The Path of Elemental Witchcraft A Wyrd Woman S Book of Shadows Parte4

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Druidry training, 127, 155, 208–9, 350, 365

drumming, 161, 442–43, 461–62

energy disturbances, 219
healing, in trance, 357
healing energy, 202
opening up to, 244
sacred water, 11–16
sentience of, 155
temple offerings, 244
Earth acupuncture wand, 216–18, 235
Earth altars
about, 150–51
in crafting Earth acupuncture wand, 217
creating, 152–54
Earth spirits and, 165
elements of, 153
genius locus (spirits of place) and, 164
permanent, 151
reading the bones and, 185–86
working with Devas and, 176
Earth attunements
example, 236–38
ley lines and, 240
for others, 239–40
for self, 238–39
technique, 238–40
Earth elementals
Devas, 171–77
entering domain of, 146
Gnomes and, 144–48, 149
listening to, 248
relationships with, 145–46
Rules of Engagement and, 148–50
sitting at border of land to, 146
traits, 172
Trolls and, 145–48, 149
working with, 174–77
Earth witch
communication, 144–77
divination, 178–201
geomancy, 202–40
healing, 241–67
protection, 268–92
echoes in the mountains, 392–93
echolocation, 413–17
E-En, 68–69, 75, 356
Elder Futhark Runes, 190–91
elemental messenger, becoming, 169–71
elemental witches. See Air witch; Earth witch; Fire witch; Water witch
Elf Garden, 166
embers, coaxing, 502–5
emotional bonds, incinerating, 481–83
empowerment, rebirth and, 508–9
Air witch, 399–421
breath with intent and, 399–402
echolocation and, 413–17
spell accelerants and, 402–6
time traveling in the Tor and, 417–21
voice projection and, 406–10
voices on the wind and, 410–13
energetic attacks, repelling, 88–90
energetic support, through the astral plane, 412–13
energetic wounds, cauterizing, 491–93
energy balancing, 218–24
essential oils, 381–85
everyday divination, 197–201

faces, in the fire, 441–45

Fae contact, 313–17
Fairies, 277–82
Fairy altars, 315, 442
fairy mounds, 277–82
Fairy Wood, 159–65, 232, 233, 279
falling water, 350
Fire altars
about, 428–29
bedroom, 520–22, 534
burning bonds and, 482
calling in spirit of Fire and, 465–66
connecting with, 452–53
creating, 430–31
deity worship and, 537–38
elements of, 430
healing and, 472–73
in the home, 429–30
in reading flaming staves, 463
safety and, 429
sex magic, 523
Fire breath, 488–89
Fire containment, 494–98
Fire element
attunement, 483–86
carbon remains, 454
as dualistic in temperament, 486
elemental beings and, 363
faces in, 441–45
in the home, 438–41
localizing trauma with, 489–93
rebirth through, 505–9
role of, 441–42
welcoming, 426
Fire elementals
ceremonial workings with, 425
characteristics of, 427
Dragons, 446–49
Jinn, 431–38
relationship with, 427
Rules of Engagement and, 427–28
Salamanders, 424–25, 513
types of, 425
fire-gazing, 450–53, 454
Fire temple, 439
Fire transformation spell, 500–502
Fire witch
communication, 424–49
divination, 450–70
healing, 471–93
sex magic, 517–38
transformation, 494–516
flames, visions in, 450–53
flaming runes, 460–64
focus, enhancing, 117–19
Fortress of Solitude, 269
Freyja and Freyr, 55, 61, 535–36

Galdr (Norse vocal magic), 333

gardens, Devas and, 171–77
Genies. See Jinn
genius locus (spirits of place)
about, 16
Earth altars and, 164
engaging, 163–65
of watery pools, calling, 18–21
balancing energy and, 218–24
connected lines and, 202–8
Earth attunements and, 236–40
Earth witch, 202–40
exploration of, 205
Green Heart Farm and, 224–27
Nagini, the stone snake and, 229–34
Needle and, 213–18
Stonehenge and, 208–13
gifts, 12–13, 69
accentuating the positive and, 115–19
act, engaging in, 115
art, understanding, 116
attraction and, 127
becoming the priestess and, 127–33
fairy, 111–15
illusion and, 120
jump girl and, 138–42
laps of manifestation and, 133–38
love come to me and, 122–27
mirror and, 116–17
misty camouflage and, 119–22
Water witch, 111–42
Glastonbury Tor, 417–19
about, 144–45
characteristics of, 146, 148–49
encountering of, 147, 150
presence of, 145–46
types of, 144–45
gorse, 178–79
graveyard dirt
about, 254–55
ancestral healing and, 256–58
collecting, 256, 258
importance of, 255
locations for, 257
working with, 258
Green Heart Farm, 224–27
Green Mountain Druid Order, 12, 49
green world
consciousness, 247–49
in enhancing the home, 275–77
magic of, 274
Grindstone, 37
grounding, 291–92
group candle magic, 472–73
group divination, with water, 56–58
group sonic magic, 419–21
group visioning, 57
guilt, 504

hall of mirrors, 94–98

Halloween divination, 465
Harvest Witches’ Tea, 231
Air attunement and, 395–98
Air witch, 377–98
ancestral, 256–58
awakening and, 65–73
body’s water for, 71–73
burning bridges and cutting cords and, 479–83
candles and, 471–75
community and country, 82–85
Earth witch, 241–67
entering the cave and, 241–47 Fire witch, 471–93
graveyard dirt and, 254–58
internal flame and, 486–89
localizing trauma with Fire and, 489–93
the nest and, 250–54
olfactory activation and, 381–85
past-life, 262–63
purification through smoke and, 377–81
releasing personal wounding and, 475–79
shadow work and, 244–47
Slieve Gullion and, 263–66
sonic waves and, 78–82
sound, 392–95
in the soup pot, 59–65
this book and, ix
toning and, 389–92
verdant gnosis and, 247–50
water blessing and, 73–78
Water witch, 59–85
whistling and blowing and, 385–88
wisdom of trees and, 259–63
heart chakra, 20, 78, 225–26, 282
hearth, magical, 440–41, 498–502
Helgaldr, 333
Hild, 54–56
holding space
crystals and, 285
for sound, 393–95
through flames, 473–75
holiday fires, 511–12
holy days, Fire scrying on, 466–67
home, protection and bounty for, 275–77
hot wax, 515–16
house clearing, 285
house protection, 100–101
humming, 390
Hurricane Irene experience, 324–26

art of, 96–98
glamour and, 120
hiding in mist/fog as act of, 120
using, 96–97
incense, choosing and burning of, 378–80
Infused Body Oil, 132
Air element and, 391–92
breath and, 399–402
flow and, 383
magic and, 60, 137, 226
voice and, 413–14
Water element and, 39, 62, 77
internal Fire, 486–89, 534
Irish piss pot, 98–101

Jinn. See also Fire elementals

about, 431–32
experiences with, 433
lore, 432–33
relationship with, 433–34, 436
Rules of Engagement, 435
bathtub, 27–29
through voice, 355–59
with trees, 270–71
jump girl, 138–42, 454
Jump Girl (Salicrow), 47

Katie’s Sacred Smoke Blend, 344

kitchen magic, 60–65
kitchen stove, as magical hearth, 339, 440–41
about, 483–84
awakening, 484, 528–29
sexual engagement with deities and, 536
working with, 486–87
kundalini-activated sex, 530–31

collecting from the, 157–59
Earth altars and, 153
reading from a distance, 218–19
relationships with, 152
sacred journey and, 170
scrying, 199–201
laps of manifestation, 133–38
ley lines
access point, connecting to, 237
chakra, 102, 226–27
Earth attunements and, 240
manipulating, 222–24
traveling, 244
lightning protection, 106–8
lightning storms, 305–6
liminal space, xi, 3, 36–37, 42–43, 47, 236
Lion’s Gate portal, 236
active, 159
art of, 154–59
focus on, 156–57
to plants, 249–50
to spirits on the wind, 338
love come to me, 122–27
lovers, calling, 526–27
lucid dreaming, 359–63
Lughnasa fire, 365–66, 511–12
Lynx, 193–95

Madron’s Well, 13–14, 213

magic. See also specific types of magic
about, xiii
astral projection in, 366–68
baneful, 88
elemental, as sensation-based, 208
group sonic, 419–21
kitchen, 60–65
in motion, 136–38
prosperity, 318
reflective, 86–90
release and, 139–40
safety and, 29
simplicity of, 84
trauma and patterning and, 475
vocal, 410–13
as way of life, 470
will and the way and, 134, 136–37
against the will of others, 114
activating big change and, 135
catalyst for, 134
laps of, 133–38
spell, releasing, 139–40
technique, 136–38
marshmallow vision, 469–70
Master Builder, 224–25
master numbers, 224
McBeth, Ivan, 3, 5, 49, 202, 209–10, 269, 513–14
mediums, 372–73, 443
melted wax, 457–60
Merlin’s Cave, 16
messenger, elemental, 168–71
metaphoric gateways, 265–66
about, 30–31
divination and, 44–49
encountering spirits through, 67
glamour and, 116–17
hall of, 94–98
in looking into our own eyes, 117–18
as magical tool, 30
reflective viewing technique and, 33–35
in repelling baneful attacks, 89
as scrying tool, 47, 52–53
in seeing into the otherworld, 95
water element and, 30, 87
misty camouflage, 119–22
moonlit reflection, 49–53
Mother Superior (Lake Superior), 75
mounds, fairy, 277–82
Mount Ascutney, heart chakra, 225–26
Mount Shasta, 65–66, 68, 70–71, 76, 224, 237
music, trance-inducing, 48, 190

Nagini, the stone snake, 229–34, 236–37

nature, observing, 195–97
Nature spirits. See also specific spirits and elementals
carrying, in migration, 161–62
entering domain of, 18
gifts of, 69
opening to, 23
recognition by, 170–71
sharing space with, 280–82
trust of, 149
in two-dimensional space, 172
about, 213–15
crafting, 216–18
energetic space, 215–16
use of, 215
nephomancy, 330–31
nest, the, 250–52
nest trees, 253
November Incident, 332, 389

observation, of nature, 195–97

Odin, 53, 55, 61, 187–88
Air elementals, 298, 354
astral plane and, 351
Earth temple, 244
smoke, 340
Troll Cave, 243
water, 6–8, 25
Water altar, 9–10, 19
Ogham, 178–79, 180, 181–83, 187, 213
olfactory activation, 381–85
Ondines. See Undines
opening to channel, 374, 375–76. See also channeling
orgasms, 520, 522–25
ornithomancy, 344, 346–47
otherworld. See astral realm

Panther Meadow, 68, 71, 75–76, 237

parallel-life mirror divination, 46–49
parallel lives, 47, 48–49, 333–35
partners, looking for, 122–27
past-life healing, 262–63
past lives, 46, 48–49, 333–35, 349
pendulums, 206, 222–23, 235, 339
permaculture, magical, 271–77
personal transformation, 266–67
Piper Stone Circle, 314
plants, listening to, 249–50
“pocket spells,” 108
positive, accentuating the, 115–19
prayer chains, 472
priestess, becoming the, 127–33
prosperity magic, 318
anointed, 90–94
boobie-stones and, 282–85
clearing space with stones and, 285–88
earth in my pocket and, 288–92
Earth witch, 268–92
for the empath, 283–85
fairy mounds and, 277–82
hall of mirrors and, 94–98
for the home, 275–77
house, 100–101
Irish piss pot and, 98–101
magical permaculture and, 271–77
protective spray, 101–5
reflective magic and, 86–90
sacred groves and, 268–71
stone guardians and, 285–88
thought, 533–35
Water witch, 86–110
weather, 106–10
white light of, 2–3
protection oil, 93–94
protective spray, 101–5
psychic sensing, 19–21, 45, 416–17
purification through smoke, 377–81
Purple Mist, 19
pyromancy, 450–53, 466

quartz, 162–63

reading smoke, 341, 342–44

realignments, 127–28
rebirth through flames, 505–9
gazing, 38
moonlit, 49–53
personal, working with, 116–17
reflective magic, 86–90
reflective viewing technique, 33–35
Reiki, 71, 106–7, 186–87, 238, 251, 304, 385, 411
with Air elementals, 299
cord-cutting and, 480–89
with Crow, 318–20, 344
with Earth elementals, 145–46
with Fire elementals, 427
with Jinn, 433–34, 436
with the land, 152
with runes, 461–62
with trees, 182–83
with Undines, 9, 24–25
releasing personal demons, 475–79
remote viewing
about, 368
birds and, 371
Crow and, 369–70
experience of, 369–70
government studies, 368–69
idea of, 370
reading property and, 218–19, 220
technique, 370–72
resources and learning opportunities, 539–44
ripples in the water, 40–44, 79
ritual burning, 453–57
elemental beings and, 363
nurturing through, 252–54
root chakra, 237, 239–40, 245, 254
roots and bones, 183–86
Rules of Engagement
Air elementals and, 297–99
Earth elementals and, 148–50
Fire elementals and, 427–28, 435
sharing space and, 280, 281
Water elementals, 5, 6–8, 22–23, 24
rune glossary, 190
about, 187, 460
flaming, 460–64
flaming, reading, 463–64
interpreting the wild and, 189–92
relationship with, 186–87, 461–62
seeing, 187
taking note in Book of Shadows, 192
working with, 186–92
Rune Valdr (Norse energetic healing), 386

sacral chakra, 409, 480, 518

Sacramento River, headwaters, 65–66
sacred bathing, 26–27, 130, 131–33
sacred dew, 112–14 sacred fairy gulch, 147
sacred groves, 268–71, 350
sacred journals, 4, 275–76. See also Book of Shadows
sacred living, 128
sacred locations, 3, 22, 154, 227, 414
sacred seclusion, 61–62, 78
sacred sexuality, 517–22
sacred smoke, 340–41
Sacred Smoke Blend, 344
sacred song, 67, 81, 449
sacred spaces, 244
sacred water, 11–16, 27–29, 57–58, 83–84
sage, burning of, 378
Saint Michael’s Shrine, 91–93
Salamanders, 424–25, 513. See also Fire elementals
Salicrow’s Chicken Curry Soup, 64–65
Samhain, 111–12
Samhain fires, 464–67
Fire, 451–53
Fire, on holy days, 466–67
the land, 199–201
melted wax, 459–60
mirror, 47, 52–53
water, 38–40
sacred, 61–62, 78–79, 313, 473
sacred locations and, 3
security of, 134
transmission through, 25–29
self-knowing, 50, 53
self-love, 129
self-viewing, 51–53
sex magic
altar, 523
candles and, 523, 526–27
deity worship and, 535–38
Fire witch, 517–38
kundalini-activated sex and, 528–31
object of desire and, 525–27
orgasms and, 520
sacred sexuality and, 517–22
sexual fantasies and, 531–35
steamy offerings and, 522–25
sexual fantasies, 531–35
sexuality, sacred, 517–22
sexual trauma, 517–18, 520
shadow work, 244–47
shielding with water, 108–10
Singing Tree Circle, 227
sky, 328–31
Slieve Gullion, 263–66
smelling, 383
on the breeze, 340–44
capnomancy and, 342–44
ceremonial, use of, 378–79
as offering to spirits, 340
purification through, 377–81
reading, 341, 342–44
sacred, 340–44
sacred, recipe for, 344
smoking and burning, 380–81
smudge sticks, 378–79
soil, carrying, 288–92
Solstice Meadow, 111, 150, 159, 199, 230, 236, 337
sonic waves, 78–82
body activation and, 387
echoes in the mountains and, 392–93
healing, in water, 80–82
holding space for, 393–95
magic, 17–18
space-holding stones, 285–87
spell accelerants, 404–6
spells. See also specific spells and techniques
chanting, 135–36
manifestation, 136–38
orgasm and, 522–25
“pocket,” 108
releasing, 139–40
remains of, 455
Solstice Meadow, 111
voice and, 406–8
spirit communication
about, 309–10
Air element in, 311–13
channeling and, 372–76
clairaudience experiences and, 310–11
difficulty of, 311
spirit protection charm, 291–92
spirits of place. See genius locus
spirit voices, listening to, 338–40
spodomancy, 453–57
St. Elmo’s Fire, 107
Stewart Mineral Springs, 66–67, 68
stone circles, 211–13, 226–27, 314, 351
Stonehenge, 208–11
charged, 213
clearing space with, 287–88
space-holding, 285–87
stone temples, 232, 234–36
storms. See also weather
aeromancy and, 327
astral temple and, 364
lightning, 305–6
working with, 306–9
storm weaving, 363–67
Sylphs. See also Air elementals
about, 294–95
Air altars and, 301–3
astral realm and, 351–54
communication with, 296–97
encounters with, 294–96
opening to channel and, 375
voices on the wind and, 337–38
synchronicity, 244

tap water, working with, 84–85

tea bags, 31–33
about, ix–x, xiii
aeromancy, 326–28
Air altar creation, 301–3
Air attunement, 396–98
Air in spirit communication, 311–13
ancestral fire gazing, 444–45
ancestral healing, 256–58
anemoscopy, 338–40
aromatherapy, 383–85
art of illusion, 96–98
art of parley, 436–38
astral projection in magic, 366–68
attracting a mate, 125–27
bathtub scrying, 38–40
becoming an elemental messenger, 169–71
bedroom Fire altar, 520–22
Beltane fairy charm, 114–15
blending your aura, 121–22
body’s water for healing, 71–73
breath with intent, 401–2
candle magic to call a lover, 526–27
capnomancy, 342–44
carromancy, 459–60
cauterizing energetic wounds, 491–93
charged breath, 387–88
clearing space with stones, 287–88
cold-water plunge, 141–42
collecting from the land, 157–59
crafting Earth acupuncture wand, 216–18
crafting your astral temple, 352–54
creating stone temples, 234–36
crystal grids, 227–29
deity worship in the bedroom, 535–37
diffusing chaos, 497–98
Divine timing, 42–44
Earth altar creation, 152–54
Earth attunements, 238–40
Earth elementals and Rules of Engagement, 148–50
energetic support through the astral plane, 412–13
engaging the spirit place, 163–64
engaging with storms, 306–9
enhancing beauty through focus, 117–19
festival fire blessings, 511–12
Fire altar creation, 430–31
Fire attunement, 485–86
Fire breath, 488–89
Fire scrying on holy days, 466–67
genius locus of watery pools, 18–21
group journeywork with water, 56–58
group sonic magic, 419–21
healing energy through toning, 390–92
holding space through flames, 473–75
hot wax, 515–16
house protection, 100–101
identifying Dragon lines and, 205–8
incinerating baneful bonds, 481–83
inducing trance, 357–59
interpreting the wild, 189–92
journeying with trees, 270–71
kundalini-activated sex, 530–31
lights, sounds, smells, 316–17
living Ogham, 181–83
lucid dreaming, 361–63
magical hearth, 440–41
magic in motion, 136–38
making energy cleansing spray, 104–5
manipulating ley lines, 222–24
marshmallow vision, 469–70
mirror scrying for self-viewing, 52–53
nephomancy, 330–31
nurturing through trees and rocks, 252–54
observing nature, 195–97
opening to channel, 375–76
orgasm as catalyst, 524–25
parallel-life mirror divination, 46–49
personal protection for the empath, 283–85
personal transformation, 266–67
programming your psychic radar, 416–17
protection and bounty for the home, 275–77
protection oil, 93–94
pyromancy, 452–53
reading flaming staves, 463–64
reading the bones, 185–86
rebirth through flames, 508–9
recalling past or parallel lives through toning, 333–35
recordings and sacred submersion, 27–29
reflective viewing, 33–35
reigniting our spark, 503–5
releasing personal demons, 477–79
remote viewing, 370–72
repelling energetic attacks, 88–90
sacred bathing and body anointing, 131–33
scrying the land, 199–201
shadow work, 244–47
sharing space with Nature spirits, 280–82
shielding with water, 108–10
smoking and burning, 380–81
sound healing in water, 80–82
spell accelerants, 404–6
spodomancy, 455–57
staying grounded, 291–92
tap water, working with, 84–85
thought protection, 533–35
transformation by Fire, 500–502
voice projection, 408–10
Water altar creation, 10–11
Water attunement, 76–77
water collection at sacred wells, 14–16
Water elementals and Rules of Engagement, 6–8
working in stone circles, 211–13
Thingvellir, 54–55
Thomas, 161–62, 230–32
thought protection, 533–35
throat chakra, 102
toning. See also chanting; sacred song
about use of, 80
Air element and, 310
channeling Reiki and, 389
development of, 333
healing energy through, 390–92
in holding space for sound, 393–95
Open, 331, 334–35, 391
recalling past or parallel lives through, 333–35
Reiki and, 411–12
taking on sound of its own, 356–57
trance and, 415
Troll Cave and, 168
Tor, time traveling in the, 417–19
trance, inducing, 357–59
bonfires and bees and, 509–12
coaxing embers and, 502–5
by Fire, 500–502
Fire containment and, 494–98
Fire witch, 494–516
personal, 266–67
rebirth through Fire and, 505–9
shadowy side of, 79
transmission, through seclusion, 25–29
trauma, localizing with Fire, 489–91
Celtic fairy, 214
divination and, 178–79
gorse, 178–79
identification, 181
journeying with, 270–71
language of, 183
“nest,” 253
nurturing through, 252–54
Ogham and, 178–79, 180, 181–83, 187
relationship with, 182–83
sitting with, 180
symbols carved into, 178–79
wisdom of, 178–83, 259–63
Troll Cave
about, 166–67
entering, 167–68
learning through, 241–44
messenger for elemental beings and, 168–69
offerings, 243
visitation, 147–48
about, 145–48
courtship, 166
as grumpy, 149
manipulation by, 243
working with, 165–66

about, 2
communication of, 23
connection to, 55–56
experience with, 3–5
forming relationships with, 9, 24–25
learning from, 5
Rules of Engagement, 6–8

verdant gnosis, 247–49

Vermont Ogham alphabet, 179
Virmond Crows, 73–76
vision, in flames, 450
vocalization, 390. See also chanting; sacred song; toning
vocal magic, 410–13
vocal training, 73
chanting and, 332
Galdr and, 333
healing, 389–92
journeying through, 355–59
from the otherworld, 372–76
power of, 332, 406–7
projection, 408–10
Reiki and, 411
of remembrance, 331–35
spells and, 406–8
voices on the wind, 336–38, 410–13

walking on fire, 513–15

water. See also sacred water
body, for healing, 71–73
boxed-in, 133–34
collecting at sacred wells, 14–16
falling, 350
group journeywork with, 56–58
offerings, 6–8, 25
ripples in, 40–44
sentience of, 12
shielding with, 108–10
sound healing in, 80–82
spiraling, 38
tap, working with, 84–85
Water altars
about, 8–9
art of illusion and, 96–97
bathroom, 28
bathtub scrying and, 38, 39
Beltane fairy charm, 114
creating, 9
home, creating, 10–11
items for, 9, 11
in mirror scrying, 52
offerings, 9–10, 19
sacred bathing, 131
watery pools, 19
Water attunement
about, 76
on body of water, 77
example, 75–76
performing, 83
on a person, 77–78
technique, 76–78
Water elementals. See also Undines
about, 2
Ae-Ah, 68, 69–71, 72–73, 74–75, 77–78
calling in, 97
connection with, 21–25
Rules of Engagement, 5, 6–8, 22–23, 24
water ripple symbolism, 44
Water witch
binding to particular water, 84
communication, 2–29
divination, 30–58
glamour, 111–42
healing, 59–85
protection, 86–110
watery pools, 18–21
wax, hot, 515–16
wax, melted, 457–60
aeromancy and, 323–28
patterns, observation of, 323–24, 326–27
protection, 106–10
sensing, 323–28
storms and, 305–8
tuning into, 326
Wheel of the Year, 512
whistling and blowing, 385–88
White Eagle Feather, 40–41
widdershins (counterclockwise), 38
wide-angle vision, 3, 36, 38, 58, 75
Willoughby, Lake, 24–25, 28, 69, 83, 161, 230, 250
willpower, 136–37
Alizah and, 391
anemoscopy and, 338–40
catching the, 402–6
elemental beings and, 363
voices on the, 336–38, 410–13
wisdom keepers, 192
wisdom of trees, 178–83, 259–63
Witchvox, 59
words, crafting of, 436–38
writing letters, release and, 476–79
wyrd, 4, 8
Wyrd Weavers, 233–34
Electronic edition produced by

Digital Media Initiatives

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