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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI


Learning Area: Health

Grade 1

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Taking Care of body parts including private sexual parts
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Taking Care of body parts including private sexual parts
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Body difference and growth
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Body difference and growth
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Loving and unloving, Safe & unsafe touches of the body
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Loving and unloving, Safe & unsafe touches of the body
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Loving and unloving, Safe & unsafe touches of the body
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Common Food Products and their health effects
4/12/2024 Drug Education Common Food Products and their health effects
4/19/2024 Drug Education Common Food Products and their health effects
4/26/2024 Drug Education Non-food Products and their Harmful Effects into the
Body (Toilet paper, batteries, soap, toys, medicines,
poisons, etc;
5/3/2024 Drug Education Non-food Products and their Harmful Effects into the
Body (Toilet paper, batteries, soap, toys, medicines,
poisons, etc;
5/10/2024 Drug Education Safety practices in choosing items to be taken into the
5/17/2024 Drug Education Safety practices in choosing items to be taken into the
5/24/2024 Drug Education Safety practices in choosing items to be taken into the
Grade 2 HEALTH

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Different types of family
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Different types of family
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Characteristics of a Healthy/Unhealthy Family
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Characteristics of a Healthy/Unhealthy Family
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Characteristics of a Healthy/unhealthy Family
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Roles and Responsibilities of Family Members in
Promoting Family health
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Roles and Responsibilities of Family Members in
Promoting Family health
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Uses of Medicine
4/12/2024 Drug Education Uses of Medicine
4/19/2024 Drug Education The Role of Family Members and Health Professionals in
the Correct Use of Medicines
4/26/2024 Drug Education The Role of Family Members and Health Professionals in
the Correct Use of Medicines
5/3/2024 Drug Education The Role of Family Members and Health Professionals in
the Correct Use of Medicines
5/10/2024 Drug Education Practices in the Proper Use of Medicines
5/17/2024 Drug Education Practices in the Proper Use of Medicines
5/24/2024 Drug Education Practices in the Proper Use of Medicines

Grade 3

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Functional and Loving Relationship
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Ways Friends express Feelings for each Other
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Peer Pressure and its Negative Effects
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Characteristics of Good Friends
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Having Fun with Friends
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Accepting Differences among Friends
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Accepting Differences among Friends
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Using Medicines correctly and safely: Right attitude
towards medicine use
4/12/2024 Drug Education Using Medicines correctly and safely: Right attitude
towards medicine use
4/19/2024 Drug Education Using Medicines correctly and safely: Right attitude
towards medicine use
4/26/2024 Drug Education Using Medicines correctly and safely: Improper use of
medicine and its harmful effects
5/3/2024 Drug Education Using Medicines correctly and safely: Improper use of
medicine and its harmful effects
5/10/2024 Drug Education Guidelines in Using Medicines Safely (for advocacy)
5/17/2024 Drug Education Guidelines in Using Medicines Safely (for advocacy)
5/24/2024 Drug Education Guidelines in Using Medicines Safely (for advocacy)

Grade 4

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Sexual and Reproductive system (Structure and
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Sexual and Reproductive system (Structure and
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Puberty or sexual Maturation – Effects on body, emotion,
thinking and social relationships, including bodies’
preparation for reproduction
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Puberty or sexual Maturation – Effects on body, emotion,
thinking and social relationships, including bodies’
preparation for reproduction
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Adolescence and the changes in thinking, emotions and
social relationships that characterize it apart from
childhood and adulthood
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Adolescence and the changes in thinking, emotions and
social relationships that characterize it apart from
childhood and adulthood
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Adolescence and the changes in thinking, emotions and
social relationships that characterize it apart from
childhood and adulthood
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Say NO to Gateway Drugs
4/12/2024 Drug Education Nature of a Gateway Substances (caffeine, cigarette, and
4/19/2024 Drug Education Common products with Gateway Substances
4/26/2024 Drug Education Effects of Using Gateway Substances on the Body
5/3/2024 Drug Education Impact of Gateway Substances use on the Individual,
Family and Community
5/10/2024 Drug Education How to resist the use of gateway drugs
5/17/2024 Drug Education Developing Assertive Skills for a healthy and Drug-free life
5/24/2024 Drug Education Developing Assertive Skills for a healthy and Drug-free life
Grade 5

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Ways of Expressing Love
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Ways of Expressing Love
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Ways of Expressing Love
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussion on Menstruation and Circumcision
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussion on Menstruation and Circumcision
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussion on Menstruation and Circumcision
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussion on Menstruation and Circumcision
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Definition of Substance Use
4/12/2024 Drug Education Making Wise Decisions About Substances
4/19/2024 Drug Education Making Wise Decisions About Substances
4/26/2024 Drug Education How Psychoactive substances affect the Brin
5/3/2024 Drug Education How Psychoactive substances affect the Brin
5/10/2024 Drug Education How substances use affect the individual and Society in
5/17/2024 Drug Education How to make informed decisions in order to be Drug-free
5/24/2024 Drug Education How to make informed decisions in order to be Drug-free

Grade 6

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Gender Equality and Gender Stereotyping
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Gender Equality and Gender Stereotyping
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Gender Equality and Gender Stereotyping
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Difference between Sexual Orientation and Gender
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Difference between Sexual Orientation and Gender
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Difference between Sexual Orientation and Gender
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Difference between Sexual Orientation and Gender
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Factors that Influence Substance Use and ways to
Counter them
4/12/2024 Drug Education Micro-level Factors (Family, school Peers)
4/19/2024 Drug Education Macro-level factors (Physical environment, socio-
economic condition, culture
4/26/2024 Drug Education Macro-level factors (Physical environment, socio-
economic condition, culture
5/3/2024 Drug Education Ways to counter substance-promoting factors
5/10/2024 Drug Education Advocacy Campaign for a Drug Free School and
5/17/2024 Drug Education Refusal Strategies
5/24/2024 Drug Education Refusal Strategies

Grade 7

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Difference between Friendship, Romantic and Sexual
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Difference between Friendship, Romantic and Sexual
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Long-term Commitment and Marriage
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Long-term Commitment and Marriage
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Key Responsibilities in Different Relationships –
Romantic, Long-Term relationships, Marriage, and
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Key Responsibilities in Different Relationships –
Romantic, Long-Term relationships, Marriage, and
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Key Responsibilities in Different Relationships –
Romantic, Long-Term relationships, Marriage, and
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Nature of gateway substances (general information about
tobacco and alcohol, e-cigarette)
4/12/2024 Drug Education Nature of gateway substances (general information about
tobacco and alcohol, e-cigarette)
4/19/2024 Drug Education Reasons for using and not using cigarettes and alcohol
4/26/2024 Drug Education Reasons for using and not using cigarettes and alcohol
5/3/2024 Drug Education How cigarettes and alcohol harm the Body (Short- and
Long-term Effects)
5/10/2024 Drug Education How cigarettes and alcohol harm the Body (Short- and
Long-term Effects)
5/17/2024 Drug Education Protecting oneself from gateway substances
5/24/2024 Drug Education Ways to protect oneself from Cigarette and Alcohol

Grade 8

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Impact of Early Pregnancy (Physical, Emotional, Mental,
and Social)
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Impact of Early Pregnancy (Physical, Emotional, Mental,
and Social)
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Importance of informed Choices and Responsible Sexual
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Risks of early/teen Marriage and Unplanned Parenting
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Prevention of Early Pregnancy
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Prevention (Abstinence, Contraceptive Methods)
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Access to Contraception and Reproductive healthcare
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Analyzing Factors that Influence Substance Use
4/12/2024 Drug Education Classification of Psychoactive Substances based on
Effects: a. Stimulants, b. Depressants, c. Narcotics, d.
Hallucinogens, e. Inhalants
4/19/2024 Drug Education Classification of Psychoactive Substances based on
Effects: a. Stimulants, b. Depressants, c. Narcotics, d.
Hallucinogens, e. Inhalants
4/26/2024 Drug Education Substance use, misuse, abuse and dependence
5/3/2024 Drug Education Harmful effects of Substance use in the body
5/10/2024 Drug Education Harmful effects of Substances in the family
5/17/2024 Drug Education Prevention and Control of Substance Use
5/24/2024 Drug Education Healthy alternatives to Substance Use

Grade 9

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Common Types of STIs
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Common Types of STIs
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Modes of Transmission
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Prevention from Sexually Transmitted Infections
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Prevention strategies (Safe Sex practices, Correct and
consistent use of condoms, Vaccination for STIs
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health How to access local STI and HIV testing and treatment
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Common myths about STIs
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Substance use int Context of the Philippines
4/12/2024 Drug Education Substance use in the Philippines
4/19/2024 Drug Education Harmful Effects of Substance use on the Individual,
family, school, and Community
4/26/2024 Drug Education Harmful Effects of Substance use on the Individual,
family, school, and Community
5/3/2024 Drug Education Prevention and Control of Substance Use
5/10/2024 Drug Education Prevention and Control of Substance Use
5/17/2024 Drug Education Current Policies and Laws governing Substance Use
5/24/2024 Drug Education Current Policies and Laws governing Substance Use

Grade 10

Date Theme Sub-theme/Topics/Issues

Quarter 3
2/2/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Cultural norms of Sources of Message relating to
2/9/2024 Holiday
2/16/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Cultural norms of Sources of Message relating to
2/23/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Relevant laws concerning Abusive Relationships
3/1/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Relevant laws concerning Abusive Relationships
3/8/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Laws and Policies on Sexual and Reproductive health and
Health Services
3/15/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Laws and Policies on Sexual and Reproductive health and
Health Services
3/22/2024 Sexual and Reproductive Health Laws and Policies on Sexual and Reproductive health and
Health Services
3/29/2024 Holiday
Quarter 4
4/5/2024 Drug Education Substance Use in the Philippines: Implication and
4/12/2024 Drug Education Substance Use in the Philippines: Implication and
4/19/2024 Drug Education Data on Substance Use in the Philippines
4/26/2024 Drug Education Data on Substance Use in the Philippines
5/3/2024 Drug Education Implications of substance use (medical, social, political,
and legal
5/10/2024 Drug Education Implications of substance use (medical, social, political,
and legal
5/17/2024 Drug Education Institutions and Resources for Drug Prevention and
5/24/2024 Drug Education Institutions and Resources for Drug Prevention and


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