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(Letter-Module 7 p.

Dear Editor,

The aim of the following letter is to describe and comment on the most
recent festival I have attended, which was held in Montevideo City last
weekend. The festival is acknowledged as “Mundo Canino” and it lasted
for two days (Saturday-Sunday). The objective of the festival was to held
an exhibition of different dog breeds and to establish competitions
between them.
The festival - which started in 2011 and is repeated consistently each
year since then - guarantees a fair close up to those people who are
curious about dogs and their different aspects. It is known that each
breed has its own unique characteristics and their diversities can show
not only in their appearance, but also in their personalities. The
exhibition has meant a massive increase in the popularity of the
neighbourhood in which it is held and is greatly educational for children
who go with their respective teachers.
Dogs are organised and placed according to their size and breeders
have the option of chatting and conversing with people about their pet
and their diverse features. It is optional, but most of them are able to
participate in different competitions like for example games in which
each dog has to find the way out of a labyrinth or games in which the
dog has to find a particular object following their instinct. These games
are not unintentionally thought, though, as each of them is thought to
demonstrate the dog’s intelligence or ability to solve complex matters for
them. Surprisingly, small dogs were the ones who proved to be the most
intelligent ones, while big dogs were the most rapid and physically fit to
What I found was the most striking thing however, was the educational
aspect the festival left on me. Hadn’t I attended, I would have never
learned about very interesting information I had never imagined. What is
more, there was a special section on Sunday, in which some breeders
placed puppies for adoption so children got extremely excited and
people realised about the importance of castrating their pets. The only
downside was the cost of entry ($20). At first I thought it was extremely
expensive, but at the end a friend told me all funds from the festival were
meant to rescued animals. Therefore, a good cause was behind all this.

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