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buat jevin

jagonya ayam
dari bianca
jevin, the best man ever. si
paling ganteng, yang paling
baik, yang paling sabar.
i like everylittle things u do,
especially when u make me
smile. i will always keep fallin
in love with u, u fill me with
love and i really like it.
do u know about something?
menurut aku kata-kata
apapun ga akan bisa
menggambarkan gimana rasa
sayang aku ke kamu. everyday
i feel loved by ur words and
ur little hug & kith. u and i
were made for each other!
thank u for making me laugh
and smile jevin. i’ll try my best
be a best girlfriend for u,
only for u.
how lucky i am to have u, i never imagined if i
was a very lucky woman to have u, at the
same time u were the most beautiful gift.
thank god for bringing u to me even to mine.
every day i wonder "huh- is this all my life?"
but not, because of u, because ever since
u've been around me, i've felt so much better,
so much more colorful than ever, u mean the
world to me, i don't want to lose u and i
hope u stay with me, until the end.
thanks to everything u've given me,
i can’t imagine how my life would
have been without u..
i love u so much and, i just want
to be with u. u're my only place,
u're my everything.

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