Soluble Solid Sphere: Mass From A

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Mass Transfer from a Soluble Solid Sphere


The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England

Mass transfer from 318- and 1/2-in.-diameter spheres of adipic acid and from 3/&,
1/2-, S/& and 3/4-ii.+liameter spheres of benzoic acid into a controlled stream of water
passing in laminar flow through a J-in.-diameter pipe is found to be correlated by the single
equation Nsh = 2 + 0.95 NRe0JNscO.S for sphere Reynolds numbers between 100 and
700. The limitations on the application of this equation, due to mass transfer by natural
convection, are discussed. Correlations are also obtained for transfer from separate regions
of the sphere surface.
Skin-friction-drag coefacientsfor single fixed spheres have been calculatedfrom reported
pressure distributions for Reynolds numbers between 100 and 1,OOO.
Good agreement is obtained between the mass transfer j factor and other reported
values for heat transfer, but comparison with the calculated frictional forces indicates
that the equality proposed by Colburn (3) does not hold, because the distributions of the
mass transfer and the skin friction over the surface differ.

hlasa transfer from single spheres to a body results in another force, known as of the skin friction, but as i t is based upon
liquid has received little attention and jorm drag, acting on the body in the pressure data determined a t a Reynolds
the analogy between mass and momentum direction of the fluid stream. Summation number of 16.5 X lo4, it is not suitable
transfer has not been investigated, of these two drag forces gives the total for Reynolds numbers of 103 and below,
chiefly because of the lack of data for the drag force experienced by the body, and since the conditions over the surface are
values of the skin friction of a sphere. these forces are usually expressed in very different.
This work forms part of the more terms of a dimensionless drag coefficient The values obtained for the skin
general study of mass transfer processes which for a sphere may be written as friction in the prrsent work :ire calculated
being undertaken a t present in the from pressure distributions determined by
Chemical Engineering Department of Grafton (12). These were obtained from
Birmingham University and i t was con- a s i n . - d i a m e t e r phosphor-bronze sphere
sidered that this work would provide data mounted in the center of a stream of
of use for predicting not only mass For spheres the total drag is usually water flowing through a 3-in.4iameter
transfer from solid surface but also for dekrmined by mcasurement of the pipe. The velocity, under streamline flow
predicting outside film coefficients in terminal velocity of freely falling spheres, conditions, was varied from 1W and 10,
liquid-liquid extraction and gas absorp- but this gives no indication of the relative Reynolds numbers. The method of
tion. importance of skin friction :md form analysis used involves the calculation of
The relation between momentum and drag. The contribution of the frictional the hydrodynamic boundary-layer thick-
mass transfer from single spheres with drag can be found directly only from an ness 6, which can be used to determine
liquid is unknown largely because of lack analysis of the hydrodynamic conditions the intensity of the skin friction over the
of knowledge of the skin friction around over the sphere surface, usually based surface. Graphical integration is then
a sphere and there have bcen few investi- upon the variation of the normal pressure used to obtain the skin-friction drag
gations of the rate of solution at various over the surface. Values obtained in this coefficient.
points around a sphere corresponding t o

a sphere freely falling or rising in a iquid.
Such knowledge is highly desira le in
that a solid sphere is the prototype of an
undistorted liquid drop or gas bubble,
and it has been shown that the flow
conditions around a drop or bubble are
precisely analogous to those around a
solid sphere ( l o ) ,contrary to some of the
supporters of the penetration theory who
postulate slip a t fluid interfaces.


When a real fluid flows over a solid

body there is normally no slip between W o l d s . Number.
the fluid and the solid surface and there Fig. 1. Amended values for drag coe5cients.
is a velocity gradient outward from the
surface, resulting'in a net force on the
body acting in the direction of the fluid way by McSown and Kewlin (20) Numerous methods of mathematical
stream, called the skin jriction drag. indicate that skin friction represents less analysis arc available for the surface up
For flow over cylinders or spheres the than 7% of the total drag over the range to the position of separution of the
flow pattern is not symmetrical forward of Reynolds numbers between 6 X 105 forward flow. Of these the method of
and aft of the body, owing to the dissipa- and 2 X 106. For lower Reynolds numbers, Tomotika (31) was used, based on his
tion of energy by the internal viscous Tang, Duncan and Schweyer (SO) have solution of the momentum integral
forces. The pressure difference across the derived an expression for the estimation equation of Milikan (22) for a three-

Page 114 A.1.Ch.E. Journal March, 1958

third mode of transfer, forced convection,
closely resembles natural convection
except that the flow pattern is imposed
upon the fluid by an external force. In
practice, all three modes of transfer are
usually present.
The reported values of mass transfer
by molecular diffusion alone are usually
obtained by extrapolation from results
obtained for small spheres under natural
convection conditions. Fuchs (8) showed
theoretically that the limiting value of
the dimensionless mass transfer Sher-
wood number (KDID,) is 2.0 when the
sphere becomes infinitely small. This
Fig. 2. Diagrammatic arrangement of apparatus. limiting value was confirmed by Lang-
muir (16) from a consideration of the
experimental results of Morse (23) on
diffusion from small spheres of iodine in
dimensional boundary layer, the Pohl- method gives a useful indication of the natural convection and by Whytlaw-
hausen quartic velocity distribution being conditions within the wake. Gray and Patterson (33) for the sublima-
assumed within the layer. The skin-friction-drag coefficients ob- tion of benzophenone spheres in still air.
The area beyond separation, i.e,, the 'tained from these calculations are given Under copvective conditions, either
wake region, is less susceptible to mathe- in Table 1 together with the calculated natural or forced, a relationship for mass
matical analysis; Grafton (12) derived a circulation velocities and the free stream transfer similar to the relationships ob-
solution of Milikan's equation by the velocity. It will be noted that at Reyn- tained for heat transfer may be expected,
assumption of a quartic velocity distribu- olds number 1,000 the circulation velocity of the form
tion with two further assumptions. Since is predicted to be twice the main-stream
the pressure measurements in the wake velocity. This is not possible, as the main Nsh = ~ ( N R ~ N s ~ N Q (3)
region show little variation, pressure was stream provides the driving force for the
assumed to be constant over the surface vortex by means of viscous forces. At the where N S h , N R s , NsC and NQlt are
within the wake and, in addition, no lower end of the range a t NRs = 82, respectively the Sherwood, Reynolds,
discontinuity in the boundary-layer thick- Grafton (12) observed a circulation Schmidt, and Grashof numbers for the
ness is assumed a t separation. With these velocity equal to one half the main mass transfer. Such a relationship has
assumptions Grafton obtained the ex- stream velocity and this agrees with the been obtained theoretically by Eckert (6)
pression values predicted a t Reynolds numbers from a consideration of the boundary
of 200 and 500. In these two cases the conditions.
'6 = 34.054(~)1$(8,) (2) wake skin friction is 8.2 and 7.395, For transfer under natural-convection
respectively, of the value for the forward conditions, where the Reynolds number
is unimportant, this expression reduces to
where I$(&) is a trigonometric function of flow area. In the absence of any alter-
&, the angle measured from the rear native method of calculation, the skin N s =
~ f(NsAo,,) (4)
istagnation point, and U is the velocity friction in the wake is assumed to be
a t the outer edge of the boundary layer. 7?4% of that for the forward flow area The data obtained by Ranz and Mar-
Since the value of U in the wake is not for all cases in the region under considera- shall (26) for the evaporatio-n of water
known, it is expressed in terms of the tion. The valuesl'of the skin-friction-drag drops in still air are correlated by an
circulation velocity in the wake as coefficients recalculated on this basis are expression of this form, namely,
indicated by red-ink traces of the flow given in Table 2.
patterns. This circulation velocity is also The negative values given for the
assumed constant and its value aL the wake are explained by the flow along the
NSh = 2.0 + 0.60N~,0'25Ns,0.33(5)
actual values of the boundary-layer thick- surface being in the reverse direction to Most other work, both theoretical and
ness are found by making the value of that of the main stream and so producing practical, produces results of the form
6 continuous a t the separation point. a drag in the reverse direction. These
The chief disadvantage of this method amended values and the curve presented N S h= constant X (NG,rNSc)0'25(6)
of solution is the need for a red-ink trace by Castleman ( 2 ) for the total drag The most reliable form of this seems to
of the flow pattern within the vortex coefficient are illustrated in Figure 1. be that derived by Merk and Prins (%I),
region. The assumptions are also open which for heat transfer from a sphere is
t o t h e following cr&icisms: The assump- MASS TRANSFER PROCESSES written as
tion of constant'pressure over the surface
implies a constant velocity a t the outer At the interface between a soluble solid NNU = 0.558(N,r,Npr)0'25 (7)
edge of the boundary layer but the results and a liquid a saturated solution is
show that the velocity alters quite formed as shown by Ward and Brooks However, this takes no account of the
rapidly close to the rear stagnation point (32).Transfer of the solute into the main effect of the "plume" of hot air rising
and the separation point, although over body of the fluid occurs in three ways, above the sphere.
most of the region it is almost constant; dependent upon the conditions. For an Under forced convection conditions
and also observation of the circulation infinitely small sphere in an infinite where the Grashof number is unimportant
by means of aluminum particles indicates stagnant fluid, transfer will be by molec- the general expression becomes
that the velocity is not constant around ular diffusion alone but, as the sphere
the vortex, the fluid being accelerated size increases, natural convection currents Nsh = f(NR~ NJs (8)
along the outer edge of the wake and are set up owing to the difference in which boundary layer theory suggests
retarded near the sphere surface. Despite density between the pure solvent and the should take the form
these limitations, and in the absence of solution. This induced flow helps to carry
any other method, it is felt that this solute away from the interface. The N S h a NReo.SNSeQ.33 (9)
Vol. 4, No. 1 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 115
Correlations of this form have been
obtained by experiment owr quite a
wide range of Reynolds numbers; Frossl-
ing (7) from a study of the ni:tss transfer
from liquid spheres of nitrobenzene,
aniline, and water and from solid spheres
of naphthalene to air for tlillmeters of
0.02 to 0.18 cm. derives a relationship
which may be written in the form

for Heynolds numbers bet\vtten 2 and

ANGLE tnoM ponwmo STACNATICIN POINT a. 1,000. Similarly at slightly higher Reyn-
olds numbers, 600 to 2,600, Axel'rud (1)
Fig. 3. Distribution of mass transfer. obtains the expression

.\', 'IN scn.''3

= 0 .82ATRe0' (11)
for the dissolution of potassium chloride
and potassium nitrate sphervs in water
by use of dissolution periods of 3 to 4 min.
I n the field of heat transfer Kramers
(14, from a study of heat losses from
induction-heated spheres, proposes the
slightly different expression = 2.0 + 1.3~Vp,'.'~
+ 0 . G C i N R e O . s.Yp,''.81 (12)
for the rnnge 0.5 > X R , > 3,OOO.
In intermediate regions where neither
the Reynolds nor the Grashof number
can be neglected no satisfactory relation-
ships have been reported. Dryden,
Strang, and Withrow (5) note that the
mass transfer from a packed bed depends
upon the direction of flow, i.e., upward or
20 25 downward, a t low Reynolds numbers,
which indicatcs that the natural- and
forced-convection flows are interacting.
EXPERIMENTAL. The results of Kramers and Friissling
A- HIXSON (I BAUM.fi942) quoted above suggest that the Grashoc
B- LINTON (I SHERWOOR(9Sd number is unimportant above N R e = 1,
0 - WILKE, TOBIAS L EISENBERG.(I953) but these results were obtained in air and
for small-diameter spheres, which give
PREDICTED. very small Grashof numbers. The only
C - WILKE.(I9& suggested correlations in this iiitcrmediatc
region are the one due to Ranz and Mar-
0- OTHMER L T H A K A R . ~ ~ shall (.%?), who propose a vectorial
Fig. 4. DSusivity data for benzoic acid in water. addition of the velocities, using a natural-
convection velocity based upon a modified
Grashof number, and the suggestion of
Garner and Grafton ( 9 ) that the transfers
due to the two processes are simply
Variation of the transfer rate around
the sphere has not been widely studied.
Distributions are reported by Friissling
(7') and by Garner and Grafton (9),but
the importance of the wake area in mass
transfer is not widely known.

The apparatus, shown diapxmmatically
in Fig. 2, consists essentially of :I 3-in. 1.1).
horizontal water tunnel fitted n ilh reservoir
tanks and a recirculation system. A 3O-gttl.
I I I reservoir fittcd with calming baffles dis-
2000 aOOo
charKes through a belled entry into a 24ft.
Pirc RWNOLDS Nunarr -2!U$!%E length of 3-in. 1.1). straight copper pipe.
This is followed by a I-ft. working section
Fig. 5. Velocity at sphere position in distributed flow. of 3-in. 1.L). glass pipe and a further S f t .

Page 116 A.1.Ch.E. Journal March, 1958

TABLE1 Baum were used by Garner and Grafton (9)
AND DRAGCOEFFICIENTS in calculating the results for the dissolution
of %-in.-diameter benzoic acid spheres; rn
Reynolds Number 100 200 500 1,000 there is a wide discrepancy between these
values of the diffusivity and the predicted
Free stream velocity, cm./sec. 0.811 1.62 4.05 8.11 values, the results of Garner and Grafton
Wake velocity, cm./sec. 0.063 0.90 2.05 16.0 have been recalculated by means of pre-
Ftatio, wake: stream 0.077 0.55 0.51 1.97 dicted values before being combined with
Skin-friction-drag coefficients the results obtained in the present work.
Front 0.640 0.438 0,260 0.155 Since a range of velocity profiles has been
Wake -0.001 -0.036 -0.019 -0.145 used in this work the choice of the velocity
Total 0.64 0.40 0.24 0.01 used in the Reynolds number is important.
The first choice was the velocity at the
sphere position, i.e., the approach velocity.
This was taken as the average velocity
2 over the cross-sectional area of the sphere
VALUESOF SKIN-FRICTION-DRAGCOEFFICIENT and for parabolic flow varied between
1.94 and 1.97 times the average stream
Reynolds number 100 200 500 1,000 velocity, depending upon the size of the
sphere. When the gauzes were in position
Skin-friction-drag coefficient the approach velocity was determined
Front 0.640 0.438 0.260 0.155 from the correlations of Nikuradse for the
Wake -0.048 -0.033 -0.020 -0.012 development of a parabolic front from
Total 0.59 0.40 0.24 0.14 uniform distributed flow. The variation of
the mean velocity at the sphere position
with pipe Reynolds number based upon
the average fluid velocity is shown graph-
section of glass pipe. The water then flows distortion caused by the cylindrical pipe ically in Figure 5.
through a square-edged orifice meter into wall, a perspex block was cut with one face By means of the approach velocity the
a tank, from which it is pumped back t o curved t o fit against the pipe wall and the results for the forward stagnation point are
the reservoir. Three interchangeable orifice opposite face plane. Cross wires attached shown in Figure 6. Two distinct lines were
plates are used in the flow meter, which to 'this block served to locate the final obtained, one for the parabolic velocity
operates - a carbon tetrachloride U-tube photograph with respect to the initial one. front and the other for the distributed flow.
manometer. With this system the average The refractive index of the perspex was It was then decided to use the average
velocity in the 3-in. pipe can be measured slightly greater than that of the water in fluid velocity as the basis of the Reynolds
over the range of 0.006 t o 0.15 ft./sec. the pipe line, and so a correction factor number, and this produces quite satisfactory
The belled entry and long length of pipe for the slight optical distortion was calcu- agreement between the two sets of data as
(approximately 120 diameters) ensure a lated in each specific case by comparing shown in Figure 10. The average fluid
typical parabolic flow distribution with a the apparent dimensions of equal actual velocity was therefore used for all the mass
minimum of disturbance in the working lengths in the natural and distorted planes. transfer correlations.
section. A pack of six 30/30 mesh 33 S.W.G. The diminution was then measured at The experimental results and the calcu-
phosphor-bronze-gauze flow distributors can 10-deg. intervals around the circumference lated values of the film coefficient and the
be placed when required at the end of the of the corrected silhouettes. Sherwood number for vcin.-diameter ben-
copper section to give a flatter velocity zoic acid spheres are given in Tables 3 and
front. The actual velocity profile at the RESULTS 4, being typical of the results obtained.*
sphere position, two pipe diameters down- Figures 7 to 11 show the results obtained
stream from the gauzes, then depends upon A typical distribution of the transfer lor the over-all transfer and the transfer
the water flow rate, varying from near around the surface is shown in Figure 3. from the forward flow region, the wake
parabolic at very low flows t o nearly flat The transfer rates for the total surface, the region, the forward stagnation point, and
at high flows. forward flow area (i.e., the area upstream the rear stagnation point respectively. The
The spheres of benzoic and adipic acids of separation), and the wake area are found following expressions .are proposed to cor-
used in this work were prepared by com- from these distributions by graphical inte- relate these results.
pressing the acid into pellets in a hand press. gration over the surface, the rates for the Over-all transfer
This gave pellets having a smooth surface, forward and rear stagnation points from the
with no definite crystalline arrangement terminal values of these curves, and the
such as casting would produce. Uniformly rates expressed in terms of the Sherwood Forward flow area transfer
high pellet densities of 1.29 t o 1.30 g./cc. number.
for benzoic acid and 1.33 to 1.34 g./cc. for I n order to express the results in terms
adipic acid were obtained by this method. of the Schmidt and Sherwood numbers, i t is
The sphere sizes were %, W,%, and %-in.- necessary t o find values for the diffusivity Wake area transfer
diameter in benzoic acid and % and % in. of the materials used. A survey of the
in adipic acid, literature revealed no experimental data
All the spheres were supported from for adipic acid and, since i t is difficult to Forward stagnation point
downstream on a Sin.-long A-in.-diameter determine the diffusivity experimentally
brass rod, mounted on a W by &-in. brass with any degree of accuracy,-it was evalu-
strip forming a diameter of the 3-in. I.D. ated by the prediction method of Othmer
test line. The end of the rod was thinned to and Thakar (24). I n order to make the Rear stagnation point
fit into a 0.046-ii.-diam. hole drilled along a results for adipic and benzoic acids com-
radius of the pellet. The supporting rod parable the diffusivity of the latter material
was fixed so as to be coaxial with the test was determined in the same way. The All for the range 100 < NR,0.6NscOJ3 > 300
line. agreement between the predicted and Considerable scatter is apparent in the
Dissolution of the spheres was followed experimental values for benzoic acid is results shown, even for the over-all transfer.
photographically with a Bolex 16-mm. chB good, as s$own in Figure 4, where the This is thought to be introduced in the
camera and back lighting. Single exposures values predicted by the methods of Othmer measurement of the diminution from the
were made at the beginning and end of the and Thakar (24) and Wake ( 3 4 ) are com- projected silhouettes. Even though the
dissolution period. The film was projected pared with the experimental data reported
by means of a Kodascope projector, and by Linton and Sherwood ( 1 7 ) and Hixson *Tabular materialhas been deposited aa document
drawings of the silhouettes were made and Baum ( I S ) , and a n isolated value 5494 with the American Documentation Institute,
approximately twelve times the actual quoted by Wilke, Tobias, and Eisenberg Photoduplication Service Library of Congreas
Washington 25. D. C., s'nd may be obtained to;
sphere size. I n order t o reduce the optical (55). The values reported by-Hixson and 51.25 for photoprints or 35-mm. microfilm.

Vol. 4, No. 1 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 117

It will be seen from Figure 3 that there
I I I I I I . I. 0

is a pronounced minimum in the mass

transfer distribution over the surface.
. ' 1
The effect of Reynolds number upon the
position of this minimum is shown in
0 ' . Figure 12 together with the curve
I * reported by Garner and Grafton (9) for
8 the movement of the hydrodynamic
'. .

. o
separation point. The values of the
Reynolds number are based upon the
approach velocity, as defined earlier.
0' 0
/ The sphere is a three-dimensional
: 2' .*/ a
axisymmetrical body and this region of
. #

w o o ,
o *
0 minimum transfer appears as a ring
around the surface in the rear half of the
sphere, but since all the mass transfer
observations have been made from
silhouettes the minimum transfer region
is seen as two points, one near the top
and the other near the bottom of the
circle. Throughout this discussion there-
,P fore i t is referred to as the point of
minimum transfer. Similarly in the
- hydrodynamic case a ring of separation
KEI is formed at the back of the sphere, but
Q PmneoLic FLOW
DiSTrCrisunp FLOW
for the purposes of this discussion this
I I I I I 1 also is referred to as a point.
From simple theory it would appear
that the separation point and the point
of minimum mass transfer should coincide
since the hydrodynamic boundary layer
attains its maximum thickness a t the
separation point. This coincidence is
observed over the central portion of the
curves (Figure 12), but there is distinct
projected images were approximately twelve typical. At lower Reynolds numbers the separation at either end. At Reynolds
times life size the average diminution to be results of Frossling (7) indicate that numbers above 400 the minimum mass
measured was about 6 mm.; thus small the distribution becomes more uniform. transfer occurs a few degrees behind the
errors in measuring either the initial or final I n general terms this distribution may separation point. This appears to be
silhouette are greatly magnified when the be explained by means of the boundary- due to the presence of a small region of
difference is taken. Greater dissolution is not
permissible, as it would result in an appre- layer concept on the assumption that the near-stagnant fluid, immediately behind
ciable change in the Reynolds number and mass transfer and hydrodynamic bound- the separation point, in which transfer
so alter the conditions around the sphere; ary-layer thicknesses are in a constant occurs only very slowly. As the separation
this change in conditions may account for ratio under a given set of conditions. point moves further back over the surface
some of the scatter observed at present. Progressing from the forward stagnation with decrease in Reynolds number the
Ideally, the dissolution should be kept as point around the sphere, the boundary- angle between the surface and the separat-
small as possible and the magnification layer thickness increases and, as the ing stream line becomes greater and
made much greater than that used herein. concentration difference across the layer there is less tendency for this stagnant
The values reported for the separate is constant, the concentration gradient
regions of the sphere also scatter for the pocket to be formed. The minimum
same reason and from an additional cause. will become less steep, thus reducing transfer point is also seen to be after the
Accurate measurement is dependent upon the point value of the mass transfer observed position of separation a t low
the final silhouette being located accurately rate. A similar process will occur over Reynolds numbers. I n this region, how-
with respect to the initial one. This was the surface in the wake commencing ever, natural-convection currents are
done as carefully as possible by means of at the rear stagnation point. Since the becoming important and these may induce
the cross wires in the optical system, but fluid within the wake is continually conditions over the surface which corre-
again small errors here become large circulating and is not discharged into spond to a different Reynolds number
percentages of the actual diminution. the main body of the fluid until the flow from that of the main fluid stream.
Despite this scatter the lines are quite well attains very high Reynolds numbers, the
defined and there is no apparent distinction Observations by Keey (15) on mass
between different sphere diameters, ma- solute must diffuse from the outer transfer from spheres by natural con-
terials, or velocity profiles. boundary of the vortex region into the vection indicate the presence of a ring
bulk of the fluid, and a relatively dilute of minimum mass transfer, similar to
solution is returned to the rear stagnation that obtained in this work, in the region
point. If this were not the case, the of 150 deg. from the top of the sphere.
The general variation of mass transfer concentration in the wake would build This corresponds to the state of zero
rate over the surface of a solid sphere in a up and the rate of mass transfer from flow in the hydrodynamic case and the
controlled stream of water is well defined this region would become mu@ lower than "separation point" should be a t 180 deg.
and is clearly indicated by the results that 'observed. The importance of the For the mass transfer work in general
obtained , from these dissolutions as wake is therefore due to the large extra the Schmidt number varies from about
illustrated in Figure 3. The exact form surface made available for transfer and 1,100 to 2,200, and, with the Reynolds
of the variation depends upon the Reyn- to the vortex motion supplying a stream number based on the average velocity,
olds number of the flow, but over the of relatively solute-free solvent to the the range covered lies between 60 and
range studied the example shown is rear stagnation point. 660; the two materials used show a

Page 118 A.I.ChJE. Journal March, 1958

ment holds not only for the over-all
transfer but also for the transfer from
the individual parts of the sphere.
At values of the group N,,QK N s c O . ~ ~
less than 100 it is thought that natural-
convection effects are becoming import-
ant. This is illustrated by the direction
of the axis of apparent flow, which is
defined as normal to the plane of minimum
mass transfer and would, if there were
no disturbing forces, lie along the axis
of the fluid stream, i.e., along the pipe
axis. In practice its position varies with
Reynolds number as shown in Figure 13
for %-in.-diameter benzoic acid spheres.
A t zero Reynolds number mass would
be transferred by natural convection only
and the axis of apparent flow would be
vertical, i.e., a t 90 deg. to the pipe axis;
as the Reynolds number is increased from
zero the two flows interact to produce a
net flow directed somewhere between the
two individual components. The actual
values given in Figure 13 are only
approximate since the experimental
method was not designed for measure-
ments of this nature, but the effect of
NL‘ NL’’ increasing Reynolds number can be
Fig. 7. Over-all mass transfer. clearly seen. Above Re > 100 the effect
of the natural-convection currents is
relatively small and the direction of the
apparent flow axis becomes constant,
presumably along the pipe axis. This
result is in line with the deviation noted
in the lower Reynolds-number range of
the separation-point curve. As a result
of this rotation of the flow axis, the
forward stagnation point, which in the
mass transfer work is taken &s the point
of maximum transfer, does not coincide
with the one defined from hydrodynamic
considerations except for Reynolds num-
bers greater than 200.
Relatively little mass transfer data
are available a t Reynolds numbers
below 60 and no precise relationship can
be derived, but an indication of the
behavior can be obtained as follows. If
it be assumed that the expression derived
by Merk and Prins (21) for heat transfer
from spheres by natural convection, viz.,

Key to Figures 7 to 15. N N == 0 . 5 5 8 ( N ~ , N ~ , ) ~(7)

has a parallel in mass transfer, then the
N S h = 0 . 6 0 ( N ~ , ~ N ~ , ) ’ ’ 2(18)
distinct difference in solubility, adipic diffusion, but no term is included to may be obtained by qaking a small
acid being about five times as soluble as allow for the natural-convection effects addition for the effect of the “tail,”
benzoic acid, and so it seems that the since these appear to be negligible over which is .neglected by Merk and Prins.
expression obtained for the over-all this range. Assuming a temperature of 20°C. and
transfer : This independence of sphere diameter taking
is confirmed by the work of Kramers
0.95NRe0‘ (14) and Tang, Duncan, and Schweyer
(SO) on heat transfer and of Powell (25)
is of general application for values of the and Frossling (7) on mass transfer. The
value of the forced-convection term is and
group N R s * . 6 N s c Q . 3 3 between 100 and 300
and for sphere diameters not greater than in good agreement with that predicted N S e =
in. The inclusion of the constant term by Grafton (12) from the hydrodynamic D, ’
satisfies the condition derived by Fuchs measurements used earlier in the evalua-
(8) for transfer by purely molecular tion of the drag coefficient. This agree- one obtains the values listed in Table 5.

Vol. 4, No. 1 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 119



:N; N
Fig. 8. Mass transfer from forward flow area. Fig. 9. Mass transfer from wake area.
See key on Figure 7. See key on Figure 7.

The Grashof numbers are based upon sized sphere when the farces act perpen- about 8% of the total transfer; whereas
solution densities determined in this dicularly, as in this work. If larger above NBdN 500 the curve flattens out,
department by Keey (15). The transfer diameter spheres were used, the Grashof with the wake contributing about 25%
a t zero Reynolds number can then be numbers for the natural-convection trans- of the total. In the range studied there is
described by the expression fer would be larger and so presumably no indication that the two halves of the
the effect would extend to higher Reyn- sphere will become equally important as
N s h = 2.0 O . ~ ~ ( N G , # N S ,(19) ) ~ ' ~olds~ numbers; thus the correlation ob-
tained in this work is limited to values of
observed for cylinders a t Reynolds
number, 40,000 by Lohrisch (18).
which includes the term for the transfer N a y , Nsc = 1.3 X 10'. The ratio of the mass transferred from
by molecular diffusion. This shows %hat This series of curves could then satisfy the two areas may be written as
under these conditions the mass transfer the theoretical requirement of Fuchs (8)
depends upon the sphere size, but in the that mass transferred from
present study of forced convection the forward flow area/sec.
ratio =
results for all sphere sizes fall on a com- mass transferred from
mon line for Reynolds numbers greater wake area/sec.
than 100 (corresponding to values greater
than 110 for the group NRso.', N s e 0 9 . which is not satisfied by the general
So it is suggested that a series of curves correlation proposed for high Reynolds
exists below this value, where each curve numbers or by many of the previously where A F and A w represent the surface
represents the interaction between forced- reported correlations. areas covered by the forward flow and
and natural-convection forces for a given- The apparatus used in the present the wake respectively. Over the range
work is not suitable to verify the existence to which these mass transfer relationships
of these curves, partly because of the apply the values of the second terms
TABLE5 difficulty of flow control and partly are much greater than the constant term,
because any greater rotation of the flow which may therefore be neglected and
VALUESOF GRASHOFAND SCHMIDT axis than that experienced a t present
NUMBERS FOR VARIOUSSPHERES the expression for the ratio reduced to
would require a complex correction for
Spheres, 0.60 the optical distortion. To facilitate A,
diameter, in. NO,, Ns, ( N G r * N S . ) O . ~ ~further study in this region a low-speed, ratio = 1.6 - (21)
vertical water tunnel is under construc- A,
Benzoic acid tion; the vertical flow direction will This simple expression suggests that the
94 3,360 1,340 27.7 eliminate the rotation of the flow axis wake transfer is independent of the size
?4 7,970 1,340 34.3
due to natural-convection effects and so of the vortex region since the outer
56 15,550 1,340 40.6
simplify observations. surface of this grows in extent with
% 26,880 1,340 46.5
The relative importance of the wake Reynolds number faster than the sphere
Adipic acid in mass transfer is clearly shown in surface included within the wake in-
96 34,250 1,525 51.0 Figure 14. At the lower end of the range, creases; thus the controlling factor in
w 81,200 1,525 63.3 a t NR. = 70, the wake contributes the total transfer from the wake region

Page 120 A.1.Ch.E. Journal March, 1958

appean to be the area of solid surface
included within the wake region rather
than the extent of the interface available
for transfer of solute from the circulating
fluid within the wake to the main bulk
of fluid.
Thus, over the region to which the
mass transfer correlations apply, the
mass transfer ratio is determined by the
ratio of the areas, which in turn is
determined by the position of the separa-
tion point. The curve obtained in Figure
14 is, therefore, similar to that obtained
for the movement of the separation
point,, and the results are best correlated
by the use of the approach velocity.
It appears then that the position of the
separation point and the relative import-
ance of the wake are dependent upon the
conditions over the surface as defined
by the approach velocity of the fluid,
whereas the actual rate of solute transfer
is determined by the total mass of fluid
flowing. This suggests that there may be
a difference between the two processei
of mzSs and momentum transfer for the
case of a sphere.
Over most of the region considered
%:Nr above the wakes are of the stable,
Fig. 10. Mass transfer from forward stagnation point. See key on Figure 7. circulating variety but a t Reynolds
numbers ltbove 500,periodic oscillations
occur a t the back of the wake, according
t o observations reported (9) and these
might be expected to increase the transfer
from the wake. XO suph effect is noted
in this work, but since the highest
Reynolds number attained is 660 and
the scatter of the data obtained for the
.wake is quite wide such an effect is not



300 d The idea of an analogy between heat,

mass, and momentum was first proposed
by Reynolds, in the form

where G is the mass velocity of the fluid

G,+, is the molal mass velocity
and 5/2 is the friction factor
This simple analQgy applies under only
very limited conditions, mainly for
transfer in gases in turbulent flow. The
j-factor theory proposed by Colburn (3)
is a modified form of the original and
attempts t o allow for the effect of the
laminar-flow region over the surface of
the body. This is done by introducing
the I’randtl and Schmidt numbers to
produre the following empirical relation-
- (NS,)*”
= j,
Fig. 11. Mass transfer from rear stagnation point. See key on Figure 7.

Vol. 4, No. 1 A.1.Ch.E. ,Journal Page 121

In this form the analogy appears to be 1r0~1
1 I I I 1
(m Iu Pun.=.
of rather wider application although still I
Y.",w 5C.U.Tl..

intended primarily for turbulent-flow I

i u - I
- (.
The term j / 2 is a measure of the 8'
resistance to the fluid motion and for
flow in pipes is the Fanning factor. For
,-.; .\
7. .c .
'9'' *a.
spheres, howcver, only that portion of - f&'c
the drag due to skin friction is used since I20
..;:* \.. *

. ..:.i..,..,
form drag is produced by the pressure u ?

'. ..

difference across the sphere, which has 110 - *

-. ? e',
f oI
'7 ,
no analogue in the other transfer proc-
esses. Moreover, i t has recently been e ' - - e: _ - _ _- - - - - - -
looo ' ,

Fig. 13. Augular rotation of apparent flow axis. See key on Figure 7.

Since the j-factor theory is derived

primarily for turbulcnt conditions no
allowance is niude for thc effect of
transfer by natural convection and so at
low flow rates the transfer predicted by
the relation

j , = constant x NRe-O.'
is lower than that which actually occurs.
This is shown clearly in Figure 15,
where the line curves upward at Reynolds
numbers below 100. This also agrees with
the earlier finding that natural convection
becomes important in this region (Figure
13). Even in Figure 15, however, the data
are too few and scattered to permit the
dependence upon sphere size in this
region to be determined properly.
Comparison among the three transfer 0 aoo wo
woo . 100

processes is made in the following table

and shown graphically in Figure 16. Fig. 14. Ratio of mass transfer (front: wake). See key on Figure 7.

Page 122 A.1.Ch.E. Journal March, 1958


No. 100 200 500 1,000
jP 0.095 0.067 0.042 0.029
JH 0.102 0.074 0.049 0.035
Cf/2 0.104 0.072 0.044 0.025

The mass transfer line is that obtained

in this work; that for heat transfer is as
quoted by Sherwood and Pigford (2%)
and is a rearranged form of the line
recommended for single spheres by
McAdams (19); and the momentum
transfer values are calculated from the Fig. 15. Mass transferj factor values. See key on Figure 7.
skin-friction data presented earlier by
means of the total frictional force and
the total surface area instead of the
component in the direction of AOW and
the sphere cross-sectional area, as in the
drag-coefficient evaluation. The wake - I

now contributes 12% of the forward flow

area value compared with 7%% for the
drag coefficient and a contribution rang-
ing from 8 to 30% for the mass transfer.
Within experimental error the agree- .LA& -
ment among the three terms appears f -
quite good and this suggests that the 1su
analogy among the transfer proceases is
applicable to spheres in this Reynolds-
number region, when the total frictional
force is used as the analogous momentum
transfer quantity.
This difficulty iu t h e selection of the
analogous drag force does not arise for
flow along flat plates or through pipes Fig. 16. Comparison of heat, mass, and momentum transfer for spheres.
since form drag is absent and the fric-
tional forces always act in the direction
of flow, so that it is not necessary to
consider separate components. In these
cases the problem is simplified further by
the absence of a wake. Thus there seems Considering flow past solid bodies the forward flow value has been made to
no reason why the analogy should not Sherwood (27) reports close agreement allow for the effect of the wake whereas
apply in these cases, and most experi- between the j factors for heat and mass the mass transfer results indicate that
mentaI evidence suggests that it does. transfer and the skin-friction-drag co- the transfer from the wake varies from
However, as a result of a study of wetted- efficients given by Goldstein (11) for 8 to 30% of the forward flow value
wall columns, Stirba and Hurt (29) cylinders at Reynolds numbers between (Figure 14). If the analogy is strictly
suggest that the analogy may apply only 400 and 10,000. If, however, it is accepted correct, the contributions of the two
under very strictly controlled conditions. that the frictional quantity most nearly portions of the surface should be in the
They propose that since mass is trans- analogous to the heat and mass transfer same ratio for both transfer processes,
ferred by the movement of specific is the total frictional force as used above and the distributions of skin friction and
molecules rather than by collisions and and not the drag coefficient, the agree- mass transfer over the surface should be
is the slowest of the three transfer ment is found to be not nearly so good. the same. A typical skin-friction distri-
processes, it is the most susceptible to From the values given earlier it will be bution is shown in Figure 17. Comparison
alight degrees of turbulence. This explana- seen that for spheres the total frictional of this with the mass transfer distribution
tion is advanced to account for extremely force is about 500/, greater than the (Figure 3) indicates considerable dis-
high mass transfer rates observed in correspondingvalue of the drag coefficient similarity over the forward region of the
wetted-wall columns under conditions and that there must be a corresponding surface. This again indicates that the
which by all hydrodynamic criteria were distinction in the case of cylinders, analogy does not apply.
laminar, and it is suggested that similar although possibly not so great. Thus if
slight unnoticed turbulence may exist in the drag-coefficient values and the j
other mass transfer processes. By this factors are in close agreement, the total
theory the mass transfer should be frictional force values and the j factors These remarks may be summarized as
greater than the term used to represent cannot be and the accuracy of the follows: a t low Reynolds numbers some
the frictional forces, and the increased analogy becomes open to question. material is transferred by the process of
transfer may be a phenomenon confined It also appears that the good agreement natural convection which has no counter-
to wetted-wall columns and where there obtained for spheres in the present work part in the transfer of momentum and
is a pseudostreamline Aow at liquid may be fortuitous, for in momentum so the complete analogy cannot apply;
interfaces. transfer a constant addition of 12% of a t higher Reynolds numbers, still in

Vd. 4, No. 1 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 123

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