DIM 3353 - S22 - IMC Plan Assignment

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DIM 3353: Online Marketing

Communications – S22 (Semester)

Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

Group Project

Instructor: Bassem Demachkie

Contact: bassem.demachkie@cestarcollege.com

Value: As per Evaluation Timetable

Due Date: As per Evaluation Timetable

Required reading: Course book and other resources as students may find appropriate.

1. Topic/Business
Students act as a group working under VP of IMC and need to develop an IMC plan for a new product
introduction to the market. Free choice of a new product or service for-profit or non-for-profit existing
company that operates in Canada. It is a practical assignment, must present an application of theoretical
principles with specific solutions.

2. Guideline for Assignment content

A. Situational Analysis & Marketing Strategy for New Product: (10%) Due on Week 8
 Internal and External Analysis (SWOT Analysis)
 New Product Overview
 Marketing Objectives
 Target market
 Positioning strategy
 Marketing Communication Objectives

B. Creative Strategy: (8%) Due on Week 8

 Creative Strategy Statement – fundamental idea that you want to convey to the target audience
 Reason for creating the campaign
 Target audience for the campaign (think of persona of a target audience member you want to
talk to persuade to think/feel/do something)
 Persuasive idea/statement that will be used for the campaign
 Reasons that target audience might accept the idea/be persuaded
 Appeals and Execution styles to be used


DIM 3353: Online Marketing
Communications – S22 (Semester)

C. IMC Plan: (8%) Due on Week 13

 Communication Objectives for each IMC tool
 Reasons (rationale) for selection for each Communication tool
 Execution Plan of each tool (cost, coverage, Media Plan, timing)

D. Presentation (15%) Due on Week 13

• Please integrate all previous parts into one PowerPoint Presentation.
• Submit the PPT file to the Moodle link.
• Each of the team members must present some of the slides. Only presenting team members
get the presentation mark.

3. Instructions/Details: formatting and submission information

a) The assignment must be submitted as an electronic document in Word format with maximum TEN
pages, including cover page and references/sources page if required, spaced at 1.5, and 12-11 font
size. For the presentation, a maximum of 15 slides, including cover slide and references slide.

b) All group members must attend the Online presentation. Absent members will be marked zero for presentation.

c) Students are reminded to format their assignment template with a cover page in academic format,
page numbering, and header including program title, course title, student names, and submission

d) The assignment must be original and written by the students. Plagiarism and/or cheating offenses
will be reported as per policies and procedures in place.

e) It is expected that students review their assignments for spelling, grammar, and punctuation before
submission the file for marking. Upon review of the assignments, the instructor will determine
whether deficiencies in the assignment will justify not applying the full mark. Examples of deficiencies
are: not following the assignment format guidelines, spelling errors, lack of punctuation or incorrect
punctuation, grammar, applicable references not listed properly or other forms of plagiarism.

f) The assessment will be based on a 80/20 scheme: 80% content, and 20% composition. Students are
expected to review grammar, composition, and syntax before submitting their work for marking.


DIM 3353: Online Marketing
Communications – S22 (Semester)

4. Tips for a Successful Assignment

A. Planning
i) Ensure that you are clear about the instructions and expectations for the assignment.

ii) Ensure you understand the concepts focused by the assignment (and provided in the course

iii) Before you start composing your assignment, you may want to prepare an outline mapping
out all the information you collected and how it fits in the assignment topics (and structure)
you must cover.

B. Pacing the work

i) Estimate how much time you plan to allocate to planning, drafting, and revising your

ii) In the planning phase, you may want to have a time interval between collecting and triaging
information. This will ensure you will not rush in using information that may not be useful, or
using it solely due to time constraints as opposed to the worth of its content.

C. Organizing your assignment

In addition to following the instructions, please ensure to spell check your assignment, check
format, and the final visual appearance of your document.

D. Formative feedback before submission

Please discuss with your instructor the option to submit your assignment in draft for formative
feedback before final submission for marking.

5. Policies

Referencing – For referencing and/or citations, please use APA guidelines found at
https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/. Verbal citations must be referenced and
documented in separate pages as Appendixes embedding interview scripts.

Plagiarism and Cheating – Plagiarism and/or cheating offenses will be reported as per policies and
procedures in place. Any evidence of cheating/academic offense will result in having the assignment
rejected and a mark of zero, as well as the offense documented by the instructor with the administration.

Late assignments/assignments not submitted/Make ups – Please refer to the “Late Missed Tests
and Assignments Policy.” Requests for extension of deadlines must be discussed with instructor. There is


DIM 3353: Online Marketing
Communications – S22 (Semester)

no expected commitment that an extension will be granted automatically. Approval of extensions is at the
discretion of the instructor. Assignments not submitted will result in a zero mark.

6. Grade Rubric (applied individually to each part of the Report)

Rubric Item Yet to Somewhat Competent Advanced level of Marks
demonstrate Competent competency Awarded
competency (17-22 pts)
(9-16 pts) (22-30 pts)
(0-8 pts)

Understandin Yet to demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates an

g of Course understanding of a limited solid understanding advanced
Material Course Material understanding of Course Material understanding of
of Course Course Material

Application of Demonstrates poor Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

learned application of limited adequate advanced
Concepts learned Concepts application of application of application of
learned learned Concepts learned Concepts

Formatting, Poor skills in Demonstrates Demonstrates solid Demonstrates

Grammar and formatting, limited skills in skills in formatting, advanced skills in
Structure grammar, and formatting, grammar, and formatting,
structure grammar, and structure grammar, and
structure structure

Total Marks


DIM 3353: Online Marketing
Communications – S22 (Semester)

7. Grade Rubric (Presentation)

Rubric Item Yet to Somewhat Competent Advanced level of Marks
demonstrate Competent competency Awarded
competency (17-22 pts)
(9-16 pts) (22-25 pts)
(0-8 pts)

Content of
(what you
chose to
deliver in
written from
your report)

Content of
verbal delivery
(what you
chose to
verbally from
your report)

Quality of

Quality of

Total Marks


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