells him. there is not a young man as good
morning. Romeo looked so trou- Capulet gives Peter, a servant, looking in all Verona. “What say
bled and sad. He turned from a paper with names on it. These you. Can you love this man?” she
Benvolio and went off alone. are the people he wants to come to asks.
“He has been this way for the party. Peter is to go out into “I will look to see, which is
days,” Montague says. “He is your the city and ask them to come. what you ask,” Juliet answers.
cousin, Benvolio. Listen to him, But Peter cannot read. As he * * *
find out what is his trouble.” walks, he sees Romeo and It is night, and Capulet's party
Just then, Romeo comes into Benvolio. He asks Romeo to read is about to start. Romeo,
the street. the names for him. Romeo reads, Benvolio, and their friend
“Romeo comes! Go. I will talk and Peter puts the names into his Mercutio wait outside the house.
to him and find out,” Benvolio head. Romeo asks who is giving They put on masks to cover their
says to Montague and his wife. the party. faces. Then they join masked
They hurry off. “Capulet. If you are not of the singers and dancers and go into
“Romeo, you are so sad. What house of Montague, come early the party. “We shall sing and
troubles you?” Benvolio asks. and join us, sir, for the help you dance with the others,” Benvolio
Romeo tells him. He is very give me,” Peter says, and hurries says.
much in love. But the lady does away. “I am sick with love. Love is
not love back. She will not have Beautiful Rosaline is coming. too hard,” Romeo sighs.
him. He can think of nothing else. Now Benvolio knows. It is she “If love be hard with you, be
He is love-sick. He will not say Romeo loves. The way Romeo hard with love,” Mercutio cries.
who the lady is that makes him says her name tells him so.
this way. “We must go to this party,”
“I will help you. Begin this Benvolio cries. “I will show you
way: do not think of her,” ladies who will make you not
Benvolio tells him. think of Rosaline.”
“O teach me how I should not “One fairer than the sun. No,”
think,” Romeo cries. Romeo sighs. “But I will go.”
“The beautiful ones are every- Romeo talks about love. Paris
where. Come along,” Benvolio talks about love and marrying. In
says. “I will teach you.” Juliet's room, Capulet's wife talks
* * * about these things with her
At Capulet’s house, Paris, a daughter. By now she knows
young cousin of the Prince, visits. Paris wants Juliet. She seems not
Capulet has a beautiful daughter. troubled that Juliet is so young.
Juliet is her name. Paris wishes Maybe her first thought is of
to talk to her of love and someday the Prince. Paris is his cousin. If
marry her. Juliet marries Paris, the Prince,
Capulet listens. He tells Paris in a way, would be family. And
that Juliet is not yet fourteen. families stick together. Then the
Paris must wait two years. In Capulets would be closer to the
SC 202-12

c. is in love with someone who
Choose the best answer. does not love him back.

1. Benvolio is Romeo’s 6. Capulet wants Juliet to marry

____a. best friend. ____a. Benvolio.
____b. uncle. ____b. Romeo.
____c. cousin. ____c. Peter.
____d. father. ____d. Paris.

2. Benvolio saw Romeo early one morning 7. Paris is

____a. but Benvolio was in a hurry and ____a. one of the Prince’s “watchers.”
____ ran off. ____b. the Prince’s cousin.
____b. but Romeo did not want to talk. ____c. one of the Prince’s servants.
____c. and they talked about Benvolio’s ____d. the Prince’s best friend.
____d. and they had a fight. 8. Juliet’s mother
____a. thinks more about herself than her
3. Benvolio tells Romeo ____ daughter’s happiness.
____a. not to think of his lady love. ____b. puts Juliet’s happiness above her
____b. to go away for a while and forget ____ own.
____ her. ____c. does not love her daughter.
____c. to stop acting like a baby. ____d. does not love her husband.
____d. to stop crying.
9. Another name for this story could be
4. Benvolio thinks that Romeo will be ____a. “Juliet’s Dream.”
happy again if he ____b. “The Party.”
____a. gets into a good fight. ____c. “Love in Paris.”
____b. gets a pet. ____d. “A Wedding Plan for Juliet.”
____c. leaves the country.
____d. meets another beautiful lady. 10. This story is mainly about
____a. a young man unhappy in love.
5. Paris is in love with ____b. a young girl who wants to get
____a. the Prince. ____ married.
____b. Rosaline. ____c. a mother’s plan to get close to the
____c. Juliet. ____ Prince.
____d. himself. ____d. Paris’ plan to get rich.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

SC 202-12


beautiful early lady sad trouble wait

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. We all __________for Dad to come home before we eat dinner.

2. “Don’t look so _______,” said Dad. “We’ll find our dog.”

3. The house looked so _______________after it had been painted.

4. “Can I borrow the car, Dad, if it’s not too much ________________?”

5. We left ____________to make the party on time.

6. “Mom, there’s a _____________at the door to see you,” shouted Brenda.

II. Words of the Same Meaning

From the box above, choose the word which means the same as the one(s) underlined
in the sentence. Write the one you choose on the line after the sentence.

1. “Does it worry you that Pete is late for the game?”_______________

2. That good woman has a lovely garden._________________

3. Joan was not late for the party.__________________

4. Otis was very unhappy when his dog died.________________

5. “If you will stand by a little while, I’ll drive you to work,” said Dad._______________

6. Mary is so very pleasing to look at. _____________________

Check your answers with the key on page 69.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

SC 202-13

The Magic of a Night


Key Words
answer (an´s , r) to speak or write words in return to a question;
to tell what is asked
Larry had the wrong answer to the question.

dance (dans) to move one’s body in time to music

“May I have this dance?” asked the man to the
young lady.

still (stil) even to this time; even to that time

I still sleep with my teddy-bear.

thought (thôt) all that goes on in thinking; an idea

“Pat, I thought of you last night,” said Ken.

tomorrow (t , môr´o) the day after today

If it snows tomorrow, school will be closed.

tonight (t , nit´) the night that follows this day

“Are you doing anything tonight?” asked Tom.

SC 202-13

The Magic of a Night

Necessary Words
east (est) the direction of the sunrise
My friend lives east of the train station.

enemy (en´ , me) anyone who hurts or would hurt; not a friend
An enemy soldier made his way into our camp.

music (mu´zik) sounds put together in a way that makes good

Syndi and Ray danced to the music.

sorrow (sor´ o) much sadness;

Sue felt much sorrow when her friend moved away.

sweet (swet) good in the mouth; good to the eye or the ear
Ice-cream is sweet and so is a bird’s song.

wall (wôl) stone, brick, or some other material built up to

divide, or to keep something inside or outside
Above the wall, we could see apples in the tree but
we could not get to them.

wherefore (hwãr´ fôr) why? why is it?

Wherefore must Sam work at night while Michael

yonder (yon´ d , r) over there; in a place not near, but able to be seen
The cat sleeps yonder under the rose bush.

Slang of the Day

art thou are you
‘tis it is

SC 203-13

The Magic of a Night

Romeo watches Juliet dance. She is the most beautiful lady he’s ever seen.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first four paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Romeo

____a. does not like to dance.
____b. does not know how to dance.
____c. does not like music.
____d. wants to dance with Juliet.

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 22 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out what happens after the party.

SC 202-13

The Magic of a Night

Capulet stands in the great tells Juliet he is Romeo, the only words were heard by someone.
room to meet his friends. He son of Montague, her father ’s "What man hides in the dark and
smiles, he laughs, as the music enemy. Juliet cannot believe it! hears my thoughts?" Juliet asks.
begins. "Come my friends, use the What will she do? "I know not how to tell you who
music and dance!" I am. My name, dear lady, is
They come and dance. But not * * * hateful to myself because it is an
Romeo; he stands and watches. Outside, Romeo cannot leave. enemy to you," Romeo says.
Soon he is watching the most Juliet is so near. Benvolio and "I have not heard you say a
beautiful lady he has ever seen. Mercutio come looking for him. hundred words, yet I know the
All thoughts of other women are "Romeo, my cousin Romeo, sound. Are you not Romeo, a
gone. Romeo," Benvolio calls. But Montague?" Juliet asks.
The lady is dancing. When the Romeo does not answer. But just then, Nurse calls.
dance ends, Romeo will go to "He came this way. He climbed Romeo must leave. If he is found
where she stands. He will touch the garden wall. Call him, in Juliet's garden, he could be
her hand for the next dance. Mercutio," Benvolio cries. killed.
Tybalt watches Romeo. Romeo Mercutio calls. Still, Romeo "If you truly love me," says
wears a mask, but Tybalt hears does not answer. Tonight, he will Juliet, "have word for me tomor-
him talk and knows he is Romeo. not be found. They leave. row that we will marry. I will
He sees, too, who Romeo watches Romeo waits in the garden send to you. What o'clock?" Juliet
and he is angry. A Montague in under Juliet's window. "What asks.
the house looking at her! He light through yonder window "Nine," says Romeo.
sends a boy to bring his sword. breaks? It is the east and Juliet is "Good night, good night.
Capulet is watching. "Tybalt, the sun," he whispers. Parting is such sweet sorrow that
let Romeo be. All Verona knows Juliet comes to the window. I shall say good night till it be
him as a good young man. She does not know Romeo is tomorrow," Juliet sighs.
Tonight he is a friend. Get hold of there. She begins to talk out loud
yourself or leave." to herself. "Romeo, Romeo,
Tybalt is still angry, but he wherefore art thou Romeo?"
leaves. She is asking why the one man
The beautiful lady returns to she ever loved is Romeo, a
her place. She is Juliet, and Montague. She thinks a little
Romeo is waiting for her. He then says, "Give up your name.
touches her hand. They dance. Or if you will not, say you love
They feel close. Soon, they talk of me — and I will give up my name,
love. They cannot help it. The Capulet."
dance ends. Then Juliet thinks a little more
Romeo wants to find out who about it. She says, after all, "Tis
this beautiful girl is. He finds but your name that is my enemy.
Nurse, one of Juliet's servants. You are yourself though, and not a
He asks Nurse who Juliet's father Montague. O be some other
is. When he hears, he can't name! What is in a name? That
believe it! Juliet is the daughter which we call a rose by any other
of his father’s enemy! What will name would smell as sweet."
he do? Romeo speaks out. "I take you
The party comes to an end. at your word. Call me love and it
Juliet stands with Nurse. She will be my new name. After,
wants the name of that man in never will I be Romeo."
the mask. Nurse will find out. In Juliet is surprised that her
a little while, Nurse returns. She

SC 202-13

The Magic of a Night

Preview Answer:
Choose the best answer. d. wants to dance with Juliet.

1. Tybalt was angry because 6. It did not matter to Romeo or Juliet that
____a. Juliet would not dance with him. ____a. their names were different.
____b. Romeo had been invited to the ____b. their families were enemies.
____ party. ____c. their families were good friends.
____c. Juliet was looking at Romeo. ____d. they belonged to the same family.
____d. a Montague liked a lady of the
____ Capulet family. 7. Romeo was afraid that if Juliet knew he
was a Montague, she would
2. Romeo and Juliet ____a. never love him.
____a. fell in love as they danced. ____b. tell her father.
____b. took time to get to know each other. ____c. tell Nurse.
____c. got married right after the party. ____d. have him killed.
____d. did not like each other.
8. Romeo and Juliet were planning to marry
3. The families of Romeo and Juliet ____a. at nine o’clock the next day.
____a. were good friends. ____b. at six o’clock the next day.
____b. did not get along. ____c. very soon.
____c. were happy that Romeo and Juliet ____d. in two more years.
____ fell in love.
____d. wanted them to marry right away. 9. Another name for this story could be
____a. “A Sweet Sorrow.”
4. Why did Romeo wait in the garden under ____b. “Tybalt’s Anger.”
Juliet’s window? ____c. “The Party.”
____a. He was looking for Benvolio and ____d. “Love is in the Air.”
____ Mercutio.
____b. He loved her flower garden. 10 This story is mainly about
____c. He wanted to be close to her. ____a. the beauty of Juliet’s garden.
____d. He knew that Juliet was looking for ____b. a boy and girl who fall in love.
____ him. ____c. loving your enemies.
____d. having fun at a party.
5. Romeo whispers that Juliet is like
____a. a beautiful flower.
____b. a lovely rose.
____c. the sun.
____d. the moon.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

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SC 202-13

The Magic of a Night


answer dance still thought tomorrow tonight

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. ________________there are many stars in the sky.

2. I _________________I lost my keys but I found them.

3. "Are you going to the school ___________on Friday?" asked Sue.

4. Mark didn’t know the ______________to the question.

5. If it rains ________________ we won’t have a picnic.

6. "Are you ______________reading that book?" asked Mrs. Jones.

II. Using the Words

On the lines below, write six of your own sentences using the key words from the
box above. Use each word once, drawing a line under the key word.







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SC 202-14

At The Church

Key Words
change (chanj) to make different, or to become different
“Jack, change into a clean shirt,” said Mom.

evening (ev´ ning) the last part of the day and early part of the night
In the evening, Dad reads the newspaper.

older (old´ , r) more aged

Mary is Flora’s older sister.

second (sek´ , nd) one of the very short parts of time in one minute
It takes but a second to say ‘Thanks’.

sure (shur) to know that what you know is right; certain
Jesse was sure he locked the door.

young (yung) in the early part of life

Young puppies grow to be old dogs.

SC 202-14

At the Church
Necessary Words
act (akt) a thing done
Helping the old man across the street is an
act of kindness.

church (cherch) a place where people come together to worship God

Our family goes to church every week.

easily (ez´ l e) without trying hard

Deer run easily through the woods.

friar (fri ´ , r) a man of the Catholic church

The friar will marry Sally and Sam.

heart (härt) the part of the body that keeps life going, and feels
I miss you from the bottom of my heart.

heaven (hev´ , n) a place where some people say God lives

Luke says his dad is with God in heaven.

holy (ho´ le) what belongs to, comes from, or is kept for God
Our church sits on holy ground.

SC 202-14

At the Church

Romeo asks Friar Laurence to marry him and Juliet today.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentence under the picture.
4. Read the first seven paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that

____a. Friar Laurence had been up all night.
____b. Juliet had been up all night.
____c. Verona had been up all night.
____d. Romeo had been up all night.

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 28 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read on to find out if Romeo and Juliet marry.

SC 202-14

At the Church
Friar Laurence hurries along "Tybalt is angry and sends word "Then go to Friar Laurence's
near empty streets. It is early he wants a fight with Romeo. church at three. There, Romeo
morning, and Verona sleeps. He Over what, no one knows." will be to make you his wife,"
carries a basket of flowers and "Poor Romeo. So sick he is Nurse says.
plants he has picked. He will dry from loving Rosaline. It will not "I must get ready. I hurry to
them and do strange things with go well for him with Tybalt," my love, good Nurse!"
them. Then he will give them to Mercutio cries.
sick people to make them well. As they talk, Romeo turns into * * *
Romeo also hurries along the the street. He smiles. "Ah, good
streets. He looks for Friar morning, my friends!" Romeo and Friar Laurence
Laurence. Since leaving Juliet's "Why did you hide from us last wait at the church. "Let heaven
garden, he runs on love. He has night?" Mercutio asks. smile on this holy act. Let not
never been so happy or so sure of "Sorry, I cannot tell you at this sorrow later come from it," says
what he must do. time," Romeo answers. Friar Laurence.
"And there he is the good A change has come over "But sorrow cannot harm our
man!" shouts Romeo. "Good Romeo. They talk. Romeo jokes happy hearts. Marry us and not
morning Friar Laurence." with them. Benvolio and even death comes between us,"
"Romeo, it is so early for you. Mercutio see the change. Tybalt answers Romeo.
Or, maybe you have been up all now seems not to be trouble. "Love easily. Long love does.
night?" Nurse comes into the street. Too quickly comes as late as too
"Up all night. I have been She has been looking everywhere slow," Friar Laurence says.
with my enemy, and we both hurt. for Romeo. But he had on the Juliet comes, and Romeo takes
I come to you to make us well," mask last evening. She does not her in his arms.
Romeo says. know his looks. She asks where "Good evening, Friar," Juliet
Friar Laurence waves a hand. she can find young Romeo. says. Romeo still holds her.
"Say what you mean in the few "I can tell you. But young "Come. Come with me. We
words it takes." Romeo will be older when you find will make short work of this. You
"My heart is set on the daugh- him. I am he, getting older each shall not be alone a second until
ter of Capulet. Her heart is set on second," he laughs. you marry," says Friar Laurence.
me. We met and we fell in love. "If you be Romeo, I need to
We wish to marry. "Will you talk with you alone," says Nurse.
marry us today, good friar?" Benvolio and Mercutio leave.
Romeo asks. "My lady sent me. What word
"What change is this! Is do you have for her?" Nurse asks.
Rosaline, who you loved so much, "Tell her I will wait for her at
gone in a second?" the church. The friar will marry
"Do not hold me to that. Juliet us this day," Romeo answers.
loves me and I love her. Rosaline
never loved," Romeo says. * * *
"Your words are strong and
sure. I will do this. Your love Juliet waits for Nurse. Nurse
might bring peace to Capulet and comes.
Montague. That alone makes "O honey Nurse, what word?"
good the doing," Friar Laurence cries Juliet.
says. They leave to make ready. "I am tired," says Nurse. "Let
Later, Benvolio and Mercutio me rest my bones."
walk together. "Where is Romeo? Juliet cries, "No! Come talk,
Did he go home last night?" good, good Nurse."
Mercutio asks. "Will you marry him today?"
"No, and there is trouble. We Nurse asks.
need to find him," Benvolio says. "I will, I will," says Juliet.

SC 202-14

At the Church
Preview Answer:
Choose the best answer. d. Romeo had been up all night.

1. What does Friar Laurence do with the 6. Benvolio and Mercutio were surprised to
flowers and plants he picks? see a change in Romeo. What was that
____a. He sells them for money. change?
____b. He puts them in the church. ____a. He was talking again.
____c. He gives them to his mother. ____b. He was taking an early morning
____d. He gives them to sick people to ____ walk.
make them well. ____c. He was happy that Rosaline was
____ gone.
2. Friar Laurence ____d. He was not sad anymore. He was
____a. is kind to others. ____ happy.
____b. does not get along with other
____ people. 7. Why did Nurse want to rest her bones?
____c. is a very sick man. ____a. She had been out all morning
____d. is not a happy man. ____ looking for Romeo and her legs hurt.
____b. She had been up all night and was
3. Friar Laurence thought Romeo loved ____ tired.
____a. Nurse. ____c. She had been cleaning all morning.
____b. Rosaline. ____d. She had been out picking flowers
____c. Tybalt. ____ with Friar Laurence.
____d. Mercutio.
8. Juliet was to meet Romeo at the church at
4. Friar Laurence thought that the ____a. five o’clock.
marriage between Romeo and Juliet ____b. three o’clock.
might bring ____c. eleven o’clock.
____a a baby. ____d. two o’clock.
____b. good luck.
____c. peace to Verona. 9. Another name for this story could be
____d. pennies from heaven. ____a. “Heaven Smiles for Juliet.”
____b. “Dark Days Ahead.”
5. Romeo and Juliet were to be married ____c. “Strong Words to Live By.”
____a. in a church. ____d. “Happy Hearts.”
____b. in Juliet’s garden.
____c. in Romeo’s home. 10. This story is mainly about
____d. in Spain. ____a. a friar who liked gardening.
____b. a troubled man named Tybalt.
____c. two people in love who want to
____ marry.
____d. a friar who did not believe in love.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

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SC 202-14

At the Church

change evening older second sure young

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. Last ______________our car was stolen.

2. Who is ____________? You or your brother?

3. Are you ______________the party starts at eight?

4. “You are too ______________to go out with boys,” said Mother.

5. You are never too old to ____________________your ways.

6. “I’ll be with you in one _______________,” said the salesman.

Write the letter of the correct meaning from Column B next to the key word in
Column A.

Column A ________ Column B

________1. sure a. to make different, or to become different

________2. young b. to know that what you know is right

________3. change c. more aged

________4. second d. the last part of the day; early part of night

________5. older e. in the early part of life

________6. evening f. one of the very short parts of time in one


Check your answers with the key on page 70.

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SC 202-15

Death in the Street


Key Words

both (both) the two; the one and the other, or the two together
Tim and Liam both got an 'A' on the test.

end (end) to be the last part; stop

Alice and Marie end the day with a hot bath.

happen (hap´ , n) come about or take place

What would happen if I took your dog’s bone?

own (on) belonging to one’s self

Jim used his own money to buy a coat.

proud (proud) feeling good about yourself or what you do

Vinnie was proud to have won the race.

should (shud) past of ‘shall’
You should go to the doctor when you are sick.
You should be here by six o’clock.
You should help Mother do the dishes.

SC 202-15

Death in the Street

Necessary Words
apart ( , pärt´) away from each other
Bill and Joe were always fighting, so
they sat apart in class.

blood (blud) what is red and runs like water through us, keeping
us alive; what is seen when we cut ourselves
Blood ran from the cut in Bob’s hand.

chance (chans) an opportunity (a favorable time); turn;

Perry was given a chance to play basketball.

growls (grouls) to make deep, low, angry sounds

Our dog growls when someone knocks on our door.

harm (härm) hurt

A strong wind may do a lot of harm.

honor (on´ , r) good name

Casey’s honor would not let her keep the
wallet she found.

rascal (ras´ kl) bad person

Some rascal took my money.

SC 202-15

Death in the Street

"Good day, men of Montague," says Tybalt. "A word with you, please."

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first six paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Tybalt was looking for
____a. Juliet.
____b. Friar Laurence.
____c. Romeo.
____d. Benvolio.

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 34 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read on to find out what all the fighting leads up to.

SC 202-15

Death in the Street

Benvolio and Mercutio walk the lost his honor; he didn’t draw his angry. They saw you kill Tybalt.
streets. They talk more of Tybalt sword. Mercutio draws his sword The Prince will have you put to
wanting to fight Romeo. Soon, the against Tybalt. Romeo then death. Be gone! I say.”
talk is of the Capulets. Then the draws his sword and tries to keep “O, I am my own enemy,” cries
talk is of the Capulets as their them apart. Romeo. And he leaves in a hurry.
enemies. “Draw, Benvolio!” shouts The Prince comes. The
“Let us leave the streets. The Romeo. “Beat down their swords. Capulets and Montagues come.
day is hot and hot days make get- Tybalt, Mercutio, end this! You “Who are they who began this
ting angry easy,” Benvolio says. know fighting in our streets is fighting?” the Prince asks.
“Yes, and if we run into against the law!” Then Romeo “O, good Prince. I can tell you
Capulets, we are sure to fight,” gets between them. everything,” says Benvolio. There
answers Mercutio. Tybalt sees his chance. He lies Tybalt, killed by Romeo after
From behind, a voice comes to runs his sword under Romeo’s Tybalt killed Mercutio.”
them. “Good day, men of arm, deep into Mercutio. “Tybalt? My brother’s child?”
Montague — a word with you, “I am hurt,” Mercutio cries, Capulet’s wife cries. “O, the blood
please.” Knowing the voice, and falls. runs from my dear brother’s son.
Benvolio and Mercutio feel for Tybalt and his men hurry Prince, for blood of ours let run
their swords. It is Tybalt. Others away. the blood of Montague! O my dear
are with him. Benvolio helps Mercutio off the brother, how this hurts so.”
“Why just a word? Why not a street and into a house. “From the beginning, Benvolio.
little sword play?” Mercutio Mercutio’s life will soon end. How did this happen?” asks the
growls. “I am killed by a Capulet--a Prince.
“I can do that. But it is your rascal,” cries Mercutio. He looks Benvolio tells the Prince how
friend Romeo I want,” answers at Romeo. “Why came you the fighting began.
Tybalt. between us? I was killed under Capulet’s wife waits for
“People watch. We should talk your arm,” he says. “May bad Benvolio to finish. “He is cousin
quietly or go where we can be things happen to both your hous- to the Montague. He does not
alone to fight,” says Benvolio. es.” speak true! Romeo killed Tybalt.
“Forget that; here he comes,” “My friend is about to lose his Romeo must die!”
cries Tybalt. As Romeo nears, life because of me,” cries Romeo, “Not Romeo, good Prince,” says
Tybalt shouts, “Romeo, you are a “and because of Tybalt’s words. Benvolio. He was Mercutio’s
rascal! A Montague looking to And Tybalt became my cousin friend. Should he not have
love a Capulet!” when I married Juliet!” brought Tybalt to an end?”
“Tybalt, this day I must love Benvolio cries out. “Mercutio The Prince spoke next.
you. It keeps me from using my is gone.” “Romeo, you have broken the law.
sword. I am not a rascal. Tybalt soon learns about Because you took a life, you must
Goodbye,” Romeo answers. He Mercutio. He comes to the place leave Verona. The people are
turns to leave. where Mercutio lies dead. angry. If you are found here, it
“Romeo, your words do nothing “You killed Mercutio,” says will be the end of you.”
for the harm you do me. Draw Romeo. “And you come back Romeo feels sick. How can he
your sword!” Tybalt shouts, as he proud of it. Tybalt, take back the leave Verona? How can he leave
draws his own. word ‘rascal’ you called me--or his Juliet?
“I have not done harm to you. make ready to meet Mercutio
And you do not know why now I where he is!”
must love you. Capulet is a name Swords come out. Tybalt and
I am proud of as much as Romeo fight to the death. Romeo
Montague. So let it be,” Romeo kills Tybalt.
says. “Romeo, away! Be gone!”
Mercutio thinks Romeo has shouts Benvolio. “The people are

SC 202-15

Death in the Street

Preview Answer:
Choose the best answer. c. Romeo.

1. When Benvolio and Mercutio hear Tybalt’s 6. Romeo seeks peace with the Capulet
voice, they are family because
____a. pleased. ____a. he is tired of fighting.
____b. afraid. ____b. he is now married to a Capulet.
____c. sad. ____c. he wants to please his mother.
____d. very happy. ____d. he is afraid of them.

2. Mercutio tries 7. Mercutio thinks that Romeo is afraid to

____a. to draw Tybalt into a fight. fight because
____b. to talk Tybalt out of a fight. ____a. Romeo will not stop talking.
____c. to get Benvolio to fight Tybalt. ____b. Romeo tells Tybalt he must love him.
____d. to run away from Tybalt. ____c. Romeo tries to run.
____d. Romeo does not draw his sword.
3. When Tybalt sees Romeo, he calls him a
____a. donkey. 8. After Romeo killed Tybalt, the Prince
____b. puppet. ____a. shook his hand.
____c. wolf. ____b. cried.
____d. rascal. ____c. told Romeo to leave Verona.
____d. took his own life.
4. Tybalt does not like Romeo because
____a. Romeo had loved Rosaline. 9. Another name for this story could be
____b. Romeo is a Montague. ____a. “The Little Rascals.”
____c. Romeo seeks the love of a Capulet. ____b. “A Fight Ends in Death.”
____d. Romeo is loved by all of Verona. ____c. “Breaking the Law.”
____d. “Peace in Verona.”
5. The Capulets and Montagues
____a. do not know that Romeo and Juliet 10. This story is mainly about
_____ are married. ____a. how Romeo, who only wanted peace,
____b. are pleased that Romeo and Juliet _____ came to kill his wife’s cousin.
_____ are married. ____b. being angry.
____c. are against Romeo and Juliet getting ____c. what happens when someone breaks
_____ married. _____ the law.
____d. get along now that Romeo and Juliet ____d. why the Prince sent Romeo to his
_____ are married. _____ death.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

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SC 202-15

Death in the Street


both end happen own proud should

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. “Will you _____________stop talking,” said Mr. Williams.

2. Dad was ______________that I passed my driving test.

3. “You _________________help your brother rake the yard,” said Dad.

4. The book was so good, I didn’t want it to _____________.

5. What would ______________if you broke a window? Would you pay for it?

6. Sheila drove her _____________car to the store.

II. True or False?

Are the sentences true or false? Check one line. TRUE FALSE

1. If you own something, it belongs to another. ______ ______

2. If you are proud of yourself, you feel good. ______ ______

3. If Joe and John both went to the game, the two of them went. ______ ______

4. At the end of the day, the sun comes up. ______ ______

5. I should go to bed on time means I must stay up late. ______ ______

6. See what will happen to the robber means see what

comes about. ______ ______

Check your answers with the key on page 70.

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SC 202-16

A Day of Sorrow

Key Words
ahead (, hed´) earlier; in front
Carl jumped in line ahead of the others.

knock (nok) a noise made by hitting

Knock on the door and see if anyone is home.

ring (ring) a thin circle of metal worn on a finger

Larry bought me a ring for my birthday.

sent (sent) caused to go; the past tense of send

Don sent flowers to his mother.

soft (sôft) 1. not hard

I sleep on a very soft bed.
2. quiet
Kittens make soft sounds.

stand (stand) to be up on your feet

I was told to stand at the end of the line.

SC 202-16

A Day of Sorrow
Necessary Words
born (bôrn) brought forth by birth; came into life
Laura was born on Christmas Day.

dead (ded) no longer living

Jack’s father has been dead a long time.

gentle (jen´ tl) soft; not rough

Harry’s dog was big, but gentle.

gentleman (jen´ tl m , n) a man of good family; a man of honor

The old man was a kind gentleman.
Everyone liked him.

husband (huz´ b ,nd) a man who has a wife; a married man

Mark Russo is Stella’s husband.

news (nüz) something told as having just happened,

or will soon happen
There is news of snow tomorrow.

shame (sham) a bad feeling of having done something wrong

Rob was filled with shame for having told
a lie.

stars (stärz) lights in the sky that can be seen at night

“The stars are very bright this night.”

though (THo) even so; still

Though slow, the turtle won the race.

SC 202-16

A Day of Sorrow

Nurse hurries to the garden to give Juliet the sad news.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentence under the picture.
4. Read the first six paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Juliet had been married for
____a. one week.
____b. a few hours.
____c. one month.
____d. one year.

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 40 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out how Juliet feels when she hears the bad news.

SC 202-16

A Day of Sorrow
Juliet, married just a few hours, Tybalt dead? Is Romeo dead? My “Killing Tybalt calls for death,
is about to lose her husband. Her dearest cousin and my dearest but this kind Prince lets you live.
cousin Tybalt is dead, killed by lord?” Juliet asks. “Tell me, Nurse. Give thanks he only sends you
her husband, Romeo. The Prince Which one is dead?” away,” Friar Laurence says.
will now send Romeo out of “Tybalt is gone. It was your “Heaven is where Juliet lives.
Verona. But Juliet does not know Romeo who killed him. Now Everyone, every cat and dog may
any of this. She thinks only of Romeo must leave Verona,” see Juliet, but not her husband!”
Romeo coming to her this night. answers Nurse. Romeo cries, falling to the ground
Juliet cannot stand still. She “Oh, No!” cries Juliet. “Did my and hating himself.
takes a walk in her garden. She Romeo’s hand take Tybalt’s life?” “Frightening is to see you this
dreams of her life with Romeo. not wanting to believe it. way,” says Friar Laurence, as he
She wonders where he may be. “It did, it did! O, the bad day, shakes his head.
What she feels comes from her it did. Shame come to Romeo,” Just then, Nurse knocks on the
like a soft wind. “Come gentle Nurse answers again. church door. When no one
night; come, loving black night. “May you burn for saying answers, she walks in. She sees
Give me my Romeo. And when I that,” says Juliet. “Romeo was Friar Laurence.
shall die, take him and cut him not born to shame!” “Where is Romeo?” Nurse asks.
out in little stars. And he will “Will you speak well of him “There on the ground,” Friar
make the face of heaven so fine, that killed your cousin?” Nurse Laurence points.
that all the world will be in love asks. “Stand up! Stand up if you are
with night.” “Shall I speak badly of him a man,” says Nurse. “Do it for
As Juliet dreams, Nurse hurries that is my husband?” answers Juliet’s sake!” she shouts.
into the garden. Juliet. “If Romeo killed Tybalt, Romeo stands and takes
“Now, Nurse. What news?” then Tybalt must have wanted to Juliet’s ring. “Tell me of Juliet
asks Juliet. kill Romeo. O, what sad trouble is and what does she think of me
Nurse is full of sorrow. She this. Tybalt is dead, and my who killed her cousin?”
cries out, “Ah, he is dead! He is Romeo is put out of Verona. To Nurse answers. “She cries and
dead! He is dead! It is over my me, losing Romeo this way is such calls for dead Tybalt to come back.
dear lady. He is gone. He is sorrow,” says Juliet. And she cries for her Romeo.”
killed. He is dead!” Nurse feels bad for Juliet. She Romeo is very sad. His heart
Juliet cannot believe what she tells Juliet, “Go to your room and is full of sorrow. Friar Laurence
hears. Could her husband, of just wait for my knock. I know where sighs at the look of him. “Wake
a few hours, be dead? “Can heav- to find Romeo. I will go ahead up man! Your Juliet lives. Be
en want him more than I?” she and bring him to you.” happy. Tybalt would have killed
cries. “O, find him, my dear servant. you, but you killed him first. Be
“Romeo can, though heaven And give this ring to him. Tell happy. The law called for you to
cannot. Who would have thought him to come to me and take his be put to death. But you live! Be
it would be Romeo!” Nurse says, last goodbye,” Juliet cries. happy. Go this night to Juliet.
leaving Juliet to wonder what she There was only one place Some day you will come back to
means. where Romeo could be hiding . . . Verona.”
“Why do you hurt me this the church! The friar looks at Nurse. “Go
way?” answers Juliet. “Did on ahead. Romeo will soon fol-
Romeo kill himself? Is he dead or * * * low.”
alive? Tell me, Nurse. If he’s
dead, please make your news “Romeo,” began Friar
soft.” Laurence, “it is the Prince’s word.
“O, Tybalt. Tybalt, the best You may live, but you must leave
friend I had. O, gentle Tybalt, Verona.”
good gentleman, that I should live “To be sent away is more
to see you dead,” says Nurse. frightening than to die,” answers
“Tybalt!” shouted Juliet. “Is Romeo.

SC 202-16

A Day of Sorrow
Preview Answer:
Choose the best answer. b. a few hours.

1. In the beginning of this chapter, Juliet 6. Juliet believes that being apart from
____a. wonders where Romeo can be. Romeo
____b. wonders where Nurse can be. ____a. will be harder than if he were dead.
____c. dreams of her life in Verona. ____b. will be the best thing for both of
____d. dreams of heaven. ____ them.
____c. will bring peace to the Montagues
2. When Nurse first tells Juliet, “He is ____ and Capulets.
dead,” Juliet thinks she means ____d. will make her a strong lady.
____a. the Prince is dead.
____b. her cousin is dead. 7. Nurse
____c. her husband is dead. ____a. wants nothing to do with Juliet.
____d. her father is dead. ____b. feels bad for Romeo.
____c. feels bad for Juliet.
3. At first, Juliet ____d. wishes Romeo had never been born.
____a. does not understand Nurse’s words.
____b. thinks Nurse is making up a story. 8. Friar Laurence tells Romeo
____c. is happy when she hears the news. ____a. to stop frightening him.
____d. will not listen to what Nurse has to ____b. to stand up and be a man.
____ say. ____c. to stop hating himself.
____d. to give thanks that the Prince lets
4. When Juliet understands that Tybalt is ____ him live.
____a. she does not show surprise. 9. Another name for this story could be
____b. she hits Nurse in the face. ____a. “Happy Days are Here at Last.”
____c. she falls to the floor and cries. ____b. “Alone Again.”
____d. she feels better that Tybalt is dead ____c. “Sad Days Ahead.”
____ and not Romeo. ____d. “Come Gentle Night.”

5. Juliet didn’t want to believe that 10. This story is mainly about
____a. the Prince put Romeo out of Verona. ____a. how Romeo and Juliet feel about
____b. Romeo’s hand took the life of her ____ being apart.
____ cousin. ____b. why Romeo was born to shame.
____c. her husband was born to shame. ____c. why Juliet will not speak bad of her
____d. heaven waited for Romeo. ____ husband.
____d. why Nurse hates Romeo.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.
SC 202-16

A Day of Sorrow

ahead knock ring sent soft stand

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. Kevin ran _________of all the others in the race.

2. The _____________clay was easy to work with.

3. If you are tired, don’t _____________. Take a seat.

4. Mother’s _____________has a beautiful red stone in it.

5. If no one answers the bell, _____________on the door.

6. Dad _____________flowers to Mother’s office.

II. Put an X next to the best ending for each sentence.

1. Pete will knock on the door 4. The soft blanket

____a. to see if Ron is home. ____a. keeps me warm.
____b. to be on time for the party. ____b. hurts my skin.

2. Otis bought a ring 5. Dan ran ahead

____a. to put in his car. ____a. to be first in line.
____b. to give to his girl. ____b. to be the last in line.

3. We were all asked to stand 6. Mother sent me

____a. and give our feet a rest. ____a. to the window.
____b. and face the flag. ____b. to the store.

Check your answers with the key on page 70.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.
SC 202-17

Capulet’s Plan

Key Words
done (dun) finished; through; over
Jackie is done cleaning her room.

start (stärt) begin

Louis likes to start the day with a big breakfast.

terrible (ter´ , bl) awful; causing great fear

A terrible storm was nearing our home.

until (un til´) up to the time of; up to the time when

Will you stay until my mom gets home?

while (hwil) a space of time; in that time

Steve called while you were out.

wife (wif) a married woman; a woman who has a husband

Jill Martin is the wife of Dick Martin.

SC 202-17

Capulet’s Plan
Necessary Words
lark (lärk) a small songbird
The sweet song of a lark woke me up today.

marriage (mar´ ij) life as husband and wife

The Browns have a happy marriage.

match (mach) two people that go well together

I think Eric would be a good match for Sue.

mind (mind) the part of us that knows, thinks, feels, and chooses
Lorraine has a good mind for math.

pain (pan) the feeling of being hurt

The death of his dog caused Tim much pain.

weak (wek) not strong in body or mind

Margie felt weak because she didn’t eat all day.

worried (wer´ ed) to feel uneasy or troubled about something
Marty worried about his sick friend.

SC 202-17

Capulet’s Plan

Paris asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentence under the picture.
4. Read the first six paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Lady Capulet

____a. wants Paris to marry her daughter.
____b. does not want Paris to marry Juliet.
____c. will not let Paris into her home.
____d. does not think Juliet should get
married so young.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 46 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out what Juliet tells her mother and father.

SC 202-17

Capulet’s Plan
All of Verona talks of Tybalt and Juliet ready to marry.” cousin of the Prince! She is not
Mercutio and how they met their Soon enough, Lady Capulet proud? She does not give
end. They talk of Romeo and how thinks to herself. After this terri- thanks?”
the Prince has sent him away. ble day, Juliet needs to sleep. Juliet answers for herself. “I
With this in mind, Paris hurries No one knows that Juliet is am not proud. I cannot be proud
to Capulet’s house. already married. Not Capulet, of what I do not like. But I thank
Paris is sure that this is the not his wife, not even Paris. you for what you try to do.”
time to ask for Juliet’s hand. He Her words make Capulet very
will take her away from the fight- * * * angry. He shouts and calls her
ing and killing. He’s sure Capulet Now it is near morning light, names. If she does not marry
will be proud to give him Juliet’s and Romeo is still with Juliet. Paris, he will put her out of the
hand. “Do you go now?” Juliet sighs. house. He will make her live in
Capulet and his wife hear a “For sure, it is not near day.” the street.
knock at the door. It is Paris. “I heard the lark who sings Lady Capulet thinks her hus-
They let him in. Paris asks just before morning. I must be band has gone too far with his
Capulet for his daughter’s hand in gone and live--or stay and die,” words. “You are too hot,” she says
marriage. answers Romeo. to him.
“Paris, you must wait. Juliet Juliet listens for a little while. Once again, Capulet shames
is in so much pain. She loved her “It is the lark! O, now be gone, Juliet, then leaves the room.
cousin very much. This is not the my dear Romeo.” Capulet’s wife starts to follow.
time to talk to her of marriage,” Just then, Nurse knocks at the “O, my sweet mother,” Juliet
says Capulet. door. Juliet’s mother is coming. calls. “Do not turn away from
But his wife will not be still. Romeo goes his way in a hurry. me.”
She has liked this match from the Lady Capulet finds her daugh- “Do not talk to me right now,”
start. It cannot be too soon. ter crying. “If Juliet must cry, let answers Lady Capulet. “For now,
“I will talk to her,” she says, to her cry because Tybalt’s killer I am done with you.”
her husband’s surprise. “I will lives,” she says.
know her mind by tomorrow,” Juliet must hide her love for * * *
sounding sure to get the answer Romeo. She must hide that she is Later, Nurse comes to Juliet’s
she wants. his wife. She makes believe she room. Juliet sighs. “Tell me,
Now Capulet is worried. This wants him dead. Nurse. Romeo, my sweet husband
is Paris, a cousin of the Prince. “I will not be happy until I see lives. How can I marry Paris?”
After the fighting and killing--a Romeo dead,” she lies. she asks.
Capulet-Montague thing again-- Juliet’s mother smiles. “Until “Romeo is gone and will never
should he look weak in front of then. Here now is good news. be back. No one will know you
Paris while his wife looks strong? Your father gives you in marriage. are married. Marry Paris. He is
This marriage is an answer to his In two days, you will marry much better than Romeo,”
dream. In a way, this marriage Paris.” answers Nurse.
would make him part of the “It will not be!” said Juliet Juliet does not like Nurse’s
Prince’s family. That would be with surprise. The thought made words. “O, terrible woman! What
very sad news for the Montagues. her sick. “Why do you hurry to see could be more of a trouble--telling
Capulet suddenly changes his me marry?” she asks. “And why me to marry while I am married?
mind. “We must end this, dear must I marry a man I do not love?” Or speaking against Romeo?
wife. I will answer for Juliet. She Her mother starts to answer, Romeo, who you once said was so
will marry you, Paris. She will do but in comes Capulet himself. good. I am done with you, Nurse!
as I say. I know she will. In three “Husband,” began Lady Now go tell my father and mother
days it will be,” he says. Capulet, “she will not hear of mar- that I go to see Friar Laurence.”
“I wish it were tomorrow,” rying Paris.”
Paris cries. “What!” shouted Capulet.
“Go, Wife,” says Capulet. “Get “She is to marry a gentleman, a

SC 202-17

Capulet’s Plan
Preview Answer:
Choose the best answer. a. wants Paris to marry her daughter.

1. Paris is sure Juliet will marry him 6. Romeo knew it was time to leave Verona
____a. to get away from her father. when
____b. to get away from her mother. ____a. he heard the Montagues were
____c. to get away from Nurse. ____ coming after him.
____d. to get away from the fighting ____b. Juliet kissed him goodbye.
and killing. ____c. Nurse knocked at the door.
____d. when he heard the lark sing.
2. At first, Capulet tells Paris
____a. to wait to marry Juliet. 7. Lady Capulet finds Juliet crying. Juliet
____b. to marry her right away. makes believe she cries for
____c. that Juliet will never marry him. ____a. her father.
____d. that Juliet is already married. ____b. Paris.
____c. her dead cousin.
3. Capulet later changes his mind because ____d. Verona.
____a. he wants to make his daughter
____ happy. 8. Juliet will not marry Paris because
____b. he wants to make Paris happy. ____a. she is already married to Romeo.
____c. this will be his chance to get close to ____b. she doesn’t want to get married.
____ the Prince. ____c. she never liked Paris.
____d. this will be his chance to bring ____d. she wants to make her father angry.
____ honor to the Montagues.
9. Another name for this story could be
4. Why was Capulet so sure Juliet would ____a. “More Troubles for Juliet.”
do as he asked? ____b. “A Secret Gets Out.”
____a. During Juliet’s day, children ____c. “A Father’s Love.”
____ listened to their mothers and ____d. “An Answer to a Dream.”
____ fathers.
____b. Juliet would do anything to please 10. This story is mainly about
____ him. ____a. a father’s plan to marry his
____c. The marriage would take her mind ____ daughter.
____ off the death of her cousin. ____b. how Juliet keeps her marriage a
____d. Paris was a good-looking young ____ secret.
____ man. ____c. Romeo leaving Verona.
____d. Juliet’s anger at Nurse’s words.
5. Romeo must leave Verona soon or
____a. he will bring shame to his family.
____b. he will be killed.
____c. Juliet will be killed.
____d. something terrible will happen to
____ the Prince.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.
SC 202-17

Capulet’s Plan

done start terrible until while wife

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. The play will ________________at 6 o’clock.

2. Please have a seat ____________ you wait.

3. I bring my ______________flowers on her birthday.

4. “Are you _____________with the dishes?” asked Mom.

5. It was ______________to see the plane fall from the sky.

6. I won’t get a new car _______________I have the money to pay for it.

II. Word Search

All the words from the box above are hidden in the puzzle below. They may be
written from left to right or up and down. As you find each word, put a circle
around it. One word, that is not a key word, has been done for you.


Check your answers with the key on page 71.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.
SC 202-18

A Deep Sleep

Key Words
fair (f ãr) pleasing to see; beautiful
“She was a fair lady,” said the old man.

hope (hop) wish for

Joel and Joseph hope to win the race.

myself (mi self´) used in place of I or me

I hurt myself this morning.

past (past) gone by; ended

Ten o’clock is way past my bedtime.

returns (ri ternz´) goes back or comes back

Mary returns on the five o’clock train.

strong (strông) able to do hard or heavy work

My dog is strong enough to pull me on my bike.

SC 202-18

A Deep Sleep
Necessary Words
blessing (bles´ ing) a prayer asking God to make things good
Father says the blessing before we eat.

knife (nif) a short, flat blade with an edge to cut and a point to stick
Harvey used a knife to cut the rope.

lie (li) to be in a flat position, not standing or sitting

Do you go right to sleep when you lie
down in bed?

pray (pra) talk to God; ask God for help

Farmers often pray for rain.

shakes (shaks) moves quickly backwards and forwards, up

and down, or from side to side
As Joan carries the glass of water, her
hand shakes.

sight (sit) thing seen

Watching the sun go down is a beautiful sight.

tomb (tüm) a place where dead people lie in rest

The family tomb looks like a small house.

wake (wak) stop sleeping

Rich must wake at seven to get to school on time.

Mantua the city Romeo went to when he was made to leave Verona

SC 202-18

A Deep Sleep

Juliet, needing help, runs to the church. But Paris is already there.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first eight paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Juliet is in trouble.

Who does she run to for help?
____a. Her mother
____b. Her father
____c. Nurse
____d. Friar Laurence

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 52 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out about the friar’s plan to help Juliet.

SC 202-18

A Deep Sleep
Juliet hurries to Friar be happy. Say you will marry Paris.
Laurence for help. She sees no Paris. The night before the mar- “Paris comes!” shouts Capulet.
way out of her trouble. She is riage, drink this drink I give you. “Wife! Nurse! Wake Juliet!”
married to Romeo. But now, You will fall into a deep sleep. Nurse runs to Juliet’s room.
Capulet says she must marry You’ll be found in the morning-- She is fast asleep. “Lady, lady,
Paris in two days. Only Nurse you will look dead. You will be wake,” cries Nurse. “You marry
and Friar Laurence know she is taken to the Capulet tomb. You today!” But Juliet still sleeps.
already married. will lie there asleep for two days. Nurse tries again to get her
Paris is already with Friar Then you will wake. I will send up. “Wake my lady; Paris is
Laurence. He tells the friar he word to Romeo. When you wake, here.” O, how sound she sleeps,
will marry Juliet. Romeo will be there and take you thinks Nurse. She shakes Juliet
“Marry in two days?” the friar back with him to Mantua.” to wake her. But she does not get
asks with great surprise. He does Juliet’s heart is full of thanks- up from her sleep.
not know what to do. He cannot giving. “Love make me strong Nurse screams! “Lady, lady.
marry Juliet again. Must he tell and strong I shall get it done,” she O, no, my lady. She is dead! She
Capulet she is already married? says. is dead!”
Married to Romeo? He shakes at Lady Capulet wakes to
* * *
the thought. Nurse’s screams. She runs to
Paris sees that Friar Juliet returns home to find Juliet’s room. “O, my child, my
Laurence looks troubled. He tells Capulet making ready for the only life! Wake up, look up, or I
the friar, “Capulet will have it so. marriage. She tries to look happy. will die with you!” she cries.
I would hope it too.” She talks to her father. “Friar Capulet gets between his wife
“But have you talked to Laurence helped me to see how and Juliet. “Let me see her! She
Juliet?” Friar Laurence asks. wrong I was. I am sorry and will is cold. Death lies on her like ice
“She cries for Tybalt. I cannot do as you wish,” she lied. on the sweetest flower,” he says
talk to her of love,” Paris answers. “We owe much to the good with great sorrow.
A knock at the door brings an friar,” Capulet says, kissing his Just then, Friar Laurence and
end to their talk. It is Juliet. daughter. “Let us not wait. Let Paris come. They have come to
“My lady and my wife!” cries us get this done tomorrow. I, bring Juliet to the church. “Is
Paris. myself, will tell Paris.” Juliet ready?” asks the friar,
His words make Juliet feel “Let it be so, Father,” she says. knowing she would not be ready.
sick. “That may be when I may be Up in her room, Juliet calls Capulet answers. “She is
a wife,” she answers, with a for Nurse. “Come, Nurse,” she ready to go, but never to return.
growl. says. “Help me pick a fair dress Death has taken our Juliet,” he
Paris is not troubled at her for marrying.” cries.
words. He says goodbye and After picking out the mar- Paris thought his heart would
leaves the church, smiling. riage dress, Juliet asks Nurse to break. “I dreamed I saw her face
Now Juliet and Friar leave. “I need to pray for a good this morning,” he began. “But
Laurence are alone. “O, shut the tomorrow,” she says. death comes and gives me such a
door!” cries Juliet. “And when you Alone in her room, Juliet sight as this,” he cries.
have done so, come cry with me. I holds the drink that will put her “Heaven has her now,” says
am past hope! I am past help!” to sleep. She wonders, What if it Friar Laurence. “Make ready this
she cries. does not work? Shall I be married fair lady in her finest clothes.
Friar Laurence does not know again in the morning? No, I will Carry her to the church for the
what to say. “O, Juliet, I hear you use the knife before that happens. blessing. Then to the tomb we
must marry Paris.” She puts the drink to her will take her.”
“Do not tell me what you hear; mouth. “Romeo,” she whispers to
tell how to stop it! I belong to herself, “here is drink I drink to
Romeo and can belong to no other. you. I shall see you once again,”
Before I am made to do so, I will she hopes.
kill myself!” Juliet says, showing
a knife in her hand. * * *
Friar Laurence thinks of a way The next morning, Capulet
out. “Go home,” he says. “Try to hears music. Players come with
SC 202-18

A Deep Sleep
d. Friar Laurence
Choose the best answer.

1. Juliet is in trouble because 6. Juliet makes believe that she wants to

____a. Romeo told everyone Juliet was his marry Paris. She does this because
____ wife. ____a. she doesn’t want anyone to catch on
____b. Romeo is leaving Verona. ____ to her plan.
____c. she is already married and can’t ____b. she wants Paris to be happy for a
____ marry another. ____ while.
____d. her father found out she is married. ____c. she wants to please her mother.
____d. she wants to bring honor to her
2. Friar Laurence cannot marry Juliet ____ family.
again because
____a. it is against the law to marry 7. Juliet worries that
____ someone more than once. ____a. the drink might really kill her.
____b. he doesn’t like Paris. ____b. the plan will not work.
____c. Juliet does not like Paris. ____c. the plan will fool no one.
____d. he is leaving Verona in the morning. ____d. the drink will harm her good looks.

3. Juliet tells the friar that if she is made to 8. Who was first to try and wake Juliet?
marry Paris, she will ____a. Capulet
____a. run away. ____b. Paris
____b. kill herself. ____c. Friar Laurence
____c. kill her father. ____d. Nurse
____d. kill Paris.
9. Another name for this story could be
4. Friar Laurence gives Juliet ____a. “The Blessing.”
____a. a kiss to make her feel better. ____b. “A Day of Thanksgiving.”
____b. a ring to give Paris. ____c. “A Sleepy Trick.”
____c. a drink to make her sick. ____d. “Sick of Love.”
____d. a drink to put her in a deep sleep.
10. This story is mainly about
5. Juliet ____a. how Juliet dies.
____a. thinks the friar has lost his mind. ____b. the friar’s plan to help Romeo and
____b. does not think the friar’s plan will ____ Juliet.
____ work. ____c. how peace was brought to Verona.
____c. is thankful for Friar Laurence’s ____d. Capulet’s plan to make his daughter
____ help. ____ happy.
____d. thinks the friar should be put to
____ death.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.
SC 202-18

A Deep Sleep

fair hope myself past returns strong

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. The lady was ___________with soft, brown hair.

2. I ate all the cake; I could not help ______________.

3. The dog’s ____________legs helped him pull the sled easily.

4. This ______________year I learned to ride a horse.

5. Dad _______________from his trip on Friday.

6. “I ___________to see you in church,” said the friar.

II. Making Sense of Sentences

Put a check next to YES if the sentence makes sense. Put a check next to NO if the
sentence does not make sense.

1. Julie is fair with long, golden hair. ____YES ____NO

2. It is time to eat when the meal is past. ____YES ____NO

3. I hope to see you on Saturday. ____YES ____NO

4. Ken is so strong, he has to rest often. ____YES ____NO

5. Dan helped me fix my bike myself. ____YES ____NO

6. Guy returns from work every evening at five. ____YES ____NO

Check your answers with the key on page 71.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.
SC 202-19

The Missing Letter


Key Words
asleep (, slep´) not awake; sleeping
The cat is asleep, and the mouse is at play.

gold (gold) shiny, bright, yellow metal once used as

money; gold is also made into rings and
other small show pieces
The king’s gold was safe in the ground.

late (lat) after the usual time

I was late and missed the bus.

only (on´ le) by itself; one and no more

Only Jack knows the way home.

poor (pur) having few things or nothing
Poor people have little money to buy food.

whistle (hwis´ l) to make a clear, sharp sound by blowing

through the mouth
When I whistle for the dog, he comes

SC 202-19

The Missing Letter

Necessary Words
forever (f , r ev´ , r) always; never ending
Blue will forever be blue, and red will
forever be red.

iron (i´ , rn) a strong, hard metal

Pete used a piece of iron to get the car’s
broken door open.

medicine (med ´ , sn) what sick people take to get well; a drug
Martha took her medicine every day. It
made her feel better.

poison (poi´ zn) something that if you eat or drink, can make
you sick, or even kill you
The king worried that someone might try
to put poison in his food.

prisoner (priz´ n , r) someone who is kept shut up against his will;

someone who is not free to move from place
to place
When the prisoner walked in the yard, he
was always watched.

torch (tôrch) a light that can be carried around

The man used a torch to help him see
into the tomb.

SC 202-19

The Missing Letter

Romeo gets the news that Juliet is dead.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentence under the picture.
4. Read the first five paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Romeo’s servant is

____a. Beethoven.
____b. Baudelaire.
____c. Balthasar.
____d. Baldomir.

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 58 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out what Romeo plans to do when he learns of Juliet’s death.

SC 202-19

The Missing Letter

In Mantua, Romeo waits for The look on the man’s face in those trees over there. If some-
news of Juliet. He does not know changed. His happy face became one comes, just whistle,” Paris
Juliet was to marry Paris. He a troubled look. “I want your tells his servant.
does not know Juliet took the gold, but I cannot do what you As Paris puts flowers before
drink that put her into a deep ask,” he says. “I would be put to the tomb where Juliet lies, he
sleep. He doesn’t know Juliet is death for selling you poison.” hears a whistle. Someone is com-
thought to be dead, that she now “Only if you are caught,” says ing! he says to himself. He steps
lies asleep--not dead--in the tomb. Romeo. Only the two of us will just out of sight and listens for
He did not get the letter Friar know. I will be gone from Mantua who comes.
Laurence sent, telling him of this night, and I will not return.” “Give me the iron,” says
these things. Friar John could Romeo places 45 pieces of gold on Romeo to Balthasar. He hands
not get to Mantua to give the let- the table. Balthasar a letter. “And take this
ter to Romeo. The poor man looked at the letter to my father. Now, go, and
Now in the night comes the gold. His heart was beating fast. do not return. For if you do, I will
sound of a hard-riding horse. It He had never seen so much gold. do you great harm,” says Romeo.
stops outside Romeo’s door. A He takes the gold and puts it in Balthasar does not like the
knock, and Balthasar, Romeo's his pocket. He tells Romeo to wait sound of Romeo’s words. “I will be
servant, pushes open the door. He while he makes the poison. Soon gone and not trouble you,” he lies.
comes from Verona with news. he returns. “Put this in some But when he is just out of sight,
“You bring news?” Romeo water. When you drink the water, he hides and watches.
asks. “Tell me, how is my lady?” you will leave this life forever,” he As Romeo opens the tomb,
Balthasar could feel his heart says. Paris shouts, “Stop what you are
beating fast. “The news is as bad Romeo takes the poison and doing!” He draws his sword.
as bad can be, Romeo. Your Juliet puts it in his pocket. He gets “Leave this place!” Romeo
sleeps forever. I saw her being Balthasar, and the two of them shouts back. “Do not try to stop
put in the Capulet tomb.” ride to Verona. They want to get me!”
Now Romeo’s heart misses a there before day’s light. “You killed Tybalt!” shouts
beat. “It is so? It is so?” Romeo Paris. “I make you my prisoner!”
cries. “Well, it will not stay this * * * Romeo answers by drawing
way. Balthasar, ready the horses. his sword. Romeo and Paris fight.
We will ride to Verona tonight!” At the church, Friar Laurence Romeo runs his sword through
As Romeo makes his way to is thinking about Juliet. A shout Paris.
Verona, he looks up at the sky. breaks his thought. “Open the tomb and lay me
My beautiful Juliet, he thinks to “Friar Laurence!” calls Friar with my Juliet,” says Paris, dying.
himself, soon I will come to you. John. “It is I, Friar John.” “Did not my man say that you
But he wonders how he will take “Yes, Friar John. I am here. were to have married Juliet? Did
his life. A poor man who makes What news from Romeo?” he asks. he say it? Did I dream it? I will
medicine lives near, he remem- “Did you go to Mantua and give find you a good place to lie, Paris,”
bers. He's so poor, he might take Romeo my letter?” Romeo answers.
my gold to make me a poison. “No, Friar,” answers Friar Paris’ servant sees what hap-
Romeo knocks at the man’s John. I was very sick. I could not pens and runs to tell the Prince’s
door. carry your letter to him. Here is “watchers.”
“Who calls at this late hour?” your letter,” he says.
asks the man, who had been fast Friar Laurence holds the let-
asleep. ter. “O, No!” says Friar Laurence.
“I bring gold at this late hour,” “Juliet is asleep and soon will
says Romeo. “Will you not answer awake. I must go and take her
your door for me?” out of that place!”
The poor man acts fast and
opens the door with a smile. * * *
Romeo tells the man he wants Paris and his servant go to the
a strong poison that will bring a place where Juliet lies.
fast death. “Give me the torch, Boy. Wait

SC 202-19

The Missing Letter

Choose the best answer. c. Balthasar

1. Balthasar gave Romeo the sad news 6. Father Laurence became frightened
about Juliet, when he found out that
____a. early in the morning. ____a. Romeo never got the letter he sent.
____b. late in the afternoon. ____b. Friar John had been very sick.
____c. sometime in the night. ____c. Juliet really died.
____d. right after breakfast. ____d. Paris and Juliet got married.

2. When Romeo heard of Juliet’s death, 7. Friar Laurence rushes to Juliet’s tomb.
____a. he wanted to die himself. He does this because
____b. he wanted to kill Balthasar. ____a. he misses her.
____c. he did not believe it. ____b. he knows that Romeo will not be
____d. he felt at peace with the news. ____ coming for her.
____c. Juliet will be waiting for him.
3. Romeo thought that if he killed himself, ____d. he wants to make sure she stays
____a. Verona would return to a peaceful ____ asleep.
____ city.
____b. the Capulets would be happy again. 8. Because Romeo never got the friar’s
____c. Juliet would come back to life. letter, he thinks
____d. he would be with Juliet forever, even ____a. Juliet doesn’t love him anymore.
in death. ____b. Juliet is going to marry Paris.
____c. Juliet is really dead.
4. In what way did Romeo plan to end his ____d. the friar is up to one of his old
life? ___ tricks.
____a. He would die by his own sword.
____b. He would go back to Verona and be 9. Another name for this story could be
put to death. ____a. “Love and Marriage.”
____c. He would end his life by never ____b. “The Death of Paris.”
eating again. ____c. “Hope for Romeo.”
____d. He would drink some poison. ____d. “Friar John Returns.”

5. At first, the poor man did not want to 10. This story is mainly about
make poison for Romeo. What changed ____a. how Romeo feels about the death of
his mind? ____ Juliet.
____a. Romeo told him he would not get ____b. how the friar’s plan turned bad.
____ caught. ____c. how Romeo helped the poor.
____b. Romeo placed his hand on his sword. ____d. why Romeo killed Paris.
____c. 37 pieces of silver
____d. 45 pieces of gold

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

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SC 202-19

The Missing Letter


asleep gold late only poor whistle

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. Every year, I give money to help the _____________people of the world.

2. When I hear Dad ________________, I know it’s time to come home.

3. Aunt Renee said I could have ______________one piece of cake.

4. The baby stays ________________all through the night.

5. “Hurry,” said Bill, “or we’ll be ___________for the game.”

6. Norman lost his shiny, _______________watch at the beach.

II. Using the Words

On the lines below, write six of your own sentences using the key words from
the box above. Use each word once, drawing a line under the key word.







Check your answers with the key on page 71

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SC 202-20

Together Again

Key Words
drops (drops) falls; lets fall
Tom throws the ball to Ed, but Ed drops it!

enough (i nuf´) as much or as many as are needed or wanted

The pot held enough water to cook the corn.

outside (out´ sid´) outdoors; not inside

It is raining outside. I’ll have to wash the car
another day.

part (pärt) a share of; the share that is given or belongs to one
Larry will cut part of the grass. Rob will cut
the other part.

points (points) directs or aims with the finger or with something else
When Tina is asked where she hid the cat, she
points to the closet.

set (set) place; put; make or cause to be

Millie set the dishes on the table.

SC 202-20

Together Again
Necessary Words
breath (breth) air taken in and let out through the mouth
Kitty took a deep breath and blew out the candles.

cost (kôst) a price paid for something

Some cars cost more than others.

faithful (fath´ f , l) always true or to be counted on

Nellie is my faithful friend.

figure (fig´ y , r) a person; a form or shape of a person or animal

Michael Jordan is a great basketball figure.

kiss (kis) to touch with the lips as a sign of love

Norma gave her dad a big kiss each morning.

known (non) recognized; past tense of know

Marty is known for being friendly.

lips (lips) the soft edges of the mouth that move

Billy blew through his lips and whistled.

statue (stach´ ü) a likeness of a figure or animal often cut in stone

A statue of Abraham Lincoln can be found
in Washington, D.C.

SC 202-20

Together Again

Romeo kisses Juliet. Then he drinks the poison and dies.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first three paragraphs of the story.
5. Then answer the following question.

You learned from you preview that Romeo wants to

____a. take Juliet back to Mantua.
____b. take Paris out of the tomb.
____c. poison the Prince.
____d. meet his wife in death.

Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 64 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read on to find out what happens to Juliet.

SC 202-20

Together Again
Now Romeo will go to his Laurence. “You go, Friar. But I “Give me the letter. I will look
Juliet. Paris is dead. No one, no must stay,” she says. on it,” says the Prince. But the
family, no Prince, no law, no wall, Friar Laurence leaves Juliet Prince had a few more questions.
can keep him from her now. He and hurries from the tomb. “Where is Paris’ servant? And
holds the torch and goes into the Juliet looks at her husband. what brought Paris here?”
tomb. She sees something in his hand. Paris’ servant answers the
He drops to Juliet’s side. “O, “What is this glass in my true Prince. “He came with flowers to
my love, my wife! Death that love’s hand?” she asks herself. “It set at his lady’s tomb. Soon,
takes your breath still leaves you is poison,” she says. “And not a another came, and Paris drew his
so fair. The red is still on your drop left for me. I will kiss his sword on him. I ran away to call
lips.” lips and maybe some is still there. the watchers.”
Romeo kisses Juliet. Then he Maybe enough for me to go to The Prince read Romeo’s letter.
drinks the poison and dies. him,” she says, kissing Romeo. “This letter does make good the
Juliet hears the watchers out- friar’s words--and, that Romeo did
* * * side the tomb. They must not find buy a poison and came to this
me here, she thinks to herself. tomb to die with Juliet.”
As Friar Laurence hurries to She takes Romeo’s knife and ends The Prince looked over at
the tomb, Balthasar steps out of her life. Capulet and Montague. “See
the shadows. The watchers hurry into the what your hate brings?”
Friar Laurence points. “Tell tomb and find Romeo, Juliet, and So full of sorrow was Capulet.
me, Balthasar, what light is that? Paris, all dead. Outside, they He looked at Montague. “O, my
Who that lives is in the tomb?” catch Friar Laurence and brother, give me your hand. Look
“The light is a torch,” Balthasar. Soon, the Prince at what our fighting has done.
Balthasar answers. “Romeo holds comes. Then the Capulets and Our children lie here dead
it, I hope.” Montagues come. because of our hate for one anoth-
“Come with me,” Friar “Bring me those who have a er.”
Laurence says, sick with worry. part in this,” says the Prince. He Montague takes Capulet’s
Balthasar answers. “I cannot looks at the friar. hand in his own. “I will put up a
go with you. Romeo said he would “At me you look?” asks Friar statue of your Juliet. It will be
do me harm if I followed. But I Laurence. His legs start to shake made of gold. As Verona is
did look. I saw him fighting with because he knows of his part in all known, so shall Juliet be known.
someone. I think he killed the this. “I will tell what part I had in There shall be no figure at such
other.” this and what part was not my cost be set, as that of true and
Friar Laurence goes into the doing,” he answers. faithful Juliet!”
tomb and finds Romeo and Paris “Get on with it then,” says the The Prince looks at Capulet
dead. Prince. Tell us all that you know.” and Montague. He knows their
Juliet wakes. “O, good friar, “Romeo, who lies dead in the fighting is over. “A sad peace this
where is my Romeo? I do remem- tomb, was husband to Juliet. And morning with it brings. Go. Have
ber well where I should be. And Juliet, also dead, was Romeo’s more talk of these sad things. For
here I am. Where is my Romeo?” faithful wife. I married them . . .,” never was a story of more sorrow
The Friar points to the two and Friar Laurence tells his story. than this of Juliet and her
dead men. “A terrible thing has “Enough! good friar. Where is Romeo.”
happened,” he begins. “There, Romeo’s man? What can he say to
dead, lies your Romeo. And there, this?” the Prince asks.
dead, lies Paris, too. But now I Balthasar answers. “I brought
hear the Prince’s watchers com- Romeo news of Juliet’s death. He
ing! I cannot stay here. Come! I came from Mantua to this place.
will tell you of this as we go!” This letter he would have me give
Juliet will not follow Friar his father.”

SC 202-20

Together Again
d. meet his wife in death.
Choose the best answer.

1. The light coming from the Capulet tomb 6. Who caught Friar Laurence and Balthasar
came from a outside the tomb?
____a. candle. ____a. The Prince
____b. star. ____b. Capulet
____c. flashlight. ____c. Montague
____d. torch. ____d. The watchers

2. When Balthasar hid in the shadows, what 7. Paris

did he see? ____a. had gone to the tomb to kill himself.
____a. A man crying for his wife ____b. had gone to set flowers at his lady’s
____b. A fight that ended in death ____ tomb.
____c. The friar trying to wake Juliet ____c. had gone to the tomb to fight with
____d. Juliet’s cousin at the tomb ____ Romeo.
____d. had gone to the tomb to save Juliet.
3. What happened when Friar Laurence went
into the tomb? 8. If the Capulets and Montagues had gotten
____a. Romeo drank the poison. along, how do you think this story might have
____b. Paris came back to life. ended?
____c. Juliet woke up. ____a. Romeo and Juliet would be alive and
____d. Juliet kissed him. ____ happy.
____b. Juliet would have married Paris.
4. How did Juliet feel when she found out ____c. Verona would have been a peaceful
Romeo was dead? ____ place.
____a. She was full of sorrow and wanted to ____d. The Prince would have become King.
____ die.
____b. She felt terrible at first, but she got 9. Another name for this story could be
____ over it. ____a. “All’s Well That Ends Well.”
____c. She felt that Romeo brought honor to ____b. “A Dream Come True.”
____ her family. ____c. “Forever in Love.”
____d. She felt very proud that Romeo loved ____d. “A Match Made in Heaven.”
____ her so much.
10. This story is mainly about
5. Juliet killed herself because ____a. two people in love who couldn’t bear
____a. she didn’t want to live without the one ____ to live apart.
____ she loved. ____b. why Montague will put up a statue of
____b. she didn’t want to go back home to her ____ Juliet.
____ family. ____c. why the Prince was angry with Friar
____c. she had brought shame to her family. ____ Laurence.
____d. she had a bad marriage. ____d. Romeo’s letter to his father.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

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SC 202-20

Together Again

drops enough outside part points set

I. Sentences to Finish
Fill in the blank in each sentence with the correct key word from the box above.

1. It is so cold ________________. I wish it would stop snowing.

2. Mother gave Dad the biggest ____________of the cake!

3. “I thought I __________my keys on the table, but I can’t find them.”

4. When Tim is asked what color bike he wants, he ______________to the red one.

5. Walt does not want Bill on the team because he always ____________the ball.

6. After eating all the cookies, Mom asked Dan, “Have you had ____________?”

II. Crossword Puzzle

Use the words from the box above to fill in the puzzle. Use the meanings below to help
you choose the right answer.


1. 6.



1. not inside; outdoors 4. falls; lets fall
2. a share of; the share that is given or 5. place; put; make or cause
belongs to one person to be
3. directs or aims with the finger 6. as much or as many as are needed
or wanted

Check your answers with the key on page 72.

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Lessons SC 202-11 to SC 202-20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SC-11 c d a c a b b a c d 10

SC-12 c b a d c d b a d a 16

SC-13 d a b c c b a c d b 22

SC-14 d a b c a d a b d c 28

SC-15 b a d c a b d c b a 34

SC-16 a c a d b a c d c a 40

SC-17 d a c a b d c a a a 46

SC-18 c a b d c a b d c b 52

SC-19 c a d d d a b c b a 58

SC-20 d b c a a d b a c a 64

Inference (not said straight out, but you

know from what is said)

= Another name for the story

= Main idea of the story

Lessons SC 202-11 to SC 202-13



I. 1. might II.
2. family
3. city
4. fight
5. between
6. break

I. 1. wait II. 1. trouble
2. sad 2. lady
3. beautiful 3. early
4. trouble 4. sad
5. early 5. wait
6. lady 6. beautiful


I. 1. Tonight
2. thought
3. dance
4. answer
5. tomorrow
6. still

Lessons SC 202-14 to SC 202-16



I. 1. evening II. 1. B
2. older 2. E
3. sure 3. A
4. young 4. F
5. change 5. C
6. second 6. D


I. 1. both II. 1. FALSE

2. proud 2. TRUE
3. should 3. TRUE
4. end 4. FALSE
5. happen 5. FALSE
6. own 6. TRUE


I. 1. ahead II. 1. A
2. soft 2. B
3. stand 3. B
4. ring 4. A
5. knock 5. A
6. sent 6. B

Lessons SC 202-17 to SC 202-19



I. 1. start II. W U N T I L
2. while W I S E W D
3. wife S T A R T O
4. done D O N R D N
5. terrible S W H I L E
6. until


I. 1. fair II. 1. YES

2. myself 2. NO
3. strong 3. YES
4. past 4. NO
5. returns 5. NO
6. hope 6. YES


I. 1. poor
2. whistle
3. only
4. asleep
5. late
6. gold

Lesson SC 202-20



I. 1. outside II. D
2. part R S
3. set 1.
4. points 2.
5. drops 3.
6. enough

The pronunciation of each word is shown just after the word, in this way:
ab bre vi ate ( bre´ ve at).

The letters and signs used are pronounced as in the words below.

The mark ´ is placed after a syllable with primary or heavy accent, as in the
example above.

The mark ´ after a syllable shows a secondary or lighter accent, as in:

e e
ab bre via tion ( bre´ ve a´ sh n).

a hat, cap j jam, enjoy t tell, it

a age, face k kind, seek th thin, both
ä father, far l land, coal TH then, smooth
â fault, all m me, am
ã air, care n no, in u cup, butter
ng long, bring u full, put
b bad, rob ü rule, move
ch child, much
d did, red o hot, rock v very, save
o open, go w will, woman
e let, best ô order, all y young, yet
e equal, be oi oil, voice z zero, breeze
er term, learn ou house, out zh measure, seizure

f fat, if e represents:
g go, bag a in about
h he, how p paper, cup e in taken
r run, try i in pencil
i it, pin s say, yes o in lemon
i ice, five sh she, rush u in circus

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