Diy Dir Spring 2024

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Student-Generated Daily Independent Reading Journal Questions

What type of situation is the main character going through at this point in the story? Is it positive or
negative? Whati s their main struggle at this point in the story? Include a quote from the text.

1. What type of situation is the main character going through at this point in the story? Is it positive or
negative? What istheir main struggle at this point in the story? Include a quote from the text.
2. What would the main character's “spirit animal” be? Include a quote from the text to support your
3. Were you able to connect to this book to your own experience in any way? How so? Include a
quote from the text to support your answer.
4. What drew your attention to this book? What made you take it off the shelf?
5. Has a character made a decision that you, in the same situation, would make?Include a quote from
the text to support your answer.
6. Do you disagree with a decision the protagonist has made in the story? What decision, and why?
Support your claim with a quote from the text.
7. Is there a character in the book who reminds you of a real-life person, or someone you know
personally? Which character, and how so?
8. If you could visit the setting in your book, would you? Why?
9. Describe the setting of this book. How does the setting affect the plot? Include a quote from the
text to support your answer.
10. What do you think your protagonist’s parents or other family members are like? (Note: only answer
this if the family is not explicitly described in the book itself). Include a quote from the text to
support your answer.
11. If you could replace or remove a character in a scene, who would it be, and why would you replace
them? Include a quote from the text to support your answer.
12. If you could change the protanagnist in some way, how and why would you do so? Explain your
13. What kind of clothing or shoes do you think the protagonist would wear in the real world? Why?
14. How would you introduce your self to a character in the book if you met them in real life?
15. After reading the novel, what are some “take-aways” from the theme? What are some positive
changes you can implement into your real life based on events from the novel? Was there a lesson
in it for you? Include a quote from the text to support your answer.
16. If you had to rate the book you read on a scale of 1-10 ,what would you rate it and why?
17. If you had to go to lunch with a character from the book, who would it be, and why?
18. What do you think the main character's favorite foods are? What makes you think so?
19. Which character in the book is most similar to you, or the most relatable? Why? Include a quote
from the text to support your answer.
20. What do you think inspired the author to write this book? Do you think events/struggles from their
chaildhood/persoanl life influenced the story? What does the book reveal about the author’s
mindset at the time of writing the story?
21. Who is your favorite MINOR character, and why? Include a quote from the text to support your
22. Why should other people read this book? To whom would you recommend it? Why?
23. How is the personality of the protagonist different from your own? Why? Include a quote from the
text to support your answer.
24. If you could be a character from this story who would it be, and why? Include a quote from the text
to support your answer.
25. In your mind, what do you think the main character looks like? Use descriptive details so we can
“see” the character exactly as you imagine them.
26. What is one scene that made you either laugh out loud or cry (or both!) in your book? Why?
Include a quote from the text to support your answer.
27. Is there a character you would like to get to know more about in the story? Who, and why?
28. Imagine the protagonist was a real person and transferred to Gibbs (either as a student, or a staff
member). Would they fit in? Would you befriend them? What subjects would the excel at (or
struggle in)? Would they be a troublemaker?
29. How do you predict the book will end? Why? Include a quote from the text to support your answer.
(NOTE: Do not select this question if you have finished the book, obviously).
30. What do you think about the ending? How did it make you feel? Would you have changed it, and if
so, what would you have done differently? (NOTE: Do not select this question if you have NOT
finished the book, obviously).

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