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Middle Ages Discussion: Norman Conquest course goals 3 and 8

Initiated by the Battle of Hastings, the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 was when William the
Conqueror who believed the triumphed over King Harold II. This marked a pivotal moment in history,
reshaping the socio-political landscape of the British Isles which would eventually have extensive
consequences that influenced the course of English history for centuries.
With the victory of William the Conqueror came the establishment of a new ruling elite. He brought with
him a group of Norman nobles who were granted vast estates in England. This reconfiguration of power
resulted in the exclusion of Anglo-Saxon aristocracy, as they were replaced with the Norman noble. This
new influence permeated through the entire social fabric, influencing language, governance, and culture.
Not to mention the noteworthy linguistic changes to the region. Old English, the language spoken by the
Anglo-Saxons, endured a substantial transformation with the infusion of Norman French. This change
gave rise to a new language called Middle English, which laid the foundation for the English we know
today. The linguistic legacy of the Norman Conquest is apparent through the vocabulary in modern
English, reflecting the fusion of both the Anglo-Saxon and Norman linguistic traditions.
Furthermore, the Norman Conquest had a profound impact on the administrative systems. William the
Conqueror created the compilation of the Domesday Book, a comprehensive survey of landownership and
resources. The Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History notes that “Within the basic idea of
the Domesday Book are the seeds for the concepts of strong central government, national wealth based on
resources, and a population census,” which served as a base for an effective governance leaving a lasting
mark on English law.
While the Norman Conquest brought transformative changes it also led to chaos and resistance. The
Norman Conquest remains a complex historical event, shaping England and leaving a legacy that
continues to be studied by many.

"The Domesday Book Is Completed: 1086." Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History, edited
by Jennifer Stock, vol. 4: Europe, Gale, 2014. Gale In Context: World History,
52a. Accessed 18 Jan. 2024.

"The Norman Conquests." World Eras, edited by Jeremiah Hackett, vol. 4: Medieval Europe, 814-1350,
Gale, 2002, pp. 233-235. Gale In Context: World History,
Accessed 19 Jan. 2024.

Peer Response:

This post provides a comprehensive summary of the Roman Conquest of Britain. It covers multiple
aspects such as a timeline, impacts, cultural influences, and the Roman Conquest's lasting legacy on the
world. Not to mention this writer used language that was clear and concise, making it easy to follow the
historical description.

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