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Jl. Iskandarsyah II No. 92 A Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12160
Telp. 021-7396985 Website : Email :


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : III
Hari/ Tanggal : Selasa, 20 Februari 2024
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00
Petunjuk Umum:
1. Berdoalah sebelum memulai ujian
2. Jawablah soal – soal yang kamu anggap mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Koreksi sekali lagi sebelum di serahkan kepada pengawas
A. Berilah tanda silang (x) huruf a, b, atau c pada jawaban yang paling benar
1. Ammar and his friends practice 6. Ruby … in front of the ticket
patigaman in the … every week. vending machine to buy a commuter
a. Canteen line ticket.
b. Auditorium a. Sit down
c. School yard b. Queues up
2. Sometimes, Anna and her friends c. Sleeps
study science in the …. 7. There is a … (jadwal kereta api) at
a. Computer laboratory the station.
b. Science laboratory a. Railway station
c. Library b. Commuter line
3. The students will perform Lenggang c. Train schedule
Jali dances in the ….
a. Auditorium
b. Canteen
c. Library 8. what the sign means?
4. My sister puts flowers in a …. a. No littering
a. Desk b. Priority seats
b. Vase c. No smoking
c. Pencil case
5. The teacher writes a lesson material
in ….
a. Desk
9. what the sign means?
b. Table
a. No food and drink
c. Blackboard
b. No littering
c. No smoking
10. My father reads … every morning. c. Scream
a. Television 19. Which the correct sign when an
b. Smartphone earthquake happens?
c. Newspaper
11. Mamat talks to his friend on his ….
a. Smartphone
b. Radio
c. Letter
12. A computer … (lebih mahal) than a b.
a. Heavier
b. More expensive
c. Lighter c.
13. Sending messages by smartphone is
… (lebih cepat) than by letter. 20. Thirty one, thirty two, thirty…, thirty
a. Smarter four.
b. Harder a. Thirty five
c. Faster b. Thirty three
14. The elephant is … than a cat. c. Thirty six
a. Bigger 21. What is 40 in English?
b. Smaller a. Fourteen
c. Taller b. Fourty
15. The teacher is … than the students. c. Forty
a. Younger 22. What is 28 in English?
b. Older a. Twenty seven
c. Stronger b. Twenty eight
16. Tono is … (lebih tinggi) than c. Twenty nine
Mamat. 23. What is the next after forty nine?
a. Longer a. Fifty
b. Taller b. Fifteen
c. Larger c. Five
17. In case an earthquake, we must … 24. What is the result from twenty +
our body to the ground. fifteen?
a. Cover a. Thirty
b. Hold on b. Thirty three
c. Drop c. Thirty five
18. In case an earthquake, we must not 25. What is the result from thirty –
…. We must stay calm. fifteen?
a. Panic a. Fifteen
b. Rush b. Twenty five
c. Twenty nine
B. Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban C. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini
yang tepat! dengan benar!
1. My television is … (lebih besar) than 1. What must we do during an
Budi. earthquake?
2. His pencil is … (lebih Panjang) than 2. How many laboratories in your
mine. school? Please, mention it!
3. My grandmother is … (lebih tua) 3. In your school, what room is
than my mother. between 3rd grade and Aula’s room?
4. Adit is … (lebih kuat) than Mamat. 4. In your school, what place is in front
5. Her sister is … (lebih muda) than of 1st grade?
me. 5. What place is behind TU office in
your school?

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