Convolutional Codes PHD Thesis

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Convolutional Codes Ph.D.


Crafting a Ph.D. thesis is a formidable task that demands extensive research, in-depth analysis, and a
profound understanding of the chosen topic. For those immersed in the intricate world of
Convolutional Codes, the challenges are even more pronounced. The complexity of the subject
matter, combined with the rigorous academic standards, often leaves aspiring scholars grappling with
the intricacies of creating a comprehensive and compelling thesis.

Convolutional Codes, a branch of coding theory that plays a pivotal role in various communication
systems, requires a meticulous approach to research and documentation. From understanding the
mathematical foundations to implementing practical applications, aspiring Ph.D. candidates face a
multifaceted challenge that demands not only expertise but also a significant investment of time and

Navigating through the vast body of existing literature, conducting original research, and
synthesizing findings into a coherent narrative are just a few of the hurdles encountered during the
thesis-writing journey. The need for precision, accuracy, and academic rigor further adds to the
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Then, we explain the construction of bilayerlengthened LDPC convolutional codes and apply it for
DF relaying. Based on the structure of the relay channel, we constructed bilayer ex-purgated LDPC
convolutional codes and bilayer lengthened LDPC convolutionalcode. The num-ber of variable nodes
for Hij is Mj, and the number of check nodes is Ni. Notes and Video Materials for Engineering in
Electronics, Communications and Computer Science subjects are added. “A blog to support
Electronics, Electrical communication and computer students”. This definition of threshold is not
very convenient for the purpose of analysis. On the other hand, it was observed through experiments
that the typedv, dc,M,L ensemble provides good numerical performance with moderate Mand L
when dv ? 3. These mappings occur recurrently until the last coded bits c k are generated. The
symbol vectorassociated with the variable nodes is denoted by X with dimension (1 ? V ). The code
construction and performance analysis are extended to thegeneral binary memoryless symmetric
channel, where a capacity-achieving perfor-mance is conjectured. This communication system has an
encoder that maps messages (e.g., bit sequences) to codewords, typically of longer lengths, and a
decoder that maps noisy codewords to the estimate of messages. We repeat the above procedure
until all the N types of edges are added tothe graph. Finally the dectection prediction is generated
through a classification model and regression model. The most fundamental coding trick is just to
expand the number of bits transmitted so that the receiver can determine the most likely transmitted
symbol just by finding the valid codeword with the minimum Hamming distance to the received
symbol. In thethesis we choose either the standard deviation. Since the number of member codes
islimited in both families, the throughputs show a stair-like performance. The symbol ? expressesthe
reliability of a modulo-2 sum of bits in terms of individual LLRs. A binning scheme divides a set of
codewords into subsets (“bins”), suchthat the codewords in each subset are as far apart as possible.
Examples of CNN’s trained to recognize specific objects and their generated feature maps. This
capability comes at the expense of transmitting more bits, usually referred to as parity, overhead, or
redundancy bits. Note that the mutual information for continuous variables has the same interpre-
tation as in the discrete case. This phenomenon is called “thresholdsaturation.” We replicate the
experiment in the following. Example:For the convolutional code example in the previous lecture,
starting from state zero, Decode the following received sequence. For example, the type-l variable
nodes receive an erasure probabilityo(l) in the BEC or a standard deviation of the Gaussian
distribution ?(l) in theBI-AWGN. The difference between the largest gap and the smallest gap is
0.4423.We observe that for the given parameter setup the LDPC convolutional codes alsopresent
larger gaps for low rate ensembles. Note that the relay forwards to the destination the compressedK2
bits instead ofall the NV2 layer-2 bits. Code member Design rate Shannon limit ?Sh BP threshold
?BP R1 0.688 0.743 0.705 R2 0.582 0.866 0.836 R3 0.471 1.023 0.976 R4 0.358 1.237 1.146 R5
0.239 1.591 1.385 R6 0.111 2.431 1.764 Page 129. We assume that the number of variable nodes of
C1 is NV. It is proved analytically that, for an LDPC convolutional code ensemble withparameters
dv, dc, w and some given L, there exists a one-sided nondecreasing fixed Page 55. The submatrices
H1 and H2 have the same numberof columns M1 while H3 and H4 have the same number of
columns M2. Moreover, ithas been proved in Theorem 5.3.1 that all codes in the family are capacity
achievingover the BEC.
From the definition we can see that each layer of the graph corresponds to a regular LDPC code, but
the overallstructure is not necessarily regular. Each CNN layer learns filters of increasing complexity.
With the DDF protocol, the relay decides on its own when to switchfrom listening to forwarding. In
thefollowing we provide a generalization of the code construction which includes allthe cases
mentioned above. LDPC convolutional codes areintroduced, and the threshold saturation
phenomenon which leads to their capacity-achieving performance is explained. In this chapter we
discuss the applications in an HARQ system and in a dynamicdecode-and-forward relay system. If
the proposed codes are applied to an idealized HARQ system over the BECwhere the erasure
probability stays constant within one complete information deliv- Page 132. Here the emphasis is on
“algorithm”; we want to learn a decoder. In mathematics, a fixed point of a function is a point that is
mapped to itselfby the function. The destination then combines the extra K2 bitswith the code C1
from the source and obtains an overall code C which is decodablefor the source-destination link. It is
simple and has good performance with low implementation cost. FYBSC IT Digital Electronics Unit
IV Chapter I Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, AL. The results are shown for Sultani et al. (green),
proposed method (red) and proposed method without negative mining (blue). Aperformance
degradation is observed for low rates (e.g., R Table 3.3: BP thresholds of bilayer expurgated LDPC
convolutional codes overBI-AWGN channels. Similarly, the pdf of the message from a check node
is defined as y(i)m,t. I thank allthe colleagues on Floor 4 for creating such a nice working
atmosphere. In this section we discussthe most general case which includes both the code
constructions in Section 6.1 andSection 6.2. We will close this part by giving a general principle for
multi-edge-typeconstruction of LDPC convolutional codes in order to obtain capacity
achievingperformance. The saved path to s k is enough to find the most likely input sequence b. For
the dv, dc,M,L ensemble, the parameterw always equals dv. Each user then tries to recover the
unknown messages by decoding abilayer code which is embedded in the three-edge-type expurgated
code. All possible transitions rare marked with arrows, where solid line implies input b k is 0, and
dashed line implies input b k is 1. We use p(i)m,t to denote the erasure probability from a variable
node at position t along a layer-m edge in the i-th iteration, m ? 1, 2. By coupling theprotographs
from different positions into a chain and terminating the chain properly,the resulting convolutional-
like LDPC code ensemble is able to produce capacity-achieving performance in the limit of large
parameters. The detailed description ofthe two ensembles are given in the following. We
willintroduce the irregular LDPC code later. Page 29. As-suming fixed transmit power and data rate
from the source and assuming thedirect link cannot provide error-free transmissions, the system will
benefitfrom diversity from helping relays in both hops. After successfully receiving all the
messages,the relay encodes all these messages together with its own message and broadcaststhe
resulting codeword to all the users. Alternatively, we can also make the size of incre-mental blocks
always be the same by adjusting the incremental variable degreesd1v2, d2v2,., dkv2,., dK?1v2 and
the related parameters. I am indebted to Ricardo, Mattias and Farshad Naghibi, who have helpedto
proofread this manuscript.
Depending on what parametric functions we choose, the RNN can be a vanilla RNN, or LSTM, or
GRU. Both the expurgated and the lengthened code constructions are realized bygraph extension in
one dimension. Indeed, in 1996, Wang and Wicker has shown that artificial neural networks with
hand-picked coefficients can emulate the Viterbi decoder. Devices fail. Equipment that does not
meet the engineering standards. The correcting power of the code comes from the sparseness of the
trellis. So the RNN is a very natural match to a sequential encoder. Therefore, it isa significant
contribution towards designing distributed coding for multi-terminalnetworks. 7.2 Open Problems In
the following we present two open problems which are not addressed in thethesis. Convolution
Encoding with Viterbi decoding is a powerful FEC technique that is particularly suited to a channel
in which the transmitted signal is corrupted mainly by AWGN. We summarize the main relaying
strategies asfollows. 1. Amplify-and-forward (AF): With amplify-and-forward, the relay amplifies
thereceived signal from the source and forwards it to the destination subject tothe power constraint
at the relay. 2. Decode-and-forward (DF): Applying the decode-and-forward strategy, the re-lay
decodes the received signal from the source node, re-encodes it with thesame or a different code,
and forwards the codeword to the destination. After decoding X, the relay forwards X2 in some
manner which guaran-tees the successful reception ofX2 at the destination. Steganography. Secret
Data. Stego Object. Cover Image. Encoder. Key. Decoder. Theoretically, the range of rates isable to
cover all the rational values in (0, 1). Wires, optical fibres and even air) Channels are noisy and we do
not receive what was transmitted. The numbers of 1s in each row and in each column of HkE,1 are
dkv2and dkc2, respectively. 4. Generate a full rank matrix HkE,2 which has the same number of
rows as HkE,1. According to the structure of the relay channel, we pro-pose bilayer expurgated and
bilayer lengthened LDPC convolutional codes. A comparable performance can be achieved, but
areduced complexity is obtained by using the regular LDPC convolutional codes. Page 87. Source:
IEEE Transcation on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2010 Authors: Lixin
Luo, Zhenyong Chen, Ming Chen, Xiao Zeng and Zhang Xiong Speaker: Hon- Hang Chang. We
now apply the rate-compatible code families in the idealized HARQ sys-tem which was introduced
in Section 5.4. The achieved throughputs are plotted inFigure 5.10 along with the channel capacity.
In the followingsections, we will show that this average behavior can be computed by a
deterministicalgorithm. 2.3.2 Log-Likelihood Ratios In the context of iterative decoding, log-
likelihood ratios (LLRs) for the respec-tive bits play an important role. Language issues VME to I2C
rate issues Final Version. Numerical results are providedto verify the theoretical analysis for both
types of the codes. We can see that the bilayer expurgated LDPC convolutionalcodes with different
rates present approximately uniform gaps to the correspondingShannon limits. In this type of coding
the encoder output is not in block form, but is in the form of an encoded. By decoding a two-edge-
typeexpurgated LDPC convolutional code which is part of the multi-edge-type con-struction, each
user recovers the common message from the transmitter and the Page 103. For each clip, several clip
level action proposals are generated through Tube Proposal Network (see Figure 2). A partially-
regular bilayer expurgated LDPC convolutional code ensembledv1, dv2, dc1, dc2,M,L,w of
codeword length ML includes all the bipartite graphs where each variable node is connected to
dv1layer-1 check nodes and dv2 layer-2check nodes. EBP EXIT Function The MAP performance
can be derived directly from the performance of the BPdecoder. For the rateRSR ? 0.7, we can see
that the gap is significantly narrowed by using Code B com-pared to Code A, i.e., increasing the
node degrees (dv1, dc) from (3, 10) to (6, 20).For the lengthened constructions, we did not
significantly change the parametersfrom Code C to Code D. To achieve the optimal performance by
using bilayer lengthened LDPC con-volutional code in the relay channel, we can choose a code
construction which iscapacity achieving for both the source-relay link and the source-destination link.
We have proved a similar theorem in Section 4.2.3and therefore omit the details of the proof here.
Thenumber of rows forH1 and H3 equals N1, and this number forH2 and H4 equalsN2. The edge
degree of a variable nodehas a similar definition. This theory will be very helpful for the futurework
suggested above. Page 148. The RC-LDPCC codes fit well with the DDF relaying due to theirnature
of adaptivity. The grey circles represent systematic bits, and the whitecircles stand for parity bits. By
Orhan GAZI. Outline. Spatial Multiplexing Space Time Coding MIMO Channel Capacity MIMO
channel estimation Our aim. The goal ofthe transmitter becomes then to transmit the
messagesm0,m1, andm2 efficientlyso that User 1 is able to reliably decode the messagesm0 andm2
and User 2 is ableto reliably decode the messages m0 and m1. Each of the V1 layer-1 variable nodes
has dv1 edges connecting to the check nodes, and each of the V2 layer-2 variable nodes has
dv2edges connecting to the check nodes. Page 73. The source starts broadcastingits message with
the highest rate R1 and gradually lowers its rate by sending moreparity bits in the rate-compatible
manner. The dashed lines indicate the incoming information tothe check nodes, while the solid lines
show the output from the check nodes. Page 97. We haveshown the proof for bilayer lengthened
codes in Section 3.4.3. By performing thelengthening recursively, we can prove that this k-edge-type
lengthened LDPC con-volutional code is equivalent to a standard one-edge-type LDPC
convolutional code. We denote the remaining node degrees by dkc2, dkv3and dkc3. Therefore, we
proposed to combine instantaneous relaying strategies Page 19. In thefollowing we provide a
generalization of the code construction which includes allthe cases mentioned above. This
communication system has an encoder that maps messages (e.g., bit sequences) to codewords,
typically of longer lengths, and a decoder that maps noisy codewords to the estimate of messages.
The sender keeps transmitting untilan acknowledgement of successful decoding is fed back. The
relay attempts to decode the source’smessage at each block boundary. We also extend our analysis to
the general BMS channel,and we show numerically that the codes in a rate-compatible family are
able toprovide a capacity-approaching performance. To obtain the graph of the single-layer LDPC
code C, we only need to removeall the layer-2 variable nodes and all the layer-2 edges from the
bilayer graph. Any combination of the expurgations leadsto a capacity-achieving LDPC
convolutional code, regardless of the number of edgetypes and the order of adding the edges. The
elements in this family of fixed points look essentiallyidentical, but differ in the width. Ruchengsen
2016.11.01. Convolutional networks are simply neural networks that use convolution in place of
general matrix multiplication in at least one of their layers. Outline. The Convolution Operation
Motivation Pooling. An interleaver can be used to spread the Viterbi output error bursts across
multiple RS codewords. Properties of both image and audio are different while processing. Wehave
drawn the similar conclusions for the bilayer expurgated and lengthened LDPCconvolutional codes
in Chapter 3 and for the multi-edge-type expurgated LDPCconvolutional codes in Chapter 4. We
first look at the binary erasure channeland then extend the discussion to the general BMS channel.
Forcheck nodes at the boundaries the number of sockets is decreased linearly dependingon its
position. Numerical results were provided for both typesof code ensembles with finite node degrees
over binary erasure channels. Using similar arguments as in Section 3.3.3, we can conjecture that the
bilayerlengthened LDPC convolutional code provides capacity-achieving performance overthe
general BMS channel as well. Iteration Processing 1st half iteration, compute a’s,b’s, and r’s for each
Numerical results are providedto verify the above statement. We can see that this probability is
independent of the type of the check nodes but relatedto the overall check node degree. The sparsity
of the matrix is in fact a key property which determines thealgorithmic efficiency of LDPC codes.
Historical Context. First Historical Record of Mutual Aid is in the Northern Sung Dynasty (960-1127
A.D.) in China. There are several drawbacks of MLP’s, especially when it comes to image
processing. This code maps b k to (c k1, c k2 ), where the state is (b k, b k-1, b k-2 ), and coded bits
(c k1, c k2 ) are convolution (i.e., mod 2 sum) of the state bits. The symbol vectors associated with
layer-1 andlayer-2 variable nodes are denoted byX1 (1?V1) andX2 (1?V2). Boththe parameters of
the instantaneous relaying schemes and the bit-to-symbol map-pings were optimized to maximize
mutual information. 1.3 Notation and Acronyms 1.3.1 Notation Throughout the thesis, the following
notations are used. We first introduce the concept of memoryless channel. Clearly, MLPs are not the
best idea to use for image processing. For irregular LDPC ensembles, the propagated mes-sages are
represented by a single density evolution function since all edges are sta-tistically equivalent. Wethen
proposed applications of the rate-compatible family in an HARQ system andin the relay channel
with the dynamic decode-and-forward protocol. Source: IEEE Transcation on Information Forensics
and Security, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2010 Authors: Lixin Luo, Zhenyong Chen, Ming Chen, Xiao
Zeng and Zhang Xiong Speaker: Hon- Hang Chang. For the conventional DDF relaying, all the
blocks should have the same length.This can be realized by choosing a proper check degree and
incremental variabledegrees for the RC-LDPCC codes. Notes and Video Materials for Engineering in
Electronics, Communications and Computer Science subjects are added. “A blog to support
Electronics, Electrical communication and computer students”. For SNRs 0 to 6, the Bit Error Rate
(BER) and the Block Error Rate (BLER) of the learnt decoder and Viterbi decoder are comparable.
Alternatively, we can also make the size of incre-mental blocks always be the same by adjusting the
incremental variable degreesd1v2, d2v2,., dkv2,., dK?1v2 and the related parameters. The
compression can be realized by generating K2 syndrome bits from the NV2 layer-2 bits using the
parity-check matrix of an LDPC convolutional code Cp. The variable nodes arepartitioned into two
parts, and they are composed of V1 and V2 nodes, respectively.We name the variable nodes in the
first part as the layer-1 variable nodes andthose in the second part as the layer-2 variable nodes. The
performance of the proposed codes ingeneral BMS channels is briefly discussed as well. Which ones
can you think of?. “A way of passing on some information.”. Bar Codes. Most of the above work
was devoted to studies on practical realizations of coop-erative communication systems. Coding
solutions that implement the decode-and-forward protocol in three-node relay channels were
proposed by employing convolu-tional and Turbo codes. In Section 5.3 we showhow to construct a
rate-compatible code family which provide in general capacity-achieving performance. IEEE
Transactions on Multimedia, C. S. Lu, S. K. Huang, C, J. Sze, and Mark Liao Institute of
Information Science Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Motivation. What kind of things that a thief won’t
steal. H1 H2 H3 H4 N1 N2 M1 M2 Figure 6.1: Structure of the matrix HB. Figure 6.2: Tanner graph
of the LDPC code CB with the parity-check matrix HB. We assume that the degree distribution
ofHij is (dv(i, j), dc(i, j)). The correcting power of the code comes from the sparseness of the trellis.
Features of a pooling layer Pooling layers are similar to convolutional layers, but they perform a
specific function such as max pooling, which takes the maximum value in a certain filter region, or
average pooling, which takes the average value in a filter region. Different approaches were
presented to optimize Page 13. The node degrees and the resulting design rates aresummarized in
Table 3.1. The BP thresholds of bilayer expurgated LDPC blockcodes with regular degree
distributions are given in Table 3.2. For both cases, wecalculated the gap between the Shannon limit
and the BP threshold for each givendegree setup.

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