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Struggling with writing a thesis on the Ku Klux Klan? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis statement

on such a complex and sensitive topic can be incredibly challenging. From navigating the extensive
historical context to analyzing the multifaceted motivations and impacts of the KKK, there are
numerous factors to consider. Moreover, the emotional weight and significance of the subject matter
can further complicate the writing process.

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In Washington, the Klan never became as prominent as in Oregon, the Southeast, or Midwestern
states like Indiana, but during the 1920sWashington’s cities felt its presence. This shows them to be
very loyal to the Imperial Wizard and its rules. However some did not; The Brookings survey of 1929
found that 18 million people loved in poverty. In addition America was supposed to be considered to
be the land of the free as stated in the Declaration of Independence, 1776. That was the price of a
yellow satin Grand Dragon robe, including silk cord and tassels, delivery extra. Some Klan chapters
in the 1920s published newspapers to gain support and spread their beliefs; one of these was in
Washington State. Nathan Bedford Forest along with six other officers, after serving in the
Confederate army during the Civil War, began the club in the South to be, in effect, a military force
serving the interests of the Democratic party (Foner 425, Reconstruction). Indeed, as O.V. Davis
concludes, “a great house cleaning will be necessary to remove this threatening menace,” but that
“the Klan has come to the rescue of our great nation.” 27. If you are required to write an answer,
write no more than 100 words for each answer (please include word count each time). When Women
are the Enemy: The Intersection of Misogyny and. If the Klan believed they were true Americans
they would never go against the Constitution. However, in the late 1920’s, many politicians who
once remained quiet spoke out and fought against the Klan. They even pointed out the possible
threat of not forming a solid and united white front. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To
ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report
this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Round 3: Scientist in a suitcase
They’ve had enough and packed up on their hols - Can you identify the disguised scientist. In
contrast to this the Pope is a Religious Leader of the worlds biggest Religion Roman Catholic. See
other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. The film portrayed the Klan as saviors against black rapists and helped instill both
support for the Klan and representations of good whites and evil nonwhites. 4. Test yourself using
these by covering over a section then trying to recall all of the key facts and details. Many people
loved the idea and wanted to be involved. Davis noted, “we uphold so many things which have
direct bearing on the continuance of our good government that many presumably good citizens are
beginning to wonder and ask the question, what does the Ku Klux Klan oppose?” 26 Davis then lists
things like law breaking, lax police enforcement, race mixing, and Catholics in office as not to be
tolerated. Indeed, what emerges most forcefully from this study of the Klan is the wealth of cultural
material at hand that a movement like the Klan could build on. Imperial Wizard H.W Evans states,
that blacks could not, “Attain the Anglo-Saxon level”. The Seattle Klan newspaper, Watcher on the
Tower, illustrates the Klan’s beliefs in Protestant Christianity, pure Americanism, white supremacy,
manliness and fraternity, and how it saw these as the defining characteristics and representations of
Klansmen. They were anti-Catholic and strongly opposed immigration, and like the first Klan still
clung to the belief in white supremacy. The Kama Sutra is the world’s oldest book on the pleasances
of animal life. You could tweak it for upper KS2 if you wished - but it is challenging. This audience
included President Woodrow Wilson, who made Birth of a Nation the first movie to be screened at
the White House. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who had
served in Constitutional conventions (Foner 342, Reconstruction). Griffith filmed in such a way that
the film took on the appearance of a documentary, leading people to accept the movie as truth.
This was very hard for black people and was denying them a right to an education, this goes against
the American Constitution 1787. The Klan feared that immigrants could bring new ideas to America
maybe outclassing their own and resulting in their ideas being bad. Unlike previous revivals, the
members were in more than just the South. A majority of these sites also appeal to adolescents,
teenagers and younger children by boasting such slogans as “Cool Hate Music.” Cartoons are also
found on many pages. After all, as late as the elections of 1928, the Nazis took only 2.6 percent of
the total vote and were seen as “a minor, and declining splinter party.” By contrast, in 1924, a Klan
write-in candidate for mayor was able to attract more than one-third of the vote in Detroit, the
fourth-largest American city. In spite of the Klan’s popularity membership dropped drastically during
the Great Depression in the 1930s, the whole organisation came to a halt in 1944 and for the
following 20 years the Klan as a whole became inactive. The cable network recently broadcast a
documentary series starring the Hollywood actor and former Scientologist Leah Remini, Scientology
and the Aftermath. Watcher on the Tower ran for three years, from 1920 to 1923, and like most
newspapers, it included advertisements and local stories. One indication of the Klan’s impotence was
its lack of effect on Negroes, who were once frightened and cowed by the white-robed members.
Not only did membership give it’s people identity and importance in society, but also had links to the
government, and therefore made an impact in the running of the southern west of the country.
Nathan Bedford Forest along with six other officers, after serving in the Confederate army during
the Civil War, began the club in the South to be, in effect, a military force serving the interests of the
Democratic party (Foner 425, Reconstruction). Mr. Edwards is a welder in a car repair works and
was very ill at ease before the onslaughts of the slick and somewhat unscrupulous questioner who
played on Mr. Edward’s general ignorance and interrupted him each time it looked as though he was
going to score a point. They wore the linens over their backs and put pillowcases on their heads. The
whites believed this would be enough to beat the Reconstruction, a process that white Southerners
called redemption. This resulted in the Klan hating Catholics and therefore being one of there targets
to get rid of. Powell became King Kleagle of Washington State in 1922. The first KKK rallied public
opinion in the South against Republican-dominated Reconstruction governments across the South.
But by 1925 it claimed a membership of 5 Million!!Sources tell us of the violent conduct and
discrimination the KKK used to frighten and intimidate Blacks and non Native Americans in
America. Hite Anglo Saxons liked to call themselves, Old Stock or Pioneer Stock; these were
considered to be superior. A huge range of questions with something to cater for every student’s
tastes - 10 rounds covering a wide variety of fun and amusing subjects and topics, all linked to
science. If the Klan believed they were true Americans they would never go against the Constitution.
This new Klan broadened its focus so that it was no longer strictly about blacks, but rather Catholics,
immigrants and anyone else deemed less than 100 percent American. Dyer, Theodore Roosevelt and
the Idea of Race (Baton Rouge, 1980). A quotation from the Declaration says, “All Men are born
equal”. However, when American businessmen tried to sell their goods abroad, they found other
countries had also imposed tariffs. Free Haiku Deck for PowerPoint Add-In Kkk Share Copy
Download 1 2073 Published on Nov 18, 2015 No Description View Outline MORE DECKS TO
EXPLORE PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. This meant the Klan made sure no immigrant managed
to have a relationship with the superior race. Along with this new dominance, of course, came the re-
emergence of the KKK in 1873. Many have pointed to internal problems such as hypocritical leaders
and factionalism. Test yourself using these by covering over a section then trying to recall all of the
key facts and details.
Photo courtesy of the Washington State Historical Society. Klansmen believed that the only way to
keep their country as it should be was to keep the white race intact as they were the ones who built
America. Use these to help you in practising answers to questions from past exam papers. One
indication of the Klan’s impotence was its lack of effect on Negroes, who were once frightened and
cowed by the white-robed members. Only in trying to gain support were things that played to
masculinity published. The Ku Klux Klan died out in 1900 but 15 years later in 1915, the Klan was
revived by William Simmons. 5 years after the revival of the Klan, Hiram Evans became Leader
(Imperial Wizard). Hundreds of Klan groups are actively working and recruiting in the U.S., with
more than two dozen in Texas alone. Perhaps, after all, it was those with the least “stake in society”
who had the most stake in defending democracy. Three essays, three different writers discussing the
same subject, three points of view which one is the correct view. Unlike previous revivals, the
members were in more than just the South. The men were all poor and could not afford to make
gowns or great costumes for the group, so they decided to use linens. They also felt that they had a
lower standard of living this included, education, they were poor and could not always afford
education and could therefore not contribute to the country. They strongly protect women and
believe they should be kept pure. Stephenson also made Madge Oberholtzer drink, a woman.
Nationwide, many people supported the idea of a ban on alcohol, and it provided the Klan with the
opportunity to gain support through a common cause. Students will learn and understand key
historical skills throughout such as the continuity and change in the rights of black people in the
USA, the causes consequences of the Civil Rights movement which followed, the similarities and
differences of the tactics used, the significance of key figures such as Abraham Lincoln, Jesse
Owens, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and various interpretations about how far
black people have achieved equality today. As time passed on, many former members redeemed
themselves for being involved in such an organisation, and this proved just how potent the force of
the Ku Klux Klan was that it had quite the opposite effect to its objectives. Round 5: Is that Albert
Einstein or a Prickly Porcupine?' Can you spot the famous scientist in strange and wonderful
locations, or are you being trolled by an attention-grabbing porcupine. Scholars can use them for free
to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. That phenomenon deemed
least American by the dominant culture from the founding of the republic forward—class struggle
waged by the propertyless, many of them black Americans and recent immigrants—may have
contributed more than we will ever know to keeping reactionary populist movements at bay in the
United States during the Great Depression. The Cycle of Prosperity (for the motor industry) The
Cycle of Prosperity (for the motor industry) More oil is used. In times of pitched struggle, such as
that which followed World War I, those axioms could easily slide into an insistence that class conflict
was illegitimate, even treasonous, and should be suppressed. During the next two years Klansmen
wearing masks, white cardboard hats and draped in white sheets, designed to frighten superstitious
blacks and to prevent identification by the occupying federal troops- whipped, tortured and killed
African Americans and sympathetic whites in night time raids. This would mean: The loss of US jobs
Lower profits for US businesses Less money in taxes for the government. States with white
majorities, especially the ones in the upper South, tried to convince most whites to vote Democratic.
For example, the Southern governments created and passed a series of acts or laws known as the
black codes. People were tarred and feathered, lynched, and beaten for little reason more than being
a certain race, nationality or religion. By cloaking their appeals in strong religious language, the Klan
was able to convince many in the general public that the KKK stood for a Godly cause. Then one
new member was selected from the mob and ceremoniously “knighted” into the organization in
behalf of all the rest of his fellow bigots. The emergency quota act (1921) limited the number of
immigrants to 357,000 per year.The number of people coming to the USA from any one country
could not exceed 3% of the number from that country already living in the USA in 1910.
This illustrates how the Ku Klux Klan had much support from its fellow white citizens, especially in
the Deep South and southern west of the country. The Cycle of Prosperity (for the motor industry)
The Cycle of Prosperity (for the motor industry) More oil is used. Klansmen believed that the only
way to keep their country as it should be was to keep the white race intact as they were the ones
who built America. This was scientifically erroneous; they believed that Blacks could not be as smart
as white people. They may be silent for many years, but you can count on the fact that they are there.
Briefly, Mr. Bird concluded that the Klan was organised in most of the Southern States but was
primarily active in Alabama, Georgia, the northern part of Florida and South Carolina. The first KKK
rallied public opinion in the South against Republican-dominated Reconstruction governments across
the South. The newspaper revealed to those that read it how the KKK placed itself in the context of
the modern world in the 1920s. However in 1882, the Supreme Court declared the Ku Klux Act was
unconstitutional, but by that time the Klan had practically disappeared seeing that its original
objective—the restoration of white supremacy throughout the South—had been largely achieved
during the 1870s. Driven by the dream of a world with only one master race, the KKK often uses
violence and moves above the law to promote their cause. The Klan added a number of other
Religious and People to their hated list these included: Catholics, Jews, Immigrants and Divorcees.
When Women are the Enemy: The Intersection of Misogyny and. The Mussolini-inspired American
Order of Fascisti, or Black Shirts, which enlisted several of these Klan stalwarts, proclaimed its
commitment to white supremacy. This was frowned upon by all of the KKK; they believed that this
would ruin the USA and turn it into a mongrel nation. However some did not; The Brookings survey
of 1929 found that 18 million people loved in poverty. Mothers of Massive Resistance: White
Women and the Politics. For example, the Klan had an internal document entitled “The Practice of
Klannishness” that explained how Klansmen were to act. You are being tested on your reading, not
your writing skills. The most apparent motive, yet still extremely unreasonable, was the hostility they
had toward the elevation of the colored race in society (Tourg e 30). However, this could be looked
upon as very hypocritical because D. The United States of America is the oldest democracy in
existence, having lasted for well over two centuries, an accomplishment many did not think to be
possible during the birth of the nation. By identifying themselves as the holders of true Americanism,
the Klan justified its persecution and violence. Therefore when I refer to the rich or the poor I define
them as people with either a vast amount of assets or very little. In this way, the Klan built on
contemporary fears that immigrants were responsible for the societal problems of the 1920 s and
hence banning immigrants was the only way to keep America safe and secure. Use these to help you
in practising answers to questions from past exam papers. As we have seen, the KKK will be active
for a period and then disappear. Immigration Control QUOTA - a limit on the number of immigrants
allowed in a country. He strongly felt that there were diseases because of Blacks. In the nation at
large, the postwar recession gave way to boom and renewed growth by 1923. However an opponent
of the Klan and their radical ideas would argue that reason why black people were in America was
because of white people shipping them over as slaves.
On gender and middle-class consciousness, see, for a start, Mary P. Therefore if the Klan were true
Americans they would accept these terms of the Declaration and treat everyone the same, black or
white everyone was equal. When Stephenson was found out the Klan lost a lot of supporters, this
proves that the Klan was very hypocritical and thought they were so powerful they could do what
they want and the law would not bother them, so the Klan would claim they do stuff but actually do
the opposite of what they just said. Although the KKK had connections with the government, it did
not persuade every politician to become a member, many congress and liberals were against the Ku
Klux Klan, and were determined to bring an end to their enormous establishment. On the face-
coding of class, see Jordan, White Over Black; Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom;
Ronald T. By 1925, the regional economy had rebounded, and the press was reporting with palpable
relief the revival of crop values and textile demand. 18. A huge range of questions with something to
cater for every student’s tastes - 10 rounds covering a wide variety of fun and amusing subjects and
topics, all linked to science. Use your notes and textbooks to complete these revision mind maps. The
old Klan wanted to set things back to the old ways. However, while the second Klan’s popularity
was brief, its impact on Washington State and throughout the nation was consequential. On Nazi
racialism, see Mosse, Nazi Culture, 2, 57-60. Some were evicted, others forced to sell off their land.
The Untold Privilege of White Women: Unmasking A Secret Arm. This book contains guidelines
and Klonversation for the Klan members (Klansman). The result was that many people emigrated
there and it was a mixed society. This information will help us make improvements to the website.
Being backed by a church made for a strong stance and spirit among Klan and community members.
In contrast to this the Pope is a Religious Leader of the worlds biggest Religion Roman Catholic.
Many Whites did not accept the rights and independence given to Black people. Moreover, no
fighting had happened on American soil. This meant the Klan made sure no immigrant managed to
have a relationship with the superior race. People were tarred and feathered, lynched, and beaten for
little reason more than being a certain race, nationality or religion. The Best Romantic Comedies to
Watch on Netflix Want Weekly Recs on What to Watch, Read, and More. Word quickly spread
across the South about these masked men. They were anti-Catholic and strongly opposed
immigration, and like the first Klan still clung to the belief in white supremacy. Here I am much
persuaded by the accounts of European fascism that reject fatalistic readings of the proclivities of the
petite bourgeoisie and stress, instead, contingency: the degree of organization of anti-fascist forces
and the political choices made by their leaders mattered very much. 24 Even in the narrowed political
spectrum of the 1920s, Klan leaders confronted some ideas and values that defied their ambitions.
Finally, the Klan believed that it was Anti-American not to believe in something that they did not
believe in; they believed protestant was they Religion all Americans should be. But also when many
immigrants came to America, most wanted to escape Communism than influence it to a new country
where they are starting a new life. Johnson, however, was not convicted and removal from office
failed by one vote in the Senate. It was originally compiled in the third century by the Indian sage
Klansmen believed that the only way to keep their country as it should be was to keep the white race
intact as they were the ones who built America. The treatment of blacks from this point on hurt the
Confederate governments. Smith, a Catholic, received the Democratic presidential nomination. Many
of these being northern Americans, who were exploring a much diverse society as it modernised,
loathed slavery and the proposal of an overall white supremacy, which was demonstrated in the Civil
war. By contrast, the German Communist Party in the ’20s—the smaller of the country’s main left-
wing parties—enlisted a membership that ran as high as 380,000 and drew as many as 3 million
votes. 19. But also when many immigrants came to America, most wanted to escape Communism
than influence it to a new country where they are starting a new life. However an opponent of the
Klan and their radical ideas would argue that reason why black people were in America was because
of white people shipping them over as slaves. Along with alcohol, many white Protestant Americans
shared the Klan’s belief that immigrants were the cause of many of society’s problems. They saw
them as bringing in undesirable practices and beliefs, and sought to impose restrictions on immigrants
as well. An example of this can be found in Watcher on the Tower, where one writer answered the
question by saying: “because the Ku Klux Klan stands flat footed for good citizenship, obedience to
the law and law enforcement.” 30 Presenting Klan members as law-abiding citizens and upholders
of true Americanism brought the group’s purpose closer to home and reinforced the members’ belief
that only the Klan could return America to its supposed foundations. Although the American
economy was generating more money, poor people did not get any of it. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our. After the war, European countries whose inductries had been damaged,
brought American goods with the help of American loans. Round 2: The history of science From to
Archimedes to Chris Witty and many others in between. All Rights Reserved Subscribe Contact us
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Archaeology Life Science Sports Culture Books Travel in Israel Television Food Sports Converting
to Judaism Columnists and Opinion. Some industries were actually in decline during the 1920s. The
Klan’s greatest successes among trade unionists tended to follow disastrous defeats, sometimes
involving strike-breakers from other ethnic groups, which left some native-born white workers
casting about for scapegoats and alternatives to class-based politics. 14. The KKK still exists today,
but unlike in it’s olden-golden days, it’s rather made up of several separate and competing groups,
some of which occasionally entered into alliances with neo-Nazi and other right-wing extremist
groups. They may be silent for many years, but you can count on the fact that they are there. The
cable network recently broadcast a documentary series starring the Hollywood actor and former
Scientologist Leah Remini, Scientology and the Aftermath. Support for the first Klan died out by the
mid 1870s. The troops, with their presence in the South, actually caused more harm than good.
Klansmen spoke of themselves as morally pure and regarded drinking alcohol as a breach of these
qualities. The Klan would accept as true Americans only those who were WASPs. See Foner,
Organized Labor and the Black Worker, 207; Green, Grass-Roots Socialism, 414; Robin D. G.
Kelley, Hammmer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression, (Chapel Hill, 1990),
28, 61. If this group of people is not eliminated from America, they will grow and become a major
threat to the peace and segregation problems of America. Victors in the war, both of these countries
developed similar movements of the far right, yet the impasse was less severe and their systems more
able to accommodate the strain. Each lesson uses primary sources and is grounded in the books by
Prof. McIntosh. Beyond the curated lessons teachers are encouraged to explore the Primary Source
Sets and access the full text of Prof. In spite of the Klan’s popularity membership dropped
drastically during the Great Depression in the 1930s, the whole organisation came to a halt in 1944
and for the following 20 years the Klan as a whole became inactive. For the past 50 years, it has had
many rebirths and falls. Because Klansmen saw the Protestant religion as “based entirely upon the
Word of God” 11 and Catholicism as influenced by a corrupt Pope, they believed Catholics were
teaching against the true word of God.
Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics. They feared that European firms that
could pay low wages would undercut them as they would be able to produce goods at a lower cost
and therefore sell them more cheaply. Exceptions to the prevailing provincialism are Robert Moats
Miller, “The Ku Klux Klan,” in Change and Continuity in Twentieth-Century America: The 1920’s,
ed. It is understood, then, that blacks never would have received equal treatment in the South, but
they also would never have been terrorized the way they were by the KKK. The men were eager to
do what he said, they trusted him. A huge range of questions with something to cater for every
student’s tastes - 10 rounds covering a wide variety of fun and amusing subjects and topics, all
linked to science. The Klan reached its peak by 1870 and as a result the Klan’s excessive violence
increased. Question: Give another two mental benefits to exercise. One key component to gaining
support for the new Klan was a novel by Thomas Dixon called The Clansman: A Historical Romance
of the Ku Klux Klan. Some have argued that the very success of Klan politicians in winning office
bred demoralization, as once in power they failed to furnish the dramatic changes they had
promised. The colonization of the Americas by Spain and the start of extensive silver mining in Japan
greatly boosted silver production, which had both positive and negative consequences. While this
was the only time an actual ratio was used, throughout Watcher on the Tower the Klan identified
white supremacy as a way to see America and its people, once again placing themselves in the role of
saviors. Many Americans opposed the Klan’s’ motives and purposes. This site provides resources for
those interested in teaching Boulder County Latino History. The fear of alien influence also helped
the Klan cling to ideas of white supremacy. This would have been going against all his teachings to
Klan Members which also shows he was lying. The organization took as its symbol a burning cross
and held rallies, parades and marches around the country At its peak in the 1920s, Klan membership
exceeded 4 million people nationwide 7. The film was Hollywood’s first blockbuster, as more than
50 million people viewed it in the weeks following its release in late 1915. Driven by the dream of a
world with only one master race, the KKK often uses violence and moves above the law to promote
their cause. Klansmen also believed that Catholics were not Loyal to the USA, they felt that
Catholics thought the Pope influenced everything they did and wanted to take over US politics.
Terrorist organizations, the Ku Klux Klan being the most prominent and overpowering, began
forming and meeting under the cover of darkness. Many have pointed to internal problems such as
hypocritical leaders and factionalism. Smith, a Catholic, received the Democratic presidential
nomination. After Forest s disbanding, the klaverns continued to operate by themselves, taking
matters into their own hands. They may be silent for many years, but you can count on the fact that
they are there. See also Atlanta Independent, 21 Dec. 1922, p. 1; “Our Own Secret Fascisti,” Nation
115 (15 Nov. 1922), 514; Burbank, “Agrarian Radicals and Their Opponents”; see also DuBois, “The
Shape of Fear,” 293; Bohn, “The Klan Interpreted,” 397. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Which really put a bad name to the Klan as
one important member got a life imprisonment. Overall, arguments put forward by both supporter
and argument differed. All of these sites seem to have the same things in common.

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