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Our obligation as Muslims to carry out shalat and fasting in the of ramadan

Regarding the month of Ramadan, during the 30 days

of fasting in the month of Ramadan there are three
phases that are passed through and are divided into the
first 10 days, the second 10 days and the third 10 days.
Each phase has many benefits

The first
10 days are the grace phase
In this phase, the widest doors of grace are opened. As
in QS. Al-zalzalah verses 7 and 8 say "fa may ya'mal
miṡqāla żarratin khairay yarah. wa may ya'mal miṡqāla
żarratin syarray yarah". So whoever does good deeds
as heavy as zarrah, he will surely see the reward, and
whoever does evil as heavy as zarrah, he will surely
see the reward.
The second
10 days are the maghfiroh phase
It is truly a loss for those who, until they enter the final
remaining time of the second 10 days of Ramadan, do
not have a strong desire to accept Allah's act of
forgiveness. In Surah Ali `Imran: 133 it is explained,
"and hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord."

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