Hackers Toefl Voca

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뜻 쓰기 + 동의어 고르기

※ 왼쪽 영단어의 우리말 뜻을 빈칸에 쓰세요.

1. depict 11. conclusive

2. landscape 12. entire

3. decline 13. dominant

4. pillar 14. plug

5. innate 15. expansive

6. conventionally 16. no wonder

7. justified 17. obsession with

8. allocate 18. prolific

9. astoundingly 19. subdue

10. optimize 20. solid

※ 왼쪽 영단어의 동의어를 고르세요.

21. afford ⓐ go up ⓑ refine ⓒ keep out ⓓ grant

22. stamp out ⓐ intrigue ⓑ encourage ⓒ hunt ⓓ eliminate

23. conjunction ⓐ union ⓑ outline ⓒ scenery ⓓ downturn

24. diffuse ⓐ spread ⓑ stockpile ⓒ grow up ⓓ tedious

25. prominent ⓐ outstanding ⓑ tentative ⓒ sharp ⓓ former

26. inhabit ⓐ call upon ⓑ depend on ⓒ vanquish ⓓ live in

27. indigenous ⓐ improbable ⓑ native ⓒ gigantic ⓓ assorted

28. comprehensive ⓐ exhaustive ⓑ relative ⓒ unexpected ⓓ prominent

29. sleek ⓐ contradictory ⓑ broad ⓒ continued ⓓ silky

30. irrevocably ⓐ elaborately ⓑ virtually ⓒ permanently ⓓ mainly

뜻 쓰기 + 동의어 고르기

※ 왼쪽 영단어의 우리말 뜻을 빈칸에 쓰세요.

1. depict 묘사하다 11. conclusive 결정적인, 확실한

2. landscape 풍경 12. entire 전체의, 전부의

3. decline 쇠퇴, 쇠약, 줄다, 감소하다, 13. dominant 우세한, 주요한


4. pillar 기둥 14. plug 메우다, 채우다

5. innate 선천적인 15. expansive 넓은, 광대한

6. conventionally 관례적으로 16. no wonder 놀랄 일이 아닌

7. justified 정당한 17. obsession with ~에 대한 집착

8. allocate 할당하다, 배정하다 18. prolific 다산의, 풍부한

9. astoundingly 몹시 놀랍게도 19. subdue 정복하다

10. optimize 최대한 잘 활용하다 20. solid 확고한, 견고한

※ 왼쪽 영단어의 동의어를 고르세요.

21. afford ⓐ go up ⓑ refine ⓒ keep out ⓓ grant

22. stamp out ⓐ intrigue ⓑ encourage ⓒ hunt ⓓ eliminate

23. conjunction ⓐ union ⓑ outline ⓒ scenery ⓓ downturn

24. diffuse ⓐ spread ⓑ stockpile ⓒ grow up ⓓ tedious

25. prominent ⓐ outstanding ⓑ tentative ⓒ sharp ⓓ former

26. inhabit ⓐ call upon ⓑ depend on ⓒ vanquish ⓓ live in

27. indigenous ⓐ improbable ⓑ native ⓒ gigantic ⓓ assorted

28. comprehensive ⓐ exhaustive ⓑ relative ⓒ unexpected ⓓ prominent

29. sleek ⓐ contradictory ⓑ broad ⓒ continued ⓓ silky

30. irrevocably ⓐ elaborately ⓑ virtually ⓒ permanently ⓓ mainly

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