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Assignment 2 – Geokimia Umum

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File name: Assignment 2_Name_NPM
Due date: 2 weeks
Please attach your answers along with your calculations. You may draw/sketch in your answers.
You may use a scientific calculator or Excel for your calculations.

Question 1 (5 points)
Derive the mathematical equation for the law of radioactivity. Show and proof that the law follows
the first-order kinetics and half-life.

Question 2 (5 points)
In one short paragraph, define isotopic fractionation, how fractionation arises, and how
fractionation contributes to the ratio of stable isotopes.

Question 3 (3 points)
Describe at least 2 applications for radiogenic and stable isotopes in geology.

Question 4 (10 points)

Calculate the slope and intercept of Rb-Sr isochrons using data for micas from the Amitsoq gneiss.
Amitsoq gneiss are among the older metamorphic rocks discovered on Earth.
Samples Rb/86Sr 87
1a 763 17.337
1b 41.52 1.739
2 107.12 3.093
3 166.7 4.543
4 138.7 3.858
5 330.7 8.057
6 82.7 2.741

The decay constant is 1.42 x 10-11 /year.

a. Using the linear regression graph, find the intercept (at 0), the slope (m), and the age of the
rock. Show your calculation.
b. Why do you think we choose to conduct Rb/Sr dating on this gneiss?
We also conducted Rb-Sr dating on a whole rock sample, using biotites as the minerals, where the
age of the gneiss is 1554 x 106 years, and the intercept of 87Sr/86Sr t=0 equals 3.093.
c. What do you think contributes to the difference in the age between dating micas and
biotites from the whole rock sample?

Question 5 (7 points)
The graph shows the relationship between dD and d18O of meteoric precipitation. This chart is
commonly used to analyze the source of geothermal waters. The meteoric water line equation is
as follows:
!" = 8! !" % + 10

a. Calculate the d18O value of meteoric water whose dD is = -70‰.

b. The graph shows different locations where the water samples were collected. Why do you
think different locations yield different isotopic values? (Hint: look up the locations on
Google Earth. See the differences in the locations based on the latitude and topography.)
c. Why do you think the isotopic shift only occurs in the d18O value rather than the dD value for
the geothermal system?


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