Forensic 5 Activity 1

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INSTRUCTION: Identify the following, write your answer on the space provided.
___________________________1. It is considered as the most difficult type of liar to deal with
because such is a good actor. He has no regret for his dishonest actions and no manifestations of guilt.

______________________________2. ·The person who lies to avoid the consequences of certain


___________________________3. It is considered a psychogenic hormone because it alters

psychological processes when released in large quantities, such as when under stress.

______________________________4. It involved those involuntary physiological functions of the body

and has considerable psychological impact as well.

______________________________5. It is our emergency, or action system. It is a system which causes

sudden and dramatic changes.

______________________________6. It works alongside epinephrine/adrenaline to give the body

sudden energy in times of stress, known as the “fight or flight" response.

______________________________7. The lie which attempts to trick the victim into believing something
major which will likely be construed by the victim's common sense or by some information that he already

______________________________8. ·It is a strategic lie told when the truth may not be told because
harm to a third party would result.

______________________________9. It is an exaggerated claim typically found in advertising and

publicity announcements.

______________________________10. ·It is something made up or a misrepresentation of a truth. It is

often used by the subject in an interview.


Column A

1. It is a lie usually used to mislead or a dishonesty intended to obstruct justice.

2. It is a lie that would cause only relatively minor discord if it were uncovered and typically offers some
benefit to the hearer. It is often used to maintain harmony of friendship, in the home or in the office.
3. It is the one that would normally discord if uncovered but offers some benefit to the liar and assists in
an orderly society therefore potentially beneficial to others.
4. It is a lie that pretends to have a capability or intention which one does not actually possess. Bluffing is
an act of deception that is rarely seen as immoral when taken in the context of a game
5. It is a lie intended to please others. For example, "that looks good to you" or "everything is going to be

Column B

A.White lie
B.Bluffed lie
C.Lie of Compliment
D. Noble lie
E. Malicious Lie

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